August 2014 Daegu Compass

Page 1


A Crashing of Tides

Dokdo Documentary

Two Perspectives, One Island, Blurred History

Daegu Battle of the Bands is Back!

Enjoy Amazing Live Music in the Heart of Downtown Daegu





Compass Sponsors The Daegu Compass would like to dedicate this page to all of our SPONSORS who make this information guide possible. Without your support now and in the future, we couldn’t make the Daegu Compass. We’d also like to thank everyone in the community who takes time out of their day to enjoy the Daegu Compass. Our goal is to constantly improve to help your stay in Daegu be the best time of your life. Please visit our SPONSORS to show them appreciation for supporting the Daegu Compass. © Yuri Arcurs |


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Around Daegu Camp Walker Camp Henry Camp Carroll Hami Mami’s Hagwons Universities Public Schools Daegu Banks +More

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Editor’s Notes Hi Daegu, Such a busy summer! We hope you are staying cool and having fun. Speaking of fun, Daegu rocks out each weekend at the Daegu Battle of the Bands! Check out information and band previews on p16. And on a more serious note, we have an article talking about an upcoming documentary on Dokdo by American filmmaker Matt Koshmrl on p24. We are organizing a spooky summer party at Hapcheon Horror Festival. Check out the preview on p44. Loads of amazing articles to check out this summer as you relax or sweat the days away. We are gearing up for a busy fall and are looking for help to improve the Compass. Specifically a website manager, social media manager and event coordinator. We are slowly planning on some big changes coming soon that will affect how you interact with the Compass. The direction we will take will allow everyone easier access to articles, photos and reviews of Daegu but also all over Korea. If you have ever thought about getting a foot into the magazine industry, this is your chance at hands on experience. Please email to inquire about the positions above. Thanks! Have a Great Summer! Yuri Lee and the Daegu Compass team

Managing Editor Publisher Creative Director Assistant Editor Graphic Designers Translation Director

Yuri Lee Miyong Ha Scott McLaughlin Brian Van Hise Soo Yeung Byun & Eun Ji Lee Scott McLaughlin & Yujeong Lee

Sales & PR Miyoung Ha 대구시 중구 달구벌대로 446길 13-16 fax: 053.635.2709 tel: 070-7514-2709

Translators Bosun Kim, Hyunju Kim, Hyunseung Lee, Jaeheon Lee, Jinil Kim, Kyung Hee, Mina Park, Miyong Ha, Siron Jang, Soojeong Han, Stephanie Yang, Suhyun Lee, the Jaguar, Yejin Yi, Yujeong Lee, Jimin Kim, Sori Lee Writers and Photographers Brian Van Hise, Daegu Medical Tourism Council, Elaine Kim , Hyerin Kim, Ivan Broida, Kate Ko, Kenya C. Evans, Matthew Caracciolo, Matt Koshmrl, Okreal Kim, Philan Jung, Sangwon Lee

Cover photo by Jeremy Taylor and Chanel Barlow (2011)


The Daegu Compass is published and printed by the Daegu Compass. The views expressed by the writers in the Daegu Compass do not reflect the opinions of the company. Maps, the Daegu Compass logo, and original designs are all property of the Daegu Compass. If you have any questions, please email: Thanks for reading. DAEGU COMPASS 2014.AUGUST



p08 - The Jaram Kitchen p12 - Which Sandwich is Best at Wich Wich?


p16 - Daegu Battle of the Bands is Back! p48 - Enjoy Wine While We Are Young p52 - TrailBlasian: Black Women Living in East Asia


p24 - A Crashing of Tides - Dokdo Documentary p28 - Daegu Play Day: New Entertainment Culture in Daegu p32 - Coming Out Celebration




p38 - Water and light from Gangjeong p42 - Ghost Park Zombie Run p44 - Who's Who? p53 - August Events p54 - Event Calendar p63 - How to Order Food p66 - Downtown Restaurant Guide p70 - Bar and Club Guide p73 - Downtown Shopping Spots p78 - Hotel Guide p80 - Guest House Guide p56 - Kyungpook & EXCO MAP p57 - Suseong-gu Map p58 - Bongsan Art & Culture Street Map p59 - Apsan Map p60 - Suseong Lake Map p62 - Seomun Market Map p64 - Downtown Daegu Map


The Jaram Kitchen A New Daegu Favorite Written and photographed by Ivan Broida / Translated by Sori Lee

Found in an alley in downtown Daegu, 'The Jaram Kitchen' is a new Italian restaurant that promises to become a standout gem among the newly opened restaurants in the city. As you enter this tiny restaurant--it only has three tables in the warmer months and four in the cooler ones--you are greeted by soul music and the friendliest of smiles from the owner and chef, Yun Hojun. The decoration is quirky and colorful. The restaurant could easily be transplanted to a beach front in a tropical island and it would fit perfectly. 대구 시내 골목길에 위치한 ‘자람 키친’은 앞으로의 성장 이 기대되는 이탈리안 레스토랑이다. ‘자람 키친’은 3,4개 의 테이블이 있는 작은 레스토랑이며 소울 음악과 사장님 의 따뜻한 미소가 손님들을 맞이한다. 레스토랑의 분위기 는 아주 특이하고 다채로운 느낌이며, 마치 열대 섬에 있 는 해변가에 온 듯 한 분위기이다.

Yun Hojun, a native of Daegu, lived in Seoul for ten 8


years where he worked at an Italian restaurant for three months. Despite the short stint, he discovered a passion for cooking and decided to learn the basics all by himself. Once he thought he was good enough, he started looking for a place to open a restaurant and settled on what is now The Jaram Kitchen, in between boutiques and nail shops. The prohibitive rent nearer the downtown area pushed him to the back alleys, which in turn gave the place a very unique look and feel. 윤호준 오너쉐프는 대구에서 태어나, 십 년 동안 서울에 서 생활하며 이탈리안 레스토랑에서는 3개월 정도 일했 다. 짧은 기간임에도 요리에 대한 열정을 발견하여 기초 부터 혼자 힘으로 배우며 시작했다. 본격적으로 레스토 랑을 시작하겠다 결정한 후, 적합한 장소를 찾기 시작했 고 옷 가게와 네일 샵 사이에 위치한 ‘자람 키친’을 오픈 하게 되었다. 비싼 임대료 때문에 중심가가 아닌 골목에 위치하게 되었지만 오히려 특이한 느낌을 주며 독특한 장 소가 되었다.

Daegu Food - The Jaram Kitchen

As soon as you place your order, the chef steps into the kitchen and chops, peels, and fires up the stove in a seemingly rehearsed dance. It is a one-man operation but the food is prepared and delivered promptly. The portions are extremely generous and colorful. Regardless of the chef's lack of professional training, the food looks great and tastes even better. 주문을 하고 나면, 쉐프가 부엌으로 들어가 마치 춤을 추듯 재료를 썰고 다듬고 손질하며 요리를 시작한다. 혼자 운영하 는 레스토랑이지만 오래 기다리지 않아도 음식이 바로 나오 며 다양한 색의 재료를 사용하는 덕에 음식이 아주 다채롭고 양 또한 넉넉하다. 쉐프가 받았던 전문적인 트레이닝 기간에 비하면 음식은 보기에도 아주 좋고 맛은 더욱 좋다.

The menu is not extensive, which is a smart move given the size of the restaurant and staff, but it offers items not found in other Italian restaurants. One such foods is the blueberry pizza. I didn't have the opportunity of trying it; however, other customers ordered it and it looked enticing enough to keep it in mind for a future visit.

-continued on p10-


비교적 큰 레스토랑이 아니라 메뉴는 다양하지 않지만, 다른 이탈리안 레스토랑에서는 만나 볼 수 없는 메뉴들 이 있다. 블루베리 피자가 그 예이다. 블루베리 피자를 주 문하지는 않았지만 다른 손님들이 주문한 것을 봤을 때, 다음에는 잊지 않고 꼭 먹어보리라 다짐할 만큼 매력적 으로 보였다.

I started the meal with a chef's salad, one of the most popular items on the menu. The chef uses only fresh, seasonal vegetables and fruits. Some vegetables, as well as chicken, are grilled. The salad is crispy and refreshing, perfect for the summer months. 우리는 가장 유명한 메뉴 중 하나인 쉐프의 샐러드로 시 작하였습니다. 신선하고 제철 야채와 과일만을 사용하였 고 몇 가지 구운 야채와 치킨을 곁들여 먹을 수 있었다. 아 삭아삭하고 신선했으며 특히 요즘같이 더운 여름에 먹기 에 완벽했다.

Then, the chef brought out a spaghetti dish called 'Amatriciana Pasta', which has grilled chicken breast, bacon, onion, mushrooms, and red peppers in tomato sauce. I couldn't stop eating it. I noticed that my particular dish was a little bit spicy, but the chef remarked that it can go from mild to burning hot, depending in the customer's request.



다음으로 구운 닭 가슴살과 베이컨, 양파, 버섯과 고추가 토마토 소스에 어우러진 ‘아마트리치아나’라는 파스타가 나왔다. 먹는 것을 멈출 수가 없었다. 약간 매운 감이 있었 지만, 아주 순한 맛부터 아주 매운 맛까지 손님의 요청에 따라 조절할 수 있다.

I was already starting to feel satisfied when a pizza appeared in front of me. It was the 'Finocchiona Pizza', with a ton of toppings (mostly freshly grilled vegetables and chicken) and a deliciously-crispy-looking crust. Each pizza is made on the spot and they are big enough to be shared by two people (though, if you're really hungry you might want to get a salad or a pasta dish as well). 피자가 나왔을 때는 보는 것만으로도 배부를 만큼 만족스 러웠다. ‘피노치오나 피자’에는 푸짐한 포핑(대부분 신선 하게 구워진 채소와 치킨)과 맛있게 바삭해보이는 크러 스트가 있었다. 모든 피자는 즉석에서 만들어지며 두 명 이 함께 먹기에는 충분히 많은 양이다. (하지만 많이 배고 플 경우에는 샐러드나 파스타도 더 시키고 싶을 것이다.).

The last thing I tried was a very colorful, fruity, and strong sangria, perfect for that Mediterranean (or Hawaiian) beach feel the place exudes. 마지막은 알록달록하고 과일 맛이 가득하며, 강한 상그 리아였다. 지중해의(혹은 하와이) 해변 느낌이 물씬 풍기 는 마무리였다.

Daegu Food - The Jaram Kitchen

Chef Yun is grateful for all the customers that come to his restaurant and he loves giving back to them. He has instituted a stamp card system in which five visits will get them a free menu item. He will also have a lot of surprises, such as giving unannounced half-price meals to random customers. The restaurant will also have daily specials and seasonal dishes. If everything goes well, he will even venture on to open another restaurant with different food styles.

자람 키친의 메뉴는 8,900원에서 12,900원 사이이다. 레 스토랑은 Miss M. Pie 근처에 위치해 있으며 평일에는 오전 11:30분에서 오후 10시까지, 금요일과 토요일에는 자정까지 영업한다.

윤호준 쉐프는 레스토랑에 방문하는 모든 손님들께 감사 하며 그 마음을 돌려드리려고 노력한다. 그래서 5번째 방 문하는 손님에게는 한 가지 메뉴를 무료로 제공하는 스탬 프 카드를 제공한다. 또한 랜덤으로 예고 없이 반 값만 지 불하는 할인 혜택 등, 다양한 서프라이즈 이벤트를 하려고 한다. 매일 특별한 메뉴가 있으며, 계절에 따라 다른 메뉴 도 제공한다. 만약 지금의 레스토랑이 잘 되면, 다른 종류 의 음식을 하는 레스토랑에 도전할 계획도 있다.

The dishes at the Jaram Kitchen are priced between 8,900 and 12,900 won. The restaurant is located near Miss M. Pie and it is open from 11:30am to 10:00pm on weekdays and from 11:30am to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.


Which Sandwich is Best at Wich Wich? Daegu's Newest Sandwich Shop

Written and photographed by Brian Van Hise / Translated by Kate Ko

Two years ago a very harrowing thing happened in downtown Daegu. The Quiznos sub sandwich shop, mind you the only one in Daegu, closed its doors. Gone were the days of foot-long bacon chicken ranch sandwiches and meatball subs. It was a sad time for sandwich lovers in Daegu, more-so because once the location opened its doors again a few months later, it had been converted into...another...cell phone shop. Yes, that’s right. Out with the uniqueness of sub sandwiches and in with another brightly-lit, K-pop-pumping mobile store. 2년전, 대구에서 끔찍한 일이 일어났다. 대구에서 오 직 하나뿐이었던 퀴즈노스 섭 샌드위치 가게가 문을 닫은 것이다. 1피트 길이의 베이컨치킨 랜치 샌드위 치와 미트볼 섭을 더 이상 볼 수 없게 된 것이다. 샌드 위치를 사랑하는 많은 대구 시민들이 슬퍼했고, 그 뒤 로 그 곳은 몇 달 간격으로 핸드폰 가게 등으로 업종이 계속 바뀌었다. 그렇다. 샌드위치의 독특함은 가고 눈 부신 조명과 케이팝 음악이 흘러나오는 핸드폰 가게 로 바뀐 것이다.



Daegu Food - Which Sandwich is Best at Wich Wich?

But earlier this year, a cafe located two stops away from downtown, across from the Daegu Bank building was converted from coffee cafe to full on western-style sandwich stop! Called Wich Wich, the small shop seats about 15 people inside and has several outdoor patio spots as well. 하지만 올해 초, 시내에서 조금 떨어진 대구은행 건 물 건너편 카페가 서양식 샌드위치 가게로 바뀌었다! Wich Wich라는 이 가게는 약 15명을 수용할 수 있 는 내부 공간과 외부 공간이 마련되어 있다.

The cute and clean interior atmosphere is a great place to escape off to and relax. Bright colors, reflective surfaces, and one of the most original wall clocks you’ll ever see, make Wich Wich a splendid place for an afternoon lunch. Their menu boasts 9 different sandwich options all ranging from about 4-5,000 won. Varieties include: the Wich Original, chicken teriyaki, spicy chicken, bacon & egg, tuna, bulgogi, and club. There’s also walnut cream cheese and kaya toast. Their second menu offers -continued on p14-


sandwiches made with ciabatta bread. Be sure to try the pastrami. Again, all items fall just under 5,000 won. 귀엽고 깔끔한 인테리어와 분위기는 일상에서 벗어나 휴 식을 취하기 좋은 공간이다. 밝은 색상과 반사면, 그리고 당신이 본 벽시계 중 가장 독창적인 벽시계가 Wich Wich 에서 점심을 먹기에 최고의 공간으로 만든다. 모든 메뉴가 4-5,000원선이고 9가지 종류의 샌드위치 종류가 있다. 메뉴는: 위치 오리지널, 치킨데리야키, 스파이시치킨, 베 이컨에그, 참치, 불고기, 그리고 클럽 샌드위치이다. 호두 크림치즈와 카야토스트 또한 준비되어 있다. 그리고 치아 바타 빵으로 만든 샌드위치도 선택할 수 있다. Pastrami 를 적극 추천한다. 이 모든 메뉴는 5,000원 미만이다.

Now, be ready when you order these things. These aren’t small, skimpy sandwiches at all. They are stuffed with wonderfully fresh ingredients: fresh tomatoes, lettuce, egg, etc. It will be a big mouthful for sure but well worth the visit. Waiting times for a sandwich can take up to ten minutes, so have a little patience and know that the quality will be top-notch. 주문을 할 때는 마음의 준비를 해라. 이 샌드위치는 전혀 작거나 빈약한 양이 아니며 신선한 토마토, 양배추, 계란



등으로 가득 채워져 있다. 한입 가득 즐길 수 있는 이 곳은 충분히 방문할 가치가 있는 곳이다. 샌드위치를 만드는 시 간은 약 10분 정도이니 인내심을 갖고 샌드위치의 맛이 최 고가 되는 시간이라 생각하자.

Set menu items are also available. Any sandwich of your choice paired with a coffee or juice will save you some cash as well. 세트 메뉴도 가능하다. 모든 샌드위치가 커피 혹은 주스와 함께 세트로 주문할 수 있고 더욱 저렴하다.

Of course, Wich Wich still is a cafe, so the drink menu does have the expected selections: espresso, americano, caffe latte, caffe cappuccino, caffe mocha, caramel macchiato all available as hot or iced and all for under 4,000 won. Likewise, for those who don’t dig coffee, hot/iced chocolate, teas, fruitades, fresh fruit juice, and smoothies are also available and all for under 4,000 won. 물론 Wich Wich는 아직 카페이다. 그러니 에스프레소, 아메리카노, 카페라떼, 카푸치노, 카페모카, 캬라멜마키아 또 등 메뉴를 4,000원 미만으로 즐길 수 있다. 커피를 좋

Daegu Food - Which Sandwich is Best at Wich Wich?

아하지 않는 사람들은 핫/아이스 초코, 티, 에이드, 생 과일쥬스, 스무디 등을 4,000원 미만의 가격으로 즐 길 수 있다.

Next time you get an itch for a huge, western-style sandwich, stop by Wich Wich Sandwiches. You can thank us later. 큰 서양식 샌드위치가 먹고 싶을 때, Wich Wich 샌 드위치를 방문해보라. 후에 우리에게 고마워하게 될 것이다.

Wich Wich is located outside Exit #4 of Daegu Bank station on the green subway line. When you exit, walk straight for one block. Wich Wich occupies the outside corner of the Lotte Castle apartments on your left. Hours are daily, from 7:30am until 11pm. Wich Wich는 2호선 대구은행역 4번출구에 위치해 있다. 출구로 나와 1블록을 걷다보면 왼쪽 롯데캐슬 아파트의 코너에 있다. 매일 아침 7시 30분부터 밤 11시까지 영업한다.


Players High

Daegu Battle of the Bands is Back!

Enjoy Amazing Live Music in the Heart of Downtown Daegu Information and photos provided by Philan Jung

The Daegu Battle of the Bands returns this August! Following the competitions from 2012 and 2013, this year’s event boasts an extra day of competition with 4 additional bands added to the line-up. 5 elimination rounds will determine who of the 16 greatest local bands will walk away the winner. The winner of each round and highest second place scoring band will move on to the final round. In the end, the victor will be awarded 500,000won! 2012년, 2013년, 그리고 2014년. 올해도 대구 배틀 오브 밴드가 열리게 되었습니다!! 올해는 예선이 하루 늘고 밴드도 4개밴드가 늘어서 총 16개 밴드가 참여해 4번의 예선을 거쳐 최종 5개밴드가 참여하는 파이널을 통해


올해의 밴드를 가려내게 됩니다. 올해도 어김없이 어마무시하게 멋진 밴드들이 여러분을 기다리고 있으니 라이브 팬이라면 필참!!

Date (일정) First Round : August 2nd (Sat) @ Urban Live Bar 1라운드 : 8월 2일(토)

Featuring: Broken Sunday ★ ★ ★ Little Boys ★ ★ ★ ★ Rokdo ★ ★ ★ Knife in Skull

DAEGU COMPASS 2014.AUGUST Daegu Community and Events - Daegu Battle of the Bands is Back!

Second Round : August 9th (Sat) Live Urban Bar 2라운드 : 8월 9일 (토)


틴트먹는남자 (Guy Eating Tint) ★ ★ ★ Sounds Good ★ ★ ★ ★ Eric Kessler ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Electro Mob

Third Round: August 16th (Sat) URBAN Lounge Bar/ Live Club (Daegu) 3라운드 : 8월 16일 (토)

Featuring: November on Earth ★ ★ ★ The Elsewheres ★ ★ ★ Player's High ★ ★ ★ 밴드 질바플라나(Zilvaplana) Fourth Round : August 23rd (Sat) URBAN Lounge Bar/ Live Club (Daegu) 4라운드 : 8월 23일 (토)

Featuring: Classy Wallet ★ ★ ★ Jennifer and Friends ★ ★ ★ ★ The Plastic Kiz ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Vacation Final Round : August 30th (Sat) Urban live bar 파이널 라운드 : 8월 30일(토)

Winner of 1st round winner of 2nd round winner of 3rd round winner of 4th round wild card

Time Table (시간표) Rounds 1~4 Opens at 8:00pm 1st band starts @ 10:30pm 2nd 11:30 3rd 12:30 4th 01:30

-continued on p18-



Broken Sunday

Electro Mob

Eric Kessler

Guy Eating Tint

Final Round Opens at 8:00pm 1st Band starts @ 10:00pm 2nd 11:00 3rd 12:00 4th 01:00 5th 02:00 Cover charge : 5,000 WON 입장료 : 5천원

Notice!!! If you arrive by 9:30pm, entry is free! 알림!! 9시 반 이전에 입장하시는 분에게는 입장료를 받지 않으니 일찍 오십쇼!!

Participating Bands(참가밴드) 1-1. Broken Sunday (Daegu / Korean / Hard Rock) They came so close to the Wild Card slots in 2012 and 2013, but luck just wasn’t on their side. This time, they are ready to give it their all and reach that final round.


3년간 배틀오브밴드에 개근한 배틀오브밴드가 배출한 최 고스타 브로큰 선데이. 지난 2회 다 아쉽게 파이널 진출권을 놓쳤지만 이번만큼 은 준비되었다고 확신하고 있다!!

1-2. Little Boys (Daegu & Seoul / Korean / Hard Rock) These 19 year-old music majors have never quenched their thirst for playing hard rock music. They are ready now to be blessed by the sweat of Daegu hard rock maniacs. 모두 20살, 이 약관의 음대 초년생들은 여전히 빡쎈 하드 락 음악에 목말라 있었다. 해서, 자신들의 음악과 함께 쏟아내는 관객들의 땀으로 그 몸마름을 채워보려 미친듯이 합주중이다.

1-3. Rokdo (Daegu & Yangsan / Expat / Metal) There used to be a crazy and loud-as-tell metal band in Daegu, whose name was as silly as its music, called Death By Kimchi. Well, the leader has since returned to Korea and has made a rocking new band with a great cast of members called ROKDO. Stay home if you don’t want to harm your ears, otherwise if you want to experience real metal sound, be

DAEGU COMPASS 2014.AUGUST Daegu Community and Events - Daegu Battle of the Bands is Back!

there! 옛날옛날, 대구에는 데쓰 바이 김치, 소위 김치 땜에 죽겄 다라 불리웠던 시끄럽기 그지없던 외국인 밴드가 있었다. 그 밴드의 리더가 더 시끄러운 밴드 멤버들과 함께 만든 새 밴드 '락도 혹은 록도' 한국인이 좋아하는 독도처럼, 록음악을 좋아하는 이들의 애정을 한몸에 받겠다는 뜻의 이름처럼 신나는 록/메탈 사운드를 원한다면 이들을 보라!

1-4. Knife in Skull (Daegu / Korean / Metal) If you want some Lamb of God sounds coming at you, then this is it. 램오브갓의 사운드을 원하신다면 이들을 보시라.

2-1. 틴트먹는 남자(Guys eating Tint) (Daegu / Korean / Funky Rock) Members of Plastic Kidz and Racy Blue chose to get together to make a great, funky band as of yet still unveiled, but definitely worth the expectations.

플라스틱 키즈와 레이시블루의 멤버들이 만든 펑키 밴드. 여전히 베일에 쌓여있지만, 확실한 건 '기대되는' 밴드라 는 것.

2-2. Sounds Good (Daegu / Korean / Pop and Funky) 'Sounds Good' Sounds really good!! Well balanced sounds and well balanced vocals. 말그대로 사운즈굿한 밴드, 사운즈굿. 균형잡힌 사운드에 균현잡힌 보컬(^^;)음색을 자랑.

2-3. Eric Kessler (Daegu / Expat / Acoustic) This talented guy asked, "Can one man be a 'band'?" We said, "Yes, if it is YOU!" Check this guy's sound out, which is bigger than any normal “band.” 단한명으로 밴드가 될 수 있냐고? 이 친구의 음악을 들어 보면 그러하다!, 고 말할 수 있으리라. 풀 밴드보다 꽉찬 어쿠스틱 원맨 밴드 사운드를 들려주리 라 장담한 당찬 외쿡 친구.

2-4. Electro Mob (Daegu / Korean / Electro Garage) -continued on p20-


The Titans/Absolute band The only electro Garage band in town. Nothing special, nothing to explain. Just Dance! Dance! Dance!!!! 지역 유일의 일렉트로 개러지 밴드라 떠들지만 사실 특별 한 건 전혀 없다. 다만 춤추고, 춤추고, 또 춤출뿐!!

3-1. November on Earth (Daegu / Korean / Post Rock) The most popular Korean band for expat audiences in Daegu and maybe all around Korea. Real post-rock sound. All the members are still young, but their sound is not. 전국의 외국인들 사이에서 벌써 입소문이 돌고 있는 지역 유일의 포스트락 밴드. 여전히 젊지만, 음악만큼은 원숙미를 채워가고 있는 무 서운 청년들.

3-2.The Elsewheres (Ulsan / Expat / Funky and Reggae) All the way from Ulsan, and ready to shock Daegu audience's eyes and ears! Incredibly talented instrumentalists share the best tunes to dance along with! 울산에서 대구를 깜짝 놀라게 하려 날아오다. 엄청난 연주력에 엄청난 무대 장악력으로, 따라 춤추지 않 고서는 못배기가 만드는 펑키/래게 음악들을 들려준다.

3-3. Player's High (Daegu / Korean / Pop and Jazz) In this moment, one of the best pop/jazz bands in town. Every band member is so skillful, and the band itself is well organized. Especially, the voice of the female vocalist is going to make you fall in love with the music. 아마도, 이 시점에, 감히 대구 최고 밴드 중 하나라고 말할 만한, 젊은 팝/재즈 밴드. 모든 악기 연주자들이 말도 안되는 연주실력을 가진데다 가, 밴드 사운드 자체까지 훌륭한 믿기 힘든 밴드. 게다가 젊은 여성 보컬이 들려주는 믿기 힘든 깊이 있는 사운드는, 음악과 사랑에 빠진다는게 느끼게 한다.

3-4. Zilvaplana (Daegu / Korean/ Grunge & Hard Rock) Hard to Believe! These 20-year-old kids are playing 20-year-old grunge/hard rock sounds. Harder to Believe! Most of the songs are their own!!! Impossible to Believe! The charismatic female vocalist 20

sounds like Janis Joplin!! 믿기 힘들다. 이 갓 20살을 넘긴 청년들이 20년전 그런 지/하드록 사운드를 들려준다. 더 믿기 힘들다. 대부분의 노래가 그들의 자작곡이다!! 거기에 더해진 여성보컬의 카리스마적인 목소리는 듣는 이를 20년전, 아니 그보다 전으로 여행하게 만든다.

4-1. Classy Wallet (Daegu / Expat / Classic Rock) To explain This 3-piece rock band, only 4 words are needed: "Ready to F**king Rock!!!' 이 신나는 3인조 외국인 밴드를 설명할 단어는 딱 하나. "즐겨라!!"

4-2. Jennifer and Friends (Daegu / Mixed / Soul & Blues) The band of Jae Eun Ha, by Jae Eun Ha, and for Jae Eun Ha Bluesy, soulful, maybe sexy... 하재은양의, 하재은양에 의한, 하재은양을 위한 밴드 블루지하고, 소울풀하며, 아마도 섹시하기 까지 할...

4-3. The Plastic Kidz (Daegu / Korean / Garage Rock) These Kidz, suddenly came to the scene last year, becoming a new hope for Daegu music scene. Just feel the energy of them on the stage, and dance!! 지난해, 혜성처럼 등장한 이 아이들은, 일년만에 대구 뮤직씬의 새 희망이 되어버렸다! 무대위에서 터질 듯한 에너지를 느껴보시라.

4-4. Vacation (Daegu / Korean / Blues & Modern Rock ) New, young, but skillful blues and rock. 젊지만 노력한 신생 블루스/모던록 밴드

PRIZES: 500,000 to the first place winners! 200,000 to the second place winners! 100,000 to the third place winners! A chance to record their own songs will be awarded to the top 5 finalists.

DAEGU COMPASS 2014.AUGUST Daegu Community and Events - Daegu Battle of the Bands is Back!

Little Boy

November On Earth


Sounds Good -continued on p22-


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2. The crowd can vote as well! 1 vote of the crowd will count as 3 points.

1. Each band will have a STRICT 35min minimum / 45min maximum time cap. 각 밴드는 35~45분의 시간 제한을 꼭 지켜주어야 합 니다.

2. Each band is required to play at least THREE ORGIN AL SONGS. (There will be additional points awarded for original songs.) 각 밴드는 최소 3곡의 오리지널을 연주하길 바랍니다. (오리지널 곡에는 가산점이 부여됩니다.)

3. The time slots will be 10:30, 11:30ish, 12:30ish, and 1:30ish, assigned to each band at random the week before their performance. 10시30분부터 약 한시간 간격으로 각 밴드가 연주하게 될 것이며, 순서는 공연 한 주전 추첨을 통해 결정됩 니다.

JUDGING (판정): 1. There will be a panel that consist of 3 judges. Each Judge will give 30~150 points to each band. 각 라운드당 3명의 심판이 배정되며, 각 심판은 각 팀 에게 30~150점을 주게 됩니다.


관객들도 투표로서 심사에 참여할 수 있습니다. 한표는 3점에 해당합니다.

3. There will be online voting as well. 1 online vote will count as 1 point. One video from each band's performance will be uploaded onto Facebook. The band with the most "likes" by 11:59PM the following Wednesday will win this por tion of the score. 온라인 투표도 있을 예정입니다. 1표당 1점에 해당하 며, 여기서 한표란 페이스북에 업로드된 각 밴드당 하 나의 연주동영상에 매겨진 ‘좋아요’ 개수를 말합니다. 투표는 공연다음날부터 다가오는 수요일 밤 11시 59 분까지 가능합니다.

Winners of each elimination round will be announced each following Thursday. The 1st place winners of each elimination round will advance to the finals. There will also be a WILD CARD band that will advance. The wild card band is the band with the highest score second only to the first place bands.


The Plastic Kiz

Knife In Skull

Classy Wallet

DAEGU COMPASS 2014.AUGUST Daegu Community and Events - Daegu Battle of the Bands is Back!

각 예선의 1위는 그주 목요일까지 발표가 되며, 파이널로 갈 수 있는 자격을 얻습니다. 파이널에는 와일드카드도 한 팀 참여하게 되는데, 와일 드카드는 각 예선 차점자 중 가장 높은 점수를 얻은 팀에 게 주어집니다.

'Daegu Battle of the Bands' Page: h t t p : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / groups/362524717144416/?bookmark_t=group Zilvaplana

'Urban Lounge Bar' Page:

The Elsewheres


A Crashing of Tides Dokdo Documentary Two Perspectives, One Island, Blurred History Written and photographed by Matt Koshmrl

Summer 2014, a multinational crew from 8 different countries are working on a documentary film ‘Dokdo’ in South Korea and Japan. Matt Koshmrl, a former English teacher in Daegu city, is the director of this film. At first, it can be quiet difficult to understand why some Korean people are so passionate about Dokdo.This film will stay away from political involvement, but rather explore how Dokdo is more than just a piece of property andmore a symbol in the pursuit of a national identity for Korean people. We will be following several South Korean people who 24


are passionate about Dokdo and have dedicated a significant portion of their time and efforts into advocating for the Island. Each has a unique journey that connects them to the island.We will follow them all over South Korea and to Japan. The main three subjects for this film are a woman who lived there for years in her childhood with her father, a former North Korean student who speaks publicly in order to keep it South Korean land, and a farmer who spends his spare time aggressively campaigning for the island in both Korea and Japan. The film will not be focused on the land dispute. Thus, it will

Special Reports - A Crashing of Tides - Dokdo Documentary

-continued on p26-

Ask for Jessica when you call~




Special Reports - A Crashing of Tides - Dokdo Documentary

not be about who’s right and who’s wrong, as there are deeper emotions and issues of subjects at play. The Director, Matt Koshmrl has completed several other documentary films in South Korea and U.S.A. This time he brought a very talented crew of filmmakers from The University of Texas, where he is pursuing MFA degree. Matt will also be accompanied by local Daegu filmmaker, Matt Root and sound recordist Graham Holford. Because of the size of this project, the Dokdo film team needs some ofyour support on Facebook and Kickstarter. dokdo-a-documentary-film


Daegu Play Day: New Entertainment Culture in Daegu Relive the Day and Play Again! Written and translated by Kate Ko

Last July 12th, ‘Daegu Play Day’ in Daegu Citizen Hall was an amazing success. For the festival, many people and foreigners also made a visit and enjoyed the festival. Starting at 5 pm, the festival offered many and various attractions, including performances of indie band and pantomime. Many kinds of product, like postcard, doll, accessory, candle, hand-made brownie, coffee, were being sold and many secondhand books found new owner. All glass wall in the Citizen Hall was decorated with window art by citizens and the ground of big square became sea or sky with chalk art. There was long line of people who wants to put famous artist’s art stamp on a paper yourself and keep it. Inside wall was full of exquisite corpse drawing, which is to draw con28


necting the edges of other person’s and artist’s picture. Many citizens could look around the inside of theater and dressing room with Theater Tour. 지난 7월 12일 토요일, 대구 시민회관에서 펼쳐진 ‘놀자 놀자 다시놀자’ 축제는 성공적이었다. 행사 당일 많은 시 민들이 발걸음했고, 많은 외국인들도 축제를 즐겼다. 오후 5시부터 시작된 행사는 인디밴드, 마임 등으로 사람들이 시민회관에 머무는 동안 쉴 새 없이 볼거리를 제공했다. 엽서, 인형, 액세서리, 캔들, 수제 브라우니, 커피 등 다양 한 종류의 물건들이 플리마켓에서 판매 되었고 헌책을 교 환하는 곳에서는 헌책들이 새로운 주인을 만나 빛을 발했 다. 시민회관에 있는 모든 유리 벽은 윈도우 아트로 꾸며 졌고, 광장 바닥은 초크아트로 바다가 되기도 하고 하늘이 되기도 했다. 한국 동화를 모티브로 한 판화를 직접 찍어

Special Reports - Daegu Play Day

-continued on p30-




Special Reports - Daegu Play Day

소장하려는 시민들이 긴 줄을 이루었고, 다른 사람이 그린 그림을 이어 그린 일렬의 그림이 시민회관 내벽을 장식했 다. 대구 시민회관의 극장과 분장실 내부를 구경할 수 있 는 극장투어도 이루어졌다.

Main stage, performance of Big Band Volcano, received an enthusiastic response. Artists of various instruments on stage, conductor in blue jeans, flash lighting and great selection of music.. Milk container boxes and plastic chairs were not enough to provide seats for people who want to enjoy their music. From baby in a stroller to grandfather waving a fan, it was festival for everyone indeed. 메인 공연인 빅밴드 볼케이노의 무대에 대한 시민들의 반 응은 뜨거웠다. 무대에 꽉 찬 다양한 악기의 연주자들, 청 바지를 입고 선 멋진 지휘자, 화려한 조명과 시원한 여름 밤과 어울리는 청량한 선곡. 준비한 우유박스 의자와 플라 스틱 의자로는 자리가 모자라 멀리서라도 무대를 보려는 사람들로 시민회관 광장 전체가 가득 찼다. 유모차를 타 고 온 아이부터 부채를 부치며 흐뭇한 미소로 공연을 즐기 는 할아버지, 할머니까지 그야말로 ‘모든 대구시민’이 즐 길 수 있는 장이었다.

Hot Daegu Play Day didn’t cool down even after a several encore performances of Big Band Volcano. Flea market was crowded with customers until it is late and people kept participating in art performances, trying to leave their trace in the Citizen Hall. Finally, with 8 hours long effort of foreign artists, Live Art was completed and became great place of photo zone. Even it is the very first year of holding Daegu Play Day, many people draw, see, listen, taste and enjoy in Daegu Citizen Hall. Daegu Play Day is expected to cool off with more various and interesting contents next year. 몇 차례의 요청으로 빅밴드 볼케이노의 앵콜 공연까지 끝 난 뒤에도 놀자데이의 열기는 식지 않았다. 플리마켓은 늦 은 시간까지 손님들로 북적였고, 시민회관에 흔적을 남기 려는 사람들의 아트 참여도 계속되었다. 마침내 외국인 아 티스트들이 8시간 동안 그린 Live Art도 완성 되어 포토존 으로 탄생했다. 놀자데이의 첫 해이지만 참 많은 사람들이 놀자데이에서 그림을 그리고 보고 듣고 맛보고 즐겼다. 내 년에는 또 얼마나 알차고 흥미로운 컨텐츠로 대구의 여름 을 식혀줄지 기대 된다.

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Dongseongno, LotteCinema building 11F (Billibow building)


Coming Out Celebration Despite Opposing Forces, The 6th Daegu Queer Festival a Success Written and photographed by Elaine Kim / Translated by Yujeong Lee

The words of a woman in sunglasses bounced off the loudspeakers to delve into the audience: “Five years ago,” she said, “we spread a rainbow flag on Dongseongro and called it a festival. And now, look how far we’ve come.” A hurrah from an audience of 350+ overwhelmed her with tears. 선글라스를 낀 한 여성의 말이 스피커를 통해 흘러 나와 청 중들을 파고 들었다. “5년 전에는.” 로 시작한 그녀의 말이 시작되었다. “동성로에서 무지개 깃발을 나눠주고 그걸 축 제라고 불렀습니다. 그리고 지금 우리가 얼마나 발전시켰 는지 보세요.” 350명이 넘는 청중들에게서 터져 나온 함 성은 그녀를 눈물이 나오도록 압도했다.



On the 28th of June, a sunny day of 30 degrees Celsius, the 6th Daegu Queer Festival was held in the 2•28 Memorial Park with colorful booths surrounding the stage, where performers one by one exhibited their pride in forms of rock-n-roll, k-pop dance, and soulful singing. A rainbow flag was raised, like an overseer of the festival, and, in truth, was, as it poked out of a booth for Solidarity for LGBT Rights in Korea, one of the largest LGBT rights networks established in SoKo since 1997. 6월 28일, 30도가 웃도는 화창한 날씨에 제 6회 대구퀴 어축제가 무대 주위를 둘러싼 형형색색의 부스가 가득한

Special Reports - Coming Out Celebration

228 공원에서 열렸다. 그리고 무대에서는 출연자들 이 차례대로 락앤롤, 케이팝댄스, 감정을 실은 노래 로 자부심을 보여주었다. 무지개 깃발이 마치 축제의 감독같이, 그리고 1997년 한국에서 결성된 가장 큰 성적소수자 인권 네트워크 중 하나인 동성애자인권 연대 부스에서 깃발이 툭 삐져 나와 있어서 사실이 그러했다.

Of course, the real leadership behind the festival was the executive crew of the Daegu Queer Festival, who organized LGBT events in the month of June—a talk concert featuring George Takei of Star Trek, the Daegu Queer Film Festival, and a conference on LGBT societal identity—as a prelude to the tour-de-force that is the Daegu Queer Festival. Even after the Daegu Infrastructure Corporation (under the governance of the city of Daegu) refused to grant permission to throw the festival in the park under the grounds of “simply inappropriate for public good”, as, the corporation declared, an assemblage for the minority is not benefitting for the majority, the executives organized a crisis committee to successfully combat the situation with the support of 303 other human rights groups. 물론 축제 뒷면의 진짜 대표는 대구 퀴어 축제의 운영 진에게 있으며, 이들은 6월에 있었던 성적소수자 이벤 트(스타트렉에 출연했던 조지 타케이의 토크 콘서트, 대구퀴어영화축제, 성적소수자의 사회적 아이덴티티 에 대한 컨퍼런스 등)를 대구퀴어축제의 성공적인 개 최를 위한 서막으로 열었다. 대구시설관리공단(대구 시 산하 기관)이 공원에서 축제를 여는 데에 대한 승 인을 “공익에 적합하지 않다”라는 이유로 거부했다. 하지만 공단이 말한 대로 소수자를 위한 단체는 다수 집단의 이익을 위한 것이 아니기에 운영진은 303개의 다른 인권단체의 지지와 더불어 어려운 상황에 성공 적으로 대처하기 위해 대책위원회를 구성했다.

Ironically, 2•28 Memorial Park was constructed to commemorate the bravery of students who protested against an oppressive regime headed by Seungman Lee, the first Korean president. The spokesperson for the committee expressed their regret over the city’s decision, describing the reason behind this rejection as the “harsh wall of prejudice”. 모순적이게도 228운동기념공원은 한국의 초대 대통 령인 이승만의 억압적인 정권에 대항한 용감한 학생 들을 기념하기 위해 조성되었다. 위원회의 대변인은 승인거부의 뒤에 숨겨진 이유를 “편견의 벽”으로 설 명하며 시의 결정에 대한 유감을 표했다. -continued on p34-


This was not the only hurdle that the crew had to overcome; after brouhaha at the Korea Queer Festival at Seoul, in which homophobes discharged beer cans and even hydrochloric acid at the parade participants, and the police took little to no action, anxiety was rife among the committee. 이것만이 운영진이 극복해야 할 장애물은 아니었다. 서 울에서 있었던 한국퀴어축제에서 난리법석이 벌어졌는데 동성애 혐오자들이 퍼레이드 참가자들에게 맥주캔과 심 지어 염산을 투척하는 일이 일어났다. 그리고 경찰은 거 의 아무런 제재도 취하지 않았으며 대책위 사이에서는 걱 정이 만연했다.

“I came here thinking, ‘O.K. be prepared to return home bleeding from the head,’” a volunteer at the Queer Festival admitted. A ‘how-to’ packet was handed out to the participants in case a physical attack ensued, and police troops surrounded the park back-to-back, quick to move in between verbal fights (that soon transformed physical) with their shields. “여기에 와서 생각하길 “그래 머리에서 피 흘리며 집에 돌 아갈 각오를 하자”라고 퀴어축제에 참가한 자원봉사자가 말했다. 물리적인 공격이 있을 때를 대비하여 ‘행동요령’ 패킷을 참가자들에게 나눠 주었고 경찰병력이 다닥다닥



붙어서 공원을 둘러쌌으며 방패를 들고 (곧 육체적인 싸움 으로 변하는) 말싸움에 신속히 끼어들었다.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the park was a congregation of Christians in white, with several ministers singing hymns from the Bible. Most had leaflets in their hands that read “Homosexuality is sin!”, and occasionally some would wander in the festival, grab supposed homosexuals, and try to persuade them to abandon their sexuality. Some individual picketers who carried large red crosses that read “Jesus is the savior” shouted homophobic statements. 그러는 동안 공원의 반대편에서는 성경에 나오는 찬송가 를 부르는 성직자들과 함께 흰옷을 입은 기독교인들이 집 합했다. 대부분 손에 “동성애는 죄악이다!”란 내용이 담긴 전단지를손에 들고 있었고, 때때로 몇 사람들은 축제장소 내를 돌아다니며 동성애자로 보이는 사람들을 붙잡고 그 들의 성적 취향을 버리기를 설득하려고 애썼다. 개인적으 로 “예수님은 구원자시다”라고 쓰여진 커다란 붉은 십자 가를 들고 있던 피켓 시위 참가자들은 동성애를 혐오하는 말들을 외쳐댔다.

Inside the festival, however, a group of Christians open to LGBTAIQ held a popular booth full of leaflets and rainbow stickers. Ten other LGBT organizations propped

Special Reports - Coming Out Celebration

up their booths—some in attempt to clear up misconceptions about AIDS, some to freely distribute condoms to prevent STDs. 하지만 축제 내부에서는 성적소수자들을 받아들이는 기독교인들의 그룹이 전단지와 무지개 스티커가 가 득한 부스를 열었는데 인기가 많았다. 다른 열 개의 성적소수자 단체 역시 부스를 열었다. 몇몇은 에이즈 에 대한 오해를 불식시키려 했고, 몇몇은 성병을 예방 하기 위해 무료로 콘돔을 나눠주기도 했다.

The Daegu-Kyungbuk LGBT Rights Organization sold handmade rainbow bracelets for 3,000 won, and the Solidarity for LGBT Rights in Korea recruited sponsors for their new project, Rainbow Safe Space, where LGBT teens can find refuge and advice on the streets of Seoul. “For right now we’re going to put a couple in Seoul. No plans for Daegu yet,” a representative said. 대구경북성적소수자인권모임은 직접 만든 무지개 팔 찌를 3천원에 판매했고 한국의 동성애자인권연대는 청소년 성적소수자들을 위한 쉼터이자 서울 거리에 서 조언을 얻을 수 있는 무지개 세이프 스페이스라 는 새로운 프로젝트를 위한 스폰서를 모집했다. 대표 는 “현재로써는 서울에 두어 군데를 설치할 예정입니 다만 아직 대구에는 계획이 없습니다.”라고 말했다.

People of all color and ages—expats and Koreans, teenagers and seniors—including a family with two young children—exchanged small talk and selfies as they waited for 5:30pm, the long-awaited parade. Some had red stamps of ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian’ running down the length of their arms. 오후 5시 30분을 기다리며 모든 인종과 연령대의 사 람들 (두 아이가 있는 가족을 포함한 외국인과 한국 인, 청소년과 어른들)은 이야기를 나누고 셀카를 찍 었다. 바로 오랫동안 기다린 퍼레이드를 위해서 말이 다. 몇몇 사람들은 ‘게이’ 혹은 ‘레즈비언’이라고 적힌 빨간 도장을 팔에 길게 찍기도 했다.

“I think that Korean society is really opening up to queer culture,” noted an expat, who had previous knowledge about the festival and has been in Korea for about two years. Two men in matching shirts with the statement “I’m gay, sorry you’re not,” and neon shorts, exclaimed “I think having equal rights is very important. Until then, shout it out loud, gay and proud!” -continued on p36-


“한국사회가 퀴어문화에 대해 정말로 오픈되어 가고 있다 고 생각해요.” 퀴어축제에 대해 이전의 기억을 갖고 있고 한국에 2년 정도 거주한 한 외국인이 말했다. “I’m gay, sorry you’re not. (난 게이야. 넌 아니라서 안 됐네)”라 고 적인 셔츠와 네온 컬러의 반바지를 맞춰 입은 두 남자 는 이렇게 주장했다. “동등한 권리를 가지는 것은 매우 중 요하다고 생각합니다. 그 때까지 게이 그리고 자랑스러움 이라고 크게 외쳐요.”

The parade kicked off with a female pastor, who read out loud “Loved ones, let us love one another!” and ended her speech with a short Amen that echoed through the long procession of parade participants. A truck equipped with speakers blasting Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” lead the way through the streets of downtown, while a vocal trainer who introduced himself as “a gay man from Seoul” sang improvised notes in the background. 퍼레이드는 여성 목사의 낭독으로 시작되었다. “사랑받 는 사람들이여, 우리가 서로를 사랑할 수 있도록 허락하 라!” 그리고 그녀의 연설은 퍼레이드 참가자의 긴 행렬에 울려퍼진 짧은 아멘으로 끝이 났다. 스피커가 장착된 트 럭은 레이디 가가의 “Born This Way”가 크게 틀고 시내 의 거리를 통과하며 길을 안내했고, 서울에서 온 게이라 고 소개한 한 보컬 트레이너는 백그라운드에서 즉석에서 만든 노래를 불렀다.

Between two lines of policemen, barefaced members of the LGBT community waved rainbow flags, danced, 36


and hurled playful insults at the speakers on the truck. Although a sit-down anti-festival protest caused the parade to turn around and crowd into an alternative, narrow path, the excitement did not seem to wear off until they had to squeeze through perplexed citizens of Daegu who were not afraid to take pictures or send hostile glares. 경찰이 만든 두 줄 사이로 얼굴을 들어낸 성적소수자 커뮤 니티의 회원들은 무지개 깃발을 흔들고, 춤을 추고 트럭의 스피커에 장난기 가득한 욕설을 던지기도 했다. 비록 길에 주저앉아서 축제에 반대하며 항의 하는 사람들이 퍼레이 드를 뒤로 돌게 하고 대안책인 좁은 길을 가득 메우게 했 어도 즐거움은 사진 찍기를 두려워 하지 않거나 적대적인 시선을 보내는 당황한 대구 시민들 사이를 간신히 지나갈 때까지 사라지지 않는 듯 보였다.

After a short video delineating the history of queer festivals and the championing of LGBT rights in Korea, the crowd was promised a better festival next year and the years after—a final cheer for gay rights, and the colorful community dispersed throughout the alleys back to their lives as neighbors, siblings, and friends; blending in with the “normal” people, blurring the differences. 퀴어 축제의 역사와 한국에서 성적소수자들의 인권을 위 해 투쟁하는 것에 대대 그려낸 짧은 영상을 상여한 후에 관중들은 내년 그리고 또 다음 해에 더 나은 축제를 다짐 받았다. 성적소수자의 권리를 위한 마지막 환호성, 그리 고 다양한 커뮤니티들은 골목을 통해 해산했고 이웃, 형제 자매 그리고 친구로써의 그들의 삶으로 돌아갔다. “보통”

Special Reports - Coming Out Celebration

사람들과 섞여 차이점을 보이지 않게 흐릿하게 말이다.

Elaine is a rising junior in Daegu International School who seeks to continue the mission of Jenny Yoo (soon a frosh in Columbia University): keep Daegu up-to-date with DIS news. She is also the editor-in-chief of her school’s literary magazine and newspaper. She likes to waste time sharing on Facebook the links from Poetry Magazine that no one reads, collecting the Lord of the Rings GIFs, and being sarcastic. Some of her favorite things are Arcade Fire, Virginia Woolf, and cheddar cheese. 일레인은 대구국제학교의 뉴스를 대구에 알려왔던 제니 유(콜럼비아대학 입학 예정)의 미션을 이어받을 대구국제 학교의 떠오르는 샛별이며, 또한 학교의 문학지와 교내신 문의 편집장이기도 하다. 아무도 읽지 않는 시 매거진의 링크를 페이스북에서 공유하며 시간을 쓸데없이 보내는 것, 반지의 제왕의 짤방을 모으는 것, 빈정대는 것을 좋아 한다. 가장 좋아하는 것들 중의 몇 가지는 아케이드 파이 어, 버지니아 울프 그리고 체다 치즈이다.


Water and light from Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival

Information provided by Okreal Kim / Photo provided by Gangchang

Period: 2014. 8. 23 – 9. 21 Venue: The ARC Organisation : Dalseong Cultural Foundation Water and light are important elements for us to live. They are the powerful source of a life that continues the process of its formation and change. An art exhibition, ‘water and light from Gangjeong’ is organized to make people share their art and life with the aid of the power of nature in Gangjeong. 물과 빛은 생명의 가장 기본적인 요소다. 그것은 박제된 것 이 아니라 살아 움직이는 생명, 끊임없이 변화하고 생성하 는 힘의 원천이다. 그래서 이번 <강정에서 물•빛>展은 생 성 변화하는 힘의 원천인 물•빛 가득한 곳에서 삶과 예술 이 교감하는 자리를 만들고자 한다.

Gangjeong is a place where artists from all over the regions of Korea gathered and had art festivals from 1977 to 1979. Especially, a lot of artists from Japan joined 38


in the art festival held in 1979 and shared their art with Korean artists whose works were very experimental and sensational at that time. It was an international art event that presented futuristic potential in Korean art. Historically, Gangjeong is a meaningful place where artists showed their own responses to the current of the times in the artworks. 강정은 1977년과 78년 그리고 79년 3년간 전국에서 모 인 미술가들이 이벤트를 펼친 장소이다. 79년에는 전국에 서 모인 실험적인 예술가들과 일본작가들이 대거 참석해 국제적인 이벤트를 통해 한국현대미술의 새로운 장을 열 어 놓았다. 강정이라는 장소가 갖는 의미는 당시에 예술가 들이 특정한 장소에 모여서 동시대에 대한 예술가의 태도 와 반응을 미술이라는 방식으로 이루어낸 역사적인 장소 라는 것에 있다.

‘2014 Daegu Contemporary Art Festival in Gangjeong is to make people remember the historical meaning of the

Travel Korea - Water and light from Gangjeong

art festival held in Gangjeong in the 1970’s and realize the need to make art stronger and more creative through the futuristic vision. In this aspect, Gangjeong can be an aesthetic field where the role of art is extended and connected to our lives by provoking and sharing thoughts of art in the past , present and the future. 이런 의미에서 이번 <강정대구현대미술2014>展은 역사 적 의미를 재생산하고, 그 가치를 미래지향적인 비전을 통 해 창조적인 지평을 마련하기 위한 것이다. 이러한 시도는 과거의 역사적 가치와 정신을 일깨워 미래로 향하는 길에 서 새로운 생명을 불어 넣고 과거와 현재, 삶과 예술을 가 장 근원적인 생명의 장소에서 교감을 시도하는 장(field)이 되고자 하는 것이다. 이러한 시도는 삶의 공간과 예술이 결 합됨으로써 강정을 미적 장(Aesthetics Field)으로 확장 해 가고자 하는 것이다.

I’d like to say that ‘2014 Daegu Contemporary Art Festival in Gangjeong’ is an event in which arts of the past and those of the future can breathe together in the present with the light of historical values of Gangjeong and the elements of nature in it. Below are important features of 2014 Daegu Contemporary Art Festival in Gangjeong

where art in life will literally be possible. 1.History(Historicity) : Sharing experiments done by artists of the 1970s 2.Place(Site specificity) : Sharing arts made in a special place, Gangjeong 3.Publicity : Sharing public arts made outdoor 4.Art in community : Sharing art that connects artists to the residents of Gangjeong 2014년 <강정대구현대미술제>는 과거와 미래가 바로 현 재라는 시간과 장소에서 유기적으로 살아 숨 쉬고 있는 현 장이다. 이러한 역사적 장소에서 생명의 근원적 요소인 ‘ 물•빛’을 통해 생성 변화하는 자연의 빛과 예술의 빛으로 ‘소통의 역사’, ‘교감의 장소’로 호흡하고자 한다. 삶과 예 술의 교감이 이루어지는 장소인 강정의 야외 전시가 갖는 핵심적인 내용은 다음과 같다. 1. 1970년대 현대미술가들의 실험정신과의 교감(역사성) 2. 강정이라는 특정한 장소에서 이루어지는 미술과의 교 감(장소성) 3. 야외에서 만나는 공공미술과의 교감(공공성) 4. 지역민과 작가의 호흡이 담긴 삶과 예술과의 교감(커 뮤니티아트) -continued on p40-


‘Water and light from Gangjeong’ is organized for people to have a time to share these artistic features of historicity, site specificity, and publicity in an art community with one another. I am sure that Gangjeong, full of water and light, will be a great aesthetic field where arts of the past, present and the future are communicated so well that the future of the city and nature can be bright. 이번 ‘강정에서 물•빛’展은 역사성과 장소성 그리고 공공 성이 커뮤니티아트를 통해 상호교감의 시간을 가지기 위 한 것이다. 이를 통해 ‘물•빛 만남’이 이루어지는 장소인 강정은 과거와 현재 그리고 미래가 자연과 도시 그리고 예 술로 소통되는 ‘미적 터전’으로 거듭나게 될 것이

Abstract 2014 Daegu Contemporary Art Festival in Gangjeong Water and light from Gangjeong [Section1] History(Historicity) – Trying to do new experiments and understand the historical background of art in the 1970s 1. Experiments in extending the role of art – Trying to build a new history based on the perception about historical background of the site, Gangjeong, where artists’ experimental creativity to go beyond the usual role of art was in full bloom. 2. Event – Trying to get a new vision from keeping and developing those artists’ experimental attitudes with which lots of artistic events were possible in the white sandy beach in the 1970 3. Documenting the process of the events in Gangjeong in the 1970s – Understanding the historical background of the events is to perceive the process of them in a futuristic view, so that documenting the reserved time of the present by having interviews with the participating artists about the process of their creating art, not about the result itself which makes it possible to perceive the history of Gangjeong in the continuity of time. ▶Trying to find out how the artistic experiments in the

1970 change in the 21st century in the differences between creating art and appreciating art.

◎ 전시진행 개요 [섹션Ⅰ] 역사성 - 1970년대의 역사성에 대한 이해와 새 로운 시도



1. 미술의 확장과 실험성 - 시대적 변화에 따른 작가적 반 응이 창의적인 태도로 발현되면서 미술인을 통한 새로운 영역의 확장과 실험정신이 실천된 장소에 대한 역사적 인 식을 통해 동시대를 인식하는 작가의 시각과 장소와의 관 계 그리고 지역민과의 교감을 고려한 야외 설치 및 입체 조형물 전시. 2. 이벤트 - 화이트큐브를 떠나 강정이라는 특정한 장소 에서 이벤트미술을 시도했던 1970년대의 대구미술 나아 가 한국미술의 실험정신을 2014년에 어떻게 확장해 나갈 것인가에 대한 새로운 시각을 제시할 필요성. 3. 과정에 대한 기록 - 역사성은 과정에 대한 인식이고, 그 인식이 현재와 미래지향적인 관점에서 역사적 의미를 스스로 어떻게 인식하고 있는가에 대한 창작과정을 인터 뷰해서 결과가 아닌 과정, 유보되는 현재를 기록, 이러한 시도는 역사가 갖는 의미를 시•공간의 연속성 속에서 이 해하고자 하는 것. ▶ 1970년대, 시대적 인식에 대한 작가의 실험적 반응이 21세기에 어떤 방식으로 드러날 수 있을 것인가? 이러한 질문에 대한 지금 이 시대, 창작과 감상 간에 발생하는 수 많은 차이에 대한 질문과 답을 찾아보는 시도.

[Section2] Place(Site specificity) – Trying to find the meaning of the place, Gangjeong where art and life are made from the past to the present 1. Trying to find the meaning of art and life in the solid cultural assets around the Gangjeong reservoir 2. Having interviews with the participating artists – A participating artist should have his or her own way of interpreting the place and relating it to his or her work of art. ▶Trying to find the meaning of creating experimental art in the present ▶ ▶ Searching data and having interviews with artists – Photographing, filming, and exhibiting after editing photos and films [섹션Ⅱ] 장소성 - 과거와 현재라는 시간의 변화 속에서 강정이라는 장소가 갖는 의미 1. 강정보를 중심으로 이루어진 강주변의 삶과 문화에 대 한 생생한 호흡을 강정이라는 장소에 심어 튼튼한 문화적 뿌리에서 삶과 예술이 영글어 가는 것에 대한 의미 고찰 2. 참여 작가 인터뷰 - 장소성에 대한 작가의 인식과 해 석, 자신의 작품과 삶과 예술의 관계를 이해하는 방식에 대한 자유로운 인터뷰 ▶ 21세기, 2014년이라는 현재, 창의적이고 실험적인 미 술이 어떤 의미가 있는 것일까? ▶ ▶ 자료 및 인터뷰과정 스틸사진과 비디오 촬영(아카 이브 자료)

[Section3] Publicity – Trying to perceive how the artist’s creative view should be shared with the viewers in

Travel Korea - Water and light from Gangjeong

public, especially having an outdoor exhibition. 1. Performance 2. Installing sculptures and other art pieces ▶Trying to find the meaning of the publicity when a

specific site is chosen to exhibit artworks

[섹션Ⅲ] 공공성 - 야외에서 하는 전시의 특성상 개인 의 창의적인 시각이 공공의 장소에서 소통되어야 하는 지점(창작과 감상)이 무엇인가? 창작과 감상간의 불협 화음 혹은 소통의 확장에서 장소와 작품 그리고 감상 사이에서 자각이 이루어지는 지점은 어디인가? 1. 퍼포먼스 2. 조각 및 조형물설치 ▶ ‘장소특정성’에 따른 ‘공공성’의 의미는 무엇인가?

[Section4] Art as public participation in the community of Gangjeong – Getting residents of Gangjeong to participate in art and share their feelings with each other 1.Voluntary participation in the community – Making a program that improves relationship between Gangjeong and other regions and attracts the residents’ attention to participating in art with the participating artists to extend further the role of art in life(making a strong sense of community among residents, artists, and government agencies) 2.Special events – Dance competitions, showing movies outdoor, discussion about living as an artist 3.Four types of concert (once a week) – Jihyae Kim’s modern music performance 4.Art taxi, eight times of happenings (twice a week) – Artist Wonseok Hong and his father (having a tour in Gangjeong, starting from art terminal) ▶ Trying to experiment with various forms of art

3. 게릴라 콘서트(주1회, 총 4회) - 원리스(김지혜외 현대 음악 퍼포먼스 및 공연) 4. 아트택시(주2회, 총8회) - 홍원석과 그의 아버지(아트 정거장에서 강정투어) ▶ 국가 도시 그리고 지역민이 함께 공유하고 소통하기 위한 삶과 예술이 만나는 지점에서 예술이 할 수 있는 의 미를 찾아 지속 가능한 변화를 추구(인터뷰 및 워크숍 과 정 기록) Curated by Okreal Kim(Organizing exhibitions) *책임큐레이터 : 김옥렬

Ravioli, T-Bone Steak Gnocchi, Calzone

continuously to extend the role of art so that sharing them with more people in a lot of cities, regions, and countries will be possible

[섹션Ⅳ] 커뮤니티아트 (공동체 네트워크) - 강정에 사 는 주민들과 교감을 위한 공동체의식을 만들어 가는 섹션. 1. 자발적 참여, 자발적 공동체 : 지역과 지역, 작가 와 주민과의 연계프로그램 - 단순한 참여에서 자생적 동력을 개발, 삶속에 스며드는 예술로 확장을 시도. ( 공공기관/예술가/지역민이 연속적인 관계의식을 만들 어 가는 것) 2. 특별 이벤트 - 댄스박스(자유댄스, 경연), 야외 영 화상영, 예술가의 삶과 예술에 대한 프리토크(작가와 마을주민참여)


Ghost Park Zombie Run Spooky Summer Time Fun Written and translated by Yujeong Lee

Hapcheon-gun in Gyeongnam Province changed Hapcheon Image Theme Park into a Ghost Park! With the Hapcheon Horror Festival, it opens 7pm~12am from July 17th to August 17th (except Mondays). The main program is ‘Ghost Hunter’ where guests will track down seven ghosts living within the park. There are more than just spooky ghosts as well, check out the ‘Ghost Hospital’, ‘Zombie Jail’, ‘Vampire’s Castle’ and ‘Horror Magic Show’. With cooperation with SBS special effect make-up team, you can experience real ghost make-up in the ‘Horror Dressing room’. Also, don’t 42


miss ‘Horror Parade’, TIME SLICE, tarot card reading and face painting! Most of all, ‘Zombie Run’ is the most interesting event. This special events had a rehearsal opening last July 15th and was a huge success. You have only two chances to attend this special event, on August 2nd and 15th. Only adults can join it and you need to pay the fee separately from Ghost Park admission. Blow off some summer steam at the spooky Hapcheon Ghost Park!

Travel Korea - Ghost Park Zombie Run

*Ghost Park admission fee : Adults-30,000won, Children-20% off Zombie Run (only over 19yrs) : 30,000won *Find more info on Daegu Compass Facebook page.

15일에도 예정되어 있어 기대감을 모으고 있다. 좀비런 은 만 18세 이상의 성인만 참가 가능하며 참가비가 별 도로 있다. 한여름의 무더운 밤을 으스스한 합천 고스트파크에서 귀 신과 함께 날려버리자.

경남 합천군은 영상테마파크를 오싹한 귀신들이 살고 있 는 호러마을로 변신시켜 지난 17일 개장했다. 8월 17일까지 진행되는 고스트파크 축제는 월요일을 제 외한 매일 오후 7시부터 12시까지 진행되며 지난해 전국 최초로 호러를 주제로 시도한 호러마을 축제를 한층 업 그레이드 하여 관람객을 맞고 있다. 고스트파크 주요 프로그램으로는 한을 품고 구천을 떠도 는 7악귀를 찾아 한을 풀어주는 ‘고스트헌터’, 한순간도 긴장감을 늦출 수 없는 감금병동, 좀비감옥, 드라큘라의 집 등의 ‘전시체험관’, 호러를 테마로 한 ‘호러매직쇼’, SBS 특수분장팀과 함께하는 ‘호러특수분장실’뿐만 아 니라, 호러퍼레이드, TIME SLICE, 타로점, 페이스페인 팅 등 다채로운 부대행사가 있다. 그리고 관람객들의 입 을 즐겁게 할 카페테리아, 생맥주라운지, 푸드코트 등 휴 게 시설도 마련되어 있다. 지난 15일 리허설 때 선보인 스페셜 이벤트 ‘좀비런’ 은 젊은층에 폭발적인 관심과 반응을 얻어 다음달 2일,

*고스트 파크 입장료 : 성인 3만원, 초중고생 20% 할인 좀비런(만 18세 이상) : 3만원


Who's Who? The Faces of Medical Tourism Written by Matthew Caracciolo

You’ve read the articles, you’ve seen the billboards. Daegu wants to be the destination for medical treatment. Behind the city’s push to improve its medical tourism infrastructure is a coalition of folks who want to make Daegu a better place to work, live, and be healthy. These include not only doctors and nurses, but medical tour agencies, medical coordinators, medical associations, interpreters, researchers and more. Read about a few of these hard-working individuals who volunteered their time to talk about themselves, their city, and the newest developments.



Lee Han-jo Mr. Lee works as an Officer of Medical Tourism Industry at Daegu Metropolitan City. He spoke with us about the new medical hotel in Daegu, as well as the ongoing MediValley project, which is a cluster of research, development, and treatment facilities being built on the outskirts of Daegu. My job at Daegu Metropolian City is to attract foreigners to Daegu for medical treatment, support them while they are here with whatever they need, monitor how their procedure is going, and then follow up afterwards

Healthy Living - Who's Who?

-continued on p46-


for feedback. As for the new medical hotel, Eldis Reagent hotel contacted Daegu Metropolitan City about the possibility of developing a medical hotel for the city. We agreed to cover its promotion. What sets Daegu’s hotel apart from others, such as those from Seoul or Busan, is that most medical hotels are renovations of older hotels with only rooms and maybe a few attached clinics. Daegu’s is a new build, specifically designed to be a medical hotel. Therefore it comes with more bells and whistles including a spa, massage center, coffee shop, beauty shop, nail center, and much more. Anything someone visiting for an extended period of time for medical reasons might need. Daegu aims to be the ‘Medi City’ of Korea, establishing an entire medical system from research and development to treatment. We want to evoke the image of a healing garden, a place you come for accommodation and treatment. Medi Valley’s medical laboratories, research facilities, and pharmaceutical companies will help create a foundation of medical knowledge and develop new high-tech skills to support this vision. This progress is the result of a 2009 change in medical 46


law, allowing Korean medical facilities to more easily treat foreigners. This created a legal foundation for medical tourism, spurring changes and developments like these.

Jeong Seon-jin Mr. Jeong works as a Medical Tourism Coordinator at Dongsan Medical Center. He took a moment to speak about Dongsan’s facilities as well as its place in Daegu’s growing medical tourism field. My job at Dongsan Medical Center (DMC) involves planning, networking, marketing, coordination services, being a travel guide, and more with the ultimate purpose of attracting international patients to Daegu for healthcare services. DMC is a multidisciplinary hospital with 37 specialized departments. Tourists can receive anything from basic treatments to complex surgeries. At the moment we have many medical tourists who come for comprehensive health examinations, cancer treatment, orthopedic issues and infertility. The new medical hotel is really advantageous for us.

Healthy Living - Who's Who?

Eldis Reagent Hotel is located at the south gate of Dongsan Medical Center. Medical tourists are provided with discounts on room rates. In addition, we are reviewing opportunities to partner with clinics that will open in the medical hotel. Also, the new hotel is meant to improve Daegu’s standing as a medical destination. Due to the city’s location and lack of tour sites and other entertainment options, growth of medical tourists visiting Daegu is very slow. The first 3-4 years were spent on marketing efforts. But on the positive side, the number has grown every year. Specifically, the number of medical tourists choosing Dongsan Medical Center has almost doubled over the last year. Russians and Kazakhs are the most common nationalities aside from Americans. All the patients coming to our hospital are very different in character, economic status, interests and needs. Sometimes the most difficult tourists are the ones that you can't forget. In one recent episode, we sent a bed to Busan from Daegu per the request from one of our patients. It’s a great privilege to impact the lives of our patients and to enhance their quality of life. It’s the pride of my job.

the world. Last May, for instance, a 7 year old girl from Kyrgyzstan visited us and got surgery for an atrial septal defect. At first, their family was nervous because that operation is not easy and the cost is very expensive. But our specialist successfully performed a delicate operation and they were very satisfied with it. My heart was filled with pride at that time. The inspiring work of these and many more men and women paint a bright picture for Daegu’s future; as more people find their way to Daegu for healing, more lives here at home will be changed for the better through jobs, health services, and name recognition for their hometown.

Han Hyo-seon Ms. Han is a Coordinator at Fatima Hospital, where she translates for foreign patients, interprets documents, and takes care of administration. She took a moment to share her observations about medical tourists coming to Daegu. After college, I worked for travel agencies as well as the convention center. While doing that, I became aware of medical tourism and thought being a medical translator would be a fascinating task. I’ve been doing this for over three years in Daegu Fatima hospital. I can speak English and a little Chinese. Since 2010, Fatima Hospital’s International Medical Center has been providing convenient, one-stop medical service for foreigners. We opened the Private Care Center for in-patient care last February, which is a ward for foreign patients and is designed as a luxurious and sanitary space during hospitalization. At this point, tourists usually have plastic surgery or a total health check-up. I think most come from China, Russia and Mongolia, but we have served people from all across


Enjoy Wine While We Are Young Unique Twenties’ Wine Club Written and photographed by Sangwon Lee

Unique twenties’ wine club representing Daegu and Gyeongbuk

WineNV started from the old boys’ assembly of attendees of a wine class at KT&G Sangsang Univ. It was a casual friendship group at first. However, as time went by, it began holding regular meetings and various events which increased the number of members and has now grown into a club gathering together the different university students of Daegu city. Now almost 30 members regularly attend and it has been expanding its field of activity such as managing its own wine study club.


유일무이, 대구경북 대표 20대 와인동호회 WineNV는 2011년 KT&G상상유니브 와인클래스 수강 생의 OB모임에서 시작했습니다. 처음에는 단순한 친목 모임이었으나 매달 정기모임과 다양한 행사를 주최하면 서 조금씩 인원이 늘어나 대구지역의 각기 다른 대학교 학 생들이 모인 동호회로 성장했습니다. 지금은 30여명의 회 원이 활동하고 있고, 동호회 자체 와인스터디를 운영하는 등 활동 범위를 넓히고 있습니다.

Wine? Just simply enjoy it.

Many people think wine is difficult to be knowledgeable about. If you are trying any wine for the first time every-

DAEGU COMPASS 2014.AUGUST Daegu Community and Events - Enjoy Wine While We Are Young

thing will be unfamiliar, such as where the wine-producing areas are, what is the grade of wine, how to drink it etc. If you know about wine, you might be able to drink it more sophisticatedly, but the knowledge is not for ordinary people but for experts such as a sommelier. For regular people it is simply enough to enjoy wine. WineNV also aims to promote a more casual wine culture, allowing people to enjoy wine in their everyday lives. 와인? 그냥 편하게 즐기는 것 와인을 어렵게 생각하는 사람들이 많습니다. 와인을 처음 접하는 사람들에게 생산지는 어느 곳인지, 품종은 어떤 것 인지, 마시는 방법에서도 모두 낯설기만 합니다. 와인을 알 고 마신다면 더 맛있게 즐길 수 있지만 이것은 소믈리에와 같은 전문가에게 필요한 지식입니다. 평범한 사람들에게 는 와인을 편하게 즐길 수 있을 만큼의 기본적인 상식만 있 으면 충분합니다. WineNV또한 캐주얼한 와인문화를 지 향하기 때문에 일상에서 와인을 편하게 즐기고 있습니다.

Common but something special

WineNV makes something special with its story of gath-continued on p50-



DAEGU COMPASS 2014.AUGUST Daegu Community and Events - Enjoy Wine While We Are Young

ering university students together. They disseminate a casual wine culture to people who think wine is difficult to follow or who have prejudices against wine. In order to give a chance to taste wine, they have successfully hosted events, preparing all the processes by themselves, such as hosting a total of three wine parties and managing a wine festival with Yeongcheon city.

party compared to the existing club parties because everybody can interact with one another through the performances of various artists from Daegu and it will be in the form of a standing party. People who join the party will have the pleasure of killing two birds with one stone by receiving prepared giveaways together with a variety of benefits offered by sponsors.

평범하지만 조금은 특별한

다섯 번째 이야기, ‘Standing Wine Party’

WineNV는 평범한 대학생들이 모여 조금 특별한 이야기 를 만들어가고 있습니다. 와인을 어렵게 생각하는 사람들 이 있기에, 와인에 대해 잘못된 편견을 가진 사람들이 있 기에 그들에게 캐주얼한 와인문화를 전파하고 있습니다. 와인을 쉽게 접할 계기를 만들기 위해 세 번의 와인파티를 주최하고, 영천시와인축제를 직접 주관하는 등 모든 과정 을 스스로 준비하여 성공적으로 행사를 마무리했습니다.

지난 2월에 이어 8월에도 NV의 새로운 이야기가 시작됩 니다. 이번 파티에서는 20대가 선호하는 음식과 다양한 와인의 마리아주를 경험하고 간단한 와인상식을 배울 수 있습니다. 또한 대구에서 활동하는 다양한 아티스트의 공 연과 스탠딩 파티를 통해 누구나 쉽게 교류할 수 있기 때 문에 기존의 클럽파티와는 다른 건전한 파티가 열릴 것입 니다. 파티에 참석하는 사람들에게는 후원업체가 제공하 는 다양한 혜택과 함께 준비된 경품도 받아 가는 등 일석 이조의 기쁨을 얻을 것입니다.

5th story, ‘Standing Wine Party’

Following last February, the new story of WineNV gets started in August. At this party, you can taste twenties’ favorite foods and a myriad of various wines and learn the basics about wine. In addition, it will be a healthy


TrailBlasian: Black Women Living in East Asia Written by Kenya C. Evans

Blacks in Asia… No, it’s not a punch line to a joke. On the contrary, it’s the subject of a book. A travel book that shares the stories of 17 black Western women, from North America to South Africa, who decided to take the plunge and discover what their lives would be like living on the other side of the world (in South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, China and Thailand). One of its kind (as far as we know), this book exists because “we” do. (As one of the women in the book I can attest that my understanding of life as a black woman living in Korea before coming here – which had me bug-eyed and bugged out – is completely different than the life I live now; a year and a half later, I can easily call Daegu my second home sweet home.) It also exists to show that black women are globe trotters bridging cultural gaps, taking international leaps of faith, and casting wider nets in terms of setting goals and realizing their potential. And so can you! This book is about trailblazing and discovery, whether you are on the trail or contemplating your first step at the side of the road. The spirit of travel embraces the unknown and is guided by the hope that what greets us once we reach our destination is not only time and money well spent, but is a journey that will enrich our lives. The spirit of travel and the hope for better things to come were what the women in the anthology, TrailBlasian: Black Women Living in East Asia, were looking for. Told in first-person, the women of TrailBlasian share their uncut versions of life in East Asia. They expose their insecurities, life lessons, laughter, challenges and dumb luck that happens when



traveling, including stories of love and romance; finance and social entrepreneurship; faith and religion; beauty and image; accidents and disasters; and reflection.

four-year degree, a clean criminal record, no STDs, and the ability to turn in paperwork – takes an immense amount of concentration and focus. That doesn’t just happen.”

This month, you can meet two of the writers, Kenya Evans and Melissa Watkins, who live in South Korea, and hear them read excerpts of their stories at book parties in Daegu (Sunday, Aug. 24, 5:30p.m. at Buy the Book Cafe) and Seoul (Saturday, Aug. 30, 2p.m. at SOMOS). Here are the kind of stories you can expect from the women in TrailBlasian:

Asia Nichols, American in Indonesia “I replaced thoughts of crashing and blood spatter with thoughts of cute little monkeys and picking out a sandy love nest. I gave our helmets a final tug and gripped Russ tight as the bike sputtered smoke then whipped into the road, headed for the Monkey Forest.”

Kenya Evans, American in South Korea “This road less traveled I impeded on, coming to Korea and the past four years of self-employment, should have led me to life’s treasures. I wanted to discover magic and fortune. And maybe I had. I just couldn’t see.” Melissa Watkins, American in South Korea “Some of us are wearing a thin facade of self-esteem over a deep well of feminine hurt, and all it takes is one well-aimed verbal shot to rip away all of our carefully built beauty and peace.”

Their stories will surely inspire you, have you scratching your head (or shaking it), make you laugh out loud and, hopefully, encourage you to blaze your own trail of living an unscripted life and daring to dream. So come out for the reading, but stay for the good food and lively conversation as we discuss what it’s like for expats and black women living in East Asia. Here is the link to the Facebook event for the online edition:

Maggie Smith, American in South Korea “Her hands traced my face like she was looking at a portrait or a fine piece of art work for the first time. I felt fragile, like she was careful not to break me. ‘You have Malibu nose, this is the nose I want my doctor to make me.’” Bryoney Hayes, American in South Korea “Where I’m from, to have navigated life and entered adulthood with the qualifications to be a foreign teacher – a Daegu Community and Events - TrailBlasian

the daegu compass

August 2014 SUN





This is an overview of our August events. For more information about events on our calendar, check out the next two pages or email us: If you have events you want to add for the September issue, please email us by August 15th. Thanks!










Pohang Fireworks Festival @ Bukbu Beach / 8.1~8.7 Incheon Pentaport Rock Festival @ Penta park / 8.1.~8.3 Busan Sea Festival @ Haeundae / 8.1~8.7 Ghost Park @ Hapcheon / 8.1~8.17 - 19:00~24:00 Zhang Xiaogang, Y artist 5 An Yu Jin “Me Memory +ing @ Daegu you and the Others” Street Music Art Museum / 8.1~ @ Daegu Art History Museum Music” @ Bongsan Live Jazz @ PANN / /“EK 8.1~ Cultural Center / 18:00 8:30, 10:00



Pohang Fireworks Festival @ Bukbu Beach / 8.1~8.7





Chilpo Jazz Festival @ Chilpo Beach / 8.7.~8.10

Rock Festival Busan Sea Festival @ Haeundae / 8.1~8.7

Fri:19:30 / Sat:15:00, 19:00 / Sun:15:00

Ghost Park @ Hapcheon / 8.1~8.17 - 19:00~24:00 Busan Sea Festival @ Haeundae / 8.1~8.7 Open Mic Night @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill



9 St. Petersburg State Ballet on Ice @ Keimyung Art Center / 8.9~10 -


Wednesday Night Trivia @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill

POUR YOUR OWN DOUBLES @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill

8:30, 10:00




Wednesday Night Trivia @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill

POUR YOUR OWN DOUBLES @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill

8:30, 10:00




Wednesday Night Trivia @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill

POUR YOUR OWN DOUBLES @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill

8:30, 10:00




Live Jazz @ PANN /

Street Music History “Kim Jun woo” @ Bongsan Cultural Center

/ 18:00


Chilpo Jazz Festival Ghost Park @ Hapcheon / 8.1~8.17 - 19:00~24:00 Open Mic Night @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill


Lichtenthal Quartett “Journey to Vienna 1800” @ Suseong Artpia

/ 19:30



Live Jazz @ PANN /


Ghost Park Open Mic Night @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill

24 31


Open Mic Night @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill


Live Jazz @ PANN /

Daegu National Symphony Orchestra “Deutsch Klassik” @ Daegu Citizen Hall / 19:30 Wednesday Night Trivia @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill

August calendar

POUR YOUR OWN DOUBLES @ Traveler’s Bar and Grill

Live Jazz @ PANN /

8:30, 10:00


Street Music History “Kim Mung Hawn Trio” @ Bongsan Cultural Center / 18:00



August 2014 Event Calendar Zhang Xiaogang, Memory +ing

•Time: 8.1~ •Ticket Price: 5,000w •Place: Daegu Art Museum •Information: 053-790-3000 •

Y artist 5 An Yu Jin “Me you and the Others” •Time: 8.1~ •Ticket Price: 5,000w •Place: Daegu Art Museum •Information: 053-790-3000 •

Busan Sea Festival

•Time: 8.1~8.7 •Ticket Price: free •Place: Haeundae •Information: 054-270-8282 •

Incheon Pentaport Rock Festival

•Time: 8.1.~8.3 •Ticket Price: 1day-104,500w/ 2days-146,300w/ 3days-177,650w •Place: Penta park •

Pohang Fireworks Festival

•Time: 8.1~8.3 •Ticket Price: free •Place: Bukbu Beach •Information: 054-270-8282 •

Ghost Park

•Time: 8.1~8.17 - 19:00~24:00 •Ticket Price: 30,000w •Place: Hapcheon •Information: 070-7791-4490 •

Street Music History “EK Music”

•Time: 8.2 - 18:00 •Ticket Price: free •Place: Bongsan Cultural Center •Information: 053-661-3521 •



Event calendar

August 2014 Event Calendar Chilpo Jazz Festival

•Time: 8.7.~8.10 •Ticket Price: free •Place: Chilpo Beach •Information: 054-289-2270 •

Street Music History “Kim Jun woo” •Time: 8.9 - 18:00 •Ticket Price: free •Place: Bongsan Cultural Center •Information: 053-661-3521 •

St. Petersburg State Ballet on Ice

•Time: 8.9~10 - Fri:19:30 / Sat:15:00, 19:00 / Sun:15:00 •Ticket Price: Vip:77,000w / R:66,000w / S:44,000w / A:33,000w •Place: Keimyung Art Center •Information: 1599-1980 •

Lichtenthal Quartett “Journey to Vienna 1800”

•Time: 8.12 - 19:30 •Ticket Price: R:50,000w / S:30,000w •Place: Suseong Artpia •Information: 053-668-1800 •

Daegu National Symphony Orchestra “Deutsch Klassik”

•Time: 8.29 - 19:30 •Ticket Price: 10,000w •Place: Daegu Citizen Hall •Information: 053-250-1475 •

Street Music History “Kim Mung Hawn Trio” •Time: 8.30 - 18:00 •Ticket Price: free •Place: Bongsan Cultural Center •Information: 053-661-3521 •

Event calendar



Kyungdae North Gate


Try your Korean. Say to a taxi driver, or point to this and show him. Maya 마야

Kyungpook University is famous for three great Indian restaurants, New Aladdin, Indobangrangi and Maya. Also, there are live music nights at Sugar Joes, Kyungpook's one and only expat bar



Indo Bangrangi 3F 인도방랑기 (Great curry!)


Saladdin 2F 살라딘 (Tanduri!)

North Gate

(Kyung Dae Buk Moon)

경대북문 Sugar Joe’s 슈가 죠스 (Expat Bar)



ow To D

Kyungpook National University



EXCO 엑스코

Costco 코스트코

Jeonjagwan Electronics Market 전자관


Interburgo Hotel 인터불고 엑스코


CVB 대구컨벤션센터


Daegu Bank Station 대구은행역


5 To Downtown

New Yeongnam Hotel 뉴영남호텔

10 9 Mac Dental Hospital 맥 치과 병원 6 7


Daegu Grand Hotel 대구 그랜드 호텔 Women’s Medipark 여성메디파크 병원

IN Dental Clinic

to Beomeo Station 범어역 Spa Yan (Massage)

Noodle Bowl

Eorini Hoegwan Intersection 어린이회관 삼거리

Hyosung Hospital 효성병원

Invino Italian

Hwanggeum Intersection 황금네거리

Cocorico Waxing Salon

Bocaccio Brau Deurangil Food District 들안길

Napoli Italian

Ganga Indian

Arianna Hotel

Ha Long Bay Vietnamese

Dusan Intersection 두산오거리

COHEART Hair Salon Club Nomade La Bella Cucina Italian

Suseong Lake 수성못


Daebong Library Area Map

대봉도서관 근처

Daebong Library

Ipceylon Tea House


Cheongwoon Sulsang Galbi Namja Hwacheondoga Inosake SLINKY N°7 Mapo Galbi TAPS Farmer Woopo’s Morning Don Cuan Branch YULL Dong Ne Wonderfull Daebong Okoman Sogeum The CALIENTE jaengee Mimian Coffee Joomak DGB Mooneo Sale Beer Cheongwoon Cheongchun Modern 205 Sulon de Gamseong Taeyoung Table Bareun Tuegim 180° Draft Beer 1964 Makchang Saenghwal W Picniq the Moonlight Kitchen Jeongyook Tudari Collection Night town To Down So Wa Namu Paris Baguette Cafe Doong’s Ma Belle Belcanto 1F Coffea Coffee 2F Magna Magna Jeongukji


Ba nw old an gS tat ion

Bongsan Art & Culture Street Map

• Gallery Soo • Joong-ang Gallery • Soheon Gallery • Sinmi Gallery

VITIS Deurak Cafe Eucalyptus

Sweet D. Hands Coffee

Gallery G Yesong Gallery

Wooson Gallery In the Kitchen

Cafe Modiglian

Gallery Hyewon Gallery Joongang


Gallery Oneul


Polish Pottery Mosquito Gallery Grimchon Gallery Ro / Gallery Moran Dongbaek Lee Sangsook Gallery Songadang Gallery J One

Apple Tree Bongsan Cultural Center



Bangcheon Market Map


Shin Cheo nDae Ro Kim Gwangseok Cafe

(barley rice restaurant)

Kim Gwa ngse ok

Cafe Autumn VIPS


Shin Cheo nDae Ro

Stree t

Cafe Eucalyptus Bathroom

Ban Statiowoldang n

Pic&ic Teugim Ajushi Gajok

Baekdu Daegan Floce Coffee


Space BAR

Macaron Cafe

Bangchen Hwaro Daehan News

Gallery TOMA

Apsan Map Brothers Hyeonchungno Station

Anjir ang S tation

Coffe Roo 12 Kitchen&Bar


• Cafe Reveillau • 33Steak House


Mariage coffee

The Alask

Tuesday Morning Cafe Bene

Gooksu Fresh Coffee The Bridge Sunny Side

Urban Garden

Beansbins Coffee Havana Express

Davinci Coffee Bean Market Brunch Studio Cafe 508

Merry Go Round

Pie&Crochet Casa

Starbucks Sleepless in Seattle Twosome Place



Apsan Beltway

Pastamin Blue Oven

Cafe Assam

The One In The Garden

Cocoro Teahouse













Suseong Lake Map

Ganga (Indian) Napoli (Italian)




Africa (Pasta & Coffee)

Japanese (Sushi)

Tasting Table (Italian)

Business Bar

5 6



Hai Long Bay (Vietnamese)

Bin (Italian)


Cafe Francessco

9 10

Long Bar

Dusan Ogori 두산오거리

La Bella Cucina (Italian)

Pita Bono (Sandwich)

SuseongLake Carlo Italian Pasta & Wine (Italian)



New York, New York (Western Steak)

Suseong Lake area is one of the classiest places in Daegu, a perfect date area. After taking your sweetheart out to a nice meal, I’d recommend Napoli, Ganga, La Bella Cucina or New York New York, take a stroll around Suseong Lake until you come upon the famous ‘duck boats’ and paddle your way into each other’s hearts. Thanks to the photogs who took the great pics you see here. Aygul Sarvarova, Jeremy Taylor and Chanel Barlow. Photos by Aygul Sarvarova, Chanel Barlow and Jeremy Taylor

Suseong Lake area offers a change of pace to the hustle and bustle of downtown. Suseong Lake also boasts an amusement park (Suseong Land) reminiscent of those carnivals you went to with your parents at the local fair ground. There’s something to be said when you are on the back of the seahorse with a safety bar that barely locks you in place as you float for a few brief seconds in mid-air before being plunged back down in your seat. Thrilling, exhilarating are just a few choice words to describe the experience.











Seomun Market is Daegu’s biggest market. Each type of product is concentrated in a specific area. BARGAIN, it’s challenging, but fun. We hope you have an awesome time and try to enjoy and see as much of the market as possible. We would like to thank Dyren J. Billups-Adam for his photos of the different areas. Thanks bud!

Seomun Market Map 6 7

1 Traditional Clothes, Souvenirs

2 3

Knicknacks, Knicknacks, clothes,food food clothes,



Textiles, Blankets, Leather goods

Women’s Clothes

8 Wholesale

Parking Parking LotLot


Clothing Wholesale Clothing Main Entrance (5min walk to subway)

to Seomun Market Subway Station

Bargaining tip : Ask for a discount in Korean, “Gga Gga Ju Say Yo.”



Written by Brian M. Van Hise and Hyerin

How to Order Food

An easy step-by-step guide on how to get food delivered right to your door.

Mastering food delivery by phone in Korea is not difficult. Think of all those dozens of restaurants that are just a stone's throw from your apartment. Get past the nervousness of ordering once or twice and you will see an entirely new world of dining possibilities open up before you. Step 1

Step 2 (your Gu)

Step 3 (your Dong)



여기 (Yogi)

Step 6 (your food)







동구, etc...

두류동, etc...

Step 4

Step 5

Street number + Building name + Apt Number

-인데요 (in-dae-yo)

Step 7 (quantity)

Step 8 (drinks)




불고기 (bulgogi)

하나랑 (1) hana rang

콜라 (cola)

김치찌개 or 된장찌개 (kimchi or bean soup)

두개 (2) do gay

사이다 (cider)

세개 (3) say gay

맥주 (beer)

네개 (4) nay gay

오렌지주스 (O.J.)

김밥 (kimbap) 떡볶이 (tteokpokki)

다섯개 (5) daseot gay

만두 (mandu)

여섯개 (6) yeoseot gay

Step 9

가져다 주세요. (ga-joe-da ju-se-yo)

돈까스 (tonkkatsu)

This is a sample conversation you might have when you order food. Try it out to get your favorite dish delivered right to your home. How convenient!

Restaurant You


(yeobo say yo? / Hello?) 여기 수성구 범어동 598-23 컴퍼스 빌라 202호 인데요.

(yeogi “your address” in-dae-yo. / My address is Suseong-gu, Beomeo-dong Compass Villa 202.)


자장면 하나랑 볶음밥 하나 주세요.




(jajangmyeon hana-rang pokkeumbab hana juseyo. / One Jajangmyeon and one fried rice, please)

(ul-ma-ye-yo? / How much is it?) 8,000원입니다.

(pal-cheon-won imnida. / It’s 8,000 won.)


네, 고맙습니다.

(ne, go-map-sum-ni-da. / Ok, thank you)


Junga ngno S tation














CGV Daegu Hanil H&M


See Chanel


Hot Tracks CGV Daegu Academy

Skin Care 5000 (KFC 7F) KFC

Cheongju Beoseot


Billibow 2F

Lotte Cin Joseph Skin Car

Dos Tacos



DakGalbi (Fried Chicken and rice)


International City HAVANA




Glass Baba

Little Italya

Mies Factory

Hoo Oriental ZARA GAP

All for Skin


Sushi Neko Hyundai Department Store

Thursday Party II Buy The Book



Joongang Police Station


14 13

Lazy Diner



Traveler’s Bar and Grill

ang Stat 12 ion



22 64




11 6


10 8


Radio C


Downtown Map Nightlife Directions taxi - “she nay ga ju say yo. sam duk so bang seo.”


Shopping and Cinemas taxi - “she nay ga ju say yo. lotte young plajja CGB” (remember there is no true 'Z' sound in Korean)


Cinema eph Care

Mies ory

2.28 Park Memorial park

New York Dental Clinc

(Lee Pal GongWon) Gulliver’s Travels

Kingston Hair Shop

Bulzip Samgyeopsal



Gold Label


Old Skool

Rock&Tacos Hot Gossip

Thursday Party I

1F Seorae 3F Club That 4F Horus Garage


Leo Chow’s Chinese Food

Bunny's VIN

B1 Who’s Bob 3F MF Bar 2F Pan Asia

B1 Haberdashery

Seoga n’ Cook

Go Go Vinyl

Samduk 112 Police Station

Burger & Pasta

Mies Container

Viniroo Bombay Rounge

119 Communes

Samduk Fire Station

AU 10 o’clock (Japanese) Caliente (new bar) Jeju 18 Doyaji

Club Pasha What? Samgyeopsal


Old Blue

La Luce

Cafe Francesco

55Dining Club Frog

Shovel Samgyeopsal

adio City Music Hall

Club EGG Bus

Hooka Bar (꽃)

To Zoo2004 Motel, Yellow Mellow Motel



GUIDE Photos by Ivan Broida, Vacquer Richard, Fuzz @

The Daegu Compass and its volunteers have come up with this comprehensive guide to the bring you the best places to enjoy the night in beautiful downtown Daegu. Won’t break the bank Who cares, hav’n funz Millionaire Club

94-19, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

55 Dining

053.214.5521 12:00~02:00 Fusion-style Food


25, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.424.8200 Everyday 11:30am – 10:30pm Western American Food Holidays: Second Mondays

Bombay Lounge

3F, 57, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

010.9717.1118 [Weekdays] 18:00~ [Weekends] 12:00~05:00 Bar & IndianFood


83, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.257.2220 Everyday 11:30am – 10:30pm Samgyeopsal - thick slices of pork belly


36-6, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.426.2268 Everyday 11am – 4am Tex Mex



Chungju Mushroom Restaurant

36-6, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu


62, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Gukil Bulgalbi

172, Taepyeong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu


11:00~21:30 Korean Food Holidays: The day and the next day of Seolnal and Chuseok 053.253.0331 [Mon-Thur, Holidays : 18:00~02:00 [Fri-Sat] 18:00~03:00 Japanese Pub Holidays: Mondays

053.424.5820 11:00~22:00 Korea BBQ(Daegu's local food) Holidays: The day and the next day of Seolnal and Chuseok

gno St ation
















CGV Daegu Hanil H&M


Cheongju Beoseot


Havana Outback








gno St



Makgeoli Mies Factory

Hoo Oriental ZARA GAP Skin Care 5000 UNIQLO (KFC 7F) KFC

CGV Daegu Hanil H&M


See Chanel



Cheongju Beoseot

Sushi Neko


Billibow 2F


t tric dis

Little Italya





MISS M. PIE Kingston Hair Shop


Hoo Oriental ZARA GAP


Thursday Party II Buy The Book

All for Skin





Old Skool


Banwolda ng


Bunny's VIN

Traveler’s Bar and Grill

12 5

11 6



La Luce 55Dining Shovel Samgyeopsal Club EGG

Viniroo Bombay Rounge

Hooka Bar (꽃)

To Zoo2004 Motel, Yellow Mellow Motel

Samduk 112 Police Station

Burger & Pasta

Mies Container

119 Communes

Samduk Fire Station

Old Blue

28, Gongpyeongro8-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu


10 o’clock (Japanese) Caliente (new bar) Jeju 18 Doyaji La Luce

55Dining Club Frog

Shovel Samgyeopsal

Radio City Music Hall

Club EGG Bus

10 8

Old Blue

10 o’clock (Japanese) Caliente (new bar) Jeju 18 Doyaji

What? Samgyeopsal

Club Frog

Go Go Vinyl

Cafe Francesco



Gulliver’s Travels

Leo Chow’s Chinese Food Radio City Music Hall

What? Samgyeopsal


Lazy Diner



Cafe Francesco

Club Pasha

Joongang Police Station



B1 Who’s Bob 3F MF Bar 2F Pan Asia

B1 Haberdashery

Samduk 112 Police Station

119 Samduk Fire Station


Club Pasha


Rock&Tacos Hot Gossip

Thursday Party I

1F Seorae 3F Club That 4F Horus Garage


Viniroo Bombay Rounge


10 Gold Label

Go Go Vinyl

Burger & Pasta

Mies Container

Traveler’s Bar and Grill

11 Makgeoli

6 Mies Factory

Bunny's VIN

B1 Who’s Bob 3F MF Bar 2F Pan Asia

B1 Haberdashery

Lazy Diner

Bulzip Samgyeopsal


Rock&Tacos Hot Gossip

Thursday Party I

53-4, Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu

New York Dental Clinc

(Lee Pal GongWon)


BanwoldaInternational City 12 ng Statio n




Glass Baba


1F Seorae 3F Club That 4F Horus Garage


14 DakGalbi (Fried Chicken and rice)

Gold Label

Old Skool

Seoga n’ Cook

2.28 Park Memorial park

Dos Tacos Joongang Police Station

Hyundai Department Store


Thursday Party II Buy The Book

All for Skin

Lotte Cinema Joseph Skin Care



Gulliver’s Travels

Leo Chow’s Chinese Food

t tric ing

District Little Italya



Glass Baba O

Jeju 18 Doyaji 21

Kingston Hair Shop

International City





053.427.9399 17:00~02:00 Korean BBQ

New York Dental Clinc

Memorial park (Lee Pal GongWon)

Bulzip Samgyeopsal

Seoga n’ Cook

Hyundai Department Store

Lotte Cinema Joseph Skin Care


International City

Sushi Neko

2F, 49-12, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu 2.28 Park

DakGalbi (Fried Chicken and rice)

Hot Tracks CGV Daegu Academy

053.284.6009 1pm-12am, 12pm-2am(Fri & Sat) Russian & Uzbekistan Restaurant Halal Food

Billibow 2F

Dos Tacos


053.257.9007 12:00pm-11:00pm Pasta, Salads, Coffee

Skin Care 5000 (KFC 7F) KFC

See Chanel


Hot Tracks CGV Daegu Academy

Hooka Bar (꽃)

To Zoo2004 Motel, Yellow Mellow Motel

406-14, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu


(꼬꼬촌) Everyday 11am – 9pm Fried Chicken and Rice

La Luce

2F, 141, Dongdeok-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.606.0733 12:00~22:00(break : 15:30~17:30) Italian Food Holidays: Sundays & Holidays


2F, 15, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Lazy Diner

Interesting interior Everyday 11am – 10pm Burgers and Breakfast

Little Italia

49-18, Dongserongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Chef studied in Italy. 053-426-3992 12:00~23:30 Italian Food Holidays: The day and the next day of Seolnal and Chuseok 58-12, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Mies Container

Electronic music and Bacon Pizza Everyday 11am – 2am Pasta, Pizza, Salad

50-14, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Mies Factory

One of the busiest restaurants downtown. Everyday 11am – 2am Pasta, Pizza, Salad

Pan Asia

58-18, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.287.7940 12:00~23:00 (break : 15:00~17:00) Holidays: Asian Food Once a month(Tuesday)


43-9, Gyeongsanggamyeong-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu


28-12, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.252.7529 [Weekday] 11:30~23:00 [Weekends] 11:30~24:00 Jazz/ Guest house/ Italian restaurant Holidays: Second & Fourth Sundays

(Shovel Samgyeopsal)

053.252.1266 Everyday 3pm – 3am Samgyeopsal - thick slices of pork belly


3F, 59, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.252.4021 11.00~22:00 Russian & Uzbekistan food Holidays: Second & Fourth Sundays



68, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Seoga & Cook

053.254.9989 Everyday 11:00am – 11pm Korean Western Fusion

Seorae Galmaegi

1F, 58-6 , Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.255.8970 16:00~17:00 Korea BBQ

YMCA 1F, 375, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu

Sushi Neco 053.252.7855 11:30~22:00 Japanese Food


412-10, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.256.9707 Everyday 11am~11pm (order 10pm) Western Food

Thursday Burger & Pasta

1F, 58-20, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.426.0384 11:00~01:00 Burger & Pub

Traveler’s Bar & Grill

4F, 7, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.426.5567 [Weekdays] 17:00~ [Weekends] 12:00~ Burger & Sports Bar Holidays: Mondays

32-43, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu


Different flavored Samgyeopsal. Everyday 11am – 1am Samgyeopsal - Korean BBQ

Yakjun Hanbang Samgyetang

54, Dalgubeoldaero415-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu


09:00~21:00 Korean Food Holidays: New Year's Day, Seolnal(3days), Chuseok(3days)



BARS& CLUBS Photos by Ivan Broida, Vacquer Richard, Fuzz @

Daegu thrives at night. Downtown is loaded with bars and clubs to meet everyone’s drinking and partying needs. Challenge yourself and try out places you’ve never been. Won’t break the bank Who cares, hav’n funz Millionaire Club

80, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

AU Lounge

Upscale and good for large groups. Everyday 6pm – 4am Bottle service, trendy

Billi Bow & Dart

95, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Lots of Dart Machines and Pool Table Everyday 6pm – 4am Western food, on 2FL of Lotte Cinema 20-3, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Bus Bar

Theme bar, fun atmosphere. Everyday 6pm – 4am Korean fusion food

Bunny’s Bar

58-19, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

010-7417-6288 - English 010-4434-1207 - Korean Sun - Thu = 8pm-2pm Fri - Sat = 7pm-4pm Take-out Bag Drinks available / Sit in


85, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Longest running bar in Daegu. A must go to. Everyday 8pm – 4am Beer, Trivia Night, Sports



2F, 58-6, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Club THAT 053.427.7171 19:00~03:00 Live bar

Old Blue

34, Gongpyeong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.427.8447 05:00~02:00 Jazz Club Holidays: Sundays & Holidays

20-13, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Flower Bar

Apple is the best! Everyday 6pm – 4am Wine and Hooka Bar

28-6, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Club Frog

4am~headed to Frog? Everyday 9pm – 4am Hip-hop / Dance / Party

Gold Label

62, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Good for large groups who drink. Everyday 6pm – 3am Top 40 hits / Good Beer 58-19, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Go Go Party

Everyone’s favorite bag drink! Everyday 7pm – 4am Party / Hip-hop / Dance

20-7, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Club EGG

Upscale club, 17,000w cover. Everyday 9pm – 4am Party / Hip-hop / Dance

23, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu


010.7527.4879 Everyday 8pm – 4am Party / Hip-hop / Dance


MF Bar

58-10, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

My Favorite bar ~ owners are cool! Everyday 7pm - 4am Darts / Music Requests / Cheap Booze 56, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Old Skool

Ghetto blaster! Everyday 7pm - 4am Hip-hop / Dance / Pool

Club Pasha

40-5, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

3 : 1 Women to men ratio, always. Everyday 9pm - 4am Large Club / Banging House Music

Teum Lounge

4F, 55, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Classy lounge with a sexy, futuristic atmosphere. Everyday 7pm – 3am Electronic Music B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Thursday Party I

The best of the best go here. Everyday 7pm – 4am Beer Pong, Darts, Danc’n

50-8, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Thursday Party II

053.252.1266 Everyday 7pm – 4am Beer Pong, Shuffle Puck, Darts

50-18, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Urban Club & Lounge Live Music on the weekends. Everyday 7pm – 4am Live Music, Darts, Hip-hop

58-10, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Who’s Bob

The Bob. Everyday 8pm – 4am Beer Pong, Dart Machine, Pool





SPOTS Photos by Ivan Broida, Vacquer Richard, Fuzz @

Chung Baek Won

25-1, Jong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.253.1121 09:00~20:00 Tea & Ceramics Holidays:Sundays

Glass Baba Optical Shop

402, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu

053.423.9001 09:30~23:00 Eyewears

604, Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

See Channel 053-427-0033 10:00~22:00 Eyewear

Tokyo & Pearl

65, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

053-253-9034 10:00~20:30 Jewelry Holidays:Wednesdays

Vanity London Haberdashery

B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

053-422-7708 12:00-03:00 Men Clothing


39, Gongpyeongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

053-710-3700 [Weekday] 10:00~20:00 [Weekends] 10:00~21:00 Velvet Gallery Holidays:Seolnal(3days), Chuseok(3days)



Connoisseur Check out these other great eats around town.

Apsan Area Gooksu Gooksu is known for its 'slow food' approach when preparing its delicious dishes for customers. Slow food doesn't mean it takes hours to cook, it just means everything is made from scratch. The restaurant has an Italian Firenze style atmosphere and serve fabulous pasta dishes. It is also famous for its T-bone steak and Ripieno pizza. Try it tonight! Your taste buds won't be disappointed. Check out the Apsan Map on p59 for directions. 12PM~12AM • 053-625-1365 • 2, Hyeonchungro7-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu

12 Kitchen & Bar Homemade style pizza and pasta are on the menu at 12 Kitchen & Bar. The chef and owner, Yoon Gyeong-su, has studied in Italy and brought back some amazing recipes. The restaurant uses organic vegetables and ingredients from their own farm. If you are a meat lover and looking for the best steak in Daegu, this may be the place to come. 1kg of succulent, juicy T-bone steak served with roasted potatoes and garlic is a mouth watering, inducing thought just waiting to fill your appetite. Check out the Apsan Map on p59 for directions. 11:30AM~10:30PM • 053-652-8007 • 41-1, Hyunchoong-ro, Nam-gu, Daegu

Bongdeok-dong Area Hamimami's The best brunch restaurant in Daegu. HamiMami's has been in Bongdeok area since 2008. HamiMami's serves real western style breakfast, sandwiches, burritos, and other comfort food foreigners enjoy while living in Korea. Mr. Ha's friends shared special home-made recipes that they craved to eat in Korea, but couldn't find before; making HamiMami's an one of a kind restaurant. HamiMami's home-made biscuits, gravy, hash browns and sausages are the best in the country. They also have fresh bread delivered daily to make their sandwiches irresistible. Come on down to HamiMami's and experience a bit of home. 8AM~9PM(break time for weekdays : 3PM~5PM) • closed on Mondays 053-475-5242 • 87, Samjeong-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu



Daebong-dong Barazi Barazi brings Japanese flair to Daegu. Barazi specializes in great Japanese cuisine. The restaurant feels like a home away from home. The soothing atmosphere provides customers a chance to relax with a cup of tea or some warm saki! The owner of Barazi is also an expert florist and can help arrange all your floral needs. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p59 for directions. Check out the Bangcheon Market Map on p59 for directions. 12PM~12AM • 010-4505-3396 • 13-16, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Gajok Gajok means 'family' in Korean. That's the feeling you get when you step inside this wonderful Korean restaurant. Now, before you start to get a mental picture of the food it serves, just know that most of the meat is from the thigh and not the actual foot. What??? Yes, Gajok serves pig's foot for dinner.. But it's not like you are eating the hoof of the pig. In Korea, the foot and leg seems to go hand in hand, so it is similar to eating drumsticks (chicken legs). Enjoy! Check out the Bangcheon Market Map on p59 for directions. 1PM~1AM • 053-252-1481 • 7-16, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Daehan News / Two Ppul Grilled over an open flame. That's the concept behind Daehan News and Two Ppul. After selecting your choice of steak or pork, a server really heats things up as it cooks your meat with a mini blowtorch. Sounds hot, right? The Korean sides provided compliment the meal perfectly. The interior of both restaurants is in true Korean 'pojang macha' style where dining around a stainless steel table with clear plastic walls sheltering you from the elements. So next time its Korean night, head on over to either of these meaty restaurants. Check out the Bangcheon Market Map on p59 for directions. <Daeghan News> 12PM~12AM • 053-423-3990 • 6, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu <Two Ppul> 5PM~1AM • 053-422-1033 • 7-15, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Pic&iq VIP treatment at Pic&iq is what you get when dining at this special restaurant. The owner and chef caters personally to your dinner party since you have to make a reservation before coming. Why, you might wonder? Pic&iq is only opened from 6-10pm, and you can call from 3pm to reserve one of four tables. The dinner is a set menu of grilled, marinated pork, tortilla bread, salad and grilled tomatoes and bananas. The chef also prepares a special ramyeon for the meal. VIP treatment without the VIP prices makes this a wonderful experience. Check out the Bangcheon Market Map on p59 for directions. 6PM~11PM • 053-253-9782 • 2232-15, Dalgubeol-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu closed on Sundays

Kim Gwang-suk Road Not far from bustling downtown next to the Bangcheon Marketplace, Kim Kwang-suk Road is a lengthy alleyway that displays several murals and other small works of art upon its walls, dedicated to the popular Korean folk singer in the late 80’s and early 90’s, Kim Kwang-suk (1964~1996). He was well loved by the younger generations at the time for his soulful vocals and contemplative lyrics which deeply reflected the transition of Korea in late 80s. The area is quite isolated, taking you away from the busy and hectic city life, and dropping you into a surrealistic wonderland of art where time seems to be still for a moment.


Suseong-gu Pietra - Pietra (삐에뜨라) is a fine dining experience that everyone should try at least once in their life. Pietra uses Italain recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. Along with fresh ingredients and spices, meals are served with homemade bread that is baked daily. Enjoy your meal with hand-select wine by the owner and chef. Impress that special someone tonight at Pietra! 11:30AM~11PM (break time : 3PM~5PM, last order 10PM)

Ganga - A cuisine worthy of Shiva. This upscale Indian restaurant has great curries. Their naan is quite exquisite as well. You can even order samosas! Wash it down with a nice mango lassi and you have yourself an aroma massage for your stomach! Check out the Suseong Lake Map on p60 for directions. Weekedays : 11:30AM~10PM (break time : 3PM~5:30PM) Weekends : 11:30AM~10PM 053-768-3610 • 35, Muhak-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu

Carlo Owner Giovanni Kim has lived and trained in Italy for 14 years. Mr. Kim can speak several languages including English and Italian. Trained as an Italian Chef. The menu is traditional Tuscan style cuisine; however special requests are available with 24 hour notice. Check out the Suseong Lake Map on p60 for directions. 11:30AM~12:30AM (last oreder : 11:30PM) 053-781-5655 • 47, Suseongmot2-gil, Suseong-gu, Daegu

Kyungpook Uni. area Indo Bangrangi Sanjay welcomes you! Renovated and redesigned last year, this Indian restaurant is famous for its curries. The chef is from India and speaks English very well. Plus, he’s super friendly and will answer all your existential Indian food questions. The restaurant is located on the 3rd floor right across from Kyungdae Buk Moon (north gate). Check out the Kyungdae North Gate Map on p56 for directions. 11AM~10PM • 053-956-9940 • 81, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu closed major holidays

Saladdin Rashid Ahmed and his family strive for excellence in creating the most delicious and authentic dishes available. He and his brother, Shafiq, have more than 20 years of experience between the two of them in cooking traditional Indian-Pakistani food. Walking up the photo packed stairway will begin your journey into the atmosphere of India and Pakistan. And then the sweet and spicy aromas of curry and spices permeating the air will confirm that you have arrived. Come by and be engulfed by the aromas, sights, and tantalizing tastes of India and Pakistan! 11AM~11PM • 053-942-3535 • 3F, 79, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu




HOTEL GUIDE Downtown Area Hotels Near the nightlife

Welcome to the Daegu Compass hotel information guide. We will also be adding a guide about motels soon. Daegu is very spread out, and not all the hotels will be convenient for you. We hope our hotel guide will help you with making your decision on where to rest your weary bones for the night.

Novotel Ambassador Daegu Add : 대구광역시 중구 국채보상로 611번지 Tel : 053- 664-1111 Website : Email : Room rates start from 154,000+ won (10% VAT will be added)

Fantastic all you can eat dinner buffet!

Eldis Regent Hotel Add : 대구광역시 중구 동산동 360번지 Tel : 053-253-7711 Website : Email : Room rates start at 100,000won

Close to Hyundai and Dongha Shopping

Nam Gu Area Hotels Near Camp Walker

Hotel the Palace Add : 대구광역시 남구 봉덕3동 688-1번지 Tel : 053-471-9911 Website : Email : no online reservation system Room rates start at 99,000won

Near Camp Walker Clean and Friendly

Prince Hotel Add : 대구광역시 남구 대명2동 1824-2번지 Tel : 053-628-1001 Website : Email : Room rates start at 105,000won

Western and Korean rooms available



HOTEL GUIDE Buk Gu Area Hotels

Inter-burgo EXCO Add : 대구광역시 북구 유통단지로 80 Tel : 053-380-0114 Websiste : Email : Room rates start at 19,000 won

Great for conventions

Suseong Gu Area Hotels 10 min from Dongdaegu station

Daegu Grand Hotel Add : 대구광역시 수성구 범어1동 563-1번지 Tel : 053-742-0001 Website : Email : Room rates start at 240,000won

One of the top hotels in Daegu

Hotel Inter-burgo Add : 대구 수성구 만촌동 300번지 Tel : 053-6027-171, 173 Website : Email : Room rates start at 330,000won

Daegu Casino is open!

Hotel Ariana Add : 대구광역시 수성구 두산동 200-1번지 Tel : 053-765-7776 Website : Email : Room rates start at 110,000won

Great all-you-can-eat buffet located in the basement

Hotel Suseong Add : 대구광역시 수성구 용학로 106-7 Tel : 1899-1001 Website : Room rates start at 270,000won

Beautiful view of Suseong Lake 79


GUIDE Downtown Area Hotels Near the nightlife

Welcome to the Daegu Compass guest house information guide. Guest houses offer a more personal experience while staying in Daegu. Many of the guest houses are located in what is considered "old Daegu" and still retain much their traditional charm. The owners are very helpful in setting up tours and guides around the city and offer activities for their guests to take part in during their stay. If your just passing through, or looking to stay for an extended time, Daegu's guest houses are always open.

Danim Backpackers (Bongsand-dong)

Add : 대구광역시 중구 봉산문화2길 42-31 Tel : 070-7532-9119 Website : Dormitory rates start at 20,000won

Cozy rooms and great location

Danim Backpackers (Jin Golmok)

Add : 대구광역시 중구 진골목길 12 Tel : 070-7504-4115 Website : Dormitory rates start at 20,000won

Grew location and friendly staff

Pann Guest House Add : 대구광역시 중구 경상감영길 43-9 Tel : 053-252-7529 Website : Email : Dormitory rates start at 25,000won

Traditional Korean room and great food

The Style Guest House Add : 대구광역시 중구 서성로14길 26 Tel : 010-3932-0727 Website : Email : Dormitory rates start at 25,000won

Clean rooms and great location 80


Downtown Area Hotels Near the nightlife

The Empathy Guest House Add : 대구광역시 중구 중앙대로79길 32 Tel : 070-8915-8991 Website : /empathy215/50178074339 Dormitory rates start at 23,000won

Great dorm rooms and helpful staff

Peter Pan Guest House Add : 대구광역시 중구 국채보상로123길 23 6층 Tel : 010-4023-7982 Website : Email : Dormitory rates start at 18,000won

Wonderful dorm rooms and excellent staff

Cheongra Eondeok Add : 대구광역시 중구 달구벌대로401길 22 Tel : 010-3823-9662 Website : Email : Dormitory rates start at 23,000won

Love the bunk beds


Compass All-Stars The Daegu Compass wants to be the best source of information for visitors and foreigners living in Daegu. In order for that to happen, we need your help. Although we have lived in Daegu for many years, we know that each person’s experience in Daegu is different. We would like to help share your experiences with others living in and visiting this unique city. Get started by joining our team of volunteer writers, photographers, translators and promoters as we gear up for something special, something different, something new. The Daegu Compass will help make your stay in Daegu a memorable one. Gift certificates, discounts on events, travel opportunities, and more are available for those who sign up. Email us at: to start getting involved in your community. We feel the Compass is on the right track, but with your help it can be GREAT! Thanks Daegu, for gett’n it done! - The Daegu Compass team -






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