Seamonkey Sequel | December 2012 | Vol. 1 | Issue 6

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1 In this issue//Contact us 2 A word from our LTG 3 Division Leadership Team 4 Important dates //Upcoming events Fall Rally South Recap 5 Club articles 8 Recognition 10


A Word from Our This month, this message might be a little shorter than usual, but that is only because I have an article in this special Fall Rally Recap edition of the Seamonkey Sequel. Anyways – I hope you all had an amazing November. Autumn was a busy BEE season for the division. I can say for a fact that we have accomplished a multitude of things the past couple of months, as well as made some division history. The following statistics have been collected and compiled by YOUR monthly reports: 

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A record breaking 4,399 service hours in October – beat our record high of 3328.5 service hours o 61.32 average hours per member o 108 total service projects 100% On-Time Monthly Report Form Submissions o Has not happened in years! 18 different fundraisers from 6 different clubs o Donated $634 for service organizations o $2.34 average funds per member

These statistics are anything but normal. While gathering data from your reports, I was in complete shock and awe with all of the data that was reported. I am extremely honored to have been elected as your Lieutenant Governor, and I have been inspired by your unBEElievable service that you have provided to your communities. Thank you for the inspiring moments: keep up the great work! In service, Johansen Pico Division 28 West Lt. Governor

from the editor Wow, words cannot express how amazing Division 28 West was during Fall Rally! From the moment Seamonkeys started to fill the Golden Bear Theater, our spirit was high and all of the hard work that was put into Fall Rally paid off when we contributed to PTP and won the spirit stick. October was a phenomenal month for our division, so keep up the good work guys! For those of you who attended Fall Rally, I hope you all had an unBEElievable time! Remember to keep submitting articles and visuals!

Pauline Nguyen Division Specialist

Emily Pham Division Secretary

important dues, dues, dues! Early Bird: December 1st Regular Dues: December 1st

submissions Submit ARTICLES/VISUALS due to Division Tech Editor (Elizabeth Quan) by November 15th, 6:00pm. Submit MRFs to Johansen and Division Secretary (Emily Pham) by the 30th at 6:00pm Submit Newsletters to Division Tech Editor (Elizabeth Quan) by the 15th at 6:00pm Submit MoM Nominations to the Division by the 30th at 6:00pm

Dues/submissions must be received by those dates

What: December DCM! Where: Southwest CTA 7050 W. Shelbourne Ave Las Vegas, NV 89113

When: December 12th


If I were to sum up my Fall Rally experience in one word it would be: circular. I used the word circular because my day took a complete 180. The morning of Fall Rally was hectic: there were Key Clubbers all around and I had to make sure everyone was registered and spirit supplies were distributed. I started to feel unconfident in my abilities to lead the division I serve, and the weight on my shoulders seemed to have gotten heavy. Everyone seemed restless with the long wait to the buses. Eventually, everyone did end up on the buses on time, and we set off for Six Flags Magic Mountain. Session One was where everything took a complete spin. I donated my own personal contribution of $40 towards Pediatric Trauma Program, and I was convinced that we would not be buying anyone from the LTG Auction. I sure was proved wrong. From donations alone, Division 28 West fundraised over $1000, and we ended up buying the Member Relations Chair, Jarren Santos. The Division 36 East Raccoons bought me, and although Division 28 West did not, I am glad to have been bought by such a spirited and loving division. Along with the great auction, Division 28 West won the spirit stick. I always made speculations and extrapolations on winning the spirit stick – never would I have thought my dreams would have become a reality. I want to comment that winning the spirit stick does not just mean winning. It shows division unity, strength, and most of all, division spirit. This accomplishment would not have been possible without all of the advisors, chaperones, administration, and of course, the members. Thank you for providing me an experience that I will never forget! L-O-V-E I LOVE MY SEAMONKEYS ♼

Johansen Pico

On November 10th, Cimarron-Memorial high school had the opportunity to go to Fall Rally South. All of the members of our Key Club that went had so much fun meeting new Key Clubbers from other states, and enjoying the day at Magic Mountain Six Flags. Not only did we pay to go to six flags but also paid to save the lives of babies for the pediatric trauma prevention also known as PTP. We raised a lot of money and knowing that is what made the trip even more exciting. I’m also proud to say that 28-west won the big spirit stick after the auction. (2-8 west we rep the best!) Overall it was a memorable and exciting time for our Key Club and I can’t wait for us to go again next year!

Kylee DelaCruz

I had an amazing time at Fall Rally and I’m so glad I got to experience it AGAIN. The bus ride was fun mind the awkward sleeping positions but the real fun happened as soon as we stepped on Six Flags property. Being surrounded my thousands of key clubbers and hearing all the division cheers and the “unga ungas” & “abooga aboogas” was such a great feeling and reminded me one of the reasons why I’m in key club for experiences like this. The Rally itself was great and you could tell all the other divisions worked hard on their cheers, plus D28W won and it was great to be able to win that for Johansen. After the rally we got to go around the park riding rides and gif shopping and importantly, eating funnel cake! You couldn’t walk a few steps without getting called out by another division walking past you and it was all definitely worth the weird stares and lost voices. All in all I had a fantastic time at fall rally and can’t wait to go (and win again) next year!

Sara Daniel

This year's Fall Rally was the best! I had so much fun cheering with division 28 west and other divisions in CNH. Since it was my last one I wanted to make sure this one counted, and it did! In the morning my club was ready to cheer their butts off. A lot of us were more excited for the spirit session than the actual roller coasters. On our way to Six Flags, we watched tons of Disney movies like Finding Nemo, Cars, and the Lion King 1 1/2. When we finally got to Six Flags we went straight the the Golden Bear Theater and I could not wait to see what the other divisions have prepared. Then towards the end of our session, they announced the winners of session one and it was DIVISION 28 WEST! That was one of the highlights of my Fall Rally. Then later on through the day we rode the roller coasters and met some other key clubbers in California and bought some merchandise. Sadly as the night started to end, it finally hit me that this was my last fall rally and I would not be able to cheer with this awesome division ever again. But I realized that I had more fun than I did the last 3 fall rally's. Whenever I go back to Six Flags, I will always remember how much fun I had with my fellow seamonkeys and bees!

Janmark Camins

As many of you may already know, Fall Rally south was held Saturday, the 10th of November. Fall Rally brought all of the CNH key clubbers together as one - a giant family. Many key clubbers made tons of new friends and mingled with peers from all over California, Nevada and Hawaii! And be proud of your key club, hawks, because District 28 West won the spirit stick! At the spirit rally, we had auction of our beloved LTGs and showed off our loud and proud spirit with pom poms. Our club did wonderful and really showed everyone how it’s done! After the spirit rally, CNH key clubbers had a fantastic day riding rides, socializing, and meeting characters like bugs bunny. Key Club was so spirited that even regular passerbys called us out with our “How Do You Feel?” cheer! Everyone was in a good mood and the happiness coming from Fall Rally is really indescribable. The park was filled with cheer and jaws one of the most amazing experiences of Key Club (so far). Even the bus ride there and back was fun! If you missed Fall Rally this year though, don’t worry. Fall Rally is an annual event and gets better every year. Also, don’t miss your chance to go to this year’s DCON in Anaheim, California!

Samantha Boyer

ARTICLES While I’ve always been aware of the negative consequences of cigarette smoking, I’ve never truly realized how disgusting its effects on your body are until I participated in T.A.T.U. Teens Against Tobacco Use, or T.A.T.U, is a program designed to allow high school students to teach younger, elementary school students about the dangers of smoking. On October 31st, Cimarron-Memorial participated in its first training for this program in order to prepare members to partake in the program. Although it’s my second time around doing T.A.T.U, some aspects of it never fail to completely gross me out! There is a much emphasized portion of the training that involves two real lungs: one of a healthy nonsmoker and the other of a person who heavily smoked throughout their lifetime. The smoker’s lung was so disgusting that I actually felt a little nauseous; it was pitch black, with visible cancer spots, and just an overall aura of unpleasantness that is just very hard to describe. Another portion of the training features a large jar filled entirely with phlegm that simulates the amount of phlegm that would fill a smoker’s lungs if they smoked one pack of cigarettes every day for a year. Needless to say, I am never, ever going to smoke. While I wouldn’t recommend participating in T.A.T.U. training before lunchtime, I’m really glad that my club and I get this terrific chance to take part in this program and educate little kids on the dangers of smoking.


Allision Atienza

Light the Night walk took place this year on November 3rd and it was a truly great night. I have attended Light the Night walk for three years now and every year has been a different experience. My first light the night I wasn't sure what to expect all I knew was that our club would be wearing green in honor of a friend who had passed from a form of cancer. It was very cold and I wasn't sure whether I wanted to stay out there the whole time, but I stayed and it was worth it. The best part about Light the Night would definitely have to be the lights in the balloons. The sight that it creates is truly magnificent and represented all those who have fought, are fighting or just those wishing to support the cause. The contrast the lights have against the night sky is truly just amazing and it is the one part I looked forward to seeing every year. It is sad to say that I attended my last one, but it was really a great night to remember. When I had gone to light the night the two years before, our club supported the cause by walking with everyone else which was great to do. This year we changed it up and volunteered to cheer the walkers on in order to support the cause. It was a lot of fun doing this, getting the walkers pumped and keeping their energy levels up throughout the walk. I am glad I was able to experience both the walking and the volunteering side of light the night walk. I really hope that our club keeps the tradition of going to this event every year, so that our members will always get to experience it.

Marcus Castile

RECOGNITION West CTA Tiffany Hargrove


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