Green Tea: Division 15 South Newsletter | April 2022

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Newsletter APRIL 2022

Vol. 1 | Issue 12


A message from the

DNE DNE HELLO FRIENDS! Well this is it; the final issue of the first volume. It have been great watching this division grow, and I know that it is going to reach new heights during the reign of Chloe Wu, our LTG elect! To all our Key Club graduates, thank you for leading the underclassman of our division. We hope that you can trust us with the torch for the upcoming term! To the Key Clubbers staying with us for the next year; let’s do our best to make Division 15 South better than ever. Thank you to Corona Key Club, the DLT board, and April for such an amazing year! It has been such a positive experience to serve you all through being you news editor.

Designing for my division,

In this Issue! 01: A Message From the DNE 02: LTG’s Note 03: February DCM Photo Drive 04: March 2022 Calendar 05-6: Division Updates 07: Highlight a SHEEP: Julleen Baysic 08: Meet our LTG: Chloe Wu 09-10: Club Updates 12: Stay CONNECTED To CNH 13: KEEP UP with KCI 14-15: President’s Messages

d15s news editor 2021-2022


16-17: Contact Information 18: Division 15 South Socials

Lieutenant Governor’s Note!

WHAT’S POPPIN DIVISION 15 SOUTH! This feels so surreal. I can’t believe that the 2022-2023 term has started. Two years ago, I made the best decision of my life. Joining Key Club. While this has been a whirlwind of a journey, I am elated to have been able to go through it with such an amazing division. Now I’m here serving you guys, and I am so honored to be doing so.

First off, congratulations to all the newly elected officers. I’m so excited to have you on board, and can’t wait to make this term PHENOMENAL!! You each have shown passion for what you do, and I fully believe you will lead your clubs outstandingly. As we start of this term, Let’s start off this term strong! This term we’re aiming for 7,500 service hours and $5,000 for PTP. While we may hit some bumps throughout this term, together we can overcome anything.

Once again, Division 15 South, I LOVE YOU GUYS, and thank you for letting use my passion to serve you guys. Together, we’re going to take this division to new heights and reach all of our goals!

Shining in Service,

Chloe Wu D15S LTG 2022-23


Access D15S’s February DCM pictures:


MARCH 2022 S 27

M 28

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March newsletter




DCON registration due

Sharetea at Jurupa


















DCON day 1

DCON day 2



Creative media apps due





D15S Banquet






DCON day 3

Fundraiser for PTP District Division Club Meeting

Service Hours |TBA/7,500 Funds For PTP | $TBA/$5,000

2022-2023 Term GOALS


DIVISION UPDATES MARCH RECAP D15 Karaoke DCM At the Chino Community building, Key Club members from D15N, D15S, D15E, and D15W came so amaze us all with their spirit and singing talents! We gave awards for our monthly recognition, as well as socialized among the other divisions! Check out the page 3 to access the photos from this memorable experience!

Sharetea Fundraiser

At Sharetea Jurupa Valley, Division 15 South members were able to fund our Division through buying their favorite boba drinks! We appreciate everyone who came to support our Division for the upcoming term.


WHAT’S NEXT? Division 15 South Banquet Time flies! Prepare for the FINAL DCM of the term on March 27th. We’ll be giving out awards and giving a recap of everything we’ve done the past year. Make sure to experience the LAST moments of the FIRST term! Sign up at:

District Convention 2022 GET READY FOR THE FINAL EVENT OF THE TERM! If you enjoyed Fall Rally South, you will definitely enjoy DCON, where you’ll meet people from divisions across California, Nevada, and Hawaii, as well as receiving awards that you’ve been working for year-long! If you’ve signed up for the event and hotel already, we wish you a wonderful experience!

April Recognition! Member: Erik Perez

Officer: Emilee Gip

Faculty: Ms. Reynolds

Kiwanis: Ms. Arnetra

Club: Santiago




Corona Member:

Julleen Baysic

HIII SHEEPIESS my name’s Julleen and im one of the upcoming co-vps at Corona key club. I’m a sophomore and I’ve been in Key club since my freshman year. Some of my interests are dance, tennis and painting. I can wait to start this new term with y’all and hope to achieve all that we can!

What motivates you to continue Key Club?

Im motivated because I want to have more exposure to my home club as well as have more service project events. I love the passion and drive of my Division Leader Team and want to make my home club as good as all of D15S.

What was your Key Club moment? My keyclub moment was most definitely my first meeting at school. I didn’t know many people but yet i felt so involved, I felt a calling; I wanted to be apart of this club and make it great. My seniors and previous president really motivated me to keep participating in key club activities. I hope to make more moments at future events!


MEET OUR NEW LTG “What are your goals as LTG?” While I have a multitude of tangible goals as LTG, my ultimate goal is to make sure that the members have one of the most memorable experiences of their life. I want Key Club to become their family and be a place where they always look forward to attending. Other than that, this year I hope to achieve 7,000+ service hours and $5,000+ for PTP. One of the main events that I would like to implement into our division is a SHEEPIE FESTIVAL in hopes of increasing member retention! Those are only a few things, so look forward to even more during the term!

“What are you looking forward to this term?”

One thing that I really look forward to this term is bonding with all my members. Key Club really stuck out to me compared to some of the other clubs that I am a part of because it truly is a family. Everytime I attend an event, I feel so comfortable being myself around everyone. Now, I hope to do the same for all my members. I want to get to know each and every single one of them, so that they feel inclined to participate more and are more comfortable to be themselves.


CLUB UPDATES ELEANOR ROOSEVELT On Saturday, February 5th, ERHS Key Club held our monthly street clean up with our sponsoring Kiwanis! Members walked all along Scholar Way, picking up trash and placing it into trash bags. The gloves and trash bags were provided, and our Key clubbers split into a few groups in order to tackle different sides and areas of the street that we were cleaning. This was an amazing opportunity for members to earn service hours as it is local, fun, and easy! Not to mention the fact that those who attend are helping out their community, building their relationship with our sponsoring Kiwanians, and also getting to know more members within their home club!

CENTENNIAL On February 4th, Centennial held a tennis court cleanup, where members would help clean and pick up trash left on the Centennial tennis courts. Each member who came to the event was awarded with 1 hour of community service. The cleanup was very successful, the Centennial tennis team was happy with their newly clean courts, and the members were able to bond and have fun while serving!

CORONA On March 18th, we will be holding a joint event with members from the Red Cross Club! The event is a social meeting that will be held at the career center (J1), where we watch 1917 and discuss it. Additionally, there are food and drinks so everyone can make themselves feel comfortable at the meeting!


JOHN F. KENNEDY Our first meeting of the year as our mini activity we decided to have all of the sheepies write a letter to their future self and to set some goals for the new year whether it was school related, sports related, or just for life in general. We also provided more information on new officer positions so we can prepare them for our elections in the beginning of February.

NORCO Arriving at 7 in the morning at Nellie Weaver Hall, volunteers were preparing for the long yet exciting day ahead of them. On December 11th 2021 the city of Norco held an event where families were invited to a breakfast with Santa. Key club members were invited by the Kiwanis Club to assist in serving drinks and food during the event. Arriving at Nellie Weaver Hall, members were put to work right away. Members were put to organize the condiments and drinks which they continued to do throughout the event. Members were able to provide for their community as the “rush of the event kept me moving” said one member, Odalys Mendoza. Others were cleaning tables for families and bringing them supplies that they needed. We were so excited to be a part of this event as it showed us the true meaning of being in a community. We wanted to help others and motivate those younger than us. One family had even questioned members as to why they decided to volunteer and how to join.

SANTIAGO On February 9th we had one of our general meetings from 3pm-3:45pm. At the meeting we were able to tell members about the new service projects and remind them about their hours. Our icebreaker this meeting was speed dating. We had the members “speed date” with different questions and it was really fun and it was great because the members were able to interact with each other more. This meeting was great and we gave lots of information to the members.


Stay CONNECTED To The CNH District CNH Socials and Updates! Website (CNH Cyberkey) Most resources can be found on this website such as contests, projects, events, and MUCH more!

Dues Paid 70% Members Hours Served


Fulfilled Funds for PTP

CNH Key Club “What’s Poppin” S6E2 is released! This episode includes District board introductions and DCON reminders!

District Newsletter!


District GOALS 11

Youtube Channel

*according to the CNH website “What’s the Buzz?” March Edition is released! This cute green donut themed newsletter edition was made by our District DNE,

Victor Nguyen!

KEEP UP With Key Club International KCI Socials and Updates! Website


Collegewise March 9, 2022

Contains information about membership, what Key Club is about, and international-wide news and events!

Collegewise believes that applying to college should be an exciting time for students

Youtube Channel

Key Club International “Running for Higher office” and many more amazing videos were uploaded, go check them out!

and parents, not a stressful, anxiety-ridden rite of passage. Every year, the organization creates customized plans to ensure that every student gets the academic support they need and is fully equipped to complete their applications thoughtfully, effectively and early.

Collegewise includes: Counseling programs, test preparation, tutoring, and a knowledge bank. For more information, check the link down below:


PRESIDENT’S Centennial

Ellorie Mariano

Hey Key Clubbers! This is my last monthly message as one of your Club Presidents and your D15S Executive Assistant. I can’t believe that we’re already at the end of the term! It’s been an extremely amazing ride with you all. I am so thankful for having had the opportunity to meet and work with so many wonderful Key Clubbers across our division and our region. We had a great term here at Centennial Key Club, and it couldn’t have been what it was without your effort and support. As an active member for all 4 years of Key Club, I just want to say that I am thankful for everyone who has been a part of my Key Club journey. Throughout all of this time, I had many great memories that I will definitely cherish after graduation. From starting as D15E to watching us build a strong foundation as D15S, it’s absolutely astounding to see what great lengths our Key Clubbers are capable of. Thank you to all of D15S for making my Key Club experience so much better, and I hope that you all can continue building our strong legacy as a new division! The end of a lot of our journeys is approaching, with only a couple weeks left in the term for many of us seniors. I will definitely miss you all :( But with that said, I cannot wait to see what our LTG Elect Chloe, the new DLT, and Club officers have installed for the upcoming term! Please welcome them all with open arms. For one last time, it is my pleasure to have served you as your ‘21-‘22 Centennial Key Club’s President and D15S Executive Assistant.


Madelynne Nguyen

In March, Corona Key Club has been busy getting ready for the upcoming officer board! We will be holding officer elections March 21st, as well as a joint club meeting with the Corona Red Cross Club. We are also currently planning for our end of the year banquet.

E. Roosevelt

Emilee Gip

Hello sheepies! I can’t believe the term is ending and this will be my last update.. I hope you are all doing well and pushing through school— spring break is almost here! For this month we just elected our new officer board for the upcoming term and I can’t wait for them to serve! we also just wrapped scholarships for the seniors from our Kiwanis! Thank you for following us throughout the term and it was an honor to serve as ERHS’ Key Club president for the 2021-2022 term. <3



Alexandra Cantera

Hi sheepies! Our new officer board has came and I genuinely can not wait for all that’s to come for the next term! We had a service project with Norco kiwanis to end off our term, and just between you and me, JFK Key Club is going to be hosting a social for the end of the year with another school club <3!! Let this term be filled with prosperity and love! bye guys!


Roxy Fisher

Hello, Key Club! This month we helped with the Kiwani’s Garage Sale, it was lots of fun! This is a bittersweet goodbye, but I can’t wait to see the great job that the next officers of Norco High Key Club will do!


Nicole Hatton

Hey sheepies! I can’t believe this is my final president message. During this last month of the term, Santiago has been training our new officers and they have been to our officer meetings this month to get more insight. Everyone seems excited and ready to do their best in the next term. For service, we have Project Implicit which is where members can take tests to help with Harvard’s researchers. We also have Zooniverse which is another app members download to start different projects to help researchers compile data. We are currently planning a fundraiser for Cold Stone or Rapha Tea possibly. I am so happy to have been able to serve in this position. I’m going to miss this term and our seniors so much, but I know more memories are to come. Key club has truly given me so much memories, opportunities, and a family that I know I’ll always have. I have learned a lot about leadership and teamwork. Here’s to many more! Signing off as Santiago’s next editor♡





Eleanor Roosevelt

Ellorie Mariano

Madelynne Nguyen

Emilee Gip



John F. Kennedy



Alexandra Cantera

Roxy Fisher

Nicole Hatton


Lieutenant Governor April Lonh

Division Historians Harini Sathees & Chloe Wu

Executive Assistants Ellorie Mariano & Nathan Nguyen

Division News Editor

Division Secretary Sean Nguyen

Division Tech Editor

Desiree Valdez

Ambreen Fahimullah

Fundraising Coordinator

Spirit Coordinator

Pruthva Mania

Clemens Kang


Follow the Division 15 South

socials @division15south Division 15 South @d15s2021

THANK YOU for reading See you in Volume 2!


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