Green Tea: Division 15 South Newsletter | September 2021

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Newsletter SEPTEMBER 2021

Vol. 1 | Issue 5


A message from the


In this Issue!


02- Message from the DNE

I hope your first few weeks at school have been great. The transition from seeing half the student body to the entire school was crazy! Lets keep on wearing our masks to gradually lighten the COVID-19 restrictions in our district ;).

03- LTG’s Note

Thank you for taking the time to read the newsletter. If you know any way I can improve it and/or make it more inclusive to everyone, please let me know! I’d love to know feedback from my division <3. Shoot me an email: !

Shining in service,

04- August Recap: Supply Drive -Service event with Norco Kiwanis!

05- Highlight a Sheep: Clemens Kang 06- Club Updates 08- Spotlight on Service: PTP 09- Education Corner: Fall Rally South 10- President’s Messages 12- August Monthly Recognition 13- Key Club Manuals 14- District Updates -Website Contest, What is DCON?, SERVEtember, District Newsletter

17- What’s Next? 18- President Contact Info 19- DLT Contact info

d15s news editor 2021-2022

20- Division Socials


Lieutenant Governor’s Note! What’s Grazin’ Sheepies! I hope you all had an AMAZING first month of school with new memories to come and exciting experiences! Entering the school year may be overwhelming with in-person transitions but I hope that you are all taking it slow and enjoying the moment while simultaneously staying safe! Personally, entering my senior year was exciting but scary at the same time so we are all experiencing these new changes together! Take this time to value to the school year and take advantage of the in-person setting as you have many opportunities to open up new doors for your members and clubs! Speaking of in-person settings, I am undeniably excited to begin in-person events soon! While regulations may be changing every day, my first priority is SAFETY & HEALTH so I will be sure to keep you all in the loop with upcoming changes that may be coming soon! Right now, I highly suggest immersing yourself in your club, get connected with your officers, and open your mind to new things every day in Key Club! I hope we can all learn new things together this term as the school year begins and the productive Key Club term is upon us! Thank you all for your hard work and I look forward to seeing you all very soon!

With a GLEAMING passion for service,

D15S LTG 2021-22


School Supply Drive Service Event! On August 7th, Division 15 South partnered with Norco Kiwanis to help provide students with the resources to succeed for school.

August Recap

August Recap


This was our FIRST ever in-person event! Since it was an overall success, we will be having more in person events in the future— so stay tuned! 4


HEYO! My name is Clemens Kang, a senior at Eleanor Roosevelt High School, and I proudly serve YOU as your division Head Spirit Coordinator for the 2021-2022 term!!! Key club, our passion, and our members inspire me everyday and I am so honored to help bring spirit into Division 15 South. Outside of Key Club, I serve as the founder and president of a club called Hospice Mustangs, an organization aiming to provide service to hospice patients and inspire and educate others in the community. I also love to surf, eat new cultural/fusion foods, and visit beaches. FUN FACT: I went to the same beach 5 days in a row over summer break!

What motivates you to continue Key Club? Key club has, from the beginning, provided me a space of love, passion, and community, and I strive to serve as a leader who can best give others a similar experience! As you may know, this is the first year EVER, of our Division 15 South existing, and I am dedicated to bringing the HYPE and SPIRIT and creating a legacy for the D15S SHEEPIESSS.

How does being the Head Spirit Coordinator express yourself as a person? As the Head Spirit Coordinator, I lead an AMAZING team of 5 dedicated key clubbers who work alongside me in creating/planning DIVISION CHEERS, coordinating spirit gear and merchandise, and finding ways to bring spirit to our division. Through this, I have had ample opportunities to expand my creative outlet. Not only do I connect outside of the division, region level to share ideas and feedback, but I also work with a TEAM to plan these ideas from the bottom to the top. It has been such a great experience thus far to reflect my values and strategic ideas to help us…. WIN THAT SPIRIT STICK!!


CLUB UPDATES CENTENNIAL On July 1st, Centennial Key Club started the Kindness Chains service event, where members could create paper chains with words of kindness or uplifting messages written on each link. These chains were sent out to people in need of kind words and smiles. Members sent pictures of their completed chains along with the amount of time that they spent working on them.

CORONA On August 5th at 4-9pm, the Corona High Key Club officers had an in person bonding at the house of our club president, Madi Nguyen. We discussed our plans for club rush and funding, as well as an event plus theme for each month so that Key Club remains entertaining. We discussed what separates Key Club from other community service clubs in our school, and what we will do for member retention. Every officer (Abraham, Dasia, Kathryn, Valerie, Desiree) attended this bonding!

E. ROOSEVELT For the month of July, ERHS Key Club had a service project where members collect bottles and cans, putting them in separate trash bags to be dropped off at the recycle center at the end of the month! This was an amazing opportunity for members to benefit from their empty bottles and cans. Additionally, this recycle drive allows key clubbers to practice recycling, something that is beneficial for their environment, meaning ultimately beneficial for everyone!


NORCO As we continue our term, we look for new ways to keep our members engaged with our club. Charity miles, recommended by our secretary Erin Tiha, was an event we held for a week. In this event, one downloaded the app Charity Miles and logged in every type of exercise one participated in. The app can also track any type of movement from running to dancing. One could choose from a variety of charities to support while helping oneself stay healthy. The charities sponsored include Feeding America, Project Purple, American Lung Association, National Park Foundation, and World Food Programme. Each mile one does helps raise money for the charity chosen. The different activities one participates raises a certain amount of money for each mile. Running can raise 25 cents per mile meanwhile biking will raise 10 cents per mile. While advocating for a healthy lifestyle, we were also able to help raise money for those in need in our community and around the world.

SANTIAGO On July 25th the officer boards from Corona and Santiago held a Phineas and Ferb themed service social and the event went from 2pm to 3pm. We were able to introduce the presidents from both clubs, watch an episode of Phineas and Ferb, do the Color-a-Smile service project, and play Phineas and Ferb Mafia. All the officers from both Santiago and Corona, some of our Kiwanians, and a couple of our members participated in this service social event. The event was held on zoom and the purpose of the event was to do our service project and to connect with our Kiwanians and members that attended. One of our main goals was also to bond with the officer board from Corona! Overall the event was very well planned and it was a super fun experience and I definitely felt like there was lots of bonding in between the two clubs and hopefully we can work with the amazing officer board from Corona again in the future.


Spotlight On Service Presents...

PEDIATRIC TRAUMA TRAUMA PROGRAM PROGRAM PEDIATRIC (PTP)! The Pediatric Trauma Program works to reduce the amount of children going through trauma and saving lives. They do this by reaching out to hospitals and donating to fund for research, equipment, and education for our doctors. By donating to PTP we are helping our first responders, nurses and doctors to be fully equipped to aid children facing the problems of the leading cause of death among children.

EVENT IDEAS PTP Week -A whole week dedicated to PTP awareness, educating people on how important it is, and possible fundraising! SERVICE PROJECTS Writing Letters to Frontline Workers -Members can write letters to medical front line workers, thanking them for everything they have done and send these cards to hospitals and clinics! Write Happy Birthday Cards for Pediatric Patients PTP Awareness Members can create posters, videos, or graphics that help educate people on what PTP is!

RECAP ON WHAT SOSP IS Spotlight on Service is a program created by the CNH Service Projects Committee to promote and encourage service initiatives across the district by providing monthly guides which showcase a new topic each month that will provide service project tips and ideas. This program provides opportunity for clubs to showcase their service events at a district level and have a chance to earn district recognition!

FUNDRAISING IDEAS Dare the DLT Bingo Members can donate a certain amount of money to dare a DLT member of their choice to do one of the dares listed off of a Bingo Template. This idea can also make members feel more engaged whole division. Division Stickers Your division could hold a sticker competition and winners will have their design used as the Division’s stickers. Then, you can sell those stickers to your members, kiwanians, and even other divisions! Your proceeds will be used to go help Pediatric Trauma Patients.


N IO T A er C rn U ED Co

FALL FALL RALLY RALLY SOUTH SOUTH What is Fall Rally South? Thousands of members gather at Six Flags Magic Mountain on November. Then LTGs and Executive officers are "auctioned" off to Divisions; the winning Division is able to then spend a designated period of time with the "purchased" officer. Auction funds and a portion of the ticket sales for both events go towards the Pediatric Trauma Program.

Why should you attend? You can experience motivational programs, divisional spirit rally, meet new people, help fund PTP, and Key Club spirit!

When is Fall Rally South? Date: November 13th, 2021 Time: TBD Location: Six Flags Magic Mountain Transportation: Busses




Hello sheep! I hope your first month of school has been treating you well! Centennial Key Club is back and ready to start off the year with new in-person events! As Club Rush nears the corner, Centennial Key Club has been working on planning our execution and setting up important paperwork for the start of the school year. We are currently working on several publications for our new events as well. We recently just released our Officer x Committee bios on our Instagram, and we are making more progress with our club website and merch. This month in August, our on-going service event is our Make Your Mark (Bookmark Making) service event! Essentially, members can make bookmarks to donate to the Liberation Library or the Venice Family Clinic. We will also have a Poster/Lei Making Day where members can gain community service by helping us prepare materials for Club Rush and our PTP Fundraiser! Our first meeting of the school year will be on September 3rd, so stay tuned!



In August, Corona Key Club celebrated the new school year with an officers bonding event, where we discussed our club plans and goals for 2021-2022. We are currently preparing for Club Rush, and focused on gaining new members. We are also beginning to plan for our first official club meeting!



hi sheeps! hope your school year is starting out well :) roosevelt has been very busy with club rush prep and planning for our first in person meeting! the service project for this month is free rice, where members answer trivia questions which will donate money to the world food program! roosevelt will also be having an upcoming inter club service even with santiago :D




hi d15s sheep ! it’s jfk keyckub. this month has been kinda slow as we wrapped up the summer, our officers are still working hard on moving our club rush to be more e-friendly and planning our strategy to recruit more members <3



The school year has started! Norco High key club is planning for our club rush. These days have been a bit slower than usual, but everyone is a busy bee since school has started. We plan on kicking off the school year strong after the big club rush. We’re so excited to have meetings in person and can’t wait to get rolling!



For August, Santiago’s service projects are Smithsonian transcripts, bookmarks for school on wheels, and which is related to the SOSP of children’s education. We are also working on setting up another opportunity for members to help clean teacher’s classrooms. Before school started, Santiago officer board met with our Kiwanis to get to know each other and bond which was a lot of fun. Club rush is coming on September 1st for us so our board is going to work on preparing for that as well


August Monthly Recognition! MEMBER : Gracie Juniper - Roosevelt

OFFICER : Nia Arches - JFK

FACULTY : Ms. Marquez - Norco

KIWANIS : Mr. Bob Prior

CLUB : Santiago

Cong r every atulations one! Y have worke ou all ds hard and y uper recog o nition ur w well d eserv as ed! 12

Key Club MANUALS As a Key Club officer, you have MANY responsibilities and tasks!

I In the NewBEES Club Officer drive sent by our LTG, April Lonh, there are many resources for each officer position— all which are VERY informative and can help keep each club perform at the best of their abilities! These resources are presentations created by our District MDE (Member Development & Education) Chair, Shanelle Relucio!

Along with helpful officer resources, there are amazing manuals in the NewBEES drive which contain information such as: ★

Chartering and reactivating Clubs


Member Recruitment

Always look at the manuals for club improvement!


DISTRICT UPDATES DISTRICT UPDATES DISTRICT UPDATES CNH Club and Division Website Contest! At, you can apply for the CNH website contest at a club or division level! Don’t worry about making your website perfect at this very moment. Instead, focus on growth and improvement! More info can be found in the CNH Contest Guidelines. Good luck to everyone who applies!

Tips for applying: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Update your website before each check Keep track of the three judging dates in a calendar Use the rubric as a checklist for your website Use free website builders to create your website BEE sure to include division/district/international updates

What is DCON? District Convention, also known as DCON, is an annual event held to celebrate the achievements of the term, elect the new District Executive Board, attend workshops, meet new people, and welcome the new term. Key Clubbers from all around California, Nevada, and Hawaii gather to create STELLAR memories with each other.

Why should you attend DCON? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Learn more about Key Club by attending workshops (ex: leadership development, life skills, college, etc). As a delegate, vote for the 2021-2022 District Executive Board. Recognize and celebrate the hard work of members, clubs, officers, and advisors! Watch all the talent CNH has to offer and our very special keynote speaker. Spend time with all the new friends that you make during the duration of the District Convention. Experience the bittersweet moments during the last event of the term, say goodbye to the 2020-2021 District Board, and welcome the 2021-2022 District Board.

When: April 9th-11th, 2021 | Where: Online Theme: A Golden Year of Service!


The SERVE-tember Initiative What is SERVEtember? The entire month of September will be focused on promoting service and member recognition in our CNH district. The initiative is emphasizing Key Club’s aspect of being a service organization, and focusing on this purpose throughout September!

How Do I Submit? Your club’s progress of the SERVEtember projects below, will be submitted through a Google Form; Make sure to follow ALL instructions that the form provides. *IMPORTANT REMINDER Take pictures and have descriptions ready in order to fill the form!

SERVE-tember Bucket List ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

Attend/Host a service event with another branch of the Kiwanis Family Host a service project/event with another school in the division Host a service project with 20% of the club’s members in attendance Host a “Promoting a Healthier Lifestyle” service or educational event Raise $1 for PTP for every member in your club Submit to the Spotlight on Service Program for September Ask a member, officer, or advisor what “service” means to them

*The bucket list is VERY important when participating in SERVEtember!! Make sure to BEE thorough!



Make sure to also check out the August edition of “WHAT’s THE BUZZ?” on or on the CNH Cyberkey!

This is the official newsletter of our CNH District, brought to you by our district news editor, Victor Nguyen!


What’s Next?

D35 x D15 Skate Express Fundraiser

Region Night Market

D15S x D15E Color Splash





Eleanor Roosevelt

Ellorie Mariano

Madelyn Nguyen

Emilee Gip



John F. Kennedy Ifaz Rashid

Roxy Fisher

Nicole Hatton



Lieutenant Governor April Lonh

Division Historians Harini Sathees & Chloe Wu

Executive Assistants Ellorie Mariano & Nathan Nguyen

Division News Editor

Division Secretary Sean Nguyen

Division Tech Editor

Desiree Valdez

Ambreen Fahimullah

Fundraising Coordinator

Spirit Coordinator

Pruthva Mania

Clemens Kang


Division 15 South Socials @Division15South

Division 15 South

See y ou in the guys subm next ission !


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