Ninja News: Division 13 South Newsletter | October 2020

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What's Poppin’ D13S! If you’re new around these parts, my name is Daniel and I serve as your Division News Editor for the term! As your DNE, I publish this newsletter to inform you on previous events and updates, as well as create graphics for our division. I hope the school year has started off well for all of you! Most importantly, I hope you have found interest in Key Club! Key Club is a great club not only to give back to your community, but also find new friends and develop leadership skills! If you’re still hesitant on joining, go to your home club and contact them for more info! Stay on the lookout for our monthly newsletter which you can find at! Kickin’ for Service,

Division 13 South News Editor



news editor’s message


lt. governor’s letter


division update [news + recognition]


key club 101 [preferred charities]


event recap [articles + visuals]


club recaps [president updates]


contact info [dlt + presidents]

HIYA Ninjas! OO NO SUMMER IS OVER!! With summer being officially over, I hope you all were able to entertain yourselves and find new hobbies during this challenging period of our lives. Although this summer wasn’t what we hoped it would be, I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone for continuously attending and serving our division and community during this difficult time. Without your dedication and serving hearts our division wouldn’t have served over 4,800 service hours and raised almost $1,000 for ptp. Thank you all so much and please keep an eye out for many more fun and exciting events coming soon! Since school has officially started that means member recruitment is finally here! During this time we must do our part in promoting Key Club to our schools by reaching out to incoming and current students, creating informational graphics and short videos, and preparing ourselves for back to school night, freshmen orientation and other school socials in order to increase membership in our district. With our district’s membership decreasing every year, it's really important for us to do our parts in order to stop it, this would not just help our CNH District, but even our division and clubs. When increasing dues paid members in your clubs this means an increase in member retention, member recognition, new friends, and many more opportunities to serve throughout the whole term. Although this might be a stressful time due to online schooling and interacting with others virtually, I believe as a strong and most dedicated division we’ll be able to face anything and have one amazing term. I hope you all continue to stay safe by practicing social distancing and we’ll see each other soon! Kickin’ for Service,

there are 13 pumpkins scattered throughout this newsletter! try to find them all!

Division 13 South Lieutenant Governor ‘20-’21


For the past month, Division 13 South has participated in service projects such as Seal Beach Beach Clean Up and Thankful Tuesday. We also participated in the Spotlight on Service Program with PTP Graphics Making for September's theme: Pediatric Trauma Program. We also participated in fundraisers at Pieology, 7 Leaves, and Gong Cha to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program. On the district level, members attended the Member Recognition Webinar. Good luck to all the clubs that have started their recruitment seasons!

'20 - '21 division goals service hours | 4887.14/9,000

funds raised | $784/$9,000


september calendar sun


tue 1

wed 2





sat 5 Pieology Fundraiser










7 Leaves Fundraiser 13





PTP Graphics Making







Gong Cha Fundraiser + September DCM

Thankful Tuesday





dennis lam


ray hamada

jacob short

millikan secretary

donate a photo

cabrillo amy jacobs

pia hao mayfair


bellflower + st. john bosco


member recognition chair

julia saguin

fundraising coordinator


Check out the District Newsletter, The Buzzing Post!



nominate at


The Kiwanis CNH Foundation recognized a serious need for education and training in the pediatric trauma and injury prevention. From there, the foundation established the Pediatric Trauma Program in 1994. The main goal is to reduce the number of children who are killed or injured by trauma.

Children's Miracle Network (CMN) is a nonprofit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized kids and increases awareness of its member hospitals. All CMN contributions directly benefit hospitals, helping to purchase up-to-date equipment, train staff, conduct life-saving research, implement outreach programs, and provide healthcare for children whose parents can't afford to pay.

Every day 1 in 8 babies born in the U.S. arrives too soon. Premature birth can happen to any pregnant woman, and no one knows why. It is a serious, common and costly problem. Key Club members are helping by raising thousands of dollars annually for the March of Dimes Youth Program to help prevent prematurity.

Since 1994, Key Club has been Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF and over the years has raised nearly US$5 million for iodine deficiency programs worldwide and HIV and AIDS programs in Kenya and Swaziland. Now it’s helping The Eliminate Project.


Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is a fund-raising program for children sponsored by the U.S. fund for UNICEF.

By collecting donations for UNICEF through the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF program, Key Club has raised more than $7 million to support: 1. Iodine deficiency programs worldwide 2. HIV and AIDS programs in Kenya and Swaziland 3. Teen centers in Uruguay providing adolescents with job skills, education, family counseling, and other social services.


Ronald Ourng Historian | Sato As the effects of the pandemic is still out of our hands, the division hasn't stopped the momentum on fundraising! Earlier this month division 13 south had their pieology pizza fundraiser! Members from many clubs participated including Sato, Poly, Mayfair, and more! Although social distancing guidelines are in place and abbided, many members still had a chance to bond and talk with friends while enjoying pizza!


Kai Noah Jugo Historian | Gahr In the month of August our club had a Books for Service project which spanned from the 17th to the 19th. Through this service event, officers and members within our club had the opportunity to look through old letters and help transcribe them, create simple ABC books to donate towards children's literacy, and find a children's story to read aloud and email a recording to us for a local Children's Hospital. My personal favorite was looking through books and transcribing them because I love history. This service project was great to earn hours in a fun and unique way.

Megan Deseo Graphic Editor | Polytechnic From August 17 to 21, Poly Key Club held an event where key club officers and members could share their memories and experiences in Key Club! Each day had a prompt that members could follow, such as posting a photo of their first Key Club event or sharing their story on how they joined Key Club. Templates for each day were available for members to post on their Instagram stories. Poly Key Club board members created the event to show non-members about our experiences and to hopefully attract future members for the upcoming school year!


Jazz Nario Vice President | Bellflower 100 Days of Reading is an education initiative by the Save the Children's Fund: for every minute read and logged onto their website, books and educational resources are unlocked for children in need. Upon coming across it, our club officers decided to make it our SOSP project for the month of August (Children's Education). Some members enjoyed this service project and found it enjoyable. We hope to continue participating in SOSP throughout the term and providing more enjoyable service projects like this in the future.

Emily Uy Historian | Wilson On August 15, members made origami hearts along with school supplies as a form of donation to the needy. We made paper hearts by following YouTube videos on how to make them. The finished paper hearts and the school supplies will be donated at the Bellflower Kiwanis Center.


Michelle Lork Historian | Mayfair Ferb, I know what we're going to do today! On August 22nd, the division came together to discuss club updates, future fundraising, and service projects! During the DCM, the division was able to bond within ice breakers while discussing our next steps to serving our community. Ultimately, this month's DCM without a doubt will have ninjas strive to serve THE ENTIRE TRI-STATE AREA!


BELLFLOWER | daniel le HIYA NINJAS! For the past month, Bellflower Key Club held service projects such as Color a Smile and Letters of Guidance. We have also participated in division service projects and fundraisers. We participated in this month's Spotlight on Service: Children's Education with our month long service project, 100 Days of Reading in which you can submit the amount of time you spend reading to raise educational resources for children. We were also recognized for Service Project of the Month, and our DMC/VP Audrey Austria was recognized as DLT Member of the Month! We held another general meeting and released the August issue of our newsletter. We have many upcoming service projects and have been planning things for September for our recruitment season, such as a series of Key Club 101 videos and graphics! :)

BROWNING | vallary roeum This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

CABRILLO | justine alcayde HIYAHHHH KEYUTIES! For the month of July and August Cabrillo Key Club has been in the works behind the scenes for a spirit week and a service project! Look out for that :D! We have been active and have been participating in service weeks and events and have been completely head on with our member recruitment and how we can boost members activity! It is still hard to work with everything around us, but our board is persevering and working hard as ever! We hope everyone is staying safe and being mindful of this pandemic we’re still in! We miss you guys!

GAHR | julia saguin Hi everyone! I hope you’ve been doing well. For the past month, Gahr Key Club members have participate in a service event of writing letters of advice and what to look forward to for incoming Freshman. We also had a service event geared towards books and reading where members read children’s books, created literacy books, and transcribed pieces online! We also participated in division service events such as bookmark and flashcard making and math monday’s. Aside from service, we also attended the Tastea, Creamistry, and Ding Tea fundraisers! For the rest of August, we’re planning to have a high school guidebook service event and a neighborhood protection service event. We’re also starting our promotions for new key club members with meetings and graphics coming up soon. I hope all of you have a good start to the school year, good luck everyone, thank you!

JORDAN | casey huynh Over the month of August we have discussed how club is going to continue during school and will be holding upcoming service and school events for our upcoming freshman's. we are 10 hours away from our service summer goal. That's all for Jordan key club and i'm hoping everyone is having an amazing day!!!

MAYFAIR | jia lucero What's up quaraNINJAS! For the month of August, Mayfair Key Club has been kicking for service and has done several events. One spectacular event that we had was our 'Visionaries!' event, in which we expressed our endeavors, goals, and hopes for the school year through vision boards. On top of that, we have been setting up our new Projects Committee, and they had their very first event aimed towards the Spotlight on Service Program's focus of the month: Children's Education! Their event 'Leadership Works' was amazing, and our committee worked together with our service coordinators to talk about servant leadership, goal setting, and overcoming challenges. Lastly for service, we have also had our 'Adventures in Storytelling' event, and created short stories for young children INCLUDING Lindstrom's K-Kids! Shout out to August's member of the month in the division and the club, Alyssa Kline! Aside from service, Michelle Lork has released her first newsletter, which is Mayfair Key Club's first newsletter. We hope that in the next month, we will be able to keep working hard and work even harder. Keep kickin' for service, Mayfair ninjas!

MCBRIDE | angelina liu This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.


MILLIKAN | liana ngauv Millikan Key Club had a slow month due to the new school year starting, however we gained two members so far from the school year! Millikan also participated in the Donation drive. We are excited to recruit more members!

POLYTECHNIC | maryland heng YAHOO NINJAS! Poly key club has been STRIKING with service and attendance for this month. Poly key club has been working hard on introducing key club to many of our new freshmen and jackrabbits! We have hosted our key club 101 week where we shared our personal experiences in key club while also sharing infographics on what key club is! We also ended off this summer with our service challenge of bean bean bean + free rice where members compete against each other. Another thing we have been working on is merch with our plans on selling stickers, pins, and hoodies which you all can look forward to in the future :)! Along with all of our club activities we have participated in all of the service events our division has hosted as well as attend Circle-k's Intro into college! Lastly, we have released our new issue for our august newsletter so make sure to be on the lookout! I hope many of our new members get to read this message for the school year! I wish you the best of luck on your studies and more. LOVE YOU BABES!

RANCHO DOMINGUEZ | marvin madamba Hey Ninjas!!! For the month of August our club had attended the DCM, participated in the Unicef Math For Good Challenge and had a mask making service event. We hope to do more next month, stay tuned.

SATO | nicole capcha For this month Sato Key Club held a Father’s Day card making event and participated in the Team Yellow Butterfly Effect service event where members would make origami butterflies to help accomplish the goal of 76,020 butterflies. Members also went to Team Yellow’s Scavenger Hunt and made even more butterflies! We also attended Officer Training Conference and are almost done with finalizing our website and new upcoming board positions.

SOMERSET | zerlin garcia This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

ST. ANTHONY | mariana martinez This month, we attended events and plan on attending more in the future.

ST. JOHN BOSCO | hector andrade & ian salazar HI-YA Division 13 South, our club has been working together to make sure we have an amazing start to the new school year. Our school's club rush has officially begun, so we are now recruiting new members, both of new and old, to join. We are also currently in the works of setting up dates for our first couple of meetings, as well as for our club service projects and events. We hope everyone has an amazing start to the school year and get back on the Key Club grind.

ST. JOSEPH | edalyn bray Saint Joseph has been working every week how to maximize our club membership with involvement. We have brainstormed many ideas to help our club and persuade members to attend events. It has been a really slow month but we are excited to pick it up again in September.

WILSON | koldanita nhean In the month of August, Wilson Key Club has participated in events such as the origami hearts and message making along with the flashcards making. We had our own service event this week where we wrote thank you cards for essential workers, answered trivia questions to donate to food banks, and stayed off our phones to donate to charities. We’ve also been helping Salvation Army every Friday with packaging goods to those in need.

want to be featured in the newsletter? submit your articles and visuals to


bellflower president

Daniel Le

browning president

Vallary Roeum

cabrillo president

Justine Alcayde

executive assistant

Maryland Heng




gahr president

Julia Saguin

division news editor

Daniel Le

jordan president

Casey Huynh

division media coordinator

Audrey Austria mayfair president

Jia Lucero

fundraising coordinator mcbride president

Angelina Liu

Julia Saguin

millikan president

Liana Ngauv


spirit coordinator

Ny Danh

spirit coo

Joseph D

t governor

h Tran


De Castro

polytechnic president

Maryland Heng

rancho dominguez president

Marvin Madamba

executive assistant

Jia Lucero

sato president

Nicole Capcha

somerset president division tech editor

Tyler Soeur

Zerlin Garcia

st. anthony president

Mariana Martinez service projects coordinator

Jazz Nario

st. john bosco presidents Hector Andrade & Ian Salazar

dcm coordinator

Dominique Cornejo

st. joseph president

Edalyn Bray

member recognition chair

Pia Hao

wilson president

Koldanita Nhean


instagram | @d13sninjas twitter | @d13sninjas

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