July Newsletter 2016

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Red Panda Pres s

Official Division 46 North Newsletter Volume IV | Issue III

July Edition Beyer | Central Catholic | Enochs | Grace Davis | Gregori | Modesto | Peter Johansen | Riverbank| Thomas Downey | Vanguard Prep Academy Division 46 North | Region 12 | CNH District

Table Of


Division 46 North | Page 1


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Letter from the DNE Letter from the LTG Meet the DLT DLT Introductions June Recognition Past Events Johansen Relay For Life Key Club Olympics Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast Spotlight On Service Volunteer Opportunities Upcoming Events Red Panda Contacts

Division 46 North | Page 2

Nort 6 4 n io is iv Hello D


of ss hours le d n E ! e m finally co volunteer s y tl a n h a rt r o e Su m m most imp d n a , while also n fu n fu , e in e h v a suns ant to h r friends u W o y ! s k s ie A it n ? u ity opport r commun u o y r fo g n volunteeri g! to tag alon recap on : d n fi to le ou’ll be ab y r, e tt vents, June e le s g w in e n m o is c h p In t Division dates on u e p u th , ts n to e v s n past e introductio d n a , n recognitio Team. Leadership n Service is o t h g li t o p ’s S ’t f July, CNH o r, but don th e n o te n m lu e o v th r d Fo Go out an !” e id ts u O “Go some fun! e v a h o ls a forget to I hope you


sletter! J w e n is th g joy readin

n Vivian Tra r


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s Edito

Letter From the DNE Division 46 North | Page 3


Hello Red P

a n da s !

I ho p e y o u have n ot lost mo around th tivation to e commu volunteer nity! I kno mostly wh w it is sum at's on yo m e r a nd ur mind is beach, o to go to p r to watc lay at the h that TV meant to show you start, or ev 've alway en hang o with that s ut with frie last part, n ds. Well, you can volunteerin do it wh g at an e ile you're vent! More Key Clubb than half ers enjoy t the time, heir time a would lov t service e e to go b vents and a c k a nd event like volunteer it, and I h at anothe ope that events tha r o ne of the t you go to this sum service those! This mer will b gives you e o ne o f an opport passion fo unity to re r service a lay your nd Key Clu you can b to other bring THE friends and M to the opportunit next volu y. I hope y nteering ou all hav the summ e a w o nd er filled w erful rest o ith service memories! f and unfo (Also, I ho rg e p t t e able two!) to see you at an eve  nt o r

Crystal Ch eng Division 46 North Lieutenan


t Governo


the LTG

From  Division 46 North | Page 4


The Division Leadership 16’-17’


Division 46 North | Page 5

I am very pleased to be the new Executive Assistant Elect for Division 46 North for the 2016-2017 term. I am going into my senior year at Modesto High School. Although I am involved in other extracurricular activities I enjoy key club the most. I am looking forward to working with the new Lt. Governor and the rest of the Division. Some other extracurricular activities I am a part of are Make A Wish, PHAST, and Project Hope. In my spare time I like to volunteer at the hospital, watch YouTube videos, and listen to music. I hope to have a great 2016-2107 term and can’t wait to work with you all.

Saad Mirza Executive Assistant

I am overjoyed to say that I'm going to be the Division Secretary of Division 46 North for the 2016-2017 term. I am going to be a sophomore at Gregori High School very soon and I am pleased to say that I’m going to be entering this term with the excitement of new friendships, service events and leadership skills. In my free time I like to listen to music, when I do it is usually k-hip-hop and k-r&b. I also love hanging out with my friends, what we usually do is go out to eat and talk for hours on end. I’m very excited for what’s in stored for this term.

Kathy Thach

Division Secretary

Division 46 North | Page 6

Hello everyone! I'm excited to introduce myself as the new 2016-2017 Member Recognition Program Coordinator for Division 46 North. A little bit about me, I attend Modesto High School and am a part of the Class of 2018. Additionally, I do IB instead of AP, and participate in our school's orchestra. As the MRP Coordinator, I look forward to seeing a whole lot of participation in various events and service projects. Hopefully your experiences in Key Club will be memorable and teach you valuable lessons that will help you throughout your life. I'm eager to serve you all.

Sameen Mahmood

Member Recognition Program Chair

Hello! My name is Jason Leung, and I am so excited to serve on the Division Leadership Team yet again! I will be a senior at Beyer High School in the fall, and I have been in Key Club for 3 years now, and I have loved every moment of it. My goal this year as the Member/Kiwanis Relations Coordinator is to continue improving Kiwanis and Key Club relations within our division, and increase Kiwanis participation at Key Club events, and vice versa.

Jason Leung

Member/Kiwanis Relations Coordinator

Division 46 North | Page 7

Hi everyone! I am super excited to say that I will be serving as one of your Spirit Coordinators for the 2016-2017 term! I am now a senior at Grace Davis High School and I was actually the Grace Davis KC President for the 2015-2016 term. As spirit coordinator I really want to amp up our spirit and of course, take home the spirit stick at this year's Fall Rally. This will be my 3rd and final year in Key Club and I really wish that we can start and end this year with a bang!

Erica Langpaap Spirit Coordinator

I am so excited to introduce myself as D46 North Spirit Coordinator! I, Amanda Lial, am so pumped for this year of Key Club! I’ve been involved with this fantastic organization for 3 going on 4 years now, and it’s been a wonderful experience since day one. I am honored, not just to be in a club that aims to make a difference in the community, but also to be one of the people who encourage others to become psyched and actively involved in volunteering. My goal as Spirit Coordinator is to ignite passion into the hearts of Key Clubbers and recruit under classmen who are serious about committing to something bigger than themselves. Besides my engagement with Key Club, I am also known for my passion for running. I am a cross-country, track, and 2-time marathon runner. Why all the running? Well, like Key Club, it’s filled with dedicated people who just also happen to be the friendliest. I am also involved with many other clubs, but Key Club will be the only one I’ll be in for 4 years. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please just reach out and talk to me, I’ll be glad to meet any Key Clubber I don’t know!

Amanda Lial Spirit Coordinator

Division 46 North | Page 8

Hello D-46! I am buzzing with excitement to serve you as the 2016-2017 Service Project Coordinator! I plan to work with ALL the clubs in order to make this year fun and full of service. I hope we can be a very productive division however I can't do this alone. Each and every one of you makes up a piece of the puzzle in order for us to have a successful and fruitful division. Only united we can stand together as one Ohana. Whenever you think of quitting remember why you started. Thank you and let's make this year a memorable one!

Jesus Aguiniga

Service Projects Coordinator

I am honored to now introduce myself as the Eliminate Project Coordinator of Division 46 North for the 2016-2017 term. Currently, I am a junior at Riverbank High School in Riverbank, CA, and I am part of some other extracurricular activities, but I am most passionate about Key Club. I am very excited in this term to become a true team with the rest of the clubs, share our ideas respectively, and spark a passion for Key Club and service in others. Also, seeing people be motivated and excited to attend service events and volunteer for a good cause is the best sight I have ever seen! I hope to reach out to others and motivate even more to join in on the fun pastime.

Alejandro Manzo Eliminate Project Coordinator

Division 46 North | Page 9

Hello Red Pandas!

I am ecstatic to be able to serve you all during this 20162017 term as your Division News Editor! This will be my fourth and final year in Key Club this year, so I plan to make the best out of it with you all! I hope I will be able to inspire members to fall deeper in love with service and Key Club! My goal as Division News Editor is to increase the amount of articles, visuals, and newsletters being sent in. YOUR article or visual could possibly be featured in our very own Division Newsletters. I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish in this term!

Vivian Tran Division News Editor

Division 46 North | Page 10

Monthly Recognition Member of the Month Ryan Lewis, Beyer This member worked really hard and raised $300 for the Miracle Mile of Quarters fundraiser by himself. Spending over a week going around his neighborhood asking for quarter donations, he accumulated 30 service hours from this hard work. This dedicated Key Clubber truly deserves the Member of the Month Award. Accepted by President, Jason Leung

Officer of the Month Philip Gergis, Enochs This officer has been super dedicated to Key Club and the club he serves by attending numerous service events, always asking questions regarding topics he’s unsure about, and even utilizing resources on the CNH Key Club website to educate himself more about Key Club in his own time. He has been very busy in making the club he serves becoming more involved and active in Key Club.

Division 46 North | Page 11

June Â

Advisor of the Month Aracele Villapudua, Central Catholic This advisor has very widespread dedication and commitment to her club and it is apparent through her constant support of new projects, community outreach, and personal time that she donates to our success. She is truly passionate about service and Central Catholic Key Club. Accepted by President, Lisa Archuleta

Club of the Month Vanguard Prep Academy This club did a wonderful job with the Miracle Mile of Quarters fundraiser, raising over $500 for the Valley Children's Hospital in Madera. They continue to show great spirit and always asks if anyone needs help with a task. This club truly shows characteristics of a dedicated Key Club.

Division 46 North | Page 12



Division 46 North | Page 13

Johansen Relay For Life By Philip Gergis, Enochs High The Johansen Relay for Life is one of the relays held every year by the American Cancer Society. The 24 hour event was held on May 14th and teams who have been fundraising money for the organization gathered together on the day to celebrate all of their efforts. Also, each team was required to have one member walk around the track at all times. Key Club members who went to the event helped raise money for the charity by selling drinks to the walkers as they passed by. To pass the time members would visit other stations to buy food, objects, and play games where all the money spent would go straight to the organization. Members who stayed long enough were able to participate in the Luminaire Ceremony in which everyone would walk one lap at night with all the lights turned off, except for the candles that have been lit, to remember all the people we have lost to cancer. Altogether, the relay turned out to be extremely successful and proved to be my favorite event of the year.

Division 46 North | Page 14

Key Club Olympics By Vivian Tran, Gregori High The goal of the 2nd Annual Key Club Olympics held on May 20th at Ustach Park was to raise at least $250 with 10% of its profits that went towards donating to Camp Taylor. Camp Taylor is a medically supervised camp for children with heart disease. At this event, there were activities that have been set up for club members to participate in. Some of these activities include: Tug-a-War, Capture the Football, and Ultimate Frisbee. Members who attended this event enjoyed it and would like to have another Key Club Olympics soon. This event is a great way for members to bond with other members in their division, while also helping fundraise for a great cause! I highly recommend this event to members who have not yet attended before!

Division 46 North | Page 15


Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast By Jorgia Young, Enochs High At pancake breakfast we served and prepared pancakes. The breakfast serves as a DCM for many of supporting faculty. This annual event is Key Club’s biggest fundraising event of the year. Along with serving and preparing pancakes, other members from our division set tableware, placemats and other necessities on the tables. Members walked around to see if they had anything they needed to provide for them. We would then bus tables and replace placemats, spoons, forks, knives with new ones.

Division 46 North | Page 16

Go Outdoors! Stay active in your community! How will you help promote this focus in your home, school and community this summer? What are some of your goals to achieve this focus?

July: Go Division 46 North | Page 17

Visit CNH Spotlight on Service for more information! http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/projects/spotlightonservice

Outdoors! Division 46 North | Page 18




July is Go Outdoors! So, what is the Spotlight on Service Program? The Spotlight on Service Program is a program that challenges clubs to find ways to promote and incorporate our Major Emphasis – Children: Their Future, Our Focus into our service projects. Create a service project that incorporates this month’s focus! YOUR service project may be featured in the District Newsletter! Submit ideas or reflections on the Spotlight on Service Form that can be found on the CNH website provided above!

Division 46 North | Page 19

Rustic Pathways

Rustic Pathways is a so-sponsor of Key Club International that allows students to travel to different areas to perform service. This program exposes high school students to new experiences that they would not be able to experience at home. From learning new cultures to new people to learning new ideas and being able to receive the chance to help the less fortunate in other parts of the world. The main goal of Rustic Pathways is to “enrich the lives of our students and our staff, benefit the parts of the world we serve, and build cultural bridges that lead to greater global understanding and cooperation.” For more information about this service project and to learn more about other programs, visit this website:

RUSTICPATHWAYS.COM Landscapes Structures Inc. Landscapes Structures is a Kiwanis Vision Partner that personally designs and manufactures a place for children to play. Building these playgrounds helps to promote inclusiveness to all children and to help fight childhood obesity to lead to a healthy life. Grants could be applied for to repair equipment and playgrounds that have become broken or dangerous for children. For more information, visit:

PLAYLSI.COM Potential Contacts for Service Opportunities Society for Disabilities:

Anthony Arellanes - anthony@societyfordisabilities.org Carolyn Teixeira Gomes - carolyn@societyfordisabilities.org

City of Modesto Volunteering:

Stephanie Smith - ssmith@modestogov.com|(209) 577-5450

Habitat for Humanity:

Volunteer Coordinator (unnamed) at (209) 575-4585 Ext. 113

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3rd: Club MRF’s (Early Bird Submissions) 4th: July Fourth Parade 5Th: Club MRF’s (On Time Submissions) 7th: Articles and


10th: Club Newsletters (Early Bird Submissions) 12th: Club Newsletters (On Time Submissions) 18th: DCM; location TBA

July Division 46 North | Page 22

Division Leadership Team Contact Information Lt. Governor

Region Advisor

Crystal Cheng

Frank Vierra



1(209) 969-3033

1(209) 769-9568

Executive Assistant

Division Secretary

Saad Mirza

Kathy Thach



1(209) 918-5414

1(209) 602-3424

Division News Editor

Member/Kiwanis Relations Coordinator

Vivian Tran

Jason Leung



1(209) 923-1688

1(209) 614-7890

Spirit Coordinator

Spirit Coordinator

Amanda Lial

Erica Langpaop


erica.langpaap@gmail.com 1(209) 408-7272

PTP Coordinator

Eliminate Coordinator

Alejandro Alfaro

Alejandro Manzo



1(209) 502-0308

1(209) 225- 6325

Member Recognition Coordinator

Service Projects Coordinator

Sameen Mahmood

Jesus Aguiniga



1(209) 272-9500

1(707) 341-8949

Division 46 North |Page 23

President Contact Information Â

Beyer President Jason Leung jxleung@comcast.net 1(209) 614-7890

Modesto President Sameen Mahmood smahm200@gmail.com 1(209) 272-9500

Central Catholic President Lisa Archuleta Lta83@att.net 1(209) 416-6405

Peter Johansen President Jose Calderon calderonjose457@gmail.com 1(209) 272-9446

Enochs President Philip Gergis philipgergis@gmail.com 1(209) 556-3678

Riverbank President Ryan Choeb ryanchoeb209@gmail.com 1(209) 627-6077

Grace Davis President Jasmine Sun jasmine.dsun@gmail.com 1(209) 534-5779

Thomas Downey President Savana Lyons savana.lyons@yahoo.com 1(209) 534-8063 | 1(661) 888-2626

Gregori President Christine To christinneeto@gmail.com 1(209) 765-1510

Vanguard President Iliana Borges Ilianaborges200@gmail.com 1(209) 988-1345

Division 46 North |Page 24


Official Division 46 North Newsletter Questions? Contact Us!

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