Division 25 East June 2014 Newsletter

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The Official

Division 25 East theKoala-ty


Division 25 East | Region 7 | CNH District


Volume 5 | Issue 1

June 2014

Division 25 East poses with the 2013-2014 District Executive board at District Convention 2014 held at Sacremnto, CA.

|Birmingham|Cleveland|Granada Hills|Kennedy|Monroe|Northridge Academy|Van Nuys|

inclu IN THIS

Table Of Contents Opening Page Included In This Issue Message from Parliament Lieutenant Governor Division News Members Section Region Update District Update International Message Climbing On Up Division Parliament

uded S ISSUE A Word from your Division News Editor Hello Koalas, Let me first start by introducing myself, my name is Coddy Ramos and I will be serving as your Division News Editor for the 2014-2015 term. I predict that Division 25 East will rise to new heights throughout this term. I want to be able to make these monthly newsletters all about you, the members that I serve. With this I mean I may once in a while come talk to you or do a quick interview because I want to get the members perspectives as well. If you attend a DCM or any division wide events please don’t hesitate to introduce yourself. I love making friends and I’d like to know the members I serve on a more personal level. My goal for these monthly newsletter is to be able to educate and update YOU, the members on what is going on within the clubs, divisions, regions, district, and international. I want to be able to retaliate the information and compile it in a way that is visually appealing to you. I hope you enjoy and I can’t wait to see what else this term has in store for this divison.

Don’t forget to follow to get information on upcoming events!

@d25ekeyclub https://www.facebook.com/ groups/106190519419222/ http://d25ekoalas.tumblr.com

Contact Information| Email : d25e.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com Phone : (818)403-9566

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Executive Assistant Michael Lee

Hello Koalas! For those of you who do not know me, my name is Michael Lee. I attend Granada Hills Charter High School, and I am currently a sophomore, headed into my junior year. I currently serve as one of the executive assistants for this division! I love spending time with people, especially people I don’t know, sitting down with them and getting to know them, getting to know their story. I enjoy sunrises and sunsets, long walks down the shore, spending time with my loved ones, and especially enjoy bonding with other key clubbers! Some goals that I have this term are more involvement on a division level, more opportunities to bond and connect, and to have an amazing term! I would love nothing more than to sit down and get to know each and every one of you as an individual, not as a key clubber, not as the person you long to be, but to get to know the real you. I would love that opportunity, and truly hope that I get the chance to do that. Some upcoming events to look forward to are Relay for Life, World fest, Region 7 beach cleanup, and even Region 7 RTC! I strongly encourage all of you to come out and have fun with your fellow key clubbers. Please do not be afraid to approach me about anything! I promise to try my best to be there for you as a friend. I hope to see all your BEE-UTIFUL faces at the upcoming events!! Wishing you nothing but good vibes and good times, EA Michael Lee

Secretary Gloria Lee

Hello BEE-utiful Koalas! My name is Gloria Lee and I am the Division Secretary, here to serve you! I will be here for you all whether it be for Key Club or just life in general. We Koalas need to stick together! I hope to get to know you more throughout the year! And always remember the words of IP President Sarine Kim “The S in secretary stands for Stalker.” In all seriousness though, if you ever have any questions about anything please do not hesitate to ask. DS Gloria Lee

Fundraising Manager John Camara

AGE rliament Hello Division 25 East! My name is Tyler Kowta and I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as your Executive Assistant for the 2014-2015 term. I am a sophomore at Granada Hills Charter High School and an incoming Junior in the fall. As the next D25E Executive Assistant, I want to do all that I can to improve this Division and make it an amazing atmosphere to be in. I also plan to help the Division by working with the outstanding Division Parliament. Being an Executive Assistant, I will also be looking for the future Koalas of the Months as well as a Club of the Month. I am looking forward to watching all of you grow individually as key club members and proudly serve our home, schools, and community. I BEE-lieve that all of y’all are more than KOALA-fied to be recognized as Koala of the Month. I am also looking forward to seeing everyone at Division events and hope to meet every single one of you during my term. Please feel free to share any ideas or suggestions through my email or approach me at any events in the future! EA Tyler Kowta

Hey Koalas, I am John Camara, and I am so excited to be Division 25 East’s Division Fundraising Manager for the 2014-2015 term! In this term, I plan to increase and promote fundraising for the Division. Each and everyone of us is capable of making a difference. Together, we can help D25E grow and raise funds for charities such as the Eliminate Project and PTP beyond district goals! I also hope to get to know each of you and give you all of my support. As a Koala since Freshman year at Monroe, I found a place where I can serve and fit in, and that’s among you all. If you would ever want to talk to me about anything, feel free to contact me anytime! DFM Jonh Camara

Executive Assistant Tyler Kowta

Hello Division 25 East, I am Samuel Kim, your Division Task Coordinator of the 20142015 term! I am from Cleveland High School and I am currently finishing my freshman year. My goals this year are to fully support the Lieutenant Governor, other division officers, and of course y’all, the members. I look forward to serving you all and I hope y’all serve other members! DTC Samuel Kim

Task Coordinator Samuel Kim

Lieute GOVE Hello Division 25 East Koalas, I am so excited to be serving as your 2014-2015 Lieutenant Governor. It’s always been a dream of mine to serve as the Lt. G for this amazing division. It still hasn’t fully hit me that those dreams have come true. I am still in shock when I look at the amazing members I serve and realize that I have the opportunity to serve such competent, servant leaders. Division 25 East has always inspired me, from my first DCM in August 2012 to today. It’s truly wonderful knowing that I have the privilege to serve such inspiring members. This year, I hope to implement three main aspects throughout the term: service, unity, and inspiration. I want to remind Key Clubbers the main reason for the establishment of this outstanding organization: SERVICE. We are here to serve the community as well as each other. That is a philosophy I hope all of you remember throughout your years in Key Club, and hopefully during the years that follow as well. I hope to also further UNITE the division. I would love for all members of the division to get to know each other. I have had the privilege to meet so many of you already and I am truly inspired by your passion for Key Club. I would love for each and every one of you to share that passion with each other to bring the division into a closer knit Ohana. Last but not least, INSPIRATION. Many of us have had that inspiring moment that made us realize why Key Club is such a great organization. If some of you haven’t, don’t worry; it’s coming! My inspiring Key Club moment was Region Training Conference 2012. That was the event that made me realize why Key Club is such a great organization full of some of the greatest people you will ever meet. I will never forget that day. I hope to see members continuously inspiring one another to be the best they can be. The gift of inspiration is one of the greatest gifts you can give. Division 25 East is composed of so many great leaders. I see so much potential in each and every one of you! I can see such a bright future ahead for the division. None of these goals could be accomplished without you! Thank you all for being such amazing members! I look forward to a successful Key Club year! Spirited with Koala-ty Service, Monica Reyes Division 25 East Lieutenant Governor 2014-2015

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Divis New Meet your

Division Parliament for the 2014-2015 term

Lieutenant Governor Monica Reyes

Executive Assistant Michael Lee

Executive A Tyler Ko

The Koala-ty Standards In the beginning of the term, Lt. G Monica Reyes set her expectations and goals for this dvision:


Currently our division has: # of Hours

0/5000 # of Members


by the end of this 2014-2015 term.

# of Funds








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Assistant owta

Division News Editor Coddy Ramos

Division Treasurer John Camara

Division Secretary Gloria Lee

Division Task Coordinator Samuel Kim


Do you want to create the next division shirt and leave your mark in Division 25 East history? Well here’s your chance! Requirements: - Division colors (black and green) - Includes our Division Mascot (Koalas) - Key Club Seal - “Division 25 East, Region 7, CNH District” - No schools name are allowed on the design, however you may draw koalas that look like their schools mascot instead. * Keep in mind that the amount of color will determine the cost of the shirt. If your design is chosen, you will recieve a free shirt!

2013-2014 Division 25 East T-Shirt Design by Sharon Lee


Send all designs to Lt. Governor Monica d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com


You have to go to banquet to find out! LIVE FROM VAN NUYS ELKS LODGE SATURDAY JUN 14



CLUB RECAPS Club Recaps are created by each individual club giving each club an opportunity to reflect, make goals, and advertise to the entire division!



Granada Hills Charter

Cleveland Cavaliers

Van Nuys


Northridge Academy



Monroe Vikings




Birmingham High School MEET THe 2014-2015 OFFICER BOARD

Khrisley Castillo



SECRETARY Ariel Gonzalez

VICE PRESIDENTS Our new Vice Presidents Abygail Viramontes and Jennifer Ngo. They are best friends and are ready to help our members and officers when they need help!

Our new Historian Kathy Flores! She is excited to take pictures at our future events and write and collect articles to share the experience of volunteering.



Everybody Reads

On Saturday, May 17, there will be a chance for you to read to kids from 8:45am to 11:45am. Reading to kids would be a great experience for you. You will also get community service hours. If you’re into Chinese food, Panda Express will be served there. Make sure to tell your president or vice president, so they can sign you up right away. The place will be at Noble Elementary School.

Recently, Cleveland’s Key Club organized eliminate week. Most of the key club members wore blue to bring light to Maternal Neonatal Tentanus (MNT), and the countless lives that are affected by the disease. MNT is a deadly disease that stole the lives of nearly 60,000 innnocent babies and an important number of women each year. Even though the week to wear blue has past, you can still donate to help cure the babies and women effected by the disease.

Huy Ho

The days that I went to Everybody Reads was a great experience. I had fun time socialzing with the kids who came. I was able to read to them. I was comfotable with everyone around me. Everyone was really nice and fun to be around with. The kids were sweet and listened to the instructions. Not only did I bond with the kids, I also bonded with other key club members. I would definately love to come again.

GRANADA HILLS CHARTER Rock climbing, frisbee toss, and horse races? Saturday, April 26th, Beckford Family Fun Day at Beckford Elementary School took place. Kids played games with their families while Granada key clubbers volunteered at booths and rewarded them with prizes. They were able to witness a young child smile as their families enthusiastically cheered them on to win as many times as they could. Watching for the smallest curve on the kids’ mouths to turn into the shape of a smile…it was truly an amazing and heartwarming feeling!

Beckford Family Fun Day Officer Reflection: President Isaac Leon “I just want to say WOW! The 2014-2015 term just started and I’m already loving it! I have just begun my Upcoming Events! journey as President and it is amazing because I’m getting the • Everybody Reads 5/17 opportunity to learn more leadership experience. Not only am • El Oro Fun Day 5/17 • Relay For Life 6/7 I acquiring new skills but I get to serve the home club with the members I love. I know I’m not alone in this because I have the officers I serve to support me in anything and I just know this year is going to be a memorable one!”


James Monroe High School Key Club KIWANIS ONE DAY AND OPERATION GRATITUDE Monroe Key Clubbers had a great time at both of these joint events with the Kiwanis and Circle K members. At Kiwanis One Day we cleaned the streets of Northridge and even painted murals. At Operation Gratitude we did a myriad of activities. From packaging boxes for the soldiers overseas to making safety gear for them. Getting to bond with all the different branches of Key Club at these events was a learning experience for the members of Monroe- it showed them that Key Club can really go beyond the walls of high schools and affect you in all stages of life. All in all, the members of Monroe Key Club had a great month at these events!

This past month has been an extremely active month for Monroe Key Club! We had 4 members attend DCON and they returned with a new appreciation for all that Key Club does! Members also enjoyed the new and various events we had this month. As the school year ends, seeing our member attendance increase is very rewarding. We hope this continues in the months to come! -Tech Editor, Amy Diallo & President, Kayla Gonzalez

Kennedy Kennedy Open House On May 8th, 2014, Kennedy Key Club participated in our school’s open house to promote Key Club to our students, their family, and incoming freshman for the next school year! To promote our club, we used pamphlets, key blades, and a fun membership card poster (as seen in the picture)!

“The start of this term has been pretty well so far! I’m so excited to see how it turns out. We have so much in store for our members and we can’t wait to show them what we got! Some of our exciting upcoming service events include Run or Dye and the Color Run, so I’m very excited to see how those turn out! I know that the members I serve will enjoy participating in them very much. My goals for this month are to gain attendance for events (especially since we have a lot of exciting ones coming up) and to have one or two fundraisers!” Isabel Evangelista, Club President

Northridge Academy Chatsworth CBI Prom On Saturday May 3, 2014, Chatsworth Kiwanis hosted a Special Needs Prom for students of Chatsworth High School. From 10:3012:30 Link Crew, Key Club, and Kiwanis members helped setup the 1920s themed dance, by 6pm it was Prom time. Students helped serve food, wait tables, wash dishes, clean up, and dance with the attendees. This was a great service event to attended, because not only did we serve our community, but we also had the chance to interact with the teens that attended the dance. If you're looking for a fun, energetic service event this is one you don't want to miss out on.

Officer Reflection There's been up and downs, but we've pushed through. Northridge has been trying to up our game to represent our home club. We may not be a big club, but we have some pretty rad devoted members. My goals for the 2014-2015 term are: member retention, creating competent members, inspiring people to run for a position, having fun, memorable service events and fundraisers, and to build a closer relationship with my fellow D25E clubs.

Aminata Diallo | Monroe High

operation GRATITUDE

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During the month of April, Monroe’s Key Club participated in the packaging of items to the troop serving our country at Operation Gratitude. We got to write the packaging stamps, and I personally got to comprehend the size of our military, Air Force, marines, and navy. It was amazing to just see how many different places we were sending these care packages. Later in the day, we moved to the assembly lines and got to see what was actually going inside the boxes, such as t­shirts, CDs, books, candy, and girl scout cookies. We were packaging thousands of boxes so quickly! Some of the members of Monroe’s Key Club, like myself, actually got to work alongside veterans that had served in the military at some point. All in all, it was truly and amazing event, and I know that many of our members did develop a deeper appreciation for out military and what they do for out country. I know Monroe definitely plans on returning to Operation Gratitude! Want to send in your articles and visuals to be featured in the next newsletter? Remember that anyone can write articles about their key club experience. Email them to d25e.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

ask kenny the koala “Kenny, I really want to be an officer but don’t know if I have what it takes to fulfill that position. Can you help? -Anonymous

Well anonymous, I’d focus on what the current officer does, don’t be afraid to ask questions, take the initiative and show that your a dedicated Key Club member. I wish you the best of luck! * send your questions to Kenny the Koala @ d25ekeyclub.wix.com/koalas and you may be featured in the next newsletter!

mbers tions

Clare Kanchana | Van Nuys High


What is DCM? DCM stands for the Division Council Meeting which every school of the division come together in order to commence a meeting. This was my first time attending a DCM and surprisingly, there were two of our members present at the meeting. There were countless of people from different schools that I have never seen before in my 15 years of existence. The Key Club members were friendly towards me and it was amusing to interact with others. During DCM, we took part of a game to start out the day. As a historian, I was unable to partake in this wonderful activity in order to take pictures of this enjoyable event. I never realized how the large the key club community despite the minimal members that actually attended the meeting. After the little activity, everyone discussed about their previous old events and the future events. I finally comprehended that these event help serve our community and raise the awareness to volunteer to help others. I truly appreciate that everyone is willing to spare their own leisure to do help everyone. The people in the meeting treated me well because we are one big family. I did not even realize that there were many people who were a member of this large community. I am glad to contribute to this community and be a part of a wonderful, welcoming family.



Use #D25East on your Instagram Photos and it may be featured for the whole divsion to see!


@ralphbani @sharonpie




Thang Diep | Cleveland High

Mem Sect

DistrictCONVENTION 2014

DCON was an event that recently past. It was not only a time of saying good- bye, but also a time of welcoming the new term. I have been in Key Club throughout high school and this marked my 2nd DCON. It was a very interesting experience, as I officially became President of the home club I served. Personally, this was not the best DCON due to some conflicts that emerged, but it was definitely one of the most memorable experiences of my life. The weekend of DCON was all a blur to me; however, the friendships that I made at DCON will last forever. The journey to DCON was also very fun. I was able to bond with not only members from the home club I serve, but also members from other school within Division 25 East. We made ribbon leis on the bus for every koala in order to pass time. We also shared food with other members at the different bus stops. The bus also turned into a Karaoke machine as we sang songs together. Eventually, we all became tired so we fell asleep next to each other. As a result, very ugly pictures of koalas sleeping were taken. I think that the journey to DCON definitely increased the fun factor of the event and sometimes the journey is even better than the destination. Even though the club did not win the spirit stick, the whole event was definitely a learning experience. The last day of DCON was extremely emotional as all the Past Board said good-bye to their term. My Past President left such a great legacy that will be hard to live up to, but I will try my best to serve my home club and eventually leave behind my own legacy.

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Get To Know...

Monica Reyes

Personal Information

Division 25 East Lieutenant Governor Full Name: Monica Anne Reyes Age: 16 Birthday: September 25, 1997 Experience :

2012-2013 Northridge Academy President 2013-2014 Northridge Academy President 2014-2015 Division 25 East Lieutenant Governor

Why did you join Key Club?

Technically, I didn’t really join a Key Club at my school, I chartered one. However, I was introduced to Key Club in 7th grade. My cousin was a freshman in high school and he told me about this club he had joined: Key Club. Like many other people, I thought it was a club full of locksmiths. Soon enough, I found out that Key Club was a service organization. But my cousin spoke so highly of Key Club it made me want to join! But sadly, at Club Rush my 9th grade year I found out that Northridge Academy didn’t have a Key Club. I took the initiative to charter a club at my school. It was a long and difficult process, but at the same time it was very rewarding. The members of the division, region, and district motivated me to keep

Why do you love Key Club? I love Key Club because of its sense of family and belonging. There are other clubs that promise the same thing, but never really deliver the way Key Club does. We as Key Clubbers come together as a family on the weekends to do good for our community. That mix of family and community service is truly what fuels my love for Key Club.


When most people procrastinate on homework, they usually resort to social media, gaming, eating, etc. I procrastinate by doing Key Club work (I know, I’m such a nerd). 85% of the things I talk about have to do with Key Club. This organization has taken over my life, but I’m truly grateful it has. I also know how to solve three different types of Rubik’s cubes.



Meet your Region 7 Leadership T

Division 25 East LTG Monica Reyes

Division 16 LTG Tyler Szeto

Diviision Olivia


Do you want to be the next designer of our Region apparel? Our region has had such BEE-utiful designs in the past, I can’t wait to see what this year’s are going to look like. Be creative!


- MUST have the Key Club Seal (any color)

2012- 2013 2013- 2014 2014- 2015

Other than that, be creative and unleash your inner designer. Don’t forget to submit your final drawings to Lt. G Monica Reyes at d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com


Compiled by the Region leadership Team



n 25 West LTG a Villasana

Division 3 South LTG Arbyn Olarte

Division 3 North LTG Dean Wyrzykowski

Region 7 Beach Clean Up Join the Region as we come together to clean the sands of Dockweiler beach while meeting new friends and serving the community

When : Saturday, July 19, 2014 Where : 12001 Vista Del Mar, Playa del Rey, CA 90293 Time : 9:00am - 6:00pm

Distr UPDA

District Convetion 2014 was held in Sacramento, California at the Sacremento Convetion Center. Key Clubbers from all over California, Nevada, and Hawaiii attended this annual event. This 3-day, 2-night event featured many opportunities to make new friendships, cheer your hearts out, lose your voice, and make the last moment of this key club term truly GOLDEN.

DAY 1|April 11,2014


DAY 2|April 12

photo creds: sharon lee

photo creds: tyler kowta

photo creds: tyler kowta photo creds: tyler kowta

photo creds: sharon lee

photo creds: maiko fujiki

photo creds: tyler kowta

photo creds: sharon lee

rict ATES

What was your overall experience of DCON 2014?

Ashley Tran Northridge Academy


Going to District Convetion was an amazing experience. I got to meet new friends and become louder than usual. All that cheering made me come out of my shell a little because I had never yelled so loud in my life. It was just a great experience The general session were just so much fun! Even though the bus ride was so long, it was worth it . Also I had lost my voice but it was still worth it.

Huy Ho Cleveland High

My overall experience of DCON was bitter-sweet. It is sweet, knowing that I was able to spend “Koality” time with my Ohana. I found it amazing to meet Key Clubbers from all over the CNH district, and a few that I got to know became good friends that I still contact even after DCON. The bitter part about it was is having to “Let it go” when it come to the retirement session of the LTGs and District Board. Watching them retire made me realize that it was not just them who are leaving, but my club’s officers too, since they are all seniors! Overall, DCON was a great experience filled with happiness and joy.

DAY 3|April 13,2014


Presidents Monica Reyes | Northridge Academy High * Ruben Viramontes | Birmingham Charter High Hannah Luong | Cleveland High Kayla Gonzalez | James Monroe High Jeymz Hipolito | John F. Kennedy High *

Secretaries Elbert Lim | Cleveland High Gloria Lee| Granada Hills Charter High *

Treasurer Maiko Fujiki | Granada Hills Charter High

Video Tyler Kowta & Jessie Aw |Granada Hills Charter High * Member recieved the highest form of Distringuished Officer.

Diamond Disti

This is the first time that Division Diamond Distinguished. This tit club(s) have been recognized Level. It is the highest recognitio

Cleveland High Scho Granada Hills Charter High John F. Kennedy High Sc


Marjerrie Masicat | Division 2

Lieutenant G

Andrew Chang | Division 25

Member of th

Ralph Agbayani | Granada

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n 25 East has gotten tle means that these d on the International on a club can recieve.

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Spirit Stick Congratulation to Division 25 East’s own club

Granda Hills Charter High School

for winning the Spirit Stick during the 3rd General Session. This is such a big honor because wining the 3rd General Session isn’t an easy task, the district combines your spirit and enthusiasm of all 2 days of convetion to decide the winner.


25 East DNE `13-`14


5 East Lt. G `13-`14

he Year

a Hills Charter High


Interna mess

Join thousands of Key Club members from all over the world at International Convetion (ICON) in Anaheim, California. It’s home to attractions like Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm. This is an event that you wouldn’t want to miss.

Listen to Key Note Speaker

Chris Bashinelli

Chris Bashinelli was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. After a decade-long acting career culminating in a role on The Sopranos (HBO), he decided to follow his real passion—by moving to Africa. He now traverses the globe from Tanzania to Thailand as host and producer of Bridge the Gap (PBS), a show in which he discovers what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes for a day. Chris has interviewed some of the most influential people on the planet, including NBA superstar Dikembe Mutombo, the founders of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream and chimpanzee expert Dr. Jane Goodall. Chris has spoken everywhere from Brazil to TEDx to Azerbaijan. He’s a guest author for award-winning publications such as the Huffington Post and Lonely Planet and the United Nations’ “go-to kid” for all things about youth, Brooklyn and cultural exchange. Chris is 25 years old.

ational sage Registration: $125 by FRIDAY May 23rd, 2014



TO LT. GOVERNOR MONICA d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com



climb On

Cheili brion Koala of the moNTh

Cheili epitomizes progress as a Key Club me her active participation in events, her inexting and her undying passion to serve others, she meaning of a true Key Clubber. In recent el has won the position of Tech Chair for Grana Key Club. Despite the fact that this is her first cer position, she never fails to serve the mem Granada Hills Charter Key Club as well as tho 25 East. She has evolved from a timid membe officer in a matter of months, reaching all tim month of April.

ClUB OF the Month

Granada Hills Charter High School

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JESSE GONZAGA Officer of the moNTh

ember. Through guishable spirit, e illustrates the lections, Cheili ada Hills Charter t Key Club offimbers from both ose from Division er to a devoted me highs in the

Jesse serves as Vice President for Kennedy Key Club. He has been extremely devoted to Key Club since the beginning. He has always shown perseverance and leadership initiative even before he was elected Vice President. His actions inspire members as well as officers to become the best Key Clubbers they can be. His perpetual dedication to Key Club has opened the eyes of members to the joys of this organization. Even in times of hardship, his charm motivated member to work even harder. His ever present smile has touched the lives of many Koalas both inside and outside the club he serves. Although he has only been serving Kennedy’s officer board for a month, he has shown such great potential. It is clear that Jesse will serve as an amazing Vice President.

r l

Granada Hills Charter Key Club has represented Division 25 East in such a positive way this past month. During District Convention, they managed to bring home the Spirit Stick from the third general session. It was such an honor to see that one of the clubs of Division 25 East being recognized for their loud voices and creative cheers. Not only were they recognized for being such a spirited club. They were also recognized on an International level earning the title Diamond Distinguished, a very hard title to achieve. But through their continuous efforts, they have been recognized for all their hard work. The recognition of their undying efforts at District Convention 2014 was well deserved and truly earned.

Divis pARLIA Birmingham Khrisley Castillo Email: d25e.birmingham. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 521- 3945

Granada Hills Charter Isaac Leon Email: d25e.granada. president @gmai.com Phone: (818) 294-4907

Executive Assistant Michael Lee mlee.d25e.ea@gmail.com

Lieutenant G Monica d25e.cnhkc.ltg

Cleveland Thang Diep Email: d25e.cleveland. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 414-6725

REMINDERS: Articles and Visuals are not only for the historians and tech editors, the member are also welcome to share their experience. Send your articles and visuals to

d25e.cnhkc.dne@ gmail.com

Division News Editor Coddy Ramos d25e.cnhkc.dne @gmail.com

Division Secretary Gloria Lee glorialee.keyclub @gmail.com

sion AMENT

Monroe Kayla Gonzalez Email: d25e.monroe. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 384-4093

Governor Reyes g@gmail.com

Northridge Academy Margie Santos Email: d25e.northridge. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 726-3099

Executive Assistant Tyler Kowta d25e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com

Van Nuys Giselle Kim Email: d25e.vannuys. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 823-1149

Division Treasurer John Camara john.camara.d25e. dfm@gmail.com

Division Task Coordinator Samuel Kim d25e.dtc.kim @gmail.com

Kennedy Isabel Evangelista Email:d25e.kennedy. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 303-5903

“Key Clubbers from Division 25 East take a brief moment to remember their alliance back at DCON 2014, “KenRoe”.

Thank you for reading! KEYCLUB

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