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Innovation cheveux colorés. Imprégner la fibre d’un

flot de lumière.

KÉRASTASE CHROMA RICHE 1ers * soins émollients réfracteurs de lumière des cheveux colorés abîmés ou méchés. Ressourcer la fibre et révéler la profondeur de la couleur en un seul geste de soin. Le Système Aqua-Ionic gorge la fibre de micro-prismes réfracteurs de lumière et tisse un micro-maillage “capteur d’hydratation”. Doux et soyeux, les cheveux resplendissent d’un éclat chatoyant. * de Kérastase

Chez votre Coiffeur-Conseil

Paris - 48 rue François 1er Cannes - La Croisette, 32 rue du Commandant André Geneva - 60 rue du Rhône Dubai - Wafi City - BinHendi Avenue, Deira City Center - Dubai Mall Doha - Sharq Village & Spa Macau - the Landmark Hotel, 555 Avenida da Amizade - Babylon Casino Bldg London - 140 New Bond Street, Mayfair


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The alternative to aesthetic surgery

1.618 Anti-ageing - 1.618 Anti-âge L’alternative à la chirurgie esthétique Photo credit : Marc Laurent / Pierre-Gilles Lombard

Scientifically proven efficiency * EFFICACITÉ SCIENTIFIQUEMENT PROUVÉE*

Number of deep wrinkles*


Lifted skin*

Wrinkled area*


Younger skin*

Nombre de rides profondes*


Surface ridée*

Peau liftée*

Peau + jeune*

* Clinical study made with 21 volunteers who’ve used both 1.618 Anti-wrinkle cream and 1.618 Anti-wrinkle serum during 28 days ** Clinical study made with 19 volunteers who’ve used 1.618 Anti-wrinkle cream, 1.618 Anti-wrinkle serum and 1.618 Anti-ageing capsules during 84 days * Etude clinique menée sur 21 volontaires ayant utilisé simultanément la crème Anti-rides 1.618 et le sérum Anti-rides 1.618 pendant 28 jours ** Etude clinique menée sur 19 volontaires ayant utilisé simultanément la crème Anti-rides 1.618, le sérum Anti-rides 1.618 et les capsules Anti-âge 1.618 pendant 84 jours

100% 89%


BLUSH N°1 by Alexandre Zouari


Publisher : Publiscope President : Alexandre Zouari Executive Director : Bruno Lizot Publishing Director : Grégory Ayoun Editor-in-Chief : Laure Delvigo Art Director : JEAN MARCHEWSKI Contributing Editors : Jean-Pascal Grosso, Elisa Morere, Quitterie Pasquesoone, Yvo Deprelle,Vincent Mazoué, Maeva Tépéa, Barbara Nathan Art & Litterature Editor : Nicolas Berger Cinema Editor : Jean-Pascal Grosso Editorial Consultant : David de Lahoc Editors English Adaptations : Samantha King, Raphaëlle de Santis Contributing Photographers : Philippe Kerlo, Jean-Luc Scotto, Olivier Rieu,Sandra Fourqui Fashion Stylists : Stephanie Vaillant C/O Lebigueone, Marine Sion Hairstylists : Alexandre Zouari, Salima Boudjeroudi,Pascal Wolfert, Julien Make-Up Artists : SophiE Nominé, Audrey, Julien Digital Retouching : Nathalie Rosario - Antichambre 24 , Stefan Kulakovic Studios : Pin Up, Milou Studio Printing : Fot Publisher : PUBLISCOPE - MANAGING DIRECTOR Christian Ayoun Advertising and Editorial Offices : europe 1, avenue du Président Wilson-75116 Paris tèl : + 33 (0) 1 47 23 79 00-fax : + 33 (0) 1 40 70 07 30. Chemin des Cuers - BP65 - 69132 Ecully cedex. (00 33) 4 78 24 22 73 fax.(00 33) 4 78 24 56 18

Emirates PO Box 37252 Dubaï UAE Asia & Australia SHIAMAS LTD - 4/F Hong Kong Diamond Exchange Bld 8-10 Duddell Street Central Hong Kong Distribution : BLUSH by Alexandre Zouari-1, avenue du Président Wilson-75116 Paris tèl : + 33 (0) 1 47 23 79 00-fax : + 33 (0) 1 40 70 07 30. Publiscope - TechnoPark- Chemin des Cuers - BP65 - 69132 Ecully cedex BLUSH by Alexandre Zouari is diffused IN Paris, Geneva, New-York, Dubaï, Jeddah, Doha, Hong-kong, Taïwan, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Melbourne, miami, las vegas and los angeles. Special Thanks to : L’Oréal Professionnel and Kerastase, David de Lahoc, Christian, N.A., Julio Piatti,Nicolas, Grégory, Sandra Fourqui, Tristan from New Madison agency,Yvan, Malgo Gliszczinska. BLUSH by Alexandre Zouari is published by Publiscope. BLUSH by Alexandre Zouari declines responsibility for any unpublished texts, illustrations or photos it receives. Reproduction of texts, drawings and pictures published in this magazine remains the property of Blush Magazine, owned by Zouari Group, which reserves the right of reproduction and translation in the whole world. Publiscope accepts no responsibility for the published documents. the brand “BLUSH by Alexandre Zouari” is the property of zouari group. issn’s number to come. numero issn a paraître.




Photo : Philippe Kerlo Make-Up : Audrey for Alexandre Zouari. Hairstylist : Alexandre Zouari assisted by Salima and Julien. Fashion Stylist : Marine Sion Adriana wears “Sonia RYKIEL” Black fur sleeves with coloured pastilles coat and a “ZILLI ” Shiny violet crocodile leather pouch



P 20 GREAT LENGHTS - Locked in Luxury








ZOUARI Paris 1, avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris tèl : + 33 (0) 1 47 23 79 00 fax : + 33 (0) 1 40 70 07 30

ZOUARI Dubaï One &Only Royal Mirage Hotel PO Box 37252 Dubaï UAE tèl : + 971(0) 4 315 21 30

ZOUARI Jeddah Jinan Center Prince Mohammad Bin Abdel Aziz Tahlia street. Next to Patchi Jeddah- Saudi Arabia tèl : + 966 (0) 566 512 051

Opening soon : The W hotel at Doha Qatar and Le Grand Hotel de Bordeaux 16


flood of diamonds, a whirlwind of flounces, a touch of furs immortalized by Victoria or Paris are sufficient to predict the big luxurious fashion diktat. Whether tired, amused or seduced, at Alexandre Zouari’s we would rather give our own vision : “ Pick your own style, no more followthe-leader attitude! But where is Blush?! ”From a boldly eclectic powder compact, Blush is a magazine that looks like you: elitist, stylish of course but above everything, it has a soul. Yet, all the luxury fashion codes are gathered in this first issue : stylish 1950’s, sexy amazones, writers, trendy decorators and designers, shopping?!? Yes, but nowadays, luxury is more about attitude. Because it looks like you, Blush is everywhere, deciphering talents and trends all around the world. Beware, the abuse of simplicity can be dangerous for your health ! Laure Delvigo Editor in Chief


hair beauty

Great Lengths locked-in luxury!

First of all, Great Lengths have 30,000 salons in more than 50 countries. Their watchwords are: ethics, natural perfection and modernity. An exceptional know-how means you can have the mane of a star. This company, recognised for its outstanding competence, is highly demanding right from the root. In fact, before the choice of extensions and their attachment, a painstaking selection of strands is required. The company only chooses highest quality hair, supplied by Indian temples. But that’s not all; next it has to undergo a special treatment.Before being attached, the hair is transformed totally naturally. De-pigmentation and pigmentation are necessary to maintain a stable colour. In this way the result is of better quality as well as being natural. Next comes the attachment. In perfect accord with your original hair, the application is done cold by ultrasound. Natural, quality extensions and in complete transparency: Great Lengths is the formula of stars! Proof of the quality of its service? Great Lengths has been present in the most glamorous of Parisian spas, the Ritz Health Club, since February 1. Another one of its strong points: its ability to adapt to the ever-changing whims of women. This year the look is backcombed or retro (after big stars such as Amy Winehouse). Regarding colour, Great Lengths has perfected coloured locks, whatever you are looking for. Of course, the extensions wouldn’t be so sublime without appropriate hair care. Express or anti-age, the products reinvigorate both your natural and your new hair. Have you forgotten how beautiful women can be? Let Great Lengths refresh your memory … and your hairstyle! Great Lengths France 00 33 1 55 35 99 66


E X T E N S I O N S D E C H E V E U X 1 0 0 % N AT U R E L S

G re a t L e n g t h s F r a n c e : 2 2 , r u e R o y a l e , 7 5 0 0 8 P a r i s - t é l : 0 1 5 5 3 5 9 9 6 6 - w w w. g re a t l e n g t h s . f r

The short bob was a must for Winter 2008. Today everyone is mourning the flowing locks that gave them such a feminine look. The symbol of long hair is to femininity as a badly-shaven beard is to virility: indispensable! What can you do when your hair only grows at the rate of two centimetres a year? That’s where the hair extension solution comes in. Often feared but usually carried off well, capillary add-ons are a simple, sure and effective answer. Great Lengths happen to be an expert on the matter!

hair beauty

Shu Uemura

unveils the Art of Hair Beauty Ceremonies By Laure Delvigo

The Japanese master of modern beauty, Shu Uemura, reveals a whole new concept, Art of Hair, thus extending his quest for perfect beauty. In Japan, the tea ceremony symbolises the ideal of precision and reflects a philosophy based on striving for respect and perfection. Inspired by the tea ceremony, each stage of this tailor-made care reveals the artistic philosophy of Shu Uemura: a search for purity and absolute quality.


fatty acids and vitamin A or Camellia Oil, traditionally used by geishas to soften and smooth their hair while Argan Oil, which Berber women have been using for centuries because of its exceptional cosmetic properties, repairs hair damaged by the urban environment.

A temple of hairdressing in Paris. Shu Uemura performs his Art of Hair beauty ceremony upstairs in a little golden-eyed paradise called Alexandre Zouari. In a veritable Japanese cocoon in the salon, you discover the Art of Know-How of Shu Uemura through three ceremonies; Deep, Intense and Karaa, designed like a holistic massage.

On the styling side, sophisticated styling aids come close to perfection – they are real design tools, enriched in natural precious ingredients such as white tea, Camellia and minerals. And if “A perfect hairstyle begins with perfect hair” as Shu Uemura would have it? Art of Hair can boast of knowing how to combine an artistic dimension with nature’s intelligence and science’s integrity. This is what happens when beauty rediscovers its nobility.

You can choose the length of time: 20 or 50 minutes, (vital for busy ladies) the oil (cleansing), Fuyu or Natsu for an energising or a relaxing effect, as well as a tailor-made treatment taken from the Full Shimmer, Moisture Velvet and Silk Bloom lines, infused with Muscat Rose Oil seed, rich in

Shu Uemura Art of Hair Ceremonies at the Zouari salon in Paris. Intense Ceremony, 20 mins. 35€ Karaa Ceremony, 20 mins. 25 €

hair beauty



PLATINIUM PLUS Rêver les mèches-soin Et si la décoloration était plus respectueuse de la fibre, en la renforçant et en apportant plus de brillance, avec un toucher doux et soyeux.

Toute la douceur d’une pâte avec l’éclaircissement d’une poudre

L’excellence cosmétique

L’excellence performance La Recherche L’Oréal a mis au point ce nouveau système décolorant très performant, pour un blond spectaculaire. Le vent, la pluie et la pollution véhiculent des particules métalliques qui se déposent sur les cheveux et freinent le pouvoir éclaircissant.

PLATINIUM PLUS Blond spectaculaire. Douceur extrême.

Cheveu naturel

La révolution cosmétique plus Grâce à la technologie NutricéridesTM, la fibre intercellulaire du cheveu décoloré est renforcée. Grâce à la cire blanche d’abeille, la fibre est satinée, le toucher d’une douceur extrême.

Cheveu décoloré avec une poudre classique

PLATINIUM PLUS contient des capteurs de métaux, qui bloquent l’action de ces particules et permettent un éclaircissement optimal.

Un blond ultra pur. Une matière cheveux somptueuse. Cheveu décoloré avec PLATINIUM PLUS


beauty bag

beauty tétiére bag

Beauty and care

1. Be Glamorous! Dolce & Gabbana The One Purse Spray Modern and glamorous, this purse spray is the essence of luxury. This oriental floral fragrance with modern sensuality will follow you wherever you go. Spray with 3 refills 66 € Available at Dolce & Gabbana boutiques and at authorized dealers’ stores.

that fits into your cabin baggage

Shampoo, day cream, face mask or eye serum. You never go anywhere without your favourite cosmetics… To travel easy without having to check your baggage, you will have to get an appropriate vanity case! To be accepted in your cabin baggage, be aware that each product must not weigh more than 100 grams or with more than 100 ml of liquid and must be put in a transparent re-sealable bag. So, to travel smart, let yourself be guided by Blush By Alexandre Zouari!


2. Natural – L’OCCITANE en Provence Citrus Verbena Intense Eau de Toilette A more concentrated formula than the classic Citrus


Verbena Summer Fragrance. The Eau de Toilettes brings together zesty notes of citrus fruits and refreshing verbena in a travel-friendly design, for a burst of freshness at any time of the day. 20 ml. 16.50 € Daily UV Veil High Protection SPF30 This lightweight veil with a velvet matte finish is ideal to use in-town or outdoor. It has been formulated with organic vegetable oil from the Buriti palm-tree, which is incredibly concentrated in antioxidant betacarotene. The chemical-free mineral sunscreen ensures a protection with a broad UVA/UVB spectrum. 25ml 19 €

3. A star’s smile! Go Smile. Jet Set Kit These toothpastes are concentrated with whitening agents which help you keeping your brightest smile! This small kit is perfect for long holidays thanks to its ultra concentrated formula. 9.5 €

Photo Jean-Luc Scotto Production Quitterie Pasquesoone et Laure Delvigo

2 3





6 5

1. Rejuvenator - DIOR - Capture Totale MultiPerfection EyeZone Fibre Patch This patch instantly corrects all visible signs of aging for a sensation of freshness and comfort. Hydrated and firmed, the eyezone regains perfection and the look seems revitalized. 12 pairs 89,40 € 2. Firmness – INNEOV Anti-Aging Firmness An exclusive formula which contains lacto-licopen, soya isoflavons and vitamin C. It reinforces collagens and glycans of the skin. After 6 months, an improvement of the density and microrelief of the skin is observed. 40 pills 23,50 € 3. No more dark circles. Shiseido Immediate care face mask pure retinol for eyezone A simple application and your look will be transformed! Within only 15 minutes, eyelids swellings will go down, wrinkles will fade and dark circles will smooth out. As if you had slept for a long night! 12 single masks package 55 € 4. Chic stop – DIOR – Fahrenheit 32 Travel Spray. Made for the most beautiful journeys, this 26

smart nomad 40 ml flask is modern and ergonomic. Showing its character in his square structure, very couture, this fragrance brings pure freshness with its fusion of orange blossom with accords of highly esteemed wood and vanilla. 40 ml spray, 42.70 € 5. Colored eyes! Shu Uemura Eye Pencil Yellow, orange and white or blue, grey and green: these mini-pencils fit into any purse for an intense look at any time. Let your imagination do the rest… You are an artist! Eye pencil 25 € 6. No more food excess! 3 CHENES – 3 Day Express Programme Travelling, having a drink with friends, enjoying business lunches? Stop the chain of food excess and reverse the phenomenon! A 3 day clever programme based on three steps and with the help of three drinkable solutions with guarana, fucus, fennel, gentian, cherry peduncle, artichoke, green tea and elder extracts, vitamin C 30 mg and iron oxides and a precious booklet to take with you! 18 tablets + 3x12ml; 33 €

7. Monodose packaging Clinica Previous Ivo Pitanguy Dermomask Masque Resurfaçant Visage Fall in love with these 5 pots which fit into each other like a puzzle. Each pot contains a dose of fresh face mask to rejuvenate the most lifeless skins. Perfect after a long journey. 110 €



4. Feline! Fendi Palazzo available in Purse Spray! The mythical Fendi orange-blossom-scented fragrance is now available in purse spray. Protected in a suedette case, this very couture accessory pays homage to the neoclassical architecture of the Roman palazzo. In a wink of an eye, you are carried away into the heart of the Eternal City! The charming Roman gentlemen’s attention will be focussed on you! Purse Spray 10 ml, with 3 10ml refills, 71 € 5 Perfect Hair – Davines Love Curl Enhancing Weekend Travel Kit It is ideal for a week-end trip! No need to take your big shampoo bottles: this shampoo and conditioner set will ensure you clean hair wherever you are! 2 x 75 ml. 11.5 € 6. Radiant. Kiehl’s – Yerba Mate Tea Lotion This oil-free moisturizer is formulated with an antioxidant extract derived from Yerba Maté to help


skin combat dullness and maintain its healthful and youthful vivacity. The unique combination of Yerba Maté, Kombucha Tea, lemon fruit extract and honey helps improve skin texture, clarity and radiance while minimizing the first signs of fine lines. 75 ml 48.00 € 7. Silky hair. SHU UEMURA Art of Hair Silk Oil Camellia Smoothing Fluid With white tea, camellia and minerals, this camellia fluid smoothes hair with lasting control and a weightless finish. 50ml 8. Beauty ritual. NUXE Micellar Cleansing Water with 3 Roses and Green Tea With a single gesture on your face, your eyes and your lips, this Cleansing Water will help you rid your skin of all of its impurities. 150ml. 14 €

Skins This Face Oil soothes sensitive skins, reduces the appearance of redness and deliver a long-lasting comfort. Its hypoallergenic formula combines the fortifying properties of sunflower and olive oils and the sweetening properties of cherries and plums. 30ml 24,50 € Touche Prodigieuse. The 3 in 1 corrector concealer. The Rice Powder matifies and smoothes your complexion as the Plant Glycerin brings you immediate hydration. The Sweet Orange extract favours the decongestant effect on eye bags. Efficient by nature. 6.5 ml. 22,90 € Huile Prodigieuse. A unique cocktail of 6 Precious Plant Oils (Borage, St Johnswort, Sweet Almond, Camellia, Hazelnut, Macadamia) with a subtle fragrance for a velvety skin and silky hair. 50ml. 23,60 €

BIO Beauté by Nuxe – Soothing Face Oil Sensitive

8. Sephora Mini Travel Kit Face cream, shampoo, make-up remover or skin tonic, this kit is perfect to bring all your cosmetics that usually come in bottles and that you can not travel without… 4.9 € 9. Sublimate the radiance of your skin! Gatineau Activ Eclat Concentrate A few drops will give your face all its freshness and tonicity! These vials are for multiple uses: you can recap them. The plane has just landed? You are already looking great! 4 x 1.5 ml vials. 25 €




8 2727


Kéraskin , French Savoir-Faire A new approach of skin. Kéraskin Esthetics offers an exceptional training in the most beautiful surroundings, resulting in an incomparable quality of service and a unique treatment experience - wherever the salon or beauty clinic. To achieve this level of excellence our aestheticians, the Kérafacialists, gain a deep knowledge of the skin and are trained in methods and treatments that are exclusive to Kéraskin Esthetics. In this way the efficacy of our formulas and protocols is guaranteed.

The art of aesthetics was born in France. Kéraskin Esthetics was inspired by this unique know-how to develop formulas and applications suited to the needs of today’s most exacting women. One of the foundations of French aesthetics is respect for the hydrolipidic film. All of KÉRASKIN treatments have been developed to respect this delicate protective layer produced naturally by the skin and essential to the harmonious development of cells. THE KÉRASKIN ESTHETICS RI TUALS -Néojeunesse -1 hour 30 minutes. The exclusive anti-ageing Fibro-Stimulation method. (This ritual includes the Cryozone eye contour service). The skin takes on a fresh youthfulness. -Immersion - 1 hour. The 1st made-to-measure Hydro-Nutritive service potentialised by the 3 Flow Massage. Each skin is fulfilled. -Détailliste -1 hour 20 minutes. The first Ionic correction Ritual for dark spots combined with Lumino-Massage. The skin is uniform and radiant, down to the smallest detail.


- Seasons Cleansing - 40 minutes. The Auto-Regenerating seasonal cleansing. The skin recovers its protective strength. - Floral Peeling 2 x 45 minutes. The Progressive Peel with controlled intensity. The skin is reborn.

At Alexandre Zouari 1, avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris 00 33 (0) 1 47 23 79 00

skin beauty

skin beauty

“What don’t you like about yourself ?”

“What don’t you like about yourself?” our favourite surgeons ask us via the television set. “My tired look, my baggy eyes despite all that unbelievably expensive cream I apply each night! In my dreams I would like to rediscover the freshness I had at 25. Is it possible Doctor?” “What about a facelift?” “No thank you, I really don’t want to resemble a disfigured catfish, stretched to the max like all the have-been ex-stars!” exclaims Sophia. Enough with the clichés! A new technique in rejuvenating surgery is showing spectacular results – and it is quite natural. We put the Fronto-Temporal facelift under the microscope with a cosmetic surgeon who is in the world Top Ten for facelifts, Dr Frédéric Rivoalan. By Laure Delvigo

Dr Rivoalan, how would you define a successful facelift? Nowadays, we can do much more than just stretching the skin. I started by analysing the fundamentals: We naturally contract at the level of the forehead, while as far as muscles are concerned, we get what I call the “Vale of Tears” which becomes more pronounced as time passes and results in a tired, sad look. That is why I carry out the endoscopy (micro camera) technique which works in the opposite way to time. This technique gives us a natural facelift, with no behind-the-ear scarring. A successful facelift, as with any other plastic surgery, is one where you couldn’t guess it had been done! Could you tell us something about the endoscopy used in aesthetic surgery? The endoscopy technique has been around for about 10 years and I had been using it in Lyon for six years before going to practice in Switzerland at The Beauty Clinic. Little known in Europe, very popular in the States, this technique takes into account all aspects of the face without “trussing” the eyes. Traditionally used in abdominal surgery, it can be applied to the restructuring of the frontal


elements within the context of rejuvenating surgery. What about the operation itself? Micro-incisions are made just inside the hairline. We free the connection to the eyebrows then we visualise the muscles responsible for wrinkles on the forehead and the zone between the eyebrows. Finally, the corrugator and procerus muscles are minimised to wipe away the wrinkles. The eyebrow’s new, higher line brightens the expression. With certain “classic” facelifts, one notices some wound separation. What are the risks with endoscopy? Personally, I insist firmly on what I call a system of fixing. Re-absorbable, placed under the skin for a few months, it minimises wound separations which are often the reason why people are disappointed with their facelifts. In addition, it is vital to see an experienced practitioner because, as in all surgery, endoscopy requires a great deal of practice as well as the 100,000 euros-worth of equipment required to carry out this very specialised technique.

What results does this new technique produce? In contrast to a classic facelift, this is very natural, even if the result is hugely rejuvenating. It is like botox but permanent. And there’s no need to come back every 10 years! This technique is really revolutionary and the results are spectacular. What has to be done post-surgery? It is very simple because these incisions do not amount to major surgery. There is no drainage or bruising and no two-month immobilisation as prescribed for a traditional facelift. The FrontoTemporal lift allows you to get on with a normal life about 10 days after surgery.

La Clinique de la Beauté Avenue de Collonges 43 CH 1820 Montreux switzerland Tèl. 00 41 21 966 70 00 Fax. 00 41 21 966 70 10



Power Plate Give in to the magic of vibrations! Available in more than 50 countries, Power Plate is an international success. Perfect for muscle-building, keeping fit and much, much more, Power Plate offers a new way approach to sport. And rather than just a way of toning up, it has become a way of living. A revolutionary technique

«No strain, little effort but big results». Power Plate’s successful technology is founded on this principle. So how does Power Plate work? Behind the technological innovation hides a revolutionary training method used to help Russian cosmonauts increase their ability to cope with life in space. The Power Plate platform vibrates, creating a «balance-imbalance». This generates more rapid and more intense muscle contractions than a classic sport session - around 35 accelerations per second for an in-depth muscle workout! The result: a 30-minute session, three times a week is enough to keep in shape and tone up. It is ideal for those with busy lives who have little time to devote to keeping fit.

A good way of building muscle strength ... and much more!

One of the first goals with Power Plate is to improve your figure, but that is not all it can do. Used regularly, it can also stimulate the metabolic rate by increasing heat production; activate the circulation of the blood and reduce «orange peel skin». Power Plate also aids coordination and mobility. It is perfectly safe for older people looking to regain fitness and tone up. And it is a great aid in fighting osteoporosis and maintaining strong bones. Power Plate promises speedy results a few weeks suffice to feel fitter, more toned and better in yourself, day after day.

Power Plate at home!

Power Plate technology is perfectly adaptable so that everyone can feel the benefit of its vibrations. Every year, 3,000 models are sold worldwide to fitness and well-being centres. And there is a model suitable for use at home so you can get in shape without even going out of the door! The My5, priced at 4,990 euros, is a for-home adaptation of the professional model. There are four pre-recorded programmes, a user manual and a DVD of exercises to guide you through each session. What better reason to really get into it ... and for good.

Power Plate - awards

- 2002 TUV Innovation Award - 2003 Beauty Apparatus Innovation Award, International Aesthetics Congress, Paris - 2004 Well-being equipment Excellence Award, German Federation of Well Being - 2005 Best Anti-Ageing Apparatus of the Year, AntiAgeing Congress of Switzerland For more information, visit the website at



As sturdy as three oaks ! The body of a Hollywood hunk, the looks of a model, and lavender-blue eyes. Nobody could have predicted that Eric Favre, the grandson of a farmer who left school at the age of 14, would have such an incredible career. In love with nature and the good it can do since early childhood, our loveable athlete is currently running Laboratory Les 3 Chênes, a company he founded in 1993. Armed with several qualifications in diet, nutrition and nature care, he has surrounded himself with outstanding scientists and biochemists to create innovative plant-based food supplements. Les 3 Chênes now has a turnover of some 24 million euros; it is quoted on the stock exchange, employs 110 people and is present in 40 countries. A true American-style success story! What happens when fitness, beauty and well-being rhyme with bravery, honour and love? Let’s ask the man for whom these words are his guiding principles. By Yvo Deprelle.

You are in great shape! Is that the Les 3 Chênes effect? It’s a combination of taking care of ones body and nutrition, and the products we manufacture, so yes! What exactly does the Laboratory Les 3 Chênes make? We make food supplements and cosmetics, all from natural products, vitamins and minerals, aimed at fitness, beauty and well-being. We live in a time where results matter, where you have to be beautiful and strong, ready to take on the modern world. Les 3 Chênes is there for that. What are the benefits of these products? How do they work? They work mainly on the physiological part of the organism. In our daily life, we don’t necessarily eat well, we’re often stressed. You hear a lot today about pollution, micro waves from mobile phones … All that can disrupt our organism a bit. The food supplements have a real effect that has been scientifically proved. A boost of vitamins, minerals and different natural products can improve the physical and mental condition. Where does the name Les 3 Chênes, (The Three Oaks) come from? From three oaks that really existed! This isn’t a brand thought up by a marketing agency. They were on my grandparents’ land in Albigny sur Saône, north of Lyon. These are my roots, and a promise I made to my grandfather when I was 18 and left the family farm. I promised that when I started a business, I would call it Les 3 Chênes. And now I have. How would you sum up your professional career? I’m 100% self-taught. My professional experience has been gathered on the ground! I have been self-employed since I was 22-years-old and I have always been my own boss. It has been a bit of an obstacle course for a businessman, centred on curiosity and action. 36

Why have you stayed in the Rhône? Because my family is here, my roots are in the Rhône! But we also have an office and a showroom in Paris, in the 16th arrondissement. What is «Nutristhetic»? You have written a book about it I believe? It is a contraction of «nutrition» and ‘’aesthetic». It is a healthy, balance diet, aimed at improving your looks as its name suggests. It is a refined concept that also covers a branch of our products that have to do with beauty; slimming aids, lip plumpers etc. These are beauty products that have been developed through technology, and are scientifically proven. Many of the names of your products include the ancient Golden Ration: 1,618. This is mathematical beauty? You know, in life, everything is mathematical! It is an equation I discovered in cosmetic surgery which caught my attention. But I had no idea of how we could use it in aestheticism. I carried out a lot of research that I found fascinating. You come across this number in architecture, in nature, in art. This research into divine proportions, this search for beauty corresponds completely with what we are developing here at Les 3 Chênes! Tell us about your side projects like Tribal Emotion. This is a musical production, developing talents whether they are musical or literary. We promote new and established artists, just like in the time of the old patrons of art! It is a new concept and can surprise people. Distribution is via the internet, direct selling and through local shops, a bit like in the USA. It means we can generate profits to support artists. It is all connected with beauty and well-being! Currently we are working with Cody, a young talent, and we are producing Douschka who is bringing out a new album this summer. Tribal Emotion is a bit like a human version of the Internet at the service of art and music! Johnny Hallyday, Paul Belmondo, Grégory Coupet, you hang out with a lot of stars. Who did you dream of coaching? I have realised my childhood dream which was to meet Johnny and share something with him. I did it in 1995, spending two months with him in Saint Tropez! Today, my dream is to continue coaching these artists, so that they will always be in shape and fit for their concerts, shows and film shoots. My dream, it is to be able to coach more and more, and to share my projects like Tribal Emotion with them. And what projects do you have in the pipeline? My main project is that Les 3 Chênes should become a leading brand, recognised by chemists as a genuine, quality product, traceable and transparent. Fifteen years after it was set up, Les 3 Chênes is going strong - it is a company that continues to grow, to win points and to attract more and more customers.

Laboratory Les 3 Chênes, in figures: - Predicted turnover for 2008: 25 million euros. - 110 employees. Quoted on the stock exchange since June 2000 - 150 products in four sectors: Organic, food supplements and cosmetics / Nutristhetic / Research and health / Hair care and hair colouring (N°1 in France and in Saudi Arabia) - International presence in 40 countries. Contact : Customer services : 0033 826 104 804.







up and down

«Who’s in, who’s out?» as sang Serge Gainsbourg during the 1960s. This chorus has not aged a bit! Here are this season’s ups and downs. Our likes and dislikes. As seen on the streets, on the subway or in magazines. Because we are like that. And because this is how we do it. But do not forget: today’s ups might be tomorrow’s downs…! And as King Karl (Lagerfeld) says: «Trendy is the last stage before tacky…» By Yvo Deprelle.

DOWNS Variet’n’B or French R’n’B. Unfortunately, it is not enough to have a name that ends with an “A” to play Rihanna! The worst is that we understand the lyrics! At least, with Mariah (Carey) or Christina (Aguilera), the groove does not need the lyrics! We are expecting something better from the last album of Pokora (Mathieu) whom is back from the US! The new Justin Timberlake ??? The fake Chloé bag. Too much straps, too much rings and too much rivets! Too complicated and we have seen it over and over again. The worst is the plastic version! Long live the coloured leather envelope bag: the big one for daytime and the little one to dance the night away! Special provincial hairdos: Misses, I am begging you, do not do this ever again! The fine rabble-like style blonde highlights on dark hair or the old granny hairdo; with 6 centimetreslong dark roots that need some touchup, the cow’s tail effect is guaranteed! The trashy feather duster effect with its 40 different blonde and brown undertones…so dowdy! However, let’s give a nod to our lovely punk



grandmas: not everyone can wear the blue perm…We like: Stella Tenant’s or Agyness Deyn’s short bleached hairdo or Sarah Jessica Parker’s, Vanessa Girls, let’s dare gaining height by Paradis’, Madonna’s or Mademoiselle wearing platform shoes or low boots: Agnès’ beautiful mane of curly hair. every designer has released their own So hippie-chic! for 2 years now. And no one wears them on the streets! Come on, let’s The Chtis . Ok, it is true. It has practise walking with these on! Forget been a real success in theatres; it the ballet shoe which we have seen nearly broke James Cameron’s Titanic over and over again for 2 years and record at the box office. But too much the gladiator sandal up to the knee of seeing these autochthonous on which makes your leg looks like a television (and not understanding piece of meat!!! a word to what they say) is almost irritating. Anna Mouglalis and Samuel Benchetrit: the new glam couple The baby doll dress. I see some of Beautiful, elegant and talented. Not you are going to cry. Oh yes we love everyone can be Karl’s icon! In the our little dress which shapes our tradition of Vanessa and Johnny, breasts and hides our little curves! Charlotte and Yvan, Chiara and Benjamin... In a word: so classy. Ah, Decoration: Big loud red or fluoI have always dreamed about being a rescent yellow paints which cover our gangster… living room walls. Okay for now…but in three years?! Kylie and Britney. They both had a tough time, from cancer for the first one to drugs for the other. They achieved a great comeback and knew how to fit the “electro/ vintage” sound which is en vogue today. Lady Minogue’s «2 Hearts» and Miss Spears’ Blackout» albums rock! Where on earth is Madonna ?! Singing R’n’B I think…

The 1950s-inspired eyeliner and the red hot lipstick: very Dita von Teese-like. The «no makeup» style at 8 in the morning on the subway... not attractive misses! When a simple black line can make everything looks so beautiful!... “Des jeunes gens modernes” exhibition at Agnès B gallery. Or how people such as Elli and Jacno, Taxi Girl and Marquis de Sade are today’s icons more than ever…30 years later! The best from Palace and Rose Bonbon and the best from the 1980s. Frenchy and chic. Organic products. It is impossible to get away from this phenomenon which monopolizes our favourite magazines’ front pages. And that’s good for us. Agro fuel, recycled furniture and clothes, organic cosmetics and food, fair trade...We love our planet! Congratulations but let’s hope it is not just hype. Be organic or die! Lunar Park, Bret Easton Ellis’ latest novel has come out in paperback. Between haunted autobiography and disturbing fiction, here is the best of “trashy-chic” made in USA. As usual with master Ellis.

vox pop

Gigolo… or not ? It is not easy to talk about « gigolos » within a hairdressing salon. But at Alexandre Zouari’s, the convivial atmosphere helps to speak your mind… Secrets and interviews with the salon’s customers…in total indiscretion. By Quitterie Pasquesoone

Marie :

Dominique :

Nadia :

Gigolo !

Gigolo !

Not Gigolo !

“We need gigolos! Gigolos make a lot of women fantasise and for those who need them, it is a good thing they exist! And I think gigolos are a lot more than just male escorts: they have to be polite, never gross and above all, they must have a good sense of humour. They are often here to entertain people!”

« Let people find their happiness where they want to find it! Why a woman could not enjoy herself without worrying about anything if she wants to? A little of what you fancy does you good and it could be a great occasion to be young and crazy again, don’t you think?!”

« I feel sorry for gigolos. I don’t think they are doing this job for pleasure. Sometimes, they must be dreaming of doing something else, don’t tell me I’m wrong on this»

Claire :

Virginie :

Soane :

Gigolo !

Pas Gigolo !

Gigolo !

« In my opinion, being a gigolo is a job like any other. There is no shameful job and I think the sexual aspect of it is not really important. Gigolos are not always men you bring to your bedroom for a few minutes or hours…”

“Tell me who likes to do this job? In my opinion, nobody! Don’t tell me it is a fulfilling job. I admit that it can be exciting sometimes for a young man to enjoy big upper-crust parties with women, but apart from that and fast money, I don’t think it’s interesting. I think it’s vilifying!»

“There are women who feel ashamed to be alone. On a social plan, it can be hard to handle. To me, it seems obvious that the simple fact to be with someone at a party can make some women happy so that they can feel comfortable. And contrary to what one might think, I’m sure you are not forced to experience the «bedroom» thing...”

Pascale :

Fanny :

Sophie :

Pas Gigolo !

Gigolo !

Gigolo !

“I am not really for gigolos. I think you’re better off alone than in bad company! Getting around with some hottie to impress people is more ridiculous than any other thing. When I see some old lady with a young man, I can’t stop thinking that if she’s paying for him, it means that she doesn’t understand anything…”

« Lonely women may need company a little now and then. Don’t forget we are living longer than men do. There is no reason we should suffer from loneliness if we feel like doing otherwise. And after all, it is completely honourable to look for human touch where there is some…”

« Why women should not have the right to pay for men? Our male friends can have access to whatever they want! And if there is an offer…it means that there is a demand. So let’s stop being hypocritical: gigolos do service to women. And who knows, someday, I might need one!




Olga Kurylenko

- M A I S O N F O N D É E À PA R I S E N 1 9 2 0 -

The Bond Girl who came in from the cold Former model, Olga Kurylenko, has finally left the catwalk for the cinema screen. It is proving a smart career move - she stars alongside Daniel Craig in the next James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace! By Jean-Pascal Grosso


You cannot imagine where I come from. For me films, travel, luxury hotels, it’s like a childhood dream, like the stories I read as a little girl in books and magazines.» It is true that the tale of Olga Kurylenko, born in Ukraine in 1979, does seem to contain some of the magic of a fairy tale. She didn’t seem fated to become what she is today - an actress of international standing, admired for her beauty but also for the reassuring humility she possesses. Olga grew up with her divorced mother, an arts teacher, and her grandmother. It was around the time of the collapse of the Iron Curtain. «As a child,» she recalls, «I was very happy. I suppose I was too young to realise what was going on. I learned later that something was falling apart.» Chapter one in this fairytale and a magic wand is waved over the life of young Olga, offering her an escape from the greyness of the high rise blocks of Bedyansk. At the age of 16, while accompanying her mother on a trip to Moscow, she is spotted by a modelling agency’s talent scout. Almost from one day to the next, she finds herself in Paris, everybody’s dream city. For the adolescent, it was something of an epiphany. «It was just magical


compared to where I came from. I loved everything in Paris; the people, the mindset, the streets. The charming little streets after Ukraine where I had the impression there were only big avenues.» Married for four years to a French fashion photographer, the talented model quickly adapted to her new country, and to their inhabitants. «I love the tact, the elegance and the politeness of the French,» she says. But you cannot escape you past, especially if you are an artist of the likes of Olga Kurylenko. A yearning for acting, something she had done in the Ukraine, came back to her in Paris. «One day,» she explains, «I went to my agency and told them I would have to reduce my workload so as to be able to concentrate on drama classes. They didn’t understand - my modelling career was going well.» A few more classes on and: «I soon stopped. I found making films was much more fun.» Her big break came in 2005 in Diane Bertrand’s L’Annulaire, a film that remains her favourite even today. «What I’d like is to carry on making films like that while still making a name for myself in big foreign films.» She followed L’Annulaire with Paris je t’aime alongside Elijah Wood, Le Serpent where she bewitched Yvan Attal and Luc

Besson’s Hitman, based on a video game, in quick succession. This year is a sort of coming of age for Olga: she has been chosen as the new Bond Girl for Quantum of Solace, the 22nd adventure of the indestructible British secret agent. For an actress who knew nothing of the universe of Ian Fleming, it was a wonderful surprise that arrived one Christmas Day, the moment chosen by the production team to break the news to her that she would be joining them! «The shoot was a wonderful experience. Daniel Craig was always very attentive and working with Mathieu Amalric was extraordinary. After all, he’s one of the biggest actors in France!» At the end of filming this muchanticipated blockbuster, Olga barely had time to unpack before heading off to Israel to play in Kirot, an action-thriller by Danny Lerner! A new chapter in the life of this insatiable globe-trotter... Marc Foster’s Quantum of Solace, starring Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko and Mathieu Amalric has its world release at the end of October.













B o u t i q u e Pa r i s 1 8 , b o u l e v a r d d e L a t o u r- M a u b o u r g 7 5 0 0 7 Pa r i s - T é l . 3 3 ( 0 ) 1 4 4 1 1 3 2 2 2

the accessory

Want to make a gift to your housekeeper?

Fall in love with Oscar! By Quitterie Pasquesoone

Would you like to regain your holidays’ energy? No more bottled fruit juice! Call your housekeeper to order and offer her this genuine vitality extractor! Thanks to its gentle cold extraction process, Oscar allows to prepare fruit and vegetable juices full of vitamins. But it is way more than a simple juice extractor. Welcome aubergine dips, vegetable purees and fruit sorbets. A good way to regain a good vitality for the summer. Let’s bet that Oscar will become your housekeeper’s best friend… and yours too!

Available in 2 colours: white and chrome. For orders and further information : or 0033 608 09 17 96





For 20 years, Morganne Bello travelled the world in search of the most beautiful precious stones for the great names of the Place Vendôme, being both passionate and determined in doing what she loves to do perfectly. Morganne began designing jewellery and settings for her famous clients. Prompted by her success and growing appeal for her creations, Morganne established her own company in Paris in 2004. Morganne Bello Paris. In order to craft jewellery that pushes the boundaries of the art of jewellery design. For her 2008 collection, Morganne takes us on a trip into her world of original creations and generous volumes contanning a myriad of colours in which gold and precious metals are used discreetly to enhance the natural beauty of each stone. It is now your turn to discover Morganne Bello’s « cosy » universe where unique pieces awaken our senses and in which love, passion, and elegance are fashioned to perfection. 0033 1 40 23 03 30




La Maison

Fromont or the French art of wine Sole owners of the Domaine Seigneurial de Beauroy in Chablis, Isabel and Jean-Claude Fromont are keeping going the French art of wine and art of living. The couple welcomed ourself ! in their discreet, smart chateau of Ligny. When pleasure and excellence go hand-in-hand ‌ Photo : Quentin Salmon - Fred Burnier Studio





Isabel, could you introduce us to the vineyard? Isabel Fromont : Jean-Claude took over the family vineyard in 1980, after having attended the wine-growing school in Beaune. Within 10 years, the property had grown from six to 17 hectares, which tells you how much work had been done! I should mention that Jean-Claude and I are both from Burgundy, wine-growing families. We met in 1992, the same year that Jean-Claude set up his trading company. He soon established himself as one of the best operators in Chablis. As for the chateau, which dates back to 1883, we bought it in 1994 as a shop-window for our company. Your range is very wide isn’t it? Jean-Claude Fromont : Yes indeed. As far as Chablis wines are concerned; Premiers Crus and Grands Crus as well as some generic appellations. As for the rest – all the Burgundy vintages, white as well as red, Meursault, Corton, GevreyChambertin, Pommard and the Beaujolais vintages. Isabel, what is your role? Isabel Fromont : Coming from an old GevreyChambertin wine-growing family, I went to an hotelier school and qualified with honours in wine waiting. I take care of communication, marketing the company. The wine industry is very exacting, one’s image must be very professional. La Maison Fromont devotes a great deal of attention to its clients and its products have to be competitive. So for the business, the choice of wine-growers is a fundamental one. What do you see as the characteristics of the trade of wine-growing? Isabel Fromont : The trade requires a real culture of the senses, especially the sense of smell. There is a real analogy between the world of wine and the world of perfume: it is no accident that one speaks of the ‘nose’ in both cases. Wine-making is like working with a perfume organ. You also work the Côtes du Rhône ? Jean-Claude Fromont : Yes, since 1999. It gave us a new drive. Our open-mindedness and many travels have led us to other wines and each experience has been constructive. Our Chablis wines bear witness to a large wine culture. It is very important to us to use as many different soils as possible. In this way, we push ourselves to make wines as good as they are honest. The Chablis property covers how many hectares now? Jean-Claude Fromont We have 6,000 hectares of which 4,500 are planted. We are also the sole owners of the Domaine Seigneurial de Beauroy and of the Premier Cru of that name. In total, that amounts to 150,000 bottles of Chablis per year.


And the trading company? Jean-Claude Fromont : Between Burgundy, Beaujolais and Chablis, we produce almost 3 million bottles every year. I am both grower and trader. In order to ensure the best quality, I oversee the wine-making process at several domaines. The maturing is carried out in oak casks, which allows us to mellow the wine. The Premiers Crus and the Grands Crus need a long period to mature, you have to let them take their time … How to you control the different stages of production? Jean-Claude Fromont : The quality of a good wine begins with the vine. In order that our products are traceable, we collect our wine ourselves. We are also very vigilant regarding the production and the packaging: the wine is stored in stainless steel tanks and we steam-clean the machinery every day (we don’t use chemical products). The filtration is another very important stage: the tangential filter allows us to retain as much of the aroma of the wine as possible. All white wines are cold-filtered to avoid tartaric precipitation. The bottling process is entirely automated. We can stop our bottles with corks or screw tops. Last year we changed our packing: everything is robotised and we are one of only 10 wine-growers in the world to own this kind of state-of-the-art equipment! Lastly, it is important to mention that the packaging can carry the Organic Wine – Ecocert label. Where is it aimed at? Jean-Claude Fromont : Other than France, we are doing very well on the export front because we are the Number One Chablis exporter to Denmark, and Number Two to the United States! We also do well in Japan. As for the Middle and Far East, our business there is growing, even if we still only have a niche market in those countries. To conclude, what is the philosophy of La Maison Fromont ? Jean-Claude Fromont : Excellence in the finished job and a sense of sharing remain our priorities. We place particular importance on conviviality: in short, the French art of living! We like the beautiful, not the ostentatious. Our wines, I believe, are a testimony to that spirit because their character is more one of refinement than exuberance. Wine reflects the person who makes it. Maison Jean-Claude Fromont Château de Ligny 7, avenue de Chablis - 89 144 Ligny-le-Châtel FRANCE Tel: + 33 (0) – Fax: + 33 (0)



Frédéric Alzra

A designer for every desire. © L.Montagnier

At Frédéric Alzra’s, pretty women become beautiful. And the most beautiful stop asking questions of their mirror. Jet-setters, women of the world and fashionnistas, all are addicted to the dream creations of the dandy designer with an expert eye. When they wear them, they are sexier, more feminine, and more glamorous. And therefore happier. An honest tête à tête with a rising designer. By Laure Delvigo.

Your definition of elegance in a woman? Simply refined. You design everything, how do you work? The fashion trade has all the magic and the nobility of its age! The “craftsmanship” of couture is made of motions borrowed from history, modified to the present. The two tools of this know-how are the hand and the eye. Even if I draw the sketches for each collection, I learned a long time ago that the drawing and the reality are almost never in agreement! That is why I work a lot more with actual materials on Stockman. You can visualise the way the material will fall and the fullness of the model much better. It’s very telling.


Your influences? I am very attached to the cut. My references lean more towards the maisons de couture of the past, such as Monsieur Dior or Balenciaga, whose lines were so well defined they have lasted through the years, leaving French Haute Couture a sublime heritage. The Frédéric Alzra code? The “gem” detail. Fur for the bride, or the bosom shown off to advantage in every evening gown. Personally, I’m quite obsessive about style and sensitive to the beautiful harmony that white, black and grey express. In the world of fashion, white is a symbol of perfection and sensitivity. Black and grey are synonymous with excellence and elegance! What do you think of the “bags of bones” that currently populate the catwalks? I think there is a happy medium! Some designers make the covers of magazines thanks to them and it’s a pity. Hollywood pin-ups like Ava Gardner or Brigitte Bardot had curves, and above all, style. The “heroin chic” trend? It’s not how I see women. I am there to give them objective advice on what suits them or not, it’s what we do every day in our workshops: To bring out the beauty and personality of each customer, to celebrate woman and to make her radiate sensuality. Designers in your sights? I really liked the models in the latest Valentino collection, by Alessandra Facchinetti; Dior is going through a real evolution, while Elie Saab is bringing stylishness and elegance to a fashion punctuated with Orientalisms.

What do you like in men’s fashion? I confess to a weakness for Italian fashion. Notably Gucci in the Tom Ford period.His personality has become a real benchmark. I would like to meet him. Your perfume? Dior Homme. A character trait? Perfectionist Your favourite destination? Where the sun is shining! Your favourite spot in Paris? It might be a cliché but I really like lunching at Costes. Its intimacy immerged in the frenzy of Paris, sooths me. Projects? Develop our image. Create a unique place where the thousand interpretations of fashion according to Frédéric ALZRA will be centre screen: this place will offer our customers other ways of staying elegant while remaining unique.

© Sandra Fourqui

What was the inspiration for your latest collections? In the domain of creation, a part is left to the imaginary, to buried memories, traces of a furtive catch of the eye, a mix of form and feeling, and the laughter of children … a whole world of images that re-emerge. Nowadays, marriage is a reference point landmark with real reactions, while fashion remains “out of the ordinary”. In this sense, you have to combine tradition and modernity. Two trends clearly stand out in our collection. The first is “Fairytale” with lots of volume and the odd touch of sparkle, followed by a much more refined version, very couture regarding the work and the cut. This couture style is increasingly in demand with us, as opposed to more traditional dresses, even if I always follow the wishes of our clients. The creation of a couture dress does not necessarily suit a mass of baroque frou-frou, glitter and feathers! Whether in Paris, Geneva or Dubai, the style of the bride is moving towards something simpler.

Frédéric Alzra Couture





Art Direction : Alexandre Zouari assisted by Salima andJulien Photographer : Philippe KERLO Stylist : Marine Sion Make-up : Audrey

Grey Astrakhan long coat «Christian DIOR» – Short blue lambskin embroidered gloves “Louis VUITTON” 54





57 Beige wool dress “LOUIS VUITTON” – Long green lambskin embroidered gloves “CHANEL”


Duchess satin embroidered grey dress “CHANEL” – Grey suede gloves “Christian DIOR” Diamond lace bracelet “A.ZOUARI” 58


Wool Cape Coat with furred sleeves “AMEN” – Amethyst and diamonds earrings “A.Zouari” 59



White jersey dress with black straps and belt “Barbara BUI” – Resin and black strass bracelets “CHANEL” “Libellule” white gold and diamonds ring “A.ZOUARI” – “B-Zero 1” Ring “BVLGARI” 60




BODYATTRACTION Photographer : Olivier Rieu Stylist : Marine Sion Hairstylist : Julien Models : Mick nock , Florent Moyer at New Madison , Zoltan Jordaki at l’Homme de Nathalie ,Silvain Berrada at studio Digital Retouching: Stefan Kulakovic

White gold 5 strand bracelet set with 240 sparkles CARTIER 62



Strada yellow gold necklace set with 1 620 diamonds of 27.91 carats CHOPARD 64


« BRODERIE » white gold necklace, all diamonds 15 Marquise-shaped diamonds white facet for 7.55 carats 511 Round diamonds white facet for 36.66 carats VAN CLEEF & ARPELS 65



« FLOWERS » white gold (22.50 grs) and 4.17 carats diamonds ring “Alexandre ZOUARI” 66




“New Parentesi” white gold necklace made of 18.98 carats baguette-cut diamonds and of 2.19 carats sparkling pave diamonds BVLGARI 68




White gold necklace (20 grs) set with 5.65 carats diamonds on black galuchat “DE GRISOGONO” 70




MAIA white gold necklace (94.11 grs) set with four pear-shaped diamonds, paved with round diamonds, on white gold – 1 Pear-shaped Diamond 1.52 carats – 1 Pear-Shaped Diamond 1.22 carats – 1 Pear-shaped Diamond 1.20 carats – 1 Pear-shaped Diamond 1.01 carats – 281 Round Diamonds 47.07 carats 72



Paris 3 : 00 AM Photographer : Sandra Fourqui c /o Antichambre24 Assistant : Medhi Sefrioui Art Direction : Laure Delvigo Stylist : Stephanie Vaillant c/o Lebigueone Make-up : Sophie NominĂŠ c/o Antichambre24 Hairstylist : Pascal Wolfert c/o Lebigueone Digital retouching : Nathalie Rosario Antichambre24 Models : Malcom Marilyn agency Jessica Stenebo et Claudia Raba Karin Models agency Dress Couture Jan Taminiau - Shoes Christian Dior 74

Dress Christian Dior - Gloves Paule Ka - Necklace Helene Zubeldia

Dress Paule Ka -Gloves Paule Ka - Tights Chanel - Shoes Christian Louboutin

Suit Emanuel Ungaro - Shirt Agnes B

Dress Kenzo

Jacket Thierry Mugler - Shirt Agnes B - Hat Anthony Peto

Jacket Jean Paul Gaultier - Shirt Agnes B - Tie Thierry Mugler - Shoes Thierry Mugler - Pants Agnes B

Jacket Moschino - Pantyhose Chantal Thomass - Shoes Moschino

Dress Gaspard Yurkievich - Hair Clip Zouari - Bracelet Swarovski



Combination of

rock ‘n roll and elegance By Vincent Mazoué



o rest for Barbara Bui! After winter 2008, the Parisian creator prepares for the presentation of her next collection. She welcomed us in her charming white workshop located Rue des Francs-Bourgeois. What has inspired you for your last collections? A mix of several things. I wanted the idea of a classical elegance, almost timeless, shaken up by «rock ‘n roll» details. Sheath dresses inlaid with plates of metal, very slender jumpsuits or androgynous clothes. A mix of strength and fragility, couture but rock ‘n roll at the same time, hyper feminity and slender androgyny. This duality seems to be the basics of your work. Fragility is a kind of sensitivity and emotion. It is not a weakness. I like strength but only when it is not aggressive, I like the wilful aspect of it. All this is related to the personality of women. How is it expressed in your materials? I am working on tough materials such as leathers and skins, snakeskins or furs as it is common for a winter collection. At the same time, there can be very fluid crepes, very sensual, light muslins with rock ‘n roll-inspired screen printings and metal plates in order to remove the «preciousness» aspect of them. Shoes also bring a voluntary aspect and strength to the gait. A rock ‘n roll-inspired style but close to women. You refuse to disguise them. I do not like the idea of using them for the sole purpose of style. I would rather serve them because I feel this need of not being a stereotype or a cliché. However, all I am showing has a great feeling of seduction.


Photo Sandra Fourqui


This collection seems to play with the colour black. It is true that the fashion show was quite dark! Thanks to black of course but also with this dark green, very retro, very 1960’s couture. I also like dark purple, navy blue which is the new black for me. It is sweeter and it makes women more attractive, while remaining very dense…a wonderful colour. My style of silhouette always remains sensual, not monastic at all. Therefore black is never uniform, there is always a touch of brightness, a metal plate here or an orange fox there. What would be your definition of beauty for women? A woman who would play with her differences and who would not seek to emulate other women. I do not have advice to give to women but I would say that you have to know yourself and to take advantage of your differences. Next autumn, you will open a new boutique in Paris Rue du Labour SaintHonour. Exactly and there will be evolutions. It is a big space of five hundred square meters on three levels. I wanted to create the atmosphere of a rather masculine nest, with plain shades, dark woods and dark carpets with sparkles of ivory paint. A plain aspect with rock ‘n roll-inspired touches, as in my collections. But I think it is very important to have peaceful atmospheres that protect you, with mineral materials and woodwork. Temperance, but never minimalism!




Nathalie Rheims or the smile of the Sphinx

Deliberately secretive, Nathalie Rheims loves the pitch black, the mists of mystery and fairytales. She has just published her second novel, Le Chemin des sortilèges, (The Path of Spells) a book in which memories are wonderfully coloured. An interview, between two bursts of laughter with bright shadows. By Nicolas Berger. Photo Sandra Fourqui - Make Up Sophie Nominé - Hair Stylist Alexandre Zouari

Your new book is just out. What can you tell us about it? With the Chemin des sortilèges, I asked myself a question: What do fairytales mean? What do they give us beyond being wonderful? This psychoanalysis threw up a few answers. I am thinking particularly of the celebrated work of Bettelheim on the subject. But, as is often the case, it also led to a very personal study, evoking childhood through a story. Like many of us, fairytales accompanied my early years, and for the writer I have become, that makes sense. Spirituality, wonders, the strange, these are your preferred themes, How do you explain that? I am very wary of the term « spirituality » and, furthermore, I have never really made use of it except in L’Ange de la dernière heure (The Angel of the Last Hour). As for wonders and the strange, I admit these area territories I willingly explore and they come up in most of my books, like the feeling of being in love! They allow me to touch on the idea of disappearance which, in fact, is the keystone of my work. Reading you, one can’t help thinking of the line by Jacob Boehme: “Darkness is not the absence of light, but the terror caused by the brightness of light.” Would you agree? Absolutely! I love working on what I call flickeringness: absence/presence, light/shade … These pairs of opposites exist in each of us, and are the foundation of our unity! I see in this one of the greatest and most beautiful mysteries of the human being.


This notion of mystery that is so key to you … Yes, and it’s not just the posturing of a tormented writer! [Laughs] When I enter any kind of a sacred place, something comes over me intellectually as well as aesthetically, perhaps because the mystery of man lies within faith. And would its supreme mystery be death, so present in your books? To say the least … In my life I have been through several deaths – I’m not talking about bereavements but real deaths. Indeed many people who were particularly dear to me have passed away in my arms. Evidently, getting through the pain is done by writing. One of the books on my bedside table at the moment is The Instant of My Death by Maurice Blanchot… At the moment I’m more Thanatos than Eros! Do you think there is such a thing as female writing? Yes, of course, because you write with your being. Women, in literature, aren’t afraid of feelings and that doesn’t always lead to a sentimental novel as some people think. To be quite honest, I often prefer books written by women. The photos that illustrate your wesite (www. are particularly well done. What importance does photography have in your life? The shots were taken by Gérard Rancinan as part of an exhibition. In answer to your question, I would say we are all haunted by images because they are what our memories are made up of. Photography is the only medium that keeps the

absent close by us, that is why it fascinates me. In addition, pictures play with appearances: the image one gives of oneself can be a decoy, or not! Talking of photos, you recently posed with Alexandre Zouari. What is your connection to him? Every one of us has their protective armour, mine is my hair. I have an almost magical relationship with my hair: it is part of my strength! I like coming to Alexandre’s because he is an artist and because his entire team – with a special mention to Sybille and Anne – is talented. Nowadays, a writer has to take care of their appearance; it has become the bearer of what we do, or who we are. Cinema also seems to be essential to you. How are your various projects coming along? I have indeed co-produced a number of films with Claude Berri. The world of film is particularly dear to me because, for me, it is an opening into another universe. The teamwork that it necessitates draws me out of the solitude of a writer. Writing belongs to my dark side, films to my light side. Claude Berri’s new film is called “Trésor” (Treasure) and the shoot will probably take place in January. As far as the screen adaptation of my book L’Ombre des Autres, (The Shadow of Others) Stéphane Célérier, from Mars Films, has joined the project. If all goes well, filming will start in December 2009. You see, I’m not one to get bored! [Laughs]





ulio Piatti

An outstanding photographer with a huge heart, Julio Piatti tells us about «Le Fil Rouge» a selfless fund-raising project for the fight against AIDS for which a plethora of stars, personalities, and Parisian and international icons posed for him.

How did Le Fil Rouge come about? I had taken photos for free for the fashion world’s annual gala evening for AIDS which takes place every January at the Pavillon d’Ermenonville. I wanted to do something more, in my own way, since I’m not a doctor or a researcher. The only tool I had was photography. I didn’t want to limit myself to the world of fashion either. I had the idea of reaching out to the film and music industries too. And so Le Fil Rouge was born: a book of photographs to raise funds, something that would be popular but also useful. So we also asked all those who posed for us to write a line, a thought aimed mainly at the young, about the fight against this terrible disease. It is a problem that far too many people are still not aware of. Do you sense a slackening in the attention society pays to AIDS? I think so, yes. Obviously AIDS isn’t the only illness people worry about. There’s Cancer and Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately, AIDS still has this sorry statute of a «shameful illness», an illness we try to keep hidden. And yet, as I keep saying, it isn’t racist or sexist, there’s no age barrier. Children as well as adults die of AIDS today. No layer of society is spared. Everyone is at risk. And that, in fact, is what people tend to forget. We have made a small selection of the personalities who posed for you. A word about them, Virginie Ledoyen for example....


“Le Fil Rouge” of Jullio Piatti and Tom de Ruiter Publisher Le Cherche Midi Exhibition Julio Piatti at Alexandre Zouari for “ Sidaction” December 2008




W Virginie Ledoyen

e suggested this sexy, daring, very visual pose for Virginie. She accepted it very quickly and with great pleasure. Everything went very well. We took the photo in a friends’ apartment. At tea time they produced a superb tart. Virginie was about to grab a bite but then held back. «No I can’t» she said. «I’m going to pose naked!»

L Line Renaud

ine is an icon in the fight against AIDS. We thought up this idea of her posing in a boxing ring, wearing a casual outfit, very different from her highly sophisticated image. You always see Line in evening dress! We wanted her to be very relaxed but in heels. She turned up with a huge bag which she emptied into the ring - every pair of shoes of her career! «You pick,» she said. We were like children with Christmas presents, hunting for the ideal pair for the shot.


S Inès Sastre

he is so beautiful! We wanted to play with the contrast between the beauty of the flower and the fragility of their thorns. Initially Inès was scared of scratching herself on the thorns, but they were made of plastic!


Inès de la Fressange

he asked us: «What can I do with red?» We found the perfect bouquet of flowers. A simple, elegant pose wrapped in a certain mystery.





Catherine Deneuve

nitially we had suggested a photo on a Paris rooftop. But the shoot took place in June in the middle of a heat wave so it was impossible. We had to improvise and find a new location for Catherine. We found it at Baccarat. She poses regally on this chair which, for this queen of French cinema, becomes a sort of throne. The photo was taken quite quickly, but in a very professional atmosphere. Little time, a little bit of stress, but the result is very beautiful.

W Emmanuelle Béart

hat diligence! From the start, Emmanuelle was very moved by our work. Again, the photo was taken very quickly, but what energy on her part! We had some really great shots. In the end, we even had difficulty choosing between them. Then we had lunch together. Emmanuelle is very involved in the battle against the illness, with child sufferers in Kenya. Her eyes filled with tears as she talked to us about it. She is a lady. 96


Laura Smet

used to bump into Laura sometimes when I went out for the evening. Paris, at night, this very particular distance she can have about her. She is a real character and this fragility is very touching. She was very generous that day, very attentive. We could ask anything of her. Everything went perfectly. It was a real pleasure.

C Claudia Cardinale

laudia is a woman who is very used to photo shoots. She was very up for all the poses. But I wasn’t satisfied; there was something very stiff about it all. I said to her: «It’s like when you arrive at a festival and you play with your shawl.” And that really worked well. With her gracefulness she gave the impression of a toreador with his muleta! 97




Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé

he plan was to photograph both of them, but Yves Saint Laurent was already very, very ill. So we found this compromise: taking Pierre Bergé in front of one of the works of the Saint Laurent Foundation, just as he was writing a caption on it.

A Andrée Putman

real love! This was one of the photos that gave us the most pleasure. Andrée is a very wise lady. When we put the project to her she asked: «Have you thought about the idea of red lips?» We told her straight away we had kept that idea just for her. She was overcome with emotion.


S Chantal Thomass

he complained that she couldn’t breathe in that red corset. But she joked: «At least in this I won’t look fat!» But Chantal, you aren’t fat at all.


Dita Von Teese

t’s not for nothing that Dita is on the cover of the book. We wanted a strong image. This shot was taken on the terrace of the Martinez Hotel; it was lent by De Grisogono who had rented it for the Cannes Film Festival. The weather was fantastic and incredibly hot. But Dita never goes out on the sun! We had to cover half the terrace with parasols. Because of the brightness she furrowed her brows, which is what gives her that ‘little girl’ look. In any case, Dita knows how to pose, believe me ... or better still, get the book and check for yourself! 99




TinaandKieffer Claire Chazal

At the heart of the action

By Jean-Pascal Grosso


hrough her association «Toutes à l’école» (everyone to school) the former newsreader, now editorial director of Marie Claire magazine, helps young Cambodian girls in a sensible and effective way. Tina Kieffer talked to Blush by Alexandre Zouari! about her experiences and the encouraging results from her pilot school, Happy Chandara. Blush!: First of all, could you take us back to the beginnings of the «Toutes à l’école» association?

Tina Kieffer: I am often asked: «Why educate little girls but not little boys?” You have to understand that of all the children receiving an education around the world, only a third are girls and it is often girls who are most at risk from prostitution, forced marriages, domestic slavery ... At Marie Claire, I have published a great many reports on the conditions of women around the world and it is often quite terrifying. The reason why the situation is so bad, why honour crimes and sex-slavery still take such a terrible toll, it is because women are not armed with enough knowledge to defend themselves. In order to change that, to bring us out of the Dark Ages and to end barbaric traditions, we have to educate girls. Don’t forget, they are the mothers of tomorrow; they are the ones who will raise the future generations. All the experts agree that educating girls is a first step towards helping poor countries develop. How are the girls educated? The first school opened in Cambodia in November 2006, due to a large part to donations received through the «La Rose Marie Claire» campaign. We currently have 300 young girls from six to eight years old and every year there is an intake of 100 more students, 25 each at four different levels. Eventually, the school will take children

right through to 17 and then, for those who have the ability, we will pay for further education. Our aim is not only to help the most underprivileged children, but to take them as far as possible in giving them as full an education as we can. They are taught in three languages, they are taught IT and the arts. Every day they are also given lessons in ‘values’ where they learn tolerance, sharing and honesty. If they were to leave school with their heads full of learning but hearts of stone then we would have failed. The idea is that they should want to pass their learning on in turn, to help their country rather than to emigrate to earn money just for themselves.

Why did you start in Cambodia?

Because it is a country that, despite its position in a South-East Asia in full economic growth, still suffers enormously from the cruelty and genocide perpetuated by the Khmers Rouges. The Angkor executed a third of the population; doctors, intellectuals, teachers, and left a country bled dry. Today there is a real shortage of people to take decisions, to think things through. The aim of the school is to increase the number of women who will be able to full these key posts tomorrow. Without wishing to ruffle feathers, it has been proven that the more women there are in such important roles in a country, the lower its infant mortality rate is. And the spread of AIDS and the level of corruption decline and the economic situation improves.

How did Claire Chazal become a patron of «Toutes à l’école»?

When we launched the «La Rose Marie Claire» campaign, I wanted to work with news journalists who were much more aware of the problems of educating young girls around the world. I wanted to work with women who had witnessed what was going on, who would be willing to bring that to the project. It all happened very naturally with Claire. I called her, we met up and I told her about the association. She signed up straight away. She came to Cambodia in November last year, with her son who was extremely moved by the girls’ hunger for knowledge. It was a very positive, very useful trip for Claire.

And on a personal level, how has «Toutes à l’école» been an n eye-opener for you?

What’s best is seeing the girls so happy. You cannot imagine the difference between their first day when they arrive scared, sometimes prostate, in their pyjamas full of holes, and a few weeks later when they learn to play, to use a crayon and, above all, to become carefree children. Such an experience makes you grow up. You cannot but put things into perspective. We live in an extremely brutal world. Putting my energy into a project that is one of repairing the damage, of rebuilding - even if it is just a drop in the ocean of horrors of this world - has eased so much of my anxiety. In general, anxiety is energy that we have difficulty channelling and it causes a lot of suffering. So in that sense, the association has given me a certain balance. It is also enriching for my children. They have been there, they now understand you can’t take things for granted in life, that you have to learn to share from a very young age. They are healthy values to hold at that age.

The association’s website invites us to sponsor «Toutes à l’école». What does that consist of?

The site also provides a lot of information about the association, you can read testimonies; see short videos which show the work that’s been carried out. As an individual, you can sponsor a young girl for 30 euros a month. That comes to 10 euros after tax deductions. It is nothing when you consider that you are saving a little girl with that money! As for businesses, they can sponsor a whole class for 20,000 euros, (8,000 after deductions). You receive news of the child you have sponsored, and photos and school reports. A lot of sponsors visit the school. It is surprising to see how much more people travel now. The meeting is always a very emotional moment. They always leave on a high. To find out more about the Toutes à l’école Association, become a sponsor or make a donation, visit the website at Alexandre Zouari support “ Toutes à l’école” association Photo exhibition in October 2008




Jacques Garcia

One man, many styles

Energetic, passionate, omnipresent, nearly ubiquitous… Jacques Garcia will have caused a great stir in the Parisian nights’ decorum, often by himself and against the world. An exclusivity by Blush by Zouari ! By Jean Pascal Grosso

The Hotel Costes, the Fouquet’s, but also Deauville’s Le Royal, Marrakech’s La Mamounia... Atmospheres, different places and a single man to decorate them. How would you define «Jacques Garcia’s touch»? It is a very strange phenomenon that I am facing. I think it is very weird. Briefly, there has been a sale recently at the Royal Monceau. I have my own sale catalogue, which is edited in Italy, with brand new furniture and you can choose from different materials. And at this sale, there were also second hand furniture, quite stunken...but they end up sold for three times more expensive! It surprises me. This is «Jacques Garcia’s touch»…it is something that I do not really understand!

Photo Y. MOREAU ©

Let’s go back to the genesis: how did you get interested into decorating? By chance. I have always been attracted to architecture. I would have preferred to be a sculptor or a painter, but for money and social issues, I thought it was inaccessible. I was wrong. Therefore, I started from scratch by studying at Les Arts Déco (Decorative Arts School). Then, I started working. And I learnt real fast that the spirit could take over the work. Are you aware that you have changed the face of Parisian nights by decorating hotels and restaurants? I realise that. Firstly, I must say that I like all kinds of things, not just one. All the public places I have been decorating have an attitude that really belongs to me, close to my own way of receiving people. Believe it or not, it is cool to live at Champ de Bataille. I am not an uptight person. To each

style, I applied a spirit - Louis XV, Louis XVI, Napoleon III, 1930s…. In the end, only the spirit matters. What has changed is that I have added an attitude of comfort, diversity and colours in a world where there were none. This is for public places. But let me precise that a great part of our activities concerns private places: houses, apartments, private hotels… «Often imitated, never duplicated», this could be your motto… It is caused by success. As Chanel said: «As long as I will be imitated, it means I am successful!» I do not care. In Marrakech, a restaurant has opened and it looks exactly like a room in Hotel Costes. It is copy and paste! I like Jean-Louis Costes for that. Everybody told him to start legal proceedings in order to close the place... He did not do that. Where is the problem? It is just a pale imitation. The fundamental difference is that my work is an architecture work masked into decorations. I will never be able to decorate a place which does not suit me! An “overloaded”, “pompous” style... Places with “upstart” accents…You also have serious detractors! If one has admirers, one has to have detractors. As my father said when I was 20: “Whether in right or wrong, all that matters is that people talk about you”. It is normal to have admirers and detractors. What is scandalous about detractors is when they attack you on a private level. This is disgusting. Let me give you an example: a rather filthy article about me was published in a French newspaper called Libération in which they were stealing my identity.

Champ De Bataille 102



Photo Eric Cuvillier ©


Hotel Metropole

What turns you on today? This is the big question. I have come to a point where I know that what turns me off is to convince people, to convince people and to convince people! I can not stand people who always want you to believe that they know everything when they do not. You have just finished renovating Marrakech’s La Mamounia… I can tell you a scoop: it is one of the most beautiful places in the world! It has become an incredible place again. And I am really getting my kicks just by visiting the rooms! There is another new place called La Païva on the Champs Elysées. The

Marchioness of Païva was a sort of socialite who has had lovers such as Napoleon III, the King of England, the Emperor of Austria... She erected this private hotel down the Champs Elysées. It is a club now, like many English clubs. I was in charge of decorating the bar-restaurant which is situated down below. It is amazing. Detractors who say «enough is enough!» will be right for that: it is a courtesan’s place, whom spent money without counting the cost! The Païva’s idea as we would see it in a movie today: I did it in that spirit… What’s next Jacques Garcia? First of all, it will soon be the moment for me to retire. I have paid my contributions for all my life; I did not leave this country, so it owes me a retirement. I will retire as soon as I can! Is it clear? No one has ever done anything for me, so I will not do anything for anyone. But it does not mean I will stop. When I will be retired, I will live differently. My office might be managed by people who are already working with me and who make a great job. As for myself, I could become an exterior consultant for example. This is what I want to do. And to live differently means also writing, which I love, or doing opera or cinema production, I don’t know. Everything is possible. In any case, I want to retire from what I used to do, that is for sure… But it is not going to happen tomorrow!

Photo Yvan Moreau ©

Is Champ de Bataille the pinnacle of your career? I am very proud of it. It is a private residence that I did for myself, but also for other people. I made it a public place. It is like a last memory of this «French touch» which is over now. No one does that anymore. No one has the power to do that again. Rich French people have left the country, they do not build castles anymore, like big 1930s-style fabulous «décors»... It has been over for 50 years. Champ de Bataille is one of the last great places you can visit and which represents this Rotschild touch, this Noailles touch, this Lanvin touch... all these mixed tastes which have been a blueprint for my imagination...

Hotel Costes 104

Fouquet’s Barriere Champ Elysees Paris 105


John Paul Welton,



Who hasn’t dreamed of a change of lifestyle or a new career ? took up the challenge and sold his compagny at the age of 35 to devote himself entirely to his passion for interior design. After several years of organizing the travel schedules of heads of state and moving in very formal diplomatic circles, the Englishman decided to steer a new course. His idea ? To design a collection of furniture. At first, the idea was to create it for himself but soon friends were atrracted to his designs. The orders streamed in and, in 2001, was created, a compagny that has since developed on an international scale. Today, WELTON DESIGN is not just a range of contemporary furniture. It also includes a collection of outdoor furniture, interior architecture services and-for personal well-being in the home- a range of scents. Dubbed « designer » by the press, is very busy, above all, enthusiastic about the new products he developps. Nevertheless, he takes his compagny’s success in his stride, tries to keep a broad perspective and says that it all boils down to solid hard work. But not only does he have a sharp eye, he is also very gifted. His secret ? Bespoke services for well-to-do international clients. The designer has now become a celebrity favourite, particulary since he specializes in tailormade products and can have unique pieces brought direct from his factory in Italy.

Interior design and tailormade furniture completed for international private customers.

John Paul Welton

In between trips abroad, we interwied him in a well-known Parisian hotel where we instantly spotted the designer with his British gait and broad, welcoming smile. When asked what is essential to him for an interior design project, he explains : « to understand the client’s individual tastes ;personal contact is very important in this job. « By checking every minute detail and the quality of the finishing job too, has managed to carve a place for himself in the world of interior design. Is the life he expected ? « I think I’m very fortunate : I love my work ;and can travel and meet some interesting people »he adds. His travels took him to Bali, where it was love at first sight for the « kidness of the Balinese, their culture and quality of life.It’s my idea of paradise. « he adds with a dreamy look. And to share his discovery, he has developed a new concept : top-ofthe-range villas to let, complete with hotel services.


How does he manage all these activities at once ? « It’s demanding, and managing a company is also very demanding, but I like thins to be done in a relaxed way, « he says, and we certainly believe him-no worry or stress here. has always been attracted to the concept of « wellbeing »-that last touch, once the decoration work is finished and the furniture in place, consisting of the aromas : scented candles, home fragrance diffusers ans sprays. « I chose to work on scents for the home in the same way as perfume is really

fascinating and I select each particular fragrance in Grasse. « We can certainly say that he has the nose for this domain since his collection is now distributed in 22 countries. With a very British sense of humour, John-Paul Welton certainly doesn’t take himself seriously. Furthermore, we haven’t heard the last of this discrete man, who bids us good-bye buzzing with ideas, his course set for new horizons.


Stéphane Ragaru

feat SieMatic


Between Paris and the French Riviera, Stéphane Ragaru, kitchen architect, works for the greatest French celebrities and captains of industry. Working with the prestigious German brand SieMatic, he gives life to your craziest wishes, but always with great functionality.

Considering the « Frankfurt Kitchen » as a milestone, the German brand SieMatic expanded rapidly into the 1960s and is now present in the whole world. Therefore, it is all naturally that Stéphane Ragaru came to working with the brand. The company’s philosophy could be “less is more”. Indeed, German design can be distinguished by its timeless minimalism but also and above all by its ergonomics. Like Le Corbusier’s famous « module », the human body remains the unit of measurement of SieMatic kitchens, hence their good ergonomics. The possibility of moving within the kitchen area is emphasised as the kitchen is a living place by excellence. The perfection and the flow of the lines are other particularities. They go hand in hand with traditional natural materials (wood, steel, glass…) of an extreme quality, such as mosaics for example. The most demanding customers are overjoyed with 2000 shades of natural shiny or matt paints.


Here again, quality makes the difference as SieMatic lacquers have 20 layers, hence their chromatic perfection. As showed in the beautiful BeauxArts collection. For the first time, this innovative concept allows playing with different styles and composing a harmonious set from planning elements which are supposed to be antinomical. In this way, you can associate materials, shapes and colours depending on your taste. Light and dark, matt and glossy, hot and cold: creativity without boundaries is at your reach. BeauxArts’ harmonious range of colours and the mischievous re-using of the same stylistic elements in different places are bringing balance and aesthetics. But a BeauxArts SieMatic kitchen is multi-faceted because its planning is innovative: divided into segments enhanced by their individual planning, the kitchen becomes a cosy and efficient place with

functional modules. The cooking area is situated at the core of the kitchen area. You can improvise on the traditional kitchen theme by bringing your personal touch and making your kitchen a unique piece. You can accommodate your working space as a classical buffet, light your kitchen with ancient centre lights or integrate your collector’s items into the kitchen planning. The most refined and contemporary design goes along with elements that are dear to you. Everything becomes possible…Having the kitchen you have always dreamed about, here is Stéphane Agaru’s wish!

Stéphane Ragaru / SieMatic 00 33 (0)472 410 230


must be


ABEO in Hong Kong

Miami’s South Beach Art Déco architecture in Hong Kong Abeo towers over Aberdeen Harbour on the south shore of Hong Kong Island and offers intelligently designed one-bedroom apartments for travellers who value independence and contemporary design. The 90º curves of the sea-facing building are reminiscent of the Art Déco architecture you see on Miami’s South Beach, but with a height more appropriate for Hong Kong. The views from Abeo are stunning and face the city, mountains and the harbour – famous for its floating restaurants. 100, Shek Pai Wan Road, Tin Wan - n/a HONG KONG ISLAND

THE HEMPEL in London

The best chill-out place in London The Hempel Hotel, West London’s breathtakingly stunning 5 star luxury hotel created by acclaimed British designer Anouska Hempel is an architectural statement in original design and luxury. Step from the centre of London and into Anouska’s world, a destination suspended in time and space. The Hempel’s guest rooms are all individually designed and have luxury products such as candles, designer amenities and even oxygen! 31-35 Craven Hill Gardens, London, England, United Kingdom W2 3EA - 44 (0)20 7580 2663


Who said Moscow is a cold city? Five well-deserved stars crown the Pokrovka Suite Hotel, set in the heart of the bustling and cosmopolitan city of Moscow. This palace of luxury and style is the first all-suite hotel in Moscow and boasts a sumptuous décor elaborated by architecture and interior design masterminds Jestico + Whiles. The hotel provides a relaxing and comfortable ambiance with a feeling of cosiness and privilege. Pokrovka str. 40, building 2 - 105 062 Moscow - Russia


Boutiques MALOUP 19 rue Las Cases, 75007 Paris 12 rue Saint Ferdinand, 75017 Paris

must be


A new poetic and fanciful gem from Ian Schrager, The Gramercy Park Hotel has become the most passionate meeting place in NYC. If the spot was the preferred address for two generations of yesteryear artists (Humphrey Bogart married here…), Ian Schrager has in no way broken with the past. On the contrary: you will find original works by Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring and Richard Prince side by side with Julia Schnabel furniture, while the 185 rooms owe their vibrant colours to the palette of Raphaël. Hand-woven rugs, bronze rails, mahogany window frames, nothing is too beautiful for the Gramercy Park Hotel! Just like an artist’s studio, the hotel has a bohemian spirit, eclectically sophisticated. Audacious down to the last, its restaurant Wakiya has caused quite a stir: Chinese cuisine on the menu, interpreted in a very Japanese way by the famous trio Nobu Matsuhisa, Meir Teper and Robert de Niro. On the spa front, the Aerospa offers anti jet-lag treatments and other wraps to ease muscular pain. And the Gramercy Park offers New York a new kind of experience in its Rose Bar and Jade Bar. Lit by candles, they are now considered the most glamorous clubs in the city. It’s not surprising that Madonna, Anna Wintour, Donald Trump, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabanna drop by!


2 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10010, United States - (212) 920-3300

METROPOLE CAPETOWN Member of Design Hotels, this beautifully refurbished spot has retained the authenticity of the gracious Georgian building, jarring it with modern luxury, leaving it warm, stylish and fun ! Owners Jens Merbl and Steve van der Merwe bring with them a visionary passion and enthusiasm. Here, the 25 guestrooms of the Metropole Hotel provide a contrast of quiet, textured luxury brought up to modern speed by du Plessis’s interior concept, which does away with heavy carpets and ageeing wallpaper to come up with a smoothy minimalism.But « Afro-Glam » rules inside. Red is the dominant colour in public spaces, like the M’Bar of Metropole Hotel, with all the passion and decadence it implies. Best seat in the house : The richly hued poppy-red lounge area offers intimate relaxation corners and features red ostrich leather chairs subtle sophisticated upbeatmusic and a Versace fabric covered the sofa. Where is Donatella ? !


Laure Delvigo

38 Long Street - P.O. Box 173 - Cape Town 8000 - South Africa

ROYAL MIRAGE HOTEL As an Arab thoroughbred, the One&Only Royal Mirage Hotel displays vibrating colours on three five stars palaces. As soon as you enter the Imperial Lounge, you feel carried away in another dimension… Wait until you see the 1500 square meters swimming pool! Amazing! At the Arabian Court, the new Resort’s icon, everything suggests the splendour of the Persian Gulf: sand shades, precious chocolate woods, carved chests, embroidered wall coverings, golden touches and slender doors give way to large majestic meridiennes. As far as beauty and care are concerned, a really chic Givenchy spa stretches out on 2000 square meters with a hairdressing salon, the princesses and socialites’ favourite one. Alexandre Zouari’s. A dream for every stylish woman who would like to play Sheherazade for a day! Special mention to the « Nina » restaurant, which atmosphere will please the happy few with its Indianinspired cuisine and its precious design. The One & Only Royal Mirage Hotel, a very real mirage. Laure Delvigo

One&Only resorts -


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Hotel Meurice


deally located opposite the Tuileries Gardens, the Meurice Hotel, part of the Dorchester Collection group, has been acknowledged as one of the best luxury hotels in Paris since 1835. Ever valuing the French art of living, Le Meurice is a magical, serene and elegant place where the splendours of 18th-century architecture combine with the latest in contemporary comfort and elegance.

In 2007, Le Meurice once again proved the depth of its creativeness and placed the art of living even more firmly at the centre of its history. Since December 12, 2007, guests and Parisians have been enjoying a whole new experience in the public areas of the hotel. Thanks to Philippe Starck and his team, to the artist Ara Starck, to the head chef Yannick Alléno, to the stylist Alejandra di Andia and many, many others, Le Meurice is more warm, welcoming and glamorous than ever. After having passed through the revolving doors of the main entrance, the new-look lobby, re-styled by the famous designer, opens before you. The first surprises are the frosted mirror and the conversation chair, before you enter the new restaurant, the Dali. Here you will fall for the new culinary concept WITHOUT and 100%, and for the originality of the interior design. Just as innovative is the warm atmosphere of this fashionable eatery thanks to the Philippe Stark furniture. 114

Conceived to meet the needs of a modern life-style, Yannick Alléno, the three-star chef of Le Meurice, has reworked French cuisine for his menu WITHOUT excess but 100% tasty. Between pleasure and indulgence, this fun concept tempts you to enjoy a dish at any hour in a restaurant where the soul of Dali reigns supreme. And you can eat as much as like while keeping your figure. Opposite the Dali restaurant, in Bar 228, you can sink down into the snug club armchairs. Then let yourself be tempted by one of the new Bar 228 cocktails, or by the appropriately-named Starcky cocktail. In addition, new crockery has been introduced in the gourmet restaurant, designed by Yannick Alléno himself. The openness of the area will win you over and you might find yourself feeling like a glass of Champagne you spotted just behind that window – or was it in front of you? In need of a little relaxation, a moment to unwind? Situated on the hotel’s mezzanine is the brand new Spa Valmont where guests are pampered with the outstanding Elixir des Glaciers health care range. Thanks to a highly technical method of diagnosis, our clinicians will draw up a personalised programme for you and lead you into the magical universe of Valmont treatments where time no longer matters and Le Meurice remains faithful to its motto: Time to be Timeless

Close - up Le Meurice Hotel is delighted to offer its younger guests a welcome especially designed just for them: on their arrival, the Concierge presents children with a passport which suggests a fun itinerary for the family to visit Paris. On the programme for our young guests: sweets in their rooms on arrival, bathrobe and slippers, “Pistache” the cuddly toy, coloured crayons, puzzles, a DVD and a hotel treasure hunt to find Pistache! A tip for the more adventurous: they can sail a wooden boat in the Tuileries Gardens’ pond. And adding to the Meurice experience, parents and children will love the hotel’s new ‘Junior’ collection: snugly pyjamas, a toy bag, bibs and ducks for the bath. Le Meurice 228 rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 44 58 10 10, Fax: +33 1 44 58 10 15


Concierge et Réception

La Brasserie du Louvre

The famous Grand Hotel du Louvre

The heart of Paris


f nothing compares to Parisian charms, the French capital city can be admired from the Pont des Arts as well as from the top of the Eiffel Tower. What is better than such a luxurious and charming hotel, with such a great cultural, historical and gastronomic heritage? In addition, it is ideally located near the Louvre museum, the Opera and the Palais Royal.

La Suite Pissarro

Thanks to its historical background, the Hotel du Louvre stood up admirably into the Parisian setting. It was originally the Royal power’s main headquarters; then, it became a museum and in the end, it was transformed into a luxury hotel during the 1855’s World Fair. The hotel benefits from a splendid original architecture: it offers more than 177 guest rooms (superior and deluxe), but also suites and junior suites. All the fully equipped guest rooms are cosy and modern with contemporary and luxurious comforts while retaining a traditional atmosphere. Breathtaking views on the most beautiful Parisian monuments, marble

Hôtel du Louvre – Place André Malraux F-75001 PARIS

bathrooms and for the luckiest ones staying at the Pissaro Suite, an amazing view on the Opera from the jacuzzi! But the Hotel du Louvre is not only famous for its perfect location in Paris and for its splendid guest rooms. The ideal chic setting mixed with original style allows access to the “Defender Bar”. Inspired by the original Napoleon III style with dark woods and red velvet, this bar suggests its own selection of alcohols entitled “The Defender’s Reserve”. It also serves breakfasts, snacks and club sandwiches “à la Parisienne”. For a more gastronomic meal, the Hotel du Louvre had to have a truly Parisian brasserie, which has been recently renewed with the arrival of a new chef: Mehdi Cortier. The Brasserie du Louvre is becoming THE inevitable Parisian rendez-vous. It benefits from a bright and modern design. And once again, the customers’ expectations are taken seriously. As far

as cookery is concerned, the brasserie experiences a true renewing with the arrival of a new chef, which marks the beginning of a new era. He has chosen a menu that changes every Wednesday: traditional or atypical meals for the most daring people. In addition to that, the brasserie boasts a new terrace, with wooden floor and new furniture, with an unrestricted view on the Palais Royal. Perfect for a dinner during the sweet end-of-summer evenings. Apart from the antiquity of this remarkable place, this Concorde Group’s Luxury 4-star hotel managed to fit new standards. No one will be left apart: gourmets will be pleased with different activities such as the macaroons/cocktails workshop and jazz lovers will not be forgotten as every Wednesday, they will be able to enjoy Jazzy/Gipsy evenings. The Hotel du Louvre is way more than an international fame; it is above all an exceptional hotel, faithful to its great renown.

Hôtel du Louvre Place André Malraux 75001 Paris Tel : 33 (0) 1 44 58 38 38

Tel. : 00 33 1 44 58 38 38 - -



Cameron Highlands Resort Discover a marvel in the Pahang region of Malaysia: The Cameron Highlands Resort. A YTL luxury resort, the outstanding architecture, geographical position and services have earned it the most prestigious awards*. Set amid rolling hills and tea plantations, the resort is in the middle of a thousand exotic walks. Some 1,467 metres above sea level, the madly aristocratic style of the Cameron Highlands Resort melts into its grandiose surroundings. Its rock face looks over a dense jungle which snakes through the bottom of the valley. Its golf course is set in a Malaysian landscape that looks as is it has been hand-sewn around it. The climate in Pahang gives off an exquisite sweetness and its light breeze chases away the tropical heat. The Cameron Highlands Resort, a sumptuous residence, so British in spirit, oozes the quintessence of colonial know-how. Beautifully stylish with a high standard of service, this wellkept secret is reserved for those seeking peace and harmony. Luxury and comfort abound here: the varnished dark woods of the parquet floor and library, the deep wicker armchairs, the leather and mahogany of the antique furniture. Luxury rooms and suites are fitted with tall windows, whose plantation shutters keep out the sun as the light changes and it is time for a nap. The Cameron is


a friends’ house where great fireplaces provide a resting spot to share the moment, glass in hand. The YTL group is renowned for its spa hotel complexes and the Cameron Highlands Resort is no exception to the rule. Its Spa Village is an oasis of pleasure in the heart of luxuriant gardens. It is impossible to resist the beauty treatments of rose, mint, strawberry, chrysanthemum and avocado! In addition to these top-of-the-range treatments, there are also the traditional ones, made from Pahang’s local treasure: tea. Part of one of the most ancient tribes of Malaysia, the Simelaïs, who have lived in the forest of the Cameron Highlands since time immemorial, have a deep knowledge of the properties of the local vegetation. This knowledge is skilfully used in the Spa Village to the benefit of its privileged and exacting clientele. Foaming baths filled with miracle-working, perfumed and colourful leaves and flowers, private, open-air massage rooms, and a state-of-the-art gymnasium complete this magical experience … unforgettable. * (Five Best Tea Plantation Hotels, The Independent UK, 2007, Five Star Diamond Award, The American Academy of Hospitality Sciences 2006 & 2007, Best Signature Treatment , Asia Spa & Wellness Awards, 2006)

How to get there? Direct flights Malaysian Airlines Flights with stop-overs Singapore Airlines Qatar airways Prices from 246 euros a night Reservation France: 00 800 525 48 000 Tour Operator: ASIA: Tel: 01 44 41 50 10

D&C – P a r i s

real estate

B comme Barbara the quest for excellence

Barbara Freling has become Barbara Ciss and has left the Place Vendôme for the Louis Vuitton building on the Champs Elysées, one of the most prestigious addresses in town. For almost three decades, Barbara has made it clear she seeks a position in the sphere of excellence dedicated to luxury real estate. A meeting with a tasteful businesswoman. In 1980, after have learned all she could from Pierre Balmain, “A great man”, Barbara Ciss launched into prestige real estate. An evolution which seems “natural” to her today, coherent with the sense of aesthetics she developed during her time in the world of fashion. And there may be a certain innateness, a “je ne sais quoi” which enables her to pick the right tone, notice the harmony of stone or perhaps spot the potential of this or that type of architecture. It is simply a matter of having an eye for it. The attention to beauty, the desire to be surrounded by objects that symbolise this exceptional world, these are traits Barbara intends to use to the utmost in her professional life. This exactingness can be seen in the company’s logo; B comme Barbara (B is for Barbara), an indirect nod to the world of Balmain. Between two other appointments, Barbara told us: “I deliberately played on the personal side, in my address, my

Paris XVIe - Près Foch et St James

business premises and, taking it further, I made sure that my bureaux should reflect the high standards one has a right to expect from true up-market professionals.” And she concluded with a radiant smile: “For me, refinement, the quality of contact, and the perception of others, are all essential qualities.”

Dans un immeuble de très grand standing anciennement hôtel particulier et comptant actuellement 4 propriétaires, un appartement de 400 m2 situé à 2 pas de l’avenue Foch, de l’Etoile et de la place Victor Hugo jouxtant pratiquement le club St James (idéal pour les RV d’affaires). Ce lieu aux volumes majestueux est composé d’une galerie d’entrée, de 2 larges salons, d’un bureau, de 5 chambres et 4 salles de bain, d’un office et d’une cuisine. Très nombreux dressings. La hauteur sous plafond est de 4m. 2 services contigus avec ascenseur, une très grande cave et une possibilité de parking complètent ce bien sans oublier le grand calme et la parfaite discrétion l’entourant. Accès rapide à l’autoroute de l’aéroport Charles de Gaulle. Travaux à prévoir. Prix : nous consulter.

Barbara Ciss B comme Barbara Immeuble Louis Vuitton, Etage 5 101, avenue des Champs-Elysées 75008 Paris Tél. : +33(1) Mob: +33(6)

Apartment of 400 m2, in a very luxurious building with 4 owners, a former mansion house, a short walk from avenue Foch, the Etoile and Victor Hugo square pratically adjoining the St James club (ideal for business meetings). Comprising an entrance gallery, 2 spacious living room, a study, 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms and a kitchen. Numerous dressing rooms. 4m high lofty ceiling. 2 adjoining services with lift, large cellar and the possibility of a parking space without forgetting the peace and perfect surrounding discretion. With quick motorway and Charles de Gaulle airport access. Need some work. Price : on request.

Immeuble Louis Vuitton 101, av. des Champs Elysées – PARIS Tel. : (00 331) 56 52 92 78

Emirates Towers Sheikh Zayed Road – DUBAI Tel. : (00971) 431 973 46

Spécialiste des plus jolies demeures dans le monde - E-mail : E U R O P E

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Goodwill Whether for sports teams or for private clients, goowill leads the market for tailor-made aviation solutions.

For some ten years now Goodwill has been one of Europe’s top players on the private jet rental market. However many passengers need to be transported, to whatever destination in the world, Goodwill will find the solution that is tailor-made to meet your needs. As a keen sports fan, Samuel Bucciacchio, CEO and Founder of Goodwill, tells us about the secret of its success. When it was created, Goodwill exclusively targeted the sports market and, more specifically, the transportation of French and foreign professional football teams, along with basketball and rugby teams. As the number of these matches continued to grow, with the ever tighter scheduling that this involves, and with recovery time being so important to any group of sports men and women in order to maintain their levels of excellence, it became apparent that for these kinds of away fixtures the use of a made-to-measure transport solution would allow athletes to save time both at the hotel and in transit, and offer them immediate return home after the match.

The only solution to cater to this was the private jet! Today, Goodwill transports nearly three-quarters of France’s professional football teams as well as a good number of prestigious European sides, and can take pride in its position as European leader in this niche market. Year in, year out, the field of sport – this great unifying force – has led Goodwill to diversify its offering to encompass other markets: business aviation (rental of a private jet with an average capacity of 10 passengers) and commercial aviation (rental of aircraft with a capacity in excess of 100 passengers). Goodwill has become the benchmark supplier of tailor-made private aviation. With over 1000 charter flights per year using over 300 referenced airline companies worldwide, Goodwill can point to an annual average growth of over 20%, with revenues of some 15 million euros in 2007. Goodwill’s development today includes the opening of offices abroad, in Geneva, Luxemburg, Brussels and London. For all flight requests, the Goodwill teams are available around the clock, seven days a week, and can have a jet in the air within the hour!




Mouna Rebeiz

or the Celebration of Life Enchanted with art and culture since childhood, Mouna Rebeiz has devoted the last ten years to painting, throwing herself into it with a passion. Initiated into the mysteries of the techniques of the great masters, she explores the human soul in all its complexity. Her paintings, as generous as they are exacting, slip between Eros and Thanatos. An encounter with an artist for whom art is the most vibrant celebration of life. By Nicolas Berger


So counter-realism would be a form of mysticism? Yes, it is diverted realism. All that cannot be drawn on the retina of the eye belongs to the realm of painting. As a result, a large part of my work is devoted to the aspirations of the soul. Most of my compositions are open and give off light. I cannot conceive of art without the metaphysical dimension. I gather you are not a fan of contemporary art... I feel like an extra-terrestrial when faced with contemporary art which, too often, exploits the ugly as Daniel Sibony put it so well in his Essay on Contemporary Art. A great many stars of contemporary art are still stuck at Duchamp’s ready-mades or the Happenings of the 70s. In 2008 it’s frightening to realise that these people, who see themselves as «trendy» are several decades behind the times! It is now that we are living the absurd! For my part, the search for beauty is primordial, because it is transcendent, because it is close to God. To shock and provoke, that doesn’t interest me. Mouna, as a Lebanese, how do you see the Middle East? The area is ruled by the law of “divide and control”. There is one more population than there are countries, and Lebanon is paying the price. It is not for nothing that almost all my paintings have a dramatic content. To conclude, how do you see your work? I never ask myself that kind of a question. All I can say is that I try to get to the essence. Time will be my judge.

Chinese Portrait

Photo Sandra Fourqui

Mouna, what is striking when one contemplates your work is the perfect command and the technical precision you possess. What has been your artistic journey? From a very early age I had the chance to develop what I suppose to be my artistic nature. My grandmother was a composer, my uncle a poet. At home, art was omnipresent. However, my interest in painting came very late. You know, I believe very strongly in the magic of meetings and it was in part a meeting that revealed my artistic vocation to me. Can you tell us more? Yes, of course. In 1995 I signed up at CEPIADE and there, by a happy coincidence, I met Alix de la Source, a lecturer at the Louvre and a specialist in the techniques of the 18th century masters. It was she who initiated me in their methods and their high standards! How much time do you spend on a work? Time is of no consequence once I cross the threshold of my studio. I can spend up to three months on a canvas for up to 10 hours a day. It is only the result that matters. Your paintings have a great erotic force, a crudeness that never descends into vulgarity. In describing them, the philosopher and psychoanalyst, Elsa Godart, spoke of a counter-realism. One could also say the «principle of reality» Yes, adapting urges to exterior constraints. You are right. For me, art is everything but an outlet. In painting, you completely expose yourself; it is a total expression of one’s being. Like a liberation? Absolutely. I would even go as far as to say that for me it as a transcendental phenomenon. When I paint, the words of Kierkegaard «Man is an anxious tension towards transcendence» come to me. This is exactly what I feel.

- If you were a flower A red baccarat rose - If you were a perfume Mitsouko by Guerlain - If you were a colour Purple - If you were an animal A butterfly - If you were a book «The Unknown Masterpiece» by Balzac - If you were a piece of music Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater



Paris will always be

Zouari !

Zazie drives them wild in the metro, Brigitte Fontaine is turned inside out, the night birds head for their favourite haunts, all under the watchful eye of the Eiffel Tower. Unpredictable and glamorous, Paris will always be Zouari! By Nicolas Berger.

REVUE “BONHEUR” Un show époustouflant ! An amazing show!

DINER & SHOW CHAMPAGNE & SHOW A partir de 90 € From €90

Yves Saint Laurent, Style Nathalie Bondilt La Martinière, 50 euros

«Fashions fade, style is eternal» that was the creed of Yves Saint Laurent, at once a revolutionary and an apostle of classical elegance. The Trapeze line of 1985, the Mondrian dress in 1965 and the Tuxedo jacket are among the signature designs from a timeless repertoire noted for a very distinctive use of colour and shape. Prepared with the Pierre Bergé-Yves Saint Laurent Foundation, this book accompanies a major retrospective of Yves Saint Laurent designs on show at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts until September 28. It will be at the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco from November 1, 2008 to March 1, 2009. Lavishly illustrated, it includes preparatory sketches of Yves Saint Laurent and photographs of models wearing the designs along with detailed captions. A homage worthy of the master.

Un dimanche à la Tour Eiffel Sibylle Dehesdin Chêne, 17 euros

It is always a pleasure to dip into the black and white photos of the Roger-Viollet Agency, with their almost tangible old-world charm. In this instance, Sibylle Dehesdin has selected the best shots of the Eiffel Tower, inviting the reader on a pleasant afternoon’s stroll. Whether as a lighthouse, as a tall and elegant shepherdess, or an interplanetary rocket, the Eiffel Tower is the undisputed symbol of Paris. This journey into the heart of the great lady from her birth (in 1889) through to the 1950s, when all of Paris congregated at the peak!

Venez découvrir Anki Albertsson, la meneuse de la revue “Bonheur” coiffée par Alexandre Zouari. See the show ‘Bonheur’, with the dancers led by Anki Albertsson hair-styling by Alexandre Zouari.

Brigitte Fontaine, Intérieur / Extérieur Benoît Mouchart Panama, 20 euros

A fairy lives in the Rue Saint-Louis-en-l’Île. Her name? Brigitte Fontaine. Defying media attempts to label her an eccentric, Brigitte is undoubtedly one of the country’s greatest poets, both in verse as well as prose. Actress, singer, novelist, script-writer ... this fascinating book about a fascinating person offers the reader a first, or deeper glimpse at the many different facets that make up this wild orchid. «I am the dangerous liaison/between the poisonous stars/drawn in by the nebula» ... Long live the stars, especially when they shine so brightly.


116 bis avenue des Champs - Elysées 75008 PARIS - RESERVATION : + 33 1 40 76 56 10 -


New Paris Interiors Ian Phillips Taschen, 29,99 euros

With New Paris Interiors, Angelika Taschen unlocks the door on such a surprising, extraordinary and interesting choice of apartments that they may well leave the reader lost for words. Textures, spatial dynamics, eclecticism, colourfulness, these interiors are bursting with new ideas and fantastically unexpected visuals from floor to ceiling. The architect, India Mahdavi, the prestigious auctioneer Simon de Pury, the shoe-designer Christian Louboutin, gallery-owners Philippe Jousse and Didier and Clémence Krzentowski, fashion designer Rick Owens, the editor-in-chief of the French edition of Vogue, Carine Roitfeld and many other of the capital’s leading personalities are included in this latest selection of resplendent Parisian residences.

LOCATION DE PRESTIGE Prestigious rental

A proximité du village et des pistes de ski, toutes les attentions seront à votre service pour rendre votre séjour exceptionnel.

Close to the village and the ski slopes, attention will be paid to every detail to make your stay an exceptional one.

Comment je suis devenu un supermondain Eric Bonnet Rocher, 17 euros

What would Paris be without Georges Duroy? The journey of Eric Bonnet cannot but remind us of Maupassant’s hero - the same fascination for high society, the same devious way of striving for his goals. The wild schemes, cunning plans and sheer determination finally pay off for this rascal of a commoner: he succeeds in being admitted to the upper echelons of society and even manages to marry a young heiress in great pomp! With its romantic overtones, this biography of a man obsessed by Debretts is delightfully racy. And the preface? Why it is by Princess Hermine de Clermont-Tonnerre of course!

Jardins de Cristal

Collectif Preface by Camille Laurens Gallimard, 28 euros Crystal baby? No, crystal and in make-believe gardens at that! This book echoes the stunning exhibition at the Jardins de Bagatelle in Paris until November 2. «Crystal Gardens» offers a discerning and contemporary view of the art of the major glass manufacturers, bringing together the four most important names in Lorraine - Lalique, Baccarat, Daum and Saint Louis, for the first time. The book conveys the origins, the scenography and the atmosphere of «Crystal Gardens» by covering both the poetry of the exhibition itself and also the expertise and uniqueness of the aforementioned masters of glass-making. The novelist, Camille Laurens, sheds a literary and modern light on some of the mysteries, sounds and meanings hidden within the crystals.

Philip Harvey Chêne, 19.90 euros

This is the book for those who love Paris ... but are not very clever with a camera! From the Pont Neuf to the Musée du Quai Branly via Notre Dame, Montmartre and the Observatoire, this is the city of lights packed into 384 pages! Philip Harvey has captured many aspects of the capital; Paris at dawn, Paris by night, the markets, the banks of the Seine, Parisian monuments, Parisian churches, modern Paris, timeless Paris, everyday life and the unusual. All the photos you wished you had taken yourself!

photographies : D. Machet

Paris coups de cœur

Bains de nuit Cathy Guetta Fayard, 18 euros

Cathy Guetta is first and foremost an icon, a face in a magazine. This is her story, in which she emerges from the shadows of latent racism into the bright lights of a disco glitter ball. A barmaid at Bains Douches, she marries DJ David Guetta and begins organising events at Bataclan before buying first Palace, and then Bains Douches where her nocturnal career began. And every summer, when Paris empties of Parisians, she heads to Ibiza, the Mediterranean island that is home to her most legendary events. Nothing can stop her now. The autobiography of a celebrity who few really know, this book also paints a vivid picture of an era of excess. A first hand account of Parisian nightlife that reveals much about our days!

RÉSERVATIONS - BOOKINGS Tél. +33(0)4 50 78 27 44 • Mob +33(0)6 83 84 13 71 132 •



AUGUSTE RODIN (1840-1917) Le Penseur 1881-1882


NATALIA GONTCHAROVA (1881-1962) La cueillette des pommes 1908-1909



NATALIA GONTCHAROVA (1881-1962) La cueillette des pommes 1908-1909

The ARTXXI Gallery opened its doors in Geneva, behind the prestigious Bergues Hotel in March 2008. In charge is a seasoned expert in modern works and Russian painting of the early 20th century, Gregory Guiter, who proves how ambitious he is by involving himself in the establishment of an art centre on right bank.

he gallery is the only one in Switzerland to present the work of the historic Valsuani Foundry, renowned for having perfected the ‘lost wax’ technique of founding and having cast for the greatest names: Auguste Renoir (1841-1919), Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), François Pompon (18551933), Ossip Zadkine (1890-1967), Henri Matisse (1896-1954), Salvador Dalí (1904-1989), Arman (1928-2005), etc. The collection of sculptures includes some of Rodin’s masterpieces, including those everyone will recognise; The Kiss and Eternal Spring, the size of which are shown off to remarkable effect by black patina as the sculptor recommended. The Thinker, here shown in its original size, watches over the gallery as he was supposed to for The Gates of Hell. This sculpture was designed by Rodin as a portal for the Museum of Decorative Arts, commissioned by the directorate of Fine Arts in 1880. A fervent admirer of Dante, Rodin took inspiration from the first part of A Divine Comedy in making this doorway on which he would work until his death without ever seeing it completed. Dante is also the inspiration for The Thinker which depicts the poet meditating before his work. The works of Dalí (1904-1989) add to this rich collection of sculptures. Among them the presence of two remarkable artists’ proofs merit a particular mention: Rhinoceros dressed in Lace and Minotaur. The latter, 2.36 metres high (including base)


ARMAN (1928-2005) L’heure musicale 1989

varnished to a perfect sheen in Etruscan black, a magnificent gold leaf lobster coming out of its stomach, is a perfect incarnation of the delusions of grandeur of Dalí. Worthy of note as well, is the gracious presence of the Cosmic Rhinoceros topped with its stunning pyramid of golden sea urchins. The sculptures of Modigliani (1884-1920) bring a touch of African inspiration, while those of Benatov (born in 1942) add a more contemporary air to the gallery. Exceptional works also adorn the walls. The gallery includes an important exhibition of the Russian avant-garde movement through the works of Alexandra Exter (1884-1949) and Natalia Gontcharova (1881-1962). Particularly of note are two oil-on-canvases Apple Harvest (1908-1909), which were in fact preparatory works for a major polyptych for the Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg. The primitivist scene dates back to the period when Gontcharova was exploring the theme of field labour. A painting on the same subject went for £4,948,000, at Christie’s in London on June 18, 2007, proving the major interest in these works. Vision futuriste d’une ville (1913-1914) is, without doubt, the most noteworthy Exter painting of this collection. It embodies the period in which the artist regularly frequented a group of Italian futurists, with whom she also exhibited.

ALEXANDRA EXTER (1882-1949) Dynamique des couleurs 1917-191

The visitor cannot but admire the vibrant and honest colours of the four gouaches-on-paper exhibited here. It is worth remembering that in 1990 at Christie’s in London [1], an extremely similar gouache-on-paper composition had already fetched a price of £506,000 and that Alexandra Exter’s popularity is constantly rising along with that of Russian painting of the period. The ARTXXI Gallery brings together than some true masterpieces which no self-respecting will deprive himself of. Included on the artnet website (, the ARTXXI Gallery also offers clients a unique service: working in close collaboration with the Valsuani Foundry, it is able to accept special commissions (different artists and works from the foundry’s catalogue, special patinas, the customization of small pieces for a present or a trophy for example.). [1] A Selection of Russian Avant-Garde Works, formerly the property of Kurt Benedikt, London, Thursday 5 April 1990.

Galerie ART XXI 14, rue Kléberg 1201 Genève SWITZERLAND Tel: +41 22 732 63 88 Fax: +41 22 732 63 89


french texts

french texts

Jacques Garcia

Par Yvo Deprelle.

DOWNS - La Variet’n ‘B ou la R’n ‘B à la française. Il ne suffit pas d’avoir un pseudo en ‘a’ pour jouer les Rihanna, hélas ! Le pire, c’est qu’on comprend les paroles ! Au moins, avec Mariah (Carey) ou Christina (Aguilera), le groove se passe de texte ! On espère mieux avec le dernier opus de Pokora (Mathieu) de retour des States ! Le nouveau Justin Timberlake ??? - Le sac imitation Chloé. Trop de sangles, d’anneaux et de rivets ! Trop compliqué et trop vu. Le pire : la version plastoc ! Vive la pochette en cuir coloré version maxi pour le jour ou mini pour danser jusqu’au bout de la nuit ! Spécial coiffure province :Mesdemoiselles, par pitié, plus jamais ça ! Le fin balayage blond sur fond noir corbeau, façon racaille du 9-3 ou Françoise la crémière du 7-1 (Saône et Loire). Le « SOS racines » : 6 bon centimètres de racine,

effet queue de vache garanti, super bof. Le méché façon plumeau félin : 40 nuances de blond et de marron côte à côte, super bobof ! Un clin d’œil néanmoins à nos gentilles mémés punks: ne porte pas la permanente bleue qui veut… On aime : le court décoloré de Stella Tenant ou d’Agyness Deyn la top du moment, ou la belle crinière bouclée un rien baba - bobo de Sarah Jessica Parker, Vanessa Paradis, Madonna ou Melle Agnès. - Les Chtis. Bon c’est vrai, ce fut un vrai carton au ciné, au coude à coude au Box office avec le Titanic de James Cameron. Mais à trop voir les autochtones truster tous les plateaux télé (et à ne rien comprendre à leurs paroles), on frôle l’agacement. - La robe baby doll. J’en vois qui vont pleurer ! Ah oui, on l’aime sa petite robe généreuse qui galbe la poitrine et cache les petites rondeurs ! - Déco : les immenses aplats de peinture rouge criard ou jaune fluo qui recouvrent intégralement le mur du salon, façon relooking déco de M6. Sympa sur le moment, oui, mais dans 3 ans ?!

UPS - On ose prendre enfin de la hauteur les filles, avec des plateformes ou des low boots proposés par tous les créateurs depuis 2 ans ! Et que personne ne PORTE dans la rue ! Tatata, pas de mais : on s’entraîne à marcher avec ! On oublie la ballerine vue et revue depuis 2 ans et la spartiate au genou qui fait la jambe façon filet mignon !!! - Anna Mouglalis et Samuel Benchetrit : le nouveau couple glamour. Beau, élégant et talentueux. N’est pas l’égérie de Karl qui veut ! Dans la droite lignée des Vanessa et Johnny, Charlotte et Yvan, Chiara et Benjamin... En un mot : la classe. Ah, j’ai toujours rêvé d’être un gangster... - Kylie et Britney. Revenues toutes deux de loin, entre cancer pour l’une, drogue et procès pour l’autre, elles ont su opérer un retour en force et s’adapter au sonorités électro - vintage 80 du moment. Les albums ‘ 2 Hearts ‘ de Dame Minogue et ‘Blackout’ de Miss Spears déménagent. Mais que fait Madonna ?! Du R’n’B, je crois…

- Le trait d’eye-liner fifties et la bouche carmin façon Dita von Teese la pin-up. Pas terrible, le no make up du matin dans le métro, mesdemoiselles ! Alors qu’un trait noir peut tout embellir !.... - L’expo ‘Des jeunes gens modernes’ à la Galerie Agnès B. Ou comment les novö Elli et Jacno, Edwige, Taxi Girl et Marquis de Sade sont plus que jamais des icônes d’aujourd’hui… trente ans après ! Le meilleur du Palace et du Rose Bonbon, le top des 80’s. Frenchy and chic. - Le bio. Impossible de faire l’impasse sur le phénomène qui truste les unes de tous nos magazines préférés. Et c’est tant mieux. Agro carburant, meubles et vêtements recyclés, cosmétiques et nourritures bio, commerce équitable… On l’aime notre planète! On dit bravo mais on espère simplement que ce n’est pas qu’un effet de mode. Sois bio et tais-toi ! - Lunar Park, le denier roman de Bret Easton Ellis paru en poche. Entre autobiographie hallucinée et fiction dérangeante, le meilleur du trash chic made in US. Comme à chaque fois avec le maître.


Situé au cœur de la ville cosmopolite de Moscou, le Pokrovka Suite Hotel s’est vu décerner cinq étoiles à juste titre. Ce palace de luxe et d’esthétique est le premier établissement de la capitale russe à offrir uniquement des suites dont la somptueuse décoration est signée des talentueux architectes et décorateurs d’intérieur Jestico et Whiles. L’ambiance relaxante et le confort s’associent à un cadre cosy pour offrir aux hôtes une expérience privilégiée.

Pokrovka str. 40, building 2 - 105 062 Moscou - Russie


Nouveau bijou poètique et fantasque signé Ian Schrager, The Gramercy Park Hotel est aujourd’hui le lieu de rendez-vous le plus passionnant de NYC. Si le lieu était l’adresse préférée des Artistes de jadis durant deux générations( Alfred Bogart s’y est marié…), Ian Schrager ne brise en rien son passé. Bien au contraire: Ici, les oeuvres originales d’Andy Warhol et Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring ou encore Richard Prince côtoient le mobilier griffé Julia Schnabel, tandis que les 185 chambres tirent leur intenses couleurs de la palette de Raphaël.Tapis tissés main, tringles en bronze, encadrements de fenêtres en acajou …Rien n’est trop beau pour le Gramercy Park Hotel ! Tel un atelier d’artistes, The Gramercy Park Hotel interprète un esprit bohème, éclectiquement sophistiqué. Audacieux jusque dans « l’assiette », son restaurant Wakiya en suprendra plus d’un: Cuisine Chinoise au programme, interprétée façon Japon par le très huppé trio Nobu Matsuhisa, Meir Teper et Robert de Niro. Côté spa, l’Aerospa offre des soins anti-décalage horaire et autres enveloppements pour soulager les douleurs musculaires.Et si la lumière des chandelles illumine le Rose bar et le Jade Bar, considérées comme les boîtes de nuit les plus Glamour de New-York, The Gramercy Park Hotel offre un nouveau genre d’expérience à New-York. Pas étonnnant que Madonna, Anna Wintour, Donald Trump, Domenico Dolce et Stefano Gabanna s’y pressent ! Laure Delvigo

2 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10010, United States - (212) 920-3300


Un homme, des styles

Energique, passionné, omniprésent, ubiquiste quasiment,… Jacques Garcia aura, presque à lui seul et souvent contre tous, révolutionné le décorum de nos nuits parisiennes. Une exclusivité Blush by Alexandre Zouari! Propos recueillis par Jean-Pascal Grosso

Photo Yvan Moreau

“Qui est in, qui est out ?” chantait Gainsbourg dans les sixties. Le refrain n’a pas pris une ride! En vrac, voici les up and down de la saison. Des cris du cœur et des p’tits coups de gueule. Vus dans la rue, dans le métro ou dans la presse. Parce qu’on est comme ça. Et qu’on fait ce qu’on veut avec nos cheveux. Mais n’oubliez pas : les up d’aujourd’hui seront peut-être les down de demain… ! Et comme dit si bien le roi Karl (Lagerfeld) : « La tendance, c’est le dernier stade avant le ringard… »

Le First restaurant Boudoir - Paris

Hotel Costes - Paris

L’Hôtel Costes, le Fouquet’s, mais aussi Le Royal à Deauville, la Mamounia à Marrakech… Des ambiances, des lieux différents et un seul homme à la décoration. Le « style Jacques Garcia », comment le définiriez-vous? C’est un phénomène très étrange auquel je suis confronté, que je trouve très bizarre. Simplement, il y a eu récemment une vente au Royal Monceau. J’ai mon propre catalogue de ventes, que j’édite en Italie, avec des meubles bien faits, dont vous pouvez choisir le tissu et, surtout, neufs. Et il y a cette vente, donc, où les meubles, les mêmes mais d’occasion, plutôt défoncés, plutôt dans un tissu qui n’ira pas chez vous… et qui finissent par partir pour trois fois plus chers ! Ca me surprend. Voilà, c’est ça le « style » Jaques Garcia… quelque chose que je ne comprends pas bien !

liers... « Souvent imité, jamais égalé », ce pourrait être votre devise… C’est le phénomène du succès. Comme disait Chanel: « Tant que je serai copiée, ça marche! » Moi, ça ne me dérange pas. A Marrakech, il y a un restaurant qui s’est ouvert et qui ressemble exactement à une salle du Costes. Du copié-collé! J’aime bien Jean-Louis Costes pour cela. Tout le monde lui disait de faire un procès, de faire fermer... Pas du tout. Où est le problème? C’est juste du mal copié. La différence fondamentale, c’est que tout mon travail est un travail d’architecture qui, ensuite, est déguisé dans des décors. Jamais je ne pourrais décorer un espace qui ne me convient pas!

Revenons à la genèse : comment vous êtes-vous intéressé à la décoration ? Par hasard. J’ai toujours eu une grande attirance pour l’architecture. J’aurais préféré être sculpteur ou peintre, mais pour des raisons pécuniaires, sociales, je pensais que c’était inaccessible. J’avais tort. Je suis rentré donc par la petite porte en faisant les Arts Déco. Ensuite, je suis entré dans le monde du travail. Et, très vite, j’ai appris que l’esprit, à un moment, pouvait dominer le travail…

Un style « surchargé », « pompeux »... Des lieux aux accents « parvenus »… Vous avez aussi de sérieux détracteurs ! Qui a des admirateurs a des détracteurs. Comme m’avait dit mon père, quand j’avais vingt ans : « Qu’on parle de toi en bien ou en mal, ça n’a pas d’importance. Le tout, c’est qu’on en parle. » Qu’on aime ce que je fais ou pas, je trouve cela normal. Ce qui est choquant, dans les détracteurs, c’est lorsqu’ils vous attaquent sur des choses privées. Là, c’est franchement immonde. Exemple : un article franchement ordurier sorti sur moi en dernière page de Libération, allant même jusqu’à me voler mon identité!

N’avez-vous pas conscience d’avoir changé, par les hôtels, les restaurants que vous avez décorés, le visage de la nuit parisienne ? Sûrement. Déjà, un élément important, c’est que je ne suis pas quelqu’un qui n’aime qu’une seule chose. Tous les lieux publics que j’ai pu faire ont une attitude qui m’est personnelle, proche de ma propre manière de recevoir. Même à Champ de Bataille, on y vit cool. Je ne suis pas un mec coincé. J’ai appliqué à n’importe quel style – Louis XV, Louis XVI, Napoléon III, 1930... - un esprit. Seul l’esprit compte, finalement. Ce qui a changé, c’est que j’ai ajouté une attitude de confort, de diversité, de couleurs dans un monde où il n’y en avait plus. Voilà en ce qui concerne les lieux publics. Mais je tiens à préciser que presque les trois-quarts de nos activités sont des lieux privés: des maisons, des appartements, des hôtels particu-

Le Champ de Bataille, est-ce votre « bâton de maréchal» ? C’est ma plus grande fierté. C’est un domaine privé que j’ai fait pour moi, mais aussi pour les autres. Je l’ai ouvert au public. Un dernier moment de cette mémoire, de ce « goût français » qui est fini. Plus personne ne fait ça. Plus personne n’a le pouvoir. Les Français riches se sont expatriés, ils ne construisent plus de châteaux, de grands décors 1930 fabuleux... Balayé tout ça, depuis 50 ans. Champ de Bataille, c’est un des derniers grands lieux qu’on pourra visiter et qui représente ce goût Rotschild, ce goût Noailles, ce goût Lanvin; ces goûts mélangés qui ont marqué mon imaginaire...

Qu’est-ce qui vous fait « courrir » aujourd’hui ? Ca, c’est la grande question, parce que, si vous voulez, je suis arrivé à un moment où, en tout cas, la chose qui ne me fait plus courir c’est convaincre, convaincre, convaincre! Les gens qui veulent toujours vous faire croire qu’ils savent et qui ne savent rien, c’est insupportable. Vous venez de terminer la rénovation de la Mamounia à Marrakech... Je peux vous annoncer un scoop : c’est un des plus beaux endroits du monde! C’est redevenu un truc invraisemblable. Et je prends un pied dingue rien qu’à visiter les espaces! Autre nouveau lieu également, La Païva, sur les Champs Elysées. La marquise de Païva, c’était un demimondaine qui avait eu pour amant Napoléon III, le roi d’Angleterre, l’empereur d’Autriche... Elle a fait faire ce magnifique hôtel particulier en bas des Champs, qui est aujourd’hui un club, à l’instar des clubs anglais. J’ai été chargé de la décoration du bar-restaurant, situé en contrebas. C’est à tomber. Les détracteurs qui disent « trop c’est trop! », là, ils auront bien raison : on est chez une pute, qui ne sait pas ce que c’est que compter! L’idée de la Païva, comme on la verrait, dans un film, aujourd’hui : je l’ai fait dans cet esprit là... Et la suite, Jacques Garcia ? D’abord, je vais avoir tout simplement l’âge du « droit à la retraite ». J’ai cotisé toute ma vie, je suis resté dans ce pays, ce pays me doit une retraite, je la prendrai dès le premier jour ! Clair ? On ne m’a pas fait de cadeau, je ne ferai pas de cadeau. Mais cela ne veut pas dire que j’arrêterai. Retraité, je vivrai autrement. Mon bureau sera peut-être géré par des gens qui sont déjà ici et qui sont très bien. Moi, je pourrai être un conseil extérieur, par exemple. Voilà à quoi j’aspire. Et puis, vivre autrement, c’est aussi écrire, ce que j’adore, faire des mises en scène d’opéra ou de cinéma, je ne sais pas. Tout est ouvert. En tout cas, la retraite de ce que j’avais déjà fait, ça c’est sûr… Mais ce n’est pas pour demain !



Your secret pleasures After the taste of almonds and coconut, let’s talk bout your secret pleasures ladies (and gentlemen)! Your devoted Mister Mystery reveals you what stars have in store for you for the months to come. Come into the secrets’ boudoir! By Mister Mystery

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

As a true zodiac knight, you are literally going to conquer the next few months. Indeed, your planet, Mars, will teach you its salutary radiance and will incite you to forge ahead. You will enjoy a lot of dinners and encounters. Be careful not to offend a Gemini’s susceptibilities whose complicity you care about.

You will experience a little slowdown around mid-November, but nothing too serious. It will be necessary to relax, to learn how to stay focused even if you would like to please everyone around you. A hobby such as practising yoga would do you good. As far as love is concerned, this period will be favourable to new encounters, especially around December 10th.

From mid-November, it will be difficult to fight against numerous appeals. And you would be wrong to do so because Venus will not forget you this winter, by renewing your charm and your spirit. First decan natives will have to be careful with professional burnout. Learn how to say no! Great period of luck around January 28th.

You will begin the first months of winter with a little anxiety. And you will be wrong because a lot of good astral influences will have pleasant surprises in store for you. In midDecember, you will have some news from someone you used to know and whom is particularly dear to you. Moreover, the mercurial inspiration will fuel your artistic nature.

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Virgo (August 24 – September 23)

Libra (September 24 – October 22)

Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

From mid-December, you will be enjoying a period of intense blossoming on a sentimental plan as well as on a professional plan. You will be pleasantly surprised with people around you and you will be able to trust a nice Mars-Sun conjunction: it will energise the achievement of many of your projects. Nevertheless, think about getting some rest before Christmas holidays!

Nice activity, nice energy: everything will seem great to you during the months to come thanks to Jupiter’s mercy. Your zeal, your loyalty, your dedication will be appreciated and estimated at their own value. On a love plan, the climate will be particularly gentle and a great complicity might unite you with a Taurus. Carpe diem!

In October, you will finally get what you deserved on a professional plan as well as on a sentimental plan. Mercury and Saturn will lavish an unusual lucidity on you which will bring you to reconsider people and your life generally speaking. Travelling, moving and house moving will also be encouraged. New and nothing but new!

A great period for assessing and adjusting is expected. No more compromises! Your master planet Pluto will flood you with overwhelming waves. Do not be afraid: everything will be gently achieved and it will do good to you. As far as love is concerned, the beginning of January will be perfect for new encounters.

Sagittarius (November23–December21)

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

With your usual spirit, you are going to captivate people around you. Good idea, because the powerful energies of the Sun will come and boost your everyday life from January 20th. This period will be particularly prosperous for the launching of new projects of for a change of job. You will find rest and understanding within your family.

A person you met this summer is going to become more and more important in your life. Open your heart and leave your usual cynicism aside! From mid-October, Venus and the Moon’s harmonious vibrations will invite you to a very romantic mood. Dare to express your feelings! On a working plan, everything will be perfect.

The energy necessary to recharge your batteries will be found within your family. But do not refuse the numerous invitations that you will receive. Under Venus, it seems that one of these will lead to a new surprising encounter (end of November). At the beginning of January, try to be less wasteful.

Doubts and hesitations will give in to a better climate thanks to good solar influences. Creativity will be favoured and everything artistic will be put on the first plan. You will regain a good harmony with your partner at the end of October. For single people, you will be amazed by a new encounter around December 10th.



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