Ti m e s
Volume 6 | Issue 6
October 2015
Birmingham | Cleveland | Champs | Granada Hills | Grant | Kennedy | Monroe | Northridge Academy | Van Nuys | VAAS
IN THIS 2015
Lieutenant Govenor’s message Region 7 Training Conference Achievements Upcoming Events Fall Rally South Club Publications Contact Information
Hello Koalas! I hope you are all having a great month so far. We are getting closer to elimating MNT with the fundraiser we have. Tie Dying to Elimante was a success, and we were able to meet our goal. At Region 7 Training Conference, we all had a great time being trained by one another and learning from their experience. Time is passing by quick, and fall rally is coming up. We all need to prepare and act fast. Check out the newsletter for more details on upcoming events. -Amber Huynh Division 25 East News Editor
Hello Division 25 East,
Welcome to the best time of your life! Key Club may be promoted to be amazing for college apps an
amount of service we do, but it is so much more than that! You will find a new home, a person that yo
know that was inside of you, and spirit. I hope that you all give Key Club a chance during this school y find out what is means to be in this amazing organization called Key Club International.
I hope you all had a blast at Region Training Conference! Thank you all for coming and I hope you ha
ing time. Thank you all for representing our amazing division! We had the most people from any divisio glad that you were able to make it!
I hope that all of you are having an amazing school year so far! Although I am sad that the four day s
are over, but I am glad to finally come back to school to know that Key Club is here as well. All of thes
ing service events and fundraisers that we hold every single day inspire me to do more and I hope tha
inspired as well. You may not know it but WE ARE SAVING LIVES. It’s crazy to think that our impact on o
schools, and communities help children from around the world. This term already, we have already sa children from Pediatric Trauma and are continuing to fund-raise to save more than 1,000 babies from and neonatal tetanus.
If you are new to Key Club, I hope you are enjoying yourselves but the fun has only begun! You will exp
many moments from impacting lives, going to Fall Rally, and making new friends. All of these events w
inspired and happy that you joined! I guarantee it! Feel free to ask me about Key Club or anything els amazing school year and good luck with everything!
nd for the
ou didn’t
year and truly
ad an amaz-
on and I’m so
school weeks
se amaz-
at you are
our homes,
aved many maternal
perience so
will make you
se! Have an
h ow was your e x p e ri e nc e ?
“Region 7 Training Conference was an amazing experience where I got to learn more about Key Club and meet some
great new people from our region. My first time was perfect, between all the people and the spirit battling that happened, it got me way more hyped up for Fall Rally! I’m excited to use the things I learned at RTC to better the club that I serve. Shout out to all the Lt.G’s who made it happen!”
-Alex Gatus, Granada HS
koala of t h
Alec has been so active a
attended several events su
though it is far away. He sh
bers from other schools. He manner.
offic e r of t
Diana has been so active t
serves to events like the Rum
people to join Key Club. Sh
known club. She makes all o
all she can to serve and ass
club of
In this past month, membe
Olympics in a consistent ma
to the club. Also, its officer b
to fix minor issues within the
but has been improving sin
h e mon t h : ALEC
and has been representing his home club, Grant Key Club. He has
uch as Special Olympics and does so by riding his bike there even
hows so much devotion to Key Club and bonds well with Key Club-
e is willing to serve and represents the club he serves in an efficient
t h e mon t h : DIANA NGU YEN
this past month. She has been bringing members of the club she
mmage Sale and Special Olympics and has been recruiting more
he wants to bring Birmingham back up to be a strong and well
of the fliers and posters for the club she serves and ultimately does
sist the club and the officer board.
of t h e mon t h :
ers of VAAS Key Club have been attending events such as Special
anner. They have been continuing to grow and bringing members
board has begun to collaborate effectively as the officers continue
e club. The club had issues with some tasks (especially fundraisers)
WHEN: October 24th, 2015 Where: UCLA Dodd Hall
WHAT: Key to College is an amazing experience for anyone who wants to go to college! Which should consist of most of you! You can learn many new things about College and get your applications looked over as well!
f a l l
rally fall rally
w h e n : November 14, 2015 where:
Six Flag’s Magic Mountain
pr e - sal e : $32 ; On site: $36 Season Pass Holder: $5 Car Parking: $20
Experience Motivational Programs, Divisional Spirit Rally, Meet New People, Help Out Pediatric Trauma, and Key Club Spirit.
CLUB REPORTS Club Recaps are created by each individual club giving each club an opportunity to reflect, make goals, and advertise to the entire division!
Birmingham Cleveland
Van Nuys Northridge Academy
Granada Hills
Grant Kennedy
VVV NNyy Hiii SShooo Old Business 8/15 Operation Clean Sweep 8/22 DCM Tye Die to Eliminate
New Business
9/12 Paint a House-Sun Valley Neighborhood Pride Day 9/19 RTC DCM 9/26 Key 2 College
Officer Reflection
President Sandra Chimil
This time around is the most busy and rewarding time of our Key Club term. There are so many events at hand and much more. I believe that we as a club should continue to move forward and work hard this term. This would be possible thanks to the dedication of my officers and members. I have positive hopes for the upcoming months.
AN OFFICER REFLECTION This was my first time experiencing Tree People. It was very exciting to see more than ten members from Kennedy attend this joint service event with VAAS Keyclub. The members and I definitely enjoyed nourishing all the trees the right away. We were also given the opportunity to bond with all the other officers and members from VAAS. We played some fun ice breakers and got the chance to know each other more. This was honestly one of my favorite service events,
Historian, Rus-Ann Ibay
Northridge Academy High School
Club Goals This month Northridge Academy is trying to prepare for club rush that will be coming up soon. Club rush is a great way to advertise key club and gain new members. Our board has come up with several ideas for club rush some of them being, giving free food out as a reward to those who sign up, making Instagram cut outs just like our club did in past years. The cut outs are an excellent way to advertise Key club because people always end up posting them on social media, thus spreading out the word. The reason why key club makes such a huge emphasis on advertisement is because we need the support. The more members the better our club gets. If we get a lot of members we will be able to fundraise more and actually receive a good amount of money. Most importantly the more members the more spirit Northridge will have! We hope to achieve our goals to gain more spirit for our division that way at DCON we can win the spirit stick, which is also a huge thing because this year is our divisions last year as Division 25 East.
Officer reflection Ashley Tran Our president, Ashley Tran recently went to our August DCM. This DCM was hosted by Northridge academy. For Ashley it was really stressing because she had to set up all the games and plan everything out. Her board helped her out with the games but it was still stressing for Ashley because she wanted to make sure everything came out perfect so everyone could have a great time. Our theme was back to school so we had back to school related games. Our games included key club trivia, Pictionary, and other games that require team work/ thinking. At the end of the day Ashley was proud of her and the boards work. Everyone seemed to be having a great time and so was Ashley. She was smiling and laughing with all the key club members as we played games. Once DCM was over everyone went to make Tie dye shirts which came out really good.
Upcoming Events: Patches 9/5
James Monroe High School This month I really enjoyed serving at the Farmers Market and helping out the volunteers from one generation. There were a lot of different booths to help out at, and I was assigned bagels. Overall helping sell bagels doesn't sound like a hard job, but it was. There are so many different types of bagels that I didn't know, but everyone was very friendly and the customer showed the volunteers the different types of bagels and they were very patient with us. I learned a lot about bagels that Sunday. There were also a lot of other booths where they sold things like: books, clothes, fruits, and more. I personally did not try any of the food but other members said that they really liked it. I believe one of the volunteers from one generation said that the farmers market was open every Sunday, and if this is true I would like to volunteer here a lot more often. Maybe we could make this a monthly event. -Stephanie Hernandez
August Events -Fruttino Fundraiser with VAAS 08/29/15 -Encino Farmer's Market 08/30/15
September Events -Sweet Snow Fundraiser with Monroe Hip Hop 09/05/15 -Summer Breeze 5k 09/06/15 -Region 7 Training Conference 09/19/15 -Stop Cancer Walk 09/20/15
Club Rush 9 -Recruit new members Lei bracelet and necklace Region Training Conference 9/19 September DCM
Officer Reflection:
Operation Clean Sweep was a success! We helped cleaned the streets in our community and may have saved hundreds of trash ending up in the ocean. Many members enjoyed this event as we helped sweep our neighborhood.Monique Basto, Tech Editor
Operation Clean Sweep 8/15 AUGUST DCM 8/22 -tie dye to Eliminate Pizza Rev/Sweet Snow 8/22 Encino Farmers Market 8/30 Back to School Night 9/2 -sold Chow Mein
Birmingham Charter High School
Past Events • Division Iceskating Fundraiser – 8/7 • 30th Annual Festival of the Arts – 8/9 • Skyzone Fundraiser with Monroe – 8/13 • August DCM – 8/22
Future Events • Balboa Park Clean Up with Kennedy – 9/12 • Walk to End Alzheimer Walk – 9/13 • RTC – 9/19 • Stop Cancer Walk – 9/20 • Operation Gratitude – 9/26 • Japan Fair 2015 – 9/26 • Burning Sands - 9/27
The Iceland fundraiser was the most recent event I have attended. Although not many members came from other schools, we still had enough people to raise some money. I hope to have more events like this, because you are able to raise money while you’re having fun with your friends. Since all our officers are seniors this year, I would like the underclassmen to take an interest in key club in order for the club to continue. I would like to improve our member retention because many members show up to the first few members and don’t come to any events, however, I am really excited for the upcoming term!
contac t information Lietuenant Governor | Tyler Kowta d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (818) 390-4980
Executive Assistant|Brian Pham
Executive Assistant |Samuel Kim
Secretary | Timothy Sun
(818) 914-8412
(818) 919-9520
Treasurer| Fong Chea fchea.d25e.dt@gmail.com (818) 987-3357
Media Coordinator | Jay Velasco d25e.cnhkc.dmc@gmail.com (818)217-9641
News Editor | Amber Huynh d25e.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (818)288-0068
Event Coordinator | Monique Basto
brianlpham2000@gmail.com (818) 388-9543
monique.basto1230@gmail.com (818)261-6156
Elizabeth De Dios|Birmingham
Jemmy Moreira| Monroe
(818) 625-0764
Idaly s Perez | Gran t
Ashley Tran | Northridge Academy
(818) 300-7158
Jared Ngao | Cleveland
Jesreen Ragual| VAAS
(805) 304-2941
Jesse Gonzaga |Kennedy
Sandra Chimil| Van Nuys
(818) 322-9937
323-514-7014 Alina De Castro| Granada Hills decastroalina@gmail.com (818) 635-2659
C nh c y b e r ke y http://www.cnhkeyclub.org
Key Club http://www.keyclub.org/home.aspx