Green Tea: Division 15 South Newsletter | August 2021

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Newsletter AUGUST 2021

Vol. 1 | Issue 4

A message from the


In this Issue! 02: A Message From the DNE

HELLO EVERYONE! I hope all of you guys are doing well! As we head into the second quarter of this Key Club term, hopefully you have made amazing experiences with the first— whether it was through OTC, DCMS, or service projects :). Along with the second quarter, we are also heading back to school in a much more traditional setting, so let's take this to our advantage when Fall rally, club rush, and in person DCMs are around the corner!

Shining in service,

03: Lieutenant Governor’s Note 04-5: July Recap 06-7: Club Updates 08-9: President’s Messages 10: Division Youtube+Website 11: July Monthly Recognition 12: Spotlight on Service 13: Education Corner Theme: Children’s Education 14: Eastvale Kiwanis Meeting 15: Division 15 Joint Sticker Fundraiser 16-17: District Updates Goals, Contests, Newsletter 18-19: President+DLT Contact info

d15s news editor 2021-2022

20: Socials Instagram, Youtube, Website


Lieutenant Governor’s Note! Aloha Sheeps! Welcome to the Key Club School Year! I am undeniably excited to be starting with IN-PERSON events soon and begin member recruitment season! Whether you are a current freshman, sophomore, junior, or SENIORRRRR, just know that going into the school year can be very scary sometimes but I know YOU CAN DO THIS, and I have full confidence that you will do amazing things going into the school year! Now that we are slowly going back into in-person schooling, and in-person events, or even if you are staying virtual, Division 15 South is super excited to introduce so many fun events to our members and begin a hype term now that FALL RALLY SOUTH IS COMING SOON!! Are you looking forward to in-person DCM’s and division events? Look no further! Division 15 South is planning BIG Things soon so please look out on our Instagram for fun events soon! If you are more comfortable in a virtual format, no worries! We will be trying our best to have a hybrid option so you can enjoy the event from your computer! We want YOU to get the full Key Club experience, whether you are staying virtual or going back in person! Thank you for all of your hard work this past quarter! We have blown our quarter goal OUT OF THE WATER and your hard work truly makes our sheep flock family proud! Continue to work hard, work together, and let’s get hype for the Key Club school year!

With a GLEAMING passion for service,

D15S LTG 2021-22


July Recap

July Recap

D37E x D15S Sailor Social On July 3rd, we had a Sailor Moon Social with a division outside our region, D37E! This event included many games and team challenges!

Survive the Jungle: July DCM On July 18th, we had our Survive the Jungle July DCM with our beloved division, D15E! Zoe and April did an amazing job keeping attendees entertained.


July Jungle DCM Highlights


CLUB UPDATES On June 15th, Centennial Key Club began the Colored Concrete Service Project. Members could gain service hours by drawing health and safety reminders on their sidewalk or could create a health and safety infographic. Centennial Key Club members shared their creativity through the infographics they made and their art on the sidewalks. The event ended on June 30th. CORONA


During the month of June, Corona is planning an interclub social/service event with Santiago which will be Phineas and Ferb themed! Our officer boards met up through zoom on June 19, 11:30 AM to plan out our “104 Hours of Community Service” social/service event. In addition we had a separate meeting on June 27th to finalize the event details. This event will be held on zoom in July 25th and we will be playing many games on and do color-a-smile with Santiago! We also have planned introductions and icebreakers!

For the month of June, ERHS Key Club had a service project where members ran, walked, or biked miles for service hours! By downloading the Charity Miles app and joining the team “erhs key club 2021-2022” members were able to keep track of their miles and exercise for their chosen charity! This helps to raise money for great causes, with the additional benefit of getting in shape!



JOHN F. KENNEDY For the month of June, we started off with the Positivity Posters service project. This service project was to help relive the stress on JFK’s highschool students and help them mentally prepare for finals. We placed posters all over the school with a couple of special ones where you can pull off a little tab with encouraging words. Overall for this service project, the vice president, secretary, and historian got a total of 10 hours towards the club. As Norco is getting settled in the tasks to have a successful term, we hosted our first general meeting with the students at Norco High School. Before the meeting, we campaigned about our club and showed how exciting it is to be a part of this family. We gained insight as to how many students were interested in our club. Our president, Roxy Fisher, and vice president, Jazmin Sifunetes, were helpful to the incoming members as they prepared a presentation in order to explain what our club is really about. We also discussed future plans to gain knowledge to which events people are most interested and excited about. This will help our club during the term because we are willing to listen to what our members desire to do. We hope to expand our services with the amount of members involved in our club.



On June 22nd, Santiago Key Club held an officer bonding meeting and it went from 3pm to 4:30pm. At the meeting we were able to get to know each officer better through fun activities like show and tell, tarot card readings, we’re not really strangers questions, and making a summer bucket list together. All five officers, Nicole H, Jasmine P, Janita I, Riya M, and myself attended this meeting and we all had lots of fun talking about how our summers were going. The reason we held the event was to get to know each other better and to become stronger as a team. The event was planned and led by our awesome president, Nicole Hatton, and she made it such a fun summer activity for all the officers, so a big thank you 7 to Nicole!

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGES CENTENNIAL Hey everyone! I can't believe summer is almost over. This month in July, Centennial has been working extremely hard on our Back-to-School Game Plan. Over the course of the past few weeks, our club has been developing our merch designs, our new website, service/fundraising ideas for the beginning of the school year, and our Club Rush Execution plan. Our officers are planning to have a Decoration Day (a day dedicated to creating booth decorations), along with an Officer x Committee photoshoot for our website profiles. Lastly, our community service events for this month are Charity Miles and Compliment Chains. Can't wait to see each other soon!

CORONA During July, the Corona High Key Club has been preparing for next school year! We are getting ready for some officer bonding, as well as a joint social and service event with Santiago’s Key Club later this month.❤

E. ROOSEVELT Hey Sheeps ! This month Roosevelt had their monthly street clean up on July 10th. Also members and officers attended the Eastvale Kiwanis Meeting at the Boostma Ranch on July 12th! For this month’s service project we have a recycle drive which all of the money made will be donated to PTP!


JOHN F. KENNEDY Hi there to our division 15 south family! This month I proudly would like to say that JFK key club finally has things under control. During July, we’ve had our ongoing service project “kindness rock project” which helped brightened our community and bring some smiles to our community which we love to see :) As the next school year approaches us, we’ve decided to team up with Alta Lomas key club in d15n and have a social/service project for when we go back to school <3

NORCO Hey Key Club! Norco completed our first service event as well as having our first general meeting this month! Working over the summer is tough but we’ve got this! We can’t wait to see you this year :).

SANTIAGO This month, Santiago has been hard at work planning an interclub service/social event with Corona key club! It is our backyard beach Phineas and Ferb themed event where we will do color a smile, watch Phineas and Ferb, and play mafia and it will be on Sunday July 25th from 2-3pm. We were going to additionally plan for a park clean up with corona but we unfortunately had to cancel it due to regulations and difficulty with it being summer. For monthly service, we have color a smile again, charity miles, and paper bridges letters to orphans. Last month, we also posted pride month resources to be INCLUSIVE since inclusivity is one of our core values. As for me, I have been more active using the Santiago remind and Instagram. Santiago officer board is also going to have an in person meeting with circle city Kiwanis on august 6th at Graziano’s! We want to establish those bonds so we can connect better (shoutout to Lauren for this idea of meeting up!)


Division Youtube! Our Division Youtube, Division 15 South, has uploaded a new video which explains what MNT (Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus) is! Shoutout to our EA Nathan Nguyen for the amazing editing!

Division Website! Our amazing tech editor Ambreen Fahimullah has launched our division website which will be frequently updated with upcoming events, resources, and so much more!


JULY Monthly Recognition! Member


Alexa Vargas

Alexa Cantera


John. F Kennedy

Faculty Advisor


Mr. Vu Eleanor Roosevelt

Ms. Germain Norco


spotlight on...

SERVICE!! August Theme: Children’s Education

RECAP ON WHAT SOSP IS Spotlight on Service is a program created by the CNH Service Projects Committee to promote and encourage service initiatives across the district by providing monthly guides which showcase a new topic each month that will provide service project tips and ideas. This program provides opportunity for clubs to showcase their service events at a district level and have a chance to earn district recognition!

Event Ideas

-Book Collection Drive

As summer nears its end and the new school year begins, it’s important to remember Key Club’s major emphasis “Children: Their Future, Our Focus”. In line with this idea is the August SOSP theme, Children’s Education.

Service Ideas

Fundraising Ideas

-Virtual/In-Person Tutoring Sessions

-Host a BINGO Night -Host an Art Auction

-College and Career Fair

-Library Visits

-School Supplies Drive -Virtual Jeopardy Night


n io t a er c u n r Ed Co

A charity called “Erika’s Lighthouse” has partnered with both Kiwanis International and Key Club International to bring mental health awareness everywhere! It is now the CNH district’s preferred charity.

Erika’s Lighthouse is motivated towards children struggling with depression and other mental illnesses. Fundraise for this preferred charity today! 13


On July 12th, some ERHS officers and our LTG April Lonh attended our first in-person Kiwanis Meeting! We were able to hear club updates about the Eastvale Kiwanis club, what they have been working on, and what they are looking forward to in the future! They are actively engaged with their community and our LTG was so happy to see Key Clubbers there supporting their Kiwanians!

Special Guests from D15 Kiwanis LTG Ms. McNay and D15 Kiwanis LTG Elect Bob Prior made the experience all the more amazing and enjoyed seeing the unity! Shoutout to Mr. Rife for the free Eastvale Kiwanis shirts and April is so excited to attend more Kiwanis meetings in the 14 future!


DIVISION 15’s JOINT STICKER FUNDRAISER!! Cute Studio Ghibli Themed OTC Stickers!! You should definitely consider buying

All stickers are $2 each and all funds from this fundraiser go towards the Pediatric Trauma Program! 15

District Updates DISTRICT GOALS 35,000 Dues Paid Members

$225,000 Raised For PTP

900,000 Service Hours

DISTRICT UPDATES Check out the member recognition program which recognizes the hard work of Key Club members! Learn more about it under the MRP post on the @cnh_keyclub Instagram!

The CNH contest Guidelines have been released! These contests range from club attire to most improved club! Find the info on all contests using the CNH Cyberkey through Recognition -> Contests.

DISTRICT NEWSLETTER The district news editor Victor Nguyen has released the monthly newsletter! You can find it on the CNH Cyberkey.


Advisor Contests -

Advisor of the year Marvin J. Christiansen

Club Contests -

Club Attire Club of the Year Club Poster (digital) Club Poster (non-digital) Club Video Most Improved Club Year in Review (digital) Year in Review (traditional)

Member Contests -

Member of the Year Sandy Nininger Talent Member Recognition Program

Officer Contests -

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Service Contests -

Single Service Major Emphasis

Website Contests -

Club Website Division Website

Newsletter Contests -

Club Newsletter Division Newsletter

Member applications are due January 5th

Advisor and Club applications are due April 1st

Officer applications are due February 5th

Service, Website, and Newsletter applications are due September 15th

District Contests

As previously mentioned, CNH has released the guidelines for district contests! - Although district contests are annual, significant changes have been made to ALL guidelines.





Eleanor Roosevelt

Ellorie Mariano

Madelyn Nguyen

Emilee Gip



John F. Kennedy Ifaz Rashid

Roxy Fisher

Nichole Hatton



Lieutenant Governor April Lonh

Division Historians Harini Sathees & Chloe Wu

Executive Assistants Ellorie Mariano & Nathan Nguyen

Division News Editor

Division Secretary Sean Nguyen

Division Tech Editor

Desiree Valdez

Ambreen Fahimullah

Fundraising Coordinator

Spirit Coordinator

Pruthva Mania

Clemens Kang


Division 15 South Socials @Division15South

Division 15 South

Than k takin you for g a lo at th is mo ok nth subm ission ’s !


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