D37E January Newsletter | VOL. 10 | ISSUE 9

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the sting JANUARY 2020 VOL. 10 | ISSUE 9





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table of contents letter from the editor letter from the ltg division goals nov. dcm recap spotlight on service conclave recap + int. dcon articles + visuals member spotlights contact pages




letter from the

EDITOR Happy New Year, Jellies! Welcome to the new year of 2020! I personally am very excited for all the new opportunities, goals, and achievements that will take place this year and decade! Start this year off with getting out of your comfort zone! Attend new service events, division held activities, and meet lots of Key Clubbers <3 You can easily do this by going to DCON — I assure you that you will meet new Key Clubbers from across the district and experience many new opportunities. If you have any questions about DCON or are debating whether to go or not, please reach out to any of our club presidents, DLT members, or Jane Pham (our LTG). We would be more than happy to speak to you in detail about the wonders of DCON. This year is a great chance to get out of your comfort zone and experience new things. As we all will make our New Year’s resolutions, I find it more important to actually try to maintain them. When you find yourself losing motivation, remind yourself why you were trying to accomplish the goal in the first place. Also place reminders of your goals in designated areas to keep yourself on track! This year I plan to study

harder while also trying to maintain a social life — it is quite easy to have an unbalanced scale. I’m also trying to spend more time on self reflection and improvement :-) Feel free to let me know what your goals are and how you plan to execute them! I really hope each one of you have a wonderful year and decade with mental and physical balances. By the end of this decade, we will all be in a new place either physically, mentally, or emotionally. I may not be in contact with some of you by the end of this decade, but I wish the best for you and am confident you will achieve great things. We will no longer be in high school by the end of this decade but I hope you will carry the Key Club Jelly spirit with you throughout your years :-) The experiences and friendships we make now will stay with us throughout our lifetime so please be sure to make them while you can! Happy New Year and decade, Jellies! Let’s own it :-D

Stinging with Service, ! Sofia Nawaz !


letter from the

LT. GOV Happy 2020, Jellies! Welcome to a new decade! Can you believe we all haven't showered since last year? All jokes aside, I hope you are enjoying a well-deserved winter break and got the chance to spend quality time with your loved ones. While the holiday season is slowly coming to an end, share the gift of giving all year round and start this decade off on the good foot! As we prepare for school to recommence, it's also time to jump back into service. If you thought the term was over, think again! Around this time, your respective home club will be conducting elections to choose the next leaders of our division for the upcoming term. If you considered running for a position, I highly encourage you to! Serving in a Key Club position has given me such a unique perspective about being a servant leader and Key Club as a whole and I can guarantee it would do the same for you! With election season in full swing, remember you never know what will happen unless you try. Please do not be intimidated to run for that position you've always been interested in! I would also like to remind you that District Convention is approaching us very soon! If you do not know what DCON is, it is a 3-day convention where Key Clubbers from all over California, Nevada, and Hawaii convene to witness the installation of new officers, attend

fun workshops, meet new people, and much more! The on-time registration deadline for DCON will be closing on January 28th so please be sure to keep in touch with your home club regarding costs, transportation, and other logistics to ensure you don't end up paying extra! Lastly, division and district contests are now available! If you would like to be recognized or acknowledge someone else's contributions to Key Club, now is a perfect opportunity to apply for contests! Be mindful that division contests will be due Sunday, January 12th and district contest deadlines will be found on the CyberKey. I hope to see many of you recognized for your endless hard work at DCON and our division banquet so be sure to apply as soon as possible! Thank you for reading this very long note. Enjoy the rest of your month and of course, have an amazing 2020. I will see you at the next division event and in the next newsletter! <3

Stinging with Service, Jane Pham






SERVICE HOURS 3,047.15/8,000 38.08% OF GOAL


PTP FUNDS RAISED $3,100/$4,000 75.50% OF ADJUSTED GOAL I would like to commend your hard work thus far in helping us reach our division goals! As we have three months left before the end of the term, I urge you to encourage your friends to pay their dues, participate in service events, and support club/division PTP fundraisers. Just because we are in the final stretch of the term does NOT mean it is too late to strive to accomplish these goals. I know that together, this division is capable of unimaginable things — we have done it before, so let's do it again! - Jane Pham Lt. Governor



The month of November provided heartfelt gratitude for our Division 37 East Jelly Family! At the Division Council meeting, Jellies embraced this feeling in having our own mini Friendsgiving. Members participated in sharing food and the aspects they are grateful for in their lives. Here’s a Jelly’s take on their experience at the DCM: At the November DCM we started with ice breakers by sitting in a circle and playing a version of telephone and playing huggy bear. Afterwards we held a potluck with different snacks and pizza that members brought. For the service event, we made cards for Kiwanis to thank them for all the support they’ve given our division. Along with this, we included cards for troops and veterans to honor their service during the holidays. This DCM stood out to me because it was really focused on bonding. The picnic also served as a celebration of everything we’ve gone through during the year. My favorite part was after the DCM where we shared what we were thankful for and later had a group hug. I can’t wait for the next one. - Caroline Leung Division Executive Assistant

NOVEMBER RECOGNITION CLUB: Orange Glen MEMBER: Olivia Pacheco OFFICER: April Pranchanhpheng FACULTY: Haley McCracken KIWANIS: Mike Montanari


NO SEW BLANKETS: - Collect materials of fleece to use as blankets - Have members cut strips on the edges of the blanket and tie the strips together - Pass out or donate the blankets to the homeless CARE PACKAGES: - Have members gather and donate supplies such as toys, necessities, toiletries, clothing and food - Organize the goods into a box and leave a sweet note - Give these packages to orphans, veterans, or homeless during the holidays CARDS AND TOYS: - Have members donate toys or any other necessary children goods - Make holiday cards and pair them with a donation - Donate the gifts and cards to an orphanage - Bonus points if you visit the orphanage to distribute the goods UGLY SWEATER PARTY: - Host a holiday event on campus with Christmas attire - Provide party materials and activities - Accept donations from party-goers and spread awareness on helping local communities - Send the funds to a local shelter GIFT WRAPPING: - Team up with your local Barnes and Nobles to partake in volunteer gift wrapping - Collect profits as donations to send to local shelters BAKE SALE: - Hold a bake sale at school, a local church, or Kiwanis Takeover - Send the money earned to local shelters


The New Year requires plenty of reflecting about who you want to be this year. Have a humble start to your 2020 year by helping those who are less fortunate. Here is what you can do to help those in your community:



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To begin, we started by having the delegates sign in at the Del Norte High School Library. The audience contained all the division members and division elects from Division 21 South, 37 South, and 37 East. Our two D37E candidates, Lynne Do and Brianna Virabouth, gave their speeches and distributed their campaign flyers. They each presented for five minutes and underwent three minutes of caucus questions. Finally, we voted to make Lynne Do our LTG Elect! Being able to hear their speeches was incredibly motivating and inspiring because their passion for Key Club shined through. I admired their work ethic and determination to make our Division the best it could be with new goals and opportunities. It was incredibly reassuring to see members passionate enough to improve our club in the future. I recommend all Jellies to attend this event to catch a glimpse of the immensity of our division and Key Club. I don’t think a lot of our new




Jellies understand just how strong we are as a division, and hopefully this would increase member’s activity rate. I wouldn’t even know how immense the Key Club structure is without attending! Everyone there from all three divisions were passionate about improving and serving their home club to make it a better place. This goes to show how important Key Club is outside of the traditional school club — even if you’re just a member! This event also piqued my interest in attending other division and district wide events, besides Fall Rally. By attending Region Training Conferences and District Convention Meetings you get a full overview of Key Club’s complex structure. Nevertheless, I am proud of both of our LTG Elect candidates and can’t wait to see Lynne’s contributions to the division and home clubs within it! - Daniel Jiang San Marcos VP









Hello, Jellies! I am still in utter shock and realization hasn’t hit me yet that I’m the LTG Elect for D37E! I am so grateful that our division is allowing me to serve them as their Lieutenant Governor for the 2020-2021 term. I am super excited to be working alongside Jellies and witness all the growth that will take place in the upcoming term. I feel as though I have learned so much through the prodigious Key Club events I’ve attended and the people I’ve met because of them. I am incredibly passionate about Key Club because I have made everlasting friendships and have grown immensely as a person. Key Club has taught me to step out of my comfort zone and every year it feels as though I’ve developed new skills thanks to others. I also have to thank the multiple opportunities I’ve been given by Key Club to be not only a member, but also a Club Bulletin Editor and Division Secretary. During my term I plan to emphasize communication







and enforce connections within the club. This will help unite the division as a whole! By doing so, members can learn from one another and spend more time socializing with each other! I also want to target member retention and work with clubs to help them reach their goals. As Lt. Governor, I will have the potential to give home clubs support at the division level. I will do my best to take note of what I can do to help them. In order to support the home clubs as well as D37E as a division, I am hoping to create more fundraisers and service events across the division. I will do my best to encourage interclub activities to strengthen our division as a whole. My goal in this is to make service more fun for everyone — not just a requirement for college applications! Thank you, Jellies, for electing me as your LTG for the 2020-2021 term! I can’t wait to see all that we will achieve. - Lynne Do Division Secretary



Elect new district executives Celebrate this term’s hard work Keynote speakers Gain new leadership skills Party at the Governor’s Ball Meet new Key Clubbers Attend workshops Make connections Networking opportunities Plus much more!


SANDWICH MAKING INTERFAITH During the sandwich making, there were 17 members who attended. At this event, members had the opportunity to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for those less fortunate. We gave our members the chance to bring unopened jars of peanut butter or jelly, loaves of bread, or ziplock bags for an extra 30 minutes. We worked with Interfaith and sent the sandwiches to them to distribute. This event allowed our members to participate in making food for those in need. We had a great time socializing with each other, while being able to help others! - Audrey Santander Mission Hills President



KIWANIS SAN MARCOS HOLIDAY PARADE At the San Marcos Holiday Parade, we had a total of 21 members from Mission Hills attend. It was a joint event with San Marcos Key Club! We helped by decorating the truck and sorting out books by grade level. With the books, we checked if each one had a sticker and added one if they did not have it. After that, we

loaded all the materials and items onto the truck/trailer and started handing out books to people on the streets. Although it was a tiring and long day, we had a wonderful time volunteering for our community this holiday season! We also hope to have more opportunities like this event in the future to brighten people’s days! - Audrey Santander Mission Hills President


TURKEY TROT San Marcos Key Club participated at the Oceanside Turkey Trot on November 27, 2019. Volunteers worked to organize bib pick-up and runner shirt distribution while the registration was open the day before the race. The event took place at Dick's Sporting Goods in Oceanside. Key Clubbers also managed the Turkey trot event planning for the next day by sorting through important paperwork and other files for the annual Thanksgiving race. This helped contribute the overall fluidity of the race. - Krista Nguyen San Marcos President



JOSEPH PADILLA FRESHMAN ESCONDIDO JOINED FRESHMEN YR WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO JOIN KEY CLUB? My sister was the one who got me involved! As a freshman, I was interested in trying new clubs and meeting new people and my sister was fairly active in Key Club and got me to join. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ASPECT OF KEY CLUB? I love being able to meet new people in Key Club! I primarily bond with Jellies by meeting as many people as I can during Division Council Meetings; however, I’ve met plenty of people from other divisions thanks to Fall Rally. HOW HAVE YOU GROWN BECAUSE OF KEY CLUB? I’ve definitely grown much more socially. I've been able to talk and express my ideas and opinions more freely. I don’t worry about whether what I’m saying is boring anymore and am confident in my contribution to a conversation with others! WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE EXPERIENCE FROM KEY CLUB? At the moment, it's the ability to make posters with people for my home club. I think it's fun to draw something with a group of people in order to support the club or community. It serves as a bonding event to get to know the people around you better. The laughs from them clowning around and vice versa is very joyful to me and is sure to put a smile on my face. This also helps me grow connection with every person I meet.



OTSMAR ERREGUIN JUNIOR ORANGE GLEN JOINED SOPHOMORE YR WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO JOIN KEY CLUB? Well, I joined to try to be more outgoing and "get out of shell," do something ~new~. Key Club extremely helped me with this. Prior to Key Club I was incredibly shy and it’s crazy to see how much I've changed due to Key Club pushing me to try new things. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ASPECT OF KEY CLUB? My favorite aspect of Key Club is getting involved with my community via service events. I’m able to work with others around me to make visible changes and give back to the community. It just feels so good helping out and especially because you are able to meet new people and make friends during events. HOW HAVE YOU GROWN BECAUSE OF KEY CLUB? I'm definitely more confident social wise with myself now. It’s not difficult for me to make friends wherever I go and it’s all thanks to Key Club for giving me multiple opportunities to branch out. For example, I can to start up a conversation or feel confident enough to run for a position next term, like Spirit Coordinator!! In conclusion, without Key Club I would never have gotten the courage I have today! WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE EXPERIENCE FROM KEY CLUB? My favorite Key Club experience was actually the night before Fall Rally South where we learned the cheers at the Spirit Night. I feel like I cheered more there with my fellow Jellies than I did at Fall Rally South because being that close with one another was just a lot of fun.


AUDREY SANTANDER SENIOR MISSION HILLS JOINED FRESHMAN YR WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO JOIN KEY CLUB? I joined because I heard a lot of recommendations from my friends and family. Kids in high school seemed to be enjoying the club, so I thought I’d give it a try when high school rolled around. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ASPECT OF KEY CLUB? My favorite part of Key Club is that it lets me meet so many new people. Beyond my home club, I get to meet people across the division and district through service events and activities. This has let me grow my social skills and introduced me to people I would have never connected with if it wasn’t for Key Club. On top of that, it’s let me get in touch with my community! I get to meet others passionate about helping the community and together we can give back to make our home a better place <3 HOW HAVE YOU GROWN BECAUSE OF KEY CLUB? I have been able to communicate with others well better. As president, it is extremely important to have good communication skills and Key Club has taught me plenty of that. Through Key Club pushing me out of my comfort zone, I also learned I can do way more than I ever anticipated! WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE EXPERIENCE FROM KEY CLUB? My favorite experience in Key Club would be going to DCON! I had the amazing opportunity to get away for the weekend and bond with fellow Key Clubbers. I learned so much about the club through multiple presentations and had a great time meeting people from CNH!


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