October Newsletter 2016

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Red Panda Pres s

Official Division 46 North Newsletter Volume IV | Issue V

Beyer | Central Catholic | Enochs | Grace Davis | Gregori | Modesto | Peter Johansen | Riverbank| Thomas Downey | Vanguard Prep Academy Division 46 North | Region 12 | CNH District


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Message from DNE Hello D46N Red Pandas!

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Message from LTG Â

Hey Red Pandas!

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This member is doing well in the club, going to events whenever he can and dedicating his time to the club. He is starting to communicate better with me as time goes on, and although there's room for improvement, we have come a long way to improve our communication.

This officer is very dedicated to serving the community and was able to get 17 service hours in the last month alone. This officer is always eager to help others and always puts a smile on people's faces.

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 This club is super dedicated and passionate about serving the community. Although they weren't able to attend many events for August, they had so many events lined up for September; it was very impressive. The president is always asking questions and clarifying issues, and the other officers attend many events as well. The club has come a long way since they've started this term, and I know they are going to go even more.

Considering that this advisor had only just come on board when school started, she has helped the club tremendously, always giving tips to the officers and encouraging members to participate in events. Whenever there was confusion with school paperwork, this advisor was there to help clarify and give answers to help the club out. *Accepted by Christine To, Gregori President Division 46 North | Page 6

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By: Kathy Thach, Gregori High Hope Haven West is a non-profit organization that dedicates to providing mobility to those who are disabled. Beyer and Gregori Key Club teamed up with Hope Heaven West to help build wheelchairs for kids. At the event, members put together the pieces of the wheelchairs. In the end, all the members had fun and were very happy to hear that their hard work would go to disabled kids in Mexico. Â Division 46 North | Page 8

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By: Christine To, Gregori High Key Club Soaring Over Ripon, used to known as Color the Skies, is an annual event held at the Mistlin Sports Park, Ripon. At this event, members worked at a variety of stations, from helping out at the hot air balloon crew to making breakfast, or setting up tables for breakfast. I helped out with the set-up of the breakfast crew right before I joined the hot air balloon crew. Being able to see the hot air balloons go up was a great experience!

The members who volunteered had a great time, while they volunteered and would love to help out again next year. Overall, the event was successful; many members showed up and helped out in making the event possible.

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By: Philip Gergis, Enochs High The division bowl for PTP took place on August 9th at McHenry Bowls from 11pm to 2am. To participate in the event there was an entry fee of $12, and $5 from this fee was donated to PTP! For this payment participants were given two games to play and it included the cost of renting shoes as well. People got into groups of six people and then spent the next three hours bowling their hearts out while they got to spend some quality time with their friends!

The event turned out to be extremely fun since midnight bowling by itself is already great, but we also got to distract ourselves from the fact that summer had ended and we have to go back to school now. Overall, the division bowl for PTP had proven to be successful because not only did everyone who attended enjoy himself or herself, but the division also raised around $100 for PTP!

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“Going to RTC this year was definitely something I will not forget about any time soon! It was great to meet and spend time with members in different divisions and to attend workshops with them as well. RTC proved to be greatly beneficial since it taught how to do the MRF more efficiently, how to apply for distinguished president at the district level, and interesting facts about our division that I did not know about. Also, the service expo and the prizes given from the raffle had to be two of my favorite parts about the conference. Overall, if you have not gone to RTC before you should definitely consider doing it next year, especially if you want to have a leadership position!”

Philip Gergis Enochs High President “R11&12TC had a really great turnout with about 150 attendees! From doing crazy spirit battles and icebreakers to learning so much about Key Club and officer duties, I'm sure members had so much fun. The most memorable moment was when all of the District Board members there forgot the words to the Key Club "How Do You Feel" cheer when we were teaching it (going slowly). I had so much fun at my third and final Region Training Conference watching Key Clubbers become pumped up for the spirit battle and presenting workshops, seeing members learn more about Key Club. I had a great time and I hope all the other attendees did too!”

Crystal Cheng D46N LTG “RTC was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the Region College EXPO. I got to talk to Circle K members about the benefits of joining Circle K as well as gained more insight into the college applications process.”

Jason Leung Beyer High President & Kiwanis Relations Coordinator

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“Attending Regional Training Conference this past weekend was one of the best decisions I could've made. My fellow officers and I were able to connect with other schools and meet new people. The sessions we attended gave us great ideas and let us know that we aren't alone when it came to submissions, deadlines, and any struggles regarding Key Club. “

Lisa Archuleta Central Catholic President

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Tips: ü Make sure there's enough time to advertise, advertise, and ADVERTISE! ü Provide all important details of event (for who, what, where, when, why--what are you fundraising for) ü Make sure all logistics are covered: secure venue for the right time, give yourself enough time to set up fundraiser, all necessary supplies for fundraiser are bought/acquired **Club fundraisers for PTP should be wrapped up soon; all fundraising money are due before Fall Rally! Contact Lt. Governor Crystal for more details

Ideas: ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

Pie for PTP Candy Sale Bowl-A-Thon Bake Sale Yard Sale Fundraising Cards/Fliers: Yogurt Mill, Jamba Juice, etc. Raffle Fundraisers Adopt-A-Family Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF Cancer Awareness Fundraiser Holiday Grams: Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. Key Club Olympics Awake-A-Thon ** You are not limited to these fundraisers; these are just a few to help you think of other fundraisers.

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It's Key Club Membership Dues season! If you or any other member is planning to go to Fall Rally, it is of upmost importance for you to pay your dues. • Breakdown of Dues o International ($7.00) § Resources: training materials, pamphlets, § Grants/Scholarships: Youth Opportunities Fund (fund service projects) § Liability Insurance § Membership Card & Pin § Admin. Budget o District ($4.50) § Admin. Budget § Scholarships/Grants: Key Leader Camp Discounts, Foundation Support, PTP Grant, Scholarships for College, etc. § Recognition Awards • Start Paying Dues & Deadlines o Membership Update Center (MUC) opens: October 1st o Early-Bird: November 1st o On-Time: December 1st o NOTE: Start paying dues ASAP, as the later you start paying, especially after the On-Time Deadline, your club will become "delinquent" and is in danger of being suspended and/or inactive, meaning that your club is no longer an official club. Also, be proactive in sending in dues, as it will take some time to be mailed to Key Club International and be processed. o Send all dues payments to Key Club International Office: Key Club International PO BOX 6069– Dept 123 Indianapolis, IN 46206-6069

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Check out the District Newsletter! It provides the best source of information for new ideas for service events! http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/news/newsletters

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Fall Rally North

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Are you ready for Fall Rally North 2016?! Remember when we are at Six Flags, the park is still open to the public, so watch your language and be respectful. In preparations for this awesome event, please do not forget the following:

ü Registration: $35-$45 (TBA) ü Buses (each club needs to work with their faculty advisor and/or another club to reserve buses): $25 parking o Remember to follow school policy if necessary! ü Turn in ticket order forms & money as a club ON TIME o Buy Extras: All-You-Can-Eat Buffet, Discount Parking Voucher, Haunted House Voucher ü Buy Spirit Gear: Division T-Shirt, Pom Poms, Bandana, Tutu & Eye blacks

(October 22, 2016) ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

Sunscreen Water Hat/Sunglasses Spirit Gear Cough Drops Money List of Cheers

ü CHEERS ü SPIRIT (we want to strive for the spirit stick!!) - BE LOUD AND RESPECTFUL

As Fall Rally North is coming up soon, club fundraisers for PTP should be wrapped up. If your club has not yet had your fundraiser for PTP, please have this done before Fall Rally!

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Read to find out more on how you can save child’s life to help provide them for equal opportunities to thrive. $1.80 can immunize future babies from this disease (MNT).

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Visit the CNH Spotlight on Service for more information: http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/projects/spotlightonservice


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UNICEF is an organization that aspires to help all of the vulnerable children in the world. Their vision is to build a world where every child can grow up healthily, protected from harm, and educated, to reach their full potential. UNICEF was founded in 1946 to assist recovery efforts during and after World War II. Since then, it has become one of the biggest charities worldwide. Every year, UNICEF responds to more than 250 emergencies and continues to be a prominent organization present in 190 countries and territories.

UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs, and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. Division 46 North | Page 25

Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF is a fundraiser held annually to help raise awareness for Maternal Neonatal Tetanus. A total of $1.80 (3 doses of immunization) can immunize future babies from this deadly disease. To learn more, visit:

Maternal Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) can infect newborns, spread quickly, and cause excruciating pain. Although it is a preventable disease, it takes the lives of both mothers and children every year. Through your participation in the E-lemonate Challenge, you can raise awareness for both MNT worldwide and how $1.80 can help save lives through vaccines. To participate in the E-lemon-ate Challenge, film yourself eating a slice of a lemon. Post the video on social media, and tag your friends to accept the challenge!

“POP” quiz the members to see how much they know about MNT! Write facts and statistics regarding the Eliminate Project on small pieces of paper, and insert them into balloons. Blow them up and tie them off. Have members work together to pop the balloon, and read off the Eliminate facts. It is both educational and poppin’!

Host a social with Key Clubs in your area to have a fun night! Consider bowling, school lock-ins, and movie nights to kick it off. Provide food and activities related to the Eliminate Project, and at the end, proceeds from the event can be donated to the project.

A lemonade stand is both refreshing and fitting for the Eliminate Project! Sell glasses of lemonade at school lunches, parks, beaches, and at Key Club meetings to fundraise. It is a delicious way to stay hydrated and educate your community about MNT.

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3rd: Club MRF’s (Early Bird) 5Th: Club MRF’s (On Time) 7th: Articles and Visuals 10th: Club Newsletters (Early Bird) 12th: Club Newsletters (On Time) 15th: Fall Rally Prep 2 17th: DCM @ Central Catholic 22nd: Fall Rally North 30th: Movie Night @ Enochs

Lt. Governor

Region Advisor

Crystal Cheng

Frank Vierra



1(209) 969-3033

1(209) 769-9568

Executive Assistant

Division Secretary

Saad Mirza

Kathy Thach



1(209) 918-5414

1(209) 602-3424

Division News Editor

Member/Kiwanis Relations Coordinator

Vivian Tran

Jason Leung



1(209) 923-1688

1(209) 614-7890

Spirit Coordinator

Spirit Coordinator

Amanda Lial

Erica Langpaop


erica.langpaap@gmail.com 1(209) 408-7272

PTP Coordinator

Eliminate Coordinator

Alejandro Alfaro

Alejandro Manzo



1(209) 502-0308

1(209) 225- 6325

Member Recognition Coordinator

Service Projects Coordinator

Sameen Mahmood

Jesus Aguiniga



1(209) 272-9500

1(707) 341-8949

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Beyer President Jason Leung jxleung@comcast.net 1(209) 614-7890

Modesto President Sameen Mahmood smahm200@gmail.com 1(209) 272-9500

Central Catholic President Lisa Archuleta Lta83@att.net 1(209) 416-6405

Peter Johansen President Jose Calderon calderonjose457@gmail.com 1(209) 272-9446

Enochs President Philip Gergis philipgergis@gmail.com 1(209) 556-3678

Riverbank President Ryan Choeb ryanchoeb209@gmail.com 1(209) 627-6077

Grace Davis President Jasmine Sun jasmine.dsun@gmail.com 1(209) 534-5779

Thomas Downey President Savana Lyons savana.lyons@yahoo.com 1(209) 534-8063 | 1(661) 888-2626

Gregori President Christine To christinneeto@gmail.com 1(209) 765-1510

Vanguard President Iliana Borges Ilianaborges200@gmail.com 1(209) 988-1345

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