Brief: Spick & Span
Dan Everitt
Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015
A cleaning duo based in the Lake District looking for an identity to gain more awareness of their expertise. 15 years of experience provides the customer with a quality service that is executed professionally.
The company needs a new name and an aesthetic that is formal, friendly and approachable.
Tone of Voice/ Target Audience
The target audience is 30+ home owners and B&B owners. The tone of voice should be serious, friendly and approachable.
Name, Logo, Business Cards.
Design Research/ Reference Imagery
Cleaning Logos
I looked at existing cleaning companies and cleaning logos to gain knowledge of what’s already out there, and to understand what colours and themes may be appropriate.
Simple Logos
I liked the idea of having the logos very minimal and clean so I looked at logos using negative space. I liked the idea of the design been clean and clever.
Brief: Spick & Span
Dan Everitt
Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015
Design Development
Brief: Spick & Span
Original Design
Originally I designed the logo to be quite illustrative and friendly, with green being the symbol of cleanliness. I realised after designing it I’d made the design quite childish, which was completely stepping away from the quality, clean cut service provided.
New Design
I revisited the design and changed the aesthetic into something much more sleek and clean, and it really pushed the professional personality of the cleaning duo.
Dan Everitt
Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015
Finished Products
Brief: Spick & Span
I decided to put everything into black and white as I believe it added a level of elegance and class.
The Design
The design was created around the idea of everything looking clean. The illustration was used to create a sense of friendliness. The bold type expresses the confidence and dominance of the company.
Dan Everitt
Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015