September 2015
Colorful Daegu
The 13th Annual Daegu International Opera Festival WWOOF Korea True Organic Traveling
Diverse in Daegu Daegu Multiculturalism Springs to Life
Sokcho Beach Camping
Compass Sponsors for sponsorship rates Contact Tel 010.8858.2709 (Yuri Lee)
The Daegu Compass would like to dedicate this page to all of our SPONSORS who make this information guide possible. Without your support now and in the future, we couldn’t make the Daegu Compass. We’d also like to thank everyone in the community who takes time out of their day to enjoy the Daegu Compass. Our goal is to constantly improve to help your stay in Daegu be the best time of your life. Please visit our SPONSORS to show them appreciation for supporitng the Daegu Compass. Sincerely, The Daegu Compass Team
Ravioli, T-Bone Steak Gnocchi, Calzone
Daegu Compass에 광고나 기타 문의가 있으신 분들을 아래로 연락주시기 바랍니다. 전화 : 070-8182-2709 팩스 : 053-635-2709 이메일 : 4
Compass Sponsors
Around Daegu
Thursday Party Traveler’s Bar & Grill MIES Factory Go Go Vinyl Who’s Bob Bennigans Caliente Mushroom Lounge Club THAT +More
Tilt Bar and Grill
Novotel Inter-burgo Exco Inter-burgo Manchon Daegu Grand Hotel +more coming soon
Camp Walker Camp Henry Camp Carroll Hami Mami’s Hagwons Universities Public Schools Daegu Banks +More
Busan All Thursday Party bars
Daegu is very spread out. We need your help with distribution. Email us at to find out how you can help. Thanks!
Editor Notes
• Managing Editor Yuri Lee • Publisher Miyong Ha • Creative Director
Hello Daegu,
Scott McLaughlin •
Thanks for picking up our September issue. We start things off with a guest blog post from our friends over at, Jade and Oli who introduce to us a cozy stretch of beach in the northeastern coastal town of Sokcho. We’d also like to show you a great new pub which one of our community members stumbled upon (and perhaps stumbled out of) called Nongoon Beer. Of course, September in Daegu isn’t quite complete without devoting extensive coverage to the Daegu International Opera festival, now in its 13th year. We have all the inside information of which operas will make their way here and when and how to go. If this is your first year in Daegu, this event is not to be missed. For those of you who have been around, we’ll just plan on seeing you at the Daegu Opera house this month.
Editor-in-Chief Brian M. Van Hise • Graphic Designers Eun Ji Lee • Translation Director Scott McLaughlin & Yujeong Lee • Event Director Yuri Lee • Writers, Proofreaders and Photographers Jade House Oliver De Paolis George from England Sean Dixon-Sullivan
Like in every issue, we need to thank our sponsors and our readers for helping us make the Daegu Compass the best source of English information on the city. We are always on the look out for new writers and photographers to join our family. We hope to hear from you in the coming months. Interested in writing or photography? Email us at info@daegucompass. com to find out how to get published in Daegu’s only English and Korean information guide. Best, Yuri Lee and the Daegu Compass Team
Jackie Bolen Lindsay Mickles Elizabeth Riggio Candice Hicks • Sales & PR Yuri Lee
대구광역시 동대구로 73길 14 401호 053-742-0393 Fax Tel
E-Mail • Cover photo submitted by Daegu Opera Festival
Editor Notes
Contents • Articles
• Sokcho Beach Camping, Or Adventures
p 008
in Avoiding the Korean Military • Nogoon Beer A European Pub in Daegu
p 012
• WWOOF Korea True Organic Traveling
p 016
• Lights Down, Curtains Up The 13th Annual
p 020
Daegu International Opera Festival • 5 Tips to Make your Working Life Awesome
p 026
• Umm...Do you...Janggu?
p 028
• A Weekend to Remember in Samcheok
p 030
• Cultivating a Healthy City For All
p 034
Exploring Urban Agriculture in Daegu • Diverse in Daegu
p 038
Daegu Mulitculturalism Springs to Life • For Locals, For Tourists, For Everyone
p 040
A guide to the best hospitals and clinics in Daegu
• Useful Information
• Maps
• Shaping Up for Life
p 044
• How To Order Food
p 046
• Event Calendar
p 047
• Useful Korean Expresssions
p 050
• Daegu Area Map
p 052
• Downtown Map
p 054
• Downtown Restaurants
p 056
• Downtown Bars and Clubs
p 060
• Downtown Shopping Spots
p 064
• Downtown Tourism
p 065
• Guest House Guide
p 066
• Hotel Guide
p 067
• Compass Connoisseur
p 068
• Yangyeongsi Area Map
p 070
• Bongsan Art Street and Daebong Library Area Map
p 072
• Seomun Market Map
p 074
• Exco Map
p 076
• Kyungpook National Univ. North Gate Map
p 078
• Suseong Lake Map
p 080
• Limosine Bus Schedule
p 081
• Subway Map
p 082
Sokcho Beach Camping, Or Adventures in Avoiding the Korean Military • Written and Photographed by Jade House and Oliver De Paolis
You know a destination is a great one when you can still fall in love with it even in the worst weather. With only a day and a half of sunshine over our five day weekend at the beginning of June, Sokcho became that place for us. There was just something about that long golden coast and those crashing waves that kept us smiling through the rain and clouds. Or maybe our love of camping has just reached an irrational high. I mean, camping in the rain is many people’s worst nightmare, but apparently not for us. Even in the rain, camping was the only way we wanted to experience the start of summer. And even after the Korean military had ‘almost’ forced us off the beach in Gangnueng… You see, Sokcho is the largest town you hit before stepping into North Korea and was in fact part of the North before the war. Barbed wire and army lookouts mar the coast, on the lookout for defectors and spies, and they take a dislike to adventurous campers. But, if you pick the right spot, Sokcho is really quite a lovely little town, specifically around the Sokcho beach area. The area has all the usual coastal town classics; a little strip full of seafood restaurants and shops selling water based toys, sea creature statues, and a lot of smiley people walking around! We even felt a little nostalgia for home, and if it weren’t for the hundreds of brightly coloured tents on the beach, sheltering the locals from the sun, we may have felt like we were on the south coast of England!
While on Sokcho beach itself we avoided annoying the army by staying in the lovely little campsite, next to the dome shaped pensions, just back from the beach. The place had more amenities than we could ever need and while we felt like we were cheating a little, it was such a great place to stay for a few nights. We could cook and eat at a picnic bench, there were fully stocked toilets and a shower room and we met some of the friendliest Koreans in Korea! Seriously, it was almost a waste that we bought our own food considering how much we were given from our camping neighbours! One family in particular took a shine to us and we spent many hours with kids surrounding our every move, ‘helping’ us play cards and ‘hilariously’ tickling our feet with grass! When you’re an expat, you take those feelings of community at any opportunity! However, not wanting to get too comfortable with charging outlets and toilet seats, we moved further up the coast the last few nights for some proper beach camping and managed to stay away from the watchful eyes of the authority. After somewhat fruitless researching (Google often proves useless in Korea) we ended up on Dungdae Beach (등대해변) and managed to set up a camp and successfully stay there undisturbed for 3 glorious days. We dug a firepit, we bought a frisbee and we settled into our new little life on that random beach in Korea
Sokcho Beach Camping, Or Adventures in Avoiding the Korean Military
-continued on p10-
very quickly. We cooked samgyeopsal BBQ, tried s’mores for the first time (!!!) and buried each other in the sand and splashed around in the sea. As it is a small beach, a little further away, and not quite as beautiful as Sokcho beach, we had the place to ourselves a lot of the time. We were certainly happy campers. So, if you are on the North East coast of Korea and looking to camp, Dungdae Beach is the place to go! Our three days there were some of the best we’ve had on our various wanderings around the country, and if this blog is anything to go by that is saying something!
Jade House and Oliver De Paolis are the authors of, an exclusive inside look at their travels around the world, including their abundant time spent in Korea. They recently published a guide book for travelers in Korea called: Korea - A Journey Handbook. It is available on or on their site here:
Sokcho Beach Camping, Or Adventures in Avoiding the Korean Military
Nogoon Beer A European Pub in Daegu • Written and Photographed by George from England, Translated by Yujeong Lee
As an Englishman who likes a real ale/craft beer from time to time, I found my options for having a glass of decent real ale somewhat limited in Korea (which of course is to be expected given the main drinks consumed in this country are Soju, lager-beer, and makgeolli). However, one day while walking by Gamsam subway station, I noticed a nicely lit, small bar very close to the crossroads. It is a quick 30 seconds walk from Gamsam station (Line 2, Green line, Exit 1). I had a look inside and despite my limited Korean ability, the staff were kind, welcoming, and helped me to understand the menu that was entirely in Korean.
노군맥주는 느긋한 분위기가 있는 정말 좋은 바 겸 레스토랑이
서는 다소 제한이 있는 제대로 된 에일 한 잔에 대한 선택지를 발
먹을 만한 안주로 프레첼을 주지만 가끔은 새우 크래커를 주기도
가끔 진짜 에일과 크래프트 맥주를 즐기는 영국인으로써, 한국에 견하게 되었다. (물론 한국에서 주로 소비될 것이라고 예상되는
주류는 소주, 라거 맥주, 막걸리이다.) 하지만 어느 날 감삼역 옆
을 지나가다가 횡단보도 가까이에 멋지게 빛나고 있는 작은 바를 발견했다. 감삼역 (2호선) 1번 출구에서 30초만 걸으면 된다. 부
족한 한국어 실력에도 불구하고 잠시 안을 들여다 보았는데, 스 탭이 모두 친절하게 반겨주었으며 전체가 한국어로 된 메뉴를 이 해할 수 있도록 도와주었다.
노군맥주 (Nogoon Maekju) is a really nice bar/restaurant with a relaxing atmosphere. They always have “pale ale” which is fresh, hoppy, and is one of the best real ales on tap I have had in Korea. It is 5,500 won a glass (400cc) which I have found to be well below the average price of a glass of real ale in this country. They also have Hoegaarden on tap at 6,500 won. Sometimes they have other guest beers available (stout, etc). The snack they usually give you to go with your beer is pretzels but they also occasionally provide a board of prawn crackers which are really nice.
Nogoon Beer A European Pub in Daegu
다. 이 곳에는 항상 신선하고 홉향이 가득한 페일 에일이 있으며, 한국에서 필자가 마셔본 생맥주 중 최고의 진짜 에일 중 하나였
다. 한 잔(400cc)에 5,500원인데 한국에서 맛볼 수 있는 제대로 된 에일의 평균적인 가격보다 훨씬 더 싼 편이다. 또한 6,500원에
호가든 생맥주도 판매한다. 가끔은 다른 종류의 맥주들도 구비해
놓기도 한다. (스타우트 등등) 노군맥주에서는 보통 맥주와 함께 하는데 굉장히 맛있다.
In terms of the food, what I particularly like about this place is that it is prepared right in front of you (if you sit at the bar) and the care and time they take in preparation is refreshing to see. Some of the meals available include the sausage and hashbrown meal which was a good bar snack, and there are salads, rice dishes, and some sweet, honey-butter fries on the menu too. The average price of a meal/bar snack is around 7,000 won per dish. The salads include balsamic oil dressing with mozzarella cheese chunks which made the experience feel like I was in a Korean-European fusion pub! They also have a book of beers from all around the world (albeit in Korean, so heads up if you have no Korean ability) and the staff there clearly have an awareness of European style cuisine and beer selection. 음식에 대해 이야기해보자. 필자가 이 장소에 대해 특별히 좋아 하는 것은 바에 앉게 된다면 바로 눈 앞에서 음식이 조리된다는
-continued on p14-
것이며 준비에 들이는 정성과 시간은 보기에도 즐겁다. 몇몇 식 사 메뉴에는 소세지와 안주로 적절한 해쉬브라운도 들어가 있고,
그 외에 샐러드, 밥 종류, 달달한 허니버터 프라이도 메뉴에 있다. 식사 종류와 안주는 대략 7천원 선이다. 샐러드에는 발사믹 오일 드레싱과 마치 한국과 유럽의 퓨전 스타일 펍에 있는 듯한 경험
을 하게 해 준 모짜렐라 치즈 덩어리가 들어가 있다.그리고 전 세
계의 맥주에 대한 책(미리 알려주자면 한국어로 된 책이니 한국 어를 모른다면…)이 있으며 이 곳의 스탭은 명백하게 유럽 스타 일의 음식과 맥주 종류에 대해 알고 있다.
Of course there are several pubs and European style dining establishments in downtown Daegu but this place does have quite a unique feel about it and I would strongly recommend having a visit. 물론 대구 시내에는 여러 펍과 유럽 스타일의 식당들이 있다. 하 지만 이 곳이야말로 유럽 다이닝의 분위기와 함께 그에 대한 아
주 독특한 분위기가 있다. 노군맥주에 들러 보기를 강력히 추천 한다.
The opening hours are from 6pm to 2am Monday to Saturday and if you go on weekdays in the early evening, it is quiet enough to read a book and enjoy a couple of relaxing ales. On Friday and Saturday nights it can get quite busy from about 9pm onwards and there is a good vibe about the place. From my experience of going there a number of times, the age groups are usually people in their mid-twenties to late thirties/ early forties. There are many couple seats too and so it would also seem the ideal place to have a pleasant evening with your partner as an alternative night out. 오픈 시간은 월요일부터 토요일까지 오후 6시부터 새벽 2시까지
이며, 주말 이른 저녁에 가게 된다면 책을 읽으며 한 두 잔 정도의 에일을 느긋하게 즐길 정도로 조용하다. 금요일과 토요일 밤에
는 오후 9시 정도부터 붐비기 시작하고 펍 내에 좋은 분위기가 만
들어지기 시작한다. 여러 번 방문해 본 경험상으로는 노군맥주의
손님은 주로 20대 중반에서 30대 후반 혹은 30대 초반이다. 커플 석도 많아서 애인과 함께 데이트로써 즐거운 저녁시간을 보내기 에도 딱이다.
Nongoon Beer A European Pub in Daegu
WWOOF Korea True Organic Traveling • Written and Photographed by Sean Dixon-Sullivan, Translated by Yujeong Lee
Imagine a means of travel where food, accommodation and local transport are all free, where educational and cultural experiences are guaranteed, where befriending and helping locals are its roots. For those that aren’t familiar, let me introduce WWOOF, or Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms, an organization that arranges for travelers to live and work with farmers. 이런 여행을 상상해보면 어떨까. 음식과 숙소, 여행지 내에서의 이동수단이 모두 무료인 여행. 교육적이며 문화적인 경험이 보장
된 여행, 현지 사람들과 친구가 되고 그들을 도와주는 것이 기본
인 여행. 이런 것에 대해 익숙하지 않은 여러분에게 WWOOF(우
프), Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (유기농 농 장에서 일하고자 하는 세계적인 기회)를 소개하고자 한다. 이 단 체는 농부들과 함께 지내며 일하고자 하는 여행자를 위해 정보를 제공하는 단체이다.
And what is the cost in exchange for all those benefits? Labor. But even that can be a reward in itself. Tending a vineyard, feeding goats, harvesting persimmon for baking pies, and leading schoolchildren on a farm tour, these have been just a few of my WWOOFing experiences in Korea. Accommodations have varied from a private, traditional cottage in a rice field to a room in the host’s modern farmhouse. Work hours have ranged from three hours to eight hours, and lengths of stay from two days to two weeks. It depends on the host (and your arrangement with them), which vary widely! Pine forests, beef farms, Buddhist temples— the Korean branch of WWOOF currently has 53 host farms throughout the country. 이러한 모든 혜택에 대한 비용을 무엇일 될까? 바로 노동이다. 하
지만 노동조차 스스로에게 보상이 될 수 있다. 포도 과수원 관리, 염소에게 먹이 주기, 파이 재료로 쓸 감 수확하기, 농장 투어를 온
학생들을 안내하기 등. 이는 한국에서 경험할 수 있는 우프 중 일
부분에 불과하다. 숙소 역시 개인 숙소, 논 근처의 전통가옥에서
부터 호스트의 현대적인 집의 방 한 칸까지 다양하다. 노동시간 은 세시간에서부터 여덟시간까지이며 체류기간은 이틀에서 이
주까지 가능하다. 하지만 호스트에 따라(혹은 호스트와의 협의에 따라) 다양하게 계획을 잡을 수 있다! 호스트로써 소나무숲, 한우
축사 , 절 등이 있으며, 현재 우프 한국 지부는 전국에 53개의 호 스트 농장을 갖고 있다.
While WWOOF Korea may be less established than the American or Australian branches, contributing may be even more worthwhile. I’ve WWOOFed in all three countries and I can honestly say that my experiences in Korea have been the most wholesome; the hosts have been the most hospitable and appreciative.
WWOOF Korea True Organic Traveling
-continued on p18-
Cooperation Hospital appointed with Us army 18th Medical Command OBSTETRICS Prenatal scanning I High risk pregnancy clinic Special delivery clinic I VBAC delivery GYNE Laparoscopy clinic I Urine incontinence clinic COLOGY DLV·DLV plust miss LVR I Hymenopi asty Female phimosis and fragidity operation G&S&Z spot fragidity operation Laser surgery for labium minor
Breast and Thyroid Cancer Screening Breast and Thyroid Ultrasonograpy Mammogram I Mammotome with Biopsy
INTERNAL Endocrinology MEDICINE Ultrasonogram I Radiology I EKG Gastroscopy I Colonoscopy Physical Screening Center
Men & Women’s Routine Physical exams
International clinic Coordinator: Wendy Lee. RN. BSN E-mail: Office: 053. DAEGU 740. 7764 Cell: 010. 6327.2656 COMPASS SEPTEMBER 2015
우프 코리아가 다른 미국이나 호주 지부보다 덜 활성화되어 있긴 하지만 기여도에 관해서는 훨씬 더 높을 지도 모른다. 필자는 미
국, 호주, 한국 세 나라 모두에서 우프를 해 보았으나 솔직히 말하
자면 한국에서의 경험이 가장 유익했다. 호스트 농부는 가장 친 절했고, 가장 진심으로 고마워했다.
A single farm visit will make clear that WWOOFing means more than just cheap travels for you and cheap labor for the farmer. For instance, while at Mrs. Son’s Vegetable Garden north of Busan, she explained her motives to me and my fellow French, Irish and Japanese WWOOFers: her land-tied duties prevented her from traveling, so hosting WWOOFers was her sole source of worldly encounters. At Hansol farm in the beautiful Han River Valley east of Seoul, I saw how WWOOF helps in both mobilizing the region’s organic farmers as well as publicizing the Korean branch of the Slow Food movement. Overall, no matter where or why you WWOOF, you’ll be propagating its worthy causes: eat healthy, eat local, and practice sustainable agriculture. The fruits of such labors bring far more value to this country than any taxable wage. 단 한 번의 농장경험으로 우프가 여행자에게는 저렴한 여행을, 농장주인에게는 값싼 노동력을 제공한다는 단순한 의미 이상이
있다는 것을 분명히 알게 될 것이다. 예를 들어 부산 북부지역에
있는 손씨네 채소 농장에서는 그녀가 나와 프랑스, 아일랜드, 일
본에서 온 동료우퍼들에게 우퍼 호스트를 하게 된 동기를 들려주 었다. 직업상 땅에 매여 있어서 여행을 쉽게 가지 못하기 때문에
우퍼를 유치하는 것이 유일하게 세계와 맞닿을 수 있는 방법이었 다. 서울 동쪽의 아름다운 한강의 계곡에 위치한 한솔농장에서는
어떻게 우프가 슬로우 푸드 운동의 한국지부를 홍보하는 것뿐만 아니라 지역의 유기농 농부들을 동원하는 것 모두를 도울 수 있
는지 볼 수 있었다. 결국 어디서, 왜 우프를 하든지 간에 당신은 우프의 대의를 홍보하게 될 것이다. 건강하게 먹고, 지역의 먹거
리를 먹고, 지속가능한 농업을 실천하자는 것이다. 이러한 노동 의 결실은 세금이 붙는 임금보다 이 나라에 훨씬 더 가치가 있다.
So how do you start? Simple, go to, become a member (your modest $60/year dues help keep the organization running), choose a host farm by region or keyword search, and e-mail the host with a brief request and explanation of who you are and why you’re interested. Try to keep it simple though, not all hosts speak great English. If you need any assistance with making arrangements, I’ve found the staff at WWOOF Korea to be incredibly helpful. 그렇다면 어떻게 우프를 시작할 수 있을까? 간단하다. koreawoof.com으로 들어가서 회원 가입을 하고 (단체 운영 및
WWOOF Korea True Organic Traveling
유지를 위한 연회원비 6만원 납부), 지역과 키워드 검색을 통해
호스트 농장을 선택하고, 이메일로 호스트에게 간단하게 요구사 항과 자기소개, 왜 그 농장에 관심이 있는 지에 대해 보내면 된다. 이런 과정에서 도움이 필요하다면 WWOOF 코리아의 스탭이 아 주 친절하게 도와줄 것이다.
Happy WWOOFing, and remember, the grass is always greener in the countryside! 즐거운 WWOOF를 즐기길 바란다. 그리고 시골의 녹음이 더 푸 르다는 것을 꼭 기억하길.
Lights Down, Curtains Up The 13th Annual Daegu International Opera Festival • Written and Photographed by DIOF
The Daegu International Opera Festival (DIOF), the largest International Opera Festival of Asia, is held at the Daegu Opera House and is the representative music festival in Korea that Daegu citizens love. Spectacular growth has been repeated eversince 2003, and according to the evaluation results from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Government Support Project, it took the top spot in the field of music in 2006, and also received the highest grade in 2010, being recognized as the best festival in Korea. By presenting various operas from all over the world and taking advantage of domestic and international high class cultural infrastructure, the DIOF acts as a cultural hub for the Asian Performing Arts. Its international stature is growing significantly, shown by its advancement into the global European theater world. In 2009, it received the attention of the world by premiering Korean vocalists and producers in Germany. It advanced into China in 2010, with their original piece La Traviata and Germany with Madame Butterfly in 2011. It received honorable mentions from world opera lovers and the media by performing the locally made opera La Traviata at one of the finest opera festivals in the world: the Turkey Aspendos International Opera & Ballet Festival in 2012. Also in May 2013, the DIOF went to Poland and staged Carmen, receiving great interest shown by the pre-sold out seats.
In May 2015, the DIOF met opera audiences on Italy and Germany. It also plans to continue to expand overseas more and more every year. The DIOF takes the lead as the center of Asian Opera by showcasing excellent opera productions and will continue to move forward towards the globalization of Korean Opera by presenting its vision to Europe. Now, the Daegu Opera House hosts The 13th Annual Daegu International Opera Festival. The festival presents not only 5 main operas of great value but also various kinds of events like salon operas composed by Gian Carlo Menotti, operas sung by amateurs and opera class. After hot midsummer days, let’s appreciate a beautiful autumn of Daegu with operas!
The 13th Annual Daegu International Opera Festival
MAIN OPERA Daegu Opera House, Korea
Oct. 8th (Thu.) – 9th (Fri.) 7:30pm / 10th (Sat.) 3pm Daegu Opera House
The festival grandly begins with a triumphal march! ‘Opera Department Store’ taking pride in beautiful dance, music and brilliant staging The King of Opera, Verdi’s mega-scale masterpiece, Aida announces the brilliant opening of the festival. Aida depicts the dangerous, tragic love between Radomes who is ancient Egypt’s general, and prisoner Aida who was an Ethiopian princess. Aida is counted as a masterpiece among big scale operas due to its spectacles such as the renowned ‘triumphal march,’ brilliant orchestral melodies, chorus by its large-scale cast, eye-dazzling dancing, and huge stage gadgets. This production has been ambitiously prepared by the Daegu Opera House and is being directed by Jung Sunyoung, who has been praised for her experimental, symbolic stagings and features tenor Lee Byeongsam, soprano Kim Bokyung and others who also showed fantastic collaboration in Turandot. Along with singers rated the best domestically and overseas it’s expected to be the best Aida this year. SYNOPSIS In the Egypt of the Pharoahs there is war with Ethiopia. The Ethiopian King’s daughter, Aida, has been captured and is now a slave in the service of the Pharoah’s daughter, Amneris. Radames loves Aida but is loved by Amneris. He is appointed general of the Egyptian army and in the second scene of the second act returns in triumph, to be rewarded by the unwelcome hand of Amneris in marriage. Aida’s father, Amonasro, has been taken prisoner, his life spared at the intercession of Radames. In the third act he induces his daughter to help him discover the plans of the Egyptian army, which she does in a meeting with Radames, their conversation is overheard by Amonasro. Aida and Amonasro take flight but the apparent treachery of Radames is now revealed and he is condemned to death, to the dismay of Amneris. In the final scene he is immured in a stone tomb, where he is joined by Aida. As they die, Amneris, above the tomb, prays for peace for her beloved Radames. -continued on p22-
Wiesbaden State Theater, Germany / Daegu Opera House, Korea
Oct. 15th (Thu.) 7pm / 17th (Sat.) 3pm Daegu Opera House
Wagner’s romantic opera, well-known for its famous ‘Wedding March’ performing the original production starring the cast of Wiesbaden National Theater! Regarded as one of the most representative opera composers along with Verdi, Wagner was a struggle to get in Korea. But this time, his romantic opera Lohengrin visits Daegu, a complex work and yet contains much familiar and romantic music such as the‘Wedding March’. The Daegu Opera House, hand in hand with Wiesbaden National Theater, one of the best from Germany, features the latest production from Germany and features famous thespians from the Korean stage. Considering its 4-hour performance time, Thursday’s performance will start 30 minutes earlier than other works. Also, all seats will be discounted 20% on that day to lessen the audience’s burden for those having to return home by taxi.
SYNOPSIS When King Heinrich of Saxony arrives at Brabant castle, Telramund and his wife, the pagan princess Ortrud, falsely state that Elsa has murdered her brother, Gottfried. King Heinrich orders them to decide the successor by single combat. Elsa nominates and prays to the knight, who appeared in her dream. Luckily, a knight comes to save Elsa. However, he does this only on the condition that she never ask his identity. But on their wedding night, she makes the mistake of asking his identity. Lohengrin discloses his origin in front of Elsa, King Heinrich, and many other people. He explains that his father is Parsifal, and that he is one of the holy knights sworn to protect the chalice, and he must return. The magic swan boat appears by the river. When Lohengrin releases the swan, the swan changes into Gottfried. At that moment, Ortrud who is a witch in fact, dies because her magic is broken. Lohengrin leaves on the boat. Elsa is very heart-broken as a result. She then dies in her brother’s arms.
Yeungnam Opera, Korea
Oct. 21th (Wed.) / 24th (Fri.) 7:30pm Daegu Opera House
Verdi’s mid-term masterpiece prepared by the Yeongnam Opera Renowned aria festival to be played by its brilliant cast The Yeongnam Opera, proud of its broad-range of repertoires and cinematic quality, puts up Verdi’s Opera Rigoletto on stage. This work is famous for its beautiful music such as ‘La donna è mobile (A woman’s heart) and ‘Caro nome (Dearest name)’. This score, inserted as various background music, depicts a tragedy wherein clown Rigoletto kills his daughter by mistake in an attempt to get revenge on the count who had defiled his daughter, Gilda. Its brilliant production team includes Marco Balderi, who is a conductor of the Carlo Fenice Theater; Paulo Baiocco, world-renowned director of Norma by the Korea National Opera; worldclass baritone Ko Sunghyun, Matteo Suk, Rita Cammarano, who is prima donna of the Rome Opera Theater; and Christian Ricci, who is a leading tenor of the Arena di Verona Festival. All are preparing for the best staging of this dynamic tragedy.
The 13th Annual Daegu International Opera Festival
SYNOPSIS Rigoletto, who has a hunch-back is a jester in the court of the Duke of Mantova. He’s good at his job of humiliating the courtiers for the amusement of the Duke. Later, the courtiers discover that Rigoletto is secretly living with Gilda, whom they believe to be his mistress. In an attempt to humiliate Rigoletto, they kidnap Gilda and deliver her to the Duke. Consumed with the desire for revenge, Rigoletto contacts a murderous thief named Sparafucile, to kill the Duke. But Gilda who fell in love with Duke, overhears their plotting to kill him, and surrenders herself to Sparafucile. The thief wraps her in a rug and gives it to Rigoletto. Thinking he has won vengeance at last on the Duke, Rigoletto paddles onto the river to dispose a rug. Then he hears the Duke singing in the distance, opens the rug, and to his horror he discovers his almost-dead daughter. Gilda dies, and the wretched Rigoletto wails that the curse has come to pass.
-continued on p24-
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Korea National Opera / Daegu Opera House, Korea
Oct. 30th (Fri.) 7:30pm – 31st (Sat.) 3pm Daegu Opera House
The most beautiful opera left by an unfortunate genius! The first full production by the Korea National Opera. Brilliant composer Bizet’s first opera Les Pêcheurs de Perles (The Pearl Fishers), produced by the Korea National Opera visits the Daegu International Opera Festival. Les Pêcheurs de Perles is famous for its sweet melody and colorful, exotic orchestration such as the tenor’s aria, Je crois entendre encore (I Still Seem to Hear it) loved by many opera lovers and the most famous male duet Au fond du temple saint (In the Divine Temple). Les Pêcheurs de Perles showcased its full breadth in last year’s festival and was much loved by the audience. Of note, the opera, which is the fourth work of the Korea National Opera’s 2015 season, is the first full Korean production staged by Jean-Louis Grinda, who bustles around famous theaters in Europe and who is also an art producer of Monte Carlo in Monaco. You can expect to see Bizet’s East-Asian influence in a fresh and fantastic way. SYNOPSIS Zurga is the leader of Ceylon Island, sustaining himself by fishing pearls. He meets a long-lost friend Nadir while waiting for a priestess to protect the island against a rainstorm. They sing together, thinking of the past that they had been in love with the same woman but finally choose friendship. Then the priestess, Leïla, and the high priest of Brahma, Nourabad, arrive at the island. Leïla sees Nadir, who she loved before, and gets a troubled mind. Nadir also forgets the pledge of friendship with Zurga. She decides not to break her duties as priestess but eventually enjoys a secret love affair with Nadir, forgetting the vow of celibacy. Nourabad becomes aware of it and arrests them for losing celibacy. Zurga also feels a sense of betrayal and jealousy and tries to punish them. However, in the end, he sets them free and is executed for them because of the friendship with Nadir and the love for Leïla.
Daegu Opera House, Korea
Nov. 6th (Fri.) 7:30pm – 7th (Sat.) 3pm Daegu Opera House
In the 70th Anniversary of Korean Liberation, mega-scale opera project to protect Dokdo! solidly produced based on the original best seller story seasoned with brilliant attractions, great production values! Daegu Opera House, which has shown high quality created operas through the DIOF, has created a much more meaningful opera to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of Korean Liberation. The History of GARAKGUK, a finely-crafted opera locally produced, comes from the best-selling novel, Dokdo In The Hague, written by a local judge, Jeong Jaemin. A story depicts the process of finding ‘Garakgukki,’ which will be decisive proof to prove that Dokdo belongs to Korea. Joined by opera director and renowned composer Chung Kabgyun, loved through his various works including The Memory of Chungna Hill, and Jin Youngmin, a local composer, who composed and created the opera Spirit of Fire, this opera while proud of its musicality, has a highly-anticipated cinematic value to it. Lee Donsin, a conductor known to delicately ellict sounds from the orchestra, will take the helm.
The 13th Annual Daegu International Opera Festival
SYNOPSIS Korea’s national intelligence service keeps watching history scholar Lee Hyungjun, who knows the whereabouts of ‘GARAKGUKKI’, but he is murdered by an unidentified assailant. ‘GARAKGUKKI’, a book devoted to a history of Gaya embodies the evidence to prove the King of Japan is a descendant of Gaya. Seojin, a member of the NIS, encounters Doha who was his lover, in a team made for the return of ‘GARAKGUKKI’. Doha refuses a confession from Eunsung, co-worker of Doha, because she still misses Seojin. But Doha doesn’t recognize Seojin because he has changed his identity. One day, Seojin deciphers the code of Lee Hyungjun and tells Doha, but he is suspected of murder and of being a spy. Doha finds out the truth about Seojin. Meanwhile, Doha and Eunsung go to the cave where the ‘GARAKGUKKI’ was hidden and come across Hideo, a member of the intelligence bureau. Everyone in the cave including Seojin, already in hiding, lose their lives except Doha. In the end, Doha destroys the cave with a trigger.
5 Tips to Make your Working Life Awesome • Written by Jackie Bolen
Like anywhere, a good job can go a long way towards ensuring that you have a happy life in South Korea. Conversely, a terrible job will be hard to overcome and you will likely feel pretty miserable in the rest of your life away from work as well. Here are my top 5 tips to help make your work life—and by extension, the rest of your life—as awesome as it can be.
Last Minute Stuff? Serenity Now! In Korea everything happens last minute—I call this the “bbali-bbali” syndrome (bbali = “fast” in Korean) and what it means is that at work you need to be flexible and roll with the punches. If you’re the type of person who needs to plan everything far in advance and can’t handle last minute changes, then you’ll have a really tough time in Korea. What I find really helpful is to repeat this mantra in my head when the bbali-bbali things happen, “Serenity now!” Then I laugh to myself and go about my normal chilled-out mode of operation. In the end, the Koreans around you will always pull through with what needs to get done, even if they go about it in a different manner than you would. It’s not better or worse, it’s just different.
Relationships are most Important: Never Forget This Relationships are the most important thing in Korea and you should do everything you can to maintain positive ones. In contrast, contracts generally aren’t worth the paper they’re written on, especially if you’re working at a hagwon. Public schools,universities and companies are often better at following contracts, but
5 Tips to Make your Working Life Awesome
there is vague language that can be understood in a variety of ways. You should focus a lot of your energy on maintaining a positive relationship with everyone that you work with instead of quibbling over every little thing in your contract.
Network Your Way to a Better Job Let’s face it, there are some pretty terrible jobs in Korea. However, there are also some excellent ones such as working at a university. These top jobs are often not advertised but are most often filled by people on the “inside.” Here are my top 3 networking tips to help you get a better job in South Korea: 1.Don’t be immature--nobody will want to be your co-worker. Professional is the mode to strive for. 2.Go where the people with great jobs can be found. This is not in a place like bus tours to the Mud Festival that cater to the newbies. 3.Get involved with professional organizations such as KOTESOL if you’re a teacher.
Don’t Actually Use Those Sick Days In Korea, there’s no such thing as staying at home with a cold or flu and the only time you should miss a day of work is if you’re actually sleeping overnight in the hos-
pital. Even though there are sick days in your contract, you aren’t expected to actually use them. None of your Korean co-workers will and they’ll never miss a day of work unless they’re on their deathbeds. If you call in sick, it’s these Korean co-workers who have to pick up the slack, which will not lead to great relationships upon your return.
About Jackie Bolen Jackie Bolen has been living in Korea and working at universities for the past 10 years. For even more tips related to making your life in South Korea as amazing as possible, check out her book on Amazon: How to Thrive in South Korea: 97 Tips from Expats. You can see all her projects at
Fly Under the Radar The best piece of advice I could give you for making your work life awesome in Korea is to fly under the radar at all times. I mean that your goal should be to have no negative interaction with anyone at work, ever. Forget about complaining to your workplace about your broken washing machine--just take care of it yourself. Don’t worry about the last minute stuff that gets thrown at you--just roll with the punches. Have a difficult student? Deal with them yourself and don’t involve the people you work with. Can’t get along with a coworker? Just avoid them and don’t complain to your boss or other co-workers. Only positive! Remembering the phrase, “Serenity now” when things get tough will go a long way as well.
Link to book:
Umm... Do you...Janggu? • Written and Photographed by the Daegu Culture & Arts Center
For those wishing to learn more about Korea, the answer is here. The Daegu Culture & Arts Center opened the Arts Academy which gives chance to learn Korean traditional culture and arts to non-Koreans. The janggu (slim waist drum) is the most widely used drum in the traditional music of Korea. It is available in most kinds, and consists of an hourglass-shaped body with two heads made from animal skin. The instructor is from the Daegu Metropolitan Traditional Music Orchestra (DMTMO), one of the resident companies in Daegu Culture & Arts Center. The DMTMO has been preserving Korean traditional music. We hope there is great interest among Korea’s expat community and anticipate high enrollment. Course: Jang-gu, Korean versatile drum Instructor : Sung-jae Gong, a member of Daegu Metropolitan Traditional Music Orchestra Term : Oct 7, 2015~ Dec 23, 2015 Time : Wednesdays, 18:30~19:40, About 1 hour per week for 12 weeks Place : Rehearsal building Ⅱ in the Daegu Culture & Arts Center Registration fee: 30,000won
Umm...Do you...Janggu?
HOW TO ENROLL Get started - we’re ready when you are! Send us an online inquiry or call us. One of our expert consultants will get in touch. We’ll give you all the info you need about choosing the right course, payment options, enrolling and fitting a class into your life. Application period : Sep 1, 2015 ~ (First come, first serve basis) Contact: Bini Park 053-606-6345/ 010-7372-1075 E-mail: WWW:
Location Office : 201, Gongwonsunhwan-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, Korea 704-915 F1 Office, Rehearsal buildingı, Daegu Culture & Arts Center By Bus In front of the Arts Center - Bus: 202, 452, 600, 609, 618, 650, 836, 706 On the opposite side of the Arts Center - Bus : 202-1, 452, 600, 609, 618, 650, 836, 706 By Subway 20-minute walk from exit 1 of Seongdangmot Station (Line 1)
A Weekend to Remember in Samcheok • Written and Photographed by Lindsay Mickles, Translated by Yujeong Lee
My friend Kylee and I went on an overnight trip to Samcheok to celebrate her birthday and to tick a few things off of her Korean Bucket List: the Yonghwa Ocean Railbike and (of course) Haesindang Park! We had also intended to visit a cave or two, but the local bus schedule is very challenging (to say the least) and we simply didn’t have enough time! 친구 카일리의 생일을 축하하고 그녀의 한국에서 꼭 해봐야 할 것의 리스트에서 몇 가지를 지우기 위해 삼 척으로 1박 여행을 하러 갔다. 바로 용화 오션 레일 바 이크와 해신당 공원이었다. 동굴 한 두 군데도 가려고 했으나 삼척 버스의 시간표로는 하기가 꽤 어려웠고, 시간도 충분하지 않았다. We decided to leave Daegu at 8:30am on Saturday morning (DongBu Bus terminal). The trip took about 4.5 hours and we arrived in Samcheok just in time to seek out a motel and find the bus stop in-town. We chose Star Motel (it was the first one we looked at) and were satisfied. We shared a standard room for 60k won and had a good size bed and all the amenities. You may be able to find cheaper elsewhere, but we were happy with it and wanted to get started on the fun stuff! 토요일 아침 8시 30분에 대구에서 출발하기로 했다. (동부버스터미널에서 버스 탑승) 약 4시간 반이 걸려 삼척에 도착했고 때마침 모텔과 삼척 내 버스정류장을 찾았다. 우리는 스타 모텔(제일 처음 눈에 들어왔다.) 에서 머무르게 되었는데 만족한 편이었다. 6만원을 내 고 일반실에 묵었고 방에는 적당한 크기의 침대와 모 든 용품이 준비되어 있었다. 다른 곳에서 더 저렴한 장 소를 찾을 수도 있을 테지만 우리는 스타모텔이 마음 에 들었고 더 재미있는 것을 시작하고 싶었다.
A Weekend to Remember in Samcheok
We found our bus stop and headed to our first destination: Haesindang Park (also known as the Penis Park). This is a very popular destination for foreigners and locals alike and these giggle-inducing sculptures are nestled among some gorgeous scenery! 우리는 버스 정류장을 찾아서 첫번째 목적지인 (고추 공원으로도 알려져 있는) 해신당 공원으로 갔다. 이 곳 은 외국인과 현지인 모두에게 매우 인기가 있는 곳이 며 웃음을 유발하는 조각들이 아름다운 풍경 안에 자 리잡고 있다. You may be wondering Why in the hell is there such a thing as a Penis Park? Well, there is a bit of interesting history behind it. The legend goes: a young woman was left on a rock each day as her lover went to work. She had to stay there and wait for him until he returned for her. One day a storm rolled in, he was unable to save her, and she drowned. Shortly thereafter, the local fisherman’s catch kept getting smaller and smaller. Being a fishing village, this was of great concern to the locals and they weren’t sure how to remedy the situation. One day, a fisherman noticed the fish coming back after relieving himself in to the water. The news spread quickly and it was believed that the fish came back because the virgin beheld the man’s penis. The townspeople then built phallic sculptures to pay respects to the woman. The fish continued coming back and the
community has had plenty of fish ever since. 도대체 왜 고추 공원 같은 것이 있는 지 의문이 들 수도 있을 것이다. 글쎄, 여기에는 조금 흥미로운 이 야기가 숨겨져 있다. 전설은 이렇게 시작된다. 어느 한 젊은 처녀가 매일 그녀의 연인이 일을 하러 간 사 이에 바위 위에 남겨지게 되었다. 그녀는 그 곳 남아 서 연인이 돌아올 때까지 기다려야만 했다. 어느 날 태풍이 불어 닥쳤고 그녀의 연인이 그녀를 구하지 못 해서 결국 물에 빠져 죽게 되었다. 얼마 지나지 않아, 동네 어부들의 수확량이 점점 더 줄어들기 시 작했다.어촌 마을이다 보니, 이는 큰 걱정거리가 되 었으나 어떻게 이 상황을 해결해야 할 지 알 수가 없 었다. 어느 날, 한 어부가 물 속에서 자위를 하고 나 자 물고기가 돌아오는 것을 알아챘다. 이 소문은 재 빠르게 퍼져 나갔고 죽었던 처녀가 남자의 성기를 보게 되어 물고기가 돌아왔다고 믿어지기 시작했다. 마을 사람들은 그 처녀의 넋을 기리기 위해 남자성 기 모양의 조각물을 만들었다. 물고기들은 계속해서 돌아오게 되었고 그 때부터 마을에서는 충분한 물고 기를 잡을 수 있게 되었다.
-continued on p32-
TIP: Haesindang Park is relatively easy to get to. You can hop on bus #24 from Samcheok and get off at the park. There are 2 entrances and I recommend getting off at the first! 3,000 won entry fee! BE AWARE: The buses are VERY infrequent, so you may be waiting a while to get picked up! 팁 : 해신당 공원은 비교적 가기가 쉽다. 삼척에서 24 번 버스를 타고 버스에서 내리면 된다. 입구가 2군데 인데 첫번째 입구에서 내리길 추천한다! 입장료는 3천 원이다. 주의할 점 : 버스는 정말 몇 대 다니지 않아서 버스를 타려면 오랫동안 기다려할 지도 모른다. The next day, we took a trip on the Yonghwa Ocean Railbike. Not fully trusting the bus schedule, we spent A TON on a taxi to get out to the railbike depot. Of course, we went to the WRONG location. Haha. There are 2 places you can start from and we went to the wrong one (awesome...). The ticket agent, upon realizing that we didn’t have a car to drive to the other place, made a few calls and switched our tickets out. 다음날 우리는 용화 오션 레일 바이크를 타러 갔다. 버 스 시간표를 완전히 믿을 수 없어서 레일 바이크 정거 장에 가기 위해 정말 많은 돈을 택시 요금에 쓰게 되었 다. 물로 우리는 잘못된 장소로 가게 되었다. 하하. 바 이크를 탈 수 있는 시작점이 두 곳이 있는데 우리는 잘 못된 곳으로 갔다. (대박…) 티켓 판매원이 우리가 다 른 장소로 운전해 갈 수 없는 것을 알고는 전화를 몇 통 돌렸고 우리의 표를 교환해 주었다. 32
A Weekend to Remember in Samcheok
Though the weather was overcast, the railbike tour was lovely. It required very little effort on our part, and was super relaxing! I hear there are some nice places to take a railbike in the autumn and I’ll be sure to check it out if I can! 날씨가 흐리긴 했지만 레일 바이크 투어는 정말 좋았 다. 별다른 노력을 하지 않아도 되었고 정말 한가로웠 다! 가을에 레일 바이크를 탈 수 있는 몇몇 좋은 장소 가 있다고 들었는데 가능하다면 반드시 가 볼 것이다! TIP: Bus #24 also will take you to the railbike....Make sure you arrive at the correct starting point. Tickets are 12,000 won for a 2-seater and the trip lasts about 1hr 45min. You will stop part of the way through for refreshments and a bathroom break. This MAY NOT be suitable for young kids (who are afraid of the dark) or for those who have epilepsy (flashing lights in the caves). 팁: 24번 버스를 타면 레일바이크를 타는 곳으로 갈 수 있는데 반드시 올바른 시작점에 제대로 도착해야 한다. 2명이 탈 수 있는 자전거가 12,000원이고, 1시 간 45분 동안 타게 된다. 레일 바이크는 (어둠을 무서워하는) 어린이들이나 간 질환자에게는 맞지 않다(동굴 내부에 손전등 있음).
After taking the railbike, we headed back to Samcheok to figure out how we were going to get home. Though Samcheok isn’t super-close to Daegu, it isn’t a bad weekend trip! If you do visit Samcheok--drive if you can. If you can’t drive and must rely on public transport--plan ahead to make sure you do everything you want! 레일 바이크를 타고난 뒤에는 집으로 돌아가기 위해 삼척으로 다시 돌아왔다.삼척이 대구에서 아주 가까운 것은 아니었지만 나쁜 주말 여행은 아니었다! 삼척을 가게 된다면 가능한 한 운전을 해서 가는 것이 좋다. 차를 몰고 갈 수 없어서 대중 교통을 이용해야만 한다 면 하고 싶은 모든 것을 확실히 다 할 수 있도록 미리 계획을 잘 짜야 한다. Read more of Lindsay’s stories at theneverendingwanderlust.com에서 더 많은 린지의 이야기를 읽어볼 수 잇다.
Cultivating a Healthy City For All Exploring Urban Agriculture in Daegu • Written by Elizabeth Riggio, Photographed by EXCO
Daegu is combining the new with the old at its upcoming event, the Daegu Urban Agricultural Expo 2015. Hosted by Daegu Metropolitan City and organized by EXCO, this event is sure to attract both the urban and rural communities in an effort to bring awareness to urban agriculture and make a more eco-friendly city. The Expo, which will take place on Thursday, September 3rd through Sunday, September 6th from 10:0018:00, will be held at the Daegu Natural Science High School. Its theme of “We are Urban Farmers in a Happy City” seeks to bring together the agricultural lifestyles of a past time to the modern agricultural man and woman; to create a better place to live. Expo-goers of all types will experience what urban agriculture is firsthand. The Expo will have several main sections including the ‘Urban Agriculture Promotion Section,’ designed to bring awareness and understanding to urban agriculture. The ‘Healing Urban Agriculture Section’ will soothe your tired body and mind—a much needed break from the go-go environment of city life. Confused by this term “urban agriculture”? You’re not alone! The ‘Urban Agriculture Academy for New Farmers’ will help you experience urban agriculture and what that means. Head by the Academy to learn more.
People are always looking for better ways to take care of their body. Why not check out the ‘Family Rooftop Garden’? Whether your family be blood related, or just your best friend, everyone wants their loved ones to be in good health. You can learn about crops good for fighting cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure at the ‘Healthy Garden.’ For those who feel inspired, or enjoy a little competition, compete with other farmers for the best ideas about vegetable gardens at the ‘Vegetable Garden Idea Contest.’ Technology has come a long way and its use in agriculture is no exception. The ‘Urban Agriculture Companies Section’ will house many companies looking to show off the latest technology, equipment, and supplies for urban farmers. This includes Wall greening, nursery plants, seeds, fertilizer, small-sized equipment, air cleaning plants, and plant therapy. Such products can even be purchased on site. More interested in the actual eating side of agriculture? Come to the ‘Farmers’ Market’ and get some agricultural products, or participate in the ‘Stamp Rally.’ The ‘Stamp Rally’ allows you to earn Urban Agriculture Money that can be used at the cafeteria. Get as many stamps as you can!
Cultivating a Healthy City For All Exploring Urban Agriculture in Daegu
-continued on p36-
Cultivating a Healthy City For All Exploring Urban Agriculture in Daegu
Maybe you like to do your own cooking? Just like this Daegu summer, cooking is hot in Korea right now. Visit the ‘Local Food & Agricultural Specialty Product Market’ to find safe foods from all over the country to take home and use in your favorite dishes. Also at the Expo will be participants for the ‘I’m an Urban Agriculture Chef’ through the SNS event and the ‘AT Photo Exhibition’ will present fresh products from Korean farming and fishing. Check out the ‘Air Plants Section’ to find a unique scene and photo opportunity. Grab your selfie stick and take a photo with a statue made of radishes and peppers, or perhaps some large clay dolls. The air plants of this section function to control humidity in a room… and with this crazy summer weather, who wouldn’t love a break from the heat! Not only will the Expo have various seminars, but there will also be busking (public entertainment) and concerts throughout the day to enjoy.
The Daegu Urban Agriculture Expo has something for everyone, and engenders an environment for discussion about how we can be a better community via urban agriculture seminars, promoting safe food, improving the environment, discussions between neighbors, and more. It has grown to be the best urban agriculture expo in Korea in scale and content, and one that you won’t want to miss. Whether you are a novice or an expert to the world of urban agriculture, you are sure to have a great time. Admission to the Expo is FREE for all. The best way to get there is to use public transportation (help the environment!). It’s about one minute from exit 2 of Sinmae station on the green line. There will also be a parking lot at Parking Lot 2 of Daegu Stadium with shuttle buses going to and from the venue and parking lot every 15 minutes. To find out even more, check out the event website at or contact number 053601-5239 (EXCO) and 053-803-3452 (City Hall).
Diverse in Daegu Daegu Multiculturalism Springs to Life • Written by Candice Hicks, Translated by Yujeong Lee
Coming to a foreign country can be an exciting experience; especially when you come to Korea, where traditions are held onto but the new can be seen in KPOP and the flashing lights downtown. It’s an adventure. You are going to be exposed to a new language, new customs, and of course you are going to meet new people from all around the world. However, as this experience can be enlightening it can also be very daunting, especially for expats who identify themselves as Black or Brown. We are a small population, thus D.I.D was created. 외국으로 가는 것은 흥분되고 설레는 경험이다. 특히 옛 것이 여전히 살아 숨 쉬는 동시에 K-POP과 번화가 의 번쩍이는 불빛에서 새것을 볼 수 있는 한국으로 오 게 된다면 더욱 그럴 것이다. 이 것은 모험이다. 새로 운 언어와 관습을 접하게 될 것이고, 물론 전 세계에서 온 새로운 사람들도 만나게 될 것이다. 그러나 이 경험 이 새로운 것이기에 또한 매우 두려운 것이 될 수도 있 다. 특히 당신이 흑인이거나 피부색이 어두운 외국인 일 경우에 말이다. 우리는 소수인이다. 그래서 D.I.D가 탄생하게. 되었다. Diverse in Daegu (D.I.D) can ease the transition for those looking for a community that will support them emotionally, educationally, and professionally. Diverse in Daegu (다양한 대구,D.I.D)는 그러한 과도기 를 쉽게 극복할 수 있도록 감정적으로, 교육적으로, 전 문적으로 도와준다.
Daegu Mulitculturalism Springs to Life
D.I.D is a culturally-based organization that seeks to build a stronger link between expats of color (though anyone can join!) and Koreans in the greater Daegu area. We attempt to serve as a bridge for genuine cultural exchange and as a hub for international friendships through hosting social events and organizing volunteer opportunities along with other things. Some of our past events included a healthy potluck, attending Seoul Fashion Week, testing of gun skills at the Daegu Shooting Range, and movie nights. D.I.D는 문화를 바탕으로 한 모임이며, 대구의 유색 인인 외국인들과(그렇지만 누구든지 참여 가능하다.) 한국인 간의 단단한 연결고리를 만드려고 한다. 우리 는 순수하게 문화적인 교류를 하는 다리 역할과 모임 과 봉사활동 등을 통해 국제적인 우정을 형성해 나가 는 중심자 적인 역할을 하고자 한다. 지나간 모임을 되 돌아보면 건전한 포트럭 파티와 서울 패션 위크 참관, 대구 사격장 나들이, 심야영화 나들이 등을 했다.
We always welcome newcomers at anytime and from all walks of life to build a better and stronger friendship group among our members. D.I.D is here to include everyone and wishes to expand our events and opportunities to meet everyone’s interests. Daegu has a lot to offer and one of D.I.D’s efforts is to showcase surrounding events so you are never alone! 누구든지 회원들 간에 더 탄탄하고 좋은 우정을 쌀 아가려는 신입회원은 언제든지 환영이다. D.I.D는 모두를 포용하고, 모든 사람들의 관심사에 맞는 이 벤트를 열어가기를 희망한다. 대구는 많은 것을 가 지고 있는 도시이며 D.I.D의 노력 중 한 가지는 이러 한 것들을 보여주고 함께 즐기며 당신을 외롭게 놔 두지 않는 것이다!
Ravioli, T-Bone Steak Gnocchi, Calzone
You can find our group on Facebook, where our community is open for any questions and concerns about life in Daegu! 페이스북에 D.I.D의 페이지가 있고, 대구 생활에 대 한 어떠한 질문도 대환영이다.
For Locals, For Tourists, For Everyone A guide to the best hospitals and clinics in Daegu • Written by Elizabeth Riggio, Photographed by EXCO
Daegu isn’t known as the “Medi-City” for nothing. With 12 general hospitals, 5 university medical schools, and over 7,500 specialist doctors, Daegu boasts some of the best Western and Traditional medical services in the world. There are many things to love about Daegu’s medical services. They include, but are not limited to, short wait times, affordable cost, quick and efficient visits, no need to deal with unnecessary paperwork, and walk-ins are welcome. Just to get an idea, a wisdom tooth could be removed for less than $10. Can’t get much better than that! Using some of the most advanced medical equipment and technology, Daegu is the place to be for all your healthcare needs. And many hospitals have English-speaking staff--which is why we’re here: to inform you of the best hospitals and clinics that can also offer services in English. Whether you just landed in Korea yesterday, or you’re a seasoned veteran to all things medical in Daegu, here are some of the best hospitals and clinics for you: There are a number of general hospitals around the city including Dongsan Medical Center, Fatima Hospital, and Yeongnam University Medical Center. All of these hospitals have an international center that foreigners can go to directly. Here they will help you find a doctor or arrange an appointment at no extra cost. Dongsan and Fatima are particularly known for their medical tourism programs and health check programs.
For Locals, For Tourists, For Everyone A guide
If you need some dental work done, check out Dukyoung Dental Hospital or 7 Promises. Dukyoung is most popular with Japanese and Chinese medical tourists-they even send their doctors to K-Beauty Medical Center in China. 7 Promises is located in the Sangin area which may be more convenient if you aren’t living downtown but still looking for quality care with an English-speaking doctor. This location just recently opened. You can find dermatology services at All4Skin (올포스 킨) and Joseph Clinic. At All4Skin, you can find treatment for any skin issues and there is a helpful English coordinator. They’ve also sent a doctor to the K-Beauty Center in China. Joseph’s chief doctor has detailed consultations available for patients and is most popular among expats looking for hair removal services. The Daegu Wooridul Spine Hospital and Park Hospital deal with orthopedics (conditions dealing with the musculoskeletal system). Wooridul has an English-speaking coordinator and has a gym offering rehabilitation exercise programs for patients. Park Hospital is known for its care for sports-related injuries. For hospitals dealing in Ob/gyn services, come to Hyosung Hospital or Woman Medi Park. Both locations are popular with mothers in Daegu. Hyosung has a friendly English coordinator who will set up and accompany you to appointments. There is also a
children’s hospital right next to the women’s hospital. Woman Medi Park has an agreement with the U.S. Army base, so this location is popular with many soldiers and their families. Of course, not only does Daegu have Western medicine, but also Traditional services. For the best Oriental Medicine Clinics, check out Hoo Oriental Clinic or Taeoreum Clinic. Hoo has doctors who can speak English well and specialize in skin treatments. Taeoreum offers Chuna Therapy, which is similar to chiropractics. The clinics and hospitals listed here boast high medical service quality, as well as strong customer service at a good price. They are eager to attract foreign patients, as well as medical tourists--keeping your best interests in mind. The language barrier can discourage some foreign patients from seeking medical care, but at these locations, there is nothing to worry about. Between English-speaking doctors or English-speaking coordinators, there is no need for a visit to the doctor to become a stressful experience. It can seem intimidating to go to a hospital in a foreign country, but rest assured that with these hospitals and clinics of Daegu,
you are in good hands. If you are a medical tourist and need some help in visiting these hospitals and clinics, contact the Daegu Medical Tourism Information Center. They offer interpretation, consultation, appointment booking, and accommodation booking services for free. Local expats can get all necessary information about Daegu’s medical service here. Come and see all that Daegu has to offer!
Daegu Medical Tourism Information Center (대구의료관광정보센터)
Contact: +82-53-253-1580~1582 E-mail: Address: 대구광역시 중구 달구벌대로 2033 대구메디센터 5층 (5F, Daegu Medi Center, 2033, Dalgubeol-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu) Find out more information about clinics and hospitals in Daegu on their website. -continued on p42-
General Hospitals Yeungnam Univ. Medical Center (영남대학교병원) Business Hours - The IHS Center: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm - Clinics: Mon-Fri 9am-11:30am, 2pm-4:30pm
-Lunch Time: 12pm~1pm Contacts: 053-256-2145 Address: 대구광역시 중구 국채보상로 511 (511, Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu) Website: (Kor)
•Please note that clinic hours may vary by depart-
ment. Contact: 053-623-4114 (Coordinator) / 010-4786-8001 (24hr Emergency) Address: 대구광역시 남구 현충로 170 (170, Hyungchung-ro, Nam-gu, Daegu) Website: Dongsan Medical Center (계명대동산병원) Business Hours -International Healthcare Center: Mon-Fri 8:30am5:30pm -Clinics: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
•Please note that clinic hours may vary by depart-
ment. Contact: 053-250-7303 (IHC) Address: 대구광역시 중구 달성로 56 (56, Dalseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu) Website:
Fatima Hospital (파티마 병원) Business Hours -IHS Office: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm (lunch: 12pm1:30pm) / Sat 8:30am-12:30pm -Clinics: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm / Sat 9am-12pm Contact: 053-940-7520 Address: 대구광역시 동구 아양로 99 (99, Ayang-ro, Dong-gu, Daegu) Website:
Dentistry 7 Promises (일곱가지약속 치과) Business Hours -Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri: 9am~6pm (Tue, Wed, Thur: by 9pm) / Wed: 1pm~9pm -Holidays: Sundays, Holidays Contact: 053-639-2828 Address: 대구광역시 달서구 월배로 219 (219, Wolbae-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu) Dukyoung Dental Hospital (덕영치과) Business Hours -Weekdays: 9am~9pm / Sat & Holidays: 9am~5pm / Sundays: 9am~1pm
For Locals, For Tourists, For Everyone A guide
Dermatology All4Skin (올포스킨) Business Hours -Weekdays: 10am~8pm (Fri: ~9pm) / Sat: 10am~5pm / Sun & Holidays: 10am~1pm -Lunch Time: 1pm~2:30pm Contact: 053-425-7582 Address: 대구광역시 중구 동성로5길 26 5F (5F, 26, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu) Website: Joseph Clinic (요셉피부과) Business Hours -Weekdays: 10am~7pm (Wed: ~8pm, Thur: 1pm~7pm) / Saturdays: 10am~4pm -Lunch Time: 1pm~2pm -Holidays: Sundays, Holidays Contact: 053-421-1475 Address: 대구광역시 중구 동성로2길 95 더락상가 11 층 (11F, The Rock, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu) Website: (Kor)
Orthopedics Daegu Wooridul Spine Hospital (우리들 병원) Business Hours -Weekdays: 9:30am~6pm / Saturdays: 9:30am~5pm -Holidays: Sundays, Holidays Contact: 053-212-3782 (English-speaking Manager: Jeong-Ho Park) Address: 대구광역시 중구 국채보상로 648 (648, Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu) Website: Park Hospital (박병원) Business Hours: - Weekdays: 9am~6pm / Saturdays: 9am~1pm / Sundays: open only ER Contact: 053-957-0075 Address: 대구광역시 북구 대학로 143 (143, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu) Website: (Kor)
OB/GYN Woman Medi Park (여성메디파크) Business Hours: -Weekdays: 9am-6pm / Saturdays: 9am-4pm / Sun & Holidays: 9am-1pm -Lunch Time: 1pm-2pm Contact: 053-740-7764 (Foreign Patient) / 010-63272656 (English-speaking Manager) Address: 대구광역시 수성구 동대구로 271 (271, Dongdaegu-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu) Website: Hyosung Hospital (효성병원) Business Hours (OB/GYN clinic) -Weekdays: 9am~8pm / Saturdays: 9am~4pm -Holidays (excluding Sundays): 9am~1pm Contacts: 053-766-7073 Address: 대구광역시 수성구 수성로 194 (194, Suseong-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu) Website:
Oriental Medicine Clinic Hoo Clinic (후한의원) Business Hours -Mon~Wed, Fri: 10am~9pm / Sat: 10am~3pm (No Lunch time) -Lunch Time: 1pm~2pm -Holidays: Thur, Sun Contact: 053-252-0255 Address: 대구광역시 중구 중앙대로 390 센트럴엠 빌딩 4F (4F, Central M Building, 390, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu) Website: Yangnyeong Taeoreum Clinic (약령태오름한의원) Business Hours -Weekdays: 9am~6pm -Lunch Time: 1pm~2pm -Holidays: Sundays Contact: 053-243-7582 Address: 대구광역시 중구 남성로 25 (25, Namseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu) Website:
Shaping Up for Life • Written and Photographed by Farbe Plastic Surgery, Translated by Yujeong Lee
As the weather gets cooler, more patients tend to visit plastic surgery clinics to get liposuction treatment. Summer clothing usually reveals more parts of your body so you might think of avoiding getting the treatment for now. However, there are people who would like to prepare for next spring and summer already. Since Daegu was designated as medical tourism city, more expats and visitors have gotten interested in local plastic surgery procedures. Farbe Plastic Surgery boasts its high quality and topof-the-line equipment and facilities. It is the largest building dedicated to plastic surgery & dermatology in Daegu, and even has a stem-cell research laboratory on par with university hospitals. All these things offer the best medical treatments to patients. You may be considering liposuction but you also might also be hesitating because of potential scars that may form. Jinyong Park, the Chief of Farbe, said “Liposuction makes a natural body line by removing the layer of fat under your skin. Lately, more patients visit us to get partial liposuction and to have natural body shape change.” He issues certificates to patients who receive the liposuction procedure, which state the quality and skill of the treatment. He tries hard not to create any yo-yo effects and leaves little bruising or scars from the treatment. He also makes sure that doctors learning from him and his patients are fully aware of the risks when they try to remove too much fat at one time. So they need to remove a proper amount of fat through several procedures. He noted that it is better to get the procedure for your abdominals from a doctor who has lot of experience in that area, since that part is more delicate. Farbe has doctors specialized in each field, with abundant surgery experience so that a patient can have high satisfaction during the whole process from pre-surgery to aftercare. They have also done countless surgeries and voluminous research on liposuction. It has made the clinic world-famous in its industry and continues to educate visiting doctors from all over the world. The clinic has been certified by the Korea Global Healthcare Association, and was also recently designated as Daegu’s Leading Medical Institute.
Shaping Up for Life
Street number + Building name + Apt Number
-인데요 (in-dae-yo)
Food 불고기 (bulgogi) 김치찌개 or 된장찌개 (kimchi or bean soup) 김밥 (kimbap) 떡볶이 (tteokpokki) 만두 (mandu) 돈까스 (tonkkatsu)
Quantity 하나랑 (1) hana rang 두개 (2) do gay 세개 (3) say gay 네개 (4) nay gay 다섯개 (5) daseot gay 여섯개 (6) yeoseot gay
How To Order Food
XX구 수성구 / 서구 달서구 / 동구 ect..
XX동 상동 / 중동 월성동 / 두류동 ect..
Beverage 콜라 (cola) 사이다 (cider) 맥주 (beer) 오렌지주스 (O.J.)
the daegu compass SEPTEMBER 2015
TUE 1 • Yinka Shonibare MBE • Ottmar Hörl • Discovered Memo ries Youn Dong Hee • The Daegu Trilogy _Daegu Art Museum / 9. 1.-
• This is an overview of our September events. For more information about events on our calendar, check out the next two pages or email us: If you have events you want to add for the October issue, please email us by September 15th. Thanks!
• The 12th Asia• The 8th Daegu International Jazz Pacific Congress of Festival _ Suseong Endoscopic Artpia / 9.3 Laparoscopic Surgery _ EXCO / 9.2~9.5
9 • Korea International Livestock Expo 2015 _ EXCO / 9.9~9.12
FRI 4 • The 7 Violinists _ Daegu Citizen Hall / 9.4 • The 417th Daegu National Symphony Orchestra _ Daegu Citizen Hall / 9.4
SAT 5 • Daegu Science Festival 2015 _ EXCO / 9.5~9.6
• Daegu Kyunghyang Housing Fair _ EXCO / 9.10~9.13 • The 130th Daegu City Choir “A Pretty Harmony For The World” _ Daegu Citizen Hall / 9.10
• Daegu Kyunghyang Housing Fair _ EXCO / 9.10~9.13
• The 7th Asia Pacific • 2015 Daegu Medi Chapter Meeting of Expo International Society _ EXCO / 9.18~9.20 for Peritoneal Dialysis (APCM-ISPD 2015) • Mountain EP Launch _ EXCO / 9.17~9.19 Party _ Jengiy Bar / 9.18
• Sabine Meyer Trio _ Suseong Artpia / 9.23
• 2015 Daegu Medi Expo _ EXCO / 9.18~9.20
• Concert Opera “La Traviata” _ Suseong Artpia / 9.17
• Anne Sofie Von Otter & Camilla Tilling Duet Concert _ Suseong Artpia / 9.30
SEPTEMBER 2015 event calender Ottmar Hörl
Time: 9.1~ Ticket price: 5,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000
Yinka Shonibare MBE
Time: 9.1~ Ticket price: 5,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000
Discovered Memories Youn Dong Hee Time: 9.1~ Ticket price: 5,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000
The Daegu Trilogy
Time: 9.1~ Ticket price: 5,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000
The 12th Asia-Pacific Congress of Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Time: 9.2~9.5 10:00~18:00 Ticket price: $ 600 Place: EXCO Information: 02-3471-8555
The 8th Daegu International Jazz Festival Time: 9.3 19:00 Ticket Price: free Place: Suseong Artpia Information: 668-1800
The 7 Violinists
Time: 9.4 19:30 Ticket price: R:50,000w /S:30,000w /Single:20,000w /H:15,000w Place: Daegu Citizen Hall Information: 053-250-1400
The 417th Daegu National Symphony Orchestra Time: 9.4 19:30 Ticket price: A:16,000w /B:10,000w Place: Daegu Citizen Hall Information: 053-250-1475
SEPTEMBER 2015 Event Calendar
Daegu Science Festival 2015 Time: 9.5~9.6 10:00~17:00 Ticket price: free Place: EXCO Information: 053-601-5364
Korea International Livestock Expo 2015 Time: 9.9~9.12 10:00~18:00 Ticket price: free Place: EXCO Information: 02-521-1990
Daegu Kyunghyang Housing Fair
Time: 9.10~9.13 10:00~18:00 Ticket price: free Place: EXCO Information: 02-3397-0490
The 130th Daegu City Choir “A Pretty Harmony For The World”
Time: 9.10 19:30 Ticket Price: A:15,000w /B:10,000w /Balcony: 5,000w Place: Daegu Citizen Hall Information: 053-250-1493
Concert Opera “La Traviata” Time: 9.17 19:30 Ticket Price: 30,000w Place: Suseong Artpia Information: 668-1800
The 7th Asia Pacific Chapter Meeting of International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (APCM-ISPD 2015)
Time: 9.17~9.19 09:00~18:00 Ticket price: $600 Place: EXCO Information: 070-4603-1251
2015 Daegu Medi Expo
Time: 9.18~9.20 10:00~18:00 Ticket price: 3,000w Place: EXCO Information: 053-601-5211
Sabine Meyer Trio
Time: 9.23 19:30 Ticket Price: VIP:80,000w /R:50,000w /S:30,000w Place: Suseong Artpia Information: 668-1800
Anne Sofie Von Otter & Camilla Tilling Duet Concert Time: 9.30 19:30 Ticket Price: VIP:100,000w /R:70,000w /S:50,000w Place: Suseong Artpia Information: 668-1800
Mountain EP Launch Party
Time: 9.18 22:00 Ticket price: 10,000w Plus Free EP Place: Jengiy Bar (New location - 대구시 중구 동성로 82-2번지) Information:
Useful Korean Expressions Communicate with the Locals!
• Say, “An-nyeong-ha-se-yo.” to Koreans instead of “Hi.” It is the easiest way to be courteous. Here are some Useful Korean Expressions for you to communicate with Koreans easily!
Basic Expressions Did you know that Korean doesn't have a pronunciation of F and V? Instead, pronounce P and B.
• Hello
• No
• Yes
An-nyeong-ha-se-yo. • Good bye
An-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo. • Nice to meet you 반갑습니다 감사합니다
Ne. • I am sorry
• Thank you
Mi-ahn-ham-ni-da. • Excuse me
Emergency Contact List Daegu City Hall Daegu Citizen Happiness Call Center (Daegu City Hall): 053-120 (Weekdays: 08:30-18:30) EXCO : 053-601-5000 HICO : 054-777-3556
Hospitals Kyungpook National Univ. Hospital (053-200-5114) Keimyung Univ. Dongsan Medical Center (053-250-7114) Yeungnam Univ. Medical Center (053-623-8001)
Local Numbers Police 112 Fire 119 Emergency Room 120
Translation Services Korean Tourism Organization Travel Hotline: 1330 BBB Korea Translation Call Service: 1588-5644 (English, Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, German, Portuguese, Arabic, Polish, Turkish, Swedish, Thai, Vietnamese, Malay, Indonesian, Mongolian)
Useful Korean Expressions
Object Passport ID card Sanitary pad Water Fork Receipt
Pains/sore spots Cold Stomachache Headache Cramps Allergy Motion sickness Wound
Place Where is + ~? Toilet Entrance Exit Restaurant Hospital Phamacy
Transportation Bus Subway
Wifi What is the Wi-Fi name and the password?
In shops or restaurants How much is it? I’d like to have ~. Please give me a little discount.
신분증 생리대 물
영수증 감기 복통 두통
알레르기 멀미 상처 ~어디에요? 화장실 입구 출구 식당 병원 약국 버스
지하철 와이파이 이름과 비밀번호가 무엇인가요? 얼마에요? ~주세요.
깎아 주세요.
[Yeo ggun] [Shin bun jung] [Seng li dae] [Mul] [Po-ku] [Young su jung]
[Gam gi] [Bok tong] [Du tong] [Sengli tong] [Al le ru ki] [Mull mi] [Sang cheo]
[~ Uhdi eyo?] [Hwa jang shil] [Ip gu] [Chool gu] [Shik dang] [Byung won] [Yak guk]
[Bu-s] [Ji ha cheol]
[Wa-i Pa-i ireum, bibun mo eh yo? ]
[Earl ma eh yo?] [~ Ju seyo. (with pointing)] [Kka kka juseyo.]
downtown map Nightlife Directions taxi “she nay ga ju say yo. sam duk so bang seo.” Shopping and Cinemas taxi “she nay ga ju say yo. lotte young plajja CGB” ( Remember there is no true ‘Z’ sound in Korean.)
DOWNTOWN RESTAURANTS The Daegu Compass and its volunteers have come up with this comprehensive guide to the bring you the best places to enjoy the night in beautiful downtown Daegu.
Won’t break the bank Who cares, hav’n funz Millionaire Club 2046 PAN STEAK 053.427.2046 Mon-Thur 11:30-22:00, Break time 15:0017:00, Fri & Sat 12:00-02:00 / Sun 12:00-22:00 Great quality steak and pasta 63-1, Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu 55 Dining 053.214.5521 12:00-02:00 Fusion-style Food 94-19, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Bombay Lounge 010.9717.1118 Weekdays 18:00Weekends 12:00-05:00 Bar & IndianFood 3F, 57, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Bulzip 053.257.2220 Everyday 11:30–22:30 Samgyeopsal - thick slices of pork belly 83, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Caliente 053.426.2268 Everyday 11:00-4:00am Tex Mex 36-6, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
Chungju Mushroom Restaurant 053.425.5668 11:00-21:30 Holidays: Seolnal & Chuseok Korean Food Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu
Downtown Restaurants
Doko 053.253.0331 Mon-Thur, Holidays 18:00-02:00 Fri-Sat 18:00~03:00 , Holidays: Mondays Japanese Pub 62, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu EtOH’s Drafthouse 053.211.9385 Mon, Wed, Thu 16:00-01:00, Fri 16:00-02:00, Sat 11:00-02:00, Sat 11:00-01:00 Pizza and Craft Beer 2nd floor, 12-3, Dongseong-ro 3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Gukil Bulgalbi 053.424.5820 11:00-22:00 Holidays: The day and the next day of Seolnal and Chuseok Korea BBQ(Daegu’s local food) 172, Taepyeong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu Hi Thai 010.8611.0562 12:00-22:00 (break : 15:00-17:00) Holidays: Mon Thai Food 53, Gongpyeong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu International City 053.284.6009 01:00-24:00, Fri & Sat 12:00-02:00 Russian & Uzbekistan RestaurantHalal Food 53-4, Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu Jeju 18 Doyaji 053.427.9399 17:00-02:00 Korean BBQ 28, Gongpyeongro8-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
La Luce 053.606.0733 12:00-22:00, Break Time 15:30-17:30 Holidays: Sundays & Holidays Italian Food 2F, 141, Dongdeok-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
Downtown Restaurants
DOWNTOWN BARS & CLUBS Won’t break the bank Who cares, hav’n funz Millionaire Club
Daegu thrives at night. Downtown is loaded with bars and clubs to meet everyone’s drinking and partying needs. Challenge yourself and try out places you’ve never been.
Downtown Bars & Clubs
Downtown Bars & Clubs
downtown shopping spots Chung Baek Won 053.253.1121 09:00-20:00 Holidays:Sundays Tea & Ceramics 25-1, Jong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
Glass Baba Optical Shop
053.423.9001 09:30-23:00 Eyewears 402, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu See Channel
053.427.0033 10:00-22:00 Eyewear 604, Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu Tokyo & Pearl 053.253.9034 10:00-20:30 Jewelry Holidays:Wednesdays B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Junggu, Daegu Vanity London Haberdashery 053.422.7708 12:00-03:00 Men Clothing B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Junggu, Daegu
Youngdodaum 053.710.3700 Weekdays 10:00-20:00 Weekends 10:00-21:00 Holidays:Seolnal(3days),Chuseok(3days) Velvet Gallery 39, Gongpyeongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Downtown Shopping Spots
downtown Tourism Gukchae Bosang Park 국채보상운동기념공원
053-745-6753 670, Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
This park was built to commemorate the National Debt Reparation Movement, which started in Daegu during the Japanese Occupation.
February 28 Democratic Movement Memorial Park 2.28기념중앙공원
053-254-9405 80, Dongseong-ro 2 gil Jung-Gu. Daegu
There are also three other fountains. You can enjoy a walking path or sit on one of the many benches. The outdoor stage hosts Daegu International Musical Festival’s fringe shows. Youngdo daum Velvet Gallery 영도다움
10:00~22:00 / No holiday / 053-710-3700 39, Gongpyeongro-4gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Run by Youngdo Velvet, it is the only exclusive velvet exhibition hall in the country. From the basement to the third floor, they have velvet clothes, Korean traditional costumes and other goods. Bongsan Cultural Street 봉산문화거리
77, Bongsanmoonhwas-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
As you walk along, you’ll see art galleries, studios and antique shops. You can stop in shops to buy art or just to browse through the incredible work of local artists. While you can enjoy exhibitions throughout the year, this street is particularly busy every October with the Bong-san Art Festival. Kim Kwang-suk Memorial Mural Road 김광석 거리
450 gil, Dalgubeol Daero, Jung-Gu, Daegu
The late Kim Kwang-suk, a famous Korean folk singer-songwriter who was popular in the 1980s, is still admired by many Korean music lovers today. him. The walls of this street are plastered with murals of Kim and you can hear his music faintly playing as you stroll along. DAEGU COMPASS SEPTEMBER 2015
GUEST HOUSE GUIDE Welcome to the Daegu Compass guest house information guide. Guest houses offer a more personal experience while staying in Daegu. Many of the guest houses are located in what is considered "old Daegu" and still retain much their traditional charm. The owners are very helpful in setting up tours and guides around the city and offer activities for their guests to take part in during their stay. If you're just passing through, or looking to stay for an extended time, Daegu's guest houses are always open.
Downtown Area Guest Houses Near the nightlife
Pann Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 경상감영길 43-9 Tel: 053-252-7529 Website: Email: Dormitory rates start at 25,000won Traditional Korean room and great food The Style Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 서성로14길 26 Tel: 010-3932-0727 Website: Email: Dormitory rates start at 25,000won Clean rooms and great location The Empathy Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 중앙대로79길 32 Tel: 070-8915-8991 Website: Dormitory rates start at 23,000won Great dorm rooms and helpful staff Peter Pan Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 국채보상로123길 23 6층 Tel: 010-4023-7982 Website: Email: Dormitory rates start at 18,000won Wonderful dorm rooms and excellent staff Cheongra Eondeok Add: 대구광역시 중구 달구벌대로401길 22 Tel: 010-3823-9662 Website: Email: Dormitory rates start at 23,000won Love the bunk beds
Guest House Guide
hotel guide Welcome to the Daegu Compass hotel information guide. We will also be adding a guide about motels soon. Daegu is very spread out, and not all the hotels will be convenient for you. We hope our hotel guide will help you with making your decision on where to rest your weary bones for the night. Downtown Area Hotels Near the nightlife
Nam Gu Area Hotels Near Camp Walker
Novotel Ambassador Daegu
Hotel the Palace
Eldis Regent Hotel
Prince Hotel
Add: 대구광역시 중구 국채보상로 611번지 Tel: 053- 664-1111 Website: Email: Room rates start from 154,000+ won (10% VAT will be added) Fantastic all you can eat dinner buffet! Add: 대구광역시 중구 동산동 360번지 Tel: 053-253-7711 Website: Email: Room rates start at 100,000won Close to Hyundai and Dongha Shopping
Add: 대구광역시 남구 봉덕3동 688-1번지 Tel: 053-471-9911 Website: Email: no online reservation system Room rates start at 99,000won Near Camp Walker Clean and Friendly Add: 대구광역시 남구 대명2동 1824-2번지 Tel: 053-628-1001 Website: Email: Room rates start at 105,000won Western and Korean rooms available
Suseong Gu Area Hotels 10 min from Dongdaegu station Daegu Grand Hotel
Hotel Ariana
Hotel Inter-burgo
Hotel Suseong
Add: 대구광역시 수성구 범어1동 563-1번지 Tel: 053-742-0001 Website: Email: Room rates start at 240,000won One of the top hotels in Daegu Add: 대구 수성구 만촌동 300번지 Tel: 053-6027-171, 173 Website: Email: Room rates start at 330,000won Daegu Casino is open!
Add: 대구광역시 수성구 두산동 200-1번지 Tel: 053-765-7776 Website: Email: Room rates start at 110,000won Great all-you-can-eat buffet located in the basement Add: 대구광역시 수성구 용학로 106-7 Tel: 1899-1001 Website: Room rates start at 270,000won Beautiful view of Suseong Lake
Buk Gu Area Hotels Inter-burgo EXCO
Add: 대구광역시 북구 유통단지로 80 Tel: 053-380-0114 Website: Email: Room rates start at 19,000 won Great for conventions
Compass Connoisseur Check out these other great eats around town.
Suseoung-gu Ganga
A cuisine worthy of Shiva. This upscale Indian restaurant has great curries. Their naan is quite exquisite as well. You can even order samosas! Wash it down with a nice mango lassi and you have yourself an aroma massage for your stomach! Check out the Suseong Lake Map on p61 for directions. Open & Close: 11:30-22:00 / Break time: 15:00-17:30 Tel: 053-768-3610 Add: 35, Muhak-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu
Owner Giovanni Kim has lived and trained in Italy for 14 years. Mr. Kim can speak several languages including English and Italian. Trained as an Italian Chef. The menu is traditional Tuscan style cuisine; however special requests are available with 24 hour notice. Check out the Suseong Lake Map on p61 for directions. Open & Close: 11:30-00:30 / Last order: 23:30 Tel: 053-781-5655 Add: Suseongmot2-gil, Suseong-gu, Daegu
Bongdeok-dong Area HamiMami's
The best brunch restaurant in Daegu. HamiMami's has been in Bongdeok area since 2008. HamiMami's serves real western style breakfast, sandwiches, burritos, and other comfort food foreigners enjoy while living in Korea. Mr. Ha's friends shared special home-made recipes that they craved to eat in Korea, but couldn't find before; making HamiMami's an one of a kind restaurant. HamiMami's home-made biscuits, gravy, hash browns and sausages are the best in the country. They also have fresh bread delivered daily to make their sandwiches irresistible. Come on down to HamiMami's and experience a bit of home. Open & Close: 08:00-21:00 / Break time for weekdays: 15:00-17:00 / Closed on Mondays Tel: 053-475-5242 Add: 87, Samjeong-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu
Barazi Barazi brings Japanese flair to Daegu. Barazi specializes in great Japanese cuisine. The restaurant feels like a home away from home. The soothing atmosphere provides customers a chance to relax with a cup of tea or some warm saki! The owner of Barazi is also an expert florist and can help arrange all your floral needs. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. Open & Close: 12:00-24:00 Tel: 010-4505-3396 Add: 13-16, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Gajok means 'family' in Korean. That's the feeling you get when you step inside this wonderful Korean restaurant. Now, before you start to get a mental picture of the food it serves, just know that most of the meat is from the thigh and not the actual foot. What??? Yes, Gajok serves pig's foot for dinner.. But it's not like you are eating the hoof of the pig. In Korea, the foot and leg seems to go hand in hand, so it is similar to eating drumsticks (chicken legs). Enjoy! Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. Open & Close: 13:00-01:00 Tel: 053-252-1481 Add: 7-16, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu
Daehan News / Two Ppul
Grilled over an open flame. That's the concept behind Daehan News and Two Ppul. After selecting your choice of steak or pork, a server really heats things up as it cooks your meat with a mini blowtorch. Sounds hot, right? The Korean sides provided compliment the meal perfectly. The interior of both restaurants is in true Korean 'pojang macha' style where dining around a stainless steel table with clear plastic walls sheltering you from the elements. So next time its Korean night, head on over to either of these meaty restaurants. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. <Daeghan News> Open & Close: 12:00-00:00 / Tel: 053-423-3990 Add: 6, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu <Two Ppul> Open & Close: 12:00-00:00 / Tel: 053-422-1033 Add: 7-15, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu 68
Compass Connoisseur
Percent is one of the newest pubs in the ever changing Daebong-dong (대봉동) neighborhood. With 7 craft beers on tap, a variety of delicious pub foods, excellent music to match the beers, and a fun English speaking owner, it’s one of the hottest places in Daegu. Friday and Saturday are their busiest nights with plenty of foreigners and Koreans both enjoying their delectable beers. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. Open & Close: Mon - Fri: 17:00-02:00 / Sat: 15:00-02:00 / Sun: 15:00-01:30 Tel: 053-252-6224 Add: Jung-gu, Daebong-ro 206 (Daebong-dong 132-20) Daegu, 700-431
VIP treatment at Pic&iq is what you get when dining at this special restaurant. The owner and chef caters personally to your dinner party since you have to make a reservation before coming. Why, you might wonder? Pic&iq is only opened from 6-10pm, and you can call from 3pm to reserve one of four tables. The dinner is a set menu of grilled, marinated pork, tortilla bread, salad and grilled tomatoes and bananas. The chef also prepares a special ramyeon for the meal. VIP treatment without the VIP prices makes this a wonderful experience. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. Open & Close: 18:00-23:00 / Closed on Sundays Tel: 053-253-9782 Add: 2232-15, Dalgubeol-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu
Kim Kwang-suk Road
Kyungpook Uni. Area
Not far from bustling downtown next to the Bangcheon Marketplace, Kim Kwangsuk Road is a lengthy alleyway that displays several murals and other small works of art upon its walls, dedicated to the popular Korean folk singer in the late 80’s and early 90’s, Kim Kwang-suk (1964~1996). He was well loved by the younger generations at the time for his soulful vocals and contemplative lyrics which deeply reflected the transition of Korea in late 80s. The area is quite isolated, taking you away from the busy and hectic city life, and dropping you into a surrealistic wonderland of art where time seems to be still for a moment.
Indo Bangrangi
Sanjay welcomes you! Renovated and redesigned last year, this Indian restaurant is famous for its curries. The chef is from India and speaks English very well. Plus, he’s super friendly and will answer all your existential Indian food questions. The restaurant is located on the 3rd floor right across from Kyungdae Buk Moon (north gate). Check out the Kyungpook National University North Gate Area on p66 for directions. Open & Close: 11:00-22:00 / Closed major holidays Tel: 053-956-9940 Add: 81, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu
New Saladdin
Apsan Area
Rashid Ahmed and his family strive for excellence in creating the most delicious and authentic dishes available. He and his brother, Shafiq, have more than 20 years of experience between the two of them in cooking raditional Indian-Pakistani food. Walking up the photo packed stairway will begin your journey into the atmosphere of India and Pakistan. And then the sweet and spicy aromas of curry and spices permeating the air will confirm that you have arrived. Come by and be engulfed by the aromas, sights, and tantalizing tastes of India and Pakistan! Check out the Kyungpook National University North Gate Area on p66 for directions. Open & Close: 11:00-23:00 Tel: 053-942-3535 Add: 3F, 79, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu
Gooksu is known for its 'slow food' approach when preparing its delicious dishes for customers. Slow food doesn't mean it takes hours to cook, it just means everything is made from scratch. The restaurant has an Italian Firenze style atmosphere and serve fabulous pasta dishes. It is also famous for its T-bone steak and Ripieno pizza. Try it tonight! Your taste buds won't be disappointed. Check out the Apsan Area Map on p62 for directions. Open & Close: 12:00-00:00 Tel: 053-625-1365 Add: 2, Hyunchungro7-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu
Aficio is a casual, yet sophisticated Italian restaurant located at the base of Ap Mountain (앞산). Its second floor large glass windows overlook the city down below, and it offers a variety of delicious meals. You can enjoy dishes that are made from organic and high quality ingredients. If two people go and enjoy two main dishes, then they’ll get a FREE Gorgonzola Cheese Pizza! Also every customer who orders a main dish gets a free Americano (worth 3,800 won) from Drop Top downstairs. Having a fine dining experience in Aficio will definitely make you feel like you are on a vacation to Italy. Check out the Apsan Area Map on p62 for directions. Open & Close: 11:30-23:00 Tel: 053-621-3300 Add: 2, Hyunchungro5-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu DAEGU COMPASS SEPTEMBER 2015
yangnyeongsi area TAKE A PICTURE AT EACH LOCATION AND SEND TO PHOTOS@DAEGUCOMPASS.COM TO WIN GIFT CERTIFICATES TO SOME OF OUR GREAT SPONSORS! Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 반월당역 가 주세요. (Please go to Banwoldang Station.) Eng ban-wol-dang-yeok ga-ju-se-yo. Kor 현대백화점 가 주세요. (Please go to Hyundai Department Store.) Eng hyun-dae-baek-hwa-jeom ga-ju-se-yo.o.
Yangnyeongsi Area Map
Bongsan Art Street and Daebong Library Area Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 봉산문화거리 가 주세요. (Please go to Bongsan Culture Street.) Eng bong-san-moon-hwa-go-ri ga-ju-se-yo.
Bongsan Art Street And Daebong Library Area Map
Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 김광석거리 가 주세요. (Please go to Kim Kwang-suk Memorial Mural Street.) Eng gim-gwang-seok-go-ri ga-ju-se-yo.
Bongsan Cultural Street 봉산문화거리
77, Bongsanmunhwa-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu, Korea
Think of this artsy street as the “Insa-dong” of Daegu. As you walk along, you’ll see art galleries, studios and antique shops. You can stop in shops to buy art or just to browse through the incredible work of local artists. While you can enjoy exhibitions throughout the year, this street is particularly busy every October with the Bongsan Art Festival. Another highlight of this area is the Bongsan Culture and Art Hall where you can catch some performances and small-scale exhibitions.
Bangcheon Market & Kim Kwang-suk Memorial Mural Road 방천시장 & 김광석거리
Dalgubeol-daero 450-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu, Korea
The late Kim Kwang-suk, a famous Korean folk singer-songwriter who was popular in the 1980s, is still admired by many Korean music lovers today. You can definitely feel the love for the late artist as you stroll down the 350 meter long street that was designed to remember and honor him. The walls of this street are plastered with murals of Kim and you can hear his music faintly playing as you stroll along. On the weekends, you can visit a flea market here and there are also several famous restaurants in the area such as Daehan News, Two Bbul, Pic&iq (picnic), Percent, Barazi, Gajok and Laura’s Mill. 73
Seomun Market Area Established in the Goryeo Dynasty, Seomun market was one of the three major markets during the Joseon dynasty. After the Korean War, a large linen and cotton wholesale and retail market was created. The textile industry is the traditional industry of Daegu. Seomun market is a lively place for locals and tourists alike that truly showcases an original part of Daegu culture. You can find an assortment of food as well as affordable, well-made market goods. Convenient Facilities Parking building The eight story parking ramp is located between Dong-san shopping district and sector two. There are two entrances and the ramp can hold 660 cars. It costs 500 won to park for 30 minutes with a 250 won charge for each additional ten minutes of parking. You can pay at an automated machine on the first floor. Credit cards and transportation cards are accepted. Parking lot There are two sections that hold up to 350 cars. It can hold 60 cars in the Dongsan shopping district and 50 cars in the basement of each of the five additional sectors. ATM You can find them at various places around Seomun market. There is also one located on the first floor of the parking ramp. Information Center It is located right next to the entrance of the parking ramp. You will see a sign that says, “Information Center”. Inside, you can collect all the information you need about tourist destinations in Daegu as well as more information about Seomun Market.
Things to remember while shopping
Transportation Subway (Sinnam Station of Green Line) To find “Yangmal alley (socks alley),” take subway line two to Sinnam station and take exit number one. Right after you exit, look for an alley on your right. Yangmal alley merges with a main road. Walk along this road or about seven minutes (350 meters) and you will see an arch that is the entrance to Seomun market. Bus Seomyuhoegwan Bus Stop : 425, 623, 724, 309, 508, 156, 400, 400-1, 420, 420-1, 939, 427, 521, 653, 북구3, 동구2, 급행1, 급행3 Dongsan Medical Center Bus Stop : 840, 300, 414, 600, 836 Seomun Market Bus Stop : 405, 402, 400, 323, 414-1, 600, 836, 808, 651, 성서2 Keunjang Negeori Bus Stop : 425, 623, 724, 156, 420-1, 909, 521, 808, 653, 405, 309, 402, 508, 400, 성서2, 급행1
1. Most stores close around six or seven p.m. (It varies by store and some may be open later) 2. Bring cash! These vendors do not accept credit cards. So hit the ATM before you shop here. 3. Compare prices at different shops. There are many vendors that sell similar products here so shop around and consider your options before buying. 4. Restrooms are located at the top of each sector or between floors.
Seomun Market Area Map
Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver
kor 서문시장 가 주세요. (Please go to Seomun Market.) Eng so-moon-she-jang ga-ju-se-yo.
Dongsan Shopping District You can find dishes and flatware in the basement. On the first floor, you can find baby goods, children’s clothing and many more household items. On the second floor and above, you’ll find cute clothing for a reasonable price.
District Five It’s located at the outer corner of Seomun market but is always packed with people. On the first floor, you’ll see shoppers buying dishes either for commercial use or for their own homes. The second floor sells clothing.
Distrcit One The first floor sells linen and silk fabrics, and the second floor sells Korean made clothing and luxury bedding. This spot is visited by Koreans of all ages taking a look at the colorful, luxurious fabrics.
AJin Shopping District This place is ideal for artists and designers, “Home-Fashion” crafts and it sells hand-made clothing. Along the streets of this district, you can find various tools and materials such as buttons, feathers, ribbons, zippers and laces. “Mending Street” is lined up and down with sewing machines and seamstresses and tailors who have been sewing for over ten years – another special feature of the Jin Shopping District.
District Two This building burned down in 2005 but was recently rebuilt and revived with a brand new facility. In the basement, you can grab a bite to eat. They sell things like strawberry cakes, pork belly, Jajangmyeon, Mon-na-ni Tteok-bokki and grilled bulgogi. The first floor is retail and clothing and the third and fourth floors sell fabric. This spot is always popular for Daegu locals, but receives an influx of foreign shoppers in October buying fabric for Halloween costumes. District Four District four is a general store. On the first floor, you will find a random mix of tuxedos, garments, crafts and traditional Korean souvenirs. You can buy silk fabrics and bedding on the second floor.
Myungpoom Plaza Myungpoom Plaza is a fashion center located in Seomun market. The first floor sells jewelry, accessories, imported goods, shoes, dishes and baby goods. The second and third floors sell underwear and women’s clothing. This is a one-stop shop plaza with a little bit of everything Dried Sea Food District The dried sea food district of Seomun Market sells dried fruits, nuts and (of course) an uncountable amount of dried sea food. In fact, 60 to 70 percent of all dried foods sold in Daegu are sold here. An added bonus is that you can buy the goods for about 20 or 30 percent cheaper here than you can at the market. To get here, walk past the arched structure and you will see it on your left.
Restaurant Shopping Hospital
Daegu Bank
Attraction Hanwoo Shidae Amijoung
k par ngi Shi
Hotel Inter-Burgo EXCO
Electron Zone
Yegrina, Aomaru, Hamillz
d Foo
eet Str
NC Outlet Yeonhwajeong
Daebul park
EXCO Area EXCO (EXCO, Daegu Exhibition & Convention Center) EXCO was established in 2001 as the first exhibi-tion and convention center in Daegu. EXCO pro-motes exhibitions like the World Energy Congress 2013, the Fire & Safety Expo, the Daegu Interna-tional Optical Show, the International Textile Fair and the Daegu International Machinery Industry Expo and the International Green Energy Expo & Conference.
New Life R Hospital
Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver
96 76
T K ow Na yun ard tio gp s na oo lU k ni.
Kor 엑스코 가 주세요. (Please go to EXCO.) Eng EXCO ga-ju-se-yo.
Bokhyeon Five-way Crossing
NC Outlet
Electron Zone
NC Outlet offers more than 200 premium brands of merchandise to choose from.
This is a electronics shopping mall in the form of a department store.
Mon-Fri_ 10:30-21:00 / Sat, Sun_ 10:30-21:30 Closed: 3rd Wed. of each month / 053-662-9000 22 Yutongdanji-ro 14-gilm Buk-gu, Daegu
09:30-20:30 Closed: 3rd Wed. of each month / 053-604-2000 45 Yutongdanji-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu
Daegu Catholic Universtiy Chilgok Catholic Medical Center
Daegu Shooting Range 대구사격장
Daegu Health College
Daegu Shooting Range
Yellow line
er go riv geum
rid lB
do ng
o jo
lda Pa
geumho IC
Maecheon Bridge
09:00-18:00 Closed: Jan 1, Seolnal and Chuseok / 053-312-0000 40 Geumho-dong, Buk-gu, Daegu Admission Fee Air Pistol Shooting 20 bullets, 2 target (4,000won) 10 bullets, 1 target (2,000won) Clay Shooting 25 Bullets, 25 Targets (24,000won) 10 Bullets, 10 Targets (11,000won) Handgun Shooting 10 bullets, 1 target 22 Caliber (13,000won) 9mm Beretta, 38 Special, 357 Magnum (16,000won)
Daegu Science University
With a scenic view, enjoy shooting clay targets, air pistol shooting, and a survival-shooting stadium.
Out Dark
There's Dalbit Sanyang
Pæl t
72nd Street ZZIM
Jeonchongmuga ssonda Sugar Joe's
KB Kookmin Bank
NH Nonghyup Bank
Indo Bangrangi New Saladdin Daegu Bank
New Saladdin 뉴살라딘
• Recommendations curry tandoori chicken
• Recommendations Jjimdak
ad ro er
Indian & Pakistan 11:00-22:00 / No holidays / 053-942-3535 2F, 79 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu
You can taste authentic Indian and Pakistani food made by a foreign chef. Korean 11:00-23:00 / No holidays / 053-941-7272 61 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu
The best jjimdak in the area and also appeared on a famous Korean television program.
Pælet 팰럿
Western Fusion Tue-Sat 11:30~22:30 / Closed: Mon. / 053-943-0906 15 Daehak-ro 17-gil, Buk-gu, Daegu
• Recommendations red curry pizza gratin
It is hard to select the best dish because all the dishes are delicious. As the name of this restaurant is unique, so is the food.
Out Dark 아웃닭
Chicken & Beer 16:00 - 02:00 / No holidays / 053-955-4469 16 Sangyeok-ro 6-gil, Buk-gu, Daegu
• Recommendations fried chicken
You can feel as if you are in a pub while you enjoy various kinds of fried chicken.served with fried rice cake and potato chips
Kyungpook National University
KnU north gate
Kyungpook National University North Gate Area Map
Bongdaebak Spaghetti
hyeon Towards Bok
ssing Five-way Cro
B Turn
Restaurant Pharmacy
Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 경대북문 가 주세요. (Please go to the north gate of Kyungpook National Univ.) Eng gyeong-dae-buk-moon ga-ju-se-yo.
Pub Bank Cafe
Restaurant Pharmacy Pub Cafe
Flower Road
Suseong Lake
Suseongmot Station
Hwanggeum Station
77 Towards Beomeo Junctio n a
Suseong Lake (Suseong Amusement Park) Around Suseong Lake, there are plenty of activities to enjoy. Suseong Land is a tiny amusement park where children and couples come to enjoy carnival rides and games. You can ride duck boats or just walk around the lake. There are many restaurants and cafes to choose from as well. There are music fountain performances throughout the summer months that are sure to make your time at Suseong Lake memorable.
SUSEONG LAKE AREA Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 수성못 가 주세요. (Please go to Suseong Lake.) Eng su-seong-mot ga-ju-se-yo. Kor 수성호텔 가 주세요. (Please go to Hotel Suseong.) Eng su-seong-ho-tel ga-ju-se-yo. Kor 아리아나 호텔 가 주세요. (Please go to Hotel Ariana.) Eng ah-ri-ah-na-ho-tel ga-ju-se-yo. 수성못 (수성유원지)
053-666-2863 Dusan-dong, Suseong-gu, Daegu, Korea
Stadium and Concert Hall Map
Daegu Subway Map 2
Munyang Paldal Market
Dasa Daesil
Inustrial Complex
Maecheon Market
Taejeon Maecheon
KNU Medical Center
Buk-gu Office
Keimyung University Seongseo Industrial Conplex
Dalseong Park
Igok Seomun Market
Yungsan Jukjeon
Bangogae Naedang
Daegu Station
Chilseong Dongdaegu Market Sincheon Station
Daegu Bank
Banwoldang Kyungpook
Beomeo Nat’l Univ Hospital
Suseong-go Office
Yonggye Bangchon
Sinhi Yulha
Gaksan Banyawol
Manchon Damti Yeongo
National Univ. of Education Yeongnam Univ.Hosp
Wolchon Sangin
Daegu Grand Park
Gosan Sinmae Sawol
Yeungnam University
Daebonggyo Suseong Market Sueong-gu Stadium
Children’s Hall
Hwanggeum Suseongmot
Yongji Beommul
Daegu Subway Line 1 subway Line 2 subway Line 3 subway