Green Tea: Division 15 South | January 2022

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Newsletter JANUARY 2022

Vol. 1 | Issue 9


A message from the

DNE DNE HELLO FRIENDS! How is everyone doing after finals? I have a feeling it was more difficult than usual since we didn’t have our “leverages” during distant learning. I am so glad that we have all made it passed our first semester in person— I will never get over how we used to spend school all year staring at a screen all day… it will forever traumatize me. Now that winter break is here (as of December 20th), our fuzzy division will have the luxury of ADORABLE festive and wintery themed events such as our upcoming ice-skating DCM! I cannot wait to see our sheepies on ice. Make sure to recover, or sleep, as much as you can from this exhausting semester; because I know I sure will…

Designing for my division,

In this Issue! 01 - A Message from the DNE 02 - LTG’s Note 03 - Division Updates Recap, Whats Next?, Jan Rec 05 - Thanks-KEY-Ving Google Drive 06 - December Calendar 07 - Club Updates 09 - Education Corner: DLT 10 - Highlight a SHEEP: Chloe Wu 11 - Stay CONNECTED To CNH CNH Socials, Updates, Goals! 12 - KEEP UP with KCI KCI Socials, Updates, News 13 - President’s Messages

d15s news editor 2021-2022


15 - Contact Information 16 - Division Socials

Lieutenant Governor’s Note!

Happ-bee New Years my warm sheepies! I hope you are having a cozy time as we just head into the winter break and a new year! Now that you have time to chill, spend time with friends and family, and best of all sip on hot coco, please take this time to focus on your mental health. Finals week and academics can be very draining and I want to make sure that all of my lovely sheep are feeling loved this upcoming year. 2021 was definitely a roller coaster as we transitioned back to the new normal. I wanted to take this time to say I am truly thankful and grateful for you all as 2022 is here to greet us with open arms! Thank you for an amazing 2021!

New year, new me as they always say! But this month we have something special…. A NEW LTG ELECT! CTC was last month meaning Conclave will be taking place in January! We will be electing our new LTG for the 2022-2023 term at Conclave where you will potentially be able to see the next LTG! This is an exciting time but also a bittersweet moment as my term will soon come to an end in April! Don’t get too ecstatic for me to leave yet (hopefully) as you still have me as your LTG January - DCON! As we head into our last quarter, let’s cherish these moments together and come together as one big sheep family to celebrate our everlasting accomplishments! Again, thank you and happy 2022 New Year!

Grazing in service,

April Lonh D15S LTG 2021-22


DIVISION UPDATES DECEMBER RECAP LTG Interest Form Release It’s that time of the year! On Nov 21st-Dec 4th, the non-binding LTG interest form was released! This form helps our current LTG guide you throughout being a candidate. She also answers all of your questions regarding the process— and what it’s like being LTG!

R13 Rose Float Decorating (ONGOING!) The most iconic service event is here… it’s the Rose Float decorating event at Irwindale! The Key Club members of Region 13 have the opportunity to help Kiwanis decorate floats that will be displayed on NATIONAL television! Three of the work sessions have already passed, but there are five more opportunities to participate in this amazing event! Check out the calendar (pg. 6) and see if you’ll be able to attend and of the upcoming work sessions. If so, then sign up at!


CHEMI-TC: How to Build an LTG For those who signed the LTG interest form and are still interested, attending CTC is MANDATORY! 10 other divisions will join this training conference, so come meet new people and learn more about being LTG and overall leadership in life!

January Recognition! Member: Evelyn Le Officer: Victor Xiao



D15E X D15S DCM: Ice Town December That’s right! It’s another interdivision event with our beloved manta rays! Come ice skate with us at our December DCM on the 21st! We’ll have our wool to keep us warm!! Sign up at:

Ms. Bertok Kiwanis: Mr. George Rife Club: Corona 4

Access the D15S’s Thanks-KEY-ving DCM pictures:





W 1

T 2

F 3

S 4 RF: 9AM-5PM







11 RF: 9AM-5PM


















D15E&S Ice Town DCM




-RF: 8AM-4PM -RF: 4AM-11PM

-RF: 8AM-4PM -RF: 4AM-11PM


R13 Rose Float Work Session (RF) Interdivision Events

R13+Interdivision Days (2 in 1)

Service Hours |3,000+ (REACHED)

Funds For PTP | $2,000+ (REACHED)

2021-2022 Term GOALS


CLUB UPDATES ELEANOR ROOSEVELT On November 6th, ERHS Key Club held our monthly street clean up with our sponsoring Kiwanis! Members came and helped clean up the streets of their city, picking up any trash they could find and putting it into trash bags. Masks and gloves were worn to stay safe, and this service event gave key clubbers an awesome opportunity to do a great thing for their community, get to know their fellow members and sponsoring Kiwanis, and rack up those service hours! Overall, there was an incredible turn out, and we’re so so glad we have such amazing Kiwanians that give us the chance to clean up our streets every month!

CENTENNIAL On November 30, Centennial High School held their annual winter festival, where clubs had the opportunity to set up a booth, promote their club, and sell food in order to raise money for their club. For Centennial Key Club’s winter festival, we decided to sell pepperoni and cheese pizzas. Anyone could order pizzas from Key Club’s booth for $2 each. As a club, we raised $170 in sales and sold out in less than one hour! Members had the opportunity to raise service hours by either working at the booth or by walking around and promoting our booth. We gained a total of 55 service hours from this event!

CORONA On December 3rd, our president, Madi, confirmed that we will have members recognized this month! Yuli and Shaymaa won the “Most Dedicated Flock” for being in Key Club for a very long time. Abigail and Nalani won “EWEve got Spirit” for being the most spirited and attending division events as well as FRS. Audrina won Little Lamb, and Nika won black sheep. Last but not least, Jordan won member of the month for being so involved within our club and division! This recognition was announced at the Holiday at Hogwarts event on December 10th and will be posted the day after!


JOHN F. KENNEDY On November 18th right before Thanksgiving break, we had a nice meeting talking about how fun FRS was! we also talked about a new service project for December, club photos, and our Key Club potluck!

NORCO The month of November is known for the celebration of Thanksgiving and to express gratitude for what we have. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to celebrate due to economic problems. The Kiwanis Club took note of these circumstances and decided to make a change. They invited Key Club to join in on the event and we were thrilled. The event consisted of making food baskets and personally delivering them to families in our local area. On November 20th, members went on trips to the supermarkets and picked out treats for various families. This included turkeries, eggs, potatoes, and much more to have a celebration. After the trip to the supermarket, members created food baskets and prepared everything to be delivered. Key Clubbers went with members of the Kiwanis Club such as Mrs. Germain and personally delivered the treats to 11 families. They were thrilled to know that they would be able to celebrate with their families and have a large amount of food for dinner.

SANTIAGO On November 10th Santiago Key Club had one of our general meetings of the month andit was after school from 3:00pm to 3:45pm! At this meeting we went over lots of information about new and old business and for our icebreaker we had a competition! One of our service projects for November was Shave the Day which is an app that you play a game and raise money for combating childhood cancer. After the competition was over we gave the person with the highest score a shoutout on our instagram! Our winner was one of our very active members Rachel Lee! We had lots of fun and we hope to have many more fun meetings like this one to engage with our members and to make some friends! Thank you to the officer board for making this meeting so fun!


What is DLT? DLT, or Division Leader Team, is a team of Key Club students which help carry the division in a VARIETY of forms. Think of it as an officer board, but for the division! They have assigned roles, which then correlate with tasks given to by the LTG. Since the LTG election is around the corner.. that means the DLT election is as well!

ED UC C A or TI ne ON r

Given Fact: Being part of DLT is absolutely perfect if you want to lead the division, yet not have the same commitments as an LTG would!

What are the DLT Positions? There are many DLT positions, but these are the current positions that D15S offers for this term! Depending on your LTG, there may possibly be new DLT positions! If one of these positions speak to you, don’t be afraid to apply when the time comes around! Executive Assistant (EA): They work extremely close with the LTG to help plan division and region events. They also keep clubs within the division in check by planning monthly core calls with each club’s officer board members. (Typically 2-3 EA’s per DIV) Secretary: Helps club secretaries within the division turn in the Member Report Form (MRF). They are extremely crucial, since they record the division’s progression towards reaching PTP funds and service hour goals! Head Spirit Coord: Brings hype to the division and gets members excited for Fall Rally and DCON! They are also in charge of a spirit team and work with the fund coord and their fund team to create merch! Fundraising Coord: Responsible for planning anything involving money such as fundraisers, spirit gear, and collecting money for charities such as PTP! Tech Editor: They are in charge of the division’s overall presence on the internet such as social media, and optionally, a website! They must follow CNH graphic standards and create appealing visuals that will attract potential/recurring members. News Editor: Receives updates from club historians/editors. They also create newsletters to send to the district and distribute to the division! They must also follow CNH graphic standards. Historian: Responsible for taking pictures at events and creating recap videos for the division Youtube channel. They must also be familiar with Google drive, to distribute photos taken at events, to the division! It’s not required, but recommended to have a good quality camera. (Typically 1-3 historians per div)



D15S Historian


Chloe Wu

hey sheepies! i’m chloe and i proudly serve as your division historian and roosevelt’s treasurer. key club is truly one of my greatest passions, but outside of key club i also am also involved in scouting, fbla, and coding. during my free time, i also enjoy reading, watching movies, and going outdoors. i love to go kayaking, camping, and snowboarding! i also love meeting new people and making friends, so if we meet at a key club event, i would love to become your friend! What motivates you to continue Key Club? everything about key club motivates me to keep going. the spirit. the members. the leaders. most importantly, the memories. through key club, i have not only found one of my truest passions, but created myself a new family and support system. every time i’m at a key club event or meeting, the energy and spirit makes me so happy. i’m always so excited to meet new key clubbers and whenever i need motivation, knowing that i am serving all the amazing sheepies keeps me going. i will forever love key club and what it has brought me. the memories that i have made are indescribable and i will never forget them.

What was your Key Club moment? FALL RALLY!! i attended fall rally for the first time this year, and i can’t even describe what it felt like. i’m currently still processing post frs depression. from the spirit session to random spirit battles with other divisions, i created so many new memories and met so many new people. hearing out whole division cheer their heart out in order to win that spirit stick was my favorite part. we made it to top 3, and this is only our first year as a new division at fall rally which is remarkable. i had the opportunity to capture all those memories with my camera, and i’m so grateful for it!


Stay CONNECTED To The CNH District CNH Socials and Updates! Website (CNH Cyberkey) Most resources can be found on this website such as contests, projects, events, and MUCH more!

Dues Paid 70% Members Hours Served


Fulfilled Funds for PTP

CNH Key Club “What’s Poppin” S6E1 is released! This episode includes executive goals, LT goals, and district goals!

District Newsletter!


District GOALS 11

Youtube Channel

*according to the CNH website “What’s the Buzz?” December Edition is released! This cute cookies and milk themed newsletter edition was made by our District DNE,

Victor Nguyen!

KEEP UP With Key Club International KCI Socials and Updates! Website

KCI NEWS Contains information about membership, what Key Club is about, and international-wide news and events!

Youtube Channel

Key Club International “Running for Higher office” and many more amazing videos were uploaded this month, go check them out!

Key of Honor: How Key Club Members Recognize Important Mentors Dec 13, 2021

The Key of Honor is the highest recognition award presented by the Key Club International board, honoring either a person who has made a lifelong positive impact upon youth in general and Key Club specifically, or an organization that has shown long-term support of youth and Key Club programs.

All nominations must contain the following: 1. Letter of nomination 2. Biographical information 3. Letters of recommendation 4. Letter of summation

For more information, visit: minate-next-key-honor/

5. Additional information


PRESIDENT’S Centennial

Ellorie Mariano

Hey Sheepies! Happy Holidays! I hope you all are having a fantastic break! At the end of the semester, Centennial Key Club participated in the Winter Festival! Surprisingly, we sold out at hour booth within only 1 and 1/2 hours! Thank you to those who helped and came out. Without you all, we wouldn’t have been able to raise money for PTP! Lately, we’ve been planning out new service for December and January, and we are currently working the logistics for officer elections coming up second semester… Only a few months left until the term is over! It’s so surreal. Thanks for such an amazing first semester Sheepies!


Madelynne Nguyen

December has been a simple but fun month for Corona! We held a Holiday at Hogwarts themed meeting and social, where we gave out awards, ate, and did some community service with Color-A-Smile while watching a movie. Currently, we are encouraging members to go to the upcoming DCM

E. Roosevelt

Emilee Gip

Hi sheepies! I hope you did amazing on your finals and enjoying your break! For the month of december, ERHS Key Club has been working hard! We had our street clean up with Kiwanis and volunteering at the city of Eastvale holiday event! Our members got to help out on the snow slides and dress up as elves! Happy holidays <3



Alexandra Cantera

Hey d15s!! I always like saying “this term is for the books” and now I can say that it was when our yearbook picture was taken! It seemed so unreal to me being the biggest student run club— I know.. what a tacky thing but I thought it was cool and I wanted to share that moment!! This month of December one of my favorites, we did a service opportunity with city of Norco, for their breakfast with santa! And we also held a little destress potluck with our members to celebrate a successful semester with them! To be honest, d15s and jfk Key Club have my heart<3!


Roxy Fisher

Hey Key Club! I hope your holidays are incredible! This month Norco Key Club helped with breakfast with Santa. Can’t wait to work on even more service projects next month! <3


Nicole Hatton

Santiago has had 3 service projects so far! We have dream lab, holiday cards to teachers, and had some members help out at our winterfest. Winterfest was on December 11th and our club had a great turn out! We sold ramen cups and we actually sold out! It was fun running our booth and talking to newer members. At our general meeting this month, we had an icebreaker called name the sheep, which was Mr. Corwin’s idea. He pulled a random name from the bucket and our new sheep is called Q-tip. Rachel Lee won the contest. We also have 2 fundraisers this month! One is at BurgerIM on the 20th and the next one is on the 22nd at Chipotle! Our board has also discussed some new ideas next semester to implement within our club and we are really excited for what’s to come!





Eleanor Roosevelt

Ellorie Mariano

Madelynne Nguyen

Emilee Gip



John F. Kennedy



Alexandra Cantera

Roxy Fisher

Nicole Hatton


Lieutenant Governor April Lonh

Division Historians Harini Sathees & Chloe Wu

Executive Assistants Ellorie Mariano & Nathan Nguyen

Division News Editor

Division Secretary Sean Nguyen

Division Tech Editor

Desiree Valdez

Ambreen Fahimullah

Fundraising Coordinator

Spirit Coordinator

Pruthva Mania

Clemens Kang


Follow the Division 15 South

socials @division15south Division 15 South @d15s2021

THANK YOU for reading See you soon sheepies!


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