The Seamonkey Sequel | August 2015 | Vol. 3 | Issue 4

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Seamonkey Sequel vol. 3 issue 4

august newsletter | Division 28 west | cnh district | key club international

Table of Contents cover page table of contents letter from the editor letter from the ltg july dcm information dcon ribbon survey dcon article submitting spotlight on service kiwanis fireworks booth las vegas rescue mission summer school snack selling recognition of key players dlt contacts d28w presidents’ emails

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r f r e Lett

r o t i d e e h t om

Hello seamonkeys! Can you believe that we’re almost done with the month of july? while you all are soaking up the las vegas sun, i hope you are all making time for service! you may find that you will be too busy during the school year to attend service projects, so now is the perfect time to get your hours in! seeing that there is one more month of summer, it’s time to start thinking about the upcoming school year. school will get pretty stressful, so planning events for the duration of the school year during the summer is a great time saver. With that being said, i hope you all make the rest of your summer amazing and filled with service. have a wonderful day and thank you for reading!

forever in service,

Lenise Wu

Reminder: clubs are to submit articles and visuals to me and ltg arron on the 10th of every month before 6pm!

LeTe fOm tE

ltg Salutations Seamonkeys!

With there being a little over one month of summer left, think about the following things: What have I done to make this summer productive? What have I done to service my homes, schools, and communities? And most importantly... what can I do to make this last month count? Continue to make the most of your time off from school and utilize it to your advantage! Attend a service event that you weren't able to attend before because you were too busy, or maybe help plan a fundraiser for a preferred charity. Whatever you do, make sure it is something that will make this summer worthwhile! The busy and hectic back-to-school season is almost upon us, so I hope you are all preparing for that! Be sure to attend a freshman orientation if your school hosts one so that you can begin recruiting new members. Show them what Key Club is all about and utilize all of your resources to convince them to join. Not to mention that RTC is in less than 3 months, there is certainly a LOT to look forward to! Until then, continue serving from the heart and showing your Key Club love wherever you go. Always remember that I, along with the rest of the Division Leadership Team, are always here to assist and guide you through the beginning of the year, so do not be afraid to reach out to us! Have a fantastic day and I hope to see YOU at the next Key Club event!

with great care,

Aaron Quiamzon Lieutenant Governor

JULY JOINT DCM Join us for a summer dcm with service, waterballoons, and fun!

Division 28 north phoenixes Division 28 south pandas Division 28 west seamonkeys e r e wh

sunset park

friday, july 24th, 2015 e m ti


10 am - 12 pm

thinking about attending dcon 2016? now is your chance to vote on ribbon designs!

visit the cnh cyberkey


click this link to vote! h t t p s : // d o c s . g o o g l e . c o m / f o r m s / d / 1 B M Ko_CRkFoQlrxk1hL8EpY8xngLahxPjSGoTh5xsKu4/viewform

H av e yo u part ic i pated i n a p h e no m e n a l s e r vic e e v e nt r ec e nt ly ? W o u l d yo u l i k e to s h ar e it w ith o v e r 44, 0 0 0 m e m be r s f r o m a l l ac r os s th e C a l i f o r n i a - N e va da - H aw a i i D ist r ic t?

Submi t your story on the CNH CyberKey! T h e C N H Cy be r K e y is th e o f f ic i a l w e bs ite f o r th e C a l i - N e v- H a K e y C lu b D ist r ic t w h e r e yo u c a n acc es s r eso u rc es , g r a p h ic s , i n f o r m at i o n , a n d m uc h m o r e ! YO U c a n be f e at u r ed o n th e Cy be r K e y by su bm itt i ng yo u r sto ry h e r e : http://cnhk‌/content/ar ticle/39-site/68-submit

spotlight on ser


kiwanis fireworks booth las vegas rescue mission summer snack school selling

vice special thanks to all the officers who send visuals!



every summer, the las vegas strip kiwanis hosts a fireworks booth to raise funds from the fourth of july weekend. this event gives key clubbers the opportunity to do community service during the summer. the las vegas strip kiwanis club sponsors many key clubs across las vegas, so multiple clubs volunteer at the booth during the week-long event.

It was an amazing experience. I had a lot of fun. I had a chance to meet a few other key clubbers from other schools and just get to know them a little better. The weather wasn't actually that bad so I was able to go out on the sidewalks with Desiree and hold up some signs for a little bit. Samantha sze Southwest cta My experience in the Kiwanis Fireworks Booth was similar to last year’s experience, it was just as fun! During my 2 hour stay at the booth, I spent most of my time cheering and supporting the firework sales by drawing passerby from holding the decorated signs. If I had the choice, I would most definitely do this next year. joel molina

west cta

Fireworks always call for a time of celebration and an overall happy atmosphere due to their vivid colors and enjoyability. Ever since I was a kid, firework booths always fascinated me with their wide variety of choices for the 4th of July. The opportunity to volunteer at such a booth was a really fun experience due to several reasons. One would be the ability to see all the different kinds of fireworks right in front of you and to also sell them to spread the joy of Independence Day. Also, meeting others in key club from different schools such as SECTA and ATECH was also part of working in the firework booth. Although I had volunteered for a short amount of time, it was a very enjoyable day and I would definitely participate in an event like that again.

Spending my day with fellow Key Clubbers in the firework booth in 4th of July was worth the cost. Luckily, no one's head exploded from stress when business was rapidly booming. As it seemed, everyone had a blast and thankfully, no one's fuse was light off in the midst of everyone having fun. After many ticking and tocking, the jefferey segelstrom day simmered into the sky of a beautiful sunset and bountiful spark-les of gold in the cash register--metaphorically speaking. It ed. w. clark is such a lovely thought we contributed to other's happiness in mayk baccaro celebrating our nation's independence.


Having not attended events recently, I was extremely glad for the opportunity to volunteer at this wonderful organization. Before the actual dinner shift began, we listened to the instructor, Marcus, advise us on how meaningful the time we are donating is, and how we should serve as we feel comfortable. If we are talkative, we should communicate with the guests and make them feel welcome. If we are more shy and reserved -- a behind-the-scenes sort of volunteer -- we can choose to stand back and simply grant people with a smile as we refill water pitchers and clear trays. While I am typically of the latter variety, I often found myself, throughout the evening, becoming more and more sociable as I became more accustomed to the environment. I wanted to interact, listen, pass on my thanks and wishes and kindness. By the time everyone had left and we were cleaning up, I felt truly blessed to have been able to give back to those who are not as privileged as I, and who are utterly grateful for just an air conditioned room, a fresh meal, and amiable company. sehee park ed. w. clark

summer school snack selling Volunteering at the Summer Snack Sales was such an enjoyable experience. This event was a chance for members to come to Clark and sell snacks to hard-working summer school students. From the relaxing environment of taking inventory to the hectic one of making sales, I am so glad that I was able to participate. Along with selling snacks, we were also given the chance to create lunch bags for the Ronald McDonald House which was definitely a humbling experience and contributed to the overall chill vibe of the event. Being able to put a smile on those attending summer classes was an amazing sight and further deepened my love for service. andrew song ed. w. clark

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pAyRs joel molina, west cta durango key club shirly fang, sierra vista mei mei wong, ed. w. clark reva braun, pahrump valley

Division Leadership Team Contacts Aaron Quiamzon- (702) 461-0044

Desiree Galera- (702) 853-3194

Raymond Guan- (702) 882-2800

Kelly Tay- (702) 882-6656

Mimi Bui- (702) 339-9517

Lenise Wu- (702) 882-8222

d28w presidents emails Bonanza- Jennifer Dominguez Centennial- demian garcia

Cimmaron-memorial- dallas arnet,

desert oasis- Jillian Andreottola

durango- Brian Tsan

Ed. W. Clark- Elissa Gray faith lutheran- Juliana Brown

nwcta- Sam Boyer

palo verde- Michael Tsan

sierra vista- Armondo Rosas

swcta- kimberly yiv spring valley- justin zhou wcta- kristen canlas western- Maria Hernandez

Thanks for


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@d28wseamonkeys twitter instagram

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