Division 25 East: Volume 6 Issue 7 | November 2015

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Volume 6 | Issue 7

November 2015




Birmingham | Cleveland | Champs | Granada Hills | Grant | Kennedy | Monroe | Northridge Academy | Van Nuys | VAAS

IN THIS 2015


Lieutenant Govenor’s message Aid’s Walk Achievements Upcoming Events Fall Rally South District News Club Publications Contact Information

Hello Koalas! I hope you are all getting pumped up for this month! Fall Rally is coming up very soon. It’s right around the corner. Come cheer and hang with us at Dearborn Park until Fall Rally. We will learn the cheers and have fun while at it. Remember to have fun and do your thing. You can learn more information about Fall Rally in the newsletter. Check it out and enjoy! -Amber Huynh Division 25 East News Editor


I hope you are all having an amazing day today as you are reading this n ter. Be sure to pause and reflect on your life and don’t forget to smile eve and then because smiling can affect others around you! If you’re a senior you are all wrapping up those college applications and testings because soon due! Although it is hard to find motivation at time to keep moving fo don’t forget that the outcome is definitely worth it. Whatever each and e of you are going through, just know that everything gets better. We may b state where we don’t know whether everything is fitting into place, but jus that there are things to look forward to in the future.

On an another hand, Fall Rally South is coming up soon and I am sure tha and every one of you are excited to attend. If you are unsure to attend, d Not attending my freshman year was by far my BIGGEST regret in Key Club hope you don’t all make the same mistake. Fall Rally South is an amazing where Key Clubbers from all over Souther California and Nevada gather a Flags Magic Mountain to make new friends, ride rides, and cheer their hea to win the spirit stick. It is a truly magical experience like no other. If you th Disneyland was magical, then you have got to see this! If you plan on atte don’t forget to pay your dues, grab a t shirt, order a spirit pack and ticket get ready to represent Division 25 East! Talk to your president about atten Rally for further information.

Do you have any suggestions about future events, want to collaborate w organization that you love, or host a fundraiser at your favorite restaurant would love to hear all of your ideas to make this a memorable year for all members in our amazing Division. If you are interested, please contact my d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmaill.com! I would love to hear any ideas that you have have a wonderful day because everyday is a great day!


newsletery now r, I hope e they are orward, every one be in a st know

at each don’t be! b and I event at Six arts out hought ending, t, and nding Fall

ith an t? We l of the yself at e. Please

AIDS WALK october

11, 2015

Aids Walk was a turn of events for me. I was hoping it would be the best day of the month. However, things didn’t turn out as I expected. First of all,I slept past my alarm which made others wait for me. My entire body was shaking and energetic. Thats the complete opposite of how my body was after Aids Walk. It was fun, and I enjoyed meeting new people, and mdonating money to the disease. Aids Walk did teach me one thing: to never try out for track.

-Cleveland Member

RISING TO koala o f

Oscar has been an incre

club he serves. We can a

to be around with and h

proud of his achievemen

officer o

Jared is the president o

knows everything abou

to people. We can alwa

he truly feels for key clu

club of the

Northridge Academy h

recruite lots of memebe

increasing in size and sp

up with their task. They s

O THE TOP t h e mon t h : os c ar la f ona

redible koala this month. He has been helping out with the

always spot him at a key club event. His personality is great

hang with. Oscar is from Monroe High School. We are all very

nt and are glad to have him in our divison. Keep it up, Oscar!

o f t h e mon t h : J ar e d

N gao

of Cleveland High School. He is always there for you and

ut key club events. He has been very active and helpful

ays count on him. Jared is improving and showing of how

ub. He is doing great at what he does.

month :

N orthridge A cademy

has been showing huge improvements. They are able to

ers into their club and have them at the events. They are

priti. Their officer board is doing an excellent job in keeping

seem to be having a smooth term.



fall rally LEARN YOUR CHEERS Where: Dearborn Park When: October 23 (4:30-6:00) November 7 (1:00-4:00)

w h e n : November 14, 2015 where:

Six Flag’s Magic Mountain

pr e - sal e : $32 ; On site: $36 Season Pass Holder: $5 Car Parking: $20


Experience Motivational Programs, Divisional Spirit Rally, Meet New People, Help Out Pediatric Trauma, and Key Club Spirit.

PTP WEEK Make it Known

Too Young

Ready For Fall Rally




Change your profile pic-

Pediatric trauma affects chil-

Are YOU ready for Fall Ral-

ture on social media to a

dren up to the age of 14; their

ly? Whether or not you are

childhood photo, and write

lives are taken too soon. Share

attending Fall Rally, dress up

a caption with why PTP is

your knowledge on how to

in your spirit attire and show

important YOU with the

prevent pediatric trauma and

that you are ready to cheer

hashtag, #CNHPTPWEEK15.

set up an informational booth

for PTP!

Let your friends know why

during lunch or have a quick

you support PTP and how

PTP 101 slide at club meetings!

they can join the campaign

Get involved and let everyone

to fight against pediatric

know why the lives taken are


just too young.

Spark a Thought

From the Heart



Wear yellow to raise PTP

Celebrate the end of PTP Week

awareness! Finish up PTP Week

by giving back to the commu-

by SPARKING a thought on

nity who protected you from

how the members of your

pediatric trauma, the adults,

community can play a part in

or even the children in your life,

preventing pediatric trauma.

let them know YOU appreciate their efforts towards pediatric trauma. Make a poster, write thank you cards, bake cookies!

CLUB REPORTS Club Recaps are created by each individual club giving each club an opportunity to reflect, make goals, and advertise to the entire division!

Birmingham Cleveland

Van Nuys Northridge Academy


Granada Hills

Grant Kennedy

John F. Kennedy “In the beginning of the term, the club I serve struggled with member retention. With a few needed adjustments, our club drastically improved. Many events such as park clean up with Birmingham was one of my favorite events this year because not only did members show up, but along with the officers I serve, we were able to show some of the newer members what it's like to be a Key Clubber. With service and a few ice breakers, Birmingham and Kennedy were able to bond like Ohana that day. I don't care about the numbers and how many members show up to each event, but I care more about how the members I serve view Key Club. Key Club is more than just service, it's a life style. I'm so proud of the members and officers I serve because of the bond that grows each and every day. Our passion to serve is never ending and I believe that we all can finish this term on a strong note. “

Northridge Academy High School

Goals Our club has become very successful in recruiting new members. We have gone from having 5 people at our events to about 15 people. A lot of our new members come to our meetings on Tuesdays but they never seem to show up at our events, which is why we are advertising key club as much as possible. Northridge Academy’s key club has a twitter, face book, and Instagram, all for the purpose of advertising. Volunteering for 5 hours in a marathon doesn’t seem appealing when we talk about it in our meetings but with visual photos we capture the joy in serving our community. This way we could get more of our new members to attend our events and fall in love with key club just like we did when we were new. Overall our club hopes to become better at advertising our events and fundraisers so we can spread the joy of service to our new members.

Officer of the month Christy Seguritan Secretary Christy recently attended the Mason Park Family Fest. This was the first event were our new member had the chance to attend and unfortunately our president couldn’t make it to the event. So Christy had to step up and be the leader. She made sure everyone knew were to go and mostly have fun. “It was really nerve racking having to be the leader in the event because everyone would turn to me for guidance on where to go. It was up to me to make sure the new members had a great time and feel welcomed to Key Club.”, says Christy. Overall Christy did a great job with our new members. She took them to the petting zoo to volunteer for a shift and she said it was really exciting petting goats, bunnies, and alpacas! Everyone seemed to have a smile on their face and a new friend by their side. The spirit of service was with the members and we hope to continue bringing that spirit to our new members every event!

Upcoming Events •October DCM: October 10th •Trunk or treat: October 23rd

• Aids walk: October 11th • Key to college (UCLA): October 24th

James Monroe High School September Events -Sun Valley Pride Day 09/12/15 -Region Training Conference 09/19/15 -Stop Cancer Walk 09/20/15 -Ultra Zone Fundraiser 09/23/15 -Operation Gratitude 09/26/15

October Events -MEND 10/03/15 -AIDS Walk 10/11/15 -Everybody Reads 10/24/15

The Stop Cancer walk held on September 20th was one for the books. These types of events where we volunteer for runs/walks typically tend to be my favorites. This one specifically is one of my annual favorites due to the cause it supports. It supports cancers research which I think is very beneficial to many in our community. We are able to give back and help with dancer research by just volunteering handing out medals, water, or helping guide the runners. I always believe in the idea that each little thing we do creates one big impact. -Darren Viloria

Cleveland High School SEPTEMBER EVENTS • • • • • • •

Ultra Zone Club Rush First Club Meeting Mason Park Festival Get Shaved RTC September DCM



• • • • • • •

Patches Aids walk, Spirit Sessions Aids walk Key to College Unicef October DCM

My first Region Training Conference was a success, along with having to present for the Region I serve. I have learned and gain so many leadership skills, as I have taught some of my techniques back. As well as that, we had a small spirit battle against 16South! It was great way to include members and know how spirited we are, yet so professional. I can’t wait to use those tricks up my sleeves, for the nearby future! Up until next time, this is your Tech Editor. -Monique Basto.

Recap of this Month:

Region Training Conference

Birmingham Charter High School PastEvents

• Balboa Park with Kennedy – 9/12 • Walk to End Alzheimer Walk – 9/13 • RTC & DCM – 9/19 • Stop Cancer Walk – 9/20 • Operation Gratitude – 9/20 • Japan Fair – 9/26 & 9/27

FutureEvents • JOURNEY OUT Walk – 10/10 • Region 7 AIDs Walk – 10/11 • Operation Gratitude – 10/17 • DCM – 10/17 • ALS Walk – 10/18 • Key 2 College: UCLA – 10/24 • LA Cancer Challenge – 10/25

It’s almost two months into the school year, and I’m so proud of the achievement our Key Club has accomplished. Although we still have a lot to improve, I feel like we’re heading into the right direction. We’ve been planning a lot of events, in the process of several fundraisers, along with trying to get a Kiwanis Advisor. Additionally, our members have been showing their Key Club spirit, which cannot make me any happier.

Ever since the first day Iman showed up to our first meeting, he was always eager to participate and learn more about the club. He always asks questions on how he can become more involved and comes to every meeting and event. He puts a lot of time and effort into the club, and his efforts are not unnoticed.


contac t information Lietuenant Governor | Tyler Kowta d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (818) 390-4980

Executive Assistant|Brian Pham

Executive Assistant |Samuel Kim

Secretary | Timothy Sun



(818) 914-8412

(818) 919-9520

Treasurer| Fong Chea fchea.d25e.dt@gmail.com (818) 987-3357

Media Coordinator | Jay Velasco d25e.cnhkc.dmc@gmail.com (818)217-9641

News Editor | Amber Huynh d25e.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (818)288-0068

Event Coordinator | Monique Basto

brianlpham2000@gmail.com (818) 388-9543

monique.basto1230@gmail.com (818)261-6156

Elizabeth De Dios|Birmingham

Jemmy Moreira| Monroe



(818) 625-0764


Idaly s Perez | Gran t

Ashley Tran | Northridge Academy




(818) 300-7158

Jared Ngao | Cleveland

Jesreen Ragual| VAAS



(805) 304-2941


Jesse Gonzaga |Kennedy

Sandra Chimil| Van Nuys



(818) 322-9937

323-514-7014 Alina De Castro| Granada Hills decastroalina@gmail.com (818) 635-2659


C nh c y b e r k e y http://www.cnhkeyclub.org

K e y C lu b http://www.keyclub.org/home.aspx


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