The Seamonkey Sequel | May 2015 | Vol. 3 | Issue 1

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table of contents Cover Page -------------------------- 1 Table of Contents ------------------- 2 Letter from the LTG ---------------- 3 Introduction of the DLT ---------- 4-5 DCON Recap --------------------- 6-7 Spotlight on Service -------------- 8-9 Recognition ----------------------10-11 Reminders & Submissions --------- 12 2

AMSAT Student at Ed W. Clark Third Consecutive Year on the DLT Advanced Choir Student Obsessed With TV Shows o Parks & Recreation, How I Met Your Mother  Favorite Artists: Paramore, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Maroon 5  Favorite Event: Kiwanis One Day    

I feel good, oh I feel so good… to be serving you for the 2015-2016 term! My name is Aaron Quiamzon, and I humbly serve as the Division 28 West Key Club Lieutenant Governor. I act as the liaison between the 16 clubs in our division and the California-NevadaHawai`i District of Key Club International. My goals for this term include promoting Key Club education, providing service opportunities to achieve at least16,000 hours of service, and increase member retention and participation. This organization has done so much for me, and I want to give back by giving you all as amazing of an experience as I’ve had these past few years. We’re 1 month into our term, and we are already making phenomenal progress towards our goals! Keep on serving, and remember that I’m always here to help! In service and friendship,


Introducing‌ Your 2015Desiree Galera Executive Assistant

Hello, my loving Seamonkeys! My name is Desiree Galera and I am proud to be serving as your 2015 to 2016 Executive Assistant. I am currently a junior in the Interior Design program at Southwest CTA, and am looking forward to working with each and every one of you. My job as Executive Assistant is to lend a helping hand to Lt. Governor Aaron, and to help connect us as a division by communicating with the members and officers effectively, and helping the rest of the Division Leadership Team in any way I can. My love for service originated when I was thirteen, and ever since entering high school and joining Key Club it has deepened and grown into an almost overwhelming feeling. A few hobbies of mine (besides sleeping and eating) would include reading books, watching anime, writing, or spending quality time with family and friends. My love for our division is endless and throughout the years I have continued to watch us grow, and hope to share my passion for service, spirit, and love with all of you. Feel free to have a chat with me at any time, or if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns I will be more than happy to listen. I cannot wait to spend this term serving you all, and I look forward to the memories that awaits us!

Kelly Tay

Division Secretary Hello Seamonkeys! My name is Kelly Tay and I will be serving as your 2015-2016 Division Secretary. I am an incoming junior at Ed. W. Clark High School. I first joined Key Club when I was a freshman in high school. Although, I took an interest in Key Club even before I went into high school because I had many sisters and cousins who were members and officers in Key Club. As a freshman, I was very shy and through the inspiration of my family and friends, it encouraged me to go further in Key Club. As the Division Secretary, I have a responsibility of taking minutes at the monthly Division Council Meetings and taking care of the MRFs. My goals for this upcoming year are to improve communication between clubs and division and to create more division events so the many clubs can come together as a whole. I love service and I’m excited to serve the division for this upcoming year! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!



Division Specialist Hello Seamonkeys! My name is Mimi Bui, and I will be serving as your Division Specialist for the 2015-2016 term! I currently attend Sierra Vista High School, and I have been in Key Club since my freshman year (I'm also pretty much allergic to everything). I grew a passion for helping others and becoming a leader, and I hope that I can encourage our D28W Seamonkeys to do the same! As a specialist, my position focuses on fundraising, service, spirit, and member retention throughout the year. I strongly believe that if people find a reason to do community service, the fire of their passion grows stronger. With a stronger passion, you grow for a love for Key club. My goal for this term is to increase divisional events that incorporate fundraising, community service, and socializing all into one, and also have more club to club interaction with one another. I hope that I can get to know more clubs well on a personal level so that I can help benefit the seamonkeys to the best of my ability. If you have any questions or ideas to unite the division, please feel free to contact me! I am excited to have a year full of service, spirit, and seamonkeys!

Lenise Wu

Division News Editor

Hello everyone! My name is Lenise Wu and I am honored to serve as your Division News Editor for the 2015-2016 term! I am currently a junior at Ed. W. Clark High School in the AMSAT Program. I joined Key Club and immediately fell in love with this organization my freshman year. It's hard to believe that this will be my fourth and final year in Key Club, but the fact that I'm dedicating my last year serving the members of Division 28 West truly makes me happy! As News Editor, it is my job to create monthly newsletters highlighting the amazing service and spirit our division brings, all while following the Key Club Graphic Standards and Brand Guide to submit to the CNH District. I absolutely cannot wait to see all of the visuals and articles that your club will be submitting to me this year! If you ever have any questions regarding graphic standards or newsletters, please do not hesitate to ask!


Cali-Nev-Ha District Convention Distinguished Club Treasurer: Raymond Guan, West CTA

Distinguished Club Vice President: Sammy Feng, West CTA


Division News Editor Lenise Wu’s 1st Place Non-Traditional Scrapbook

Advisor of the Year: Ms. Mei Mei Wong, Ed W. Clark



dcon 2015 | march 13-15, 2015 | ANAHEIM, CA


The dance marathon was held at the UNLV Student Union, and I am so glad I was able to attend. Not only was I able to dance my heart out on the dance floor supporting one of Key Club’s preferred charities, but I had the amazing opportunity to listen to patients at Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals talk about how much of an impact Key Club has made on them just by holding the event. Such a great feeling to get when we Key Clubbers are making a difference in their lives. Other than the dance, I was able to make cards to give to the patients at the hospitals. Not only was my club able to attend the CMN dance marathon, but my fellow immediate past president, Kevin Luu, was able to help organize the entire event. Seeing all the hard work and dedication he and other key clubbers a part of the CMN committee inspires me to take on his role. It was great seeing other key clubbers bond on the dance floor and make a bunch of cards. This year’s dance marathon was definitely a blast, and I cannot wait until next year’s! -Kristen Canlas, West Career & Technical Academy It was very enjoyable getting to work with Habitat for Humanity, along with other groups at the event. It was a very different experience getting to basically build a house from scratch. I had an amazing time getting to know all the amazing people and working with them. It taught me a lot about working together and learning new skills. It was a very tough job, but very doable . I will definitely be attending another build day soon! -Hilda Ortega, Bonanza

DCON 2015 was another memorable experience that has impacted me in so many ways. I have not only fallen in love with CNH ever more, but have gained many lessons on how to improve our club and division, and I hope to take these lessons and apply them to our lives. I think the thing I enjoyed most about DCON was attending seminars and bonding with other key clubbers from different divisions; it amazes me how we can all come under one roof to celebrate just how BEE-utiful Key Club really is. -Desiree Galera, Southwest CTA


The night before the event, I reassured myself that tomorrow was going to be a lazy, bed-ridden kind of Saturday. Unfortunately, I was wrong. That morning, my sister startled my beauty sleep. I thought to myself, "Is the world ending?" because something was certainly wrong. She then blared about the peach picking event, and that a friend was going to pick us up in 30 minutes. Two words to sum up that time: day & ruined... but no; I refuse to believe that. Maybe I will have a Chicken Little moment where I save the world from the falling sky. And so, off we were, transported to the fields. After some discombobulation, we found the place on the field to work. Little did I know that during the event there would be green baby peaches harmed since peach thinning involved picking the baby peaches out of the tree so the branches are weighed down. What did we do with the plucked peaches? Throw them at each other. Baby peaches, instead, were falling from the sky. Oh yes; it was a fun time. I'd totally go thinning peaches again. -Mayk Baccaro, Centennial The Second Annual PB&Jathon was a event held during our general meeting on Thursday, March 5th, 2015. SWCTA Key Club spent the majority of the meeting making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for homeless males in Las Vegas. Not only were there members from our club but also supporters who were not in Key Club were able to attend. We made over 800 sandwiches for Mary Ralph at Catholic Charities. This event has brought our members together by using teamwork in an assembly line style. The PB&Jathon was a major success overall and we are proud of our members who attended. I cannot wait for our turnout next year! -Kimberly Yiv, Southwest CTA


March Member of the Month

Lichelle Gaerlan Southwest CTA

March Officer of the Month

Jennifer Dominguez bonanza March Club of the Month


April Member of the Month

MEGAN SWEENEY CENTENNIAL April Officer of the Month

CHRISTA DIXON DURANGO April Club of the Month



don’t forget…

SUBMISSIONS 10th – Articles/Visuals 15th – Newsletters Last Day of Each Month – Member of the Month Last Day of Each Month – Monthly Report Forms

UPCOMING EVENTS Officer Training Conference May 2, 2015 – 7:30 AM – 12:00 PM @ Green Valley High School

UPDATES Join the D28W Reflector Group here! Text @d28w to 81010 for important updates!


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