Banana Bulletin: Division 13 North Newsletter | December 2022

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Editor’sNote LTG’sLetter DivisionUpdate Articles& Visuals 2 Officer Positions Member Recognition Program ClubRecap Stay Key-nected Directory


it sure is cold out there DIVISION 13 NORTH GREEN

MONKEYS?!!? I am Lauren Trinity Uy and I proudly serve as Division 13 North’s Division News Editor (DNE) for the ‘22-’23 term :D I would like to formally welcome all readers to the BANANA BULLETIN! I am extremely ecstatic to be publishing the sixth issue of the BANANA BULLETIN! This past month has been extremely difficult and crazy but I am so very thankful for my publicity committee, without my amazing committee this newsletter wouldn’t have been possible. Always a special thank you to Bea M, Viennese D, Ryan S, and Javier R. In addition, I would love to address all the growth that I have witnessed within all of the clubs in our division. I am so proud of each and everyone of you all.

WOW ELECTION SEASON IS UPON US. It is crazy to think that our seniors have less than 6th months of school left. I hope to see the best officers elected for the future of this division. As well, keep up all the hard work Division 13 North!

Lastly with all the hard work I have seen behind the scenes for our division, I would just like to commend all clubs and all officers for working so hard this past month. Everyone continues to improve and help our Division each and every day. Know that your hard work is seen and to KEEP IT UP :)) HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES! TAKE THIS TIME TO REST AND RECHARGE.

With that being said, thank you so much for reading this term’s sixth issue of the BANANA BULLETIN! I hope you readers enjoy it!

Division 13 North News Editor ‘22-’23

Swingin’ for Service,


December is here and that means we shall be preparing for the new year! My new year’s resolution for 2024 is to meet every single member. Tell me yours when you see me at our next DCM, fundraiser, or service project!

The month of December was action packed with rose float, our Cozy DCM, and tree lighting service event. Members were able to get back today serving while relaxing after the most spirited month of the entire term. Even after Fall Rally, I have been able to meet so many of you and create bonds one on one! Take this month to prepare for 2024 and replenish your energy once more so you could hit the ground running going into January.

Make sure to stay tuned for our joint January DCM with 13 South Ninjas. We are so close to reaching our service hour goal of 5000 hours so stay serving! We also have our region conclave on February 4th where YOU can vote for your next Lieutenant Governor. If you are interested, please contact your club president. Interested in running for a District Executive position? Make sure to attend District Officer Training Conference on that same day, February 4th.

Thank you all for reading this LTG message! Enjoy the rest of the newsletter!

Swingin’ for Service,

North Lieutenant Governor

Division 13
‘22-’23 4

Jensen Lauti

Jacob Arce

tis the season division 13 north !

as christmas lingers around , i hope everyone gets what their wants and NEEDs this year ! i know i’m wishing for some new airpods … nonetheless, please atleast take a day out of your break to be appreciative of what you have, be thankful of those who provide for you and make you happy! i challenge you during the break to give to those in need! many food banks and animal shelters always need volunteers to feed people during this time of year.

while school settles down in time for the holidays, please make sure to stay healthy and to not let those grades slip ! i understand it’s finals for most of you, so study hard ! you got this. make sure to find a nice space for you to be able to study and work effectively as well as nourish and treat yourself when needed . and some word of advice … c’s get degrees. if you didn’t get the best grade , don’t sweat it ! it will not beat you down as much as you think :).

to keep it short and sweet i’ll end it here , but to those who need it right now; you are important. you are great. and im so proud of how far you’ve come <3. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL SERVIN’ SOON !!

Happy Holidays 13 North!

Last. Month. Was. PACKED! We hosted spirit sessions on spirit sessions preparing for fall rally, and. we. WON! WTH LIKE CRAZY! Thank you all for showing out and helping end my key club spirit career with a dub! Aside from the crazy record-breaking monumental spirit season, we had Region 8 Potluck, and clubs hosted a plethora of service events, fundraisers, and socials. Be on the lookout these coming months it will be cray cray! Bye bye!!

Brrrr it's getting chilly in here, time to put on some layers over this MONKEY FUR!!!

first and foremost, thank you everyone and anyone who might be reading this, I love you very much, but most importantly thank you for sticking with us so far! I hope you're all having while this cozy winter and that your beginning to think about the next key club term, officer elections, and member and officer contests that you can apply for!!! District Convention is also coming up after Conclave so i highly encourage you to start discussing with your president or Kai if youre interested in going and getting sponsored. If you ever have any questions please do NOT be afraid to ask me for anything! I love you my green and yellow monkeys, keep serving with a heart of gold and fur full of green!


In the past month, Division 13 North hosted our Cozy December DCM where members were able to hear about club updates, division updates, watch Lilo & Stitch, make bookmarks and cards, and more! We also helped the Bellflower Tree Lighting event where members cleaned up trash and helped kids in the snow play area!

Division 13 North clubs also kept members engaged during December like Gahr Key Club’s sandwich making service event as well as Mayfair Key Club’s ice skating fundraiser. We are getting so much closer to our 5000 service hours goal! Only a few more to go! Keep it up, Green Monkeys!

$5127 4863 Prehistoric CTC Bellflower Tree Lighting Cozy December DCM 7 Rose Float Decorating

Kai Noah Jugo

LTG |Gahr

As Lieutenant Governor I could not ask for a more hard-working, passionate, and spirited division. So far we have served 4000+ hours (CLOSE TO OUR 5000 GOAL), raised $4200+ towards PTP (bought THE KFF chair Alyssa Kline and myself, and WON THE FRS SPIRIT STICK FOR THE SECOND TIME IN 13 NORTH HISTORY! We would not have been able to achieve these goals without YOU, our members attending our many spirit sessions, our many service events, and our many fundraisers! This spirit stick does not just represent being loud in the moment, it is the hours of work behind every single DLT officer, President, Club Officer, and member that contributed to this immense amount of effort. I AM SO SAD WRITING THIS!! But Division 13 North, there is no other word to describe you but my family. From every DCM, every single fundraiser, service event, club meeting, board meeting, I’ve been able to stand in front of you all like a papa monkey! I hope that you guys have been able to feel comfortable in our little safe haven the way I’ve been with you all. I hope to see you all at our upcoming DCMs. There are SO MANY other exciting events after FRS such as CONCLAVE (vote for the next ltg!), REGION FORMAL (celebrate the end of the term with region 8), ROSE FLOAT DECORATING (help place flowers on floats and VIALS), DISTRICT CONVENTION (3 day weekend with Key Clubbers all over California-Nevada-Hawaii!), and SO MUCH MORE! From our very bad jokes, really loud awwwwws, and ultra-super-massively-intensely big hearts, I can truly say I serve a division unlike any other. Thank you all for making my LAST Fall Rally South truly memorable. After I leave y’all better KEEP ON CHEERIN’!


Fall Rally Season had come and passed in the month of November. One November 12, 2022, our Division woke up super early to go to Six Flags and get a stick. I’m so proud of Division 13 North for winning our proudly earned Spirit Stick!! This year, we were the Session 3 FRS winners, the biggest session of the day. We faced multiple divisions with great s spirit and greater cheers. When they announced that we won, I bursted into tears and sobbed for a solid hour. The whole day, I went on three rides with old and new friends!

I got to meet and spirit battle people from different divisions and regions and even met the guy with the Jollibee stick!! (fun fact he works at Jollibee). It was such a fun experience and I can’t wait for next year for us to win for a third year. Go Green Monkeys!!


MY NAME IS ALLISON (ALIBABA). November 12th along with MANY MANY different divisions attended FRS. We competed for a spirit stick, met many new people that turned into friends, made new memories with our friends, and went on rides! There were many people from different schools, divisions, and regions attending. Befriending them was an absolute pleasure. D13N arrived in the Kiwanis hall at 6-7:30. During the bus ride people rested up and sang songs. Jensen and Mikayla were singing disney songs. While I rested I heard, “and at last I see the light and it's like the fog has lifted and at last I see the light.” We arrived around 10 AM. Everyone wandered the park until 11:45, where we met up and prepared for the rally. While waiting I felt the nerves and excitement in the air. I could tell everyone was very excited. We quietly practiced our cheers and talked amongst ourselves. Around 1 we went into the rally. We sat down and started cheering. Jacob directed our movements and cheers. The rally then began. D13N was called first, which caught many of us a little off guard. Nevertheless, we performed the first cheer flawlessly. We passed the first round!! Then Kai and Alyssa were auctioned off; we bought them for 2,000! Then the second round began. We performed the cheer pretty well. Although we stumbled a little during the transition we know what to work on. We moved on to the last round with the ninjas and appas!! We were called to perform our last cheer first. Kai instructed us with his amazing callouts. The ninjas followed with their cheers. Then appas surprised us with their AMAZING cheers. After, we took 0.5 photos. Then it was time to announce the winner of FRS 2022. “Drum roll please!!!!” dum dum dum dum dum….. “DIVISION……. THIRTEEN NORTH!!!!!!!!!!!.” WE WON THE SPIRIT STICK. Many people started crying, as it was their LAST FRS as seniors. We all started cheering and chanting “WE GOT THAT STICK WE GOT THAT STICK WE GOT THAT STICK AYY WE GOT THAT STICK.” After that we took division and club photos and were set off to get food and go on rides until 6:50. We ended up getting on the bus at 8/9. Many people were knocked out on the ride back. The post FRS naps are so crispy and good. I’m so proud of EVERYONE in our division. And look forward to next year's FRS!! That's it from me! I LOVE YOU ALL and will be severely missing the seniors next year) MONKEY OUT!!

Allison Lam Events Committee Member |Mayfair

Mary Carmona

½ Head Spirit Coord.| Lakewood

How you peelin’ Division 13 North?! My name is Mary Carmona and I proudly serve as ½ of your Head Spirit Coordinators. Fall Rally South 2022 went amazing! Not only did I get to make so many new friends, but I also got to witness Division 13 North win the Fall Rally Spirit Stick! Did you know this is not only the 2nd time we’ve won in a row, but it’s the 2nd time we’ve won in the history of 13 North?!? I cannot explain how thankful I am to serve a division that’s so passionate towards Key Club whether it’d be service or spirit! I am so exceedingly proud of you all for working so hard and showing all your spirit at Fall Rally South. Being a Key Clubber since 2019, this was an amazing way to end my last Fall Rally. However, it is not over yet! I still have a few more months to show all my love and make more memories with you all. Thank you for making my last Fall Rally the best <3

across 16
Division and presence cool!

Ryan Sok Division Tech Editor |Gahr

Region 8’s Key Culture November Potluck DCM was held on Saturday, November 19th, 2022 from 1 to 4 pm in the South Gate Park Auditorium!

When I first heard about this event, I was delighted by the fact that the theme of this event allowed Key Clubbers to showcase their own culture by coming in their attire. Being half-Cambodian and half-Laos, I decided that a Buddha necklace and a white button-up with graphics of the Angkor Wat would be the perfect fit for this occasion. I distinctly remember Division 13 West LTG Janelle’s bright captivating colors & Division 13 North LTG Sieri’s stunning sampot, a traditional Khmer garment, during the LTG introductions. After the separate DCM portion for Division 13 North led by Kai Noah Jugo, we gathered back in the auditorium to reunite with the rest and were then split into two giant groups. Congratulations to Alyssah Patterson on receiving Club of the Month on behalf of Artesia Key Club! Anyway, our icebreaker tasks involved guessing song names based on small snippets and trying to sing the rest of them for the longest period of time. It got quite wild to say the least! The team leaders were very competitive. It was hype. To respond, you would have to be the first to reach the stuffed animal on the ground, and many would jump straight to the floor to get ahold of it and say their answer! We got extremely loud cheering for our teams and it was a very fun game to be part of. During the food preparations, we sang karaoke on the speakers with each other and bonded together and eventually got in line to enjoy a wide variety of foods such as fried rice, spam musubi, lumpia, champurrado, and even WingStop. The most memorable part of this event, personally, was watching captivating live performances from Ally Johnson and dances by Division 19 LTGs Rebecca Son and Isabelle Nguyen during our eating time. Their stage presence was amazing and so cool! All in all, this DCM was a great experience for me to spend time with my friends across the region and have a good time.


On December 2nd, the members of D13N had a service event for the Bellflower Tree Lighting at Downtown Bellflower Friendship square! Once most people who volunteered arrived, we were each assigned a duty: trash duty and snow duty. 3 of us (Myself, Jacob Arce, and Estela Vasquez) were assigned trash duty, while the rest of the volunteers were assigned to the snow area. Their duty was to help people get up off the sleds and hand them back to the worker on top of the tiny snow hill. Friendship square was filled with cheerful people wanting to see Santa and the Christmas Tree light up! There was Christmas Caroling, Santa, snow sledding, and other fun activities to do while there. The Bellflower Tree Lighting was such a nice experience to have even while it was raining.


Joeleen Reyes General Member |Gahr

In accordance with the holiday of Thanksgiving, Gahr Key Club held an event that aimed to make sandwiches for the less fortunate. On the 22nd of November, all volunteers met up at Liberty Park to begin assembling and packing the sandwiches. While I was there, I expected only volunteers of Gahr to be there, however there were others from the Division, which reminded me of how highly interconnected Key Club is. As well as the sandwiches, we wrote encouraging notes for them. We ended up creating more than the amount we were originally hoping for which was delightful. As with every service event, it felt good to serve the community. However, writing notes made the project all more intimate. As this is my first year in Key Club, I hope to attend more service events because of how enjoyable this event was to me.

HISTORIAN APPOINTED ● Represents the club ● Communicates with members, officers, advisors, etc ● Plans the term ● Sets club’s goals ● Delegates tasks ● Supports membership ● Assists the President with any duties ● Takes initiative to lead, serve, and represent ● Records service, fundraising, minutes ● Submits the Monthly Report Form ● Aids the Treasurer with the Membership Update Center ● Prepares & maintains a budget ● Records club transactions ● Plans fundraisers ● Takes photos at club events and meetings ● Submits articles and visuals to the DNE ● Creates graphics ● Updates members through social media platforms 22

Looking for a way to BEEcome more involved in Key Club? Now is YOUR chance! Key Club offers an array of leadership opportunities on the club, division, district, and international level! It’s now time for YOUtodemonstratethecorevalue ofleadership! Electionsseasonisofficiallyuponus! Checkoutalloftheofficerpositions you are able to run for! Elections rules and officer positions may vary byclub,sobesuretoverywithyour home club for specific positions,

RECOGNITION The MRP recognizes Key Club members according to 4 categories, each with differing levels of requirements and awards, presented at District Convention2022! WHAT IS MRP? The Member Recognition Program (MRP) is a program meant to recognize dues-paid Key Club members for the hard work they have portrayed throughoutthetermandrepresentstheirdedication toserviceandthecorevaluesofKeyClub. BRONZE 50 service hours certificate SILVER 100 service hours certificate GOLD 150 service hours certificate PLATINUM 200 service hours certificate + medallion Requirements Events International Articles/Visuals Chair Host Region/District Club Committee Club, Leadership Lives 24
Additional Requirements Bronze Silver Gold Platinum 5 of 9 6 of 9 9 of 13 10 of 13 Training Events 2 2 4 4 Events w/Kiwanis Family 2 3 4 5 Interclubs 3 4 5 6 Division Events 2 3 4 5 District Events 1 1 2 2 International Events 1 1 Articles/Visuals Submitted 1 1 2 2 Chair of an Event 1 1 2 2 Host Club/Division/ Region/District Workshop 1 1 Committee Member Yes Yes Yes Yes Division/District Committee Member Yes Yes Club, Div, or District Leadership Position Yes Yes Lives Saved form MNT 3 20 50 100 R U B R I C 25


This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.. In addition, we will continue to grow our club.

This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.. In addition, we

This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.. In addition, we will continue to grow our club.

helloooo division 13 north! my name is franci chang and i proudly serve as gahr key club’s president. this past month, our club has held two fundraisers, sharetea fundraiser as well as the ice skating fundraiser. thank you all who came out and supported, it is much appreciated! we’re also hosting a school supply drive in collaboration with unity project for Casa Youth Shelter this upcoming week. furthermore, we held a general meeting, discussing fall rally recap, upcoming events, and updates. gahr key club is also looking forward to region 8’s rose float decorating as this will be a one of a kind experience for most of us. please remember to layer up! lastly, from the entire gahr key club family and board, we wish you all a heartfelt holiday season and stay warm! thank you:)

This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.. In addition, we will continue to grow our club.

Heyyy Division 13 North! BKC swung into November by participating in D13N’s Fall Rally South Spirit sessions where members got to learn the cheers that won us that FRS SPIRIT STICK!! BKC had a ton of fun at frs going on rides and being competing in the spirit rally one last time with our seniors BKC had a general meeting this month recognizing Noemi Gonzalez and Vyanna Mam and Justin Arizmendi as our officer of the month for all the hard work they do. I hope you all have a great november dcm!! will continue to grow our club. DOWNEY | ARMANDO RAMIREZ BELLFLOWER| ELIZE DIZON CERRITOS |JONATHAN GUERRERO GAHR | FRANCI CHANG
22 2026


What's swinging Division 13 North! My name is Annalise Ith and I currently serve as Lakewood Key Club's President. For the month of December Lakewood has been following with Division events as we try to recover from the finals rush. We finally finished having some new additions to our board, so we now have a new Vice President, Historian, and Member Recognition Chair! I am hoping great things for them and we plan to have a service event and fundraiser coming the new year. See you there!

For the month of December, Mayfair has been impactful in their communities and in turn we as a club celebrate eachother! For the last month of the year, Mayfair has much in store for everyone , like the member induction ceremony, an ice skating fundraiser, and a christmas social! be on the lookout for all of that and happy holidays.

This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.. In addition, we will continue to grow our club.

This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.. In addition, we will continue to grow our club.


This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.. In addition, we will continue to grow our club.

On Thursday, December 1st, SJKC held a 7 Leaves Fundraiser where we raised about $20 for PTP. Thank you to those who supported us and we hope you can continue to support SJKC in the future. As we go into winter break, we plan to do a few asynchronous service events to allow members to get their hours without being on campus! Please look forward to what we have in store these next few weeks of December!

warren key club had a BLAST at fall rally! we had more attendees than usual, and spent a lot of time riding rollercoasters and having so much fun. we also participated in local events in downey, such as the dia de los muertos festival and a trunks and treats event at a local elementary school! we also collaborated with downey high school key club and downey asb to help raise awareness for measure k and the benefits it has on our community


Any member, officer, club, and/or advisor you think has been especially outstanding? Was there a service project that turned out really well? Any unique fundraiser you attended that contributed to our division’s fundraising goal? Tell us about it and maybe the person or event will get recognition!

Executive Assistant Estela Vasquez Lieutenant Kai Noah Executive Assistant Jensen Lauti Division Tech Editor Ryan Sok Head Spirit Coordinator Justin Arizmendi Fundraising Coordinator Franci Chang Alena Jaramillo 30 Artesia President Alyssah Patterson Bellflower President Elize Dizon Cerritos President Jonathan Guerrero Downey President Armando Ramirez Gahr President Franci Chang John Glenn President Stany Hernandez
Lieutenant Governor Noah Jugo Executive Assistant Jacob Arce Division News Editor Lauren Trinity Uy Division Media Coordinator Andrew Martinez Head Spirit Coordinator Mary Carmona Jaramillo Service Projects Coordinator Elizabeth Gilmore Lakewood President Annalise lth Mayfair President Jensen Lauti Norwalk President Mariam Jaber Somerset President Nathan Corrales St. John Bosco President Ricardo Rodriguez St. Joseph President Sophia Velonza & Anna Tamayo Warren President Miranda Pelayo 31
instagram | @division13north

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