Capital north boards boards

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Brief: Capital North


Five members of the Design Business Association (DBA) gave us a presentation on The Northern Powerhouse, A proposal for the north being one united economic capital (Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Hull). They wanted us to brand the Northern Powerhouse so it could gain recognition.

Tone of Voice/ Target Audience

Serious, informative and educational. It should be aimed at everybody and anybody in the UK and abroad.


Using the name ‘Capital North’, in groups of four, brand the Northern Powerhouse, creating awareness of its many and varied attributes to the rest of the world. Mandatory deliverables include a logo and four posters.


Logo, Four posters, Train Exterior, Train Drivers Uniform, Taxi Exterior, Environment, App.

Dan Everitt

Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015


Design Research/ Reference Imagery

Brief: Capital North

The Northern Powerhouse

The Northern Powerhouse is a proposal to boost economic growth in the North of England by the 2010-15 coalition government and 2015-20 Conservative government in the United Kingdom, particularly in the “Core Cities� of Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds and Hull. The proposal is based on urban agglomeration and aims to re-balance the UK economy away from London and the South East.

County Flags

As a group we were quick to establish the idea of either using a flag, or at least the colour of the county flags for each of the northern cities, in our design.


High Speed 3 (HS3) is a proposed east west rail link in the northern United Kingdom, connecting Liverpool to Hull via Manchester and Leeds.

Existing Logos

Looking at existing logos for similar projects was important as it helped us produce something that was appropriate and balanced, for the tone of voice and for the audience.

Dan Everitt

Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015


Logo Development

Brief: Capital North

The Logo

As a group we individually decided to develop our own logo concepts, before deciding on a winner. My initial ideas stemmed from the idea of having four cities connected, so I tried to connect the two initials. I did find that this was going to be quite a common proposal so I tried maybe having a flag that was split into four stripes.

The Colours

We set some rules as a group for how we should have the logo, and decided that we would stick with four colours, these colours were the ones that best represented each county flag.

Dan Everitt

Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015


Final Logo

Brief: Capital North

Logo Concept

So the final Logo concept reflects the idea of having a flag. We believe the flag reflects power, meaning and holds a lot of significance to the fact that the northern cities are uniting as one. There are a few variations of the logo, which allow the logo to be flexible across all media.


The colours were picked from sections of each county flag to represent the counties that are involved, but they also represent each city, and further from that they stand for culture, finance, education and lifestyle.

City Logo

Dan Everitt

Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015

The city logos also bare the flag above the name. The idea being that the flag has been stuck on top as a symbol of status “this is capital north, and this is our flag.�


Final Deliverables

Brief: Capital North

Dan Everitt

Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015

Travel. Explore. Experience.

The Design

When it came to the design for the rest of the collateral as a group we decided to keep everything flat and very minimal. Not only did this help with the small time frame but it allowed us to keep a consistent aesthetic across all the different media.

Poster Concept

The posters were designed by Bobby. Each poster followed the same layout, using the town hall as the centre piece. The town hall has been used because it refers to the idea of the town hall being the centre of the city.

Train exterior, train uniform and Taxi Exterior

The four way colours were applied to each deliverable, which showed how the identity can be applied easily to each medium.


Mobile App


Brief: Capital North

Dan Everitt

Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015

The app was designed by Bobby, and it features the main cities, offering information on places to visit, hotels to stay at, a map of the city and the weather,


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