Suicide and Deliberate Self-Harm David Aldridge Collected Papers
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of Holistic Healthcare, 4(2), 28-31.
Aldridge, D. (2007). My Top Ten. Geriatrie Journal, 2, 37-39.
von Moreau, D., Ellgring, H., Goth, K., Poutska, F. and Aldridge, D. (2010). Psychometric results of the Music Therapy Scale (MAKS) for measuring expression and communication. Music and Medicine, 2(1), 41-47. 2009 Loewy, J. V. and Aldridge, D. (2009). Music & Medicine: Debating Evidence-Based Strategies and Outcomes. Music and Medicine, 1(2), 81-85 . Loewy, J. and Aldridge, D. (2009). Prelude to Music and Medicine. Music and Medicine, 1(1), 5-8 %U http://mmd.sagepub. com. Avraham-Krehwinkel, C. and Aldridge, D. (2009). A Non-Violent Resistance Approach with Children in Distress: A Guide for Parents and Professionals. London: Jessica KIngsley. 2008 Gilbertson, S. and Aldridge, D. (2008). Music Therapy and Traumatic Brain Injury: A Light on a Dark Night. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Aldridge, G. and Aldridge, D. (2008). Melody in Music Therapy: A Therapeutic Narrative Analysis. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2007 Kern, P., Wakeford, L. and Aldridge, D. (2007). Improving the performance of a young child with autism during self-care tasks using embedded song interventions: A case study. Music Therapy Perspectives, 25(1), 43-51. Aldridge, D. (2007). Qualitative methods in CAM research. In J. Adams (Ed.), Researching Complementary and Alternative Medicine (pp. 3-18). New York: Routledge.
Aldridge, D. (2007). Der Atem in der Heilung. Lebendiges Zeugnis, 62, 129-144. Aldridge, D. (2007). Essen mit Musik. pflegen:Demenz, 2, 26-29. Aldridge, D. (2007). Spirituality, Hope, and Music Therapy in Palliative Care. In I. Serlin (Ed.), Whole Person Healthcare, The Arts and Health (Vol. 3, pp. 189-200). London: Praeger. 2006 Kern, P., Wolery, M. and Aldridge, D. (2006). Use of Songs to Promote Independence in Morning Greeting Routines For Young Children With Autism. J Autism Dev Disord, 37(7), 1264-1271. Kern, P. and Aldridge, D. (2006). Using embedded music therapy interventions to support outdoor play of young children with autism in an inclusive communitybased child care program. Journal of Music Therapy, 43(4), 270-294. Jungblut, M., Gerhard, H. and Aldridge, D. (2006). Die Wirkung einer spezifischen musiktherapeutischen Behandlung auf die sprachlichen Leistungen eines chronisch kranken Globalaphasikers – eine Falldarstellung. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 12(6), 339-347. Aldridge, D. and Fachner, J. (2006). Music and Altered States: Consciousness, Transcendence, Therapy, and Addictions: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Aldridge, D. (2006). Music therapy and spirituality. In D. Aldridge and J. Fachner (Eds.), Music and Altered States (pp. 155171). London: Jessica KIngsley Publishers. Aldridge, D. (2006). Music, consciousness and altered states. In D. Aldridge and J. Fachner (Eds.), Music and altered states (pp. 9-14). London: jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Aldridge, D. (2007). Living as jazz. Journal
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2005 Ridder, H.-M. and Aldridge, D. (2005). Individual music therapy with persons with frontotemporal dementia. Singing dialogue. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 14(2), 91-106. Aldridge, D., Schmid, W., Kaeder, M., Schmidt, C. and Ostermann, T. (2005). Functionality or aesthetics? A pilot study of music therapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis patients. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 13, 25-33. Aldridge, D. and Fachner, J. (2005). Music and altered states. Consciousness, transcendence, therapy and addictions. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Aldridge, D. (2005). Vielleicht werde ich einfach nur alt. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 26(2), 151-155. Aldridge, D. (2005). Spirituality and medicine: complementary perspectives. Spirituality and Health International, 6(2), 71-80. Aldridge, D. (2005). Music therapy in neurological rehabilitation: Performing health. London: Jessica Kingsley. 2004 Schmid, W. and Aldridge, D. (2004). Active music therapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis patients: a matched control study. Journal of Music Therapy, 41(3), 225-240. Jungblut, M. and Aldridge, D. (2004). Musik als Brücke zur Sprache - die musiktherapeutische Behandlungsmethode SIPARI bei Langzeitaphasikern. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 10(2), 69-78. Gilbertson, S. K. and Aldridge, D. (2004). The Australian Journal of Music Therapy and the Music Therapy World Journal Index: The first full text music therapy journal database. Australian Journal of Music Therapy, 15, 76-83. Aldridge, D. (2004). Case study designs in music therapy. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Aldridge, D. (2004). The individual, health and integrated medicine: In search of an health care aesthetic. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Aldridge, D. (2004). The reflective practitioner in a community of enquiry: case study designs. Journal of Holistic Healthcare, 1(2), 19-23. Aldridge, D. (2004). Musiktherapie in der Behandlung von Demenz. Geriatrie Journal, 4, 24-27. Aldridge, D. (2004). Nah an der Praxis bleiben: Welche Art von Evidenz - für wen, durch wen? Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 25(3), 233-240. 2003 Wolff, K., Thielmann, M., Wagner, C. and Aldridge, D. (2003). Medical E-Learning Products: Do Standards for Colour-Design Exist? World Conference on E-Learning in Corp., Govt., Health., & Higher Ed., 1, 2031-2035. [Online]. Available: http:// Schmid, W., Aldridge, D., Kaeder, M., Schmidt, C. and Ostermann, T. (2003). Gesundheit und kreativer prozess - eine Pilotstudie zur musiktherapeutischen Betreuung von MS-Patienten. Pflegemagazin, 4(5), 14-23. Gilbertson, S. K. and Aldridge, D. (2003). Searching PubMed/MEDLINE, Ingenta, and the Music Therapy World Journal Index for articles published in the Journal of Music Therapy. Journal of Music Therapy, 40(4), 324-244. Friedrichs, E., Pfistner, B. and Aldridge, D. (2003). Qigong Yangsheng-Übungen alk Begleittherapie bei Migräne und Spannungskopfschmerzen - Ergebnisse einer mutizentrischen prospektiven Pilotstudie. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur, 46(4), 6-17. Aldridge, D. (2003). The therapeutic effects of music. In W. B. Jonas and C. Crawford (Eds.), Healing intention and energy medicine: Science, research meth-
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ods and clinical implications (pp. 151174). London: Churchill Livingstone. Aldridge, D. (2003). A qualitative research perspective on healing. In W. B. Jonas and C. Crawford (Eds.), Healing intention and energy medicine: Science, research methods and clinical implications (pp. 225-238). London: Churchill Livingstone. Aldridge, D. (2003). The creative arts therapies in the treatment of neurodegenerative illness. In P. d. Campo (Ed.), Music Therapy and Art Therapy in Neurodegenerative Diseases (pp. 25-35). Barcelona: Fundación “la Caixa”. Aldridge, D. (2003). Music therapy references related to cancer and palliative care. British Journal of Music Therapy, 17(1), 17-25. 2002 Ritter, C. and Aldridge, D. (2002). Qigong Yangsheng in der Anwendung bei essentieller Hypertonie im Vergleich mit einer westlichen Muskelentspannungstherapie: Eine randomisierte, kontrollierte Pilotstudie. In G. a. G. l. Hildenbrand, M. (Ed.), Qigong und Yangsheng (pp. 100-111). Uelzen: Medizinisch Literarische Verlagsgesellschaft. Aldridge, G. and Aldridge, D. (2002). A hermeneutic of melody: Bridge across the silence. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Aldridge, D. E. (2002). Info CD Rom 4. Aldridge, D., Gustorff, D. and Neugebauer, L. (2002). Musiktherapie mit entwicklungsverzögerten Kindern. In P. Petersen (Ed.), Forschungsmethoden künstlerischer Therapien. Grundlagen - Projekte - Vorschläge (pp. 191-205). Suttgart: Verlag Johannes M. Mayer. Aldridge, D. (2002). Gebet und spirituelle Heilung im medizinischen Umfeld - Prayer and Spiritual Healing in Medical Settings. In C. a. G. Gottschalk-Batschkus, J. (Ed.), Handbuch der Ethnotherapien - Handbook of Ethnotherapies (pp. 53-75). Ham-
burg: Verlag BoD Print on Demand. Aldridge, D. (2002, October 26-29). Music therapy research: A review of references in the medical literature. Paper presented at the The Science and Spirituality of Healing, Old Salem, NC. Aldridge, D. (2002). Musiktherapieforschung - eine Erzählperspektive. In P. Petersen (Ed.), Forschungsmethoden künstlerischer Therapien. Grundlagen - Projekte - Vorschläge (pp. 123-147). Stuttgart: Verlag Johannes M. Mayer. Aldridge, D. (2002). Philosophical speculations on two therapeutic applications of breath. Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, 12(2), 107-124. 2001 Ritter, C. and Aldridge, D. (2001). Qigong Yangsheng in der Anwendung bei essentieller Hypertonie im Vergleich mit einer westlichen Muskelentspannungstherapie. Chinesische Medizin, 1(16), 48-63. Aldridge, D. E. (2001). Info CD Rom 3. Aldridge, D. (2001). Music therapy research: A narrative perspective. In D. e. a. Aldridge (Ed.), Music Therapy in Europe - Musicoterapia in Europa (pp. 105-112). Rome: ISMEZ Editore. Aldridge, D. (2001). La ricerca in musicoterapia: Una prospettiva storica. In D. e. a. Aldridge (Ed.), Music Therapy in Europe - Musicoterapia in Europa (pp. 271-278). Rome: ISMEZ Editore. Aldridge, D. (2001, Sept. 14-16). Reflexión. Paper presented at the Musicoterapia y arteterapia en las enfermedades neurogenerativas, Vitoria-Gasteiz. Aldridge, D. (2001). Prayer and spiritual healing in medical settings. The International Journal of Healing and Care - Online, 1(1), x-x. 2000 Aldridge, D. (2000). The challenge of creativity. In D. a. S. Willows, J. (Ed.), Spiritual dimensions in pastoral care: Practical
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Theology in a Multidisciplinary Context (pp. 188-195). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Aldridge, D. (2000). Musiktherapie und der schöpferische Akt. In D. Aldridge (Ed.), Kairos V: Beiträge zur Musiktherapie in der Medizin (pp. 4-15). Bern: VerlagHans Huber. Aldridge, D. (2000). Spirituality, healing and medicine. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Aldridge, D. (2000). Music therapy in dementia care: More new Voices. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Aldridge, D. (Ed.). (2000). Kairos V: Musiktherapie mit Kinder. Bern: Huber Verlag. Aldridge, D. (2000). Guidelines for clinical research in complementary medicine. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 6(3), 245-252. 1999 Aldridge, D. E. (1999). Info CD Rom 2. Aldridge, D. and Aldridge, G. (1999). Life as jazz: Hope, meaning and music therapy in the treatment of life threatening illness. In C. Dileo (Ed.), Music therapy and medicine: Theoretical and clinical implications. (pp. 79-94). Silver Spring: American Music Therapy Association. Aldridge, D. and Aldridge, G. (1999). Auf der Suche nach einer gemeinsamen Sprache für die kreativen Kunsttherapien. In D. Aldridge (Ed.), Kairos III: Beiträge zur Musiktherapie in der Medizin (pp. 12-25). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber. Aldridge, D. (1999). Aus der Stille heraus. In D. Aldridge (Ed.), Kairos III: Beiträge zur Musiktherapie in der Medizin (pp. 4-11). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
Verlag. Aldridge, D. (Ed.). (1999). Kairos IV: Musiktherapie- aus der alltäglichen Praxis. Bern: Huber Verlag. Aldridge, D. (1999). Personal opinion: Developing a community of inquiry. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 8(1), 25-35. Aldridge, D. (1999). The challenge of creativity. Contact, 129(1-2), 3-11. 1998 Reuther, I. and Aldridge, D. (1998). Qigong Yangsheng as a complementary therapy in the management of asthma: A single case approach. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary medicine, 4(2), 173-183. Aldridge, D. and Neugebauer, L. (1998). Kommunikation, Herztätigkeit und musikalischer Dialog. In D. Aldridge (Ed.), Kairos II: Beiträge zur Musiktherapie in der Medizin. (pp. 26-39). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber. Aldridge, D. (1998). Literatur zur Musiktherapie in Krankenhäusern. In D. Aldridge (Ed.), Kairos II: Beiträge zur Musiktherapie in der Medizin (pp. 14-25). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber. Aldridge, D. (1998). Leben als Jazz. In D. Aldridge (Ed.), Kairos II: Beiträge zur Musiktherapie in der Medizin (pp. 4-13). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber. Aldridge, D. (1998). Suicide: The tragedy of hopelessness. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Aldridge, D. (1998). Music Therapy with Children. Aldridge, D. (Ed.). (1998). Kairos III: Musiktherapie- aus der alltäglichen Praxis. Bern: Huber Verlag.
Aldridge, D. (1999). Musiktherapie in der Medizin: Forschungs-strategien und praktische Erfahrungen. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
Aldridge, D. (1998). A social scientist reflects on 15 years of research in complementary medicine. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 6, 147-151.
Aldridge, D. (Ed.). (1999). Music therapy in palliative care: New voices. Bern: Huber
Aldridge, D. (1998). Music therapy and the treatment of Alzheimers’s disease. Journal
96 David Aldridge Collected Works Suicide and deliberate self-harm
of Clinical Geropsychology, 4(1), 17-30.
72). Odense: Odense University Press.
Aldridge, D. (1998). Hope, meaning and music therapy in the treatment of life threatening illness. Cancer Prevention International, 3, 279-286.
Aldridge, D. (1996). Towards the development of a European research culture in music therapy. In I. N. a. B. Pedersen, L (Ed.), Music Therapy within multi-disciplinary teams. Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag.
Aldridge, D. (1998). Spirituality,healing and medicine. Cancer Prevention International, 3, 287-295. 1997 Aldridge, D. E. (1997). Info CD Rom 1. Aldridge, D. (1997). Women and suicidal behaviour in the context of a psychiatric hospital ward. In G.-B. C.E., J. Schuler and D. Idling (Eds.), Women and Health Ethnomedical Perspectives (pp. 207-215). Berlin: VWB-Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung. Aldridge, D. (1997). Personal construing: a conversational paradigm for research. In H. V. Bolay, Boller, R., Czogalik, D. and Kächele, H. (Ed.), Wissenschaftliche Annäherungen an ein weites Feld. Ulm: Gustav Fischer. Aldridge, D. (1997). Lifestyle, charismatic ideology and a praxis aesthetic. In S. Olesen, Eikard, B., Gad, P. and Erling, H. (Ed.), Studies in Alternative Therapy 4. Lifestyle and Medical Paradigms. Odense: INRAT, Odense University Press. Aldridge, D. (Ed.). (1997). Kairos II: Musiktherapie- aus der alltäglichen Praxis. Bern: Huber Verlag. Aldridge, D. (Ed.). (1997). Kairos I: Musiktherapie- aus der alltäglichen Praxis. Bern: Huber Verlag. 1996 Aldridge, D. & Aldridge. G. (1996). A personal construct methodology for validating subjectivity in qualitative research. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 23(3), 225-236. Aldridge, D. (1996). Towards the development of a European research culture in music therapy. In S. a. H. Olesen, E. (Ed.), Alternative Therapy 3: Communication in and about alternative therapies (pp. 64-
Aldridge, D. (1996). Music therapy research and practice in medicine: From out of the silence. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Aldridge, D. (1996). Towards the development of a research culture in music therapy. Music Therapy International Report, 10, 12-15. Aldridge, D. (1996). The body, its politics, posture and poetics. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 23(2), 105-112. Aldridge, D. (1996). Music therapy and its implications for child development. Curare, 9, 357-362. Aldridge, D. (1996). Notes on “Becoming Healthy”: Lifestyle, Body and Identity. Advances, 12(1), 51-58. Aldridge, D. (1996). Auf dem Weg zur Entwicklung einer europäischen Wissenschafts- und Forschungskultur für Musiktherapie. Developing a European scientific and research culture for music therapy. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 17(1), 6-16. 1995 Schnürer, C., Aldridge,D. (1995). Kreativität, Individualität - Wege in der AIDSTherapie? Aids-Forschung (AIFO), 10(1), 15-35. Aldridge, D., Gustorff, G.& and Neugebauer, L. (1995). A preliminary study of creative music therapy in the treatment of children with developmental delay. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 22, 189-205. Aldridge, D., Gustorff, G.& and Neugebauer, L. (1995). A pilot study of music therapy in the treatment of children with developmental delay. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 3, 197-205.
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Aldridge, D. (1995). Spiritual healing and definition of the self. In H. Johannessen, Olesen, S. and Østergård, J (Ed.), Alternative Therapy 2: Body and Nature (pp. 118130). Odense: Odense University Press.
Medical realities. Advances, 10(3), 72-75.
Aldridge, D. (1995). Performed identity: The value of expressive arts in clinical research. The Journal of Contemporary Health, 3, 49-52.
Aldridge, D. (1995). Music Therapy and the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Clinical Gerontoloist, 16(1), 41-57. Aldridge, D. (1995). Spirituality, hope and music therapy in palliative care. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 22(2), 103-109. Aldridge, D. (1995). De la Musique en tant que Thérapie de la Maladie d’Alzheimer. Alzheimer Actualites, 99, 6-11. 1994 Aldridge, D., Gustorff, D. and Neugebauer, L. (1994). Musiktherapie mit entwicklungsverzögerten Kindern. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 15(4), 307-334. Aldridge, D. (1994). Musiktherapie in der medizinischen Literatur (1893-1990). Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 15(4), 285-306. Aldridge, D. (1994). Single-case research designs for the creative arts therapist. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 21(5), 333-342. Aldridge, D. (1994). Alzheimer’s Disease: rhythm, timing and music as therapy. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 48(7), 275-281. Aldridge, D. (1994). An overview of music therapy research. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 15(2), 109-134. Aldridge, D. (1994). Die Rolle der kreativen Kunsttherapien in der Behandlung von AIDS. Musik-therapeutische Umschau, 15(2), 109-134.
Aldridge, D. (1994). Musiktherapie in der medizinischen Literatur (1893-1990). Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 15(4), 285-306. Lewith, G. and Aldridge, D. (1993). Clinical research methodology for complementary therapies. London: Hodder and Stoughton. Aldridge, D. (1993). Is there evidence for spiritual healing. Advances, 9(4), 82-85. Aldridge, D. (1993). The music of the body: Music therapy in medical settings. Advances, 9(1), 17-35. Aldridge, D. (1993). Clinical considerations in medical research. Journal of Chemotherapy, 5(1), 551-552. Aldridge, D. (1993). Music and Alzheimer’s disease - assessment and therapy: a discussion paper. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 86, 93-95. Aldridge, D. (1993). Hope, meaning and the creative arts therapies in the treatment of AIDS. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 20, 285-297. Aldridge, D. (1993). Artists or psychotherapists. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 20, 199-200. Aldridge, D. (1993). Music therapy research I. A review of the medical research literature.within a general context of music therapy research.The Arts in Psychotherapy, 20, 11-35. Aldridge, D. (1993). Music therapy II. Research methods suitable for music therapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 20, 117-131. 1992
Aldridge, D. (1994). Unconventional medicine in Europe. Advances, 10(1), 52-60.
Aldridge, D. and Aldridge, G. (1992). Two epistemologies: music therapy and medicine in the treatment of dementia. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 19, 243-255.
Aldridge, D. (1994). The State’s Responsibility and the Challenge of Alternative
Aldridge, D. (1992). The needs of individual patients in clinical research. Advances,
98 David Aldridge Collected Works Suicide and deliberate self-harm
8(4), 58-65.
Practices, 41, 425-427.
Aldridge, D. (1992). Suicidal behaviour: a continuing cause for concern. British Journal of General Practice, 42, 482-485.
Aldridge, D. (1991). Aesthetics and the individual in the practice of medical research: a discussion paper. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 84, 147-150.
Aldridge, D. (1992). Of ethics and education: strategies for curriculum development. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 85, 594-597. Aldridge, D. (1992). Catching a cold is your own fault. Complementary Medical Research, 6(3), 128-133. Aldridge, D. (1992). An introduction to data management. Complementary Medical Research, 6(2), 83-89. Aldridge, D. (1992). An ecosystemic research paradigm I. Complementary Medical Research, 6(1), 25-35. Aldridge, D. (1992). An ecosystemic research paradigm II. Complementary Medical Research, 6(1), 36-45. Aldridge, D. (1992). Physiologische Veränderungen, Kommunikation und improvisierte Musik. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 13(3), 174-186. 1991 Lewith, G. and Aldridge, D. (1991). Complementary medicine and the European Community. Saffron Walden: CW Daniel Co. Brandt, G., D, W. and Aldridge, D. (1991). Working together: a comparative study of creative music therapy and art therapy. Journal of British Music Therapy, 5(1), 1421. Aldridge, D. and Brandt, G. (1991). Music therapy and inflammatory bowel disease. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 18, 113-121. Aldridge, D. and Brandt, G. (1991). Music therapy and Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of British Music Therapy, 5(2), 28-63. Aldridge, D. (1991). Healing and medicine. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 84, 516-518. Aldridge, D. (1991). Spirituality, healing and medicine. Journal of British General
Aldridge, D. (1991). Single case research designs for the clinician. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 84, 249-252. Aldridge, D. (1991). Die Musik und das Selbst: Eine phänomenologische Studie. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 12(2), 97109. Aldridge, D. (1991). Rhythmus in Rahmen der Musiktherapie. Perspektiven, 27, 2152. Aldridge, D. (1991). From out of the silence. Complementary Medical Research, 5(1), 17-22. Aldridge, D. (1991). Single case designs: an extended bibliography. Complementary Medical Research, 5(2), 99-109. Aldridge, D. (1991). Meaning and expression: the pursuit of the aesthetics in research. Holistic Medicine, 5, 177-186. Aldridge, D. (1991). Creativity and consciousness: music therapy in intensive care. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 18, 359362. Aldridge, D. (1991). Physiological change, communication and the playing of improvised music. Arts in Psychotherapy, 18, 59-64. Aldridge, D. (1991). Music therapy in intensive care. Intensive and Critical Care Digest, 1, 10-11. 1990 Aldridge, D., Gustorff, D. and Hannich, H. J. (1990). “Where am I?” Music therapy applied to coma patients. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 83, 345-346. Aldridge, D., G, B. and Wohler, D. (1990). Towards a common language in the arts therapies. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 17, 189-195. Aldridge, D. (1990). Making and taking
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1984 Aldridge, D. and Rossiter, J. (1984). A strategic assessment of deliberate self harm. Journal of Family Therapy, 6, 119132. Aldridge, D. (1984). Suicidal behaviour and family interaction. Journal of Family Therapy, 6, 309-322. 1983 Aldridge, D. and Rossiter, J. (1983). A strategic approach to suicidal behaviour. Journal of Systemic and Strategic Therapies, 2(4), 49-62.
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