Brief: Sushi Shop
There are hundreds of sushi restaurants but not a lot of quality sushi delivery services. There is a gap in the market for a contemporary, modern sushi company that delivers fresh sushi.
Tone of Voice/ Target Audience
The audience is modern sociable people, interested in Japanese food and contemporary design.
Create the identity for a sushi company that delivers fresh sushi.
Name, Logo, Business Cards, Menu, Coffee Cup, Tea Cup, Water, Packaging, Canvas Bag, Delivery Car, App.
Dan Everitt
Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015
Design Research/ Reference Imagery
Japanese Neon Lights
The research consisted of looking at Japanese culture, where I realised the neon lights were quite symbolic of Japanese cities and markets. I liked the idea of neon lights being limited to the skill of the maker, limiting the style of the design.
Existing Sushi Restaurants
I looked at existing sushi restaurants, in particular Yo Sushi. The designs always reflected a very Japanese style, with bright colours and bold fonts.
Brief: Sushi Shop
Dan Everitt
Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015
Design Development
Logo Development
Brief: Sushi Shop
Dan Everitt
Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015
I needed to develop a logo that was appropriate to Japanese culture. I incorporated Japanese symbols and tried to replicate the neon lights, the vibrant colours and bold text help push this idea.
Brief: Sushi Shop
Final Concept
So for the final concept I chose black, white and pink. The pink was inspired by the neon lights, and the black and white were used to contrast the pink and make it stand out. The logo was based around the tubing of the lights, and how they are bent into shape.
The packaging was kept really simple, with see through lids keeping the sushi on show, and minimal labels giving all the information needed.
Dan Everitt
Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015
Brief: Sushi Shop
Dan Everitt
Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015
There is a selection of drinking containers which keep with the aesthetic.
Menu design
Brief: Sushi Shop
Dan Everitt
Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015
Again taking inspiration from the lights in a Japanese city, the design of the menu reflects the different bright lights, some being more bright than others. The design is clearly structured and priced offering the customer with a layout that is easy to follow.
Business Card
Brief: Sushi Shop
Business Card Design
I made the business cards square, this allowed the logo to fit on the front, and stepped away from the standard business card size,
Sushi Shots
I wanted to show the sushi being handled, and to show what the food actually looks like.
Dan Everitt
Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015
Brief: Sushi Shop
I mocked up an app to show how the company can be accessed via your mobile, keeping things modern and up-todate.
As well as all the printed collateral I mocked up a canvas and bag, and a delivery car. I wanted to show how the logo could be applied whilst keeping the fresh, clean identity.
Dan Everitt
Extended Practice 22/ 05/ 2015