February Newsletter 2017

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Red Panda Pres s

Official Division 46 North Newsletter Volume IV | Issue IX

Beyer | Central Catholic | Enochs | Grace Davis | Gregori | Modesto |Peter Johansen | Riverbank| Sonora | Thomas Downey | Vanguard Prep Academy

Division 46 North | Region 12 | CNH District



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Message from DNE

Vivian Tran

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Message from LTG !

Crystal Cheng

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January: Monthly Member of the Month: asia ros, Enochs This member is new to her club, yet she already has volunteered for 11 hours for the month of December alone. Showing great activeness in the club, she helps out the community very much and showcases her responsibility by attending all the club meetings. She has shown a great amount of enthusiasm and passion for Key Club already, and I’m excited to see what else she will bring to her home club. *Accepted by Philip Gergis, Enochs President

Officer of the Month: Christine to, gregori This officer has done a good job in leading the club by being a role model, with 7 service hours completed in December, and by constantly searching for potential service events for the club. With over 200 hours of service, this officer has been extremely active in volunteering in the community. I am proud to see all that she has done.

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Recognition Club of the Month: Peter Johansen This club doesn’t have many members, yet they were able to volunteer for a total of 101.5 hours in December alone, which is an average of 5.97 hours per member. That’s amazing! The club board communicates well with me when necessary and I’m glad that they’re continuing to help out the community as much as they can.

Advisor of the Month: Brent Burnside, enochs This advisor really stepped up to help the club he advises connect with other resources to plan future events. He’s provided his club with many potential service projects to volunteer at, especially in December, and has helped in the planning process of many club events in the past month. Overall, he has been a great support to the club and I’m looking forward to seeing the end results of his help. *Accepted by Philip Gergis, Enochs President

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Recap January Events Division 46 North | Page 8

Christmas Hot Breakfast With Chocolate Sale

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Alexandra Candelario, Central Catholic High Key Club This month we had a Christmas hot chocolate sale at St Stanislaus and another hot chocolate sale on the 16th of December. The bake sale we had right before Christmas was a hit. Many members brought different types of deserts to sell to our student body. !

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Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast

Gabriella Dias, Central Catholic High Key Club On December 3rd, seven of our members and our advisor volunteered at the Kiwanis Breakfast with Santa from 7: 45 am 11: 30 am at 211 Bodem St. At this event, our Key Clubbers got to serve our fellow Kiwanis by helping out this event. Members from other clubs in the division also helped in serving food and drinks to people who attended the event. !

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McHenry Mansion Christmas Party Gabriella Dias, Central Catholic High Key Club On December 10th, one member from our school attended the McHenry Mansion Foundation Christmas Party from 3:30 to 7:30. She helped hang coats and help in the kitchen. She believed the experience was a great way to spend her Saturday because she was exposed to Modesto history and plenty of great people. In the next year, she hopes that more members are able to attend this event to be able to experience what she was able to experience. !

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Philip Gergis, Enochs High Key Club Every year, Modesto Gospel Mission hosts a Christmas Party right before the 25th to celebrate Jesus’s birthday and assist families who have below average incomes. They do so by providing families with donated gifts and food at the party so they can afford celebrating Christmas. To prepare for this party, Key Club volunteers got together and went to Modesto Gospel Mission to organize the hundreds of gifts that were donated to them. The, we decorated the tables and background to make the place look more festive for the party. The event turned out to really fun for those who went since getting to decorate the room was entertaining, and we were even provided a small meal for our work. Overall, the event was a success and Modesto Gospel Mission was able to have a great Christmas celebration the following day. Division 46 North | Page 14

Meet the

LTG Elect

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Crystal Cheng, D46N LTG 2016-2017

Philip Gergis D46N LTG – Elect 2017-2018

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Hello D46N Red Pandas, My name is Philip Gergis and I am extremely proud and excited to say that I am your Lt. Governor Elect for the term of 2017 to 2018! I’ve been in Key Club for a whole two years now and I currently serve as Enochs Key Club’s president. I cannot wait to be able to serve you all and to work together to further improve our division! My time in Key Club has been more than enough to make it one of the most important aspects of my life. I decided to join Key Club after seeing the booth set up at our school during club rush and going with my friends to the first meeting. I knew right away that I wanted to be apart of this organization and joined. Although our club was fairly inactive at the time, I tried attending all of the events the club had offered and ended up getting hooked on Key Club. This is what led me to run for club president, and eventually, Lt. Governor. Key Club has proven to be one of the best things that high school has yet to give me. I’ve made so many amazing friends, went to extremely fun events, helped several people, learned how to be a leader, and made memories that will last for a lifetime. Seeing how spirited everyone is and how big of an impact this organization has made on the world truly has changed my life for the better. I wish to repay Key Club for all that it has done for me, and I plan on doing so by serving as this division’s Lt. Governor. I have many ideas and goals I wish to accomplish, but I can’t achieve them without all of your help, so I look forward to working with each and every one of you and doing everything I can to make our division the best it can be! Philip Gergis Division 46 North|Lt. Governor Elect 2017-2018 California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District Key Club International Division 46 North | Page 17




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Club Elections & Positions: !

It’s nearing the term of 2016-2017! Clubs should begin by asking members who’s interested in applying for leadership positions, as there is an election process to be held. Election processes are decided by each club whether you would like an interview process before the elections. Ask your club president for more information about how you can run for a position and the forms to fill out! The following is a list of items each officer’s duties:


! Host!Club!&!Board!Meetings!! ! Delegate!tasks!&!ensure!completion!of!the!task!(form!committees)! ! Hold! Club! Elections! before! DCON! &! let! your! LTG! know! who’s! the! officerFelects!! ! Serve!the!members!!


Vice President:

! Readily!available!to!fill!in!for!President!when!needed.! ! Lead!&!assist!the!other!officers!in!their!duties! ! Help!plan!events!&!fundraisers! ! Serve!as!a!liaison!between!club!and!members!! !


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! Handles!all!the!records,!files,!and!details!that!are!important!for!the! smooth!operation!of!Key!Club! ! Record!meeting!minutes!of!all!club!and!board!meetings! ! Record!the!service!hours!of!all!members!in!the!club! ! Record! all! members! have! completed! on! the! Member! Recognition! Tab!(MRP)!! ! Compile!the!roster!of!every!member!in!the!club! ! Complete!&!submit!the!Monthly!Report!Form!each!month! ! Submit!the!Annual!Achievement!Report!(AAR)!at!the!end!of!term!


Treasurer: ! Collect!and!handle!membership!dues! ! Collect!all!money!from!club!fundraisers! ! Prepare!a!financial!report!for!the!club!board! ! Create!an!annual!budget!with!other!officers! ! Obtain! all! financial! records,! receipts,! and! files! from! IP! treasurer! (keep!binder)! !

Editors & Historians: ! Update!&!maintain!club!website!! ! Produce!monthly!club!newsletters! ! Create!a!calendar!of!events!for!the!club! ! Collect!Articles!and!Visuals!from!members! ! Create!promotional!materials!to!spread!over!the!web!or!in!person! ! Follow!Key!Club!Brand!Guide!and!Graphic!Standards!(found!on!the! CNH!Key!Club!Website!www.cnhkeyclub.org)!

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Interested in DCON? What is District Convention, you ask? This is the event of the Key Club year where we celebrate members for their achievements in the past year, learn about how to conduct ourselves in Key Club as members and officers, and meet other Key Clubbers from all over the California-Nevada-Hawaii District! If you attend DCON, you will have a chance to attend workshops to learn more about Key Club and/or leadership, dance the night away at Governor's Ball (most people go for this), cheer your heart out at general sessions, and see if your club and/or yourself was recognized this year for your achievements! In addition, you might get the opportunity to vote for next year's District Executives (Governor, Secretary, Treasurer) and other Key Club policy amendments. Where: Anaheim, CA When: April 6-9, 2017 Estimated Cost: between $300-$500 (depending on the number of attendees and mode of transportation) If you are attending, start fundraising ASAP to lower costs! !

Visit the CNH website for more information about DCON: http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/events/dcon ! Division 46 North | Page 23

CNH Website: !

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Visit the CNH Website to view more information regarding Contests you can apply to: http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/recognition/contests !

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Visit CNH Website to find out deadlines for each contest!

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Kiwanis Scholarship Opportunities For Graduating Seniors: Cunat International Scholarship: “While serving as 1992–93 governor of the Illinois-Eastern Iowa Kiwanis District, Brian Cunat and his wife, Miki, established a scholarship fund to recognize and support Kiwanis-family members setting out to make a difference in people’s lives. The Cunats believe that life goals should include helping others and making the world a better place for all.” How many awarded: 1 Amount Awarded: $2500 Deadline: March 15, 2017

Harry S. Himmel Scholarship: “The Harry S. Himmel Scholarship was established in Harry’s memory in 1989 by friends and family. Himmel joined Kiwanis in 1928 and eventually served in many leadership positions at various levels—including president of the Kiwanis Children's Fund for 10 years. Harry was known for his extensive involvement in his community and in charitable causes, and for the impact he made on so many individuals. This scholarship remains in his memory to help young people achieve their goals.” How many awarded: 1 Amount Awarded: $500 Deadline: March 15, 2017

Linda Canaday Memorial Scholarship: !

“The Linda Canaday Memorial Scholarship was established in honor of Kiwanian and 2008–09 First Lady Linda Canaday, a former teacher and longtime Kiwanis member. In her memory, a scholarship fund was established for members of Key Club International. This scholarship honors Linda’s love of children, which she demonstrated through her career as a teacher and her committed and caring compassion for children through Kiwanis.” How many awarded: 1 Amount Awarded: $2500 Deadline: March 15, 2017 !

*More Information regarding these forms can be found here:

http://www.kiwanis.org/childrensfund/impact-and-programs/scholarship-opportunities#.WFl10rYrKCQ !

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February: Children’s Division 46 North | Page 29

Visit CNH Spotlight on Service for more information: http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/projects/spotlightonservice

February, let’s spread some love this month by helping children out! Help out some local children in your neighborhood. Read to find out more!

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February is Children’s miracle network! “Children's Miracle Network Hospitals raises funds and awareness for 170 member hospitals that provide 32 million treatments each year to kids across the U.S. and Canada. Donations stay local to fund critical treatments and healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment and charitable care. Its various fundraising partners and programs support the nonprofit’s mission to save and improve the lives of as many children as possible.” Division 46 North | Page 31

“Get creative and create cards for the patients. After creating the cards be sure to deliver them to the children in person! You can also arrange a meeting time and spend some quality time with them. “

“Plan a day and venue to have various activities and games for local children and their parents! Charge an admission fee, based on donations, and use your games to educate younger audiences. Have a booth to explain your cause.”

“Organize a community/school project and create a banner to raise awareness for the Children's Miracle Network. Members can paint elaborate murals, or everyone can contribute by adding a handprint!” !

“Establish an entry fee and plan displays throughout your event or at a home club meeting. Allow members to vote by putting donations in corresponding jars. The winners are determined by the total amount raised in their jar.”

“Have the use of a skating rink donated for a couple of hours. Participants get sponsors and individuals to pledge for the hours or laps they skate. Have a concession stand to raise additional funds or donations.”

“Sell carnations for $1 with a note card during holidays or special events. Secretary Day, Boss’s Day, Easter, St. Patrick’s Day and many other holidays are perfect for this CMN fundraiser.”

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When: Tuesday, March 7th Time: 7 am – 7 pm — with select locations offering extended hours until 10 pm Celebrate National Pancake Day® at IHOP® and ! get a FREE short stack of our Original Buttermilk Pancakes!

Every stack served helps us reach our goal of raising $3.5 million for children battling critical illnesses.

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The Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club District is‌

Planting the Seeds of


with the goals of‌



for the

service hours

Pediatric Traum

is the district goal for this term, out of the Program over 43,000+ members divided by the 740+ we have here, every clubs we have in our member just needs new members district, all it takes is $250 a mere 30 hours from each club to reach each to reach the per club goal! And that starts our goal! with YOU! will be easily accomplished if every club member introduces one friend to Key Club!


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Check out the District Newsletter! It provides the best source of information for new ideas for service events! http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/news/newsletters

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Upcoming Sun



Wed 1
















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Events !

Thurs 2

9 16 23

Fri 3

10 17 24

Sat 4

11 18 25

3rd: Club MRF’s (Early Bird) 5Th: Club MRF’s (On Time) 7th: Articles and Visuals 10th: Club Newsletters (Early Bird) 12th: Club Newsletters (On Time) 13th: CNH Foundation Scholarship due

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Division Leadership Team Contact Information

Lt. Governor

Region Advisor

Crystal Cheng

Frank Vierra



1(209) 969-3033

1(209) 769-9568

Executive Assistant

Division Secretary

Saad Mirza

Kathy Thach



1(209) 918-5414

1(209) 602-3424

Division News Editor

Member/Kiwanis Relations Coordinator

Vivian Tran

Jason Leung



1(209) 923-1688

1(209) 614-7890

Spirit Coordinator

Spirit Coordinator

Amanda Lial

Erica Langpaop


erica.langpaap@gmail.com 1(209) 408-7272

PTP Coordinator

Eliminate Coordinator

Alejandro Alfaro

Alejandro Manzo



1(209) 502-0308

1(209) 225- 6325

Member Recognition Coordinator

Service Projects Coordinator

Sameen Mahmood

Jesus Aguiniga



1(209) 272-9500

1(707) 341-8949

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President Contact Information !

Beyer President Jason Leung jxleung@comcast.net 1(209) 614-7890

Modesto President Sameen Mahmood smahm200@gmail.com 1(209) 272-9500

Central Catholic President Lisa Archuleta Lta83@att.net 1(209) 416-6405

Peter Johansen President Jose Calderon calderonjose457@gmail.com 1(209) 272-9446

Enochs President Philip Gergis philipgergis@gmail.com 1(209) 556-3678

Riverbank President Ryan Choeb ryanchoeb209@gmail.com 1(209) 627-6077

Grace Davis President Jasmine Sun jasmine.dsun@gmail.com 1(209) 534-5779

Thomas Downey President Savana Lyons savana.lyons@yahoo.com 1(209) 534-8063 | 1(661) 888-2626

Gregori President Christine To christinneeto@gmail.com 1(209) 765-1510

Vanguard President Iliana Borges Ilianaborges200@gmail.com 1(209) 988-1345

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Official Division 46 North Newsletter Thank you for reading!

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