March 2016
Wicked 2016 Tour
The Huge Green Storm is Back
Welcome to Daegu You’re Gonna Love this City
Hogsmeade Daegu's Harry Potter Cafe
Daepo Jusangjeolli Cliffs Jeju's Volcanic Treasure
Colorful Daegu
Compass Sponsors for sponsorship rates Contact Tel 010.5386.0908 (Yuri Lee)
The Daegu Compass would like to dedicate this page to all of our SPONSORS who make this information guide possible. Without your support now and in the future, we couldn’t make the Daegu Compass. We’d also like to thank everyone in the community who takes time out of their day to enjoy the Daegu Compass. Our goal is to constantly improve to help your stay in Daegu be the best time of your life. Please visit our SPONSORS to show them appreciation for supporitng the Daegu Compass.
The magic of the green witch is coming with spring.
Sincerely, The Daegu Compass Team
2016. 5. 18 – 6. 19 (Weekdays 7:30PM, Weekends and Holidays 2PM, 7PM) Keimyung Art Center VIP 140,000won, OP 130,000won, R 120,000won, S 100,000won, A 80,000won, B 60,000won
HOURS: Mon-Sat 11:30-10:30 (last call @ 9:30) Sun 11:30-9:30 (last call @8:30) Closed on 2nd & 4th Mondays
727-19, Daebongdong, Jung-gu (대구시 중구 대봉동 727-19번지) Tel. 070.4118.0188 instagram: @_surfandturf facebook: /surfandturfkorea
Daegu Compass에 광고나 기타 문의가 있으신 분들을 아래로 연락주시기 바랍니다. 전화 : 070-8182-2709 팩스 : 053-635-2709 이메일 : 4
Compass Sponsors
Around Daegu
Thursday Party MIES Factory Go Go Vinyl Who’s Bob Caliente Mushroom Lounge Club THAT +More
Tilt Bar and Grill
Novotel Inter-burgo Exco Inter-burgo Manchon Daegu Grand Hotel +more coming soon
Camp Walker Camp Henry Camp Carroll Hami Mami’s Hagwons Universities Public Schools Daegu Banks +More
Busan All Thursday Party bars
Daegu is very spread out. We need your help with distribution. Email us at to find out how you can help. Thanks!
Editor Notes
• Managing Editor Yuri Lee • Publisher Miyong Ha • Creative Director Scott McLaughlin
Hi Daegu,
Welcome to the March Issue! Spring has been teasing us and we’re definitely ready for warmer weather! This issue showcases some great restaurants and cafes and highlights some of the many things you can do in and outside of Daegu! A big thanks goes out to all our Compass readers who make this information guide such a great publication. If you have a special restaurant, cafe, or bar that you like to go to - and you think our readers should too - send an email to our Editor in Chief at lindsay@
Editor-in-Chief Lindsay Mickles • Graphic Designers Eun Ji Lee • Translation Director Scott McLaughlin & Yujeong Lee • Event Director Yuri Lee • Writers,
If you are interested in learning how to be a writer, photographer or get involved with the Compass, send us an email at - we hope to hear from you soon. We also want to take a moment and thank all of our sponsors old and new for helping to keep the Compass a free publication.
Proofreaders and Photographers Alex Bailey Brad Piepkorn Brian Ward Brian Williams Ivan Broida John Golding
Best, Yuri Lee and The Daegu Compass Team
Karen Menton Lindsay Mickles Thomas Mathews Yujeong Lee • Sales & PR Yuri Lee
대구광역시 수성구
동대구로73길 14(범어동) 401호 Fax 053-742-0393 Tel
010-5386-0908 E-Mail • Cover photo submitted by Cover photo submitted by Daegu Art Museum
Editor Notes
• Articles
• Useful Information
• Maps
• Experience 12 Kitchen
p 008
• Taj Mahal
p 014
• Hogsmeade
p 018
• The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz
p 022
• Welcome to Daegu
p 024
• Just Keep Running
p 028
• One Of The Last Things I Did Before Publishing My Book
p 032
• 48,000,000 Colombians Can’t Be Wrong
p 038
• Daepo Jusangjeolli Cliffs
p 042
• How To Order Food
p 046
• Event Calendar
p 047
• Useful Korean Expresssions
p 050
• Daegu Area Map
p 052
• Downtown Map
p 054
• Downtown Restaurants
p 056
• Downtown Bars and Clubs
p 060
• Downtown Shopping Spots
p 064
• Downtown Tourism
p 065
• Guest House Guide
p 066
• Hotel Guide
p 067
• Compass Connoisseur
p 068
• Yangyeongsi Area Map
p 070
• Bongsan Art Street and Daebong Library Area Map
p 072
• Seomun Market Map
p 074
• Exco Map
p 076
• Kyungpook National Univ. North Gate Map
p 078
• Suseong Lake Map
p 080
• Limosine Bus Schedule
p 081
• Subway Map
p 082
Experience 12 Kitchen Locally Sourced, Expertly Prepared
• Written by Brad Piepkorn Photos by Ivan Broida Translated by Yujeong Lee
As Daegu grows slowly but increasingly more diverse, so too does the supply and demand of its foreign food. Despite this promising trend, it can sometimes prove difficult to fulfill that powerful “I need a break from kimchi, rice, and seaweed, so help me God” feeling that some of us are struck by from time to time. There seem to be two exceptions to this rule, however. First, restaurants of the Korean-Chinese variety abound, which I will gloss over due to that lot’s reluctance to include my beloved American-Chinese favorite: deepfried cream cheese puffs. The second is Korean-Italian food, the variety and quality of which provide enough food-for-thought to fuel a doctoral dissertation.
번째는 한국계 중국인들의 식당이 다양하게 많이 있다는 것이다.
자세하게 이야기는 하지 않을 것이다. 내가 사랑하는 미국식 중 국음식인 튀긴 크림치즈볼을 포함한 경우를 찾기가 어려우니 말 이다. 두번째로는 한국식 이탈리아 음식인데, 박사과정 논문을
쓰도록 부채질하기 충분한 생각거리를 제공해주는 다양한 종류 와 퀄리티를 보여준다.
다. 이러한 조짐이 좋은 추세에도 불구하고, 가끔씩 몇몇 우리 외
Truth be told, Italian cuisine in Daegu can be very hitor-miss. While local chefs can be forgiven for tossing a little kimchi atop a pizza or pasta in the name of “fusion”, many transgressions are more offensive to the palate. Once in awhile, though, Daegu is blessed with a restaurant that restores one’s faith in this city’s ability to foster true culinary talent and quality in authentic foreign cuisine. The recently relocated 12 Kitchen is one of those restaurants.
여, 도와주세요.”라는 강렬한 소망이 실현되는 것이 어떨 때는 어
역내 요리사가 “퓨전”이란 이름 아래 피자나 파스타에 김치를 올
대구는 다양성의 측면에서 느리지만 계속해서 더 나아진 모습을
갖춰 나가고 있다. 외국 음식에 대한 공급과 수요도 마찬가지이 국인들에게 밀려오는 “김치랑 밥, 김은 잠시 그만. 그러니 신이시 렵기도 하다. 하지만 여기에는 두 가지 예외적인 경우가 있다. 첫
Experience 12 Kitchen
사실대로 이야기하자면, 대구의 이탈리아 음식은 복불복이다. 지 리는 일이 허용되는 반면에, 이 것보다 더 멋대로 외국음식을 만
Amuse-bouche 드는 방식들은 미각에 더 적대적이기까지 하다. 하지만 가끔 씩 진정한 요리에 대한 재능과 제대로 된 외국 음식의 퀄리
티를 키워낼 수 있는 대구의 능력에 대해 믿음을 회복할 수 있는 식당이 있어 다행이다. 최근에 다시 자리를 잡은 12키 친이 바로 그러한 식당 중 하나이다.
Situated just off of a main road, Deulangil near Suseong Lake, 12 Kitchen looks elegant but not particularly imposing from the outside. Inside, you’re immediately greeted by wall cutouts prominently showcasing the Kitchen’s bounty of fresh ingredients. Aged steak, fresh fruit and vegetables, and an array of neatly bundled herbs inhabit these coolers and rev up the appetite. 들안길에서 조금 안 쪽에 자리 잡은 12 키친은 우아해 보였 지만 외관이 유별나게 눈에 띄지는 않았다. 내부에 들어가면
바로 벽을 잘라낸 부분에 부엌에서 사용하는 신선한 재료들 을 보여주는 공간이 눈에 띈다. 숙성된 스테이크, 신선한 과
일과 채소, 가지런히 묶인 허브들이 이 냉장고 안에서 맛을 숙성시키고 있다..
-continued on p10-
This welcoming display is even more impressive after learning that the vast majority of these ingredients come from the two farms owned by Yoon Kyoung Soo. The farm in Gunwi primarily supplies the herbs while the Pohang operation keeps the restaurant flush with vegetables. With the help of a gardener, these locations yield enough organic vegetation to supply not only the his own restaurant, but a couple of eateries in Seoul as well. 손님을 반겨주는 이 디스플레이는 윤경수씨가 갖고 있는 두 군데 의 농장에서 대부분의 재료들이 온 것을 알게 되면 훨씬 더 인상
적이다. 군위에 있는 농장에서 주로 허브를 가져오고, 포항의 농 장에서는 식당에 채소를 가득 공급해주고 있다. 이런 농부들의
도움으로 두 농장에서는 12키친뿐만 아니라 서울에 있는 두 세군 데의 식당에도 공급할 수 있는 충분한 양의 유기농 채소를 생산 해내고 있다.
Walk further into the restaurant and another reason for 12 Kitchen’s popularity is revealed. The place is gorgeous. The towering ceilings with massive drumshade lights are reminiscent of an upscale art gallery. The space balances clean, modern furnishings with warm and inviting textures of exposed brick, heather grey linens and partitions, and wooden flooring. A piano and various artwork line the walls and give the impression that this venue could be used for a variety of events. The focus, though, is the kitchen area. From most areas of the restaurant, diners are able to catch a glimpse of the work going into this exceptional Italian cuisine due to the semi-exposed configuration of the cooking space. 레스토랑 안으로 조금 더 들어가자 12 키친의 인기에 대한 다른 이유가 드러났다. 이 곳은 아름답다. 커다란 북 모양의 갓을 씌운
조명으로 장식된 우뚝 솟은 천장은 고급스러운 갤러리를 연상시 킨다. 공간은 마감되지 않은 벽돌, 헤더꽃 색깔의 회색 린넨과 파
티션, 나무로 된 바닥의 따뜻하고 매력적인 조화로움과 함께 깨
끗하고 모던한 물품으로 균형이 잡혀 있다. 피아노와 다양한 미 술작품은 벽을 따라 자리잡고 있고 이 장소가 다양한 행사를 위
해 사용될 수 있다는 인상을 주었다. 하지만 가장 주목이 되는 곳
은 주방이다. 조리공간의 배열이 반쯤 드러난 덕에 식사를 하러 온 손님들은 대부분의 레스토랑 공간에서 이 뛰어난 이탈리아 음 식을 조리하는 과장을 슬쩍 엿볼 수 있다.
12 Kitchen’s current menu is expansive, with nearly a dozen appetizers ranging in price from ₩7,000 for the Zuppa di Lenticchie (lentil soup) up to the ₩17,000 Salsiccia di manzo con salsa di pomodor (beef sausage with tomato sauce). The fresh pasta offerings hover around the ₩20,000 mark, salads a bit less, and main dishes everywhere from ₩21,000 for the Petto di pollo con crema ai funghi (Chicken breast with mushroom cream sauce) up to the ₩11,000/100g Bistecca fiorentina, a mind blowingly succulent dry aged (for over 30 days) steak. 12키친의 현재 메뉴는 7천원짜리 Zuppa di Lenticchie (주빠 디
렌띠끼에, 렌틸콩 수프)에서 1만 7천원짜리 Salsiccia di manzo
con salsa di pomodor(살시챠 디 만조 콘 살사 디 뽀모도르) 토마토 소스를 곁들인 소고기 소시지) 등 약 12개의 애피타이
저 등 광범위하게 되어 있다. 신선한 파스타는 2만원 선이며 샐 러드 메뉴는 이보다는 조금 저렴하다. 메인요리는 2만1천원인
Petto di pollo con crema ai funghi(페또 디 뽈로 콘 크레마 아 이 풍기, 버섯 크림소스를 얹은 닭가슴살)와 100g당 1만 1천원 인 Bistecca fiorentina(비스테까 피오렌티나)까지 있다. 특히
Bistecca fiorentina((비스테까 피오렌티나)는 가득하고 (30일 이
상) 드라이 에이징을 거쳐 황홀할 정도로 맛있는 육즙이 가득한 스테이크이다.
While I could go on for days about the mouthwatering menu items, there’s a chance it would be in vain. The owner plans, in the near future, to focus more on the restaurant’s tasting menus, of which there are currently four: two of the lunch variety, and two for dinner. 입에 침이 고이게 하는 메뉴 때문에 몇 일 동안이나 12 키친에 갈 수 있지만 소용이 없게 될 가능성도 있다. 오너는 가까운 시일에 현재는 4가지인 레스토랑의 테이스팅 메뉴에 집중하고자 계획 하고 있다. 점심에는 두 가지, 저녁에도 두 가지이다.
For our readers, and for our stomachs, we decided to focus on the menu degustazione tradizionale, the traditional tasting menu which goes for ₩58,000 and consisted of a pre-appetizer, three appetizers, two main courses, and dessert. Here’s a play-by-play of that goodness: 컴퍼스의 독자를 위해, 그리고 우리의 위를 위해, degustazione
tradizionale(데구스타찌오네 트라디찌오날레), 프리 애피타이 저, 세가지 애피타이저, 두 가지 메인요리, 디저트가 나오는 5만
8천원짜리 전통적인 코스 메뉴를 집중탐구 해 보기로 했다. 여기 하나씩 소개하겠다.
Experience 12 Kitchen
Appetizer 1
Appetizer 2
Appetizer 3
The meal began with the amuse-bouche which, for all of you non-foodies out there (I googled it) means “pre-appetizer consisting of whatever the chef wants to serve”. For 12 Kitchen, this changes every couple of weeks depending on the bounty of the farms. In our case, the wooden amuse-bouche serving boxes contained oysters ceviche, impossibly soft smoked salmon with dill, fried prosciutto atop a thick slice of honeydew melon, and an adorable ramekin-sized portion of a smooth potato with green onion soup. Needless to say, the pre-appetizer provided a great deal of excitement for the rest of the meal.
식사는 amuse-bouch(아뮤즈 부쉬)로 시작되었다. 식도락 가가 아닌 사람들을 위해 설명을 하자면 “ 쉐프 마음대로 내 놓는 전채 이전에 먹는 음식”이다. 12 키친에서는 몇 주씩마
다 농장의 사정에 따라 바뀐다. 우리에게는 나무로 된 어뮤즈 부쉐의 서빙 상자에 담긴 굴 셰비체, 딜을 곁들이고 가능하지 않을 정도로 부드러운 연어, 두텁한 멜로 슬라이스를 올린 튀
긴 프로슈토, 양파수프와 함께 사랑스러운 라미킨 사이즈 분 량의 부드러운 감자가 나왔다. 말할 필요도 없이 이 프리 애피 타이저는 나머지 식사를 맛 볼 즐거움을 훨씬 더 높여주었다.
-continued on p12-
HOURS: Mon-Sat 11:30-10:30 (last call @ 9:30) Sun 11:30-9:30 (last call @8:30) Closed on 2nd & 4th Mondays
727-19, Daebongdong, Jung-gu (대구시 중구 대봉동 727-19번지) Tel. 070.4118.0188 instagram: @_surfandturf facebook: /surfandturfkorea
Dessert 1
Dessert 2
Experience 12 Kitchen
Next were the three appetizers, all of which are impeccably presented. The mussel with carrot puree, purple carrot, and carrot leaf was followed by the most amazing samgyeopsal I have ever tasted (cooked sous-vide) with a blueberry chutney, beans, and sautéed brussel sprouts. Last was the cod with sweet radish, watermelon radish, yellow & red beets, with spring parsley. All were phenomenal, but that samgyeopsal, you guys.
Last was dessert, consisting of a layered brownie with yogurt mousse, macaroon, and a pastry I could only describe as something akin to a rusk accompanied by your choice of coffee or tea. A beautiful ending to a beautiful meal.
을 보였다. 이제껏 먹은 삼겹살 중 가장 맛있었던 삼겹살이(수비
운 마무리였다.
다음은 세가지 종류의 애피타이저가 나왔는데 나무랄 데 없는 선 데 형식으로 조리) 블루베리 처트니, 콩, 방울양배추 소테를 곁들 여져 나왔고, 그 다음으로 당근 퓨레, 보라색 당근, 당근잎을 곁들 인 조개관자가 나왔다. 마지막으로는 사탕무, 수박무, 노란 비트
와 빨간 비트를 곁들여서 봄 파슬리와 함께 대구살이 나왔다. 세 가지 애피타이저 모두 경이로울 정도였다. 하지만 그 삼겹살은 정말… 아… 여러분 반드시 맛을 봐야 한다.
Next up was the first plate, fresh (made at 12 Kitchen) cream cheese and whipped cream ravioli topped with parmesan chips with purple potato and parsley. Cream cheese! The ravioli was the best I have ever had, and so clearly handmade that I have not been able to entertain the thought of a lesser ravioli since. 다음은 첫번째 메인이었다. 파마산 치즈 칩과 함께 보라색 감자 와 파슬리를 올린(12키친에서 만든) 신선한 크림치즈와 휘핑크
림 라비올리였다. 크림치즈! 라비올리는 이제껏 먹은 것 중 최고
였고 확실하게 직접 손으로 만든 것이었다. 하지만 그 이후로 라 비올리의 양이 적었다는 생각에 많이 아쉬웠다.
The second plate was the climax of this robust and increasingly jubilant culinary experience, falling right when you would want it to, chronologically. This was the most beautifully presented and delicious steak that I have ever devoured. Surrounded with mashed potatoes, portabella mushroom, and drizzled with beet sauce and mustard seed, this dish was so well proportioned and balanced that there was a true sense of sadness upon the last bite. 10/10, would eat daily if salary allowed. 두번째 메인은 순서대로 딱딱 맞춰 진행되어 나가며, 계속해서
마지막은 요거트 무스를 곁들인 브라우니 , 마카롱, 패스트리로 이뤄진 디저트 였다. 패스트리는
커피나 차 중에 선택했을 때 함께 나오는 러스크와 비슷한 무언
가라고 밖에 설명할 수 없는 듯 하다. 이 아름다운 식사의 아름다
While Kyoung Soo was unable to identify a signature dish, it was clear that he did, and should, take a great amount of pride in the steak and pasta dishes. The two years he spent in Italy honing his craft were apparent in every aspect of the meal. He did, however, admit that the name 12 Kitchen is a reference to the most important themes of his cooking: balance and harmony. At the end of this meal, all I could think about was how much I can’t wait to return. 윤쉐프님이 시그니처 디쉬를 정하지 못 한 반 면에, 쉐프님이 스
테이크와 파스파에 많은 자부심을 가지고 있다는 것은 혹은 가져
야 한다는 것은 확실하다. 실력을 갈고 닦으며 이탈리아에서 보 낸 2년은 식사의 모든 면에서 명백하게 드러났다. 그러나 그는 12키친의 이름이 그의 요리에서 가장 중요한 테마를 언급하는 것 이라고 인정했다. 그 것은 바로 균형과 조화이다. 식사의 마지막
즈음, 내 머릿속에 떠올랐던 것은 빨리 이 곳에 다시 오고 싶다는 생각뿐이었다.
Those wishing to visit are encouraged to make a reservation at least two to three days in advance. No korean? No problem. The staff can easily handle reservations in English as well. 12키친에 가고자 하는 사람들에게는 적어도 2~3일 전에 미리 예
약하고 가길 권한다. 한국어를 못 하더라도 문제 없다. 스탭들은 영어로도 무리 없이 예약을 받는다.
Address: 대구광역시 수성구 무학로11길 10 Contact: 053-652-8007
더 큰 만족감을 가져다 준 탄탄한 코스의 클라이막스였다. 이번 에는 아름답게 세팅이 된 맛있는 스테이크였다. 그렇게 열심히
스테이크를 열심히 먹어본 것은 처음이었다. 매쉬 포테이토, 포
타벨라 버섯을 곁들이고 비트 소스를 뿌린 다음 겨자씨를 올렸 다. 이 스테이크는 균형이 정말 잘 잡혀 있어서 마지막 한 입을 먹 을 때 진정한 슬픔을 느낄 정도였다. 10점 만점에 10점이며 주머 니 사정이 허락한다면 매일 먹을 것이다.
Taj Mahal
From Delhi to Daegu • Written and photographed by John Golding Translated by Yujeong Lee
On Wednesday January 13th I decided to try something, and that something was try Indian food in Daegu. Full disclosure, I am a huge curry snob thanks to years of my father’s home made delights. Because of this I have often found many Indian restaurants to be a disappointment and usually have low expectations when going. 1월 13일 수요일, 무엇인가 새로운 것을 시도해보길 했다. 그리 고 그것은 대구에서 인도음식을 먹는 것이었다. 전체적인 이야기 를 해 보자면 아버지가 집에서 음식을 만드는 것을 매우 좋아하
신 덕에 카레에 대해 굉장히 많이 아는 편이다. 이 때문에 많은 인 도음식 레스토랑에 종종 실망을 했고 인도음식을 먹으러 갈 때면 별로 기대를 하지 않았다.
I was worried that this would continue into my time in Korea, but to my surprise and delight I was wrong. Together with some friends I decided to give the Taj Mahal restaurant in Sinmae a try. We went as a group of five, so luckily I could sample a little of each dish. 이런 일이 한국에 있는 동안에도 계속될 것이라고 걱정했다. 하 지만 놀랍고 기쁘게도 내가 틀렸다. 친구들 몇 명과 함께 신매동
에 있는 타지마할 레스토랑에 가보기로 했다. 5명이서 함께 가서 다행히도 각 메뉴를 조금씩 맛 볼 수 있었다.
For our appetizers and sides we ordered vegetable samosas, roasted papad (or papadum), basmati rice, mixed pakoras and masala naan. Our mains were chana masala, a full tandoori chicken, chicken korma, aloo gobi, mutton masala and a mutton vindaloo.
Taj Mahal
애피타이저와 사이드 메뉴로는 채소 사모사, 로스트 파파드(파파 덤), 바스마티 라이스, 파코라스 난과 마살라 난을 주문했다. 메인
으로는 파나 마살라, 탄두리 치킨 한 마리, 치킨 코르마, 알루 고 비, 무톤 마살라, 머튼 빈달루를 주문했다.
A nice little bonus with our meal was the addition of a chili pickle, which reminded me of my father’s selection of pickles that he would add to the side of the plate. With that little piece of nostalgia warming my heart it was time for our appetizers to arrive. The samosas and pakoras were delicious, light and well-seasoned with subtle spices. They also came with a sweet chili sauce and a slightly minty coriander sauce, my favorite was the minty sauce. The basmati rice was also well cooked and not stogy. The roasted papad was crisp, but just about firm enough to scoop some curry sauce if you want to. The masala naan was nice, but I wanted it to have a little more spice in it. As a whole the appetizers were lovely, but I would love to see onion bhajis added to the menu in the future. 음식을 시켰을 때의 작은 보너스는 칠리 피클이 나왔다는 것이 다. 아버지가 음식에 곁들일 만한 피클을 떠올리게 했다. 마음을 따뜻하게 해주는 작은 그리움과 함께 애피타이저가 도착을 했다. 사모사와 파코라스는 맛있었고, 가볍고 미묘한 향신료들로 잘 양
념이 되어 있었다. 여기에도 스윗 칠리소스와 살짝 민트맛이 나 는 고수 소스가 나왔는데 나는 민트맛이 나는 소스가 제일 좋았
다. 바스마티 라이스 역시 조리가 충분히 되어 담배맛이 나지 않 았다. 로스트 파파드는 바삭했지만 원한다면 카레 소스를 떠서
먹을 정도로 단단했다. 마살라 난은 좋았다. 하지만 조금 더 향신
료가 가미되었으면 했다. 전체적인 애피타이저는 꽤 좋은 편이었 다. 하지만 나중에 바지가 메뉴에 추가 되었으면 한다.
Now to the meat (pun intended) of this review, the mains! As I mentioned before, we ordered a lot of different curries and our group had a mixed tolerance for spicy food. All of our dishes came in plates heated underneath by candles to keep the food hot.
먼저 가장 순한 맛의 카레인 치킨 코르마부터 먹기 시작했다. 매
운 맛에 자신이 없거나 카레가 낯선 사람들에게는 치킨 코르마를 추천한다. 이 카레는 코코넛 맛이 살짝 나서 맵지 않게 하고, 묵직
하고 크리미한 소스이다. 그리고 닭고기는 육즙이 있었지만 지 나치지는 않았다.
우리는 많은 종류의 다른 카레들을 주문했고 매운 맛에 대한 인
The next curry that is accessible and easy to eat for newcomers is the aloo gobi, it has potatoes and cauliflower inside a yellow turmeric sauce. This is also a great option for vegetarians and a very filling dish.
하기 위해 접시 바로 아래에서 초로 가열되는 채로 나왔다.
에는 노란 강황 소슬 안에 감자와 콜리플라워가 들어있다. 이 카
이제 이 리뷰의 메인인 메인요리를 만나보자! 앞서 언급했듯이 내력도 각기 다른 편이었다. 모든 카레가 음식을 따뜻하게 유지
First we’ll start with the mildest dish ordered, the chicken korma. For those who aren’t confident with spicy food or are just new to curry, the chicken korma is a good place to start. It has a thick creamy sauce with a slight coconut flavor that won’t burn your tongue. Also the pieces of chicken were juicy and not too overwhelming.
다음 카레는 카레 입문자들이 먹기에 좋은 알루 고비이다. 여기 레는 채식주의자들에게 좋은 선택지이며 매우 배부르게 먹을 수 있다.
Next up on the agenda is the tandoori chicken. Back home this was a dish I saw ruined by overcooking resulting in bone dry chicken, thankfully I can report that this didn’t happen here. The chicken was moist and not spiced too much so that all of us could enjoy it. The only change I would suggest is that they lose the plen-continued on p16-
tiful salad and replace them with the dipping sauces from the samosas and pakoras. 계획상 다음 메뉴는 탄두리 치킨이다. 본국에 있었을 때는 이 음 식이 너무 오래 익혀져서 바싹 마른 닭고기로 망쳐진 것을 보았
다. 고맙게도 그런 일은 여기에서 일어나지 않았다고 말할 수 있
다. 닭고기는 촉촉했고 양념이 지나치게 된 것이 아니어서 모든 사람들이 즐길 수 있었다. 단 하나 조언을 하자면 넉넉히 나왔던
샐러드 빼고, 대신에 사모사와 파코라스와 함께 나왔던 디핑 소 스를 내는 것이다.
Our penultimate main was the mutton masala, unfortunately lamb isn’t as readily available in restaurants back home. However this mutton wasn’t bad, it wasn’t too gamey or fatty. Mixed together with spicy masala sauce it was pleasant. 마지막에서 두번째로 나온 메인은 머튼 마살라로 본국에 있었던
식당들은 불행히도 제대로 준비가 되지 않았다. 하지만 이 머튼 카레는 나쁘지 않았다. 지나치게 양고기 비린내가 나거나 기름지 지도 않았다. 매운 마살라와 함께 충분히 맛있었다.
Now it’s time to upgrade the spiciness level (not too much, don’t worry!) for the chana masala. This is another extremely vegetarian friendly dish with the primary ingredient being chickpeas. This dish had a spicy tomato sauce that complements the chickpeas perfectly.
Finally was my main dish the spiciest option on the menu, the mutton vindaloo. Back home this curry was always seen as a more daring option, something used to show off your strength. Fantastically this vindaloo also remembered to have a rich and deep flavor that also will help clear your sinuses in the winter!
는 아니니 걱정 마시길). 이는 채식주의자들에게 아주 좋은 또 다
튼 빈달루였다. 본국에서는 이 카레가 항상 대담한 선택으로 보
이제 차나 마살라로 맵기 정도를 조금 높여 볼 때이다(너무 많이
른 종류의 카레로 병아리 콩이 주 재료이다. 그리고 병아리콩을 완벽하게 보완해주는 매운 토마토 소스이다.
Taj Mahal
마지막은 내가 주문했던 메인으로 메뉴에서 가장 매운 카레인 머 여서 나의 강인함을 자랑하곤 했던 그런 것이었다. 이 빈달루 역 시 환상적으로 풍부하고 깊은 맛을 내고 있었고, 이 맛을 겨울에 코를 뻥 뚫어줄 것이다.
As for dessert I decided to get a mango lassi to quell some of the heat from my main. It was a little too sweet for my tastes, but I think that was done to make it more accessible to those not accustomed to lassis. 디저트로는 마지막 카레에서 남았던 열기를 식혀줄 망고 라시를
선택했다. 내 입맛에는 조금 지나치게 달았지만 라씨에 익숙하지 않은 사람들이 라씨를 즐길 수 있도록 그렇게 한 것 같았다.
Aside from the lovely food our servers were attentive and the owner was very welcoming/used to the foreign community coming to dine. I would heartily recommend this restaurant to both curry aficionados and those who haven’t been converted yet!
맛있었던 음식과는 별도로 서빙을 해주는 스탭은 신경을 많이 써
주었고, 사장님도 손님을 반갑게 맞이 해주었다. 그리고 식사를 하러 오는 외국인 고객에게도 익숙했다. 카레마니아에게 그리고 카레를 아직 먹어보지 사람들에게 진심으로 타지마할을 추천한 다.
Hogsmeade Daegu’s Harry Potter Cafe
• Written and photographed by Karen Menton Translated by Yujeong Lee
On a cold and snowy day in January, I felt I had been transported into a Harry Potter book, as I trudged through the snow to get to Hogsmeade. My first view of the “Hogsmeade” bar across a snowy car park was enough to set my Potter-senses tingling. 1월의 어느 춥고 눈 오던 날, 눈 속을 뚫고 호그스미드 카페 안으 로 들어서던 순간 필자는 해리 포터 책 속으로 이동한 듯 한 느낌 이 들었다. 눈 덮인 주차장 너머의 호그스미드에 대한 첫 인상은 필자의 포터 감지기를 찌릿찌릿하게 하기에 충분했다. Once inside the doors of the café, you are met with a beautiful faux fireplace. Its mantle is decked out with potions, books, wands and many other Potter memorabilia. Draped above the fireplace is a huge banner for the Gryffindor house, but those who wish to be sorted into the other houses need only put on the magical sorting hat that sits with pride on the mantle. Alongside the fireplace, there is an area for you to don the infamous black robes and scarves for each house which can help you believe that you have received your Hogwarts letter and are finally becoming a student in the school of witchcraft and wizardry. One of the biggest photo opportunities is also a life size broom that (with the help some magically “angled” photography) makes it look like you could actually be flying. 카페 안으로 들어서면 아름다운 모조 벽난로를 보게 될 것이다. 난로의 덮개 부분은 포션, 책, 마법지팡이, 기타 해리포터 기념품 들로 장식되어 있다. 난로 위쪽에는 그리핀도르 기숙사를 상징하 는 커다란 휘장이 걸려져 있다. 하지만 다른 기숙사로 배정되고 싶은 사람들은 덮개에 자랑스럽게 자리잡고 있는 마법 분류 모자 를 써봐야 한다. 난로가 근처에는 각 기숙사의 유명한 검은 로브 와 스카프를 입어볼 수 있는 공간이 마련되어 있다. 호그와트의 입학통지서를 받았고 마침내 마법학교의 학생이 되었다고 믿게 해주는 아이템들이다. 사진을 찍기에 가장 좋은 것 중 하나는 (마 법적으로 각도가 잘 잡힌 사진의 도움을 받아) 실제로 날고 있다 고 보이게끔 해주는 실물 크기의 빗자루이다. The atmosphere within the cafe also adds to the experience. Once seated at a candle-lit table, you are given a potions book which conceals the menu to choose from. Within this book, each patron is invited to write their thoughts about the cafe along with any recommendations for the menu or cafe in general. The first time I went to visit Hogsmead was after the sad passing of Alan Rickman and
there were many fitting tributes to “Snape” in the pages of my menu. The menu consists of coffees, ades, teas, smoothies, frappuccinos and a side menu that includes desserts, ranging from about 3000 to 5000 won. The biggest draw for me was the Butter Beer. This is Mister Lee’s non- alcoholic take on the beverage that Harry and his friends drink on their trips to the Hogs Head in the books. 카페 내부의 분위기 역시 새로운 경험이 된다. 촛불이 밝혀진 테 이블에 앉으면 메뉴를 고를 수 있는 포션북을 받게 된다. 이 책에 는 각각의 고객이 추천하는 메뉴나 카페에 대한 일반적인 이야기 등 카페에 대한 생각을 적을 수 있는 공간도 있다. 처음 호그스미 드를 방문했을 때는 알락 릭먼이 죽은 다음이었고 “스네이프”에 게 맞춰진 많은 헌사가 마이 메뉴 페이지에 적혀 있었다. 메뉴는 커피, 에이드, 차, 스무디, 프라푸치노로 되어 있고 디저트를 포함 한 사이드 메뉴가 있었으며, 3~5천원 사이이다. 가장 필자의 눈 길을 끈 것은 버터 비어였다. 이 것은 책에서 해리와 친구들이 호 그스 헤드로 가는 여행에서 마셨던 음료에서 따온 사장님의 논알 콜 메뉴이다. -continued on p20-
After talking with the owner, Mister Lee, we learned a lot more about his plans for the future of the menu, he is constantly trying out new ideas and changing ingredients around to get the best taste for this guests. In the future he hopes to offer his own take on Polly Juice potions and pumpkin juices alongside shaved ice with cotton candy toppings. Every day he makes his own drip coffee using Arabica coffee beans. This drip coffee is limited daily as he prides himself in the blends that he makes in small batches. Mister Lee believes serving high quality coffee to his customers is the most important part of his business. 이사장님과 대화를 나눈 후에 메뉴에 대한 계획을 더 많이 알게 되었다. 계속해서 새로운 아이디어를 시도해보고 손님들을 위한 최고의 맛을 얻기 위해서 재료를 바꾸고 있다. 나중에는 솜사탕 을 올린 빙수에 곁들일 사장님만의 폴리 주스 포션과 펌프킨 주 스를 내놓을 수 있기를 바라고 있다. 매일 아리비카 원두를 이용 한 사장님만의 드립커피를 만들고 있으며 이 커피는 소량씩 직접 자랑스럽게 소량씩 블렌딩하여 만드는 일일 한정품이다. 사장님 은 고품질의 커피를 손님에게 제공하는 것이 비즈니스 중에 가장 중요한 요소라고 생각한다. The cafe also has a selection of books and board games like Wizards Chess, which they hope to expand in the future and want offer some fun optional purchases such as Nano blocks or Lego toys that customers could buy and make while relaxing within the cafe 카페에는 다양한 책과 위저드 체스와 같은 보드 게임도 있다. 나 중에 더 내용이 늘어났으면 하고, 손님들이 구입하고 카페에서 여유롭게 시간을 보내는 동안 조립도 할 수 있는 나노 블록이나 레고 장난감과 같은 재미있는 물건들도 있다면 좋겠다. While talking with Mister Lee, it became obvious that he has a huge appreciation for the characters and settings of the Harry Potter world. In the future, he hopes to include more costumes, props and ornaments and to introduce more from other characters such as Dobby and the goblins of Gringott’s. He thought that there are so many worldwide Harry Potter attractions; why not bring the ideas to Korea too. That is why he set up the cafe in Gyeongsan. 사장님과 이야기를 하면서 해리 포터 세계의 캐릭터들과 설정에 대해 큰 인상을 받았다는 것이 확실해졌다. 나중에는 더 많은 의 상과 물품, 장식물을 갖추고 싶어 하시고, 도비나 그린고트의 고 블린과 같은 다른 캐릭터들도 더 소개하고 싶어 하셨다. 세계적 인 해리포터 명소들이 많은데 왜 한국에도 있으면 안 될까라고 생각했고, 이 것이 경산에 호그스미드 카페를 열게 된 이유였다.
Getting to this spellbinding place from downtown takes a little longer than your usual downtown cafe but, for a fan, it’s worth the journey...if only for the photo ops! 시내에서 이 마음을 완전히 사로잡아 버린 카페까지 가는 길은 시내에 있는 카페까지 가는 시간보다 조금 더 걸리기는 하다. 하 지만 팬에게는 가볼 만한 곳이다. 만약 사진만 찍기 위해서라면 말이다. Contact: 053-811-1858 Directions: 호그스미드 카페, 경북 경산시 성암로12길 36-11
전화번호 : 053-811-1858 가는 방법 : 호그스미드 카페, 경북 경산시 성암로12길 36-11 장산초등학교는 구글이나 네이버에서 카페를 찾을 때 카페에서 가장 가까이에 있는 학교이다. 필자가 카페를 찾아갔던 방법은 시내에서 영남대 방향으로 지하철 2호선을 타고 갔던 것이었다. 대공원역에서 하차하여 5번 출구로 나가서 939번 버스를 탄다. 939번 버스는 시내에서도 탈 수 있으나 교통량에 따라서 더 오랜 시간이 걸릴 수도 있다. 대구역에서 경산역까지 가는 기차를 타 고 경산역에서 카페까지 걸어가는 방법도 있다.
장산초등학교(Jangsan Elementary School/Jangsan chodeung-hak-gyo) is the closest school name you can search for it on Google or Naver to find the café. The way I went to the cafe was taking the green metro line from downtown towards Yeungnam University. Getting off at Daegu grand park subway station using exit 5 and taking the 939 bus from there. The 939 bus goes from downtown but depending on traffic this might take some time. There is also the option to take the train from Daegu train station to Gyeongsan station and then walking from there.
The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz The Wicked Musical Comes to Daegu • Written and Translated by Yujeong Lee Photos courtesy of Power Entertainment
WICKED 2016 Tour - The Huge Green Storm is Back 2016년 거대한 초록돌풍이 다시 시작된다!
The critically acclaimed musical, WICKED, gets ready to kick off their 2016 tour. This musical reaches all genders, generations, languages. This enchanting fantasy captivates all audiences. While this Broadway show gained notoriety in the West End, two Daegu local major broadcasters, MBC and TBC, have brought this show to Daegu. The show will enthrall audiences with its quality, amusement, and satisfy the needs of culture and art in the city of Daegu. 금세기 가장 성공을 거둔 블록버스터 뮤지컬 위키드가 2016년 다시 공연을 준비하고 있다. 초대형 스케일과 황홀한 판타지로 성별, 세대, 언어를 뛰어 넘어 관객들을 사로잡는다. 그리고 브로 드웨이, 웨스트 엔드에서 찬사 받은 최고의 공연인만큼 이번 대 구공연은 지역 대표 방송사인 대구MBC, TBC 두 방송사가 유례 없이 공동으로 주최하였다. 뮤지컬 위키드는 작품성, 흥행, 관람 층 확대 등 모든 면에서 관객의 기대를 채우기에 충분한 공연으 로 문화 예술 도시 대구 지역민들의 문화 향유 욕구에 대한 갈증 을 풀어줄 최상의 콘텐츠가 될 것이다.
The cast was chosen carefully through the audition process, which included five auditions, over 4 months, with 1,200 candidates. From rising stars to veteran actors, this production has created a perfect combination of casting. No matter which show you watch, you will be fully content. 이번 공연의 캐스트는 총 4개월, 5차례, 1,200여명 가운데 선발 되었다. 새로운 스타탄생을 기대하게 하는 라이징 스타부터 배우 의 재발견을 이뤄낼 베테랑 배우로 이루어진, 위키드에 기대하는 가장 완벽한 조합을 선보이는 이번 공연은 모든 캐스팅이 놓치기 아깝다.
WICKED perfectly creates a musical fantasy, including beautiful music and visual spectacle. To achieve this feat, Daegu (the first Emerald City in Korea), will have the same production scale as the rest of the world. They will use the same staging, and stage mechanisms, and feature an orchestra with 30 musicians. Addictive and fantastic numbers like ‘Defying gravity’ and ‘Popular’ made triple platinum record sales. The staging and costuming creates the fantasy world of Oz, complete with a green-glowing Emerald city, the Time Dragon fuming smoke, and 350 costumes (all with different designs throughout the story). There are a lot of reasons visitors will enjoy this musical; it is a fanciful idea that reinvents the story of “The Land of Oz”; it carries a social message about double standards; it challenges notions of good and evil, where it creates a captivating story with philosophical meanings.
The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz
위키드는 아름다운 음악과 화려한 볼거리로 뮤지컬이라는 장 르의 판타지를 가장 완벽하게 구현한다. 이를 위해 2016년 한 국의 첫 에메랄드 시티가 될 대구는 세트와 무대 매커니즘, 30 인조 오케스트라 등 전 세계에서 동일하게 운영되는 프로덕션 의 스케일이 그대로 옮겨진다. ‘Defying gravity’, ‘Popular’을 비롯한 중독성 강한 환상적인 음악은 300만장 이상의 트리플 플래티넘을 기록했다. 또한 단 한번의 암전이 없는 거대한 무 대 매커니즘은 극장의 관객들에게 마법 같은 세계를 만나게 한 다. 무대 전체가 초록빛으로 변하는 에메랄드 시티의 무대, 연 기를 뿜어 내는 타임 드래곤, 단 하나의 같은 디자인이 없을 정 도로 스토리에 녹여진 350여 벌의 의상, 지구 어디에도 없는 오즈 언어 등은 극장 밖의 시공간을 떠나 ‘오즈’라는 완벽한 판 타지 세계를 구축해내는 것이다. ‘오즈의 마법사’를 기발하게 뒤집은 상상력 넘치는 발상, 선과 악이라는 이중적 잣대를 벗 어난 사회적 메시지, 두 마녀의 매혹적인 캐릭터, 우정, 철학적 의미를 담은 깊이 있는 스토리는 보는 관점에 따라 다양한 해 석이 가능 하게 한다.
WICKED offers the best cultural experience of your life. The show will be performed from May 18th to June 19th at Daegu Keimyung Art Center, then continue in Seoul in July. 단연 평생 한 번은 만나야 할 최고의 문화적 경험을 제공하는 공연이다. 5월 18일부터 6월 19일까지 대구 계명아트센터에 서 4주간의 공연을 확정 지은 이번 작품은 7월 서울로 이어진 다. The magic of the green witch is coming with spring. 기다림은 끝났다. 2016년 5월, 초록마녀의 시간이 시작된다.
Dates : May 18th~ June 19th Venue: Keimyung Art Center (2800 Dalgubeoldaero, Dalseo-gu, Daegu) Time: Weekdays 7:30PM, Weekends and Holidays 2PM, 7PM Admission: VIP 140,000won, OP 130,000won, R 120,000won, S 100,000won, A 80,000won, B 60,000won Running Time: 2hr 50min (including 20min intermission) Website: (Kor) Booking: Interpark (, Ticketlink ( 공 연 일 : 2016년 5월 18일~6월 19일 공 연 장 : 계명아트센터 공연시간 : 평일 7시 30분, 주말 및 공휴일 2시 7시 티켓가격 : VIP석 14만원, OP석 13만원, R석 12만원, S석 10 만원, A석 8만원, B석 6만원 러닝타임 : 2시간 50분 (인터미션 20분 포함) 홈페이지 : 티켓예매 : 인터파크(, 티켓링크 (
Welcome to Daegu
You’re Gonna Love this City • Written and photographed by Lindsay Mickles Translated by Yujeong Lee
On behalf of The Daegu Compass and the rest of the foreign teachers in Daegu, we’d like to welcome you to our city! You have selected (or have been placed in) a great city, with a wonderful expat community, and plenty to keep you happy and entertained for the next year (or so). 대구 컴퍼스와 대구에 거주하는 다른 모든 영어 선생님을 대신하 여, 저희는 대구에 오신 여러분을 환영합니다! 여러분은 훌륭한 외국인 커뮤니티가 있는 멋진 도시를 선택하셨고(혹은 배치 받으 셨고), 앞으로 몇 년 동안 여러분을 행복하고 즐겁게 해 줄 많은 것들이 있는 곳입니다.
**For those of you returning to Daegu--Welcome Back!! Not a whole lot has changed since you left, but there are a few things worth mentioning: Traveler’s Bar and Grill has closed (trivia has moved to EtOH), Jengiy has opened in its new location (a couple blocks west of GoGo Vinyl) and Boogie Burger has also closed.** **대구에 돌아오신 여러분들, 다시 잘 오셨어요!! 여러분이 대구 를 떠난 뒤로 아주 많은 것들이 바뀐 것은 아니지만, 크게 몇 가지 말씀 드려야 할 건 있습니다. Traveler’s Bar and Grill이 문을 닫 았어요.(트라비아는 EtOH에서 하고 있고요), 쟁이는 새로운 장 소에서 문을 열었고(고고에서 서쪽으로 몇 블록만 가시면 됩니 다.) 부기 버거도 문을 닫았습니다.
Welcome to Daegu
Daegu Arboretum
Although I’ve only been in Daegu (and in the country) for 18mos, I’d like to pass along a bit of advice to make your stay here even better: 제가 대구에(한국에) 산 지 18개월 밖에 되지 않았지만 대구에서 의 생활이 더 즐거울 수 있도록 몇 가지 팁을 드리고 싶네요.
Join a Club or Two - Daegu has a fantastic expat community with lots of opportunities for socializing. There are sports clubs, writing clubs, acting groups, photography clubs and hiking groups. Be sure to peruse Facebook and find a group that interests you! Also, take advantage of the culture classes offered by the YMCA - I’ve taken a few cooking and art classes there and they’ve been great. 한 두가지의 모임에 가입하세요. – 대구는 사람들과 어울릴 수 있
는 많은 기회가 있는 즐거운 외국인 커뮤니티가 있습니다. 스포 츠 동호회, 글쓰기 동호회, 연극 동호회, 사진촬영 동호회, 등산 동호회 등이 있고요. 페이스북을 잘 살펴보시고 재미있어 보이는 동호회를 찾아보세요. 그리고 YMCA에서 제공하는 문화교실도 이용해 보세요. 저는 요리교실과 미술 교실에 참여해봤는데 굉장 히 좋았습니다..
Get OUT of Downtown - Don’t get me wrong-you can find great food and entertainment downtown! BUTyou might get bored going there every weekend. There
Brunch at Paris 16 in Beomeo
are plenty of other areas to explore, especially with the subway/monorail/bus system. Head out to Suseong Lake for a change of scenery and some great food, Daebong-dong for craft beer at Percent, any of the University campuses for some cheap food and great places to drink, Beomeodong for brunch, or Palgongsan, Apsan or the Daegu Arboretum to get back to nature. There are interesting things to see and great places to eat in every little pocket of the city - don’t restrict yourself to only going downtown, you’ll get bored very quickly!
동성로를 벗어나세요. – 오해하지는 마세요. 동성로 지역에 서도 맛있는 음식과 즐길거리는 찾을 수는 있습니다. 하지 만 매 주말마다 시내만 나가게 되면 지루해질 수도 있겠죠. 돌아다녀볼 만한 다른 장소들도 꽤 있습니다. 특히 지하철, 모노레일, 버스를 이용해서 말이죠. 수성못에서는 계절의 변화에 따른 풍경과 맛있는 음식을, 대봉동에서는 퍼센트 의 수제맥주를, 대학교 부근에서는 저렴한 음식과 한 잔 하 기에 딱 좋은 술집을, 범어동에서는 브런치를, 팔공산, 앞산, 대구수목원에서는 자연으로 돌아갈 수 있는 시간을 즐길 수 있습니다. 대구시내의 구석구석에는 흥미로운 볼거리와 맛 집들이 있답니다. 목적지를 시내에만 국한시키지 마세요. 빨리 지루해질 테니까요.
-continued on p26-
Brunch at G’Day Cafe in Beomeo
Pho at Cafe Que Huong at Seongseo Industrial Comples
Day Trip to Ulsan
Bookbinding at the YMCA
Welcome to Daegu
Donghwasa Temple
Explore the Country - Not only should you explore your new city, you should take every opportunity to travel to other places in Korea. Make your bucket list and start ticking things off! Once you get the hang of taking the train/bus, the whole country is at your fingertips! If you are a little nervous about venturing out on your own, there are a couple of companies that plan group tours for foreigners. You’ll be here for a year (at least), take advantage of your time here and get out! 한국을 탐험하세요. – 여러분이 살게 될 새로운 도시뿐만이 아니
라 한국의 다른 곳들을 여행해 볼 수 있는 모든 기회를 놓치지 마 세요. 버킷리스트를 만들고 하나씩 해 나가세요! 기차나 버스를 탈 줄 알게 되면 나라 전체를 편리하게 다닐 수 있답니다. 혼자서 돌아다니기가 조금 겁난다면 외국인들을 위한 그룹 투어를 진행 하는 회사가 몇 군데 있습니다. (적어도) 1년은 이 곳에서 있을 테 니 지내는 동안의 시간을 이용하여 돌아다녀 보세요!
Be Patient - One of the best pieces of advice I received before moving here was to be patient. Actually, the co-teacher I replaced told me that “God hit me over the head with a flexibility stick”. Though I kinda understood what she was saying, it didn’t really hit home until I moved here. Some things will come easy to you, some things you will find incredibly frustrating, but remember to be patient and stay flexible - this will serve you very well. 인내심을 가지세요. – 이 곳에 오기 전에 제가 받았던 최고의 충고
중 하나가 바로 인내심을 가지라는 것이었습니다. 사실 제가 자 리를 대신하게 되었던 동료 교사가 제게 해 준 말이 있었습니다. “신이 물렁한 막대기로 내 머리를 내려쳤죠.” 그 말을 조금 이해 한 듯 했지만 이 곳으로 오기 전까지 제대로 포인트를 이해하지 는 못 했습니다. 어떤 일은 쉽게 다가오겠지만 어떤 것들은 여러 분을 엄청나게 좌절감을 느끼게 할 것입니다. 하지만 인내심을 가지고 융통성 있게 하세요. – 이런 태도가 여러분을 적응을 많이 도와줄 것입니다.
이 곳은 당신이 원래 살던 곳이 아닙니다. – 이 내용은 제가 다른 사
람들에게 전달하고 싶은 중요한 팁입니다. 어떤 시기에는 여러 분이 생각했던 대로 뭔가가 진행되지 않을 것입니다. 그런 때가 꼭 올 것입니다. 제가 만났던 사람들 중 적응하는데 가장 힘들어 한 몇몇 사람은 원래 살던 곳에서 했던 것과 같은 방법이 이 곳에 서도 통하지 않는다는 것을 받아들이기 거부한 경우였습니다. 잊 어버리세요! 어떤 것은 이 곳이 낫기도 하고 어떤 것은 고국에서 의 방식이 더 낫기도 합니다. 그 점을 받아들이고 넘어가야 합니 다. 여러분이 바꾸지 못 하는 것과 좌절케 하는 것들을 곱씹는 것 은 아무 소용이 없습니다. 네, 때때로는 감정을 터뜨려야 할 필요 도 있을 겁니다. 하지만 좋았던 추억을 더 생각하시고, 한국은 좋 은 나라가 되기를 염원하며 발전 중인 나라라는 것을 기억해주 세요.
Check out my blog posts to discover common misconceptions about the life of an EPIK teacher (http:// and learn about miscommunication in the Korean workplace (
제 블로그 포스팅을 보시고 EPIK 교사의 삶에 대한 흔한 오해와 ( 한국 직장에서의 잘못된 의사소통에 관한 내용에 대해 읽어보세요.
You have a very exciting year ahead of you and we’re excited that you are here. We look forward to meeting you and hope your stay here is fantastic! Welcome to Daegu!
정말 기대되는 시간이 여러분의 앞에 있습니다. 그리고 여러분이 대구에 오게 되어서 참 좋네요. 여러분과의 만남을 기대하고 대 구에서의 생활이 아주 즐거울 수 있기를 바랍니다. 대구에 오신 걸 환영합니다!
Remember this isn’t your home country - This is the other important piece of advice I would like to pass along. At some point things won’t go as you imagined; it is bound to happen. Some of the foreigners I’ve met that had the hardest time adjusting were the ones who refused to accept that things don’t work the same way here as they do in their home country. Get over it! Some things here are better, some things are worse than back home - accept it and move on. There is no point in dwelling on what you cannot change and what frustrates you. Yes, you’ll need to vent every now and then, but focus on the good moments and remember that Korea is a growing country that aspires to be great.
Just Keep Running One Man’s Foray into the Korean Running Scene
• Written by Alex Bailey Photos by Alex Bailey and Hojusaram Translated by Yujeong Lee
In the third quarter of last year I started to revise my outlook on exercise and health–and like many of you that started off in the gym, wearing unfamiliar clothes and looking worryingly at the scales– I found myself running.Without purpose it was difficult to maintain and improve on my time or speed, so with a month or two down at my local and expensive gym, I decided to try something new. That something was trying the 10k, which I became interested in after my friend successfully completed the Nike Woman’s Run in Seoul earlier that year.
지난해의 4분의 3이 지났을 무렵, 운동과 건강에 대한 관점을 바 꾸기 시작했다. 그리고 익숙하지 않은 옷을 입고 걱정스럽게 체 중계를 바라보며 헬스클럽에서 운동을 시작하는 많은 사람들처 럼,어느샌가 나는 뛰고 있었다. 목적없이는 뛰는시간과 속도를 유지하거나 늘이기가 어려웠다. 그래서 1~2달 동안 동네의 비싼 헬스클럽을 다녔고, 새로운 것을 해보기로 마음 먹었다. 그 것은 바로 10km 달리기였고 그 해 초에 친구가 서울에서나이키 워먼 스런대회를 성공적으로 마치고 난 이후에 관심을 가지게 된 것이 었다.
It all started with me wearing a pink shirt and waiting for a gun to go off, as the best things should and often do. I was standing in a mass of people all wearing earphones, fancy shoes and gear that was much
Just Keep Running
better than mine; runner’s like to show off their bling. It was September 13th and I was at the ‘Pink Ribbon Run’ for breast cancer awareness, at the Daegu World Cup Stadium, and I was dreading what seemed to me to be an insurmountable task. Long distance runners have always been distant and aloof whenever I have seen them on the news or competing, and what they do seemed even more daunting. My first steps were unsure and I couldn’t hide in the self-contained world that music from earphones would have given me, so I started to look around atthe other people there. Looking around and seeing how tense everyone was, I realized that we had all made the mistake of donning pink and waking up early. I went past the 5km mark slightly winded and that is when I got into my stride and started counting my steps. I passed over the finish line just a few minutes over anhour and wondered to myself what the fuss was about. I later received a lunch bag with some bread, a bottle of water and a banana. After the run, I had a chance to look around many of the exhibitions that were being put on companies, such as Hera cosmetics, Ralph Lauren and Korean Air. It was well worth it.
가장 좋은 것을 해내야 하고 가끔은 해야 한다는 듯이,분홍 색 셔츠를 입고 출발 총소리를 기다리는 것으로부터 모든 것이 시작되었다. 필자는 필자의 것보다는 훨씬 더 나은 이 어폰, 멋진 운동화,운동장비로 무장한 사람들 사이에 서 있 었다. 러너들은 좋은 장비를 자랑하는 것을 좋아한다. 때는 9월 13일, 대구월드컵경기장에서 유방암을 알리기 위한 ‘핑 크 리본 런’에 참가했다. 필자가 도저히 할 수 없는 일처럼 보이는 이 일이 몹시 두려웠다.장거리 주자들은 언제나 뉴 스에서나 경기 도중에 보던 것처럼 항상 멀리서 초연히 있 었다. 그리고 그 사람들이 달리는 것은 훨씬 더 주눅들게 했 다. 첫 스텝은 불확실했고, 이어폰에서 나오는 음악이 주는 나만의 세계에 숨을 수도 없었다. 그래서 그 곳에 있는 다른 사람들을 둘러보기 시작했다. 주위를 둘러보며 다른 사람들 이 얼마나 긴장했는지 보게 되자, 우리 모두가 핑크색 셔츠 를 입고 아침 일찍 일어나버린 실수를 했다는 것을 깨달았 다. 5km 마크를 지나자 약간 숨이 찼고 이 때부터 본격적으 로 달리며 스텝수를 헤아리기 시작했다. 1시간을 몇 분 넘기 고 결승선을 통과했고 그 때의 환호소리가 무엇에 대한 것 이었는지 궁금했다.나중에 빵, 물 한 병, 바나나가 포함된 점 심 도시락을 받았다. 달리기를 끝낸 후에는 헤라 화장품, 랄 프로렌, 대한항공 등기업이 세운 천막들을 둘러볼 기회가 있었는데 볼 만 했다. -continued on p30-
Some weeks later I planned to go to Seoul and attend the ‘Urbanathlon’, an event run by Men’s Health for almost ten years, which consisted of an 8km ‘challenge’ run that included seven obstacles.For those that enjoy pain, a 12km ‘advanced’ run with twelve obstacles was also available. This event was quite different from the ‘Pink Marathon’, as they offered not only a promotional shirt, but high quality running shoes (Descente) in larger sizes, a three month subscription to Men’s Health magazine, cosmetics and ultra-violet arm protectors,all for 120,000won, which was a bargain in my eyes. That day we jumped over and under cars, climbed monkey bars and slammed my knees against concrete pipes, which led to a trip to the medical tent. It was a delightful event all in all, with many stalls and events after to keep us entertained. 몇 주가 지나고 서울에 가서 맨즈 헬스가 약 10년 동안 주최한‘어 반애슬론’에 참여했는데, 이 대회는 7가지 장애물이 있는 8km ‘챌린지’코스가 있었다. 그리고힘든 것을 즐기는 사람들을 위한 12가지 장애물이 있는 12km ‘어드밴스드’ 코스도 있다. 이 대회 는 ‘핑크 마라톤’과는 매우 달랐다. 홍보용 셔츠를 줬을 뿐만 아니 라 큰 사이즈의 고품질 러닝슈즈(Descente), 맨즈헬스 3개월 구 독권, 화장품, 자외선차단 팔 토시 등 모두 12만원에 팔고 있었는 데 할인행사 같았다. 그 날 자동차를 뛰어 넘고 아래로 기고 멍키 바를 오르고 콘크리트 파이프에 무릎을 박기도 했는데 이 때문에
Just Keep Running
의료텐트에 가게 되었다. 대회 후에 참가자들이 즐길 수 있는 많 은 가판대와 이벤트도 있어서 대체로 정말 마음에 드는 대회였 다.
I’d caught the bug and after spending some time in a Korean bathhouse (찜질방), I was ready to do it again, so off I went back to Seoul to attend the ‘Nike MiRun’on the seventh of November. The weather had turned that day into something one might find back in my home country of England. The weather was cold and rain didn’t help, but I was sporting my new counter-branded Adidas running trousers, multilayers of clothing and my iPhone loaded with my favorite gym playlist. Oddly though I didn’t need it, as throughout the whole course K-pop and other music was being played by DJs, which was quite the experience. I finished the run without breaking any records and quickly went to the local 찜질방to soothe my cold and achy, but fulfilled self. 달리기에 푹 빠져 있었는데다찜질방에서 시간을 좀 보내자 다시 뛸 준비가 되었다. 그래서 11월 7일 ‘나이키 마이런’에 참가하기 위해 다시 서울로 돌아왔다. 대회날의 날씨는 고국인 영국에서나 볼 법한 날씨가 되었다. 춥고 비가 와서 별로 도움이 되지 않았지 만, 새 아디다스 러닝 바지,여러 겹의 옷을입고, 제일 좋아하는 운 동 중 플레이리스트를 아이폰에 넣고 자랑스럽게 있었다. 하지만
전 구간에 걸쳐 DJ가 K팝과 다른 음악을 틀어서 플레이리스트는 필요하지 않았고, 하나의 경험이 되었다. 새로운 기록을 세우지 않은 채로 대회를 끝냈고 동네 찜질방으로 바로 달려가서 춥고 아프지만 만족감으로 가득 찬 몸을 달랬다.
The Seoul and Daegu Marathons are coming up in March 20th and April 3rd of this year and I’ve already signed up using these websites: 2016 Seoul International Marathon: http://marathon1. (10km course is full.) 201 Daegu International Marathon: http://marathon. 서울과 대구 마라톤은 각각 3월 20일, 4월 3일에 열리며 필자는 아래의 사이트에서 참가신청을 했다. 2016 서울 국제 마라톤 : (10km 코스는 마감) 2016 대구 국제 마라톤 :
서울의 마라톤에는 5만원, 대구의 마라톤에는 3만원의 작은 참 가비가 있으며 홍보용 셔츠와 간식거리를 제공한다. 마지막으 로 다른 사람들과 함께 달리고 새해에 살을 빼고 싶다면 Daegu Running Club을 ( daegurunningclub/) 살펴보는 것을 추천한다.
Over the last few months I have stretched myself and set goals much higher than I ever expected. The events I have attended feel like only the tip of the iceberg and I would encourage anyone to give running a go, if not for your health, but for the networking. 지난 몇 달 동안, 몸을 풀고 그 어느 때보다도 더 높이 목표를 잡 았다. 필자가 참여했던 이벤트들은 빙산의 일각에 불과하다는 느 낌이 들었고 누구든지 달리기를 해보라고 권하고 싶다. 건강을 위해서가 아니라도 사람들도 사귀기 위해서라도 말이다.
There is a small fee of 50,000 for the Seoul run and 30,000 for the Daegu one, which will get you a promotional top and some other goodies. Lastly, if you’d like to run with others and get fit for the new year, I’d suggest that you look at the Daegu Running Club (https://
One Of The Last Things I Did Before Publishing My Book Giving Credit where Credit is Due
• Written and photographed by Brian Williams Translated by Yujeong Lee
One of the last things I did before publishing my book, Stranger in a Stranger Land: My Six Years in Korea, was work on the dedication section, not that the many people who I wanted to thank and acknowledge hadn’t been on my mind the whole time. I guess I just didn’t want to jinx myself by dedicating the book before it was completely done. But as I got down to writing out the long list of people who assisted, encouraged and supported me during both my time in Korea and, more specifically, with the book, one thing more than any other kept popping up as needing to be recognized for the role it played in helping me create it, and that was the nearly year-long trip around the world I was on while writing it. Stranger in a Stranger Land: My Six Years in Korea를 출간하 기 전에 했던 것은 바로 헌정섹션을 만드는 것이었다. 공식적으 로 감사드리고 싶은 사람들 중에 그렇게 많은 사람들이 내내 마 음에 있지는 않았다. 어쩌면 책이 완전히 완성되기도 전에 책을 헌정해서 스스로 징크스를 만들고 싶지는 않았던 것 같다. 하지 만 한국에서, 그리고 더 엄밀히 말하자면 책을 쓰는데 도와주고, 격려해주고, 지지해줬던 사람들의 이름을 적은 긴 리스트를 만들 게 되자 다른 것들보다 하나가 계속해서 떠올랐다. 그 하나가 책 을 쓰는 데 도움을 주며 했던 역할을 알아차려야 했었기 때문이 다. 그리고 그 것은 책을 쓰면서 했던 거의 1년이 걸린 세계 여행 이었다.
Working on it whenever I found a place with a reasonably comfortable chair, a sturdy tabletop, a good view and decent access to food and drinks to chill out for a few days, I finished the first draft in about seven months, while backpacking and living out of hostels, hotels built into caves, houseboats, beach huts, mountain cabins, and ancient fortresses. I spent the remainder of my time on the road and the following eight months back in the States editing it. What I ended up with was a 76,000-word memoir that I think accurately describes what life was like for me and many other expats who were lucky enough to have spent time in “The Land of the Morning Clam.” 몇 일 동안 여유롭게 지낼 수 있도록 상대적으로 편안한 의자, 튼 튼한 테이블, 멋진 풍경, 괜찮은 음식과 술을 찾기 쉬운 장소를 찾 을 때마다 글을 썼고, 초안은 약 7개월 만에 썼다. 배낭여행을 하 며, 호스텔, 동굴 안에 지어진 호텔, 하우스 보트, 해안가 오두막, 산에 있는 오두막, 아주 오래된 요새 등에 머물며 말이다. 여행 중에 남는 시간과 미국으로 돌아온 후의 8개월간은 글을 편집하 는데 보냈다. “고요한 아침의 나라”에서 시간을 보낼 수 있을 만 큼 운이 좋았던 필자와 다른 많은 외국인들에게 한국의 생활이 어땠는지 정확하게 묘사했다고 생각하는 76,000개의 단어로 된 여행기로 끝을 맺게 되었다.
One Of The Last Things I Did Before Publishing My Book
Getting to write a book, which is largely about cultural interactions, while traveling in places like Myanmar, Cambodia, Nepal,Serbia, England and Turkey, really helped me gain perspective on my time in Korea. These new experiences forced me to rethink some of the claims I had initially made in the first draft such as when I wrote that Korea was the most chaotic place I had ever been. This is because after traveling to large cities throughout Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent, I had to account for what I had witnessed, and I was left with no choice but to re-calibrate that statement and many others. And while I could have gotten away with simply saying, “At the time, it was the most chaotic place I had ever been,” I ended up doing much more than that and tried to explain Korea’s hectic streets and the busy sections of Seoul while better and more accurately framing it in the larger context of the world. -continued on p34-
One Of The Last Things I Did Before Publishing My Book
미얀마, 캄보디아, 네팔, 세르비아, 영국, 터키 등지를 여행하며 책을 쓰는 것은 필자가 한국에서의 시간을 바라보는 균형적인 시 각을 얻는데 정말 큰 도움이 되었다. 그리고 책의 내용은 대부분 문화적 상호작용에 관한 것이었다. 이러한 새로운 경험들은 필자 가 지냈던 곳 중 가장 혼란한 곳이라고 적었던 것과 같이 처음에 초안에서 했던 몇몇 주장들에 대해 다시 생각해보게 했다. 왜냐 하면 이 내용은 동남아시아와 인도 아대륙 지역을 지나고 난 다 음에 대도시로 가서 여행을 했기 때문에 내가 봤던 것을 설명해 야 했었다. 그리고 그 서술 부분과 다른 많은 것들을 묘사한 정도 를 재조정할 수 밖에 없었다. “그 당시에는 가 본 곳 중 그 곳이 가 장 혼란스러운 장소였다.” 라고 단순히 설명 할 수도 있었지만 그 보다는 더 많이 손을 댔고 세계라는 더 큰 맥락에서 더 정확하게 표현하면서 한국의 바쁜 거리와 서울의 번화가를 설명하려고 노 력했다.
In short, being on the road and witnessing so many distinct cultures up close while writing about what was, at the time, the most outstanding life experience I had ever had, gave me instant perspective that demanded to be taken into account. That, along with some helpful comments from my editors, kept me, I like to believe,
from being hyperbolic in my statements and observations about Korea. Korea wasn’t an outlier or an extreme of humanity anymore, it was a place that existed in the huge continuum of human culture.
간단히 말하자면, 여행을 하며 그 당시까지 가장 두드러졌던 삶 의 경험에 대해 쓰며 여행을 하고 뚜렷이 차이가 나는 많은 문화 를 바로 가까이에서 목격하는 것은 특정한 것들을 고려해야만 하 는 즉각적인 관점을 가질 수 있게 해주었다. 이는 도움이 될 만한 편집자의 몇몇 코멘트와 함께 필자의 진술과 한국에 대한 관찰한 내용이 과장되지 않게끔 해주었다. 그렇게 믿고 싶다. 한국은 아 웃라이너도 아니고 극단적인 인류애도 아니다. 그 곳은 인류문화 의 거대한 연속체 내에 존재하고 있는 장소이다.
While on the road, I was able go out and explore an isolated country like Myanmar, and when I finally found a comfortable place to nest for a week or two and work on the book again, my many new experiences became reflected in my writing. Sometimes they caused me to moderate something I had said about the peninsula. Other times they helped me confirm something about the country was as distinctive to it as I had claimed. -continued on p36-
여행을 하는 동안, 미얀마와 같이 고립된 나라를 탐험할 수 있는 기회도 있었고, 마침내 1~2 주 정도 잠시 머무를 수 있는 편안한 장소를 찾게 되자 수많은 새로운 경험들을 글에 반영시킬 수 있 었다. 가끔은 그 것들은 한국에 대해 말한 것을 수정하게끔 하기 도 했다. 다른 경우에는 필자가 주장했던 대로 한국에 대한 어떤 것들이 한국만의 독특한 것이라고 확인해주는 계기가 되기도 했 다.
The road also deserves so much credit for influencing this book because of the people it brought me into contact with. Most of them had never been to Korea and were able to, through the course of discussing my time there, help me realize some of the unique things about the place that I had become completely used to. More importantly, however, people from the huge network of friends I made while living there kept popping up on my journey. I met up with, ran into or stayed with more than 40 friends from my time living in Korea. Sometimes this meant spending a couple of weeks traveling together, and debriefing about our time there: what
we missed and what we didn’t. Other times it meant literally sitting in a café, seeing someone walk by on a street in a place as remote as Nepal and running out to go say hi and catch up.
또한 여행은 연락을 하며 알고 지낼 만큼 가까워진 사람들을 만 나게 해 준 계기가 되었기에 이 책에 영향을 주었고, 이에 큰 감사 를 받아 마땅하다. 그 사람들 중 대부분은 한국에 한 번 도 가 본 적이 없었기에 그 곳에서 보낸 필자의 시간들에 대해 함께 이야 기를 나누며 필자가 완전히 익숙해져 버린 한국만의 독특한 몇 가지를 깨달을 수 있도록 해주었다. 하지만 더 중요한 것은 한국 에 사는 동안 만났던 친구라는 커다란 네트워크의 사람들이 여행 하는 여정에 자꾸만 나타난 것이다. 40명 이상의 한국에서 사귀 게 된 친구들과 약속을 하고 만나거나 우연히 마주치거나 아니면 함께 지내기도 했다. 가끔은 이런 것이 몇 주 동안 함께 여행을 하 거나 한국에서 함께 했던 시간들에 대해 이야기하는 것이 되기도 했다. 그리워하거나 그렇지 않은 것들에 대해서 말이다. 또 다른 때에는 말 그대로 네팔과 같은 아주 먼 나라의 카페에 앉아서 거 리를 걸어가는 친구를 보게 되거나 달려가서 인사를 하거나 지난 이야기를 나누기도 한 일을 말하는 것이기도 하다.
One Of The Last Things I Did Before Publishing My Book
During these “catch ups,” I was able to bounce my thoughts about our former second home off them and more than a few times it led to me getting a great story about their life there. Often times, I was able to use these stories to perfectly demonstrate one aspect of expat life in Korea or another and these stories gave the book colorful and oftentimes humorous anecdotes to bluster my claims, observations, and cited facts. 그 동안 있었던 일들에 대해 이야기를 나누는 동안, 한 때 우리 들의 제 2의 집이었던 나라에 대한 생각에 대한 이야기를 들을 수 있었던 기회가 많이 있었고, 친구들의 한국생활에 대한 좋 은 이야기를 많이 얻을 수 있게 되었다. 종종 한국에서의 외국 인들의 생활에 대한 이런저런 면들을 예시로 삼기 위해 그 이 야기들을 사용할 수 있었다. 그리고 그 이야기들은 필자의 주 장, 관찰한 것, 인용한 사실을 뒷받침해줄 수 있는 다채롭고 때 로는 웃긴 일화로써 책의 내용을 제공해주었다.
I felt the immenseness of this Korean expat community even when I was high up in the Himalayan Mountains in the beautiful and isolated town of Minali, India. I stayed there for two weeks to finish the first draft of the book and that very same night, and despite being an 18 hour bus ride from the nearest major city, I was still able to go out with a friend from Korea, who just so happened to be in the same town, for some celebratory beers.
이 모두를 정리해서 말해보자면, 필자는 스스로를 사진작가로 생 각하지 않는 것처럼 작가라고도 생각하지 않는다. 사실이다. 객 관적으로 봤을 때도 멋진 사진을 좀 찍기도 했고, 이젠 책을 하나 쓰기도 했지만 이런 것들은 필자가 있었던 장소와 운이 좋아서 가질 수 있던 기회라고 느꼈다. 여행을 하는 동안 찍었던 사진에 대해 이야기하는 것이 좋았기에 “만약 카메라를 계단 아래에 내 려놨다면 그 역시 멋진 사진이 될 수 있었을 것이다.” 필자가 갔 던 장소들은 그 자체로 멋진 곳들이었다. 이 책이 존재하는 하는 한, 필자가 지냈던 것만큼 오랫동안 한국의 문화만큼 독특한 문 화권에서 살 수 있는 기회를 얻는 것은 필자에게 이야깃거리와 나눌 수 있는 이야기를 제공해주었다. 만약 필자가 말했던 것들 을 느껴야만 한다면….글쎄… 그 것을 이야기하는데 많은 도움 을 준 여행의 덕이 매우 크다고 할 수 있겠다.
For more on Brian’s book, Stranger in a Stranger Land: My Six Years in Korea, visit 브라이언씨의 책, Stranger in Stranger Land: My Six Years in Korea에 대한 자세한 정보는 다음 웹사이트에서 얻을 수 있다.
심지어 아름답고 고립된 마을인 인도의 미날리에 있는 저 높은 히말라야 산에서도 이 한국의 외국인 커뮤니티가 갖고 있는 어 마어마함을 느낄 수 있었다. 책의 초안을 끝내기 위해 2주 동안 머물렀고, 책을 끝낸 바로 그날 밤, 가장 가까운 대도시에서 18 시간 동안 버스를 타고 와야 하는 곳임에도 불구하고 여전히 한국에서 막 같은 마을로 온 친구와 맥주를 마시며 축하할 수 있었다.
All this said, I still do not think of myself as a writer, just like I do not think of myself as a photographer. True, I’ve taken some objectively amazing pictures, and I have now written a book, but I feel these things are both the results of the places I’ve been and the opportunities I’ve been fortunate enough to have. As I’m fond of saying about the pictures I took during my trip, “If I had dropped my camera down the stairs, the result would have been amazing pictures.” The places I went were often just that effortlessly spectacular. As far as this book goes, simply having the chance to live in a culture as distinct as South Korea’s for as long as I did gave me something to say and a story to share. If anyone should feel I told it well…well, much of the credit belongs to the road that helped me some much in telling it.
48,000,000 Colombians Can’t Be Wrong A Book Review
• Written by Lindsay Mickles Photos by Brian Ward Translated by Yujeong Lee
The Daegu Compass has worked with some outstanding writers and photographers during its five years of publication. We like to keep in contact with former writers and photographers as they continue their great adventures. This month, Brian Ward, a former Compass writer, has asked us to help him by reviewing his book titled, “48,000,000 Colombians Can’t Be Wrong: Finding Love In The Land of Shakira, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Fernando Botero and Sofia Vergara.” To all the former Compass writers and photographers, we are always here to help you get published. Thanks again for all the support over the years. We hope you enjoy Brian’s book as much as we have. 대구컴퍼스는 5년 동안 책을 발행하며 몇몇 뛰어난 기자와 사진
작가와 일을 했습니다. 전 컴퍼스 기자와 사진작가들이 멋진 모
험을 계속하고 있어서 그분들과 계속해서 연락을 하고자 합니 다. 이번 달에는 전 컴퍼스 기자인 브라이언 워드가 그가 쓴 책, “48,000,000 Colombians Can’t Be Wrong: Finding Love In The Land of Shakira, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Fernando
Botero and Sofia Vergara."에 대한 비평을 통해 도움을 달라는
요청을 했습니다. 모든 전 컴퍼스 작가와 사진작가들께 말씀 드 립니다. 저희는 언제나 여러분이 책을 내는 것에 도움을 드리고 자 합니다. 수년 간 보내주신 지지와 도움에 대해 다시 한 번 감사
드립니다. 브라이언씨의 책을 저희만큼이나 즐겨주시길 바랍니 다.
48,000,000 Colombians Can’t Be Wrong
“48,000,000 Colombians Can’t Be Wrong” is a true adventure story about a 37-year-old socially-awkward man who decided that the best way he could deal with a life sentence of microwavable burritos and 10-hour Facebook marathons was to go online and look online for a girlfriend in Colombia and then hop on a flight to Colombia’s cagey capital in pursuit of a woman he has never met.” “48,000,000 Colombians Can’t Be Wrong”는 37세의 사회적 인 관계에 서투른 한 남자에 대한 진정한 모험이야기이다. 이 남
자는 전자레인지로 데워먹는 부리토와 10시간 동안 쉬지 않고 페 이스북을 하는 종신형을 대처하는 최선의 방법이 온라인에 접속
하여 콜롬비아에서 여자친구를 찾는 것이라고 결정했다. 그리고 한 번도 만나지 못 한 그녀를 쫓아서 콜롬비아의 비밀스러운 수 도로 가는 비행기에 올라탄다.”
I’ve had the pleasure of reading several chapters from Brian’s book and I had a difficult time putting it down to write this piece. I’ve never been to Colombia and Brian’s writing made me feel like I was right there with him, through all his wayward tales. I’m usually pretty picky when it comes to the books I like to read, but I
found Brian’s writing to be conversational, relatable and not pretentious. This is astyle of writing I can easily pick up on a Sunday morning and enjoy with my cup of coffee. I haven’t quite figured out the flow of the book or the author’s choice of topic order, but I find myself easily turning the page to see what happens next. 책의 여러 장을 읽는 것은 즐거웠고, 이 리뷰를 쓰기 위해 책
을 내려놓는 것이 힘들 지경이었다. 콜롬비아에 가 본 적은 없 지만 브라이언의 글은 다루기 힘든 그의 이야기들을 통해 그
와 함께 바로 콜롬비아에 있는 듯한 느낌을 주었다. 보통은 즐 겨 있는 책에 관해서 매우 까다롭지만 브라이언의 글은 구어
체이고 친숙하며 가식적이지 않다. 일요일 아침에 쉽게 손이 가고 커피 한 잔과 함께 즐길 법한 스타일의 글이다. 책의 흐 름이나 저자의 주제 선정 순서를 잘 파악하지는 않았지만 다
음에 무슨 사건이 일어날 지 알아보기 위해 쉽게 책을 읽어나 갈 수 있었다.
-continued on p40-
Though the book is ultimately about his search for love, readers will also be enthralled by the other stories Brian has to tell. You will get to meet two fearless backpackers who are always a source of entertainment, hear stories about attempted kidnappings (and other less-than-legal encounters), see the world through the eyes of an expat television actor, and learn what it’s like to interview a suspected CIA agent, for a local newspaper. Witty chapter titles include: Things I Won’t Do for $50USD, Colombian Bromance, Internet Romeo and Gringos with Concave Chests. I haven’t made it through ¼ of the book and I’m already itching to get back to it. 궁극적으로는 그가 사랑을 찾는 것에 대한 책이지만 브라이언이 전해야 하는 다른 이야기들도 독자들을 사로잡을 것이다. 독자 는 즐거움을 선사하는 겁 없는 두 배낭여행자를 만나게 될 것이
며 납치시도(와 그 외 결코 합법적이지 않은 우연한 사고)에 관한
이야기를 듣게 될 것이고, 외국 TV 배우의 눈을 통해 세계를 보게
될 것이고, 지역 신문의 미심쩍은 CIA 요원을 인터뷰하는 것이 어 떤 것인지 알게 될 것이다. 재치넘치는 장들의 제목을 보자면 50
달러를 위해서 내가 하지 않을 것들, 콜롬비아의 브로맨스, 인터
넷 로미오와 오목한 가슴을 가진 미국인 등이 있다. 아직 책의 4 분의 1도 읽지 않았지만 다시 책을 읽고 싶어 근질근질하다.
You can purchase this book, or some of Brian’s other titles (First Contact In Korea: A Native English Teacher’s Journey Into The Backwoods Of South Korea, Single Abroad: Confessions of a Boyish Man, Wake Me Up When I’m Rich: The South Beach Guide To Impressing People in Jacuzzis) on and other internet sites - it is also available for the Kindle. A big thanks to Brian for sharing this book with us and we hope you enjoy reading about his adventures as much as we have. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a book to read…. 아마존이나 다른 웹사이트에서 이 책이나 브라이언의 다른 책 (First Contact In Korea: A Native English Teacher’s Journey Into The Backwoods Of South Korea, Single Abroad:
Confessions of a Boyish Man, Wake Me Up When I’m Rich: The South Beach Guide To Impressing People in Jacuzzis) 을 구입할 수 있다. 킨들에서 가능하다. 이 책을 독자들과 함께 나 눌 수 있게 해 준 브라이언에게 고마움을 표하며 우리가 재미있
게 읽은 만큼 독자들과 책을 즐기길 바란다. 이제 괜찮다면 읽을 책이 있어 이만…
48,000,000 Colombians Can’t Be Wrong
The magic of the green witch is coming with spring.
2016. 5. 18 – 6. 19 (Weekdays 7:30PM, Weekends and Holidays 2PM, 7PM) Keimyung Art Center VIP 140,000won, OP 130,000won, R 120,000won, S 100,000won, A 80,000won, B 60,000won
Daepo Jusangjeolli Cliffs Jeju’s Volcanic Treasure • Written and photographed by Thomas Mathews Translated by Yujeong Lee
A couple months ago I wrote about a travel piece about some columnar joint rock formations on the outskirts of Gyeongju. Those columnar joint rock formations are called Jusangjeolli and those rocks resemble different fallen pillars and are from volcanic rock formations. Like I mentioned in that article in the December 2015’s edition of the Daegu Compass, Jejuisland has the most famous Jusangjeolli Cliffs. And on a chilly day after Christmas, I was able to go to Jeju-do and visit those cliffs. 몇 달 전에 경주 외곽 지역에 있는 원주형 바위로 된 지형에 대한
기행문을 쓴 적이 있다. 그 지형은 주상절리라고 하며,같이 있는
기둥들과 닮아있고 화산암 형성을 통해 만들어졌다. 2015년 12 월 대구 컴퍼스호의 기사에서 언급했듯이 제주도는 가장 유명한
주상절리 절벽이 있는 곳이다. 크리스마스 이후 어느 추운 날, 제 주도에 가서 그 곳을 방문할 수 있었다.
The name of the cliffs areDaepoJusangjeolli Cliffs which is located in the most famous area of Jeju island, Jungmun Resort area in Seogwipo. If you have never been to Jejuisland, it consists of two major cities, Jeju city and Seogwipo city. Jeju city is where the airport is located but many of the beautiful waterfalls, sites and adventures are located in Seogwipo. 절벽의 이름은 대포주상절리로 제주도에서 가장 유명한 지역인
서귀포 내 중문관광단지에 있다. 제주도에 가 본 적이 없는 사람 을 위해 설명을 하자면 제주도에는 두 시가 있는데 제주시와 서
귀포시가 있다. 제주시는 공항이 있지만 서귀포시에는 아름다운 폭포와 관광지, 모험들이 가득하다.
When I arrived at Jeju International Airport, I went directly to Jungmun Resort in Seogwipo and to DaepoJusangjeolli Cliffs. Unlike Gyeongju, there weren’t many stairs I had to go up and down. The JejuJusangjeolli consisted of a few stairs and a beautiful deck that oversee the ocean’s waves crashing onto the cliffs of these volcanic rock formations. Also, you didn’t have to hike but there was a small park that you are able to
Daepo Jusangjeolli Cliffs
enjoy and walk around. The park consisted of Jeju’s famous Dolhareubang statues as well as places to buy the famous Jeju tangerines and street vendor food. 제주국제공항에 도착하자 바로 서귀포시에 있는 중문관광단지
로 가서대포주상절리를 찾아갔다. 제주의 주상절리에는경주와 는 달리 오르내릴 계단이 많지 않았다. 계단이 좀 있고 화산암지 형으로 된 절벽에 부딪히는 파도를 감상할 수 있는 아름다운 데
크가 있었다. 또한 등산을 할 필요도 없었고, 걸어 다니며 즐겁게 시간을 보낼 수 있는 작은 공원이 있었다. 유명한 제주감귤과 길
거리 음식을 파는 포장마차뿐만 아니라 제주도의 유명한 돌하르 방도 있었다.
Also at the entrance of the park is a big seashell which many foreigners were taking pictures as you can sit inside the seashell. As you walk around the park you can see the Jusangjeolli cliffs from different angles including one formation that looked like a chicken head. I was lucky enough to see the sun setting in the background of the cliffs which made the scenery very beautiful and romantic if you are dating. There is also a pine tree forest in the small park. 그리고 공원의 입구에는 커다란 조개가 있었는데 많은 외국인들
이 조개 안에 들어가 앉은 채로 사진을 찍고 있었다. 공원을 걸어
다니다 보면 닭머리처럼 보이는 형태를 포함하여 다양한 각도에
서 주상절리를 감상할 수 있다. 필자는 운이 좋아 절벽 뒤로 지는 해를 볼 수 있었다. 이는 풍경을 더 아름답게, 데이트를 한다면 더
로맨틱하게 해 주는 모습이었다. 그리고 공원 내에는 소나무 숲 도 있다.
These cliffs were formed from the famous volcanic mountain in Jeju, Halla Mountain. Lava from the eruption of this volcanic mountain poured into the sea of Jungmun and formed these stone pillars that are now piled up along the coast of Jisatgae in Jejuisland. The view is unbelievable when the high tide of the sea is crashing onto the 20m cliff. The rocks look like they were designed or carved but they were not as they are just formed from the lava of Halla Mountain.
이 곳의 절벽은 제주도의 유명한 화산인 한라산으로부터 형성이
되었다. 한라산의 폭발에서 나온 용암이 중문의 바다로 흘러 들 었고 현재 제주의 지삿개 해안을 따라 쌓인 바위기둥을 만들었 다. 바다가 만조일 때 파도가 20m나 되는 절벽 위로 부딪히는 풍
경은 믿기 어려울 정도이다. 그 바위들은 디자인되었거나 조각된
것 같지만 그렇지 않다. 다만 한라산의 용암으로부터 그렇게 형 성되었을 뿐이다..
The admission is very reasonable as it is only 2000won per adult and 1000won per child to get in. You can additional discounts if you come in a group of more than 10 people. The cliffs and park are opened all year old from 8am to sunset (times vary depending on sunset time). My recommendation is to go near sunset as it is very beautiful to see the sun setting in the background of these cliffs. 입장료는 성인은 2천원, 어린이는 1천원으로 매우 저렴하다. 10
명 이상의 단체 입장일 경우에는 할인을 받을 수도 있다. 이 곳은
연중무휴로 오전 8시부터 일몰까지 열려 있다.(일몰 시간에 따라
공개시간이 달라진다.) 해가 질 무렵에 가면 절벽 뒤로 해가 지는 광경이 매우 아름다우니 이 때 가는 것을 추천한다.
I hope you all get a chance to visit both Jusangjeolli Cliffs (in Gyeongju and Jeju-do) as part of your travels around Korea. Both have breathtaking views which every tourist will enjoy to refresh their brains. 한국을 여행하며 돌아다닐 때, 일정 중에 경주와 제주도에 있는 주상절리 모두 방문해 볼 수 있기를 바란다. 두 곳 모두 관광객들 이 머리를 충분히 식힐 수 있도록 숨이 멎을 듯한 광경으로 기다 릴 것이다.
Daepo Jusangjeolli Cliffs
Restaurant -
여보세요 ?
Street number + Building name + Apt Number
-인데요 (in-dae-yo)
Food 불고기 (bulgogi) 김치찌개 or 된장찌개 (kimchi or bean soup) 김밥 (kimbap) 떡볶이 (tteokpokki) 만두 (mandu) 돈까스 (tonkkatsu)
Quantity 하나랑 (1) hana rang 두개 (2) do gay 세개 (3) say gay 네개 (4) nay gay 다섯개 (5) daseot gay 여섯개 (6) yeoseot gay
yeobo say yo? [Hello?]
XX구 수성구 / 서구 달서구 / 동구 ect..
XX동 상동 / 중동 월성동 / 두류동 ect..
Beverage 콜라 (cola) 사이다 (cider) 맥주 (beer) 오렌지주스 (O.J.)
Restaurant -
pal-cheon-won imnida. [It’s 8,000 won.]
How To Order Food
the daegu compass march 2016
• Ottmar Hörl • Sun-Cheol Kwun • Kim In-han’s Collection Beautiful Presents • DNA _ Daegu Art Museum / 03.01~
• Extreme Performance “Flying” _ Suseong Artpia / 03.01~ 03.06
• This is an overview of our March events. For more information about events on our calendar, check out the next two pages or email us: If you have events you want to add for the April issue, please email us by March 16th. Thanks!
SAT 5 • Kids Concert “Flying Symphony” _ Daegu Citizen Hall / 03.05
• Mozart, AMADEUS _ Keimyung Art Center / 03.03~03.06
• Spring Festival Opening Concert _ Daegu Citizen Hall / 03.01
• LiNK Daegu Rescue Team Charity Concert _ 얼반Urban / 03.05
• Masterpieces with Monica _ Daegu Culture and art Center / 03.01
• Tryouts for Daegu Phoenix American Football Team _Yeungnam University field / 03.06
• J.S.BACH ST. Matthew Passion “Thomanerchor & Gewandhausorchester Leipzig” _ Daegu Citizen Hall / 03.15
17 • Opera Universiade W.A.Mozart “Die Zauberflote” _ Daegu Opera House / 03.17~03.19
• The 423th Daegu National Symphony Orchestra _ Daegu Citizen Hall / 03.18
march 2016 event calender Ottmar Hörl
Time: 03.01~03.31 Ticket price: 1,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000
Sun-Cheol Kwun
Time: 03.1~ Ticket price: 1,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000
Kim In-han’s Collection - Beautiful Presents Time: 03.01~ Ticket price:1,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000
Time:03.01~ Ticket price:1,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000
Time: 03.03~03.06 weekdays 19:30/ Sat: 15:00, 21:00/ Sun: 14:00, 18:00 Ticket price: VIP: 150,000w/ OP,R: 13,000w/ S: 10,000w/ A: 80,000w/ B: 60,000w Place: KEIMYUN ART CENTER Information: 053-580-6605
Opera Universiade W.A.Mozart “Die Zauberflote” Time: 03.17~03.19 19:30 Ticket price: 10,000w Place: Daegu Opera House Information: 053-666-6023
Extreme Performance “Flying”
Time: 03.01~ 03.06 weekdays 19:30/ Sat: 15:00, 18:00/ Sun: 15:00/ Tue: 15:00, 18:00 Ticket Price: R: 40,000w/ S: 30,000w Place: Suseong Artpia Information:053- 668-1800
MARCH 2016 Event Calendar
Spring Festival Opening Concert
The 423th Daegu National Symphony Orchestra
Masterpieces with Monica
LiNK Daegu Rescue Team Charity Concert
Kids Concert “Flying Symphony”
Tryouts for Daegu Phoenix American Football Team
Time: 03.01 17:00 Ticket price: Free (need a reservation at the website below) Place: Daegu Citizen Hall Information: 053-250-1475 Time: 03.01~ 10:00~19:00 Ticket price: 10,000w Place: Daegu Culture and art Center Information: 053-626-3588 Time: 03.05 20:00 Ticket price: A: 30,000w/ B: 20,000w Place: Daegu Citizen Hall Information: 053-250-1475
Time: 03.18 19:30 Ticket price: A: 16,000w/ B: 10,000w Place: Daegu Citizen Hall Information: 053-250-1475
Time: 3.5 - 20:00 Price: Free - Donations Welcome Place: Urban - 얼반(Urban) 대구 중구 삼덕동1가 18-1, Daegu 700-411
Time: 3.6 - 10:00 Price: Free Place: Yeungnam University field (subway exit 4) Contact information: Patrick 010-3511-7454
J.S.BACH ST. Matthew Passion “Thomanerchor & Gewandhausorchester Leipzig” Time: 03.15 19:30 Ticket price: R: 100,000w/ S: 70,000w/ A: 50,000w/ H: 30,000w Place: Daegu Citizen Hall Information: 053-250-1475
Useful Korean Expressions Communicate with the Locals!
• Say, “An-nyeong-ha-se-yo.” to Koreans instead of “Hi.” It is the easiest way to be courteous. Here are some Useful Korean Expressions for you to communicate with Koreans easily!
Basic Expressions Did you know that Korean doesn't have a pronunciation of F and V? Instead, pronounce P and B.
• Hello
• No
• Yes
An-nyeong-ha-se-yo. • Good bye
An-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo. • Nice to meet you 반갑습니다 감사합니다
Ne. • I am sorry
• Thank you
Mi-ahn-ham-ni-da. • Excuse me
Emergency Contact List Daegu City Hall Daegu Citizen Happiness Call Center (Daegu City Hall): 053-120 (Weekdays: 08:30-18:30) EXCO : 053-601-5000 HICO : 054-777-3556
Hospitals Kyungpook National Univ. Hospital (053-200-5114) Keimyung Univ. Dongsan Medical Center (053-250-7114) Yeungnam Univ. Medical Center (053-623-8001)
Local Numbers Police 112 Fire 119 Emergency Room 120
Translation Services Korean Tourism Organization Travel Hotline: 1330 BBB Korea Translation Call Service: 1588-5644 (English, Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, German, Portuguese, Arabic, Polish, Turkish, Swedish, Thai, Vietnamese, Malay, Indonesian, Mongolian)
Useful Korean Expressions
Object Passport ID card Sanitary pad Water Fork Receipt
Pains/sore spots Cold Stomachache Headache Cramps Allergy Motion sickness Wound
Place Where is + ~? Toilet Entrance Exit Restaurant Hospital Phamacy
Transportation Bus Subway
Wifi What is the Wi-Fi name and the password?
In shops or restaurants How much is it? I’d like to have ~. Please give me a little discount.
신분증 생리대 물
영수증 감기 복통 두통
알레르기 멀미 상처 ~어디에요? 화장실 입구 출구 식당 병원 약국 버스
지하철 와이파이 이름과 비밀번호가 무엇인가요? 얼마에요? ~주세요.
깎아 주세요.
[Yeo ggun] [Shin bun jung] [Seng li dae] [Mul] [Po-ku] [Young su jung]
[Gam gi] [Bok tong] [Du tong] [Sengli tong] [Al le ru ki] [Mull mi] [Sang cheo]
[~ Uhdi eyo?] [Hwa jang shil] [Ip gu] [Chool gu] [Shik dang] [Byung won] [Yak guk]
[Bu-s] [Ji ha cheol]
[Wa-i Pa-i ireum, bibun mo eh yo? ]
[Earl ma eh yo?] [~ Ju seyo. (with pointing)] [Kka kka juseyo.]
downtown map Nightlife Directions taxi “she nay ga ju say yo. sam duk so bang seo.” Shopping and Cinemas taxi “she nay ga ju say yo. lotte young plajja CGB” ( Remember there is no true ‘Z’ sound in Korean.)
Jungang Police office
The Daegu Compass and its volunteers have come up with Namjeon Yeojeon Bra this comprehensive guide to the bring you the best places nd to Str ee t enjoy the night in beautiful downtown Daegu. 13
Lotte Young Plaza Who cares, hav’n funz
Millionaire Club
4 21
Kkotbat 6
Banwol dang Station
Sushi Neco
Dong A Department Store (main store) Lotte Young Plaza
Departm (main sto
Mo bil eS tre et
55 Dining Novotel 053.214.5521 Fashion Ambassador Jewelry Town Daegu 12:00-02:00 Fusion-style Food 94-19, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Daegu City Hall Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Samdeok Fire Station 1
Jungang Police office
Jungangno Station
2046 PAN STEAK 053.427.2046 Samarkand Mon-Thur 11:30-22:00, Break District time 15:0017:00, Fri & Sat 12:00-02:00 / Sun 12:00-22:00 Fashion Jewelry Town Great quality steak and pasta Lotte Young Plaza 63-1, Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu Dong A
2.28 H&M Samdeok Fire Station Brand Street Democratic 11 Lazy Diner Road Shop Street Movement Gaejeong X:uSamdeok Old Blue Daegu Memorial Park Jayeon Police office Department byeolgok Han Sang Club That Caliente Store Little Italia Flow Sanshiro er Road Nazar Kebab zione WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla 10 Yashijang Gukchae Mies Container Jeju 18 Selec bosang Doyaji t Shop ThursdayThursday Bus Hot Gossip, Park Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Party2 Who's Bob Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat 2.28 Democratic Café S Lazy Diner Jungang Library 55 Dining Movement treet Gaejeong X:u Memorial Park Youngdo Velvet HanStation Sang Club That Samdeok Fire Flow er Road Nazar Kebab zione WHAT 2046Blue Pan Steak Samdeok Godzilla Old Yashijang Police office Mies Container Selec Caliente La Luce Thursday t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Who's Bob Club Frog Gukchae Jeju 18 Pan Asia Kkotbat bosang Doyaji Café S Park 21 55 Dining treet
Novotel Ambassador Daegu
Caliente 053.426.2268 Everyday 11:00-4:00am Tex Mex Jungang Library 36-6, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
Daegu City Hall
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Banwol dang Station
Mo bil eS tre et
Chungju Mushroom Restaurant 053.425.5668 11:00-21:30 Holidays: Seolnal & Chuseok Korean Food Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu
Doko 053.253.0331 Mon-Thur, Holidays 18:00-02:00 Fri-Sat 18:00~03:00 , Holidays: Mondays Japanese Pub 62, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Kyodong M
Dong A Department Store (main store)
Jungangno Sushi Neco Samdeok Old Blue 14 Joonghwa PoliceStati office on Youngdo Velvet Namjeon Daegu Banjeom Caliente 2 TGIF 12 5 Yeojeon 3 Bra 1 Lotte Young Plaza Kyobo 6 KoKoChon nd Book Store 4 Str 4 Jungang Gukchae Jung Jeju 18 McDonald's Yugane ee angno 13 t Police McDonald's office Dakgalbi La Luce bosang Doyaji Station Joonghwa Namjeon Park 2 TGIF Banjeom 7 12 5 YeojeonH&M Samarikand 3 Brand B Stree Kyobo Lotte Young Plaza t Lotte 8 ran 6 KoKoChon 11 Road Shop Street dS Book Store Daegu City Hall Gukil Bulgalbi Departmen tre McDonald's Yugane Store Daegu et Jayeon McDonald's Dakgalbi Department byeolgokJungang Library Store Little Italia Sanshiro7 H&M Youngdo Velvet Samarikand Chungju Mushroom Brand Street Kyodong Market Fashion Jewelry Town Havana 8 10 11 Restaurant Road Shop Street Daegu Dos Jayeon Dong A Department Tacos byeolgok Thursday International City Department Store Store Little Italia Party2 Sanshiro La Luce 9 Traverlers' Bar & Grill (main store) Chungju Mushroom Kyodong Mark Fashion Jewelry Town Dalbit Havana 2.28 10 Restaurant Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory Club THAT Dos Lazy Diner Movement Dong A X:u Tacos MemorialThursday Park International City Department Store Mushroom Gaejeong Party2 Traverlers' Bar &Han GrillSang (main store) Flow Novotel Dalbit 2.28 er Road Nazar Kebab District Ambassador Hanmogeum, WHAT Democratic Mies Factory 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Club THAT Bulzip Lazy Diner Movement Yashijang Monkey Doko X:u zione Memorial Park Selec Thursday Gaejeong t Shop Bus Hot Gossip,Mushroom Street Han Sang Party1 Flow Second Hotel Club Egg Novotel er Road Nazar Kebab District Ambassador Club Frog WHAT Pan Asia Kkotbat 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Gaejeong Bulzip Organ bar Yashijang O⁷P Monkey Je Doko zione C Samcho af Selec é StreeThursday 55 Dining Co t Shop Bus t Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog Samdeok Fire Station 3F Club That Pan Asia Kkotbat Organ bar 4F Horus Garge La Luce O⁷P Seoga n’Cook Samdeok Th Café S Old Blue Samcho 55 Dining treet Police office Pa Caliente Jeju 18 B1 Doyaji Samdeok Fire Station Godzilla B1 Who’s Bob Yashijang La Luce Gukchae Samdeok 3F MF Bar Old Blue bosang Police office AU Park Caliente Jeju 18 2F Pan Asia Doyaji Daegu City Hall Burger Gukchae & Pasta Jungang Library bosang Bombay Park Rounge Viniroo Youngdo Velvet 13
Mo bil eS tre et
Kyodong Marke
Fashion Jewelry Town
Joonghwa Namjeon 2 Banjeom Yeojeon Bra 2.28 Kyobo nd Yugane Book Store Democratic Str Dakgalbi McDonald's ee Lazy Diner Movement t McDonald's X:u Gaejeong Memorial Park 7 14 H&M Han Sang Club That Flow Brand Stree Novotel t er Ro 8 Nazar Kebab zione 11 ad Road Shop Street Ambassador WHAT 1 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Daegu Jayeon Yashijang 4 Department Mies Container Jungang byeolgok Jung angn S o 13 elect Store Little Italia officeThursday Sanshiro ShopPolice Hot Gossip, 9 Station Joonghwa Street Party1 Namjeon 2 Second Hotel Banjeom Yeojeon 10 3 Who's Bob Club Frog Pan Asia Bra Kyobo nd Yugane Book Store Str Thursday Dakgalbi McDonald's ee Café Str 55 Dining tParty2McDonald's eet 12
Mo bil eS tre et
Jungang Police office Thursday Party2
Banwol dang Station
Bus Club Egg 5
Little Italia
Road Shop Street Daegu Jayeon Department byeolgok Store
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Banwol dang Station
Mo bil eS tre et
Brand Street
Kyobo Yugane Book Store Dakgalbi McDonald's
o Won’t Stationbreak the bank
Joonghwa Banjeom
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Downtown Restaurants Youngdo Velvet
Jungang Library
Daegu City Hall Commines
Ban Sta
Jungang Police office
Joonghwa Namjeon Banjeom Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's
5 6
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Mo bil eS tre et
Banwol dang Station
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Mo bil e S Banwol dang tre et Stat ion
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Daegu City Hall
Jeju 18
Old Blue Go Go Vinyl Commines
Youngdo Velvet
Sushi Neco
Jungang Luce PoliceLa office
Youngdo Velvet 7
Store Chungju Mushroom Restaurant Dos Tacos Thursday International City Party2 Traverlers' Bar & Grill Dalbit 2.28 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory Club THAT Lazy Diner Movement X:u Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Flow er Road Nazar Kebab WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Bulzip Yashijang Monkey Doko zione Selec Thursday t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat Organ bar O⁷P Café S Samcho 55 Dining treet Sanshiro
Little Italia Havana
Lazy Diner 070-4106-2882 Everyday 11:00-22:00 Burgers and Breakfast
Interesting interior
Daegu City Lotte Young Plaza
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Labosang Luce Park Jungangno Station Joonghwa 053.606.0733 Namjeon TGIF Banjeom Yeojeon Bra Kyobo 12:00-22:00, Break Time 15:30-17:30 Jungang Library KoKoChon nd Book Store Str McDonald's Yugane ee t Holidays: McDonald'sSundays Dakgalbi& Holidays H&M Brand Street Italian Food Road Shop Street La Luce Daegu 2F, 141, Dongdeok-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu Jayeon Department 2
Daegu City Hall
Samdeok JungangPolice Libraryoffice
Jeju 18
Doyaji Samdeok Fire Station 13
Jeju 18 Doyaji 053.427.9399 17:00-02:00 Gukchae é Stree KoreanCafBBQ t bosang Park Samdeok Fire Station 28, Gongpyeongro8-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Burger 55 Dining & Pasta
Bombay Doyaji 21 Rounge Viniroo
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Hi Thai 010.8611.0562 12:00-22:00 (break : 15:00-17:00) Holidays: Mon Thai Food 53, Gongpyeong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
Mo bil eS tre et
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Jayeon byeolgok
Gukil Bulgalbi 053.424.5820 11:00-22:00 Holidays: The day and the next day of Seolnal and Chuseok Korea BBQ(Daegu’s local food) 172, Taepyeong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
ion tat uS eg Da
oom urant
Mo bil eS tre et
Kyobo Book Store McDonald's
EtOH’s Drafthouse 053.211.9385 Mon, Wed, Thu 16:00-01:00, Fri 16:00-02:00, Sat 11:00-02:00, Sat 11:00-01:00 Pizza and Craft Beer 2nd floor, 12-3, Dongseong-ro 3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Banwol dang Station
ne galbi
Lotte Youn
Road Shop Street Daegu Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia Sanshiro 9 Chungju Mushroom 22 Fashion Jewe Havana 10 Restaurant Sushi Neco Dos 14 Tacos Thursday International City Party2 Traverlers' Bar & Grill Dalbit 1 2.28 Hanmogeum, 4 Democratic Mies Factory 4 Jungang Jungangno Club THAT Lazy Diner 13 Restaurant Movement Police office X:u Station Joonghwa Memorial Park Namjeon 2 TGIF Mushroom Gaejeong Banjeom Pharmacy 12 5 Yeojeon 21 Han Sang Flow3 Novotel Bra Kyobo Shopping er Road Lotte Young Plaza Nazar Kebab 6 KoKoChon nd Dis Ambassador Book Store WHAT Str Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu McDonald's Yugane 2046 Pub Bulzip ee 22 t Yashijang McDonald's Monkey Dakgalbi Doko zione S Attraction elect S 4 Thursday 7 Bus Hot Gossip, hop Str H&M Samarikand Party1 14 eet Cafe Second Hotel Club Egg Brand Street 8 11 n Hall Road Shop Street Daegu Citizen Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat 3 Organ bar Daegu 1 Jayeon O⁷P Lotte Young Plaza Department byeolgok Café S Samcho 4 Dining Store treet 4 Jungang Little55Italia 21 Jungangno Sanshiro 9 13 Police office Chungju Mushroom StationJewelry Town Joonghwa Kyodong Market Fashion HavanaNamjeon 2 10 Restaurant Banjeom 12 Samdeok Fire Station 5 Yeojeon 22 3 Samarikand Bra Dos Lotte Young Plaza Kyobo La Luce 6 Dong A Lotte n Yugane Samdeok Tacos Thursday d Book Store Old Gukil Bulgalbi Department StrBlue Department Store Party2 14 International City 1 Police office Dakgalbi McDonald's ee Traverlers' Bar & Grill (main store) Store McDonald's Calientet Dalbit Jeju 18 2.28 Doyaji 7 2 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory H&M Samarkan 1 Club THAT Brand Lazy Diner Stree t Movement 8 Kyodong Market Fashion Jewelry Town Gukchae 11 4 Road Shop Street 4X:u Jungang Jungangno Memorial Park bosang 4 13 Mushroom Gaejeong Daegu Police office Park Jayeon Station Joonghwa Han Sang Department 2 FlowNamjeon byeolgok Novotel Dong A Banjeom 12 er Little 5 Yeojeon Nazar Kebab Store Road Italia 3 District Ambassador Sanshiro Department Store 9 3 WHAT Bra 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Lotte Young Kyobo Daegu (main store) Bulzip DaeguPC 6 Fashion Jewelry Town nd Yugane Yashijang Book Store Monkey 10 Doko Str zione Dakgalbi McDonald's e Selec Jungang Library e Thursday t t Shop Bus McDonald's Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Dong A Club Egg 7 YoungdoSecond Velvet Hotel Thursday Departm H&M Party2 Club Frog (main s Brand Street Pan Asia Kkotbat 8 11 Organ bar Road Shop Street 2.28 O⁷P Novotel Café S Samcho District Ambassador Democratic Daegu 55 Dining Jayeon tr ee t Lazy Diner Daegu Department Movement byeolgok Daegu Station Gaejeong X:u Little Italia Park Store Memorial Sanshiro 9 Samdeok Fire Station Fashion Jewelry T Han Sang Club That Flow 10 Novotel La Luce er Road Nazar Kebab zione S District Ambassador WHATSamdeok Old Blue 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Police office Gaejeong Thursday Yashijang Caliente Mies Container Jeju 18 Jeng-Yi Party2 Selec Thursday Doyaji t Shop Bus Collective Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Nazar Kebab 2.28 Second Hotel Club Egg Gukchae Democratic Who's Bob Club Frog bosang Pan Asia Lazy Diner 2046 Pan Steak Kkotbat 3F Club That Movement Park Gaejeong X:u Doko 4F Horus Garge Memorial Park C Seoga n’Cook af é 55 Dining Thursday Club That StreetHan Sang Flow Party1 Novotel er Road Nazar Kebab zione Daegu City Hall District Ambassador B1 Haberdashery WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Samdeok Fire Station Godzilla Daegu Jungang Library Godzilla Yashijang Mies Container B1 Who’s Bob Yashijang Sel Samdeok Hot Gossip, ect SBar Thursday Bus Youngdo Velvet hoOld 3F MF p SBlue tree Police officeSecond Hotel Party1 AUClub Egg Caliente t Hot Gossip, Second Hotel Who's Bob Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat 2F Pan Asia
Banwol dang Station
Jungangno Station
Kyobo Book Store McDonald's
Brand Street
Jungangno Station
Yugane Dakgalbi
7 8
Mo bil eS tre et
Fashion Jewelry Town
Novotel Ambassador Daegu
2F, 15, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Samdeok Fire Station La Luce Jeju 18 Doyaji
Old Blue Caliente
Samdeok Police office
Gukchae bosang Park
Banwol dang Station
Sushi Neco
Jungang Police office
Joonghwa Namjeon Banjeom Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's
5 6
Yugane Dakgalbi
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Banwol dang Station
Brand Street
Kyobo Book Store McDonald's
Lotte Young Plaza
Little Italia Samarikand 053.426.3992 12:00-23:30 Holidays: The day and the next day of Seolnal and Chuseok. Italian Food / Chef studied in Italy 49-18, Dongserongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
G Road Shop Street Daegu Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia 21 Sanshiro Chungju Mushroom Kyodong Market Fashion Jewelry Town Havana 10 Restaurant 22 Dos Dong A Tacos Thursday International City Department Store Sushi Neco Party2 Traverlers' Bar & Grill 14 (main store) Dalbit 2.28 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory 1 Club THAT Lazy Diner Movement 4 X:u 4 Memorial Park Jungang Jungangno Mushroom Gaejeong 13 Police office Han Sang Stati Joonghwa Flow Namjeon 2 TGIF Novotel on Banjeom e Nazar Kebab 12 r 5 Yeojeon Road District 3 Ambassador WHAT 2046 Pan Steak B Bulzip Godzilla Daegu Kyobo Lotte Young Plaza ran 6 KoKoChon Yashijang Monkey dS Book Store Doko zione tre Selec McDonald's Yugane Thursday et t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, McDonald's Dakgalbi Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg 7 Club Frog H&M Samarikand Pan Asia Kkotbat Brand Street 8 11 Organ bar O⁷P Road Shop Street Café S Samcho 55 Dining Daegu treet Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia Sanshiro 9 Samdeok Fire Station Chungju Mushroom Kyodong Fashion Jewelry Town Havana 10 Restaurant La Luce Seoga n’Cook Samdeok Old Blue Dos Police office Dong A Tacos Thursday Caliente Jeju 18 International City Department Store Party2 DoyajiTraverlers' Bar & Grill (main store) God Dalbit 2.28 Yash Hanmogeum, Gukchae Democratic Mies Factory bosang Club THAT Lazy Diner AU Movement Park X:u Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Flow Daegu Novotel City Hall er Road Nazar Kebab District Ambassador WHAT Godzilla Daegu Jungang Library2046 Pan Steak Bomba Bulzip Yashijang Monkey Doko Roung zione Selec Youngdo Velvet Bus Thursday t Shop Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat Organ bar O⁷P Commine Café S Samcho 55 Dining treet 11
Mo bil eS tre et
Jungangno Station
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Mo bil eS tre et
Mies Container 053-422-4484 Everyday 11:00-02:00 Pasta, Pizza, Salad One of the busiest restaurants downtown. 50-14, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Pan Asia 053.287.7940 12:00-23:00, Break 15:00-17:00 Holidays: Once a month(Tuesday) Asian Food 58-18, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Samdeok Fire Station La Luce
Samdeok Police office
Old Blue Caliente
Jeju 18 Doyaji
Gukchae bosang Park
Jungang Library Youngdo Velvet
hi Neco
Shopping Pub
Brand Street
Yugane Dakgalbi
Kyobo Book Store McDonald's
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Banwol dang Station
Novotel Ambassador Daegu 4
Sushi Neco
Sushi Neco 053.252.7855 11:30-22:00 Japanese Food Daegu Station YMCA 1F, 375, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Jungangno Station Namjeon Daegu Joonghwa TGIF Banjeom Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's
5 6
7 8
Samdeok Police office
Gukchae bosang Park
Jungang Police office
Dong A Department Store (main store)
Samdeok Fire Station
Jeju 18 Doyaji
Kyodong Market
Fashion Jewelry Town
ion tat uS eg Da
Road Shop Street Daegu Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia Sanshiro Chungju Mushroom Havana Restaurant Dos Tacos Thursday International City Party2 Bar & Grill Dalbit 2.28 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory Club THAT Diner Movement X:u Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Flow er Road Nazar Kebab WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Bulzip Yashijang Doko zione ct Sho Thursday Hot Gossip, p Stree Party1 t Second Hotel og Pan Asia Organ bar Café S 55 Dining treet
Old Blue
Lotte Young Plaza
Brand Street
Downtown Restaurants Traverlers' Bar & Grill Daegu City Hall
Seoga n’Cook
Yugane Dakgalbi
Kyobo Jeng-Yi Book Store Collective McDonald's Nazar Kebab
3F Club That H&M 4F Horus Garge
Lotte Young Pla
2046 Pan Steak Doko
Road Shop Street Thursday Party1 Daegu Jayeon Department B1 Haberdashery byeolgok Store Little Italia Godzilla Chungju Mushroom B1 Who’s Bob Yashijang Havana Restaurant 3F MF Bar Hot Gossip, AU Dos Second Hotel Tacos Thursday International City 2F Pan Asia Party2 Dalbit Burger 2.28 Hanmogeum, & Pasta
ndergr rimall) ound Arcade
Joonghwa Namjeon Banjeom Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's
Attraction Samarkand Cafe n Hall Daegu Citizen 053.252.4021 11.00-22:00 Holidays:Second & Fourth Sundays Russian & Uzbekistan food Gukil Bulgalbi Lotte Department Store 3F, 59, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
Jungangno Station
Mo bil eS tre et
Jungang Police office
PANN 053.252.7529 Weekday 11:30-23:00 Daegu City Hall Weekends 11:30-24:00 Holidays: Second & Fourth Sundays Jazz, Guest house, Italian restaurantRestaurant Pharmacy 43-9, Gyeongsanggamyeong-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Fashion Jewelry To
Daegu Station 21
Banwol dang Station
Sushi Neco
Jeng-Yi Collective
13 Seoga n’Cook
Police office
5 6
Godzilla Yashijang
Mo bil eS tre et
Daegu City Hall
ran dS tre et
B1 Who’s Bob 3F MF Bar
7 8
Nazar Kebab
2046 Pan Steak Doko Thursday Party1 Namjeon Yeojeon B1 Haberdashery B
3F Club That 4F Horus Garge Jungang
Hot Gossip, Second Hotel Brand Stree
2F Pan Asia Burger & Pasta
1 4
Joonghwa Thursday & PastaStation Banjeom BurgerTGIF Kyobo Lotte Young Plaza KoKoChon 053.426.0384 Book Store McDonald's Yugane McDonald's Dakgalbi 11:00-01:00 H&M Sa Burger &Road Pub Shop Street Jayeon Jung-gu, Daegu 1F, 58-20,Daegu Dongseongro3-gil, Department byeolgok 2
Store Chungju Mushroom Restaurant Dos Go Go Vinyl Tacos Thursday International City Party2 Traverlers' Bar & Grill Commines Dalbit 2.28 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory Club THAT Lazy Diner Movement Samdeok FireX:u Station Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Flow er Road Nazar Kebab WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Bulzip Yashijang Monkey Doko zione Selec Thursday t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat Organ bar O⁷P Café S Samcho 55 Dining treet Viniroo
Little Italia
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Bombay Rounge
Fashion Jewelry Town
D D (
What! 053-422-3789 Everyday 11:00-01:00 Novotel Ambassador Daegu Samgyeopsal - Korean BBQ Different flavored Samgyeopsal. 32-43, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Samdeok Fire Station La Luce
Old Blue
Jeju 18 Doyaji
Jungang Police office
Namjeon Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's
5 6
Mo bil eS tre et
7 8
Traverlers' Bar & Grill
Station Surf & Turf TGIF Kyobo Lotte Young Plaza 070.4118.0188 Book Store McDonald's Yugane Dakgalbi Mon-Sat 11:30-10:30 (last call @ 9:30) H&M Sa Brand Street Sun 11:30-9:30 (last call @8:30) Road Shop Street Daegu Closed on 2nd & 4th Mondays of every month Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia Lobster & Burger Chungju Mushroom Fashion Jewelry Town Havana Restaurant 188, leechunro-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Dos Joonghwa Banjeom
Thursday International City Party2 Dalbit Hanmogeum, Mies Factory Club THAT
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Banwol dang Station
Sushi Neco
Youngdo Velvet 13
Yakjun Hanbang Samgyetang 053-253-2473 09:00-21:00 Gukchae bosang ParkHolidays: New Year’s Day, Seolnal(3days), Chuseok(3days) Daegu City Hall Korean Jungang Library Food 56, Dalgubeoldaero415-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Samdeok Police office
D D (
Zione 2.28 Democratic Lazy Diner Movement 053-424-9122 X:u Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Sun-Thur: 12pm-10pm (break 3pm-5pm) Flow Novotel er Road Nazar Kebab Ambassador WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Fri-Sat:Bulzip 12pm-12am (break 4pm-5:30pm) Yashijang Monkey Doko zione Selec Thursday t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, Closed on Tuesdays Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog 72-1, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Pan Asia Kkotbat O⁷P
Organ bar 55 Dining
Café S treet Samdeok Fire Station
La Luce Jeju 18 Doyaji
Old Blue Caliente
Samdeok Police office
Gukchae bosang Park Daegu City Hall Jungang Library Youngdo Velvet
DOWNTOWN BARS & CLUBS Won’t break the bank
Daegu thrives at night. Downtown is loaded with bars and clubs to meet everyone’s drinking and partying needs. Challenge yourself and try out places you’ve never been.
Restaurant Pharmacy Shopping
Jungangno Station
Yugane Dakgalbi
Kyobo Book Store McDonald's
Cafe n Hall Daegu Citizen 3
Lotte Young Plaza
Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)
Gukil Bulgalbi Lotte Department Store
1 2
Kyodong Market
Fashion Jewelry Town
Dong A Department Store (main store)
Novotel Ambassador Daegu
ion tat uS eg Da
8 mocratic ovement emorial Park
oad Shop Street aegu Jayeon epartment byeolgok ore gju Mushroom Restaurant Dos acos
owe r Road
Millionaire Club
Who cares, hav’n funz
District Daegu Station
Seoga n’Cook
3F Club That 4F Horus Garge
Godzilla Yashijang AU
Jeng-Yi Collective
B1 Who’s Bob 3F MF Bar 2F Pan Asia
Daegu City Hall Bombay Rounge
Nazar Kebab
2046 Pan Steak Doko Thursday Party1 B1 Haberdashery
Hot Gossip, Second Hotel
Burger & Pasta Viniroo Go Go Vinyl
Bombay Lounge 010.9717.1118 Weekdays 18:00Weekends 12:00-05:00 Bar & IndianFood 3F, 57, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Samdeok Fire Station
Downtown Bars & Clubs
Club THAT 053.427.7171 19:00-03:00 Live bar
2F, 58-6, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Communes Everyday 20:00-04:00 Beer, Trivia Night, Sports Longest running bar in Daegu. A must go to. 85, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Flower Bar [Kkotbat 꽃밭] Everyday 18:00-04:00 Wine and Hooka Bar Apple is the best! 20-13, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Go Go Party Everyday 19:00-04:00 Party , Hip-hop, Dance Everyone’s favorite bag drink! 58-19, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Retro City Everyday 15:00-04:00 Live Club & Music Lounge Live music concert on every Saturday! 1 5, Gyodong-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Hot Gossip Everyday 18:00-05:00 lounge bar, birthday party Classy bar with nice cocktail 62-6, Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu
MF Bar Everyday 19:00-04:00 Darts , Music Requests, Cheap Booze My Favorite bar ~ owners are cool! 58-10, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Monkey Everyday 21:00-06:00 Dancing all night 62, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Mushroom 010.7527.4879 Everyday 20:00-04:00 Party , Hip-hop, Dance 23, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Organ Bar 053.421.5546 18:00-03:00 Beer and music 52-4, samdeokdong1 -ga, Jung-gu, Daegu
Old Blue 053.427.8447 17:00-02:00 Jazz Club Holidays: Sundays & Holidays
Second Hotel 22:00-06:00 Holidays: Every Thursday Lounge Bar & Club 62-6, Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu
Downtown Bars & Clubs
Teum Lounge Everyday 19:00-03:00 Electronic Music 4F, 55, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Thursday Party I 053-422-6621 Everyday 19:00-04:00 Beer Pong, Darts, Danc’n The best of the best go here. B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Junggu, Daegu Thursday Party II 053-424-0824 Everyday 19:00-04:00 Beer Pong, Shuffle Puck, Darts 50-8, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Urban Club & Lounge Everyday 19:00-04:00 Live Music, Darts, Hip-hop 50-18, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Who’s Bob Everyday 20:00-04:00 Beer Pong, Dart Machine, Pool 58-10, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
downtown shopping spots Chung Baek Won 053.253.1121 09:00-20:00 Holidays:Sundays Tea & Ceramics 25-1, Jong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
Glass Baba Optical Shop
053.423.9001 09:30-23:00 Eyewears 402, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu See Channel
053.427.0033 10:00-22:00 Eyewear 604, Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu Tokyo & Pearl 053.253.9034 10:00-20:30 Jewelry Holidays:Wednesdays B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Junggu, Daegu Vanity London Haberdashery 053.422.7708 12:00-03:00 Men Clothing B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Junggu, Daegu
Youngdodaum 053.710.3700 Weekdays 10:00-20:00 Weekends 10:00-21:00 Holidays:Seolnal(3days),Chuseok(3days) Velvet Gallery 39, Gongpyeongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Downtown Shopping Spots
downtown Tourism Gukchae Bosang Park 국채보상운동기념공원
053-745-6753 670, Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
This park was built to commemorate the National Debt Reparation Movement, which started in Daegu during the Japanese Occupation.
February 28 Democratic Movement Memorial Park 2.28기념중앙공원
053-254-9405 80, Dongseong-ro 2 gil Jung-Gu. Daegu
There are also three other fountains. You can enjoy a walking path or sit on one of the many benches. The outdoor stage hosts Daegu International Musical Festival’s fringe shows. Youngdo daum Velvet Gallery 영도다움
10:00~22:00 / No holiday / 053-710-3700 39, Gongpyeongro-4gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Run by Youngdo Velvet, it is the only exclusive velvet exhibition hall in the country. From the basement to the third floor, they have velvet clothes, Korean traditional costumes and other goods. Bongsan Cultural Street 봉산문화거리
77, Bongsanmoonhwas-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
As you walk along, you’ll see art galleries, studios and antique shops. You can stop in shops to buy art or just to browse through the incredible work of local artists. While you can enjoy exhibitions throughout the year, this street is particularly busy every October with the Bong-san Art Festival. Kim Kwang-suk Memorial Mural Road 김광석 거리
450 gil, Dalgubeol Daero, Jung-Gu, Daegu
The late Kim Kwang-suk, a famous Korean folk singer-songwriter who was popular in the 1980s, is still admired by many Korean music lovers today. him. The walls of this street are plastered with murals of Kim and you can hear his music faintly playing as you stroll along. DAEGU COMPASS MARCH 2016
GUEST HOUSE GUIDE Welcome to the Daegu Compass guest house information guide. Guest houses offer a more personal experience while staying in Daegu. Many of the guest houses are located in what is considered "old Daegu" and still retain much their traditional charm. The owners are very helpful in setting up tours and guides around the city and offer activities for their guests to take part in during their stay. If you're just passing through, or looking to stay for an extended time, Daegu's guest houses are always open.
Downtown Area Guest Houses Near the nightlife
Pann Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 경상감영길 43-9 Tel: 053-252-7529 Website: Email: Dormitory rates start at 25,000won Traditional Korean room and great food The Style Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 서성로14길 26 Tel: 010-3932-0727 Website: Email: Dormitory rates start at 25,000won Clean rooms and great location The Empathy Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 중앙대로79길 32 Tel: 070-8915-8991 Website: Dormitory rates start at 23,000won Great dorm rooms and helpful staff Peter Pan Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 국채보상로123길 23 6층 Tel: 010-4023-7982 Website: Email: Dormitory rates start at 18,000won Wonderful dorm rooms and excellent staff Cheongra Eondeok Add: 대구광역시 중구 달구벌대로401길 22 Tel: 010-3823-9662 Website: Email: Dormitory rates start at 23,000won Love the bunk beds
Guest House Guide
hotel guide Welcome to the Daegu Compass hotel information guide. We will also be adding a guide about motels soon. Daegu is very spread out, and not all the hotels will be convenient for you. We hope our hotel guide will help you with making your decision on where to rest your weary bones for the night. Nam Gu Area Hotels Near Camp Walker
Downtown Area Hotels Near the nightlife Novotel Ambassador Daegu
Hotel the Palace
Eldis Regent Hotel
Prince Hotel
Add: 대구광역시 중구 국채보상로 611번지 Tel: 053- 664-1111 Website: Email: Room rates start from 154,000+ won (10% VAT will be added) Fantastic all you can eat dinner buffet! Add: 대구광역시 중구 동산동 360번지 Tel: 053-253-7711 Website: Email: Room rates start at 100,000won Close to Hyundai and Dongha Shopping
Add: 대구광역시 남구 봉덕3동 688-1번지 Tel: 053-471-9911 Website: Email: no online reservation system Room rates start at 99,000won Near Camp Walker Clean and Friendly Add: 대구광역시 남구 대명2동 1824-2번지 Tel: 053-628-1001 Website: Email: Room rates start at 105,000won Western and Korean rooms available
Suseong Gu Area Hotels 10 min from Dongdaegu station Daegu Grand Hotel
Hotel Ariana
Hotel Inter-burgo
Hotel Suseong
Add: 대구광역시 수성구 범어1동 563-1번지 Tel: 053-742-0001 Website: Email: Room rates start at 240,000won One of the top hotels in Daegu Add: 대구 수성구 만촌동 300번지 Tel: 053-6027-171, 173 Website: Email: Room rates start at 330,000won Daegu Casino is open!
Add: 대구광역시 수성구 두산동 200-1번지 Tel: 053-765-7776 Website: Email: Room rates start at 110,000won Great all-you-can-eat buffet located in the basement Add: 대구광역시 수성구 용학로 106-7 Tel: 1899-1001 Website: Room rates start at 270,000won Beautiful view of Suseong Lake
Buk Gu Area Hotels Inter-burgo EXCO
Add: 대구광역시 북구 유통단지로 80 Tel: 053-380-0114 Website: Email: Room rates start at 19,000 won Great for conventions
Hotel Guide
Compass Connoisseur Check out these other great eats around town.
Suseoung-gu Ganga
A cuisine worthy of Shiva. This upscale Indian restaurant has great curries. Their naan is quite exquisite as well. You can even order samosas! Wash it down with a nice mango lassi and you have yourself an aroma massage for your stomach! Check out the Suseong Lake Map on p61 for directions. Open & Close: 11:30-22:00 / Break time: 15:00-17:30 Tel: 053-768-3610 Add: 35, Muhak-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu
Owner Giovanni Kim has lived and trained in Italy for 14 years. Mr. Kim can speak several languages including English and Italian. Trained as an Italian Chef. The menu is traditional Tuscan style cuisine; however special requests are available with 24 hour notice. Check out the Suseong Lake Map on p61 for directions. Open & Close: 11:30-00:30 / Last order: 23:30 Tel: 053-781-5655 Add: Suseongmot2-gil, Suseong-gu, Daegu
Bongdeok-dong Area HamiMami's
The best brunch restaurant in Daegu. HamiMami's has been in Bongdeok area since 2008. HamiMami's serves real western style breakfast, sandwiches, burritos, and other comfort food foreigners enjoy while living in Korea. Mr. Ha's friends shared special home-made recipes that they craved to eat in Korea, but couldn't find before; making HamiMami's an one of a kind restaurant. HamiMami's home-made biscuits, gravy, hash browns and sausages are the best in the country. They also have fresh bread delivered daily to make their sandwiches irresistible. Come on down to HamiMami's and experience a bit of home. Open & Close: 08:00-21:00 / Break time for weekdays: 15:00-17:00 / Closed on Mondays Tel: 053-475-5242 Add: 87, Samjeong-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu
Barazi Barazi brings Japanese flair to Daegu. Barazi specializes in great Japanese cuisine. The restaurant feels like a home away from home. The soothing atmosphere provides customers a chance to relax with a cup of tea or some warm saki! The owner of Barazi is also an expert florist and can help arrange all your floral needs. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. Open & Close: 12:00-24:00 Tel: 010-4505-3396 Add: 13-16, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Gajok means 'family' in Korean. That's the feeling you get when you step inside this wonderful Korean restaurant. Now, before you start to get a mental picture of the food it serves, just know that most of the meat is from the thigh and not the actual foot. What??? Yes, Gajok serves pig's foot for dinner.. But it's not like you are eating the hoof of the pig. In Korea, the foot and leg seems to go hand in hand, so it is similar to eating drumsticks (chicken legs). Enjoy! Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. Open & Close: 13:00-01:00 Tel: 053-252-1481 Add: 7-16, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Daehan News / Two Ppul
Grilled over an open flame. That's the concept behind Daehan News and Two Ppul. After selecting your choice of steak or pork, a server really heats things up as it cooks your meat with a mini blowtorch. Sounds hot, right? The Korean sides provided compliment the meal perfectly. The interior of both restaurants is in true Korean 'pojang macha' style where dining around a stainless steel table with clear plastic walls sheltering you from the elements. So next time its Korean night, head on over to either of these meaty restaurants. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. <Daeghan News> Open & Close: 12:00-00:00 / Tel: 053-423-3990 Add: 6, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu <Two Ppul> Open & Close: 12:00-00:00 / Tel: 053-422-1033 Add: 7-15, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu 68
Compass Connoisseur
Percent is one of the newest pubs in the ever changing Daebong-dong (대봉동) neighborhood. With 7 craft beers on tap, a variety of delicious pub foods, excellent music to match the beers, and a fun English speaking owner, it’s one of the hottest places in Daegu. Friday and Saturday are their busiest nights with plenty of foreigners and Koreans both enjoying their delectable beers. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. Open & Close: Mon - Fri: 17:00-02:00 / Sat: 15:00-02:00 / Sun: 15:00-01:30 Tel: 053-252-6224 Add: Jung-gu, Daebong-ro 206 (Daebong-dong 132-20) Daegu, 700-431
VIP treatment at Pic&iq is what you get when dining at this special restaurant. The owner and chef caters personally to your dinner party since you have to make a reservation before coming. Why, you might wonder? Pic&iq is only opened from 6-10pm, and you can call from 3pm to reserve one of four tables. The dinner is a set menu of grilled, marinated pork, tortilla bread, salad and grilled tomatoes and bananas. The chef also prepares a special ramyeon for the meal. VIP treatment without the VIP prices makes this a wonderful experience. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. Open & Close: 18:00-23:00 / Closed on Sundays Tel: 053-253-9782 Add: 2232-15, Dalgubeol-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu
Kim Kwang-suk Road
Kyungpook Uni. Area
Not far from bustling downtown next to the Bangcheon Marketplace, Kim Kwangsuk Road is a lengthy alleyway that displays several murals and other small works of art upon its walls, dedicated to the popular Korean folk singer in the late 80’s and early 90’s, Kim Kwang-suk (1964~1996). He was well loved by the younger generations at the time for his soulful vocals and contemplative lyrics which deeply reflected the transition of Korea in late 80s. The area is quite isolated, taking you away from the busy and hectic city life, and dropping you into a surrealistic wonderland of art where time seems to be still for a moment.
Indo Bangrangi
Sanjay welcomes you! Renovated and redesigned last year, this Indian restaurant is famous for its curries. The chef is from India and speaks English very well. Plus, he’s super friendly and will answer all your existential Indian food questions. The restaurant is located on the 3rd floor right across from Kyungdae Buk Moon (north gate). Check out the Kyungpook National University North Gate Area on p66 for directions. Open & Close: 11:00-22:00 / Closed major holidays Tel: 053-956-9940 Add: 81, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu
New Saladdin
Apsan Area
Rashid Ahmed and his family strive for excellence in creating the most delicious and authentic dishes available. He and his brother, Shafiq, have more than 20 years of experience between the two of them in cooking raditional Indian-Pakistani food. Walking up the photo packed stairway will begin your journey into the atmosphere of India and Pakistan. And then the sweet and spicy aromas of curry and spices permeating the air will confirm that you have arrived. Come by and be engulfed by the aromas, sights, and tantalizing tastes of India and Pakistan! Check out the Kyungpook National University North Gate Area on p66 for directions. Open & Close: 11:00-23:00 Tel: 053-942-3535 Add: 3F, 79, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu
Gooksu is known for its 'slow food' approach when preparing its delicious dishes for customers. Slow food doesn't mean it takes hours to cook, it just means everything is made from scratch. The restaurant has an Italian Firenze style atmosphere and serve fabulous pasta dishes. It is also famous for its T-bone steak and Ripieno pizza. Try it tonight! Your taste buds won't be disappointed. Check out the Apsan Area Map on p62 for directions. Open & Close: 12:00-00:00 Tel: 053-625-1365 Add: 2, Hyunchungro7-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu
Aficio is a casual, yet sophisticated Italian restaurant located at the base of Ap Mountain (앞산). Its second floor large glass windows overlook the city down below, and it offers a variety of delicious meals. You can enjoy dishes that are made from organic and high quality ingredients. If two people go and enjoy two main dishes, then they’ll get a FREE Gorgonzola Cheese Pizza! Also every customer who orders a main dish gets a free Americano (worth 3,800 won) from Drop Top downstairs. Having a fine dining experience in Aficio will definitely make you feel like you are on a vacation to Italy. Check out the Apsan Area Map on p62 for directions. Open & Close: 11:30-23:00 Tel: 053-621-3300 Add: 2, Hyunchungro5-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu DAEGU COMPASS MARCH 2016
yangnyeongsi area TAKE A PICTURE AT EACH LOCATION AND SEND TO PHOTOS@DAEGUCOMPASS.COM TO WIN GIFT CERTIFICATES TO SOME OF OUR GREAT SPONSORS! Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 반월당역 가 주세요. (Please go to Banwoldang Station.) Eng ban-wol-dang-yeok ga-ju-se-yo. Kor 현대백화점 가 주세요. (Please go to Hyundai Department Store.) Eng hyun-dae-baek-hwa-jeom ga-ju-se-yo.o.
Yangnyeongsi Area Map
Bongsan Art Street and Daebong Library Area Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 봉산문화거리 가 주세요. (Please go to Bongsan Culture Street.) Eng bong-san-moon-hwa-go-ri ga-ju-se-yo.
Bongsan Art Street And Daebong Library Area Map
Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 김광석거리 가 주세요. (Please go to Kim Kwang-suk Memorial Mural Street.) Eng gim-gwang-seok-go-ri ga-ju-se-yo.
Bongsan Cultural Street 봉산문화거리
77, Bongsanmunhwa-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu, Korea
Think of this artsy street as the “Insa-dong” of Daegu. As you walk along, you’ll see art galleries, studios and antique shops. You can stop in shops to buy art or just to browse through the incredible work of local artists. While you can enjoy exhibitions throughout the year, this street is particularly busy every October with the Bongsan Art Festival. Another highlight of this area is the Bongsan Culture and Art Hall where you can catch some performances and small-scale exhibitions.
Bangcheon Market & Kim Kwang-suk Memorial Mural Road 방천시장 & 김광석거리
Dalgubeol-daero 450-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu, Korea
The late Kim Kwang-suk, a famous Korean folk singer-songwriter who was popular in the 1980s, is still admired by many Korean music lovers today. You can definitely feel the love for the late artist as you stroll down the 350 meter long street that was designed to remember and honor him. The walls of this street are plastered with murals of Kim and you can hear his music faintly playing as you stroll along. On the weekends, you can visit a flea market here and there are also several famous restaurants in the area such as Daehan News, Two Bbul, Pic&iq (picnic), Percent, Barazi, Gajok and Laura’s Mill. 73
Seomun Market Area Established in the Goryeo Dynasty, Seomun market was one of the three major markets during the Joseon dynasty. After the Korean War, a large linen and cotton wholesale and retail market was created. The textile industry is the traditional industry of Daegu. Seomun market is a lively place for locals and tourists alike that truly showcases an original part of Daegu culture. You can find an assortment of food as well as affordable, well-made market goods. Convenient Facilities Parking building The eight story parking ramp is located between Dong-san shopping district and sector two. There are two entrances and the ramp can hold 660 cars. It costs 500 won to park for 30 minutes with a 250 won charge for each additional ten minutes of parking. You can pay at an automated machine on the first floor. Credit cards and transportation cards are accepted. Parking lot There are two sections that hold up to 350 cars. It can hold 60 cars in the Dongsan shopping district and 50 cars in the basement of each of the five additional sectors. ATM You can find them at various places around Seomun market. There is also one located on the first floor of the parking ramp. Information Center It is located right next to the entrance of the parking ramp. You will see a sign that says, “Information Center”. Inside, you can collect all the information you need about tourist destinations in Daegu as well as more information about Seomun Market.
Things to remember while shopping
Transportation Subway (Sinnam Station of Green Line) To find “Yangmal alley (socks alley),” take subway line two to Sinnam station and take exit number one. Right after you exit, look for an alley on your right. Yangmal alley merges with a main road. Walk along this road or about seven minutes (350 meters) and you will see an arch that is the entrance to Seomun market. Bus Seomyuhoegwan Bus Stop : 425, 623, 724, 309, 508, 156, 400, 400-1, 420, 420-1, 939, 427, 521, 653, 북구3, 동구2, 급행1, 급행3 Dongsan Medical Center Bus Stop : 840, 300, 414, 600, 836 Seomun Market Bus Stop : 405, 402, 400, 323, 414-1, 600, 836, 808, 651, 성서2 Keunjang Negeori Bus Stop : 425, 623, 724, 156, 420-1, 909, 521, 808, 653, 405, 309, 402, 508, 400, 성서2, 급행1
1. Most stores close around six or seven p.m. (It varies by store and some may be open later) 2. Bring cash! These vendors do not accept credit cards. So hit the ATM before you shop here. 3. Compare prices at different shops. There are many vendors that sell similar products here so shop around and consider your options before buying. 4. Restrooms are located at the top of each sector or between floors.
Seomun Market Area Map
Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver
kor 서문시장 가 주세요. (Please go to Seomun Market.) Eng so-moon-she-jang ga-ju-se-yo.
Dongsan Shopping District You can find dishes and flatware in the basement. On the first floor, you can find baby goods, children’s clothing and many more household items. On the second floor and above, you’ll find cute clothing for a reasonable price.
District Five It’s located at the outer corner of Seomun market but is always packed with people. On the first floor, you’ll see shoppers buying dishes either for commercial use or for their own homes. The second floor sells clothing.
Distrcit One The first floor sells linen and silk fabrics, and the second floor sells Korean made clothing and luxury bedding. This spot is visited by Koreans of all ages taking a look at the colorful, luxurious fabrics.
AJin Shopping District This place is ideal for artists and designers, “Home-Fashion” crafts and it sells hand-made clothing. Along the streets of this district, you can find various tools and materials such as buttons, feathers, ribbons, zippers and laces. “Mending Street” is lined up and down with sewing machines and seamstresses and tailors who have been sewing for over ten years – another special feature of the Jin Shopping District.
District Two This building burned down in 2005 but was recently rebuilt and revived with a brand new facility. In the basement, you can grab a bite to eat. They sell things like strawberry cakes, pork belly, Jajangmyeon, Mon-na-ni Tteok-bokki and grilled bulgogi. The first floor is retail and clothing and the third and fourth floors sell fabric. This spot is always popular for Daegu locals, but receives an influx of foreign shoppers in October buying fabric for Halloween costumes. District Four District four is a general store. On the first floor, you will find a random mix of tuxedos, garments, crafts and traditional Korean souvenirs. You can buy silk fabrics and bedding on the second floor.
Myungpoom Plaza Myungpoom Plaza is a fashion center located in Seomun market. The first floor sells jewelry, accessories, imported goods, shoes, dishes and baby goods. The second and third floors sell underwear and women’s clothing. This is a one-stop shop plaza with a little bit of everything Dried Sea Food District The dried sea food district of Seomun Market sells dried fruits, nuts and (of course) an uncountable amount of dried sea food. In fact, 60 to 70 percent of all dried foods sold in Daegu are sold here. An added bonus is that you can buy the goods for about 20 or 30 percent cheaper here than you can at the market. To get here, walk past the arched structure and you will see it on your left.
Restaurant Shopping Hospital
Daegu Bank
Attraction Hanwoo Shidae Amijoung
k par ngi Shi
Hotel Inter-Burgo EXCO
Electron Zone
Yegrina, Aomaru, Hamillz
d foo
eet Str
NC Outlet Yeonhwajeong
Daebul park
EXCO Area EXCO (EXCO, Daegu Exhibition & Convention Center) EXCO was established in 2001 as the first exhibi-tion and convention center in Daegu. EXCO pro-motes exhibitions like the World Energy Congress 2013, the Fire & Safety Expo, the Daegu Interna-tional Optical Show, the International Textile Fair and the Daegu International Machinery Industry Expo and the International Green Energy Expo & Conference.
New Life R Hospital
Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver
96 76
T k ow Na yun ard tio gp s na oo lU k ni.
Kor 엑스코 가 주세요. (Please go to EXCO.) Eng EXCO ga-ju-se-yo.
Bokhyeon five-way Crossing
NC Outlet
Electron Zone
NC Outlet offers more than 200 premium brands of merchandise to choose from.
This is a electronics shopping mall in the form of a department store.
Mon-Fri_ 10:30-21:00 / Sat, Sun_ 10:30-21:30 Closed: 3rd Wed. of each month / 053-662-9000 22 Yutongdanji-ro 14-gilm Buk-gu, Daegu
09:30-20:30 Closed: 3rd Wed. of each month / 053-604-2000 45 Yutongdanji-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu
Daegu Catholic Universtiy Chilgok Catholic Medical Center
Daegu Shooting Range 대구사격장
Daegu Health College
Daegu Shooting Range
Yellow line
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lda Pa
geumho IC
Maecheon Bridge
09:00-18:00 Closed: Jan 1, Seolnal and Chuseok / 053-312-0000 40 Geumho-dong, Buk-gu, Daegu Admission Fee Air Pistol Shooting 20 bullets, 2 target (4,000won) 10 bullets, 1 target (2,000won) Clay Shooting 25 Bullets, 25 Targets (24,000won) 10 Bullets, 10 Targets (11,000won) Handgun Shooting 10 bullets, 1 target 22 Caliber (13,000won) 9mm Beretta, 38 Special, 357 Magnum (16,000won)
Daegu Science University
With a scenic view, enjoy shooting clay targets, air pistol shooting, and a survival-shooting stadium.
Out Dark
There's Dalbit Sanyang
Pæl t
72nd Street ZZIM
Jeonchongmuga ssonda Sugar Joe's
kB kookmin Bank
NH Nonghyup Bank
Indo Bangrangi New Saladdin Daegu Bank
New Saladdin 뉴살라딘
• Recommendations curry tandoori chicken
• Recommendations Jjimdak
ad ro er
Indian & Pakistan 11:00-22:00 / No holidays / 053-942-3535 2F, 79 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu
You can taste authentic Indian and Pakistani food made by a foreign chef. Korean 11:00-23:00 / No holidays / 053-941-7272 61 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu
The best jjimdak in the area and also appeared on a famous Korean television program.
Pælet 팰럿
Western Fusion Tue-Sat 11:30~22:30 / Closed: Mon. / 053-943-0906 15 Daehak-ro 17-gil, Buk-gu, Daegu
• Recommendations red curry pizza gratin
It is hard to select the best dish because all the dishes are delicious. As the name of this restaurant is unique, so is the food.
Out Dark 아웃닭
Chicken & Beer 16:00 - 02:00 / No holidays / 053-955-4469 16 Sangyeok-ro 6-gil, Buk-gu, Daegu
• Recommendations fried chicken
You can feel as if you are in a pub while you enjoy various kinds of fried chicken.served with fried rice cake and potato chips
kyungpook National University
knU north gate
Kyungpook National University North Gate Area Map
Bongdaebak Spaghetti
hyeon Towards Bok
ssing five-way Cro
B Turn
Restaurant Pharmacy
Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 경대북문 가 주세요. (Please go to the north gate of Kyungpook National Univ.) Eng gyeong-dae-buk-moon ga-ju-se-yo.
Pub Bank Cafe
Restaurant Pharmacy Pub Cafe
Flower Road
Suseong Lake
Suseongmot Station
Hwanggeum Station
77 Towards Beomeo Junctio n a
Suseong Lake (Suseong Amusement Park) Around Suseong Lake, there are plenty of activities to enjoy. Suseong Land is a tiny amusement park where children and couples come to enjoy carnival rides and games. You can ride duck boats or just walk around the lake. There are many restaurants and cafes to choose from as well. There are music fountain performances throughout the summer months that are sure to make your time at Suseong Lake memorable.
SUSEONG LAKE AREA Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 수성못 가 주세요. (Please go to Suseong Lake.) Eng su-seong-mot ga-ju-se-yo. Kor 수성호텔 가 주세요. (Please go to Hotel Suseong.) Eng su-seong-ho-tel ga-ju-se-yo. Kor 아리아나 호텔 가 주세요. (Please go to Hotel Ariana.) Eng ah-ri-ah-na-ho-tel ga-ju-se-yo. 수성못 (수성유원지)
053-666-2863 Dusan-dong, Suseong-gu, Daegu, Korea
Stadium and Concert Hall Map
Daegu Subway Map 2
Munyang Paldal Market
Dasa Daesil
Inustrial Complex
Maecheon Market
Taejeon Maecheon
KNU Medical Center
Buk-gu Office
Keimyung University Seongseo Industrial Conplex
Dalseong Park
Igok Seomun Market
Yungsan Jukjeon
Bangogae Naedang
Daegu Station
Chilseong Dongdaegu Market Sincheon Station
Daegu Bank
Banwoldang Kyungpook
Beomeo Nat’l Univ Hospital
Suseong-go Office
Yonggye Bangchon
Sinhi Yulha
Gaksan Banyawol
Manchon Damti Yeongo
National Univ. of Education Yeongnam Univ.Hosp
Wolchon Sangin
Daegu Grand Park
Gosan Sinmae Sawol
Yeungnam University
Daebonggyo Suseong Market Sueong-gu Stadium
Children’s Hall
Hwanggeum Suseongmot
Yongji Beommul
Daegu Subway Line 1 subway Line 2 subway Line 3 subway
January 2016
D E C E M B E R •2 0 1 5
J A N U A R Y •2 0 1 6
December 2015
Colorful Daegu
Colorful Daegu
58 E V E N T S • M A P S • T R A V E L • H O W T O D A E G U
57 E V E N T S • M A P S • T R A V E L • H O W T O D A E G U
.indd 1
O C T O B E R •2 0 1 5
October 2015
Colorful Daegu
E V E N T S • M A P S • T R A V E L • H O W T O D A E G U
August 2015
Colorful Daegu
J U L Y • 2 0 1 5
A U G U S T •2 0 1 5
E V E N T S • M A P S • T R A V E L • H O W T O D A E G U
Colorful Daegu
June 2015
Colorful Daegu
July 2015