Ninja News: Division 13 South Newsletter | June 2020

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What's up Division 13 South? I hope you all have been doing great as we enter our last month of the school year!! Congrats to those that have completed your AP exams and good luck to those that still have some to go! We’re in the final stretch now everybody! Whether or not you have finals or not, take this opportunity to work hard at home and earn the grade you want to achieve! While school may be ending soon, we’ve only barely entered the term! We’ve completed our first month of the term and I am so proud of us as a division! While our events have had to be hosted virtually and at home, you all have not failed to participate in service projects and serve our community! Please continue to serve our community within your homes! Our division and several of our clubs have been planning service projects so please take advantage of them! Thank you for reading the Ninja News! You can even be included in our newsletter by submitting your articles and visuals to! Kickin’ for Service,

Division 13 South News Editor


in this issue!

movie night may 24

service week june 15 - june 20

there are 13 caps scattered throughout this newsletter! try to find them all!

02 04 05 06 14 16 20 24

news editor’s message lt. governor’s letter executive messages division updates [news + recognition] meet your presidents! event recap [articles + visuals] club recaps [president updates] contact information [dlt + presidents]


HIYA Division 13 South! I hope you all are doing well and having fun during the past two months of quarantine. Although we can be together now, we’ll definitely see each other soon. Be sure to stay home and practice proper hygiene during this time. As the AP and finals seasons are approaching this month. Please remember to take breaks during your long study sessions, nourish your bodies, and get a good night's rest before your tests, YOU’LL DO GREAT! I BELIEVE IN YOU! Lastly, I just want to say a quick thank you to those that attended Tiktok April DCM and participated in the Division Origami Service Project and April Service Week, without your hard work and dedication to Key Club and our community during this tough time it truly means a lot. In the past two months the division has raised $121 for PTP and served 1,200+ service hours. Thank you so much and keep up the good work. And as a quick reminder please remember to participate in Eliminite week and May Service Week and please attend Animal Crossing May DCM. Hope to see you there! Kickin’ for Service,

Division 13 South Lieutenant Governor ‘20-’21


What’s KICKIN’ keyuties! I hope you guys have been being PRODUCTIVE for the past month with AP testing, many more zoom calls, and serving your COMMUNITY! The past month has certainly been a lot but you guys have absolutely been amazing! I hope you guys enjoyed eliminate week as well , with learning many new ways to save lives and do your part in impacting our world. The world itself needs you in order to make our planet a better place that’s why WE CONTINUE SERVING! Take this time to sit back and relax since you all deserve it with all the hard work you guys contributed. As always, feel free to contact me whenever, for any questions, concerns, or just straight boredom (it does get lonely sometimes :,)) Can’t wait to see you guys participate in future events and hope to see you guys continue to BEE amazing!

What it do Ninjas? I’d like to thank you all for attending May DCM and participating in the ELIMINATE week and the service week! Hopefully, you all learned the importance of donating to MNT and whether or not you can handle the sourness of lemons. I think I learned that I very do like lemons. Congratulations to all the AP students and the completion of their tests! I know it’s hard especially since it’s all of our first times taking the test online. I believe in all of you. You all did amazing! I’m excited for what’s to come after school ends virtually. For now, keep racking up your service hours and stay involved. I look forward to seeing you guys again soon. Stay kickin’ ninjas, I love you all!

Hey Ninjas! Thank you so much for your participation during Eliminate Week and our Service Weeks so far! It makes me so proud to serve a division that is still active and willing to serve their community along with persevering through these difficult times. As much as I know we all can’t wait to do some hands on service (I miss tree plantings and marathons </3), you can always do your part and serve your community from the comfort of your house. As for school, AP season is here I’m wishing all of you some good luck, but you probably don’t need it because you’ll do great! Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns! If you’re also just bored and wanna talk, i’m here for you too <3 (Quarantine do BEE getting lonely sometimes). With that being said, I can’t wait to see your participation in future events!


For the start of the 2020-2021 term, Division 13 South has participated in our Division Service Weeks and Origami Making. We also held two Instagram Spot Fundraisers to raise money for PTP and MNT! We also participated in Eliminate Week to raise awareness for Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus! Publicity Committee, Spirit Team, and Judging Committee Applications are out now, so make sure to apply by June 6th at 6 pm! Do you want to design our Division 13 South t-shirt for the 2020-2021 term? Submit your design to by June 20th at 6 pm!

'20 - '21 division goals service hours | 1082.92/9,000

funds raised | $121/$9,000


may calendar sun


















Eliminate Week 10





Division 13 South Service Week 17







23 Movie Night









bellflower angel zabalsa

heidi sek 7

submit your design by 6 pm on saturday, june 20th!


a front and back design cnh logo key club international logo at least one ninja names of all 16 schools on the back design - use of division colors (black and yellow) - use of no more than 3 colors - .png format with transparent background


submit to!

APPS E S O L C H T 6 E JUN ! M P @6

apply at




apply at

APPS CLOSE JUNE 6TH @ 6 PM! apply at




nominate at




Audrey Song| Historian | Polytechnic During quarantine, our home club is trying to offer quality service hours to keep our members actively engaged in our community. However, because of social distancing, we had to ensure minimal contact with others. One of the opportunities we offered was a service week, but what stood out to our home club was the division origami making! In such a trying time our members were able to make light of the situation with such a simple task. Many went out of their way to learn such a tedious yet artful job. Members created cute paper cranes and hearts.


Ethan Madjus Service Coordinator | Gahr Gahr Key Club was able to hold a successful and fun song week. We were even able to get other clubs in and out of the district to participate as well! With this event, we hoped that people felt more involved and more spirited in these limited and gloomy times. Music really helps us to reminisce, become motivated, and connect. And maybe you were able to find a new bop to add to your playlist.

Coral Pongsuwan Historian | Bellflower From April 13th-17th, Bellflower Key Club produced a Virtual Spirit Week! The purpose of this was to not only to continue to interact with our members, but to make social distancing feel as if we were interacting in person! Our five days were: Bingo Monday, Pick Up Line Tuesday, Tuneful Wednesday, Key Clubber Thursday, and Flashback Friday. Not only did Bellflower KC participate, but many other students as well, from Mayfair to Long Beach Poly! Everyone enjoyed the new challenge for each day, and we hope it brought some smiles in these unprecedented events!


Abigail Trinh Vice President | Gahr During the month of April, I took part in the division service week! Because of this, I was able to earn hours and help serve my community even while in quarantine. This was impactful in that it gave many people something to do and help out their family in any way they can. I especially loved making cards for nurses and doctors because they are doing so much to help save lives. It was nice to have an opportunity to thank them for their service.

Emily Uy Historian | Wilson During the week of April 20-24 Wilson Key Club created their own service week. This service week was inspired to have their members to be healthy both physically and mentally. For example having on of the days being dedicated to gardening because Wilson’s President Koldanita Nhean says that gardening calms her down. We as the board decided it can help our members calm down during the stressful time we’re in. As for the physical part of the week the board choose exercising as one of the days to encourage our members to be active since they’re home for most of the day. In conclusion our service week was a huge success and we’ll be creating a new service week for the last week of May.


Jacob Arce Historian | Mayfair At Tik Tok April DCM, a new generation of the DLT was announced. Of these includes 3 new EAs being Jillian Abigail Manuel Argano Lucero, also known as Jia, Maryland Heng, and Zulma Ramos. Of the DLT we also have DNE Daniel Le, DTE Tyler Soeur, DMC Audrey Austria, Service Project Coordinator Jazz Nario, Fundraising Coordinator Julia Saguin, DCM Coordinator, Dominique Cornejo, Spirit Coordinators Ny Danh and Joseph De Castro, Member Recognition Chair Pia Hao, and of course, the LTG Vyanh Tran. With this new cast of quirky personalities, we can only imagine what this new term has in store for us!!


want to be featured in the newsletter? submit your articles and visuals to

daniel le Hey Division 13 South! For the month of April, Bellflower Key Club did its best to maintain activeness and serve our community. In early April, we held an at home service project for members to create cards for doctors, nurses, and patients in the Philippines. We also participated in the Division Service Week and Origami Making Event. To keep our members engaged, we hosted a Virtual Key Club Spirit Week as well as a Key Club 101 week to educate our members!

ruben glaser This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

justine alcayde HIYA DIVISION 13 SOUTH! I didn’t properly introduce myself last club update, I am Justine Alcayde, you may call me Jae! I proudly serve as Cabrillo High School’s president for this ‘20-‘21 term! During the month of April, Cabrillo Key Club has been holding board meetings every twice a week, making sure we have good communication and as well as we made a remind class for our club! we have participated in the division’s service week, Jordan’s service week, Wilson’s service week, origami making day and Bellflower’s spirit week! We also attended the April DCM!


julia saguin Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all been good. In the past month, many Gahr Key Club members participated in the division's service week and spirit week. We’ve also established a discord server where members have been talking, voice chatting, and playing games. We also released a feedback form and have planned our term based on our responses from our members. We had an introduction to Key Club meeting where those who were interested in joining were already able to get a head-start on what Key Club is. We also had a music week at the beginning of the month that showcased spirit all over the division. Lastly, we released a new website for our club. I hope you're all staying safe and I can't wait for everything to be over, thank you!

casey huynh Overall, Jordan Key Club has been doing fine. Our board members have been working together and cooperating with what we have to do. Although, we still need a bit of training from our past members from our club. We're learning from them and they are pretty much easy to contact. Our club has been working on things that are due. Most of our members have been participating on service week and other entertaining activities that D13s has.

jia lucero HI-YA Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month of April, Mayfair Key Club has been participating in our very own division's Origami event, service week, and even in Wilson's service week! Although we are in quarantine, we have been heavily focusing on serving our community from the comfort of our homes. We have been thinking of several ideas for service projects, and we have also created a service login form, in which you can login your hours through a simple form rather than having to text! On top of service, the Mayfair Key Club board will soon have club bonding events to get to know everyone in our club, starting off by creating our own Discord. Mayfair Key Club has also created a Merchandise form since we are planning to create merchandise for our club. We want your voice! Thank you for being amazing, and keep kickin' for service, Mayfair ninjas!


angelina liu For the month of April, we have attended the DCM and had some of our members participate in the Origami Event. We had also finalized the graphics for next month and are working to get a club meeting set.

liana ngauv Millikan Key Club has been participating in many activities such as April DCM and Service Week. Speaking of which, during Service Week, Co-Vice President, Judy Lam participated in 3 days for the daily service. Finally, Millikan has finally formed it’s very own Discord server!

maryland heng For the month of April, Poly Key Club has been working hard on participating in all of the service events from many of our fellow clubs/Division! We are so amazed by how many people participated and the hours we gained as well. We have also been hosting many of our discord nights for our fellow members as well as our meetings! Our board has released two interest forms in hopes to have our members to have a voice in the future of our term such as Merch interest form and Member interest form as well! Lastly the board has been working hard in preparing for an appointed position such as Graphic Editor! We've been conducting meetings and reading through applications, congratulations to Megan Deseo for being apart of our new PKC Board! We just want to thank the members for participating and being so amazing this entire month, we want to keep going!

marvin madamba This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

nicole capcha For the month of April we participated in the chalk your walk service event and division service week and are currently making a home club website!


This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

mariana martinez During the month of April our club participated in the divisions service week and the origami making. We attended the April TikTok DCM and got club of the month. The member of the month was out very our Vice President! We will continue to work hard and try to communicate with each other.

hector andrade & ian salazar HI-YA Division 13 South, so for the month of April, our club has been figuring out various service projects or events that we can do during these times. Our club has been also trying to collaborate with other school clubs to see if they are in need of our help with anything. We also plan to finally have a virtual club meeting so we can hangout with our members and catch up with them.

edalyn bray For the month of April, our club and board have been trying to finalize on at home service projects and new ideas to incorporate in the next school year to make our club better. We have not held a virtual club meeting yet and we look forward to do one either in May or June to announce our club ideas for the Fall. We hope to be more active on our club instagram to notify members about upcoming events and projects.

koldanita nhean This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.


bellflower president

Daniel Le

browning president

Ruben Glasen

executive assistant

Maryland Heng cabrillo president




Justine Alcayde

gahr president

Julia Saguin

executive assistant

Zulma Ramos

jordan president

Casey Huynh

division tech editor

Tyler Soeur

mayfair president

Jia Lucero

service projects coordinator

Jazz Nario mcbride president

fundraising c

Julia S


Angelina Liu

spirit coordinator millikan president

Liana Ngauv


Ny Dang

spirit coo

Joseph D


t governor

h Tran




De Castro

polytechnic president

Maryland Heng

rancho dominguez president

Marvin Madamba

executive assistant

Jia Lucero

sato president

Nicole Capcha

division news editor

Daniel Le

st. anthony president

Mariana Martinez

st. john bosco co-president division media coordinator

Hector Andrade

Audrey Austria

st. john bosco co-president

Ian Salazar dcm coordinator

Dominique Cornejo

st. joseph president

Edalyn Bray

member recognition chair

Pia Hao

wilson president

Koldanita Nhean


instagram | @d13sninjas twitter | @d13sninjas

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