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NINJA NEWS D13S | Region 8 | Volume 1, Issue 9


Letter from

The Editor...

Hi Ninjas! FINALS ARE COMING UP. Some tips? Don’t procrastinate on your studies. Remember that school and your grades come first! I know you’ll survive the week and I wish you the best of luck on all of your tests. I BEElieve in you!! You’ll do amazing. This my second to last newsletter I’ll be publishing which is very surreal and heartbreaking to realize and admit, but I’ll save the sappy message for next month. If you’d like to write an article about any of your Key Club experiences during the month of January please email me at d13s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com! Don’t forget to send pictures too! Have a great day! Crystal Kem

R ebuild! Be E xtra S ervice T eamwork O pportunities R ecognition E veryone

• Bridge the gap between the Bellflower and Long Beach Schools within the division! • Have at least 2 division events each month! • Increase member attendance at monthly division council meetings and have each school be represented! • Have 10,000 of service hours combined across the entire division! • Hold more fundraisers to donate to local charities, PTP and Eliminate! • Have each member leave key club with the understanding of the 4 core values: leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness ! • Start a monthly division recognition program at dcms.! • Increase division spirit and win the spirit stick at Fall Rally South 2015!

HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-YA NINJAS! For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Angelica Roxas and I am your elected Lieutenant Governor for the 2015- 2016 term. Thank you so much, I will probably say thank you a million times in this letter, and it still will not be enough to truly say how thankful I really am. Never did I think that I could ever have the honor to serve such an amazing and crazy division like the Division 13 South Ninjas. Since I will be serving you all for the upcoming term, I think that it is only fair that you all get to know me for who I am as a whole, not just your Lieutenant Governor Elect. So who exactly am I? Hi, my name is Angelica Rodriguez Roxas, i’m 16 years old and a junior at Long Beach Polytechnic High School and I love the Avatar and I am terrified of birds. I am addicted toRed Caramel Milk Tea with pudding boba from Guppies but my all time favorite drink has to be coffee. I have been involved in the Inspirational Glee at Poly for 2 years and was a key player in Varsity PE. Some of my hobbies include lip-syncing on snapchat, telling jokes on snapchat and simping on snapchat. I have this odd fascination with staying up late at night and reading deep poems off of twitter and reevaluating my life and questioning the entire world around me. Many call me nocturnal, and I guess thats true, so if you are ever up late at night, just know that I probably am too, and don't be afraid to hit me up because “just like you I get lonely too”. If I had to choose only 2 singers to listen to for the rest of my life, I would definitely pick Drake and Jeff Bernat because as much as I hate to admit it, I am a huge simp, please don't tell anyone guys. Weeeelllllll moving on, I am a member of Southbay Couples For Christ Youth, CFC-Y, chapter B2. I also help lead a youth bible study at St. Pancratius in Lakewood every first monday of the month. As you can probably tell, religion is very important to me and I’m not ashamed to tell you guys that. But I wasn't always like that, when I started high school I was very shy and insecure. I was that girl who walked around at lunch hoping that someone would talk to me. I was a follower. I joined key club by mistake. I just followed my friend into a room at lunch and was dragged to a service event. And I was instantly hooked. I’m not sure if it was because I wanted friends or if i just needed something to do, but I'm so happy

that i made the choice to stay. Freshman year to sophomore year I was the active member that no one knew the name of, and when I ran for president sophomore year, people had no idea who I was. I had no confidence at the time and I was shocked that I got the position, but I guess right? Throughout my term as president I had a mission. And that mission was to make Poly Key Club one of the bests. I wanted to create a mini family within the club and also improve our ties with the rest of the division. I believe that I achieved that goal. I look at Poly Key Club and how supportive they are of each other, how close they have gotten and how they have opened up to the rest of the ninjas and I feel noting but happiness. SHOUTOUT TO POLY KEY CLUB for making me who I am today. You guys have shaped me into the leader that I have become and I cant thank you enough. Serving you jackrabbits that past year has been the most life changing experience ever. Through the ups and downs that we have faced together, we have become stronger. And I don't know if you see it or not, but I think it is absolutely beautiful. The passion that has been sparked inside you guys is what really motivates me to keep going. I can honestly tell you all that before my term, I thought that I was just an average Asian girl that would never amount to much and I guess I can say that I was in a really dark place for most of my life and I wasn't sure if I would be able even to make it through high school. And without knowing, you guys helped me so much. You guys help me realize that I am important and that I am able to make a difference in someones life. Many times people have given me the credit for how much Poly Key Club has grown but I’ve come to realize that it wasn't me, it was all of you. All of you are the reason why

SHOUTOUT TO DIVISION 13 SOUTH. I used to be terrified of the Bellflower Kiwanis Hall, i don't know, it just always gave me this bad vibe. But you guys make it aight. The past 3 years with you ninjas have been a rather unique ride. Key Club is my stress and even though I am always saying Key Club is my stress and even though I am always saying “You stress me out”, I don't care because i’ll take stress from you guys any day. I’ve been able to make so many close friends with many of you and I hope that it continues to stay like that. I want to meet and get to know each and every one of you. I want to know about your day, about what you want to do in the future, and what you are afraid of. I want to know YOU. Because it was YOU that saw something in me that made you elect me to be your next Lieutenant Governor. Like I said in my speech, I want to RESTORE division 13 south. I want to bring back our honor. I want each one of you to leave Key Club with the understanding of the four core values: leadership, inclusiveness, caring and character building, and I want you to leave knowing, without hesitation, that you are an amazing person that is making a huge impact in everyones life. THANK YOU. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for dealing with me and the weird things I do and all the run on sentences in this letter. Thank you for giving me a shot, because we haven't had an LTG from the Long Beach schools in a really long time, and I know it may seem foreign to you but I want to unify our division so there isn't this gap between us. Thank you to my fellow presidents for the 2014-2015 term for understanding helping each other out. Thank you Justin Navalta, the OG Haiku King for making this past year amazing and being so supportive. Thank you to all the members and my friends. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I feel so blessed and I cannot believe that I am writing this to all of you. It still has not hit

our concern. We are not measured by any awards or a spirit stick. We are measured by our passion. And trust, I have passion. I believe that you all have it too, you may not know it but you do. And I want to bring that out. Hi, my name is Angelica Rodriguez Roxas. You can call me Angie, Ang, A, Sister, Pal, Homie, MVP, Mom, President, Five-head, Haiku Queen, Psyduck or whatever you want. I am 16 year old teenager that is constantly in denial about my feelings. I am the biggest contradiction you will ever meet in your entire life. I have flaws but I am confident that working along side my friends on the region 8 team, my best friend and counterpart, Julie Trinh, and with all of you BEE-autiful Ninjas, that I can enter the Avatar State and RESTORE peace and balance to the division. So just to end this I want to do what I do best, write wannabe “deep and emotional” haikus.

I’m Avatar Aang And I’m ready to serve you I love the Ninjas (I tried ok, Im not that great when I simp)

On December 26th, Key Clubbers came out, preserving the cold weather, to volunteer at the Float Decorating Event in preparation for the Annual Rose Parade. Along serving with other multiple divisions from all around, Division 13 South brought out a huge number of members from most of our schools. Volunteers cut a variety of flowers for petals that would be used in the making in design and decoration of huge floats. The floats are lavishly designed with an array of natural materials and resources such as flowers, plants, seeds, bark, vegetables, or nuts (as no artificial plants materials and coloring are used) to creatively produce an artwork to behold by millions. Key Clubbers dedicated themselves into every duty assigned in the float-making, such investments made by Key Club and Kiwanis involved in the Rose Parade event was essential to the yearly viewing enjoyed by many.

Apple Nou | Bellflower

On December 19th, Kiwanis held the Christmas Food Basket Event which aimed at donating to a number of 50 families in the holiday season. Key Clubbers helped out with the organization of presents and foods towards the donation to be made. The gifts were reviewed for gender and sorted out in accordance to age group as well. Foods such as fruits and vegetables were placed into cardboard boxes. Hams were ordered into weight from lightest to heaviest and given to the families along with the food boxes. Key Clubbers helped carry out these meal boxes for the families that were also able to choose out presents in the Gift Room while children busied themselves eating sweets and candies with the Miss Bellflower Court.

Apple Nou | Bellflower

Follow us on Instagram “@d13sninjas” for updates on upcoming events, reminders, and pictures of your BEEutiful faces!

Join our Facebook group page for updates on all things Key Club. It’s called “Key Club Division 13 South Ninjas!” or you can click here.

Lieutenant Governor —

Division News Editor—

Justin Navalta

Crystal Kem

Email: d13s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Email: d13s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Cell: (310) 749-1085

Cell: (562) 243-5537



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