D37E December Newsletter | VOL. 10 | ISSUE 8

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the sting

DECEMBER 2019 | VOL. 10 | ISSUE 8



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table of contents letter from the editor letter from the ltg goals oct. dcm recap spotlight on service frs recap dcon key leader recaps articles & visuals member spotlights structure & elections contact pages

letter from



Happy Holidays, Jellies! Welcome back to another edition of The Sting. This issue involves tons of information on upcoming elections - as well as DCON! I hope this issue persuades you to look into the various roles and opportunities Key Club has to offer you. While this time can be stressful for numerous reasons - finals, holiday shopping, traveling, etc - remember that we Jellies have your back! I’m excited to see all that this month has to offer us. With all the excitement the holidays bring, it also marks the end of the year. Please rest during these times, and consider the new roles and experiences that will be available to you the next year. These decisions can help you make the most of your time in Key Club and your overall 2020 year. Please feel free to contact Jane Pham, the Division Leadership Team, or your Club’s Board to learn more about the possibilities Key Club has to offer! This ranges from club, division, and district positions - each of them having their specialties and responsibilities that come with the position!

I hope you’ve reached a majority of your goals in Key Club, school, and life, in general, this year. Soon enough it’ll be time to create new goals for 2020! This is a wonderful opportunity for reflection on what goals you accomplished and goals you might not have reached - and the reason for it! Let’s work towards creating more proactive goals for the next year. As for right now, please continue to work hard, persevere, and protect yourself from years this cold and flu season! Happy holidays, Jellies!

Stinging with Service, Sofia Nawaz

letter from



Happy Holidays, Jellies! It's the season of giving and I'm giving YOU all of my love and gratitude! From the bottom of my heart, I am incredibly appreciative of all the service you have performed in your home, school, and community and your continued attendance to club and division events. In addition, I wanted to recognize our accomplishments as a division at Fall Rally South! As of now, we have raised over $3,100 for the Pediatric Trauma Program, which is a huge milestone for D37E! Thank you so much for your contributions and support; without you, we couldn't have been able to set new records like we have this term! With a few more months left before the term transitions, I urge you to keep on sharing your love for service and attending events. Especially since now is the holiday season, it is a perfect time to give back to those who need it the most! Speaking of the end of the term, it is also time we start choosing the next leaders in our division. Around this month, our division will be hosting Conclave, where we will be electing the new Lieutenant Governor for the 2020-2021 term. Conclave is an incredibly important event and I invite you all to attend, either as a delegate from your club, an audience member, or even a candidate! If you have any questions regarding Conclave, please do not hesitate to ask me. Also, your home clubs will begin their elections for incoming officers. If you are interested for running for a position, be sure to ask your

club board many questions as we need you (yes, you) to be ones leading your club and our division in the next term. You may notice that there are countless opportunities for you to develop your leadership skills and I highly encourage you to take a leap of faith and run for that position you have your eyes set on. You never know unless you try! One final thing before I sign off: DCON Registration will be opening on December 12th! What is DCON you ask? It is the biggest district event of the year! Key Clubbers from California, Nevada, and Hawaii come together for a 3-day convention to attend fun workshops, elect the new District Executives, and celebrate the term's accomplishments. More information will be released soon but I can tell you now that it is not the event you want to miss. Keep an eye out for any bulletins and infographics on our Google Reflector and Instagram! That's all I have for this month! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season with your friends and family. Be sure to take a break after finals and treat yourself. You deserve it. Until next time! <3

Stinging with Service, Jane Pham


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2,233.65 HOURS SERVED OUT OF 8,000

421,653 HOURS SERVED OUT OF 1,100,00

$3,750 DOLLARS TO PTP OUT OF $4,500

$81,708 DOLLARS TO PTP OUT OF $260,000




OCTOBER DCM This October we spirited our way towards a spooktacular DCM, learning cheers for Fall Rally, and bonding with our division. We started off going through fun icebreakers, one of them being “Wrap The Mummy� and other such Halloween themed activities. I was being a spectator by capturing the moments with my camera, and the activities brought us closer as a division. I noticed a lot of new bonds formed as they got to mingle. Before going into our spirit session, we went through our DCM discussing the progresses of our home clubs. Once we concluded the meeting, the spirit coordinators divided into two stations, one for main cheers and the other for universal cheers. Personally, I had so much fun teaching the universal cheers because of how interactive and engaging they are. It being my second and last year as a part of the spirit committee, I made a lot more friends and learned a lot more about being a leader and being able to make an impact somewhere in the community. - Jenni Manimtim Division Spirit Committee



REBUILD AND CLEANUP: - Work with your local Kiwanis to clean and restore your school - Fundraise for new materials - Have members help rebuild your school or other elementary/middle schools KIWANIS CRAFT DAY: - Collaborate with the Kiwanis Family to make crafts to donate - Hold an event to make items such as no sew blankets, paper flowers, cards, ornaments, etc - Donate these to places in need such as schools and shelters KIWANIS TAKEOVER: - Attend your local Kiwanis meeting and host a bake sale - Have adults bake treats to auction off - Donate the money the funds raised FRIENDS-GIVING: - Hold a Friendsgiving feast in order to get to know your local Kiwanis members - Have everyone bring a meal or supplies to share - Participate in service events together - Share thanks with one another GIFT BAGS: - Hold a service event with making gift bags to help “Terrific Kids” or “Bring up Grades” - Partner with your local K-Kids or Builders Club - Distribute them to elementary and middle schools


The Kiwanis Family is dedicated to helping every child and community one at a time in order to make the world a better place. The Kiwanis Family consists of multiple Key Club aspects and each of them donate time and money into helping out locally and globally. Here is what you can do to help:

FALL RALLY SOUTH: 2019 EDITION This Fall Rally South was one for the books! This year’s Fall Rally South kicked off with meeting for the bus at my high school. With spending so much time with my home club ー the early morning wait for the bus, the line to get into the park, and the ride to Six Flags and back ー it gave me a wonderful opportunity to bond with my home club. I got to meet many of my club’s seniors, whom I have such limited time with, and my club’s freshman, whom I can hopefully guide into the depths of Key Club. Along with them, it was my friend’s first time attending Fall Rally South and it was very exciting to see her mingle and cheer with the division for the first time. With that, I got to reconnect with many old friends from numerous divisions and regions! I was able to spend time with them by waiting in line for the rides. Luckily, I was able to ride some of the best rides at Six Flags due to my friend convincing me to go. During our Spirit Rally, we all met at the Golden Bear Theater to wait in line. Waiting in line with all the excitement for the Rally really connected our division as a whole ー plus we all wanted to do our best for Lt. Governor Jane Pham! Once we arrived in our seats, it was clear to see how much space we took up, which only made us feel more like a family. Unfortunately we didn’t win the Spirit Stick, but as a whole we were very proud of ourselves and the Spirit Committee.

Later at the auction, our club was able to purchase both LTG Jane Pham, LTG Antony Lin (D37W) and District Secretary Lawrence Guittap! This was only possible due to all the hard work that went into raising $3,750 dollars for PTP! The District Board also offered CNH penpals during the Spirit Sessions. This was an exciting way to meet Key Clubbers from different regions and states. After some group pictures, we continued on with lunch and more mingling. I was able to meet tons of new people from new divisions and regions after all the Spirit Sessions were over. I’m glad this Fall Rally South I was able to meet more people than ever before. I hope to meet even more next year! - Sofia Nawaz Division News Editor



Elect new district executives Celebrate this term’s hard work Keynote speakers Gain new leadership skills Party at the Governor’s Ball Meet new Key Clubbers Attend workshops Make connections Networking opportunities Plus much more!



WHAT IS IT? Key Leader is a weekend sleepaway camp that lets students meet new Key Clubbers and expand their skills in leadership. The curriculum surrounds five main principles of Personal Integrity, Personal Growth, Respect, Building Communities, and Pursuit of Excellence. Fortunately, members Irma Gonzalez, Lynne Do, and Mya Reyes were able to attend and give insight on their experiences in Key Leader. My time at key leader was such an insightful experience. I was able to learn so much on how I can become a better service leader to my community. They’re skills I hope to apply to myself, so I can serve my division. not only was I able to obtain more leadership skills, but I was also able to spark up so many new friendships. It was so nice seeing that there are other passionate and upcoming leaders that want the best for everyone. The activities that we did, were all connected to the core values of a service leader. These activities sure got everyone very involved and that’s what made me enjoy them the most. An activity that stood out to me was where we had to write down our personal values, and one by one, we had to give up one, to the point where we were left with one. This activity really made me think of what I truly value. In the end, this taught us how our personal values are what define us as a person, our heart and soul! - Mya Reyes Division Executive Assistant


KEY LEADER This fall I had the privilege to attend Key Leader at Camp Cedar Glen, Julian throughout October 18 to 20. I was able to attend alongside Mya and Lynne who are also part of D37E <3! It was a wonderful experience being there. Many activities were about team building. Not everyone there was a part of Key Club but they all like helping and serving their community in their own way. This showed me that there are many other people who enjoy serving and that Key Club isn’t the only community service group, which made my heart bounce out of happiness!! I learned a lot, from learning what the 5 core values of leadership are to knowing how to contribute to a group and assure that

everyone's voice is being heard. Beside everything that we did something that stood out to me were all the team building activities, we didn’t know each other so well but we all contributed, worked well, and most importantly got along with each other which helped us reach the goal we all shared. Which was making sure that we completed our task safely, together, and by having fun!! At the start I didn’t know many of the people I was grouped with, but I managed to get out of my shell and introduce myself to others. I made many new friends and it was upsetting to have to say goodbye, but we all know goodbyes aren’t forever! - Irma Gonzalez Division Spirit Committee


FAMILY NIGHT HALLOWEEN PARTY San Marcos Key Club attends the Family Night Halloween Party on October 19, 2019. This event occurred at the Wood House at Woodland Park. Volunteers assisted with event set up, running carnival games, supervising craft projects and event clean up. This was a great opportunity for San Marcos members to meet Mission Hills Key Clubbers, as many were in attendance to gain some extra service before Fall Rally. Hosted by the City of San Marcos, the Halloween Party event supports community engagement for the youth and the nominal fee that participants pay would further support the San Marcos Recreation team. Key Club volunteers were able to meet community members, manage event set-up, and oversee the enjoyment of the kids that came to celebrate Halloween! - Krista Nguyen San Marcos President

At the Family Halloween Night, we had 25 members attend who helped run the event smoothly. We were tasked with various jobs where we helped the children at the event. Our tasks included directing games, helping out during the cakewalk, making popcorn gloves and bracelets, and coloring Halloween pages. Many of us who were helping out at game booths passed out prizes to the kids who succeeded in the game and cheered them on. This event was a great opportunity for us to get our Fall Rally South hours in and have a great time helping the kids out who attended the event! - Audrey Santander Mission Hills President


PALOMA SPOOKTACULAR At the Paloma Spooktacular, there were 49 members who attended. We helped out the Paloma PTO by doing various jobs. We were asked to help direct traffic, handle booths with games and activities and other such things needed. While helping out at game booths we also cheered on the kids who participated and helped them win. Some of us also got the opportunity to pass our candies to the kids who went trick or treating in their costumes. This was a great opportunity to bond with our local kids, plus it was very cute to see them in their costume! This gave kids the experience to go trick or treating if they might not have been able to in their own neighborhoods. The Paloma Spooktacular also offered us a great opportunity to gain hours for Fall Rally South while also getting into the Halloween spirit! - Audrey Santander Mission Hills President



ARIANA GONZALEZ CAMPOS FRESHMAN DEL LAGO ACADEMY JOINED FRESHMAN YR WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO JOIN KEY CLUB? Well the spirit and energy really caught my attention even though I didn’t have that energy! But now I’m a little bubble filled with TONS of Key Club energy. The Key Club spirit within our division also helped me carry that same spirit through most aspects of life. I try to think positively whenever I can. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ASPECT OF KEY CLUB? My favorite aspect of Key Club is how wholesome everyone can be. Everyone has pure intentions of helping their community. For example, most fundraisers go towards PTP, helping kids everyday overcome trauma. HOW HAVE YOU GROWN BECAUSE OF KEY CLUB? I’ve become more outgoing and more confident in myself. My mental health has gotten a lot better, too :) The positive energy helps keep my spirits up. No one in Key Club judges either, you really are in it together with your division. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE EXPERIENCE FROM KEY CLUB? Fall Rally South because I got to meet so many new people and everyone was kind! I was able to meet people in my division and beyond. The people I met are unique in their own ways and I’m glad I am able to keep in touch with them for my next Key Club years to come.



NATASHA TRAN SOPHOMORE ESCONDIDO JOINED FRESHMAN YR WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO JOIN KEY CLUB? I had friends who attended Fall Rally when I was in middle school, and I thought it was interesting that Key Clubbers from Southern California could meet each other and have fun at Six Flags! That was primarily what drawn me into Key Club. Additionally, I wanted to be more involved with my community so the aspect of community service had granted me that opportunity. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ASPECT OF KEY CLUB? I love how Key Club offers various opportunities for students to better their communities!! From holding service projects to building lifelong leadership skills, I'm certain all members can take what they've learned from Key Club and apply it to the rest of their lives! HOW HAVE YOU GROWN BECAUSE OF KEY CLUB? I can definitely say that I've improved on leadership, socializing, and public speaking!! Before I joined key club, I was pretty deficient in those areas. I'm glad I can say that Key Club has strengthened those points because of my personal experiences! WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE EXPERIENCE FROM KEY CLUB? My favorite experience would definitely have to be Fall Rally South!! I love interacting with other divisions as well as taking pictures! It's great to see a variety of members from all over socal who are passionate for service at the event.


LYNNE DO JUNIOR ESCONDIDO JOINED FRESHMAN YR WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO JOIN KEY CLUB? I heard about key club in middle school through one of my friends, Jennifer Le, and saw how passionate she was about Key Club and how she was able to grow as a person. Seeing her growth inspired me to join and hopefully better myself as well! WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ASPECT OF KEY CLUB? My favorite aspect of Key Club is being able to connect with people all over the CNH district that have similar passions and goals as I do because they motivate me to work harder :) HOW HAVE YOU GROWN BECAUSE OF KEY CLUB? As a freshman, I was reserved and didn’t know how to connect with people easily. Then sophomore year rolled by and I became more involved with Key Club and gradually found my passion and love for the organization and the people, leading me to putting myself out there more and applying to be a part of DLT :,) Being a part of Key Club has helped me become more outgoing and empathetic towards everyone and has encouraged me to continue to serve as much as I can. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE EXPERIENCE FROM KEY CLUB? My Key Club moment is definitely Key Leader because I made some meaningful connections there and was able to learn more about what it’s like and what it takes in order to fulfill the idea of a Key Leader :,))



BRANDON CRUZ SENIOR MISSION HILLS JOINED SOPHOMORE YR WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO JOIN KEY CLUB? The main motivation for joining Key Club for me was being able to get involved in a community service club. I also was recommended by my home club's president at the time. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ASPECT OF KEY CLUB? My favorite aspect of Key Club is the community. It isn’t just a community service club, it has people in it that will always welcome you with open arms and a smile. HOW HAVE YOU GROWN BECAUSE OF KEY CLUB? I have grown as a person in the fact that I am more prone to helping people with their problems as well as joining in on school events as Key Club has allowed me to come out of my shell. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE EXPERIENCE FROM KEY CLUB? My favorite experience in Key Club I have had so far would be DCON last year since it really showed me how many people are committed to Key Club for reasons other than just Fall Rally. It helped me have some peace of mind that people still want to do service regardless of reward.

KEY CLUB: STRUCTURE + ELECTIONS WHAT IS THE STRUCTURE OF KEY CLUB? Key Club starts with you, the general member! Following them is the Club Board, District Board, and International Board. Beyond your club, there is a widespread of divisions and regions, but all of them lead up to one CNH District and one Key Club International. For more information on the structure of Key Club, check out the CNH CyberKey! WHAT ARE KEY CLUB ELECTIONS? Key Club elections take place for every role. These elections differ depending on the duties and responsibilities it carries. For example, Club Boards positions require little training or experience and are available to the majority. However, to run for Lt.Gov, you must attend different events to gain knowledge on the position. This varies depending on the level of the position to ensure the candidates are educated, qualified, and responsible for the role. With every role, a wider range of people casting their votes per level. WHEN DOES THIS ALL TAKE PLACE? The new term begins after DCON, where you can vote for new district executives. The new LTGs also get sworn in at DCON (although they have already been chosen during Conclave in January). This year the new term will begin in March when the District Convention is held. By then, most school clubs will already have new board members as well (it is likely they will be held in January). For more specific dates on when you can run for a role, be sure to contact your Club Board for more information. WHAT ARE THE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR EACH POSITION? This differs per position and level! For example, governors/presidents oversee the majority of the levels below them. Responsibilities also increase in level, with the International Board having the most tasks and duties. For more information about the Key Club structural roles, ask our LTG Jane Pham or check out the CNH CyberKey.


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