Llyfryn D - Mynediad

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Llyfryn D Llawlyfr i Ddysgwyr Learner’s Handbook

Cymraeg i Oedolion Gwent Welsh for Adults

Mynediad Sylfaen

Canolradd Uwch Hyfedredd

Croeso Welcome

Shwmae, and welcome to your Llyfryn D course booklet. This booklet is aimed at helping

you settle into your course, and will give you some valuable information regarding what to expect in the coming months. It will tell you exactly what your course will cover this year, so you’ll know after reading this booklet whether or not you have done this work before. Do you know that you’ll also be able to have a say in what you’ll be learning? Through the Taith Iaith process, you’ll have the opportunity to set yourself 2 targets a term, and the tutor will help you achieve those targets during the lessons. Therefore if for instance you want help with reading a particular children’s book to your children or grandchildren, your tutor can help you with the pronounciation! You may need to learn some phrases or vocabulary for use in work or just chat generally with Welsh speaking friends - again this can be one of your termly targets which your tutor will happily help you with. If you have any problems settling into your course, firstly speak to your tutor. If you still have concerns, refer to the Data Flow Chart in this booklet which will tell you where to go for help. The pages entitled High Five will also give you some tips about learning Welsh. We also have a page referring to Informal Learning (Dysgu Anffurfiol). This involves opportunities to speak Welsh outside your classroom. This is where you will really learn to speak Welsh. It’s never too soon to start attending these sessions, so please start looking for some informal learning sessions that appeal to you straight away, and you will soon get into the habit of participating in them, and making them an integral part of your learning process. In Welsh, we have a saying “ Dyfal donc a dyr y garreg” – which translates as “Perseverance will succeed”. This is very apt when learning Welsh. Remember - Practice Practice Practice!!!!! We will also ask your class to appoint a Class Representative to help give your group feedback, views and suggestions to us at the Centre. We appreciate your views, and if there is anything we can change to improve your learning experience we most certainly will do so. Before the end of your course, your tutor will inform you of what to expect in the next course and answer any questions about your progression next year. It is our aim to ensure that you enjoy your learning experience as much as possible. Should you have any questions or concerns at the start of the course, or if there are any issues surrounding your personal safety, please speak to the tutor or the staff at the Centre where your class is being held. If you are studying in a church hall, or somewhere where there are no staff members around, you can discuss your concerns with myself, Sean Driscoll, the Quality Manager at Gwent Welsh for Adults. Remember enjoy yourself! Sean Sean.Driscoll@coleggwent.ac.uk 01495 333701

Llyfryn D - Learner’s Handbook

Manylion y Cwrs Course Details At the end of Mynediad 1 you will be able to... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ask for and give basic personal information Ask for and give basic personal information about others Pronounce words correctly Talk about interests Talk about the weather Talk about possessions and family Talk about the time Discuss ownership Understand a conversation about basic personal information Understand simple oral announcements Read and understand basic personal information Write about basic personal information Use phrases to communicate at a very basic level Ask for simple factual information Understand the structures of Welsh at a very basic level

At the end of Mynediad 2 you will be able to... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Discuss illness Write using the past Express necessity and give commands Talk about things we used to do Discuss things that have happened Ask for and give permission, express a need and discuss prices Talk about the past using to go, to come, to have/get Talk about the past using regular verbs Understand a conversation about personal information Understand simple oral announcements Read and understand personal information Write about personal information Use phrases to communicate at a basic level Ask for simple factual information Understand the structures of Welsh at a very basic level Discuss basic personal information

If you are following the Mynediad 1 and 2.

Fast Track Beginner course you will be covering the work in both

Are you on the right level? If you’re unsure of your level, please contact the Centre on 01495 333710 and we will help you find the right course. Alternatively, you can complete the BBC online level finder www.bbc.co.uk/wales/learnwelsh/level_test/

Llyfryn D - Learner’s Handbook

Llyfryn D - Learner’s Handbook

Problemau gyda’r cwrs Problems with your course

Speak with your tutor / class rep. If unresolved contact Sean Driscoll 01495 333701

Pa fath o gymorth sydd ar gael?

Cymorth i ddysgu

Missed a class?

Colli dosbarth?

Speak with your tutor. Visit Y Bont and use the resources on-line. Attend Welsh Day School and Weekend courses which are geared towards revision. Private study.

Problemau ynganu Pronounciation problems

Ask your tutor for extra help. Watch the flip learning video’s on the Bont, and the course CDs.

What kind of support is available?

Llyfryn D - Learner’s Handbook

If you have any concerns with regards to Health and Safety please contact Steffan Webb steffan.webb@coleggwent.ac.uk or 01495 333735

The support is provided for learners identified as having learning difficulties and requiring additional support whilst learning Welsh. You may also be able to get extra time in exams. You will need to be assessed or provide medical evidence. Learners need to complete a Form B.

Anawsterau Difficulties e.e. Dyslexia / Dyslecsia

Discuss with your tutor or with staff at course location. If problem persists contact Sean Driscoll 01495 333701



Cymorth i ddysgu Support for Learning

Discuss with your tutor. Attend revision courses intended to prepare you for the exam. Private study. Contact the exams officer Catrin Cameron 01495 333782

Paratoi tuag at Arholiad Exam Preparation


Sut i gael y gorau o’ch cwrs: y 5 uchaf! High five to get the best out of your Welsh course!

Come to every lesson possible and be punctual!

If you are absent due to illness or holidays , please let your tutor know as soon as possible. If you are inadvertently absent, your tutor will contact you with details of what you missed that session. Four absences without reason will lead to your withdrawal from the course.

Missed a session (or two)? Unsure of something? Don’t despair- help is here! Ask your tutor

to help with any catch up work. Remember to visit Y Bont and use the resources online, all revision units for the Mynediad course are now available on video. Attend Welsh Day Schools and Weekend Courses and don’t forget to check out all the Welsh websites that are now available.

Keep your work, notes and Taith Iaith in your file. Remember your homework!

Take advantage of the extra courses and informal learning opportunities. The Centre organises extra sessions – Saturday schools and Weekend courses on a regular basis. Your tutor will give you details and remind you of these.

Remember to mwynhau (enjoy) yourself!

Tu fas i’r dosbarth Outside the class

Did you know? Informal Learning is responsible for 80% of our learning – only 20% comes from the classroom. This is why Gwent Welsh for Adults offers many opportunities for you to practice your Welsh in a friendly and informal atmosphere. From coffee mornings to reading clubs, trips to places like the National Library of Wales to Summer and Christmas parties – these opportunities are here for you. So keep an eye out for events happening in your area! We run Weekend Courses throughout the year at Coleg Gwent’s Pontypool Campus. These involve 14 hours of lessons with very experienced tutors. Classes are informal, giving you time to revise previous patterns learned in class. Summer Schools are held every year. The Summer Schools are a perfect way to end the year, and will prepare you for entering the next phase. If you’re a new learner, then it is a good way of starting your learning journey. Come and meet other learners who have taken the same path as you. Ask them for tips on learning Welsh and how the experience has been for them. The Summer Schools are excellent value, which include 30 hours of tuition over five days Day Schools are organised by our WfA Partners and take place throughout Gwent. They include 5 hours of learning on a Saturday.

Llyfryn D - Learner’s Handbook

Arholiadau Exams The WJEC provides a series of qualifications for adults who are learning Welsh, called Defnyddio’r Gymraeg. The exams give candidates an opportunity to show their ability in speaking, listening, reading and writing Welsh at different levels.

Don’t worry, help is here! Your tutor will prepare you for the exam in your weekly class. However, there are revision courses available too. These will take place in May and June prior to the exam. The courses will concentrate on passing the exam – how to gain marks and how not to lose marks. You will have opportunities to sit the oral exam – this is the most important part of the exam. Feedback will be given individually, with hints and tips on how to improve. Ask your tutor for further information about these exams – they are invaluable, especially for those of you looking to gain a qualification to add to your CV. Go ahead and give yourself a target of sitting and passing these exams. With regards to those of you learning in the workplace, always remember, two languages, two choices.

After Mynediad 2 / Fast Track register for the Defnyddio’r Gymraeg: Mynediad exam. Ask your tutor or phone the Centre for a registration form.

Llais y Dysgwr Learner Voice The Gwent Welsh for Adults Centre believes in listening to learners’ views and offering a variety of opportunities for learners to have direct involvement in assessing and shaping their own learning experience whilst learning Welsh. We want you to know that we will listen to your views and that they will make a difference. How can you be involved? • Completing the “Taith Iaith” • Being elected as a Class Representative and take part in Forum meetings Taith Iaith: Through the Taith Iaith process, you’ll have the opportunity to set yourself 2 targets a term, and the tutor will help you achieve those targets during the lessons. Class Representatives: At the beginning of the academic year each class will elect at least one Class Representative. These representatives will then be invited to attend various sessions that have been designed to assist and support them in their role, e.g. ensuring that class representatives carry forward a mandate from their class and represent the classes’ views. Class representatives will then be invited along to a focus group / learner panel meeting or answer a short simple questionnaire with the help of your fellow class members. If you are interested in becoming a Class Representative, contact your tutor or Antoni Morgan, the Learner Voice Officer on 01495 333710.

Llyfryn D - Learner’s Handbook

Beth sy nesaf? What’s next? At the end of Mynediad 1 Course you will automatically progress to Mynediad 2. The details on this course are on page 2 of this booklet. Following Mynediad 2 / Fast Track Beginners your next course will be Sylfaen / Fast Track Foundation where the following will be covered: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Trafod problemau a chwyno / Discussing problems and complaining Mynegi barn / Expressing an opinion Disgrifio yn y gorffennol / Describing in the past Trafod beth sy’n well gyda chi wneud a’ch hoff / gas bethau / Discussing what you prefer to do, and your favourite things / things you hate Siarad am le gaethoch chi eich geni a’ch magu / Talking about where you were born and brought up Trafod y newyddion / Discussing the news Gofyn cymwynas a deall negeseuon ffôn / Asking a favour and understanding telephone messages Pwysleisio / Emphasising Gwneud cynlluniau / Making plans Trafod y dyfodol / Discussing the future Mynd a dod / Coming and going Rhoi cyngor / Giving advice Dweud beth fasech chi’n wneud... / Saying what you would do... Dweud beth fasech chi’n wneud, tasai... / Saying what you would do, if... Trafod pellter, maint a phwysau / Discussing distance, size and weight Cymharu pethau a phobl / Comparing things and people Trafod dyddiadau a chyfnodau o amser / Discussing dates and periods of time Dwedwch hynny eto / Say that again

Remember after Mynediad 2 / Fast Track you can sit the Defnyddio’r Gymraeg: Mynediad exam. Ask your tutor or phone the centre for a registration form.

Please contact the Centre on 01495 333710 if you need advice or have any questions. We are always here to help you on your learning journey.

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