July 2017 The Daegu Compass

Page 1


July 2017

Colorful Daegu



Samsung Lions

An Interview With Darin Ruf

JO Croissant

Bread and Bean 12 Summer Festivals in Korea Part 1 July

From Canada to South Korea Becoming a Mother Abroad



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The Daegu Compass would like to dedicate this page to all of our SPONSORS who make this information guide possible. Without your support now and in the future, we couldn’t make the Daegu Compass. We’d also like to thank everyone in the community who takes time out of their day to enjoy the Daegu Compass. Our goal is to constantly improve to help your stay in Daegu be the best time of your life. Please visit our SPONSORS to show them appreciation for supporitng the Daegu Compass.


Sincerely, The Daegu Compass Team






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Compass Sponsors



Around Daegu



Thursday Party MIES Factory Go Go Vinyl Who’s Bob Caliente Mushroom Lounge Club THAT +More

Tilt Bar and Grill

Novotel Inter-burgo Exco Inter-burgo Manchon Daegu Grand Hotel +more coming soon

Camp Walker Camp Henry Camp Carroll Hami Mami’s Hagwons Universities Public Schools Daegu Banks +More

Busan All Thursday Party bars



Daegu is very spread out. We need your help with distribution. Email us at info@daegucompass.com to find out how you can help. Thanks!


Editor Notes

Hi Daegu, Welcome to the July 2017 Daegu Compass. We are excited to bring you another packed issue! We have details on the summer festivals coming up this July, an interview with a Samsung Lions player, some great restaurant reviews, and much much more! We want to thank all our Compass readers and contributors who make this information guide such a great publication. If you have a special restaurant, cafe, or bar that you like to go to - and you think our readers should too - send an email to our Assistant Editor at alex@daegucompass.com. Also, if you are interested in learning how to be a writer, photographer or get involved with the Compass, send us an email at lindsay@daegucompass.com - we hope to hear from you soon. We also want to take a moment and thank all of our sponsors old and new for helping to keep the Compass a free publication. Best, Yuri Lee and The Daegu Compass Team

• Managing Editor Yuri Lee • Publisher Miyong Ha • Creative Director Scott McLaughlin • Editor-in-Chief Lindsay Mickles • Assistant Editor Alex Hernandez • Graphic Designers Eun Ji Lee • Translation Director Scott McLaughlin & Yujeong Lee • Event Director Yuri Lee • Writers, Proofreaders and Photographers Alex A-che Bridgett Hernandez Emerson Goodman Gwendolyn DeSilva Michael Clark Rikus Matt Wessels Sarah Lee Son JunHo Thomas Capranica Yujeong Lee • Sales & PR Yuri Lee

대구광역시 수성구 동대구로73길 14(범어동) 401호 Fax 053-742-0393 Tel 053-742-0392 Mob 010-5386-0908 E-Mail yuri@daegucompass.com • Cover photo submitted by Cover photo by The Daegu Art Museum


Editor Notes



• Articles

• Useful Information

• Maps

• Samsung Lions

p 008

• JO Croissant

p 012

• Buzzing Brown Bricks

p 016

• The Butchers

p 020


p 024

• Summer Reading Pt. 1

p 028

• Summer Cooking

p 032

• 12 Summer Festivals in Korea Part 1

p 036

• From Canada to South Korea

p 040

• Bank Information

p 045

• How To Order Food

p 046

• Event Calendar

p 047

• Useful Korean Expresssions

p 050

• Daegu Area Map

p 052

• Downtown Map

p 054

• Downtown Restaurants

p 056

• Downtown Bars and Clubs

p 060

• Downtown Shopping Spots

p 064

• Downtown Tourism

p 065

• Guest House Guide

p 066

• Hotel Guide

p 067

• Compass Connoisseur

p 068

• Yangyeongsi Area Map

p 070

• Bongsan Art Street and Daebong Library Area Map

p 072

• Seomun Market Map

p 074

• Exco Map

p 076

• Kyungpook National Univ. North Gate Map

p 078

• Suseong Lake Map

p 080

• Limosine Bus Schedule

p 081

• Subway Map

p 082

본 매거진 내 콘텐츠의 저작권은 저작권자 또는 제공처에 있으며,

이를 무단 이용하는 경우 저작권법 등에 따라 법적 책임을 질 수 있습니다. Copyright © 2016 Daegu Compass. All rights reserved.



Samsung Lions

An Interview With Darin Ruf

• Interview by Terry Faulkner Photos courtesy of the Samsung Lions Translated by Yujeong Lee SPONSORED CONTENT

The Samsung Lion’s new first baseman Darin Ruf is beginning to make waves in his first KBO season. In 56 games for the Lions, Ruf has posted a .296 batting average with 11 HR and 47 RBI despite having a rough start. He took some time recently to answer questions before hitting 2 singles and a double in the Lions victory against the fifthranked SK Wyverns. He spoke about his turnaround, the transition from MLB to the KBO, his future and more. 삼성 라이온즈의 새로운 1루수, 다린 러프선수가 그의 첫번째 한 국프로야구 시즌에서 바람을 일으키기 시작하고 있다. 러프선수 는 어려웠던 출발에도 불구하고 쉰여섯 번의 경기에서 11홈런, 47타점, 평균타율 .296의 기록을 세우고 있다. 최근 5위를 차지 하고 있는 SK 와이번스를 상대로 1루타 두 개, 2루타 한 개로 삼 성의 승리를 거두기 전, 잠시 인터뷰를 할 시간을 내 주었다. 러프 선수와 함께 MLB에서 KBO로의 이적 및 변화, 그의 미래 등에 대 해 이야기를 나누었다.


Samsung Lions

Darin, you had a bit of a rough start to the season but in your last five games, you've been hitting at .370 with a double last night and the homer against KT on the 14th. With a season average of near .300, you've turned around a bit. Where did that turning point occur? Was it the walkoff homer you hit against Doosan on May 2nd? 러프 선수, 시즌을 좀 어렵게 시작했었는데요, 하지만 지난 밤 에 친 2루타 하나와 14일 KT를 상대로 친 홈런과 함께 지난 다 섯 경기 동안 .370 타율을 기록했습니다. 시즌 평균타율이 거 의 .300인데 원래대로 좀 돌아오고 있군요. 그 터닝 포인트가 어디에서 일어난 것일까요? 5월 2일 두산을 상대로 친 홈런이 부진과 이별하는 포인트였나요?

“…Yeah, that was the probably the swing that, gave me the most confidence I would say…but getting to settle in, the ten days that I got in the minor leagues, let me clear my head, kind of refocus on…that it’s just a game, it should be fun and I put too much pressure on myself to make a good impression…to prove to the team that I was the guy that they thought I was. Having that ten days helped me refine some things but also take a break, mentally. And then to have that impact the very first game I came back, then


come out the next day and then get a couple hits and then get a couple more hits. [My] confidence just grew.” “...네, 아마도 바로 그 스윙이었습니다. 가장 큰 자신감을 줬다 고 말하고 싶네요...하지만 자리를 잡게 된 것은 마이너 리그에 있었던 열흘이 머리를 비워준 것입니다. 다시 집중을 하게 해 준 거죠.... 단지 경기일 뿐이에요, 경기는 즐거워야 하고요. 그러나 좋은 인상을 남기기 위해 제 스스로에게 너무 많은 부담을 줬어 요...팀에게 제가 팀이 원하는 사람이라는 것을 증명하기 위해서 요. 마이너 리그에서의 열흘을 보낸 것은 몇몇 가지를 재정비하 게 도와주기도 했지만 휴식을 취하게도 해 줬어요. 정신적으로 요. 그리고 나서 바로 그 첫번째 게임에서 그 효과를 보기 위해 돌 아와서 다음 날에 경기에 나갔고 안타를 두 개를 치고 나서 두 개 를 더 쳤어요. 제 자신감이 커졌죠.”

Could you walk us through the whirlwind that was going from the Phillies to the Dodgers and ending up here in Daegu with the Lions? 필리스에서 다저스로 그리고 이 곳 대구의 삼성 라이온즈로 오 기까지 벌어진 정신없는 일들을 정리 좀 해주실 수 있을까요?

“…It all happened really fast…it was Super Bowl Sunday and my agent contacted me…crazy game and then a crazy day for me…I was on the Dodgers team at the time when my agent told me ‘they were thinking of selling your contract’ two days before I was going to go to Arizona to report for Spring [training]…and then agreed to a contract while I was in Arizona. So then I had to fly back to Omaha the next day. We’d already shipped our cars, my wife and my son and I and then ship our cars back to Omaha. Then I was on a plane to Denver because I didn’t have a passport…I had to get a passport that day, fly to LA, fly to Seoul…and then Daegu to get a physical because we were on a time clock for the Dodgers to agree to sell my contract. I had to get my physical over here so it was a busy, busy week.” -continued on p10-



“…모든 일이 정말 급하게 일어났어요.…수퍼볼이 있는 일요일 이었는데 제 에이전트가 연락을 했어요…대단한 경기였고 저한 테도 대단한 날이었죠.… 스프링 캠프[훈련]에 참여하려고 애리 조나에 가기 이틀 전에 제 에이전트가 ‘구단에서 너를 이적시키 는 것을 고려하고 있어’라고 이야기했을 때만 해도 다저스팀에 있었어요. 그리고 제가 애리조나에 있는 동안 계약에 동의를 해 서 그 다음 날 오마하로 다시 날아와야 했어요….우리는 이미 자 동차를 보낸 상태였어요. 제 아내와 아들과 저는 오마하로 돌아 오고 차도 다시 오마하로 돌려 보냈어요. 그리고 나서 저는 덴버 로 가는 비행기를 탔는데 여권이 없었기 때문이었어요…그 날 여 권을 취득해야 했고, LA로 간 다음, 서울로, 그리고 대구로 가야 했어요.…다저스가 제 이적에 동의하는 데 시간이 촉박했기 때문 이었거든요. 이 곳에서 제 피지컬 테스트를 받아야 해서 매우 바 빴던 주였어요.”

What about this new environment and with new distractions, the fans and the noise in the stadium, how do you keep focused? 새로운 환경과 집중을 어렵게 하는 팬 및 경기장의 소음같은 새 로운 요소들은 어떤가요? 어떻게 계속 집중력을 유지하나요?

“The fans actually help you stay focused, as into every pitch as they are…Here, every pitch is so impactful on the game and the fans realize that…it makes you stay that much more focused.” “사실 팬들은 집중력을 유지하게 해줘요. 그 분들이 매 피칭마다 집중하는 것만큼이나요. 여기에서는 매 피칭이 경기에 큰 영향을 미치고 팬들도 그 점을 알아요. 그런 점이 훨씬 더 집중력을 유지 할 수 있게 해주죠.”


Samsung Lions

So it’s actually easier to stay focused over here than back home? 그렇다면 실제로 미국에서보다 한국에서 집중하기가 더 쉽나 요?

“Yes, definitely, unless I start singing the songs in my head…the game is a lot of fun over here…it’s opened my eyes to a lot and I’ve enjoyed the whole thing.” “네, 확실히요. 제 머릿 속에서 노래를 부르기 시작하지 않는 한 은요…이 곳에서의 경기는 굉장히 재미있어요. 많은 것에 눈을 뜨게 해 주었고 저는 모든 것을 즐기고 있어요.”

What about the likelihood of returning to MLB? As you know, Eric Thames became the first foreign player (while playing for the NC Dinos) to win the MVP for the KBO. He is now playing for the Brewers, could you see yourself someday coming back to be closer to home and family? MLB로 돌아갈 가능성은요? 본인도 아시다시피, 에릭 테임스 선수가 (NC 다이노스에서 뛰는 동안) KBO에서 MVP를 수상 한 첫번째 외국인 선수가 되었죠. 현재는 테임스 선수는 브루어 스에서 뛰고 있는데요, 본인은 언젠가 집과 가족에게 더 가까운 곳으로 돌아갈 것이라고 생각하나요?

“If the opportunity presents itself sure but at this point in my career I think I will go wherever it makes sense for my family…and our future. The culture over here has really opened my eyes to the importance of being able to interact with all kinds of people. That would be important for my son to grow up in…and so far I’ve felt very


appreciated over here and that definitely helps coming to the field every day, to do the work and try to do the best for the organization.” 만약 그렇게 기회가 된다면 당연하죠. 하지만 제 경력상 현재로 써는 제 가족과 저희의 미래에 도움이 되는 곳이라면 어디든 갈 것이라고 생각해요. 한국의 문화는 다양한 사람들과 교류를 할 수 있는 것에 대한 중요성을 잘 깨닫게 해 주었어요. 그 점은 제 아들이 자라나는 데에 있어서도 중요하고요. 그리고 지금까지 이 곳에서 매우 감사하고 있고 그런 점이 확실히 매일 필드에 오는 것을 도와주고 있어요. 훈련을 하고 팀을 위해서 최선을 다하고 자 노력하도록 말이죠.

Darin is down-to-earth and sincere. In high school he received all state honors in both American football and baseball. He attended university at Creighton graduating with a business degree and an impressive 3.51 GPA. He has won numerous awards in the minor leagues and despite all of his successes, he remains humble and this quote says it best: 러프 선수는 현실적이고 진실하다. 고등학교 때는 미식축구와 야 구 종목 모두 주대표로 선발이 되었다. 그리고 크레이튼에 있는 대학교를 다녔으며 경제학으로 학위를 받고 좋은 평점인 3.51점


으로 졸업했다. 마이너 리그에서 수많은 상을 받았으며 이러한 모든 성공에도 불구하고 여전히 겸손하다. 다음 러프 선수의 말 이 이를 가장 잘 나타내준다.

“As an athlete I try to never root against another athlete; football, baseball, basketball, whatever sport…I certainly want others to do well. I don’t want anyone to perform poorly because I know how hard I take it and I’m sure they put in just as much in as I do.” “운동선수로써 다른 운동선수가 실패하기를 바라는 것을 절대 하지 않고자 했어요. 축구, 야구, 농구, 무슨 운동이건 간에 말이 죠. 저는 분명히 다른 사람들도 잘 하기를 바라요. 아무도 형편없 이 하는 것을 바라지 않아요. 왜냐하면 제 자신이 얼마나 열심히 하는 지 알고 제가 하는 만큼 그 사람들도 열심히 하는 게 틀림없 거든요.”

He certainly made a fan of this interviewer and I look forward to watching and supporting him and Lions in many more games in the future. SAMSUNG FIGHTING! 러프선수는 기자 본인을 확실히 팬으로 만들었다. 앞으로의 수많 은 경기에서 러프선수와 삼성을 볼 수 있기를 고대하며 응원할 것이다. 삼성 파이팅!


JO Croissant Bread and Bean

Let’s face it, the human body just cannot function without a certain amount of carbohydrates, so why not make them delicious, right? There are tons of carbs all around Daegu, bakeries, doughnut shops, cake places, buns filled with all kinds of wonderful things, like red beans, green tea pudding, cream cheese and things that you never fathomed could or would or “should” be injected inside a bun, nevertheless, they are out there for your consumption, and mine. I’m certain, at some time or another I have tried them all, skipping around town on a weekend or back and forth to and from work in need of an energy boost. Normally I go in thinking I’m going to buy one, maybe two items, but that never works out, and I walk out with a bag of things, especially with the way they


JO Croissant

• Written and photographed by Michael Clark Translated by Yujeong Lee

have so many samples here in Korea. I just love how you can try just about anything, several times in fact, without getting “that look”, when you reach for a second piece. One thing I have never been a big fan of is scones. When I was first introduced to scones, I was served a very dry, hard, brittle thing that almost choked me to my demise on the spot. Hated it. I wondered, how can anyone tolerate these things. What’s the big deal anyway. It wasn’t until years later, when I went into JO Croissant in Beomeo 3 Dong, near my home that I was enticed enough from the aesthetics of a scone I saw, to try one more time.


인정할 것은 인정하자. 인간의 몸은 적당한 양의 탄수화물 없이 는 제대로 기능을 할 수가 없다. 그렇다면 탄수화물을 맛있게 만 들면 되지 않을까? 그렇지 않은가. 대구에는 탄수화물이 넘쳐난 다. 빵집, 도넛가게, 케이크 가게, 다양하고 맛있는 속으로 채워 진 빵들이 있다. 그리고 팥, 녹차크림, 크림치즈, 한 번도 생각해 보지 못 한 것이 빵 안에 들어갈 수도, 들어갈 지도, 혹은 들어가 야만 한다. 어쨌든 여러분과 필자의 소비를 위해 그런 것들이 존 재한다. 필자는 주말에 동네를 돌아다니거나 출퇴근을 하면서 에 너지가 필요할 때 이래저래 그 모든 것들을 먹어보았다고 확신하 다. 보통 하나 혹은 두개만 살 것이라 생각하고 가지만 한 번도 그 렇게 된 적이 없었고 빵을 한 봉지씩 사서 나온다. 특히나 이 곳 한국에서는 정말 많은 샘플이 있기 때문이다. 두번째 빵 조각을 가져가려고 할 때 받는 그런 시선없이 뭐든지 몇 번씩이나 먹어 볼 수 있다는 것이 정말 좋다. 한 번도 크게 좋아한 적이 없던 것 은 바로 스콘이다. 처음 스콘을 알게 되었을 때 바싹 마르고 단단 하고 잘 바스러져 그 자리에서 거의 질식사할 뻔한 스콘을 받았 다. 정말 싫었다. 이런 것을 대체 누가 참아낼 수 있는 지 궁금했 다. 어쨌든 뭐가 그렇게 대단한 건가 했다. 몇 년 후 필자의 집 근 처에 있는 범어 3동의 조 크루상에 가볼 때까지는 대단한 것이 아 니었다. 한 번 더 먹어볼 만큼 필자가 봤던 그 스콘의 아름다움에 서 충분히 설득받았다.

JO Croissant is a small, corner bakery, coffee place, that specializes in artisan breads, scones, cookies and sweet treats, but not too sweet, as the Koreans prefer. It’s a quaint little corner café nestled out of the way adjacent World Meridian Western County apartments, not too far from Hyperion apartments. The staff is very nice and speaks enough English to deal with me when I come in and generate a welcome feeling. They always have samples along the front window for tasting so you can try before you buy, which is great if you see something that looks interesting but you’re not quite sure what it is. Also, another nice thing is that you can get little mini loaves of bread whole or sliced, that are about half the size of a full loaf, so you’re not throwing away bread mid-week when it’s going moldy or drying out. In addition to the fantastic breads and cookies, they have cakes as well and very good latte, mocha and cappuccino made to order upon request. All of their breads are handmade of course and you can literally watch them being done and being put into the oven and cooling on the racks before they go onto the shelf, not frozen or pre-made. Oh yeah, they have a stamp card as well, so you can get a bonus after you collect a certain amount of points. -continued on p14-




JO Croissant


조 크로아상은 모퉁이에 있는 작은 베이커리이자 카페이며 아티장 브레드, 스콘, 쿠키, 한국인들이 선호해서 만드는 달콤 한, 그러나 너무 달지 않은 디저트류를 전문으로 하고 있다. 월드 메르디앙 웨스턴 카운티 아파트에서 가까운 길에서 조 금 벗어난 곳에 자리 잡은 작고 분위기 있는 코너 카페이며, 하이페리온 아파트에서도 그렇게 멀지는 않다. 필자가 카페 로 들어섰을 때 종업원들은 매우 친절했고 외국인을 상대할 만큼 영어도 잘 했으며, 환대받는 느낌을 들게 해 주었다. 맛 을 볼 수 있도록 앞쪽 창가를 따라 샘플을 항상 두고 있어서 빵을 사기 전에 먹어 볼 수도 있다. 보기에는 괜찮지만 맛이 어떨지 확신이 잘 서지 않기에 이런 것이 좋다. 다른 좋은 점 은 작은 조각이나 슬라이스로 빵을 살 수 있다는 점인데 원래 사이즈에서 반 정도 된다. 그래서 주중에 빵에 곰팡이가 슬거 나 말라버렸을 때 모두 버리지 않아도 된다. 환상적인 빵과 쿠 키 외에도 주문을 했을 때 요청하는 대로 만들어주는 정말 괜 찮은 라떼, 모카, 카푸치노 뿐만 아니라 케이크도 있다. 조 크 루상의 모든 빵은 물론 수제이며 말 그대로 빵을 만들고 오븐 에 넣고 진열대에 놓이기 전에 식히는 과정을 지켜 볼 수도 있 다. 얼리거나 공장에서 만든 것이 아니라 말이다. 참, 여기에 는 스탬프 카드도 있는데 적정 포인트를 모은 후에 보너스를 받을 수 있다. Add: 24, Deulan-ro 78-gil, Suseong-gu Contact: 053-759-7197 주소 : 수성구 들안로78길 24 전화번호 : 053-759-7197 DAEGU COMPASS JULY 2017



HOURS: Mon-Sat 11:30-10:30 (last call @ 9:30) Sun 11:30-9:30 (last call @8:30) Closed on 2nd & 4th Mondays




727-19, Daebongdong, Jung-gu (대구시 중구 대봉동 727-19번지) Tel. 070.4118.0188 instagram: @_surfandturf facebook: /surfandturfkorea





Buzzing Brown Bricks: Daegu’s Social Hotspot

Nestled in the heart of downtown Daegu, is a 3-story culture lounge and café, with a unique atmosphere and décor, ranging from industrial vintage design to a tribute to Rock and Roll legends. The exposed brick interior, combined with classic leather couches and posters and photos from 20th-century Dutch photographers and artists, such as Ed van der Elsken, make Brown Bricks a great spot for various occasions; such as coffee with a friend, beers with mates, and even first Tinder dates. 대구 동성로 중심가에 자리 잡고 있는 3층짜리 문화 라운지 겸 카 페가 있다. 이 곳은 공업적 빈티지 디자인에서부터 락앤롤의 전 설에 대한 트리뷰트까지 어우르는 독특한 분위기와 장식으로 꾸 며져 있다. 클래식한 가죽소파와 에드 반 데르 엘스켄과 같은 20 세기 독일 사진작가와 미술가가 만든 포스터와 사진이 어우러져


Buzzing Brown Bricks

• Written by Rikus Matt Wessels Photos by Son JunHo Translated by Yujeong Lee

있고, 노출된 벽돌로 된 실내장식이 브라운 브릭스를 다양한 목 적에 맞는 멋진 곳으로 만들어주고 있다. 친구와 커피를 마시거 나 남자들끼리의 술 한 잔, 첫번째 틴더(역주: 데이트앱) 데이트를 할 곳으로도 말이다. Customers are usually met by a friendly dog named Gray. This greyhound has claimed her fame and can be seen on various Instagram accounts. The owner, Son JunHo, is a dynamic man with his finger on the pulse of Daegu's social scene. Prior to opening Brown Bricks, JunHo was the owner of Greyhaus, a jewelry and accessories store on bar street. He has a fine eye for fashion and is now selling some products, ranging from trendy silver rings to bracelets at Brown Bricks.


손님들은 그레이라고 하는 친근한 개를 보게 된다. 이 그레이하 운드는 유명한데다가 인스타스램 계정에서 많이 볼 수도 있다. 주인인 손준호씨는 대구의 소셜씬에서 활발하게 활동하고 있는 사람이다. 브라운 브릭스를 개업하기 전에는 클럽골목에 위치한 악세서리 가게 그레이하우스의 주인이었다. 패션에 대한 안목이 좋아서 지금은 브라운 브릭스에서 트렌디한 은반지에서부터 팔 찌 등의 제품을 판매하고 있다. Brown Bricks offers a variety of bottled beers and ciders, such as Monteith's Apple ciders, and ales, Kona Beers and other IPAs. Draft beers include Paulaner, Guinness, and Goose Island, alongside Big Wave Golden Ale and more. When it comes to cocktails, they are worth the money. The Katharsis, a personal favorite, is a sweet relief after a long day at work. Other cocktails include Jack Honey cider, and Hendricks Gin and Tonic, with more tasty thirst quenching beverages on the menu. Alcoholic beverages are between 6.000 and 9.000 won, and are served with a side of salted mini-pretzels, by a team of friendly Korean lads. 브라운 브릭스는 다양한 병맥주와 몬티스의 애플사이다 같은 사 이다, 에일 맥주, 코나 맥주, 다른 IPA 맥주 등을 판매한다. 수제맥 주에는 빅 웨이브, 골든 에일 등과 더불어 파울러너, 기네스, 구스 아일랜드가 있다. 칵테일을 이야기해보자면 가격만큼 값어치를 한다. 개인적으로 가장 좋아하는 카타르시스는 직장에서의 기나 긴 하루 끝에 달콤한 휴식이다. 다른 칵테일로는 잭허니 사이다, 헨드릭스 진앤토닉 등과 함께 갈증을 풀어주는 더 맛있는 음료들 이 메뉴에 올라와있다. 알콜이 들어간 음료는 6천원에서 9천원 사이이고 친절한 한국인 남자종업원들이 소금이 뿌려진 미니 프 레첼과 함께 내온다. JunHo gets his coffee beans from ‘Coffee Place’ in Gyeongju, where there is a pro roaster, that comes in to train the new baristas. An Espresso will set you back 3.500won, whilst the unique Green Tea Tiramisu will be worth the 6.000 won. Those with a sweet tooth can indulge in the Brown Bricks Brownies and Madeleines. 손사장님은 전문 로스터가 있는 경주의 ‘커피 플레이스’에서 원 두를 가져오는데, 새로운 바리스타들을 길러내는 곳이기도 한 다. 에스프레소는 3,500원이고 독특한 녹차티라미스는 6,000원 치의 값을 한다. 단 것을 좋아하는 사람들은 브라운 브릭스 브라 우니와 마들렌을 실컷 먹을 수도 있다. -continued on p18-



Brown Bricks offers a basic bar menu, designed for all types of casual social interactions. The cheeseburger is a customer favorite, along with a mouthwatering, and tantalizingly fragranced Bricks Chicken Curry. The dishes, which can easily be shared, are in the 10.000 won price range. JunHo is currently planning on adding pizza to the future menu, so be sure to follow their Instagram (id: brownbricks_official) for updates on that! 브라운 브릭스는 바의 기본적인 메뉴를 갖추고 있는데 사람들간 의 다양한 만남을 모두 고려하고 있다. 치즈버거는 군침이 돌게 하는 감질나는 냄새를 풍기는 브릭스 치킨 커리와 함께 손님들이 가장 좋아하는 메뉴이다. 쉽게 사람들과 나눠먹을 수 있는 음식 들은 1만원 선이다. 손사장님은 현재 차후 피자를 메뉴에 추가시 키려는 계획이 있다고 하니 이에 대한 새로운 소식을 알려면 브 라운 브릭스의 인스타그램(id: brownbricks_official)을 팔로우 하길 바란다. The café attracts a vibrant crowd from diverse subcultures and backgrounds. The music ranges from Reggaetón to hip-hop and k-pop. The choice of music depends on the mood and feelings of the close-knit staff members; a group of friends that support each other, and inspire each other to pursue their dreams. They want to offer comfort to all different types of people, and not only focus on one style; as they want to attract a wide variety of customers to come and enjoy this versatile social café. 카페는 다양한 하위문화와 배경을 가진 활기찬 손님들을 끌어 모 은다. 음악은 레게톤에서 힙합 및 K팝까지 어우른다. 음악 선곡은 분위기나 한가족 같은 종업원들의 기분에 달려있다. 이들은 서로 를 응원해주는 친구들이자 각자의 꿈을 쫓아 갈 수 있도록 서로 격려한다. 다양한 손님들이 와서 이 다목적 소셜 카페를 즐겨보 고자 하기에 가지각색의 손님들에게 모두 편안함을 주고 싶어하 며 한가지 스타일에만 집중하지 않는다.


Buzzing Brown Bricks

Brown Bricks host special DJ events on Fridays and Saturdays between 8 pm to 11.30pm, with DJ Gorillaz and DJ Acorn soothingly entertaining the customers. It is the perfect atmosphere for a Fire Friday session with friends. 브라운 브릭스는 매주 금요일과 토요일 오후 8시에서 11시 30분 까지특별한 DJ 이벤트를 여는데, 편안하게 손님을 즐겁게 해 주 는 DJ 고릴라즈와 DJ 에이콘과 함께이다. 친구들과 함께 불금을 보내기에 완벽한 분위기이다. On the third floor, customers can enjoy the great rooftop deck, with a backdrop of downtown, and a Williamsburgfeel. This is the perfect spot to enjoy an ice-cold beer or cocktail in the sweltering Daegu summer. The third floor comes with dart boards, where you can challenge your friends or some of the other customers to see who can get that 501. Designers and artists are often seen there working on projects, and the café often collaborates with designers, by selling some fashionable items in the café. Interior Design students frequently visit the café to take pictures for their projects. 3층에서는 손님들이 멋진 루프탑 데크를 즐길 수 있는데 시내를 배경으로 월리엄스버그 같은 분위기가 난다. 이 곳은 무더운 대 구의 여름에 차가운 맥주나 칵테일을 마시기에 완벽한 장소이다. 3층에는 다트도 있어서, 친구들이나 다른 손님들과 함께 누가 이 기는지 도전해 볼 수도 있다. 프로젝트를 하고 있는 디자이너들 과 예술가들도 종종 보이고, 디자이너들의 패션 아이템을 카페 에서 판매하는 등 디자이너들과 협업을 하기도 한다. 실내장식을 배우는 학생들도 프로젝트 과제를 위한 사진을 찍기 위해 종종 방문한다.


Friendly smiles in a relaxing atmosphere, ice cold drinks, a dash of caffeine, and tasty food; all make the visit to Brown Bricks worth it. 편안한 분위기 속의 친절한 미소, 시원한 한 잔과 몇몇 커피, 맛있 는 음식. 모든 것이 브라운 브릭스에 가 볼 만하게 한다. Directions: For those coming from the Banwoldang metro station; go straight out of exit 10 by the big Shinhan Bank, pass the S-Tower building, and turn left down the first alley, which will throw you onto cell-phone street. Turn right and walk for about 25 meters, and turn left onto Dongseong-ro 3-gil. Brown Bricks will be 80 meters down to your left, with Club Volt across the street from it to your right. 가는 방법 : 반월당역에서 오시는 분들은 신한은행 옆에 있는 10 번 출구로 나와서 S타워 건물을 지나 첫번째 골목에서 왼쪽으로 꺾어 들어가는데, 휴대폰 골목으로 들어가게 된다. 오른쪽으로 꺾어서 25m 정도 걸어간 다음 왼쪽으로 돌아서서 동성로 3길로 간다. 브라운 브릭은 여기에서 80m 정도 더 가서 왼쪽에 있고, 오른쪽으로는 클럽볼트가 길 건너편에 있다.


Address: 21, Dongseong-ro 3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu, Business Hours: Mon-Sun, 12pm – 1am Instagram (id: brownbricks_official) 주소 : 대구광역시 중구 동성로3길 21 영업시간 : 일-월, 12pm – 1am 인스타그램: id - brownbricks_official


The Butchers Best of Both Worlds

• Written and photgraphed by Sarah Lee Translated by Yujeong Lee

Looking for restaurants with both good food and good vibes outside downtown Daegu is one of my favorite pastimes. Last weekend, we found a place with sizzling, juicy steaks in the Daebong area. 대구 번화가 밖에서 좋은 음식과 좋은 분위기를 모두 갖춘 식당 을 찾는 것은 필자가 가장 좋아하는 취미 중 하나이다. 지난 주에 우리는 지글지글거리는 육즙 가득한 스테이크를 대봉동에서 찾 았다. Daebong is like the ugly sister of downtown Daegu - ugly but with an excellent personality that no one really knows about. It’s sprinkled with cool bars and fusion dining and it’s a ten-minute walk to downtown Daegu. 대봉동은 대구 시내의 못생긴 여동생같은 곳이다. 못생겼지만 아 무도 제대로 알지 못 하는 정말 좋은 성격을 가지고 있다. 멋진 바, 퓨전 다이닝이 곳곳에 있고 대구 시내에서도 도보로 10분 정 도가 소요된다. One of the coolest fusion restaurants is ‘The Butcher’s’. As you can tell by its name - they serve meat, specifically beef. 이 곳의 가장 멋진 퓨전 레스토랑은 ‘더 부쳐스’이다. 이름에서 말 할 수 있듯이 이 식당에서는 고기, 특히 쇠고기를 내놓는다. Their interior had a warehouse kind of vibe with dim lights and simple furnishing and glass windows, when we came - it was already packed so we had to write our name and number down so they could call us when a table opened. It had a lively, easy going vibe with people talking over sizzling steaks and alcohol bottles, their voices reverberating through the cement walls. 인테리어는 흐릿한 조명과 간단한 가구 및 유리창이 있어 창고같 은 느낌이었다.. 우리가 갔을 때 이미 사람들로 꽉 차 있어서 나중 에 자리가 나면 우리에게 전화를 할 수 있도록 이름과 전화번호 를 적어야 했다. 지글거리는 스테이크과 술병 너머로 대화를 하 는 사람들로 인해 활기가 넘치고 느긋한 분위기였는데, 사람들의 목소리가 시멘트벽을 치고 울려 퍼졌다. What’s so special about this place? They have dry aged beef (300g 35,000 Won) hanging right there in plain view, they also serve tender raw Hanu beef (육회) 25,000 Won for a medium, Gyozas 8,000 Won, Korean pancakes 8,000 Won and they also serve spicy, steaming hot jjigaes (찌개)


The Butchers


ranging from 4,000 Won to 25,000 Won depending on how many people you’re with. 이 곳이 뭐가 그렇게 특별할까? 부쳐스에는 바로 잘 보이는 곳에 걸려 있는 드라이 에이징한 쇠고기(300g, 3만5천원)가 있고, 또한 중간 사이즈의 부드러운 육회는 2만 5천원, 만두 는 8천원, 파전은 8천원, 맵고 김이 펄펄 나는 뜨거운 찌개는 인원수에 따라 4천원부터 2만 5천원까지이다. Another catch? Their alcohol selection. Ranging from Macallan whiskey (2 shots, 16,000 Won), Indica IPA beer (8,000 Won), classic soju to wines and Moet champagnes. 눈길을 끄는 또 다른 메뉴는 또 무엇이 있을까? 맥켈런 위스 키(2샷, 1만6천원), 인디카 IPA 맥주 (8천원), 어디나 있는 소 주에서부터 와인과 모엣 샴페인까지 갖춰져 있는 술 메뉴가 있다. We ordered the normal steaks 300g for 26,000 Won (the dry aged ones weren’t ready). It came in a skillet paired with asparagus, whole garlic head, cabbage and onions AND a grilled banana. 우리는 300g에 2만6천원인 보통 스테이크를 주문했다.(드 라이 에이징 스테이크는 준비가 안 되어 있었다.) 스테이크 는 아스파라거스, 통째로 나온 마늘, 양배추, 양파, 구운 바나 나와 함께 납작한 팬에 담겨져 나왔다. The steak was cooked to perfection - charred on the outside and a nice dark pink hue on the inside. It was buttery, juicy and flavorful even though we could tell it was only seasoned with a little salt and pepper. And there was a way to eat it, you take a piece of sliced steak, put it on top of a piece of grilled cabbage, a little wasabi and a little garlic and boom. That was one of the best combinations I’ve ever had. My friend, who has a high quality palate, enjoyed it immensely. 스테이크는 완벽하게 조리되었다. 겉은 바싹 익히고 보기 좋 은 어두운 핑크색이 안쪽에 자리잡고 있었다. 약간의 소금과 후추로만 양념이 되어 있다고 할 수 있지만 버터향이 가득 하고 육즙도 있었으며 풍미가 가득했다. 그리고 먹는 방법이 있었는데 스테이크 한 조각을 구운 양배추 위에 올리고 약 간의 와사비와 마늘을 넣어 먹으면 꿀맛이다. 이제껏 먹어본 최고의 조합 중 하나였다. 매우 미식가인 친구도 매우 음식 을 즐겼다. -continued on p22-



나나는 그릴 위에 한동안 올려져 있어서 훨씬 더 달았으며 입안 을 잘 정리해 주었다. 전체적으로 필자는 이 곳을 추천해주고 있 다. 특히나 여러분이 늘 똑같은 시내에 질려서 조금 느긋한 분위 기를 찾고 있다면 말이다. On that same night, my friend and I found two more places that we promised we’d try some other time such as the Singapore style beef jerky bar, an American barbecue restaurant (ribs!), jazz bars and live bars. Daebong is filled with small, secret food spots with people lining up. 같은 날 밤에 친구와 필자는 싱가폴식의 육포바, 미국식 바베큐 레스토랑(립!!), 재즈바와 라이브바 등 언젠가 가보자고 약속했던 두 장소를 더 찾아냈다. 대봉동은 사람들이 줄 서 있는 작고 비밀 스러운 식당으로 가득한 곳이다. To get to The Butcher’s, get off at Kyungpook National Hospital on the green line (경대병원역) and get out of Exit 3, walk up a block and turn to the alley on your right, walk for a little and turn to the first alley on your left - it is on the same side as Sung Shin Pharmacy (성신약국). 부쳐스에 가려면 지하철 2호선 경대병원역 3번 출구에서 한 블럭 을 걸어 올라가서 오른쪽에 있는 골목으로 들어간 다음, 조금 걷 다가 왼쪽에 있는 첫번째 골목으로 들어간다. 성신약국과 같은 쪽에 있다.

We also ordered some spicy pork jjigae with rice. It was a little on the spicy side (for someone who can't really eat spicy food), however I kept going for more. It was a satisfying, well-seasoned soup that was perfect with the buttery steak and rice. 우리는 밥과 함께 돼지 두루찌개도 주문했다. (매운 것을 정말 못 먹는 사람에게는) 좀 매운 편이었지만 필자는 계속 먹었다. 만족 감이 드는 양념이 잘 된 국물이었고 버터향이 나는 스테이크와 밥과 완벽하게 어울렸다.

Contact: 053-257-0345 Address: 9-18 Daebong 1(il)-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu 대구 중구 달구벌대로440길 9-18 Business Hours : Tues – Fri 5PM – 1AM, Sat / Sun 4PM – 1AM Closed Mondays 전화번호 : 053-257-0345 주소 : 대구 중구 달구벌대로440길 9-18 영업시간 : 화-금 5PM – 1AM, 주말 4PM – 1AM 월요일 휴무

I asked the waiter what the banana was for; do I eat it with the steak? Apparently it was dessert. The charred banana was extra sweet due to it being on the grill for a while and it was a nice palate cleanser. Overall, I would recommend it, especially if you’re tired of the same old downtown scene and you’re looking for something that’s a tad low key. 종업원에서 바나나는 무엇을 위한 것인지, 스테이크와 함께 먹어 야 하는 것인지 물어보았다. 듣기로는 디저트였다. 바싹 익힌 바


The Butchers




ROK-U Ultimate Daegu, Ultimate Frisbee • Written by Thomas Capranica Photographed by Emerson Goodman Translated by Yujeong Lee

If you’ve been in downtown Daegu, you may have seen one of the strewn-up pieces of white plastic adorning the walls of some of the local watering holes. These would-be dog toys are the titular object of a growing sport in Korea and worldwide. 대구 시내에 가 봤다면 여러분은 아마도 몇몇 펍이나 바의 벽을 장식하고 있는 하얀 플라스틱 물체를 봤을 수도 있다. 강아지의 장난감이 될 수도 있는 이 물체는 한국과 전세계에서 성장하고 있는 스포츠의 도구이다.

What: The Sport of Ultimate Frisbee 무엇을 : 얼티밋 프리스비라고 하는 스포츠를 There’s a piece of plastic, a patch of grass, turf, or sand. There’s your team, the good guys, and there’s the villainous other team. There’s running, throwing, catching, and all the trimmings of your standard weekend-warrior adult recreational activity.



플라스틱으로 된 물건과 잔디, 인공잔디 혹은 모래로 된 적정 사 이즈의 공간이 있다. 그리고 착한 편인 당신의 팀과 사악한 상대 팀이 있다. 달리기, 던지기, 잡기, 주말 전사인 성인들의 일반적인 여가활동에서 파생되는 이런저런 것들이 있다. So, what makes ultimate different? While the gameplay steals from some of the more well-known team sports, ultimate sets itself apart with something called “Spirit of the Game”. There are no zebras (referees) in ultimate. Nobody to throw your arms up at in disgust after a particularly egregious call. Nobody except your opponent, with whom you’re going to have to put on your adult pants and work through your feelings about said adult recreational activity. When it’s done, sideline beverages are readily available.


그렇다면 얼티밋을 특별하게 만드는 것은 무엇일까? 경기방법은 더 잘 알려진 팀 스포츠의 몇몇에서 가져온 반면에 얼티밋은 “스 피릿 오브 더 게임”이라고 불리는 것으로써 다른 스포츠들과 거 리를 두었다. 얼티밋에는 심판이 없다. 특히나 터무니 없는 콜이 나온 후에도 아무도 넌더리를 내며 두 팔을 공중으로 번쩍 들어 올리지 않는다. 어른답게 행동해야 할 것이고 소위 성인들의 여 가 활동인 얼티밋 프리스비에서 일어나는 일에 대해 당신의 감정 을 제대로 조절할 줄 알아야 하는 상대는 상대팀 뿐이다. 모든 것 이 끝나고 나면 사이드라인에서 바로 한 잔 할 수 있다.

Who: 40+ Daegu chingus and 200+more from the rest of the country 누가 : 40명이 좀 넘는 대구 친구들과 그 외의 지역에서 오는 200명이 넘는 친구들이 Playing ultimate is fun, but it’s not the main attraction of the league. The bus rides, the dinners, the parties, and the jam-packed love motel rooms with your team are what make the weekends.

얼티밋을 하는 것은 재미있지만 그 것이 리그의 주요 매력은 아 니다. 버스여행, 팀 회식, 파티, 팀과 함께 하는 즐거움이 압축되 어 있는 러브모텔이 주말을 즐겁게 만든다. Last season, Daegu fielded three teams: Lightning, Hurricane, and Tsunami. Once the registration period is complete, team captains draft the players to determine which sweet jersey you’ll get your name on the back of. 지난 시즌에는 대구는 라이트닝, 허리케인, 쓰나미 등 세 팀을 내 보냈다. 등록기간이 끝나면 팀의 주장들이 선수들의 이름이 뒤에 새겨질 멋진 유니폼을 정하기 위해 선수들을 드래프트 한다.

When: Weekends 언제 : 주말에 The Republic of Korea Ultimate (ROK-U) league plays spring and fall seasons, from March-June and AugustNovember respectively. All games are played on weekends with 2-3 games in a day. The highlights of the season are the ‘Double’ weekends where teams play games on both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday games end with the -continued on p26-



sunlight, leaving loads of time to enjoy the aforementioned night-time festivities. The level of fatigue after these weekends has ruined many a hagwon on Monday. ROK-U 리그는 봄과 가을에, 각각 3월에서 6월 그리고 8월부터 11월에 시즌을 보낸다. 모든 경기는 하루에 2-3경기씩 주말에 열 린다. 시즌의 하이라이트는 토요일과 일요일 양일에 모두 경기를 하는 ‘더블 위켄드’ 이다. 토요일에는 앞서 언급한 밤시간의 축제 를 즐길 충분한 시간을 남기고 석양과 함께 게임을 마무리한다. 이 ‘더블 위켄드’ 다음에 찾아오는 피로도는 많은 학원강사들의 월요일을 망친다. Before you know it, five weekends over the course of three months won’t seem like enough and you’ll find yourself unable to wait until the next plastic chasing opportunity. Never fear, there are endless opportunities to play between ROK-U weekends. 정신을 차리기도 전에, 삼개월 중 다섯번의 주말이 충분하지 않 아 보일 것이고 다음 원반을 던질 기회까지 기다릴 수 없는 자신 을 발견하게 될 것이다. 걱정하지 않아도 된다. ROK-U 주말 사이 사이에 프리스비를 할 수 있는 기회가 끝없이 있다.

Where: All over Korea 어디에서 : 한국 전역에서 Over the last two seasons ROK-U has played in 8 different cities: on the turf and grass in Daejeon, Hongseong, Ulsan, Cheonan, Gwangju, and Gyeongju, and on the beach in Pohang and Busan. While the team public transportation trips are a delight, one of the more fun options is the team rented bus, fully equipped with its own 노래방. 지난 두 시즌 동안 ROK-U는 8개의 도시에서 경기를 펼쳤다. 대 전, 홍성, 울산, 천안, 광주, 경주의 천연잔디 및 인공잔디 경기장 에서, 그리고 포항과 부산의 해변에서 말이다. 팀과 함께 대중교 통을 이용하여 여행을 하는 것도 즐겁지만 더 재미있는 선택지는 팀끼리 노래방 기계가 설치되어 있는 버스를 대절하는 것이다.

Why: Weekend agendas full of long intercity bus




rides, sweating your butt off, and getting no sleep. You never had it so good. 왜 : 긴 시외버스 여행, 흠뻑 흘리는 땀, 잠도 자지 않는 일정으로 가득한 주말 계획. 여러분은 이렇게 좋은 것은 해본 적이 없으니까

Registration for the Fall Season Opens July 1st through the 30th. To get involved check out our Facebook page, Republic of Korea Ultimate. 가을 시즌 등록은 7월 1일부터 30일까지이다. 리그에 참여하고 싶다면 ROK-U 페이스북, Republic of Korea Ultimate 페이지 를 참고 하길 바란다. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rokultimate/ Website: http://www.rokultimate.com/



Summer Reading Pt. 1 Hey Daegu, what are you reading this summer? • Written by Alex A-Che Translated by Yujeong Lee

Hey Daegu, what are you reading this summer?

안녕하세요, 대구여러분! 이번 여름엔 무슨 책을 읽으실 건가요? GAME OF THRONES! Since the new season is coming out this summer. All the snow and cold makes for a nice counterpoint to the Daegu heat :) - Rachel 왕좌의 게임(Game of Thrones)! 새로운 시즌이 이번 여름에 나 오기 때문이다. 책에 나오는 눈과 추위가 대구의 열기에 좋은 대 조가 된다. :) - 레이첼 Game of Thrones …epic series, epic TV show. It doesn’t even need a blurb. 왕좌의 게임… 멋진 시리즈 이자 끝내주는 TV 드라마이다. 굳이 설명할 필요가 없다. My favourite summer books were always those old Louis L'Amour books! But if you can't find any, the mysteries of P.D James always satisfy. I recently read Death in Holy Orders and long ago, Shroud for a Nightingale. And, of course, she wrote the very pertinent and very prescient Children of Men. You can see I think of 'summer reading' as light. - Nikola


Summer Reading Pt. 1

내가 가장 좋아하는 여름의 책은 항상 루이스 아모르(Louis L'Amour)의 그 오래된 책들이다! 하지만 만약 당신이 작가의 책 을 아무 것도 찾을 수가 없다면 P.D 제임스(P. D. James)의 미 스테리한 이야기들도 항상 만족스럽다. 최근에 “Death in Holy Orders”를 읽었고 오래 전에 “나이팅게일의 비밀(Shroud for a Nightingale)”을 읽었다. 물론 작가는 매우 적절하고 매우 선견 지명이 돋보이는 “칠드런 오브 맨(Children of Men)”을 썼다. 여 러분은 내가 ‘여름책’을 가벼운 내용으로 생각한다는 것을 알 수 있을 것이다. - 니콜라 The Children of Men is a dystopian novel by P. D. James that was published in 1992. Set in England in 2021, it centres on the results of mass infertility. The film in 2006 received a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes. “칠드런 오브 맨”은 P.D 제임스가 쓴 디스토피아적인 내용을 담 은 소설로 1992년에 출판되었다. 배경은 2021년의 영국이며 대 규모 불임의 결과에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 2006년에 나온 영화는 로튼 토마토에서 92% 지수를 받았다. No particular plans, but I'm looking forward to Vonnegut's "If This Isn't Nice, What Is?" after re-reading this "South of the Border, West of the Sun" by Murakami. Both are recommended. - Mike


특별한 계획은 없지만 지금 다시 읽고 있는 무라카미 하루키 의 “국경의 남쪽, 태양의 서쪽(South of the Border, West of the Sun)”을 끝내고 커트 보니것(Vonnegut) 작가의 "그 래, 이 맛에 사는거지(If This Isn't Nice, What Is?)" 두 책 모 두 추천한다. - 마이크 “If This Isn't Nice, What Is?: Advice to the Young” is a 2013 collection of nine commencement speeches from Kurt Vonnegut. After the publication of his satirical novel Slaughterhouse-Five brought him worldwide acclaim in 1969, Kurt Vonnegut became one of America's most popular graduation speakers. “그래 이 맛에 사는거지”는 커트 보니컷(Kurt Vonnegut)이 쓴 졸업식 연설문 아홉편을 2013년에 모아놓은 모음집이다. 1969년 그의 풍자소설 “제5도살장(Slaughterhouse-Five) 이 그를 세계적으로 찬사를 받게 한 후, 커트 보니컷은 미국 에서 가장 인기있는 졸업식 연사자 중 하나가 되었다.

-continued on p30-



The Things You Can Only See When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim - Keiko 해민 스님의 “멈추면, 비로소 보이는 것들(The Things You Can Only See When You Slow Down) - 케이코

As heard on NPR’s All Things Considered— A multimillioncopy bestselling book of wisdom about the importance of slowing down in our fast-paced world. It has sold over 3 million copies here in Korea. The author speaks eight areas of our lives, including relationships, love, and spirituality, emphasizing the importance of connecting with others and being compassionate and forgiving toward ourselves. 미국 공영 라디오 방송인 All Things Considered에서 이렇게 들 었다. 우리의 급박한 세상에서 느리게 사는 것에 대한 지혜의 내 용이 담긴 수백만권이 팔린 베스트셀러라고. 한국에서 3백만부 이상이 팔렸다. 저자는 관계, 사랑, 정신성 타인과 연결되는 것의 중요성에 대한 강조, 열정적으로 사는 것, 스스로에 대한 용서를 포함하여 우리 삶의 여덟 부분에 대해 이야기를 한다. Ender's Game series 엔더스 게임 (Ender's Game) 시리즈

- Janet - 쟈넷

Ender's Game is a 1985 military science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card. Set in the future and in preparation for an anticipated third invasion by insect-like aliens, children (including the protagonist, Ender Wiggin) are trained from a very young age through increasingly difficult games, where Ender's tactical genius is revealed. A 2013 film was released, with Harrison Ford acting in it. If you are a scifi fanatic, plenty have recommended this series though not much can be said for the film. 엔더스게임은 1985년에 미국작가인 올슨 스캇 카드(Orson Scott Card)가 쓴 군사과학소설이다. 곤충과 유사한 외계인의 예 측된 3차 침략에 대비하는 미래를 배경으로 하고, 어린이들은(주 인공인 엔더 위긴을 포함하여) 매우 어린 나이 때부터 갈수록 점 점 더 어려운 게임을 통해 훈련을 받는데, 여기에서 엔더의 전략 적인 천재성이 드러난다. 2013년에 영화화되었고, 해리슨 포드 가 출연했다. 만약 여러분이 공상과학 팬이라면 영화에 대해서는 그다지 말할 것이 없어도 이 시리즈에 대해서는 적극 추천한다.


Summer Reading Pt. 1


The Girl with all the Gifts, Wanderlust, Gone with the Wind, Practical Magic, Sugar Queen, the whole Harry Potter set in one go, Fire Starter, Carrie, the Stand, and It (before I watch the new tv show. ) - Sandy The Girl with all the Gifts, Wanderlust, 바람과 함께 사라지다 (Gone with the Wind), Practical Magic, Sugar Queen, 한 번 에 다 보는 해리 포터 시리즈 전체, , Fire Starter, 캐리(Carrie), 스탠드(the Stand), and 잇(It) (새로 나온 TV 쇼를 보기 전에) - 샌디 2016년에 나온 The Girl with all the Gifts는 미래에서 일어나는 일이다. 이상한 곰팡이가 발생하여 거의 모든 사람들이 배려심 이 없어지고 살을 뜯어먹는 괴물이 된다. 과학자와 교사가 이 곰 팡이에 면역이 된 한 소녀를 찾았을 때 그들 모두 인류를 구원하 기 위한 여정을 시작한다. I'm looking forward to reading Borne by Jeff Vandermeer. He wrote the Southern Reach Trilogy which was great. Not sure how I'm going to get hold of a copy though. - John


나는 제프 밴더미어(Jeff Vandermeer)가 쓴 Borne을 읽어보기 를 고대하고 있다. 그는 정말 재미있었던 the Southern Reach Trilogy를 썼다. 그렇지만 어떻게 책을 손에 구할 지 모르겠다. -존 Newly published, Borne is a post-apocalyptic science fiction novel by American writer Jeff VanderMeer. In the ruins of a city in the future, controlled by a bioengineered bear named Mord, a woman named Rachel lives as a scavenger, collecting genetically engineered organisms and experiments created by the biotech firm the Company. Hidden in Mord's fur, she finds a sea anemone shaped creature she calls Borne. 새롭게 출간되었으며, Borne은 미국 작가 제프 밴더미어가 쓴 종 말 이후의 공상과학소설이다. 미래 속 도시의 폐허에서 생명공학 자에 의해 통제되는 곰 모드, 쓰레기를 뒤지며 살아가는 여자 레 이첼이 살고 있다. 레이철은 컴퍼니라고 하는 생명공학 회사에 의해 유전적으로 조작된 유기체와 실험체를 모은다. 그녀는 모드 의 털 속에 숨겨진 본이라고 부른 말미잘 모양으로 생긴 생명체 를 발견한다.


Summer Cooking How to Make Pickles

• Written and photographed by Bridgett Hernandez https://thenakedforeigner.com Translated by Yujeong Lee

Since I moved to South Korea, I’ve missed deli-style dill pickles. I’ve got nothing against Korean pickles, but they’re a completely different animal. Korean pickles — usually a mix of cucumber, radish and sometimes peppers — are sweet and sour and sometimes a little spicy. They’re served alongside fried chicken, pizza and other Westernstyle foods to cut through the richness. 한국에 온 이후로 미국식당에서 주로 사용하는 딜 피클 맛이 그 리웠다. 그렇다고 한국식 피클 맛에 대한 불만이 있는 것은 아니 다. 그저 둘은 맛이 다를 뿐이다. 한국식 피클은 보통 오이와 무, 가끔 고추를 넣어 만드는데 보통 새콤달콤한 맛에 가끔씩 약간의 매운 맛이 나기도 하며 주로 통닭, 피자 등 서양 음식을 먹을 때 느끼함을 달래기 위해 함께 제공되곤 한다.

But there’s nothing like biting into a crunchy, briny spear with your sandwich or burger. I’ve been craving deli-style dill pickles (the kind you find in the refrigerated section at the grocery store in America), but I’ve never been able to find them at the Korean supermarket. I decided to try my hand at homemade ones and was pleasantly surprised how easy it was! 하지만 샌드위치나 햄버거에 들어있는 아삭하면서도 짭짤한 딜 피클의 맛과는 전혀 다르다고 볼 수 있다. 난 델리 스타일의 딜 피 클이 너무 먹고 싶었지만 한국 슈퍼마켓에서는 미국 식품점의 냉 동식품코너에서 쉽게 찾을 수 있는 딜 피클을 찾을 수가 없었다. 그래서 난 직접 딜 피클을 만들어봐야겠다고 생각했고 이것은 예 상외로 매우 쉬운 일이어서 기분좋은 놀라움을 느꼈다.


Summer Cooking


I looked at half a dozen recipes for refrigerator dill pickles to figure out a ratio for the brine (in my opinion, the saltier and sourer, the better!) and figure out what ingredients would be easiest for me to find at a Korean supermarket. Here’s the recipe I came up with. Enjoy! 피클을 만들기 위한 재료의 배합을 알아보기 위해 여섯 가지 정도의 딜 피클 레시피를 살펴보았고(개인적으로는 더 짜고 신 맛일수록 좋다!) 한국 상점에서 구하기 쉬운 재료들을 찾 아냈다. 그 결과로 나온 레시피를 여기에 소개한다. Easy Refrigerator Dill Pickles 간단한 딜 피클 만들기


2 cups of water 1 1/4 cup vinegar (white or apple cider will do) 3 tablespoons salt 4 cucumbers (or enough to fill two glass spaghetti sauce jars) 4 cloves of garlic Dill (I prefer fresh, but it’s hard to come by, so I usually use dried) Pickling spice Crushed red pepper flakes -continued on p34-




물 2컵 식초 1과 1/4컵 소금 3 테이블스푼 오이 4개(혹은 스파게티 소스 유리병 2개를 채울만한 양) 마늘 4쪽 딜 (생 것이면 좋지만 구하기 어려우면 마른 것을 써도 됨) 피클 스파이스 크러쉬드 레드 페퍼


1. Combine salt, water and vinegar in a pot on the stove. Give it a stir and bring it to a boil. Then turn off the heat and let it cool down. 소금과 물, 그리고 식초를 냄비에 넣고 끓을 때까지 저어 준 다음 불을 끄고 식힌다. 2. In the meantime, add 1/2 teaspoon dried dill (or 1 sprig of fresh dill), 1/2 teaspoon pickling spice, a pinch of crushed red pepper flakes and a smashed clove of garlic to each jar. 1번이 식는 동안 건조된 딜 1/2티스푼(혹은 생 딜 1장), 피클 스파 이스 1/2티스푼, 크러쉬드 레드 페퍼 한 꼬집, 마늘 하나를 으깨 서 각 유리병에 넣는다.


Summer Cooking

3. Cut the cucumbers into slices or spears and add them to the jars. Top the cucumbers with the other smashed clove of garlic. 오이를 슬라이스하거나 세로 방향으로 두 번 잘라 병에 담고, 원 하는 모양으로 자른 후 각 병에 담고 오이 위에 남을 마늘을 빻아 서 올린다. 4. Carefully fill the jars with hot (not boiling!) brine. The cucumbers should be completely submerged. There will probably be some liquid leftover. Secure the lids and give the jars a gentle shake to distribute the spices throughout the jar. 뜨거운 1번을 병에 조심스럽게 채운다. 오이가 충분히 잠겨야 하 고, 1이 조금 남을 지도 모른다. 뚜껑을 덮은 다음 가볍게 흔들어 내용물이 골고루 섞이도록 한다. 5. Refrigerate for four days then enjoy! Keep your pickles refrigerated. 냉장고에 4일 동안 보관 후 맛있게 먹으면 된다. 피클은 냉장보관 한다.




12 Summer Festivals in Korea Part 1 July

• Written by Gwendolyn DeSilva [http://memoriesnotmaterialthings.com] Photos by Lindsay Mickles [www.flickr.com/koreanet, www.flickr.com/shin2chilism] [www.flickr.com/stinkiepinkie, www.flickr.com/bastus] Translated by Yujeong Lee


12 Summer Festivals in Korea Part 1

Summer is officially here! Along with the stifling humidity and oppressive heat. Avoid the temptation to stay in the cool indoors and head out to one of the peninsula’s fascinating summer festivals instead. From getting dirty in the mud to listening to rock concerts to eating your weight in chicken and beer, there is at least one event to help you forget the scorching heat. Here are just a few that you won’t want to miss: 드디어 여름이 왔다! 답답한 습도와 숨막히는 열기와 함께 말이 다. 시원한 실내에 있으라는 유혹을 뿌리치고 대신에 한국의 멋 진 여름 축제 중 한 곳에 가 보는 것은 어떨까. 머드를 뒤집어 쓰 는 것에서부터 락 콘서트에서 음악을 즐기거나 치맥으로 몸무게 를 늘리는 것까지 맹렬한 무더위를 잊게끔 도와주는 행사가 최소 한 하나 정도는 있다. 여기 놓치고 싶지 않은 축제 몇 가지를 소개 하고자 한다.


7th - 16th July 2017 Buyeo Seodong Lotus Festival Buyeo Seodong Park, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do www.lotusfestival.kr (Korean only) This festival celebrates the majestic lotus flower and offers numerous hands-on events from crafting a necklace from lotus seeds to making paper lotus flowers to designing a lotus leaf shaped candlestick. As with all Korean festivals, there are also numerous regional foods to sample including, you guessed it, lotus ice cream! Be sure to leave some time to photograph these serene pink and white beauties floating in the many fields around Buyeo. 7월 7일 - 16일 부여서동연꽃축제 충청남도 부여군 부여서동공원 www.lotusfestival.kr (영문페이지 없음) 이 축제는 장엄한 연꽃을 감상하고 연꽃 씨앗으로 목걸이를 만드 는 것부터 종이 연꽃 만들기, 연등 만들기까지 다양한 체험거리 를 제공한다. 다른 한국의 축제들처럼 맛을 볼 수 있는 다양한 지 역향토음식이 있는데 여러분이 예상한 대로 연꽃 아이스크림이 포함되어 있다. 부여의 넓은 연못에 고요히 떠 있는 분홍색과 하 얀 연꽃을 촬영할 시간을 꼭 남겨두기 바란다. 19th - 23rd July 2017 Daegu Chimac (Chicken and Beer) Festival Duryu Park, Dalseo-gu, Daegu www.chimacfestival.com

Gather to the sanctuary of Duryu Park for the annual Chimac (Chicken and Beer) Festival. No need to leave town for this one! With more than 100 fried chicken and beer brands participating and a variety of entertainment from K-pop concerts to jazz music performances to a DJ party, this festival is guaranteed to be one of the more entertaining on the summer calendar. 7월 19일 - 23일 대구치맥축제 대구광역시 달서구 두류공원 www.chimacfestival.com 매년 열리는 치맥축제를 즐기기 위해 대구두류공원으로 오시라. 이 축제를 즐기기 위해서 대구를 떠날 필요도 없다! 100개 이상 의 치킨과 맥주 브랜드, K-Pop 콘서트에서 재즈콘서트, DJ 파티 까지 다양한 즐길거리와 함께 대구치맥축제는 여름축제 중에서 도 더 큰 즐거움을 선사할 것을 보장한다. 21st - 30th July 2017 Boryeong Mud Festival Daecheon Beach, Boryeong-si, Chungcheongnam-do www.mudfestival.or.kr Let your inner child loose at this festival where it is perfectly acceptable to enjoy a bit of mud wrestling, mud sliding and even swimming in a giant mud bath. This award-winning festival arguably is the largest foreign participating event in Korea, where tourists flock to experience the beneficial properties of the Boryeong mud during the day and party into the evening on the beach with music and fireworks. -continued on p38-



7월 21일 - 30일 보령머드축제 충천남도 보령시 대천해수욕장 www.mudfestival.or.kr 머드레슬링, 머드 슬라이딩, 심지어 거대한 머드탕에서 해보는 수영까지도 전혀 문제없는 머드 축제에서 여러분의 내면에 있는 동심을 꺼내보길 바란다. 상까지 받은 이 축제는 단언컨대 한국 에서 가장 많은 외국인들이 참여하는 행사일 것이다. 그리고 낮 에는 유익한 보령 머드를, 저녁에는 해변에서 음악과 불꽃놀이와 함께 파티를 즐기기 위해 관광객들이 단체로 찾기도 한다. 26th - 30th July 2017 Pohang International Fireworks Festival Yeongildae Beach, Hyeongsangang River Sports Park, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do piff.ipohang.org Who doesn’t like sparkly lights? This unique festival, held on Yeongildae Beach in Pohang, features a fireworks competition, a parade of lights, street performances, sand sculpture exhibition and a range of hands-on activities, including goldfish catching! The festival’s biggest draw is the pyrotechnic displays where this year’s professional explosives companies from China, Italy, Poland and South Korea will battle it out to win the international prize - each with a more dazzling and innovative showcase. 7월 26일 - 30일 포항국제불빛축제 경상북도 포항시 영일대해수욕장, 형산강체육공원 piff.ipohang.org 반짝거리는 불빛을 좋아하지 않는 사람이 있을까? 포항의 영일 대 해수욕장에서 열리는 이 독특한 축제는 불꽃 경연대회, 불빛 퍼레이드, 거리 공연, 모래조각전시회, 금붕어 잡기를 비롯한 다 양한 체험프로그램이 준비되어 있다! 축제의 가장 큰 볼거리는 올해의 중국, 이탈리아, 폴란드, 한국에 있는 화약전문업체가 국 제대회에서 상을 타기 위해 한 판 벌이는 불꽃축제이며, 각 업체 는 더 화려하고 혁신적인 쇼케이스를 보여준다.


12 Summer Festivals in Korea Part 1

27th July - 13th August Taebaek Sunflower Festival Guwau Village, Taebaek-si, Gangwon-do www.sunflowerfestival.co.kr (Korean only) Get ready to be engulfed by nature on this 59.9 hectare farm known to have the largest concentration of sunflowers in Korea. If the endless fields of vivid yellow alongside 300 different species of wild flowers isn’t enough to excite your senses, then indulge your tastebuds with some sunflower tea or get hands-on making a sunflower handkerchief and t-shirt. 7월 27일 - 8월 13일 태백해바라기축제 강원도 태백시 구와우 마을 www.sunflowerfestival.co.kr (영문페이지 없음) 한국에서 해바라기가 가장 많이 심겨져 있는 것으로 알려진 약 180평의 농장에서 자연에 완전히 빠져 볼 준비를 하길 바란다. 만약 300종류의 다양한 꽃과 함께 선명한 노란색으로 물들어 끝 없이 펼쳐진 들판이 여러분의 감각을 들뜨게 하지 못 한다면 해 바라기차로 입을 즐겁게 하거나 해바라기 손수건과 티셔츠를 만 드는 체험활동을 해보길 바란다. 28th July - 4th August 2017 Jeongnamjin Jangheung Water Festival Tanjingang River, Jangheung-gun, Jeollanam-do jhwater.kr (Korean only) This water festival is a welcome departure from the tried and tested format of most festivals in Korea which feature exhibitions and performances, as it instead highlights summer and water through a variety of activities. Visitors can enjoy rafting, water bicycles, riding a rope ferry across the river, and dipping in a natural medicinal herb healing pool.


7월 28일 - 8월 3일 정남진 장흥물축제 전라남도 장흥군 정남진 탐진강 jhwater.kr (영문페이지 없음) 이 물 축제는 전시회와 공연으로 채워진 대부분의 한국축제에서 시도해보고 시험해 본 포맷과 반가운 작별을 고했다. 대신 다양 한 활동으로 여름과 물을 주목받게끔 한다. 방문객들은 래프팅, 수상자전거, 줄배 타기, 한방 힐링풀 등을 즐길 수 있다. 29th July - 4th August 2017 Gangjjn Celadon Festival Cheongjachon, Daegu-myeon, Gangjin-gu County, Jeollanam-do eng.gangjinfes.or.kr Celadon is one of Korea’s most famous ceramic art objects and the most luxurious works come from Ganjin. This festival promotes Korea’s 1,000 year history of potterymaking and offers a unique opportunity to purchase pieces direct from artists. As one of the best festivals in Korea by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, it offers visitors a chance to carve their own pattern on a small piece of celadon; observe demonstrations of the production process; view an exhibition of excavated artifacts; and photograph large celadon sculptures. One of the top cultural festivals in Korea.


7월 29일 - 8월 3일 강진청자축제 전라남도 강진군 대구면 청자촌 gangjinfes.or.kr 청자는 한국의 가장 유명한 도자기 예술품 중 하나이며 강진에서 생산되는 가장 호화로운 작품이다. 이 축제는 한국의 도자기 제 작 천년역사를 홍보하고 도예가에게서 직접 작품을 구매할 수 있 는 특별한 기회를 제공한다. 문화체육관광부에 의해 한국에서 가 장 우수한 축제 중 하나로 선정되었으며 방문객들에게 청자에 나 만의 문양 조각해보기, 도가지 제작과정 시연 관람, 발굴된 유물 전시회, 거대한 청자조각과의 포토타임 등을 즐길 수 있는 기회 를 제공한다. 한국 최고의 문화 축제 중 하나라고 할 수 있다.


From Canada to South Korea

Becoming a Mother Abroad

• Written and photographed by Bridgett Hernandez [https://thenakedforeigner.com] Translated by Yujeong Lee

When my friend Nellana first came to South Korea from Nova Scotia, Canada, seven years ago, she expected to spend a year experiencing Korean culture, traveling and starting her career in education. 7년 전, 필자의 친구인 넬라나가 처음 캐나다의 노바스코샤에서 한국으로 왔을 때 한국의 문화를 체험하고 여행을 하고 교육자 로써 일을 시작하며 일 년 정도 시간을 보낼 것이라고 생각했다. “One year turned into two years and then three years and basically I made this my home,” she said. “일 년이 이 년이 되고 다음에 삼 년이 되고, 기본적으로 여기를 집으로 정해 버렸지.”라고 넬라나가 말했다. She met her Korean husband four years ago while they were teaching at the same school. Since then, her life in Korea has led to even bigger adventures: getting married and starting a family. Their daughter, Gracie, is one.


From Canada to South Korea

넬라나는 4년 전 한국인 남편과 같은 직장에서 일을 하다가 만났 다. 그 때부터 넬나라의 한국 생활은 훨씬 더 큰 모험으로 나아갔 다. 결혼을 하고 가족을 만들게 된 것이다. 그들의 딸인 그레이시 도 그 중 하나이다. I caught up with Nellana over lunch to talk about what it has been like to become a mom abroad and some of the traditions surrounding motherhood in South Korea. 외국에서 엄마가 된 것이 어떤지 엄마가 되는 데에 대한 한국의 풍습에 관해 대화를 하기 위해 넬라나와 함께 점심을 먹으며 그 동안 있었던 일을 이야기했다.


On childbirth 출산에 대해

Nellana starts her birth story with a disclaimer: She knows lots of women who have had positive experiences, but due to an unfortunate series of events, hers got off to a rocky start. 넬라나는 부인하는 것으로써 출산에 관한 이야기를 시작했다. 긍 정적인 경험을 한 엄마들을 많이 알고 있지만 안 좋은 일들이 연 속해서 일어나는 바람에 그녀의 경우는 고생으로 시작을 했다. She chose a hospital that has a support center for international patients where she worked with the international coordinator/translator to come up with a written birth plan (no labor induction, no epidural). But when the big day came, her plan went out the window. The coordinator who was supposed to help translate her wishes to the hospital staff had gone on vacation, leaving Nellana’s husband to do the translating, a daunting task for a sleep-deprived first-time dad. 넬라나는 외국인 환자를 위한 지원 센터가 있는 병원을 골랐는데 이 곳에는 (유도분만과 하반신 마취제를 사용하지 않는) 출산 계 획서를 지면으로 갖고 온 국제 코디네이터 및 통역사와 함께 하 는 곳이었다. 하지만 출산일이 되었을 때 그 계획은 쓸모가 없어 졌다. 산모가 바라는 것을 병원 스탭에게 통역해 줘야할 그 코디 네이터가 넬라나의 남편이 통역을 하게 내버려두고 휴가를 가버 린 것이다. 수면이 부족한데다 처음으로 아빠가 되는 사람에게 벅찬 일이었다. “His English is great, but these are medical terms he had never heard of before,” she said. 멜라나는 “남편의 영어는 훌륭하지만 이건 그이가 한 번도 들어 본 적도 없는 의학용어잖아.”라고 말했다. She felt an enormous amount of pressure – pressure to get the epidural, pressure to get induced and, surprisingly, pressure not to make too much noise! 넬라나는 엄청난 압박감을 받았다. 하반신 마취와 유도분만을 하 고, 놀랍게도 너무 소리를 지르지 말라는 압박을 말이다. “You’re not supposed to scream. They were like, ‘Are you dying? What’s wrong with you?’ I was like, ‘IT HURTS!’” “소리를 지르면 안 되는 거였어. 그 사람들은 ‘지금 죽어요? 뭐가 문제예요?’라고 하더라. 난 ‘이거 정말 아파요!’라고 했고.” She recalls later being told it was time to start pushing. The hospital staff left her and her husband alone in the room. 그 후에 힘을 주기 시작해야 할 때라고 들었던 때를 회상했다. 병 원 스탭은 넬라나와 남편만 병실에 남겨두었다.


“I was pushing and all of a sudden, my husband was like, ‘I CAN SEE THE BABY COMING OUT!’ and there were no nurses in the room. It was terrifying!” “난 힘을 주고 있었는데 갑자기 남편이 이러는 거야. ‘아기가 나 오는 게 보여!’ 그리고 방에는 간호사가 없었어. 겁이 나더라고!” Fifteen minutes later, Gracie was born. 15분 뒤에 그레이시가 태어났다. “The doctor came running in with her scrubs just in time to catch the baby!” “딱 아기를 받을 순간에 의사가 수술복을 입고 급하게 들어왔 어!” She can laugh about it now, but says it was really scary at the time. 지금은 넬라나가 이 일에 대해 웃을 수 있지만 그 때는 정말 무서 웠다고 했다. To make matters worse, this was during South Korea’s MERS scare. Nellana had wanted to start breastfeeding right away, but she was only able to hold Gracie for 15 minutes before she was whisked away to the nursery where the hospital staff insisted she would be safer from contracting the dangerous virus. 설상가상으로 그 때는 한국에서 메르스가 번지던 때였다. 넬라나 는 바로 모유수유를 하고 싶어했다. 하지만 병원 관계자가 그레 이시를 위험한 바이러스에 걸리는 것에서 안전하게 있을 수 있다 고 주장하는 신생아실로 데려가기 전에 15분간만 안을 수 있었 다. -continued on p42-


On postpartum traditions 산후조리 풍습

Fortunately, Nellana’s mother was able to come to South Korea for the birth and to help out in the weeks afterwards. Her Korean mother-in-law also played a huge role, keeping them supplied with food, especially miyeok guk or seaweed soup which is believed to contain nutrients that are important for nursing mothers. 다행히도, 넬라나의 출산과 출산 후 몇 주간 넬라나를 도와주는 일 때문에 넬라나의 어머니가 한국으로 오실 수 있었다. 한국 시 어머니 역시 많은 도움을 주셨는데, 계속 음식을 해주셨다. 특히 산모의 몸을 돌보는데 중요한 영양가가 있다고 하는 미역국도 챙 겨 주셨다. “She had a huge pot on the stove ready for me,” she said. 넬라나가 말하길 “시어머니가 가스렌지에 커다란 냄비로 준비해 두셨어.”라고 했다. Koreans also believe mother and baby should stay bundled up after birth. Staying warm and covered is believed to prevent future aches and pains for the mother. Even though it was July, Gracie was sent home swaddled in several layers. 그리고 한국인들은 엄마와 아기가 출산 직후에 따뜻하게 있어야 한다고 믿는다. 따뜻하게 몸을 감싸고 있는 것이 나중에 있을 엄 마의 몸살과 통증을 방지해준다고 믿는다. 심지어 7월이었지만 그레이시는 몇 겹이나 단단이 싸여서 집으로 갔다.


From Canada to South Korea

It’s also advised to keep newborns at home for the first 100 days (mothers for the first 30 days, but preferably 100 days). 또한 신생아는 첫 100일 동안 집에 있어야 한다고 한다(산모는 30일 동안이지만 되도록이면 100일이라고 한다.) “Before in Korea, they didn’t expect a lot of babies to survive past 100 days,” Nellana said. “They didn’t have [modern] medicine and vaccinations, so if a baby did live past 100 days, they had a celebration.” “과거 한국에서는 많은 신생아들이 태어난 지 100일 후에 생존 할 것이라고 생각하지 않았대.”라고 넬라나가 말했다. “[현대]의 학과 백신이 없어서 만약 아기가 100일 후에도 살아있다면 축하 를 했어.” “They tried to keep them inside as long as possible to protect them. I get the reason behind it, but 100 days was just too much for me.” “아기를 보호하기 위해 가능한 한 오랫동안 실내에 두려고 했어. 여기에 대한 이유를 이해하겠지만 나한테 100일은 너무해.” She lasted about a week before venturing out with the baby. 넬라나는 아기와 함께 밖으로 나오기까지 일주일 정도 버텼다. “I was reprimanded,” she said. “나 혼났잖아.”라고 넬라나가 말했다.


Concerned strangers constantly approached her and asked how old Gracie was and said she was too small to be outside. “Baek il,” they would say, meaning 100 days. 걱정된 낯선 사람들이 계속해서 넬라나에게 와서 그레이시가 몇 살인지 물었고 밖에 나오기에는 너무 어리다고 이야기했다. 사람 들이 “백일”이라고 말했다.

On first birthdays 아기의 첫번째 생일

A baby’s first birthday in South Korea is a huge milestone, usually celebrated in a buffet restaurant or wedding hall. During the party, Koreans have a fun ritual for foretelling the child’s future. 한국에서 아기의 첫번째 생일은 인생에 있어 매우 중요한 날이 다. 그래서 보통 뷔페나 웨딩홀에서 축하를 한다. 한국인들은 파 티를 하는 동안 아기의 미래를 점쳐볼 수 있는 재미있는 의식을 한다. “They have a table set up, and they have three things in front of the baby and the baby has to pick,” she said. “One would be a stethoscope, one would be money and one would be a ball. Depending on what they pick, that would be what the baby would be when it’s older.” “사람들이 상을 차려. 그리고 아기 앞에 세 가지 물건을 두면 아 기가 하나를 잡아야 해.”라고 넬라나가 말했다. “하나는 청진기, 하나는 돈, 하나는 공이야. 아기가 뭐를 집느냐에 따라서 그게 나 중에 커서 아이가 뭐가 될 지를 말해줘.” For example, if the baby picked the stethoscope, he or she would be a doctor. 예를 들어, 만약 아기가 청진기를 잡으면 커서 의사가 되는 것이 다.

On breastfeeding 모유수유

“Korea is so great if you’re a breastfeeding mom,” Nellana said. “I would have no problem breastfeeding here, just in this restaurant. I know nobody would say anything to me. They have these beautiful breastfeeding rooms in all DAEGU COMPASS JULY 2017

the subway stations and all the department stores. There are couches and changing stations and wipes, everything you could possibly need. They’re amazing facilities for breastfeeding.” “만약 모유수유를 하는 엄마라면 한국은 정말 좋은 곳이야.”라고 넬라나가 말했다. “여기 이 식당에서만 해도 모유 수유를 하는 데 아무 문제가 없어. 아무도 나한테 뭐라고 하지 않을 거라는 걸 알 아. 모든 지하철역과 백화점에는 이렇게 좋은 모유수유룸이 있 어. 소파, 기저귀 교환대와 물휴지, 필요할 수도 있는 모든 것들이 갖춰져 있더라고. 모유수유하기에 정말 좋은 시설이야.” “I’ve gone to feed her in the bathroom and my motherin-law will be like, ‘You’re crazy, what are you doing? Just feed her right here!’” “수유를 하러 화장실에서 갔는데 시어머니 반응이 ‘너 제정신이 아니구나, 너 뭐하는 거니? 그냥 여기서 수유해!’ 였어’ It’s the opposite of the States or Canada where people tell you to cover up. 사람들이 수유하는 모습을 가리라고 하는 미국이나 캐나다와는 반대이다.

On practical baby gifts 실용적인 아기 선물

Baby showers aren’t really a tradition in South Korea. 베이비 샤워는 한국에서는 풍습이 아니다. “Instead what happens is we’ve just had family and friends send us a message and say ‘What do you need?’ or they just give us cash,” she said. “They want to buy you something you actually need so they wait until after the baby is born and then they’re like ‘Okay what size diapers? What brand do you use?’” “대신에 생기는 일은 가족들과 친구들이 메세지를 보내서 ‘뭐가 필요해”라고 묻거나 그냥 현금을 주는 거지. 사람들은 실제로 필 요한 것을 사주고 싶어해서 아이가 태어날 때까지 기다린 후에 ‘그래서 기저귀 사이즈가 뭐야? 어떤 브랜드를 써?’라고 하는 거 지.” -continued on p44-


On being a multicultural family 다문화 가족

South Korea is a pretty homogenous society – 96 percent of the population is ethnically Korean. So it’s no surprise that Nellana’s family gets a lot of attention when they’re out in public. 한국은 꽤 동질화된 사회이다. 96 퍼센트의 인구가 민족학적으로 한국인들이다. 그래서 밖에 나왔을 떄 넬라나의 가족이 많은 주 목을 받는 것이 놀랍지 않다. “Ug. This sounds really bad if I say it out loud: It’s kind of like walking with a celebrity,” she said. “에휴. 내가 크게 이야기하면 정말 안 좋게 들릴 거야. 무슨 유명 인사랑 같이 다니는 것 같아.”라고 넬라나가 말했다. Navigating a different culture in this situation can be like walking a tight rope. It’s hard when strangers cross boundaries like staring for too long or touching without permission, but she doesn’t want to be rude. 이런 상황에서 다른 문화를 대하는 것은 마치 아슬아슬한 줄타기 를 한 것과 같다. 오랜시간 빤히 보거나 허락도 없이 만지는 것처 럼 낯선 사람들이 한계선 넘을 경우에는 곤란하다. 하지만 넬라 나는 무례하게 대하고 싶지 않아 한다. “They’ll just touch her. Touch her hands, touch her mouth, try to hug her, try to pick her up. If she’s sleeping, they’ll


From Canada to South Korea

sometimes wake her up so that they can see her eyes. It’s hard.” “사람들은 그냥 그레이시를 만져. 손도 만지고, 입도 만지고, 안 으려고 하고, 들어보려고 해. 만약 자고 있으면 가끔은 애를 깨워 서 눈을 보려고 해. 곤란하지.” “She’s good with strangers though. I think it would be a different story if she was scared of people. Then I might be a little more protective.” “하지만 그레이시가 낯선 사람들이랑도 잘 지내. 만약 사람들을 무서워 했다면 경우가 달랐을 거라고 생각해. 그러면 내가 좀 더 보호를 하려고 했겠지.” However, she’s often grateful for an extra hand. 그러나 종종 도움에 감사하기도 한다. “If I’m struggling to eat [at a restaurant] – like I’m holding the baby and I take one bite then five minutes later it’s cold, that kind of situation – little ajummas or harmonis (older Korean women) will come pick her up and hold her and walk her around and take a look at things and I can enjoy my meal.” “만약 내가 [식당에서] 밥을 먹을 때, 아기를 안고 한 숟가락 먹고 5 분 후에는 음식이 다 식는 그런 상황에서 말야. 아줌마나 할머 니들이 그레이시를 데려가서 손을 잡고 같이 걸어다니면서 이것 저것 보여주면 난 식사를 할 수 있는 거지.”







Restaurant -

여보세요 ?


Street number + Building name + Apt Number

-인데요 (in-dae-yo)

Food 불고기 (bulgogi) 김치찌개 or 된장찌개 (kimchi or bean soup) 김밥 (kimbap) 떡볶이 (tteokpokki) 만두 (mandu) 돈까스 (tonkkatsu)

Quantity 하나랑 (1) hana rang 두개 (2) do gay 세개 (3) say gay 네개 (4) nay gay 다섯개 (5) daseot gay 여섯개 (6) yeoseot gay

yeobo say yo? [Hello?]

XX구 수성구 / 서구 달서구 / 동구 ect..

XX동 상동 / 중동 월성동 / 두류동 ect..

Beverage 콜라 (cola) 사이다 (cider) 맥주 (beer) 오렌지주스 (O.J.)

Restaurant -


pal-cheon-won imnida. [It’s 8,000 won.]


How To Order Food


the daegu compass juLY 2017




• This is an overview of our July events. For more information about events on our calendar, check out the next two pages or email us: events@daegucompass.com. If you have events you want to add for the August issue, please email us by July 17th. Thanks!




SAT 1 • Photo Exhibition <LOOK SMITHSONIAN> • HAN Moochang: Conflict of Flowers • Media Study : Tension and Relaxation • Ghost • Game • Shakespeare’s 12th night





• New York...er _ Dreaming Theater • Turandot _ Daegu Opera House







• Turandot _ Keimyung Art Center / 07.06 - 07.08

• Dresdener Philharmonie with Kim Sunwook _ Daegu Concert House

• Polita _ Keimyung Art Center / 07.06 - 07.08

• Madame Luciole (a musical play, in French, no subtitles) _ Bongsan Cultural Center / 07.07 - 07.09



• The Gift of the Magi _ Suseong Artpia


15 • Horror Magic Show <Soul> _ Prime Hall, 10F, Daegu Department Store Plaza



• Horror Magic Show <Soul> _ Prime Hall, 10F, Daegu Department Store Plaza

23 30

8 • The Gift of the Magi _ Suseong Artpia



• Daishin Kashimoto’s Violin Recital_ Suseong Artpia

24 31



26 • Opera <Turandot>_ Daegu Opera House / 07.26 - 07.29



• Virtuoso Series by Daegu Symphony Orchestra _ Daegu Concert House




• Musical <Hero> _ Keimyung Art Center / 07.28 - 07.30


july 2017 event calender Photo Exhibition <LOOK SMITHSONIAN>

Time: - 08.27 10:00 - 19:00 Ticket price: Adults 12,000w, Youths 8,000w, Children 6,000w Place: Daegu M Ga Information: 053-744-5400 / http://www.looksmithsonian.com/

HAN Moochang: Conflict of Flowers

Time: - 09.03 Ticket price:1,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000 / www.daeguartmuseum.org

Media Study : Tension and Relaxation

Time: - 09.10 Ticket price:1,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000 / www.daeguartmuseum.org


Time: - 09.17 Ticket price:1,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000 / www.daeguartmuseum.org

Dresdener Philharmonie with Kim Sunwook

Time: 07.07 19:30 Ticket price: R: 100,000w. S: 70,000w, A: 50,000w, H: 30,000w Place: Daegu Concert House Information: 053-250-1400 (ARS press 1) http://concerthouse.daegu.go.kr

Horror Magic Show <Soul>

Time: 07.15 - 07.16 14:00, 15:00 Ticket price:10,000w Place: Prime Hall, 10F, Daegu Department Store Plaza Information: 053-420-8088~9 / http://ticket.interpark.com

Daishin Kashimoto’s Violin Recital

Time: 07.19 20:00 Ticket price: R: 40,000w / S: 30,000w Place: Suseong Artpia Information: 053-668-1800 / http://www.ssartpia.kr

Virtuoso Series by Daegu Symphony Orchestra

Time: 07.21 19:00 Ticket price: R: 30,000w. S: 16,000w, H: 10,000w, Students 5,000w Place: Daegu Concert House Information: 053-250-1475 http:http://www.daegucitizenhall.org

Opera <Turandot>

Time: 07.26 - 07.28 19:30, 07.29 15:00 Ticket price: VIP: 100,000w / R: 70,000w / S: 50,000w / A: 30,000w / B: 20,000w / C: 10,000w Place: Daegu Opera House Information: 053-666-6000 / http://ticket.interpark.com/


JULY 2017 Event Calendar


Musical <Hero>

Time: 07.28 19:30, 07.29 15:00, 19:00, 07.30 15:00 Ticket price: VIP: 130,000w / R: 110,000w / S: 80,000w / A: 60,000w / B: 40,000w Place: Keimyung Art Center Information : 1566-7897 http://ticket.interpark.com

Daegu International Musical Festival

Offering subtitles in English


Time: 07.01 15:00, 19:00 Ticket price: R: 30,000w / S: 20,000w Place: Daegu Ayang Art Center Information: 052-762-0000 / http://ticket.interpark.com/

Shakespeare’s 12th night

Time: 07.01 15:00, 19:00, 07.02 14:00, 18:00 Ticket price: R: 30,000w / S: 20,000w Place: Suseong Artpia Information: 053-422-4224 / http://ticket.interpark.com/

New York...er

Time: 07.02 14:00, 18:00 Ticket price: 30,000w Place: Dreaming Theater Information: 1566-7897 / http://ticket.interpark.com/



Time: 07.02 18:00, weekdays 9:30, 07.08 15:00, 19:00, 07.09 14:00, 18:00 Ticket price: VIP: 70,000w / R: 50,000w / S: 30,000w / A: 20,000w / B: 10,000w Place: Daegu Opera House Information: 053-622-1945 / http://ticket.interpark.com/


Time: 07.06 - 07.07 19:30, 07. 08 15:00, 19:00 Ticket price: VIP: 70,000w / R: 50,000w / S: 30,000w / A: 10,000w Place: Keimyung Art Center Information: 053-762-2000 / http://ticket.interpark.com/

Madame Luciole (a musical play, in French, no subtitles) Time: 07.07 19:30, 07.08 15:00, 19:00, 07.09 14:00. 18:00 Ticket price: R: 30,000w / S: 20,000w Place: Bongsan Cultural Center Information: 1599-1980 / http://ticket.interpark.com/

The Gift of the Magi

Time: 07.08 15:00, 19:00, 07.09 15:00 Ticket price: R: 30,000w / S: 20,000w Place: Suseong Artpia Information: 1599-1980 / http://ticket.interpark.com/


Useful Korean Expressions Communicate with the Locals!

• Say, “An-nyeong-ha-se-yo.” to Koreans instead of “Hi.” It is the easiest way to be courteous. Here are some Useful Korean Expressions for you to communicate with Koreans easily!

Basic Expressions Did you know that Korean doesn't have a pronunciation of F and V? Instead, pronounce P and B.

• Hello


• No


• Yes

An-nyeong-ha-se-yo. • Good bye


An-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo. • Nice to meet you 반갑습니다 감사합니다


Ne. • I am sorry


• Thank you



Mi-ahn-ham-ni-da. • Excuse me



Emergency Contact List Daegu City Hall Daegu Citizen Happiness Call Center (Daegu City Hall): 053-120 (Weekdays: 08:30-18:30) EXCO : 053-601-5000 HICO : 054-777-3556

Hospitals Kyungpook National Univ. Hospital (053-200-5114) Keimyung Univ. Dongsan Medical Center (053-250-7114) Yeungnam Univ. Medical Center (053-623-8001)

Local Numbers Police 112 Fire 119 Emergency Room 120

Translation Services Korean Tourism Organization Travel Hotline: 1330 BBB Korea Translation Call Service: 1588-5644 (English, Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, German, Portuguese, Arabic, Polish, Turkish, Swedish, Thai, Vietnamese, Malay, Indonesian, Mongolian)


Useful Korean Expressions



Object Passport ID card Sanitary pad Water Fork Receipt

Pains/sore spots Cold Stomachache Headache Cramps Allergy Motion sickness Wound

Place Where is + ~? Toilet Entrance Exit Restaurant Hospital Phamacy

Transportation Bus Subway

Wifi What is the Wi-Fi name and the password?

In shops or restaurants How much is it? I’d like to have ~. Please give me a little discount.



신분증 생리대 물


영수증 감기 복통 두통


알레르기 멀미 상처 ~어디에요? 화장실 입구 출구 식당 병원 약국 버스

지하철 와이파이 이름과 비밀번호가 무엇인가요? 얼마에요? ~주세요.

깎아 주세요.

[Yeo ggun] [Shin bun jung] [Seng li dae] [Mul] [Po-ku] [Young su jung]

[Gam gi] [Bok tong] [Du tong] [Sengli tong] [Al le ru ki] [Mull mi] [Sang cheo]

[~ Uhdi eyo?] [Hwa jang shil] [Ip gu] [Chool gu] [Shik dang] [Byung won] [Yak guk]

[Bu-s] [Ji ha cheol]

[Wa-i Pa-i ireum, bibun mo eh yo? ]

[Earl ma eh yo?] [~ Ju seyo. (with pointing)] [Kka kka juseyo.]








downtown map Nightlife Directions taxi “she nay ga ju say yo. sam duk so bang seo.” Shopping and Cinemas taxi “she nay ga ju say yo. lotte young plajja CGB” ( Remember there is no true ‘Z’ sound in Korean.)







Jungang Police office

The Daegu Compass and its volunteers have come up with Namjeon Yeojeon Bra this comprehensive guide to the bring you the best places nd to Str ee t enjoy the night in beautiful downtown Daegu. 13



Lotte Young Plaza Who cares, hav’n funz

Millionaire Club

4 21

Kkotbat 6



Banwol dang Station

Sushi Neco


Dong A Department Store (main store) Lotte Young Plaza


Departm (main sto


Mo bil eS tre et

55 Dining Novotel 053.214.5521 Fashion Ambassador Jewelry Town Daegu 12:00-02:00 Fusion-style Food 94-19, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Daegu City Hall Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Samdeok Fire Station 1


Jungang Police office


Jungangno Station

2046 PAN STEAK 053.427.2046 Samarkand Mon-Thur 11:30-22:00, Break District time 15:0017:00, Fri & Sat 12:00-02:00 / Sun 12:00-22:00 Fashion Jewelry Town Great quality steak and pasta Lotte Young Plaza 63-1, Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu Dong A

2.28 H&M Samdeok Fire Station Brand Street Democratic 11 Lazy Diner Road Shop Street Movement Gaejeong X:uSamdeok Old Blue Daegu Memorial Park Jayeon Police office Department byeolgok Han Sang Club That Caliente Store Little Italia Flow Sanshiro er Road Nazar Kebab zione WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla 10 Yashijang Gukchae Mies Container Jeju 18 Selec bosang Doyaji t Shop ThursdayThursday Bus Hot Gossip, Park Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Party2 Who's Bob Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat 2.28 Democratic Café S Lazy Diner Jungang Library 55 Dining Movement treet Gaejeong X:u Memorial Park Youngdo Velvet HanStation Sang Club That Samdeok Fire Flow er Road Nazar Kebab zione WHAT 2046Blue Pan Steak Samdeok Godzilla Old Yashijang Police office Mies Container Selec Caliente La Luce Thursday t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Who's Bob Club Frog Gukchae Jeju 18 Pan Asia Kkotbat bosang Doyaji Café S Park 21 55 Dining treet

Novotel Ambassador Daegu



Caliente 053.426.2268 Everyday 11:00-4:00am Tex Mex Jungang Library 36-6, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

Daegu City Hall


Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Banwol dang Station

Mo bil eS tre et

Chungju Mushroom Restaurant 053.425.5668 11:00-21:30 Holidays: Seolnal & Chuseok Korean Food Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu

Doko 053.253.0331 Mon-Thur, Holidays 18:00-02:00 Fri-Sat 18:00~03:00 , Holidays: Mondays Japanese Pub 62, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu


Kyodong M

Dong A Department Store (main store)

Jungangno Sushi Neco Samdeok Old Blue 14 Joonghwa PoliceStati office on Youngdo Velvet Namjeon Daegu Banjeom Caliente 2 TGIF 12 5 Yeojeon 3 Bra 1 Lotte Young Plaza Kyobo 6 KoKoChon nd Book Store 4 Str 4 Jungang Gukchae Jung Jeju 18 McDonald's Yugane ee angno 13 t Police McDonald's office Dakgalbi La Luce bosang Doyaji Station Joonghwa Namjeon Park 2 TGIF Banjeom 7 12 5 YeojeonH&M Samarikand 3 Brand B Stree Kyobo Lotte Young Plaza t Lotte 8 ran 6 KoKoChon 11 Road Shop Street dS Book Store Daegu City Hall Gukil Bulgalbi Departmen tre McDonald's Yugane Store Daegu et Jayeon McDonald's Dakgalbi Department byeolgokJungang Library Store Little Italia Sanshiro7 H&M Youngdo Velvet Samarikand Chungju Mushroom Brand Street Kyodong Market Fashion Jewelry Town Havana 8 10 11 Restaurant Road Shop Street Daegu Dos Jayeon Dong A Department Tacos byeolgok Thursday International City Department Store Store Little Italia Party2 Sanshiro La Luce 9 Traverlers' Bar & Grill (main store) Chungju Mushroom Kyodong Mark Fashion Jewelry Town Dalbit Havana 2.28 10 Restaurant Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory Club THAT Dos Lazy Diner Movement Dong A X:u Tacos MemorialThursday Park International City Department Store Mushroom Gaejeong Party2 Traverlers' Bar &Han GrillSang (main store) Flow Novotel Dalbit 2.28 er Road Nazar Kebab District Ambassador Hanmogeum, WHAT Democratic Mies Factory 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Club THAT Bulzip Lazy Diner Movement Yashijang Monkey Doko X:u zione Memorial Park Selec Thursday Gaejeong t Shop Bus Hot Gossip,Mushroom Street Han Sang Party1 Flow Second Hotel Club Egg Novotel er Road Nazar Kebab District Ambassador Club Frog WHAT Pan Asia Kkotbat 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Gaejeong Bulzip Organ bar Yashijang O⁷P Monkey Je Doko zione C Samcho af Selec é StreeThursday 55 Dining Co t Shop Bus t Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog Samdeok Fire Station 3F Club That Pan Asia Kkotbat Organ bar 4F Horus Garge La Luce O⁷P Seoga n’Cook Samdeok Th Café S Old Blue Samcho 55 Dining treet Police office Pa Caliente Jeju 18 B1 Doyaji Samdeok Fire Station Godzilla B1 Who’s Bob Yashijang La Luce Gukchae Samdeok 3F MF Bar Old Blue bosang Police office AU Park Caliente Jeju 18 2F Pan Asia Doyaji Daegu City Hall Burger Gukchae & Pasta Jungang Library bosang Bombay Park Rounge Viniroo Youngdo Velvet 13

Mo bil eS tre et



Kyodong Marke

Fashion Jewelry Town


Joonghwa Namjeon 2 Banjeom Yeojeon Bra 2.28 Kyobo nd Yugane Book Store Democratic Str Dakgalbi McDonald's ee Lazy Diner Movement t McDonald's X:u Gaejeong Memorial Park 7 14 H&M Han Sang Club That Flow Brand Stree Novotel t er Ro 8 Nazar Kebab zione 11 ad Road Shop Street Ambassador WHAT 1 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Daegu Jayeon Yashijang 4 Department Mies Container Jungang byeolgok Jung angn S o 13 elect Store Little Italia officeThursday Sanshiro ShopPolice Hot Gossip, 9 Station Joonghwa Street Party1 Namjeon 2 Second Hotel Banjeom Yeojeon 10 3 Who's Bob Club Frog Pan Asia Bra Kyobo nd Yugane Book Store Str Thursday Dakgalbi McDonald's ee Café Str 55 Dining tParty2McDonald's eet 12

Mo bil eS tre et



Jungang Police office Thursday Party2



Banwol dang Station

Bus Club Egg 5


Little Italia


Road Shop Street Daegu Jayeon Department byeolgok Store







Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)


Banwol dang Station

Mo bil eS tre et



Brand Street




Kyobo Yugane Book Store Dakgalbi McDonald's




o Won’t Stationbreak the bank






Joonghwa Banjeom

Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)



Downtown Restaurants Youngdo Velvet

Jungang Library

Daegu City Hall http://www.daegucompass.com Commines

Ban Sta


Jungang Police office


Joonghwa Namjeon Banjeom Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's


5 6


Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Mo bil eS tre et

Banwol dang Station

Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Mo bil e S Banwol dang tre et Stat ion

Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Daegu City Hall

Jeju 18


Old Blue Go Go Vinyl Commines

Youngdo Velvet



Sushi Neco


Jungang Luce PoliceLa office


Youngdo Velvet 7

Store Chungju Mushroom Restaurant Dos Tacos Thursday International City Party2 Traverlers' Bar & Grill Dalbit 2.28 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory Club THAT Lazy Diner Movement X:u Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Flow er Road Nazar Kebab WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Bulzip Yashijang Monkey Doko zione Selec Thursday t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat Organ bar O⁷P Café S Samcho 55 Dining treet Sanshiro

Little Italia Havana



Lazy Diner 070-4106-2882 Everyday 11:00-22:00 Burgers and Breakfast

Interesting interior

Daegu City Lotte Young Plaza




Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)




Labosang Luce Park Jungangno Station Joonghwa 053.606.0733 Namjeon TGIF Banjeom Yeojeon Bra Kyobo 12:00-22:00, Break Time 15:30-17:30 Jungang Library KoKoChon nd Book Store Str McDonald's Yugane ee t Holidays: McDonald'sSundays Dakgalbi& Holidays H&M Brand Street Italian Food Road Shop Street La Luce Daegu 2F, 141, Dongdeok-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu Jayeon Department 2



Daegu City Hall

Samdeok JungangPolice Libraryoffice


Jeju 18

Doyaji Samdeok Fire Station 13


Jeju 18 Doyaji 053.427.9399 17:00-02:00 Gukchae é Stree KoreanCafBBQ t bosang Park Samdeok Fire Station 28, Gongpyeongro8-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Burger 55 Dining & Pasta

Bombay Doyaji 21 Rounge Viniroo

Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Hi Thai 010.8611.0562 12:00-22:00 (break : 15:00-17:00) Holidays: Mon Thai Food 53, Gongpyeong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

Mo bil eS tre et

Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Jayeon byeolgok

Gukil Bulgalbi 053.424.5820 11:00-22:00 Holidays: The day and the next day of Seolnal and Chuseok Korea BBQ(Daegu’s local food) 172, Taepyeong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

ion tat uS eg Da

oom urant

Mo bil eS tre et




Kyobo Book Store McDonald's

EtOH’s Drafthouse 053.211.9385 Mon, Wed, Thu 16:00-01:00, Fri 16:00-02:00, Sat 11:00-02:00, Sat 11:00-01:00 Pizza and Craft Beer 2nd floor, 12-3, Dongseong-ro 3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Banwol dang Station

ne galbi

Lotte Youn

Road Shop Street Daegu Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia Sanshiro 9 Chungju Mushroom 22 Fashion Jewe Havana 10 Restaurant Sushi Neco Dos 14 Tacos Thursday International City Party2 Traverlers' Bar & Grill Dalbit 1 2.28 Hanmogeum, 4 Democratic Mies Factory 4 Jungang Jungangno Club THAT Lazy Diner 13 Restaurant Movement Police office X:u Station Joonghwa Memorial Park Namjeon 2 TGIF Mushroom Gaejeong Banjeom Pharmacy 12 5 Yeojeon 21 Han Sang Flow3 Novotel Bra Kyobo Shopping er Road Lotte Young Plaza Nazar Kebab 6 KoKoChon nd Dis Ambassador Book Store WHAT Str Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu McDonald's Yugane 2046 Pub Bulzip ee 22 t Yashijang McDonald's Monkey Dakgalbi Doko zione S Attraction elect S 4 Thursday 7 Bus Hot Gossip, hop Str H&M Samarikand Party1 14 eet Cafe Second Hotel Club Egg Brand Street 8 11 n Hall Road Shop Street Daegu Citizen Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat 3 Organ bar Daegu 1 Jayeon O⁷P Lotte Young Plaza Department byeolgok Café S Samcho 4 Dining Store treet 4 Jungang Little55Italia 21 Jungangno Sanshiro 9 13 Police office Chungju Mushroom StationJewelry Town Joonghwa Kyodong Market Fashion HavanaNamjeon 2 10 Restaurant Banjeom 12 Samdeok Fire Station 5 Yeojeon 22 3 Samarikand Bra Dos Lotte Young Plaza Kyobo La Luce 6 Dong A Lotte n Yugane Samdeok Tacos Thursday d Book Store Old Gukil Bulgalbi Department StrBlue Department Store Party2 14 International City 1 Police office Dakgalbi McDonald's ee Traverlers' Bar & Grill (main store) Store McDonald's Calientet Dalbit Jeju 18 2.28 Doyaji 7 2 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory H&M Samarkan 1 Club THAT Brand Lazy Diner Stree t Movement 8 Kyodong Market Fashion Jewelry Town Gukchae 11 4 Road Shop Street 4X:u Jungang Jungangno Memorial Park bosang 4 13 Mushroom Gaejeong Daegu Police office Park Jayeon Station Joonghwa Han Sang Department 2 FlowNamjeon byeolgok Novotel Dong A Banjeom 12 er Little 5 Yeojeon Nazar Kebab Store Road Italia 3 District Ambassador Sanshiro Department Store 9 3 WHAT Bra 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Lotte Young Kyobo Daegu (main store) Bulzip DaeguPC 6 Fashion Jewelry Town nd Yugane Yashijang Book Store Monkey 10 Doko Str zione Dakgalbi McDonald's e Selec Jungang Library e Thursday t t Shop Bus McDonald's Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Dong A Club Egg 7 YoungdoSecond Velvet Hotel Thursday Departm H&M Party2 Club Frog (main s Brand Street Pan Asia Kkotbat 8 11 Organ bar Road Shop Street 2.28 O⁷P Novotel Café S Samcho District Ambassador Democratic Daegu 55 Dining Jayeon tr ee t Lazy Diner Daegu Department Movement byeolgok Daegu Station Gaejeong X:u Little Italia Park Store Memorial Sanshiro 9 Samdeok Fire Station Fashion Jewelry T Han Sang Club That Flow 10 Novotel La Luce er Road Nazar Kebab zione S District Ambassador WHATSamdeok Old Blue 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Police office Gaejeong Thursday Yashijang Caliente Mies Container Jeju 18 Jeng-Yi Party2 Selec Thursday Doyaji t Shop Bus Collective Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Nazar Kebab 2.28 Second Hotel Club Egg Gukchae Democratic Who's Bob Club Frog bosang Pan Asia Lazy Diner 2046 Pan Steak Kkotbat 3F Club That Movement Park Gaejeong X:u Doko 4F Horus Garge Memorial Park C Seoga n’Cook af é 55 Dining Thursday Club That StreetHan Sang Flow Party1 Novotel er Road Nazar Kebab zione Daegu City Hall District Ambassador B1 Haberdashery WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Samdeok Fire Station Godzilla Daegu Jungang Library Godzilla Yashijang Mies Container B1 Who’s Bob Yashijang Sel Samdeok Hot Gossip, ect SBar Thursday Bus Youngdo Velvet hoOld 3F MF p SBlue tree Police officeSecond Hotel Party1 AUClub Egg Caliente t Hot Gossip, Second Hotel Who's Bob Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat 2F Pan Asia

Banwol dang Station

Jungangno Station


Kyobo Book Store McDonald's


Brand Street





Jungangno Station


Yugane Dakgalbi

7 8

Mo bil eS tre et



Fashion Jewelry Town

Novotel Ambassador Daegu

2F, 15, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Samdeok Fire Station La Luce Jeju 18 Doyaji


Old Blue Caliente

Samdeok Police office

Gukchae bosang Park



Banwol dang Station

Sushi Neco




Jungang Police office


Joonghwa Namjeon Banjeom Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's


5 6


Yugane Dakgalbi


Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Banwol dang Station



Brand Street


Kyobo Book Store McDonald's

Lotte Young Plaza

Little Italia Samarikand 053.426.3992 12:00-23:30 Holidays: The day and the next day of Seolnal and Chuseok. Italian Food / Chef studied in Italy 49-18, Dongserongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

G Road Shop Street Daegu Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia 21 Sanshiro Chungju Mushroom Kyodong Market Fashion Jewelry Town Havana 10 Restaurant 22 Dos Dong A Tacos Thursday International City Department Store Sushi Neco Party2 Traverlers' Bar & Grill 14 (main store) Dalbit 2.28 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory 1 Club THAT Lazy Diner Movement 4 X:u 4 Memorial Park Jungang Jungangno Mushroom Gaejeong 13 Police office Han Sang Stati Joonghwa Flow Namjeon 2 TGIF Novotel on Banjeom e Nazar Kebab 12 r 5 Yeojeon Road District 3 Ambassador WHAT 2046 Pan Steak B Bulzip Godzilla Daegu Kyobo Lotte Young Plaza ran 6 KoKoChon Yashijang Monkey dS Book Store Doko zione tre Selec McDonald's Yugane Thursday et t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, McDonald's Dakgalbi Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg 7 Club Frog H&M Samarikand Pan Asia Kkotbat Brand Street 8 11 Organ bar O⁷P Road Shop Street Café S Samcho 55 Dining Daegu treet Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia Sanshiro 9 Samdeok Fire Station Chungju Mushroom Kyodong Fashion Jewelry Town Havana 10 Restaurant La Luce Seoga n’Cook Samdeok Old Blue Dos Police office Dong A Tacos Thursday Caliente Jeju 18 International City Department Store Party2 DoyajiTraverlers' Bar & Grill (main store) God Dalbit 2.28 Yash Hanmogeum, Gukchae Democratic Mies Factory bosang Club THAT Lazy Diner AU Movement Park X:u Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Flow Daegu Novotel City Hall er Road Nazar Kebab District Ambassador WHAT Godzilla Daegu Jungang Library2046 Pan Steak Bomba Bulzip Yashijang Monkey Doko Roung zione Selec Youngdo Velvet Bus Thursday t Shop Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat Organ bar O⁷P Commine Café S Samcho 55 Dining treet 11

Mo bil eS tre et



Jungangno Station


Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Mo bil eS tre et

Mies Container 053-422-4484 Everyday 11:00-02:00 Pasta, Pizza, Salad One of the busiest restaurants downtown. 50-14, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Pan Asia 053.287.7940 12:00-23:00, Break 15:00-17:00 Holidays: Once a month(Tuesday) Asian Food 58-18, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Samdeok Fire Station La Luce

Samdeok Police office

Old Blue Caliente

Jeju 18 Doyaji

Gukchae bosang Park

Jungang Library Youngdo Velvet

hi Neco

Shopping Pub


Brand Street



Yugane Dakgalbi


Kyobo Book Store McDonald's




Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)




Banwol dang Station

Novotel Ambassador Daegu 4

Sushi Neco



Sushi Neco 053.252.7855 11:30-22:00 Japanese Food Daegu Station YMCA 1F, 375, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Jungangno Station Namjeon Daegu Joonghwa TGIF Banjeom Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's


5 6

7 8

Samdeok Police office


Gukchae bosang Park




Jungang Police office




Dong A Department Store (main store)


Samdeok Fire Station

Jeju 18 Doyaji

Kyodong Market

Fashion Jewelry Town

ion tat uS eg Da

Road Shop Street Daegu Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia Sanshiro Chungju Mushroom Havana Restaurant Dos Tacos Thursday International City Party2 Bar & Grill Dalbit 2.28 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory Club THAT Diner Movement X:u Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Flow er Road Nazar Kebab WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Bulzip Yashijang Doko zione ct Sho Thursday Hot Gossip, p Stree Party1 t Second Hotel og Pan Asia Organ bar Café S 55 Dining treet

Old Blue

Lotte Young Plaza

Brand Street



Downtown Restaurants Traverlers' Bar & Grill Daegu City Hall

Seoga n’Cook




Yugane Dakgalbi

Kyobo Jeng-Yi Book Store Collective McDonald's Nazar Kebab

3F Club That H&M 4F Horus Garge


Lotte Young Pla

2046 Pan Steak Doko

Road Shop Street Thursday Party1 Daegu Jayeon Department B1 Haberdashery byeolgok Store Little Italia Godzilla Chungju Mushroom B1 Who’s Bob Yashijang Havana Restaurant 3F MF Bar Hot Gossip, AU Dos http://www.daegucompass.com Second Hotel Tacos Thursday International City 2F Pan Asia Party2 Dalbit Burger 2.28 Hanmogeum, & Pasta

ndergr rimall) ound Arcade

Joonghwa Namjeon Banjeom Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's

Attraction Samarkand Cafe n Hall Daegu Citizen 053.252.4021 11.00-22:00 Holidays:Second & Fourth Sundays Russian & Uzbekistan food Gukil Bulgalbi Lotte Department Store 3F, 59, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu


Jungangno Station

Mo bil eS tre et

Jungang Police office


PANN 053.252.7529 Weekday 11:30-23:00 Daegu City Hall Weekends 11:30-24:00 Holidays: Second & Fourth Sundays Jazz, Guest house, Italian restaurantRestaurant Pharmacy 43-9, Gyeongsanggamyeong-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Fashion Jewelry To


Daegu Station 21



Banwol dang Station

Sushi Neco


Jeng-Yi Collective


13 Seoga n’Cook

Police office


5 6

Godzilla Yashijang

Mo bil eS tre et


Daegu City Hall

ran dS tre et

B1 Who’s Bob 3F MF Bar


7 8

Nazar Kebab

2046 Pan Steak Doko Thursday Party1 Namjeon Yeojeon B1 Haberdashery B

3F Club That 4F Horus Garge Jungang

Hot Gossip, Second Hotel Brand Stree


2F Pan Asia Burger & Pasta

1 4


Joonghwa Thursday & PastaStation Banjeom BurgerTGIF Kyobo Lotte Young Plaza KoKoChon 053.426.0384 Book Store McDonald's Yugane McDonald's Dakgalbi 11:00-01:00 H&M Sa Burger &Road Pub Shop Street Jayeon Jung-gu, Daegu 1F, 58-20,Daegu Dongseongro3-gil, Department byeolgok 2


Store Chungju Mushroom Restaurant Dos Go Go Vinyl Tacos Thursday International City Party2 Traverlers' Bar & Grill Commines Dalbit 2.28 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory Club THAT Lazy Diner Movement Samdeok FireX:u Station Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Flow er Road Nazar Kebab WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Bulzip Yashijang Monkey Doko zione Selec Thursday t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat Organ bar O⁷P Café S Samcho 55 Dining treet Viniroo

Little Italia


Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Bombay Rounge




Fashion Jewelry Town

D D (

What! 053-422-3789 Everyday 11:00-01:00 Novotel Ambassador Daegu Samgyeopsal - Korean BBQ Different flavored Samgyeopsal. 32-43, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Samdeok Fire Station La Luce

Old Blue

Jeju 18 Doyaji




Jungang Police office

Namjeon Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's


5 6

7 8

Mo bil eS tre et





Traverlers' Bar & Grill



Station Surf & Turf TGIF Kyobo Lotte Young Plaza 070.4118.0188 Book Store McDonald's Yugane Dakgalbi Mon-Sat 11:30-10:30 (last call @ 9:30) H&M Sa Brand Street Sun 11:30-9:30 (last call @8:30) Road Shop Street Daegu Closed on 2nd & 4th Mondays of every month Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia Lobster & Burger Chungju Mushroom Fashion Jewelry Town Havana Restaurant 188, leechunro-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Dos Joonghwa Banjeom

Thursday International City Party2 Dalbit Hanmogeum, Mies Factory Club THAT




Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Banwol dang Station

Sushi Neco


Youngdo Velvet 13

Yakjun Hanbang Samgyetang 053-253-2473 09:00-21:00 Gukchae bosang ParkHolidays: New Year’s Day, Seolnal(3days), Chuseok(3days) Daegu City Hall Korean Jungang Library Food 56, Dalgubeoldaero415-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Samdeok Police office




D D (

Zione 2.28 Democratic Lazy Diner Movement 053-424-9122 X:u Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Sun-Thur: 12pm-10pm (break 3pm-5pm) Flow Novotel er Road Nazar Kebab Ambassador WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Fri-Sat:Bulzip 12pm-12am (break 4pm-5:30pm) Yashijang Monkey Doko zione Selec Thursday t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, Closed on Tuesdays Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog 72-1, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Pan Asia Kkotbat O⁷P


Organ bar 55 Dining


Café S treet Samdeok Fire Station

La Luce Jeju 18 Doyaji

Old Blue Caliente

Samdeok Police office

Gukchae bosang Park Daegu City Hall Jungang Library Youngdo Velvet



DOWNTOWN BARS & CLUBS Won’t break the bank

Daegu thrives at night. Downtown is loaded with bars and clubs to meet everyone’s drinking and partying needs. Challenge yourself and try out places you’ve never been.

Restaurant Pharmacy Shopping

Jungangno Station


Yugane Dakgalbi

Kyobo Book Store McDonald's

Cafe n Hall Daegu Citizen 3

Lotte Young Plaza


Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)


Gukil Bulgalbi Lotte Department Store

1 2

Kyodong Market

Fashion Jewelry Town

Dong A Department Store (main store)

Novotel Ambassador Daegu

ion tat uS eg Da

8 mocratic ovement emorial Park




oad Shop Street aegu Jayeon epartment byeolgok ore gju Mushroom Restaurant Dos acos

owe r Road

Millionaire Club




Who cares, hav’n funz



District Daegu Station


Seoga n’Cook

3F Club That 4F Horus Garge

Godzilla Yashijang AU

Jeng-Yi Collective

B1 Who’s Bob 3F MF Bar 2F Pan Asia

Daegu City Hall Bombay Rounge

Nazar Kebab

2046 Pan Steak Doko Thursday Party1 B1 Haberdashery

Hot Gossip, Second Hotel

Burger & Pasta Viniroo Go Go Vinyl

Bombay Lounge 010.9717.1118 Weekdays 18:00Weekends 12:00-05:00 Bar & IndianFood 3F, 57, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu


Samdeok Fire Station


Downtown Bars & Clubs


Club THAT 053.427.7171 19:00-03:00 Live bar

2F, 58-6, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Communes Everyday 20:00-04:00 Beer, Trivia Night, Sports Longest running bar in Daegu. A must go to. 85, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Flower Bar [Kkotbat 꽃밭] Everyday 18:00-04:00 Wine and Hooka Bar Apple is the best! 20-13, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Go Go Party Everyday 19:00-04:00 Party , Hip-hop, Dance Everyone’s favorite bag drink! 58-19, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Retro City Everyday 15:00-04:00 Live Club & Music Lounge Live music concert on every Saturday! 1 5, Gyodong-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Hot Gossip Everyday 18:00-05:00 lounge bar, birthday party Classy bar with nice cocktail 62-6, Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu



MF Bar Everyday 19:00-04:00 Darts , Music Requests, Cheap Booze My Favorite bar ~ owners are cool! 58-10, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Monkey Everyday 21:00-06:00 Dancing all night 62, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Mushroom 010.7527.4879 Everyday 20:00-04:00 Party , Hip-hop, Dance 23, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Organ Bar 053.421.5546 18:00-03:00 Beer and music 52-4, samdeokdong1 -ga, Jung-gu, Daegu

Old Blue 053.427.8447 17:00-02:00 Jazz Club Holidays: Sundays & Holidays

Second Hotel 22:00-06:00 Holidays: Every Thursday Lounge Bar & Club 62-6, Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu


Downtown Bars & Clubs


Teum Lounge Everyday 19:00-03:00 Electronic Music 4F, 55, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Thursday Party I 053-422-6621 Everyday 19:00-04:00 Beer Pong, Darts, Danc’n The best of the best go here. B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Junggu, Daegu Thursday Party II 053-424-0824 Everyday 19:00-04:00 Beer Pong, Shuffle Puck, Darts 50-8, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Urban Club & Lounge Everyday 19:00-04:00 Live Music, Darts, Hip-hop 50-18, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Who’s Bob Everyday 20:00-04:00 Beer Pong, Dart Machine, Pool 58-10, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu



downtown shopping spots Chung Baek Won 053.253.1121 09:00-20:00 Holidays:Sundays Tea & Ceramics 25-1, Jong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

Glass Baba Optical Shop

053.423.9001 09:30-23:00 Eyewears 402, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu See Channel

053.427.0033 10:00-22:00 Eyewear 604, Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu Tokyo & Pearl 053.253.9034 10:00-20:30 Jewelry Holidays:Wednesdays B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Junggu, Daegu Vanity London Haberdashery 053.422.7708 12:00-03:00 Men Clothing B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Junggu, Daegu

Youngdodaum 053.710.3700 Weekdays 10:00-20:00 Weekends 10:00-21:00 Holidays:Seolnal(3days),Chuseok(3days) Velvet Gallery 39, Gongpyeongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu


Downtown Shopping Spots


downtown Tourism Gukchae Bosang Park 국채보상운동기념공원

053-745-6753 670, Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

This park was built to commemorate the National Debt Reparation Movement, which started in Daegu during the Japanese Occupation.

February 28 Democratic Movement Memorial Park 2.28기념중앙공원

053-254-9405 80, Dongseong-ro 2 gil Jung-Gu. Daegu

There are also three other fountains. You can enjoy a walking path or sit on one of the many benches. The outdoor stage hosts Daegu International Musical Festival’s fringe shows. Youngdo daum Velvet Gallery 영도다움

10:00~22:00 / No holiday / 053-710-3700 39, Gongpyeongro-4gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Run by Youngdo Velvet, it is the only exclusive velvet exhibition hall in the country. From the basement to the third floor, they have velvet clothes, Korean traditional costumes and other goods. Bongsan Cultural Street 봉산문화거리

77, Bongsanmoonhwas-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

As you walk along, you’ll see art galleries, studios and antique shops. You can stop in shops to buy art or just to browse through the incredible work of local artists. While you can enjoy exhibitions throughout the year, this street is particularly busy every October with the Bong-san Art Festival. Kim Kwang-suk Memorial Mural Road 김광석 거리

450 gil, Dalgubeol Daero, Jung-Gu, Daegu

The late Kim Kwang-suk, a famous Korean folk singer-songwriter who was popular in the 1980s, is still admired by many Korean music lovers today. him. The walls of this street are plastered with murals of Kim and you can hear his music faintly playing as you stroll along. DAEGU COMPASS JULY 2017


GUEST HOUSE GUIDE Welcome to the Daegu Compass guest house information guide. Guest houses offer a more personal experience while staying in Daegu. Many of the guest houses are located in what is considered "old Daegu" and still retain much their traditional charm. The owners are very helpful in setting up tours and guides around the city and offer activities for their guests to take part in during their stay. If you're just passing through, or looking to stay for an extended time, Daegu's guest houses are always open.

Downtown Area Guest Houses Near the nightlife

Pann Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 경상감영길 43-9 Tel: 053-252-7529 Website: pannguest.co.kr Email: pann2527529@naver.com Dormitory rates start at 25,000won Traditional Korean room and great food The Style Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 서성로14길 26 Tel: 053-214-6116 Website: thestyleguesthouse.modoo.at Email: styledaegu@gmail.com Dormitory rates start at 19,000won Cozy rooms and great location The Hanok Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 서성로14길 46-5 Tel: 053-214-6116 Website: thestyleguesthouse.modoo.at Email: styledaegu@gmail.com Rates start at 30,000won Korean traditional style house with a pool The Empathy Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 중앙대로79길 32 Tel: 070-8915-8991 Website: blog.naver.com/empathy215/50178074339 Dormitory rates start at 23,000won Great dorm rooms and helpful staff

Cheongra Eondeok Add: 대구광역시 중구 달구벌대로401길 22 Tel: 010-3823-9662 Website: www.daeguguesthouse.co.kr Email: dongsan16@hanmail.net Dormitory rates start at 23,000won Love the bunk beds


Guest House Guide


hotel guide Welcome to the Daegu Compass hotel information guide. We will also be adding a guide about motels soon. Daegu is very spread out, and not all the hotels will be convenient for you. We hope our hotel guide will help you with making your decision on where to rest your weary bones for the night. Nam Gu Area Hotels Near Camp Walker

Downtown Area Hotels Near the nightlife Novotel Ambassador Daegu

Hotel the Palace

Eldis Regent Hotel

Prince Hotel

Add: 대구광역시 중구 국채보상로 611번지 Tel: 053- 664-1111 Website: www.accorhotels.com/7038 Email: rsvn@novoteldaegu.com Room rates start from 154,000+ won (10% VAT will be added) Fantastic all you can eat dinner buffet! Add: 대구광역시 중구 동산동 360번지 Tel: 053-253-7711 Website: http://www.eldishotel.com/ Email: eldishotel@hanmail.net Room rates start at 100,000won Close to Hyundai and Dongha Shopping

Add: 대구광역시 남구 봉덕3동 688-1번지 Tel: 053-471-9911 Website: http://www.hotelthepalace.co.kr/ Email: no online reservation system Room rates start at 99,000won Near Camp Walker Clean and Friendly Add: 대구광역시 남구 대명2동 1824-2번지 Tel: 053-628-1001 Website: http://www.princehotel.co.kr/ Email: prince@princehotel.co.kr Room rates start at 105,000won Western and Korean rooms available

Suseong Gu Area Hotels 10 min from Dongdaegu station Daegu Grand Hotel

Hotel Ariana

Hotel Inter-burgo

Hotel Suseong

Add: 대구광역시 수성구 범어1동 563-1번지 Tel: 053-742-0001 Website: http://www.taegugrand.co.kr Email: concierge@daegugrand.co.kr Room rates start at 240,000won One of the top hotels in Daegu

Add: 대구 수성구 만촌동 300번지 Tel: 053-6027-171, 173 Website: http://hotel.inter-burgo.com Email: feel20c@inter-burgo.com Room rates start at 330,000won Daegu Casino is open!

Add: 대구광역시 수성구 두산동 200-1번지 Tel: 053-765-7776 Website: http://www.ariana.co.kr Email: arianahotel@nate.com Room rates start at 110,000won Great all-you-can-eat buffet located in the basement Add: 대구광역시 수성구 용학로 106-7 Tel: 1899-1001 Website: www.hotelsusung.co.kr Room rates start at 270,000won Beautiful view of Suseong Lake

Buk Gu Area Hotels Inter-burgo EXCO

Add: 대구광역시 북구 유통단지로 80 Tel: 053-380-0114 Website: eng.ibexco.net Email: hotelexco@inter-burgo.com Room rates start at 19,000 won Great for conventions


Hotel Guide


Compass Connoisseur Check out these great restaurants, as recommended by The Daegu Compass’ Editor-in-Chief!


옥상 therooftop

One of the best places to get European food in Daegu, 옥상 therooftop has made quite a name for itself. You can easily find it above What? BBQ restaurant on meat street. The owner and chef, Rose Kyunghwa Kim, trained at Le Cordon Bleu in Australia and has a menu packed with fantastic dishes. From the cheese-stuffed meatballs, to the Caesar’s salad, not to mention the fantastic chicken schnitzel, the menu has plenty to offer at a great price. Hours: 12:00-01:00 / Break 15:30-17:00 / Closed Tuesdays Tel: 053-213-7611 Address: 중구 동성로3길 32-43 3F

La Luce

One of the best places for a date, birthday, or special meal, La Luce delivers high quality mediterranean meals for the midrange foodie. Their menu includes a wide variety of Western dishes, my personal favorites being the flatbread and mousakka. The ambiance is slightly upscale, the menu is diverse, and their set meals are to die for. La Luce is my go-to place for my birthday celebrations and it has never disappointed. Hours: 12:00-22:00 / Break 15:30-17:30 / Closed Sundays & Holidays Tel: 053-606-0733 Address: 대구시 중구 동덕로 141 2F

Brewer Bros

The best fish and chips in Daegu can be found at Brewer Bros, and the portion sizes are massive. You can get a medium size portion for 12,000 or a large for 15,000. If you’re not in the mood for fish, there are a few other tasty options to choose from, including sausages and chips or fried shrimp and chips - both are solid dishes as well. Brewer Bros also offers a good selection of craft beers on tap, at a very reasonable price. Hours: Sun-Thurs 17:00-01:00 / Fri-Sat 17:00-02:00 Tel: 010-3268-4269 Address: 대구 중구 종로 29

EtOH’s Drafthouse EtOH’s is your one-stop-shop for American-style pizza and a wide selection of craft beer. The owner works very hard to deliver great food and welcoming atmosphere - and he’s succeeded in making EtOH’s one of the most popular places to grab a bite and a pint on the weekends. Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 16:00-01:00 / Fri 16:00-02:00 / Sat 15:00-02:00 / Sun 15:00-01:00 / Closed Tuesdays Tel: 053-211-9385 Address: 대구시 중구 동성로3길 12-3 2F

아이엠폴 I'm Paul

Hands-down my favorite dessert cafe in Daegu. The owner of this lovely cafe fell in love with New York style desserts while studying at Parson’s School of Design. The coffee, aide, and tea on offer perfectly complement the gorgeous desserts she makes. You can even order entire cakes for special occasions. There’s nothing I wouldn’t recommend, though I personally lean towards the Profiterole cake and anything she makes with chocolate! Hours: 09:00-00:00 Tel: 053-426-9006 Address: 대구시 중구 동성로1길 52


My favorite spot for brunch in Daegu. The menu includes around 10 different options for breakfast, and a number of lunch/dinner dishes. I always tell myself that I’ll try something different when I go, but I never do - you just can’t beat the avocado and roasted vegetable sandwich!! But, to be fair, my friends have ordered the smoked salmon omelette and the pancakes, and were swimmingly happy. The place is small, so you might have to wait, but it is my favorite place to go for brunch downtown. Hours: 11:30-22:00 / Break 16:00-18:00 / Closed Tuesdays Tel: 053-254-0520 Address: 대구시 중구 명륜로11길 7 68

Compass Connoisseur


Beomeo G’Day Cafe

I’m partial to the Sydney brunch at G’Day Cafe, and so are my friends. If you go, definitely try that first! The dish includes a sunnyside-up egg, two lovely pieces of toast, a small salad, and mushrooms in a cheese-cream sauce - to die for! I love to head to G’Day on a Saturday or Sunday, with my laptop in-tow. I can enjoy a great brunch, wonderful coffee (and tea), and get some writing done in a great, relaxed atmosphere. Hours: Mon-Sat 10:00-23:00 / Sun 10:00-22:00 Tel: 053-746-1217 Address: 대구시 수성구 범어천로 175-7

Sinmae Taj Mahal

One of the best Indian restaurants in Daegu, Taj Mahal is worth the trek out to Sinmae. To find the restaurant, take exit 5 from Sinmae station and go straight until you see Dunkin Donuts (it’s on the 2nd floor of that building). The restaurant is foreigner-friendly and they will cater the spice level to your needs. The dishes are well-priced and there are plenty of vegetarian and halal options as well. Hours: 11:30-22:00 Tel: 053-795-1686 Address: 대구시 수성구 달구벌대로 3224

Nam-gu HamiMami

The best American-style brunch restaurant in Daegu. HamiMami’s has been in the area since 2008 and is quite popular amongst locals and foreigners alike. They serve western-style breakfast, sandwiches, burritos, and other comfort foods. HamiMami’s homemade biscuits, gravy, hash browns, and sausages are among the best in the city and their bread is delivered fresh daily. Head to HamiMami’s when you’re feeling a little homesick and let them spoil you! Hours: 08:00-21:00 / Weekday break 15:00-17:00 / Closed Mondays Tel: 053-475-5242 Address: 대구시 남구 삼정길 87

Sangin and Jincheon


This is my absolute favorite Korean BBQ restaurant in Daegu. The place is tiny, but the atmosphere is great and the staff are very welcoming. You can just order the red pork and # of rice you’d like and they’ll take care of the rest! The marinades and side dishes are made inhouse and with love - definitely worth the trek out to Sangin! Oh - I’ve never seen anyone pay by card, so it’d be best to take cash with you. Hours: 16:00-03:00 Tel: 053-639-3222 Address: 대구 달서구 월곡로53길 21

Suseong Lake La Salud

I’ve tried almost every burger joint in Daegu, and La Salud is still my favorite, based on flavor, price, and ambiance. I usually go for the house burger, but you can’t go wrong with any of the burgers on the menu! Definitely go for the set, which includes a drink and side. The restaurant is easy to find and the staff is super-friendly! Hours: 11:30-22:30 / Break 15:00-16:30 / Closed Mondays Tel: 053-585-9000 Address: 대구시 수성구 무학로 87



yangnyeongsi area TAKE A PICTURE AT EACH LOCATION AND SEND TO PHOTOS@DAEGUCOMPASS.COM TO WIN GIFT CERTIFICATES TO SOME OF OUR GREAT SPONSORS! Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 반월당역 가 주세요. (Please go to Banwoldang Station.) Eng ban-wol-dang-yeok ga-ju-se-yo. Kor 현대백화점 가 주세요. (Please go to Hyundai Department Store.) Eng hyun-dae-baek-hwa-jeom ga-ju-se-yo.o.


Yangnyeongsi Area Map




Bongsan Art Street and Daebong Library Area Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 봉산문화거리 가 주세요. (Please go to Bongsan Culture Street.) Eng bong-san-moon-hwa-go-ri ga-ju-se-yo.


Bongsan Art Street And Daebong Library Area Map


Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 김광석거리 가 주세요. (Please go to Kim Kwang-suk Memorial Mural Street.) Eng gim-gwang-seok-go-ri ga-ju-se-yo.

Bongsan Cultural Street 봉산문화거리

77, Bongsanmunhwa-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu, Korea

Think of this artsy street as the “Insa-dong” of Daegu. As you walk along, you’ll see art galleries, studios and antique shops. You can stop in shops to buy art or just to browse through the incredible work of local artists. While you can enjoy exhibitions throughout the year, this street is particularly busy every October with the Bongsan Art Festival. Another highlight of this area is the Bongsan Culture and Art Hall where you can catch some performances and small-scale exhibitions.


Bangcheon Market & Kim Kwang-suk Memorial Mural Road 방천시장 & 김광석거리

Dalgubeol-daero 450-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu, Korea

The late Kim Kwang-suk, a famous Korean folk singer-songwriter who was popular in the 1980s, is still admired by many Korean music lovers today. You can definitely feel the love for the late artist as you stroll down the 350 meter long street that was designed to remember and honor him. The walls of this street are plastered with murals of Kim and you can hear his music faintly playing as you stroll along. On the weekends, you can visit a flea market here and there are also several famous restaurants in the area such as Daehan News, Two Bbul, Pic&iq (picnic), Percent, Barazi, Gajok and Laura’s Mill. 73

Seomun Market Area Established in the Goryeo Dynasty, Seomun market was one of the three major markets during the Joseon dynasty. After the Korean War, a large linen and cotton wholesale and retail market was created. The textile industry is the traditional industry of Daegu. Seomun market is a lively place for locals and tourists alike that truly showcases an original part of Daegu culture. You can find an assortment of food as well as affordable, well-made market goods. Convenient Facilities Parking building The eight story parking ramp is located between Dong-san shopping district and sector two. There are two entrances and the ramp can hold 660 cars. It costs 500 won to park for 30 minutes with a 250 won charge for each additional ten minutes of parking. You can pay at an automated machine on the first floor. Credit cards and transportation cards are accepted. Parking lot There are two sections that hold up to 350 cars. It can hold 60 cars in the Dongsan shopping district and 50 cars in the basement of each of the five additional sectors. ATM You can find them at various places around Seomun market. There is also one located on the first floor of the parking ramp. Information Center It is located right next to the entrance of the parking ramp. You will see a sign that says, “Information Center”. Inside, you can collect all the information you need about tourist destinations in Daegu as well as more information about Seomun Market.

Things to remember while shopping


Transportation Subway (Sinnam Station of Green Line) To find “Yangmal alley (socks alley),” take subway line two to Sinnam station and take exit number one. Right after you exit, look for an alley on your right. Yangmal alley merges with a main road. Walk along this road or about seven minutes (350 meters) and you will see an arch that is the entrance to Seomun market. Bus Seomyuhoegwan Bus Stop : 425, 623, 724, 309, 508, 156, 400, 400-1, 420, 420-1, 939, 427, 521, 653, 북구3, 동구2, 급행1, 급행3 Dongsan Medical Center Bus Stop : 840, 300, 414, 600, 836 Seomun Market Bus Stop : 405, 402, 400, 323, 414-1, 600, 836, 808, 651, 성서2 Keunjang Negeori Bus Stop : 425, 623, 724, 156, 420-1, 909, 521, 808, 653, 405, 309, 402, 508, 400, 성서2, 급행1

1. Most stores close around six or seven p.m. (It varies by store and some may be open later) 2. Bring cash! These vendors do not accept credit cards. So hit the ATM before you shop here. 3. Compare prices at different shops. There are many vendors that sell similar products here so shop around and consider your options before buying. 4. Restrooms are located at the top of each sector or between floors.

Seomun Market Area Map


Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver

kor 서문시장 가 주세요. (Please go to Seomun Market.) Eng so-moon-she-jang ga-ju-se-yo.

Dongsan Shopping District You can find dishes and flatware in the basement. On the first floor, you can find baby goods, children’s clothing and many more household items. On the second floor and above, you’ll find cute clothing for a reasonable price.

District Five It’s located at the outer corner of Seomun market but is always packed with people. On the first floor, you’ll see shoppers buying dishes either for commercial use or for their own homes. The second floor sells clothing.

Distrcit One The first floor sells linen and silk fabrics, and the second floor sells Korean made clothing and luxury bedding. This spot is visited by Koreans of all ages taking a look at the colorful, luxurious fabrics.

AJin Shopping District This place is ideal for artists and designers, “Home-Fashion” crafts and it sells hand-made clothing. Along the streets of this district, you can find various tools and materials such as buttons, feathers, ribbons, zippers and laces. “Mending Street” is lined up and down with sewing machines and seamstresses and tailors who have been sewing for over ten years – another special feature of the Jin Shopping District.

District Two This building burned down in 2005 but was recently rebuilt and revived with a brand new facility. In the basement, you can grab a bite to eat. They sell things like strawberry cakes, pork belly, Jajangmyeon, Mon-na-ni Tteok-bokki and grilled bulgogi. The first floor is retail and clothing and the third and fourth floors sell fabric. This spot is always popular for Daegu locals, but receives an influx of foreign shoppers in October buying fabric for Halloween costumes. District Four District four is a general store. On the first floor, you will find a random mix of tuxedos, garments, crafts and traditional Korean souvenirs. You can buy silk fabrics and bedding on the second floor.


Myungpoom Plaza Myungpoom Plaza is a fashion center located in Seomun market. The first floor sells jewelry, accessories, imported goods, shoes, dishes and baby goods. The second and third floors sell underwear and women’s clothing. This is a one-stop shop plaza with a little bit of everything Dried Sea Food District The dried sea food district of Seomun Market sells dried fruits, nuts and (of course) an uncountable amount of dried sea food. In fact, 60 to 70 percent of all dried foods sold in Daegu are sold here. An added bonus is that you can buy the goods for about 20 or 30 percent cheaper here than you can at the market. To get here, walk past the arched structure and you will see it on your left.



Restaurant Shopping Hospital



Daegu Bank

Attraction Hanwoo Shidae Amijoung

k Par ngi Shi


Hotel Inter-Burgo EXCO

Electron Zone


yegrina, Aomaru, Hamillz

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eet Str

NC Outlet yeonhwajeong


Daebul Park

EXCO Area EXCO (EXCO, Daegu Exhibition & Convention Center) EXCO was established in 2001 as the first exhibi-tion and convention center in Daegu. EXCO pro-motes exhibitions like the World Energy Congress 2013, the Fire & Safety Expo, the Daegu Interna-tional Optical Show, the International Textile Fair and the Daegu International Machinery Industry Expo and the International Green Energy Expo & Conference.


New Life R Hospital

Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver

96 76


T K ow Na yun ard tio gp s na oo lU k ni.

Kor 엑스코 가 주세요. (Please go to EXCO.) Eng EXCO ga-ju-se-yo.

Bokhyeon Five-way Crossing


NC Outlet

Electron Zone



NC Outlet offers more than 200 premium brands of merchandise to choose from.

This is a electronics shopping mall in the form of a department store.

Mon-Fri_ 10:30-21:00 / Sat, Sun_ 10:30-21:30 Closed: 3rd Wed. of each month / 053-662-9000 22 Yutongdanji-ro 14-gilm Buk-gu, Daegu

09:30-20:30 Closed: 3rd Wed. of each month / 053-604-2000 45 Yutongdanji-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu

Daegu Catholic Universtiy Chilgok Catholic Medical Center

Daegu Shooting Range 대구사격장

Daegu Health College

Daegu Shooting Range

Yellow Line


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geumho IC

Maecheon Bridge

09:00-18:00 Closed: Jan 1, Seolnal and Chuseok / 053-312-0000 40 Geumho-dong, Buk-gu, Daegu Admission Fee Air Pistol Shooting 20 bullets, 2 target (4,000won) 10 bullets, 1 target (2,000won) Clay Shooting 25 Bullets, 25 Targets (24,000won) 10 Bullets, 10 Targets (11,000won) Handgun Shooting 10 bullets, 1 target 22 Caliber (13,000won) 9mm Beretta, 38 Special, 357 Magnum (16,000won)


Daegu Science University

With a scenic view, enjoy shooting clay targets, air pistol shooting, and a survival-shooting stadium.



Out Dark

There's Dalbit Sanyang

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72nd Street ZZIM

Jeonchongmuga ssonda Sugar Joe's

KB Kookmin Bank

NH Nonghyup Bank

Indo Bangrangi New Saladdin Daegu Bank

New Saladdin 뉴살라딘

• Recommendations curry tandoori chicken


• Recommendations Jjimdak

ad ro er

Indian & Pakistan 11:00-22:00 / No holidays / 053-942-3535 2F, 79 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu

You can taste authentic Indian and Pakistani food made by a foreign chef. Korean 11:00-23:00 / No holidays / 053-941-7272 61 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu

The best jjimdak in the area and also appeared on a famous Korean television program.

Pælet 팰럿

Western Fusion Tue-Sat 11:30~22:30 / Closed: Mon. / 053-943-0906 15 Daehak-ro 17-gil, Buk-gu, Daegu

• Recommendations red curry pizza gratin

It is hard to select the best dish because all the dishes are delicious. As the name of this restaurant is unique, so is the food.

Out Dark 아웃닭

Chicken & Beer 16:00 - 02:00 / No holidays / 053-955-4469 16 Sangyeok-ro 6-gil, Buk-gu, Daegu

• Recommendations fried chicken

You can feel as if you are in a pub while you enjoy various kinds of fried chicken.served with fried rice cake and potato chips




Kyungpook National University


KnU north gate

Kyungpook National University North Gate Area Map


Bongdaebak Spaghetti

hyeon Towards Bok

ssing Five-way Cro

B Turn

Restaurant Pharmacy

Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 경대북문 가 주세요. (Please go to the north gate of Kyungpook National Univ.) Eng gyeong-dae-buk-moon ga-ju-se-yo.


Pub Bank Cafe


Restaurant Pharmacy Pub Cafe

Flower Road



Suseong Lake



Suseongmot Station

Hwanggeum Station

77 Towards Beomeo Junctio n a

Suseong Lake (Suseong Amusement Park) Around Suseong Lake, there are plenty of activities to enjoy. Suseong Land is a tiny amusement park where children and couples come to enjoy carnival rides and games. You can ride duck boats or just walk around the lake. There are many restaurants and cafes to choose from as well. There are music fountain performances throughout the summer months that are sure to make your time at Suseong Lake memorable.

SUSEONG LAKE AREA Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 수성못 가 주세요. (Please go to Suseong Lake.) Eng su-seong-mot ga-ju-se-yo. Kor 수성호텔 가 주세요. (Please go to Hotel Suseong.) Eng su-seong-ho-tel ga-ju-se-yo. Kor 아리아나 호텔 가 주세요. (Please go to Hotel Ariana.) Eng ah-ri-ah-na-ho-tel ga-ju-se-yo. 수성못 (수성유원지)

053-666-2863 Dusan-dong, Suseong-gu, Daegu, Korea


Stadium and Concert Hall Map


LIMOUSINE BUS TIME TABLE Dondaegu <-> PUS, ICN Take the buses at the Dongdaegu Complex Transit Center

Dongdaegu <-> Incheon International Airport Time: 3hr 50min Fare: Day Time (4am~4pm)-35,800won, Night Time (12pm~3:50am)-39,400won

Eng Tell your taxi driver, “dongdaegu teo-mi-neol ga-ju-se-yo.” Kor 동대구 터미널 가 주세요 Departure


Gyeongsan, Dongdaegu, Gumi, Gimcheon, Sangju → Kimpo, Songdo, ICN Airport

ICN Airport, Songdo, Kimpo →Sangju, Gimcheon, Gumi, Dongdaegu, Gyeongsan

Gyeong Dong Gumi Gim Sangju Kimpo Songdo ICN Airport cheon san daegu

Dong Gyeong Gim ICN Airport Songdo Kimpo Sangju cheon Gumi daegu san


0:40 1:00

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6:20 6:50




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1:30 1:40






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11:10 11:40



1:50 2:10






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7:50 8:20






11:40 12:30

12:30 ---


2:30 2:40 2:50

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6:20 7:10 6:40

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3:30 3:50 4:10

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5:50 6:00 6:20

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9:40 10:40 10:10

13:30 13:50 14:20


14:00 -----



17:20 --17:40

18:10 17:40 18:30



6:40 7:00 7:30

7:30 --8:20




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10:50 10:50 11:40

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18:30 19:20 19:30


















7:50 -----

8:40 9:00 9:20






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17:30 18:00 18:20






21:20 21:50 22:10


















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11:00 11:30 --12:00 12:40 13:20 14:00 14:50 15:40

11:50 --12:40 ----14:10 ----16:30

----13:00 -------------



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19:00 19:20 19:40 20:10 20:40 21:10 21:40 22:00 22:40



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------- JULY ---2017 --DAEGU COMPASS










Daegu Subway Map 2

Munyang Paldal Market

Dasa Daesil


Inustrial Complex



Maecheon Market

Taejeon Maecheon



KNU Medical Center






Buk-gu Office

Keimyung University Seongseo Industrial Conplex

Dalseong Park

Igok Seomun Market

Yungsan Jukjeon


Bangogae Naedang




Daegu Station


Chilseong Dongdaegu Market Sincheon Station

Daegu Bank

Banwoldang Kyungpook

Beomeo Nat’l Univ Hospital



Suseong-go Office


Yonggye Bangchon


Sinhi Yulha

Gaksan Banyawol



Manchon Damti Yeongo

National Univ. of Education Yeongnam Univ.Hosp





Wolchon Sangin







Daegu Grand Park



Gosan Sinmae Sawol

Yeungnam University



Daebonggyo Suseong Market Sueong-gu Stadium

Children’s Hall

Hwanggeum Suseongmot


Yongji Beommul


Daegu Subway Line 1 subway Line 2 subway Line 3 subway







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