Catalogue "Dance from Spain" 2014 - English version

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FECED - Federación Estatal de Compañías y Empresas de Danza

10&10 Danza

10 10&10 D A N Z A


Web: Phone: 00 34 649 356 600 Mail:

Resident Company at Centro de Nuevos Creadores - Madrid

10 & 10 Danza was founded in Madrid 1989. Throughout the past twenty years, its director Monica Runde has won a series of awards for best dance productions and choreography, the most prominent of which being The National Dance Award 2000 in Spain for manner of creation, and the National Dance Award 2004 in Costa Rica for best choreography. In her latest creations, she has worked together with other creators, discovering new ways of combining abstract movement with other art forms such as painting, sculpture, music, and video. In the last production “Identities�, Monica Runde thus joined forces with Mariko Aoyama, Catherine Allard, Susan Kempster, and Hilde Koch. 10 & 10 Danza has received help and co-productions from institutions and festivals in Germany (Off TAT), Brazil (CESC), United States (ADF), France (Biennale de la Danse de Lyon), and Spain (Ministry of CultureINAEM, Community of Madrid, Madrid City Hall, The Alternative Festival, Mercat de las Flors, (SEACEX), Youth Institute and Centre for New Creators. The company has been resident in the Centre for New Creators in Madrid since the year 2000.

360º Culturas


Web: Phone: 00 34 650 290 890 Mail:

In “360º Cultures” [360º Culturas] we unravel every space, moment, and experience to provide the protagonists with the best possible instruments to succeed in their endeavours. Through our experience, know-how, imagination, and creative management we provide help for creators, companies, and managements committed to carry out projects that can be of artistic value to the audience and general public. Our activities are divided into three main areas: Cultural services: • Consultancy : (project development, evaluation and viability, as well as tax, labour, and accounting advice… ) Communication and Image (graphic and web design, community manager, photographic services…) • Stage Production Services : (Organisation and coordination of events, production, light design, technical management, logistics, tour manager…) • Training : Technical (the crafts of stage production ) and artistic (creativity and performance) • Stage proposals:Dance Company – contemporary theatre Sanpapié (Italy).

Anabel Veloso Compañía


Web: Phone: 00 34 610423675 Mail: Resident Company at Teatro Auditorio Roquetas de Mar

The flamenco dance company Anabel Veloso came into existence in 2009 backed by a residence agreement from the Auditorium theatre of Roquetas de Mar, Almeria. Since then, thanks to its experience and proven artistic ambition it has only taken this young company from Almeria four years of intense activity to be at the forefront of the new trends in modern flamenco dance. Leading team members are given free reins to learn with the best flamenco dancers, enabling the company to offer medium and large scale productions of a new style of flamenco, exhibiting the special talents of Almería beyond the borders of Andalucia. Participations in some of the best festivals, such as la Bienal de Flamenco 2012 or awards, such as the recent “Almería Joven” [Almería Youth Award] is proof of a consolidated artistic path.

Ananda Dansa

ananda dansa


Web: Phone: +34 96 132 26 99 / 607 518 200 Mail: Resident Company in Paterna (Spain)

“Ananda Dansa” with its 25 dance productions created and designed by Rosángeles Valls and her brother Edison has gained a reputable position as a contemporary dance company with a unique language. As a result of many years of research the backbone of the company’s choreography has become its ability to successfully incorporate elements from theatre into its more or less abstract dramaturgy. Ananda Dansa has produced shows for both adult and child audiences and it has been considered a pioneer in producing large shows oriented towards attracting new spectators to dance shows. The artistic and technical staff, along with extraordinary dancers, lend a singular character and great quality to the company. But the real character and singularity of ANANDA DANSA rely upon its will to communicate through dance. Ananda Dansa’s productions reach the audience not only as beautiful images of bodies dancing and passing on emotions, but making these emotions travel towards our brains, thus conveying ideas, feelings, concepts… In that sense our technique and choreography are not only a reflection of our ideas; they constitute a special discourse expressed with our dancing bodies.



Web: Phone: 00 34 618520205 Mail:

Resident Company in Fuencarral-El Pardo (Madrid - Spain)

The Company Arrieritos started in 1996 motivated by the proposal of the Pradillo Theatre in Madrid to create the series “La otra mirada del Flamenco” (‘Another look at Flamenco’). Since that moment, Arrieritos has grown to become one of the most important companies of the Madrid dance scene and has shown a distinctive mark and personality. Arrieritos has a unique way of handling its projects; through collective creations it adopts different artistic expressions such as contemporary dance, flamenco and theatre, among others. During the time of its existence, Arrieritos has not only won the public and critics’ acclaim but has also been awarded the following prizes and recognitions: • Premio Max (Spanish performing arts award) for best choreography and best dance show for “13 Rosas” (2007) • Best dance show award on tour at Feria de Huesca (international dance and theater fair) for “13 Rosas” (2006). • Premio Chivas Telón (Spanish performing arts award) for best revelation production for “13 Rosas” (2007) • Nominated best children’s show at Premios Max for “1+1=3” (2008) • Best show award at Festival Don Quijote de Paris (Spanish and Latin American performing arts festival in Paris) for “Tablaos, fiestas y saraos” (2010) • Nominated best dance show Premios Max for “Despídete de ti, Carmen” (2010)

B612 Vertical Dance


Web: Phone: 00 34 680 653 492 Mail: Resident Company in La Cartuja Stadium (Sevilla)

A pioneering company in Spain in the field of vertical dance and a great showcase for this discipline since its very beginning. It was founded in Seville in 1999 by the multidisciplinary artist David GutiĂŠrrez.The company has participated in dance and theatre festivals, operas, sports events, commercials and on television, in locations such as churches, town halls, castles, palaces, theatres, trees, universities, public buildings, private residences, offices, and shopping centres, throughout Europe, Asia and South America. They have various prizes on their bookcase, such as the BuitenGewoon Public Festival Prize (the Netherlands, 2010), and the first prize in the BurgosNew York Dance Contest 2008. The company has the support of dancers, actors, musicians, technicians, architects, and choreographers, amongst others. They have created 10 shows, in all of which they have ventured to research further into the uncharted realm of vertical dance.

Babirusa Danza


Web: Phone: 00 34 667 951 551 Mail: Resident Company in Madrid (Spain)

Babirusa Danza was founded in 2006 by Beatriz Palenzuela and Rafael de la Lastra. Since its creation they have premiered various productions for theatres and nonconventional spaces in which they show contemporary dance, physical theatre, video dance, and video mapping. Their choreographer Beatriz Palenzuela has received different awards such as First Prize in the “DeUnaPieza” (in one piece) Contest at the Carlos III University in Madrid, 2013, second prize for Video Dance II Capturadanza 2010, The Barcelona International Dance Exchange Award for the Choreographic Contest of Madrid 2010, a scholarship for the International Festival “Contact Meets Contemporary”, and AISGE Award for Outstanding Dancer at the Choreographic Contest of Madrid 2006. The company has shown its work at different festivals such as Body Navigation Festival in St. Petersburg, the IDN Festival Mercat de les Flors, Madrid en Danza, American Dance Festival, USA, International Theatre and Street Arts Festival in Valadolid, Festival Vila-Real en Dansa, the Choreographic Contest in Madrid and Choreographers Festival in the Community. Founding member of the Regional Choreographers’ Association in Conde Duque Cultural Center in Madrid.

Ballet Carmen Roche


Web: Phone: 00 34 913 610 247 / 678 768 255 Mail: Compañía Residente en Madrid

Ballet Carmen Roche started as a professional company in 1998 founded by its director, the renowned maestro Carmen Roche, recipient of the Medal of Merit for Fine Arts of Spain, 1995, and Medal for Artistic Excellence awarded by the Government of Nicaragua, 2009. This company has consolidated itself as one of the most consistent tiptoed establishments in the country, deliberately committing itself to the promotion of classical ballet while still being open to ways of incorporating other dance languages into its performances. Choreographers such as Tony Fabre, Ramón Oller, Marta García, Mario Zambrano, Ángel Rodríguez, Pascal Touzeau, etc. have created pieces especially designed for Carmen Roche, thus helping her form her own personal style. Ballet Carmen Roche always emphasizes making dance readily accessible to both family and adult audiences, by adapting classical plays to a current context. The company has an impressive track record of successful tours abroad, visited such different countries as Germany, China, Colombia, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Brazil. Ballet Carmen Roche is supported by the Spanish Secretariat of Culture (INAEM) and the Madrid Community.

Ballet Español Julia Grecos


Web: Phone: +34 963 668 012 Mail: Compañía Residente en Valencia

Flamenco is passion. Flamenco is seduction. For those who feel the magic, a movement of the head or the hand carries a message taking them to the realm of Flamenco. The originality of its themes, theatrical stage setup and elegance moves and gets the spectators involved. Founded in 1994 and committed to perform strictly with live music, they are true to their slogan, “A different way to see and feel Flamenco”. Their production “Flamenco Emotions” was nominated as Best Dance Performance at the Valencian Community. Their play “Moon… Flamenco Moon” made history as the first flamenco company performing in the monumental Exeter Cathedral in England. Apart from having worked throughout Spain, France and England, the company has recently been invited to China on three occasions. They have represented Spain in the most prestigious theatres and events and Julia Grecos was awarded the “Pedro del Río” Theatre Prize by the Valencian Government for her professional career in the field of Spanish dance.



Web: Phone: 00 34 955 762 140 / 00 34 657 130 888 Mail: Resident Company at Happy Place

The company Bikini Ducc was created in Seville as a result of the shared interests of a choreographer, musician, and video creator in researching and creating multidisciplinary scenic art. Embracing contemporary dance as their principal means of communication, the company has deliberately shunned the rules and pointless canons restraining aesthetic expression, and wandered off on an avant-garde path of experimentation to explore the very essence of art. Thus, Bikini Ducc creates performances in which the concept of freedom is paramount, and where even in the purest stage disciplines a plethora of unbridled possibilities will unfold. Ultimately, our goal is to create and produce artistic projects in any form or language. For us there are no boundaries, we use the body to express our peculiar version of what we perceive around us. We reject dance as a hermetic world of its own, and rather use it to bridge the gap to other artistic disciplines.



Web: Phone: 00 34 672 478 692 Mail: Residente Company in Madrid

caraBdanza, Contemporary Dance Company, was founded in 2007 under the artistic direction of Gonzalo Díaz. From the outset, all works developed by the company come from a personal place. A place where each person involved can connect with oneself (their emotions, stories, ideas) and with their environment. Gonzalo Díaz, in his task of choreographer, develops the idea of performing a work of personal creation with interdisciplinary elements. In his work he seeks to find his own language that creates through contemporary dance, and where the technique finds its special place of importance. Following this line, the choreography of Ana Catalina Román, Carolina Márquez and Gemma Güell are incorporated, opening the company to new guest choreographers. caraBdanza is a stable group, which is nourished by the artistic quality of its dancers; currently it has Carolina Márquez as associate artistic director and Azucena Fernández as assistant director.

Carmen Cantero Productions


Web: Phone: 00 34 915 340 679 Mail:

This company has a long history of producing and distributing scenic art, dance, and music across the stages of Spain as well as abroad. Carmen Cantero started her career path over 15 years ago by producing and distributing her own creations realized in collaboration with a great team of professionals from the “Carmen Cantero Ballet”. With this team, the Carmen Cantero Ballet has toured not only every corner of Spain but all of the five continents. At cultural events, festivals, conferences and conventions throughout the world, they have, in the most emphatic way, brought out the beauty of Spanish dance. As the activities of the company have kept growing, they have gradually moved into other lines of work. Apart from producing and distributing the “Carmen Cantero Ballet” performances, they have also been distributing for other prominent companies and artists, such as Jesus Carmona & Co., the National Ballet of Spain, Rojas & Rodriguez, Féten-Féten, amongst others.

Cía. Álvaro Frutos


Web: Phone: 00 34 627810939 Mail: Resident Company in Sevilla

The Alvaro Frutos Company has come into being as a result of a constant evolutionary process, a space not only to explore the field of arts and share it with the public, but also with those who collaborate directly in the development of creative proposals. This project, which is yet to consolidate itself, finds inspiration from the last “French stage” of its young director and main performer. It is committed in its search for an individualized form of expression strong enough to stand out in traditional pieces, yet flexible enough to also incorporate the marks of its own organic development. The company has been constructed not only as a creative infrastructure, but also as a producer of its own creations. So far, the company has premiered: “A mis viejos”, [‘For my folks’], (2010), “Pez Muerto”, [‘Dead Fish’] (2011), “Jabón de Manos”, [‘Hand Soap’], (2012), and “Bengala” (2012). With these four shows, the company has toured different countries in Europe, including France and Italy. Although the future of the Alvaro Frutos Company may still be uncertain, it is definitely looking very exciting.

Cía. de Danza Fernando Hurtado


Web: Phone: 00 34 691 656 197/ 00 34 665 25 68 78 Mail: Resident Company at C.C. Villa de Nerja

Fernando Hurtado created his own company in the year 2000. That same year his play “Deseo Atrevido” [‘Daring Wish’] obtained third place in the 14th Choreographic Contest of Madrid. Fernando Hurtado’s projects earned a lot of acclaim from that play, and the following year his contribution “Quisiera borrarte de un suspiro” [‘I would like to make you disappear with a sigh’] won the contest. His original creations include “Esta es mi voz” [‘This is my voice’],”Deseo atrevido” [‘Daring Wish’], “Quisiera borrarte de un suspiro” [‘I would like to make you disappear with a sigh’], Lord, ¡Pareja de dos! [‘Two Is a Couple’], “Un gramo de locura” [‘An Ounce of Madness’], “The Other Side”, “Pequeñas barbaridades” [‘Bits of Nonsense’], “Charlie”, “Visitando Otros Jardines” [‘Visiting Other Gardens’]. All of these performances have not only been touring and shown across almost the entire national territory, they have also been well received in many countries such as Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Paraguay, China, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Namibia. In his work, Hurtado has opted for diversity, from incorporating classical themes such as Oscar Wilde in Lord, to live music and working in co-productions such as with the Eva Bertomeu Dance Company, and the groups Rock Dardem and Lanónima Imperial.

C铆a. Daniel Abreu


Web: Phone: 00 34 650 981 539 Mail: Resident Company in Sala Cuarta Pared (Madrid)

The Company Daniel Abreu (2004) has so far presented more than forty contemporary dance choreographies both for street and stage performances. Daniel Abreu has received various prizes as choreographer, director, and dancer, and an acclaim that has taken him to various theatres and festivals across Europe, Asia and the Americas. He has formed part of the programme MODULDANCE, AEROWAVES and for many years he has also been a member of the Network of Alternative Theatres in Spain, occupying first place. His work is presented as journeys, paintings and images in action paying high attention to aesthetics. Understanding a work by this creator means immersing oneself down an intense creative path leading to the disparity of human beings in different situations and perceiving these matrixes that make us so utterly imperfect. But it also means witnessing how a great authority such as Abreu can enlighten us of this. Mercedes L贸pez Caballero Abreu is one of the greatest gifts of our generation, and his evident maturity and accomplishment both at home and abroad say it all. Roger Salas

Cía. Elías Aguirre


Web: Phone: 00 34 686 491 840 Mail: Resident Company in C.C. Vallecas (Madrid)

It began in 2008 as a project called “87 crickets” which was awarded a first prize. As of 2010 it has formed part of the resident companies of the Madrid City Council. Elías Aguirre has a degree in fine arts and holds a master’s degree in scenic arts from the Madrid Conservatory. His work is characterized by a very personal style of movement combining urban and contemporary dance with gestural theatre. He finds inspiration from the “invisible” world of insects. Some of his choreographic works are: “87 crickets”, “White Room”, “Longfade”, and “Fight or Flight”. Elías has also developed projects in collaboration with other choreographers such as “Entomo” with Álvaro Esteban or “Scrawny Marsupial” with Manuel Rodriguez. Elías codirects an innovative dance festival in synergy with other art forms called “Oxido Fest” and various photography and video dance projects such as “IMBERMOVES”. Moreover, he also holds workshops in Conservatories in different provinces throughout Spain and abroad. His company, which currently resides in the Cultural Centre of the district of Vallecas, Madrid, has won prestigious prizes both nationally and internationally.

Compañía de Danza Iker Gómez - Teatro Físico


Web: Phone: 00 34 692 212 965 Mail: Resident Company in C.C. La Latina Madrid (España)

The Iker Gómez Physical Theatre & Dance Company was founded by Iker Gómez in 2007 thanks to the support by AREATangent. Since its formation the company has carried out a total of four long stage productions focusing in all of them on the same key elements: dance, theatre, scenic video, and an unavoidable dose of humour. The three first productions have been chosen for the National Dance Circuit of the Network for Alternative Theatre, positioning the work by Iker Gómez as some of the most important in the realm of current stage performances. Moreover, the latest production Sylphides PI was selected to participate in the 2013 “Active Madrid!” programme. The company has also participated in different festivals such as Temporada Alta (High Season), the BAD Festival, the MOV-s, The Lola Festival, and the Festival En Transito (In Transit), and they have toured in countries such as France, Italy, Mexico, Serbia, Brazil, Bulgaria and Greece. In their professional path they have received coproduction and support from the Mercat de les Flors, CoNCA, the CCG (Galician Choreographic Centre), La Casa Encendida and La Caldera.

Cía. Proyecto Uno


Web: Phone: 00 34 954156678 / 00 34 670900753 Mail: Resident Company in Tomares (Sevilla)

This company consists of a solid technical and artistic team run by Inmaculada Jiménez, who after a successful career as dancer and performer took the initiative to create her own team through which she could find satisfaction in pursuing her own artistic development. Proyecto Uno [‘Project One] came into being in 2006 with the object of researching the relationship between the fields of arts and new technologies. More specifically, it is experimenting with stage setting and the interaction between body, space and technological devices and how dance is perceived in its relation with other art forms, in particular visual, plastic, musical and electronic arts. With the help of the Andalucian government’s Cultural Council, the company has to date produced the performances “Multiplicidad del Yo”, [‘the Multiplicity of the Self’], (2006), “Deseos, ”[‘Wishes’], (2009), and “N.EX.” (2013). Since its creation, the company has also been engaged in a variety of instructive, artistic and cultural activities, workshops, presentations, setups, support of works in progress, as well as collaborating with other companies and creators.

Cienfuegos Danza


Web: Phone: +34 649 883 959 Mail: Resident Company in La Rambleta

Cienfuegos is directed by choreographer and stage director Yoshua Cienfuegos, winner of the Costa Rica National Dance Award’10. Throughout CienfuegosDanza’s ten-year history and more than eleven productions, it has developed a rigorous approach earning it important awards, along with the recognition of critics and audience alike. Its successful artistic development has placed this Valencian group among the major dance companies on the international scene. Largescale productions, street shows, short pieces, collaborations and choreographies commissioned by prominent national companies, as well as its continuous presence in countries such as Spain, Italy, France, Denmark, Israel, China, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Guatemala, Argentina and Brazil, give us an idea of the international projection achieved by CienfuegosDanza, and of the consolidation of style and understanding of dance always attracting the general public closer to this special art form.

Compañía Antonio Gades


Web: Phone: 00 34 915210714 / 628630751 Mail: Resident Company in Getafe (Madrid - Spain)

Since its beginning The Antonio Gades Company has been one of the pillars of the Spanish dance, including flamenco. Based on the repertoire of the legendary choreographer Antonio Gades, it glories in being a private school defined by its maestro, which is exactly what distinguishes it from the rest of the Spanish schools. Currently, the company intermingles various generations of artists who make it possible to convey Gades’ characteristically aesthetic and refined language, while still staying firmly rooted in Spanish tradition and culture. Gades made the Spanish dance a universal style and his enormously expressive capacity permits him to tell the tales of classical literature in every corner of the world without the usage of words. Such has been the case with the word-famous works of “Bodas de Sangre” (‘Weddings in Blood’) by Federico Garcia Lorca, “Fuenteovejuna” (‘Sheep Fountain’) by Lope de Vega, and not to forget “Carmen”, which staged together with Carlos Saura, has become a reference point of the Spanish myth par excellence. The show attracts and satisfies all kinds of audience, regardless of age, culture, or nationality.

Compañía de Danza Clásica Las Artes


Web: www.compañ Phone: 00 34 639 328 001 Mail: Resident Company in Aravaca - Madrid (España)

Las Artes Dance Company, formed by eleven dancers, started in June 2012 on a path to spread knowledge of quality classical dance to the general public and give job opportunities with legally established working rights to professional dancers in our country. The director of the Company, Adela González, a professional with a degree in classical dance, started her training at the Ballet School in Frankfurt before finishing her training at the Karen Taft School in Madrid. For two years she formed part of the Aurora Pons Company and has subsequently dedicated herself to teaching at her own dance school Estudio 1, in Aravaca, Madrid. The artistic director Julia Olmedo, also a professional with a degree in classical dance, was a first ballerina for seven years at the National Ballet of Spain. For two years she formed part of the Maurice Béjart Company in Lausanne. She also has ample experience as a choreographer, scriptwriter, stage manager and wardrobe designer.

CĂ­a. Teresa Navarrete


Web: Phone: 00 34 60 799 3766 Mail: Resident Company in Sevilla

The Teresa Navarrete Company is a collective which, on the basis of movement, is doing research into finding new ways of communication through similar typed artistic expressions. At the heart of this team stand three creators originating from different stage disciplines. Teresa Navarrete, choreographer and dancer, Nando PĂŠrez, physical actor, and Miguel MarĂ­n, musician and composer, all work together following shared parameters of research, creation, teaching and stage exhibition. Since the beginning, although the activities of the three creators have always had certain aesthetic and conceptual characteristics in common, they have never been afraid of exploring new fields and methods, whether jointly or alone. At the core of this activity have always been creation and exhibition. Experimenting playfully with the use of artistic language such as movement, music, words, and audiovisual creations has produced some interesting outcomes. These research processes, creations and exhibitions have led to a wide range of proposals in the fields of dance, theatre, concerts, short films, video creations, and even soundtracks.

Cía. Titoyaya


Web: Phone: +34 651 010 380 Mail: Residente Company in Valencia

Proyect Titoyana is a Spanish Company run by Gustavo Ramírez Sansano, who is currently one of the best known Spanish choreographers internationally. Honoured as “Chicagoan of the Year 2012” in the dance category, his choreographic work is in high demand by some of the most prestigious entities in the industry such as APAP New York Conference, Juilliard School of Arts, or Jacob’s Pillow. Acclaimed by Dance Magazine as one of the 25 most important people in world dance in their section “25 to Watch 2012”, he has also been awarded the “Prix Dom Perignon”, “Premi Ricard Moragas” and “Etoiles de Ballet 2000”, in addition to two GV Scenic Arts Awards. He has created for NDT, the National Dance Company, Munich Dance Theatre, Norrdans, Hamburg Ballet, Hispanic Ballet, the National Dance Company of Wales, Scottish Dance Theatre, Ballet Junior de Genève, amongst many others. Project Titoyaya is a creation platform that develops proposals from an experimental and completely free point of view, making it possible to understand dance as a process in various ways.

Dani Pannullo DanceTheatre Co.


Web: Phone: 00 34 678581018 Mail: Resident Company in Madrid (Spain)

The Dani Pannullo Dance Theatre is a pioneer in bringing the urban dance on to the Spanish stages. The company was created in 1998 by Dani Pannulo together with a group of artists from such different disciplines as performance, break-dance, rhythmic gymnastics, classical and contemporary dance. With such variety of influence the company has become a melting pot for avant-garde tendencies reflecting the current state of the metropolitan dance. Over the years this company has become highly acclaimed for its ability to incorporate different elements of street dance into its contemporary dance performances. Meticulously chosen stage scenery and a painstaking academic approach allow them to portray the latest trends of urban culture. Dani Pannullo’s Dance Theatre has toured all of Spain and also represented Madrid’s contemporary creation abroad, at exhibitions, festivals and world’s fairs. The company stays true to the constant urban cultural evolution and is always on the lookout for new ways of incorporating the latest expressions of urban-dance into their shows.



Web: Phone: 00 34 629 469 773 Mail: Resident Company in Madrid

This company was started in 2006 by Bruno Argenta and Natalia Ferrándiz, both dancers and choreographers with a long track record of professional excellence in the field of Spanish dance. Their first show “Profiles of Time” was premièred with poetry by Caballero Bonald, whose work also served as inspiration for the following production, “Other Profiles”, where this aesthetic path was explored even further. In 2009, their next production “Voy!” [‘Here I go!] opened with original music by Alfredo Lagos and choreography by the experienced Teresa Martín, who has identified the great potential of incorporating different stage disciplines into dance performances, Although her point of departure in “Voy!” is traditional flamenco, the performance is never deprived of her own feelings. In fact, through developing her own contemporary form of expression, she has rendered the company a personal trademark. When touring the national network of theatres in 2012 with “Voy!”, the critics called it: ”a cry of optimism” and “a brilliant display of dance performance.”

Dos Proposiciones Danza/Teatro


Web: Phone: 00 34 954 909 012 / 00 34 600 059 557 Mail: Resident Company in Sevilla

Two Propositions Dance Theatre came to life in Seville in 2005 as a result of the Sala Endanza “Young Creators” event. As of that moment, private sponsorship enabled them to develop their activities as part of the Professional Contemporary Dance Companies of Andalucia, where they have been creating,managing and producing stage projects. They have been working tirelessly ever since in the local, national, and international community, having formed part of the programme of numerous national and international festivals and stage tours, as well as being awarded by the Professional Dance Association of Andalucia. They normally produce small or medium scale performances enabling them to entertain not only the conventional stage audience, but also reach out to people in other environments, even the street. The philosophy of this dance company is to make dance tell stories that are accessible to spectators not necessarily experts of contemporary dance. Using movement as a vehicle of their direct communication, they make people realize that “dance is at the service of the story and the emotions it is evoking”.

El Curro DT


Web: Phone: 00 34 91 5217155 Mail: Resident Company in Madrid

Curro DT is a company that has been around for more than ten years. In the Salas Alternativas (‘Alternative Venues’) in Madrid it has staged daring non-conventional performances, which have been so well received by the audience that it has become a reference point for the new tendencies on the contemporary scene in Madrid. Artistically, we are not performing theatre. We simply talk on stage when it is necessary to talk on the stage. We are not performing dance, we simply dance when it is called for to do so. We are not performing cabaret, we simply talk with the audience if need be. So what are we performing exactly? Should we be considered actors because we can recite Hamlet’s soliloquy? Should we be considered dancers because we can spin twice in the air and touch the ear with the tip of the foot? Or should we be considered cabaret singers because the audience laugh their heads off when we sing to them? As a matter of fact, Curro DT is a group of actors and dancers engaged in creational management on the DT Espácio Escénico (DT ‘Scenic Space’), as well as touring with other theatres.

El Punto! Danza Teatro


Web: Phone: 00 34 954 068 297 Mail: Resident Company in Sevilla

El Punto! Dance Theatre was formed in Seville in 1997 as a result of the work choreographer, actor, and cultural manager Fernando Lima has been developing in Spain since 1992. The company adopts a personal style brought about out of the necessity to mix different artistic disciplines. “By creating the musical soundtrack with our everyday lives as backdrop for the reflections we express, what we suggest is no more than a confrontation with part of ourselves.” The design of their pieces takes place in a dreamlike atmosphere where elements very close to us gain a very symbolic lyrical dimension. The dramatic element, a search for a dialogue that serves to connect and communicate, is the point of departure for their creations. In 2014 the company produced “Reconstruction” having premiered at the Central Theatre of Seville with excellent reviews and “Animals’ Party”, a performance which joins contemporary dance with urban languages, and possible to play both in- and outdoors.



Web: Phone: 00 34 665468017 Mail: Resident Company in Madrid (Spain)

EnClaveDanza is a company directed by Cristina Masson. The activities started in the year 2000. Their plays join various disciplines such as literature, painting, and experimental video. The first job of this kind was the play “Fatum”, which premiered both in Montpellier and Madrid. In “Ausente en Negro” (‘Absent in Black’) the unsettling images of El Bosco and Francis Bacon come to the spectator’s mind. In “Querido Antoine” (‘Dear Antoine’) the atmosphere is pervaded by Jean Paul Sartre’s “Nausea”, whereas in “la Noche” (‘The Night’) the audiovisual techniques confuse the state of being awake with being asleep. The last play “No Vacía” (‘Not Empty’) pays homage to Miguel Hernández, a fleeting genius of Spanish poetry. Other productions worth mentioning are “Curioseando en lo Leve” (‘Prying Slightly’), various video plays, and productions made together with other companies such as Y Espacio Creativo Artes consisting of people with disabilities. This year the company is working together with the company COMPLUTUM, which has so far led to the recent premiere of the play “Fragile”. Here the four internationally renowned choreographers Stephane Boko, Jaime Urciuoli, Barbara Fritsche, and Cristina Masson are working together with a group of nine dancers. Simultaneously, EnClaveDanza is also engaged in a project with the Mexican company Andrágora .

Enclave Granada


Web: Phone: 00 34 958274336 / 00 34 654333517 Mail: Resident Company in Granada

Since its birth in 2009, Enclave has been a collective for art and cultural management professionals residing in the city of Granada. It is using a pragmatic approach in its cooperative and associative way of working, both in terms of management and creation. At this shared space, experience and knowledge are brought to the table from a wide range of both artistic and nonartistic disciplines. They include such different subjects as contemporary dance, new dance, theatre, dance theatre, flamenco, performance art, visual art, political science, cultural anthropology, philosophy, cultural management, and business management. Thus, we can say that Enclave’s stage performances constitute a live insight into the long research processes lying behind their work. What is finally seen on stage is a showcase of the principles of the instant composition, i.e. a strongly elaborated corporal essay combining elements of dance, theatre, performance and visual art.

Excéntrica Producciones


Web: Phone: 00 34 610 948 200 Mail: Residente Company in Sevilla

Excentrica Productions is an artistic project created by Isabel Vázquez, Gregor Acuña and Ignasi Vidal. It started its path in 2004 with the foundation of the Centre for Scenic Arts, a training academy in the fields of theatre, dance and singing. Since its beginning they have combined the training of future artists with the creation and production of performances. Excentrica Productions is characterized as a company that takes on both theatre (clown, physical theatre, and musical theatre) and dance productions. It has been awarded the highest honour as the best dance performance and received honourable mentioning by the jury in the International Theatre Festival of Dance and Theatre in Huesca for its performance “I cook and he does the washing-up” (2007), directed by Jordi Cortés. They have worked together with prominent directors such as Rob Tannion, Joan Font, and Juan Carlos Malpelli. They have participated in national and international festivals and staged performances in Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Hong Kong.

Fritsch Company


Web: Phone: 00 34 917 42 23 20 Mail: Residente Company in Madrid

Created in 2012 as a professional company from the Psycho Ballet Maite Leon Foundation, they are committed to incorporating professional dancers with disabilities in their stage environment. The company searches for the essence and uniqueness in each dancer, bringing out all their potential on stage. With the object of opening up to new audiences and new scenic spaces, they started the project “Choreographic Inclusions” in 2012. In this project they are supported by three choreographers with long artistic track records in their attempt to explore new artistic challenges with disabled dancers and actors. The company has a total of twelve dancers with and without disability chosen for the Psycho Ballet Maite León due to their experience and the artistic quality of their work. The company goes on professional tours to show this aesthetic novelty; they travel both nationally and internationally to show the scenic professionalism of disabled people.





Web: Phone: 00 34 691 891 255 Mail: Resident Company in Pamplona/Iruña

In 2008, the three professional dancers Marisa Vera, Iñaki Fortún, and Virginia Oroz decided to join forces and create the company Fueradeleje in Navarra. They have started this company with a strong sense of vocation for becoming a creative cultural movement, committed to spreading word about contemporary dance throughout the region of Navarra. Their own productions promote dance by incorporating expressions of contemporary language in their performances. In this dynamic fashion, Fueradeleje has already managed to gain a foothold in Navarra and continue to broaden the perspectives for contemporary dance in the region and beyond. Fueradeleje Creation: Own productions: • “Because we love”, adaptation from the book “The Pain” by Margueritte Duras. • “Where is my mind?” Street performance. • “Where is my mind?” Targeted at adolescent and adult audiences. • “4 Seasons”, targeted at a family audience. Creation, design and participation in events.

Guillermo Weickert Cía. de Danza


Web: Phone: 00 34 954 374 103 / 00 34 677 763 483 Mail: Resident Company in Sevilla

The Guillermo Weickert Company is a business structure that came into being with the help of El Mandaito Productions Ltd. The intension was to create performances joining rigorous personalized research into the work of the performer and the artistic quality. Trained as an actor and dancer, the Huelva-born choreographer and stage director Guillermo Weickert’s has always been concerned to build bridges between contemporary creation and the general public. Out of his curiosity, courage and desire to work with artists from other disciplines have thus sprung numerous plays, including his very own creations “Lirio Entre Espinas” [“Lily Between Thorns”], “MATERIAL INFLAMABLE” [‘Inflammable Material’], “DíasuPasanuCosas”, “Go with the Flow” etc. He has also toured some of the major festivals and dance theatres in Spain with these performances, as well as carried out others as a guest choreographer under the auspices of Bikini Ducc, ErrequeErre in Spain, and Dialogue Dance in Russia.

IbĂŠrica de Danza


Web: Phone: 00 34 654338752 Mail: Resident Company in Las Rozas (Madrid - Spain)

Iberica de Danza Company was created in 1993 by Manuel Segovia (National Dance Creation Award 2001 and Villa of Madrid Choreography Award 2004) and Violeta Ruiz. Since 2001 the company has been resident in Las Rozas, Madrid. New folk, Spanish stylized dance, the bolero school, historical dance and flamenco all form part of the company’s repertoire, with which they have staged more than twenty different productions and toured more than 40 countries around the world. This versatility, always soundly researched, has made them highly acclaimed by critics and the public alike, earning them a reputation as guardians of our rich Spanish heritage. They have also earned the support of an array of prominent institutions including the Department of Culture (INAEM), the Community of Madrid, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID), the Town Hall of Madrid, the Cervantes Institute, and the European Union. On numerous occasions they have represented Spain, earned a number of awards, and participated in various festivals of international renown.

Karlik Danza Teatro


Web: Phone: 00 34 927 29 00 47 / 670 868 078 Mail: Resident Company in Cáceres

The Karlik-Danza Theatre has been around for 21 years, staging more than 1500 performances in front of over 50,000 spectators in 32 different countries. It has received hundreds of positive critiques and more than 20 national and international awards. Karlik Danza Theatre came into being in Cáceres, Spain, in 1991 with the objective of finding a stage language that could go beyond any other assimilated technique. Since the very beginning the artistic director Cristina D. Silveira and the technical director David Pérez Hernando have staged twenty performances in famous festivals such as the Mérida Festival, The Theatre Festival of Seoul (Korea), The Iberian American Festival in Bogotá, (Colombia), Universal Exhibition of Hannover, (Germany), Mercosur Festival (Argentina), Mimus Perigueux (France), Teatro a Mil, Santiago de Chile (Chile), Madrid Sur, Festival de Loja, Alcalá Classics, amongst others. Together with interpreters, acrobats, and dancers, Cristina D. Silveira has joined different disciplines, working towards finding a universal choreographic language.

L’Obert Dansa


Web: Tel: +34 670 891 332 /96 338 02 20 Mail: tutudelabuela@yahoo. es

Resident in Centro de Creación el Tutú de la Abuela

After several years as a professional dancer for different companies in France and Spain Ana Extremiana received the Help for New Creators Prize and founded and directed the Zurdanza Company. In 1993, together with Eva López, she set up L’Obert Dansa, an organization to stage the production and promotion of modern dance. As of then, 15 short dance pieces have been composed, leading to the foundation of L’Obert en Corto. With the help of other independent companies such as La Porta or Desviaciones, Ana created a travelling show between 1994 and 1999 featuring at the renowned festivals of Madrid en Danza, Festival de Sitges, Dansa València, Dansa a Elx, Avignon, Glasgow and Montreaux. In support of the promotion and recognition of dance, L’Obert started a regular programme at the University of Valencia in 1993; this course is still being taught today. The company is also participating in the regular programme Primer Ciclo L’Obert Dansa at the Sala Moratín (‘Moratín Ballroom’).

La Calabaza Danza Teatro


Web: Phone: 00 34 679 860 899 Mail: Resident Company in La Rinconada

While dance is at the core of our activities, it is neither to be found in its purest or most abstract form. We rather endeavour to transmit somewhat more than movement through our activities. Be it a feeling, a situation, a reflection or a story. Therefore, we make use of other scenic languages in our performances such as theatre and audiovisual arts. Our dance can be characterized as an amalgam of the different styles in contemporary dance, Spanish dance and flamenco. Our main objective is to entertain the audience, make them laugh, dream, or cry, and take them on a mental journey elsewhere, be they children, adults, arts experts, or otherwise. In our 12-year professional path, we have explored creations targeted at all sorts of spectators, including children and family audiences. In the same way, we have also explored different stage options, taking three of our last performances to the street: Caja de Musica [‘Music Box’], Banco para dos [`Bench for Two’], and La Postal [‘The Postcard’]. It has been said about our work that it stands out for its simplicity, sincerity, beauty, elegance, sense of humour, sensitivity, creativity and imagination.

La Coja Dansa


Web: Phone: +34 669 514 173 Mail: Resident Company in A Contar Mentiras

La Coja Dansa came to life at the Altea Arts College in 2000 and became professional in 2004. In the beginning they participated in many competitions but without winning any of them. They have participated in festivals such as L’Obert Dansa, Festival del Cos d’Alzira, Mostra de Peces Curtes, Marató de l’Espectacle i Festival Visual i Sonor (Barcelona), Dansa a Elx (Alicante), Dansa València, Tensdansa (Terrassa), Forum for Independent Theatre Groups (Alexandria/Egypt), Periferias (Huesca), FestivALT (Vigo), Quinzena de Dança Almada (Portugal) and Les Repérages de Lille (France). La Coja Dansa keeps a very busy schedule of workshops and runs a small dance centre in Valencia. They offer the space to small and inexperienced companies, giving young dancers the facilities to embark upon their own careers. La Coja has been classified as ironic, amusing and always up to date. Being avant-garde as a sense of obligation rather than vocation, La Coja is interested in the search for a new dramaturgy for dance, as well as in the use of audiovisual aids as a choreographic element.

Larumbe Danza


Web: Phone: 00 34 916696858 Mail: Resident Company in Coslada (Madrid - Spain)

The rather peculiar style of Larumbe Danza has its origins in the eclectic formation, which the choreographer Karmen Larumbe (1936-1995), native to the region of Navarra, passed on to her artistic heirs Juan de Torres and Daniela Merlo, both directors of the company for the last 15 years. Since its beginning, the company has been in constant search of its own personal creative language, emphasising dance as an art form through diverse activities, spanning from cultural exchange with choreographers and companies, to conferences, debates and public education or training sessions at national or international level. It is therefore not merely another contemporary dance company, for its work explores new ways of expression through its own experience. Thus its dance performances go beyond the conventional art form by making the audience not only reflect upon the possibilities of dance as a language, but also gain the insight into new ways of contemplating reality. Since 2002 Larumbe Danza has been a member of an artistic residence program co-financed by the Madrid Community and the Coslada Culture Department. It is also sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Culture through the National Institute for the Performing Arts and Music (INAEM).


CONTACT Web: Phone: 00 34 653 401 616 Mail:

Resident Company in Alcalรก de Henares (Madrid - Spain)

Losdedae, contemporary dance company, created in 1997 by the dancer and choreographer Chevi Muraday, Winner of the Dance National Award 2006. Always well received by the media and audiences, LOSDEDAE has participated in different festivals such as the Festival of Manila, International Festival Madrid en Danza in the Centro Cultural de la Villa of Madrid, Dies de Dansa Festival in Barcelona and Dansa Festival of Valencia, as well as having performed and toured all over the Spanish territory. In 2007 Losdedae became resident company of the city of Alcalรก de Henares, Madrid, where they are engaged in a creative project to promote contemporary dance. The unique dance vision of Losdedae makes it one of the most representative companies on the Spanish scene. The latent physicality combined with its sense of theatre is the essence of the Losdedae trademark. Losdedae has toured with its more than thirty-two performances in cities around the world such as Buenos Aires, Prague, Berlin, Warsaw, Lisbon, Rome, Budapest, Copenhagen, Manila, Quito, Guayaquil, Istanbul, etc.

Lucio Baglivo


Web: Phone: 00 34 638 496 387 Mail: Resident Company in Madrid (España)

Lucio Baglivo started working on his own productions back in 2006. Since then his projects have been presented in different countries, such as Turkey, Germany, Argentina, Chile, Spain and Italy. The objective of his works is to obtain scenes which transmit emotions and connect with the audience through powerful feelings generated from dance, acrobatics and theater. Each project has its own language of movement and particular stage poetry, supported by specific lighting designs for each occasion. In 2011 he danced in the Opera “Pelleas and Melisande”, where he met the director Robert Wilson. In August of the same year Robert Wilson invited him to participate in The Watermill Center Summer program in New York. There he performed his solo creation “Entre otros” in the Foundation’s Open House. Since then Robert Wilson has been supporting his work.

Manuela Nogales Danza


Web: Phone: 00 34 656 472 937 Mail: Resident Company in Sevilla

Manuela Nogales is a key element to the Andalusian contemporary dance scene. From her career path you sense a very special drive for personal and professional growth. For the past 30 years of this creator and ballerina’s career, research, experimentation,and commitment have been key to her success. This endeavor has resulted in an impressive track record with more than a score of plays produced, in addition to engaging in many different initiatives and interesting projects. Characteristic of her work is how the interaction between dance and bodily movement (as the instrument, place, origin and final destination) also mix with other artistic expressions. Her fruitful career has made her a participant in numerous artistic enclaves and today she is setting the standard for contemporary creations in the south of the country. In addition to the contributions she has made to her own company since 1996, her effervescence for dance has also spilt over into the field of teaching. She has been greatly acknowledged for her vocational training. Numerous performers have passed through her own studio she has directed since 1997, making her an acclaimed educator in the Andalusian dance environment.

María M. Cabeza de Vaca


Web: Phone: 00 34 954 374 679 / 00 34 637 818 288 Mail: Resident Company in Sevilla

Maria Martínez Cabeza de Vaca is an experienced choreographer and dancer from Andalucia, who has distinguished herself in the panorama of Spanish contemporary dance. Her work is characterized by its exploration of the limits of enactment, overstepping the boundaries between action theatre and performance art. Her shows make use of a variety of different languages from art, dance and theatre. She is also known for her passionate interdisciplinary research, always exploring the depths of language and the relations between different creative universes with artists originating from other fields. Intelligence and humour are two core elements in her work, using “stupidity” as an intelligent way to deal with transcendental themes. Her last project, based on a text by the artist Louise Bourgeois,“Una forma fácil de acabar con todo” [“An Easy Way to End It All”], received the prizes for best stage performance and best female performer 2012, awarded by PAD, the Professional Dance Association of Andalucia.

Mediterráneo Danza


Web: Phone: +34 616 537 708 Mail: https// Resident Company in Ribarroja del Turia (Valencia)

The Flamenco and Mediterranean Spanish Dance Company was created out of a necessity to work on a joint effort to ensure a smooth future takeover from the prominent dance figures of today. Their spectacles show a panoply of different “palos” (rhythmical variants) of flamenco, enriched by the modern vision of its choreographers. Focusing mainly on Soleá, Farruca, Alegrías, and Bulerías, we continuously try to immerse ourselves in the core of these art forms to bring out an aesthetically and scenically novel theatrical interpretation reflecting the very spirit of this innovative company. After years of training and work experience, its director José Huertas took the big step to form part of the Antonio Gades Company. Two years after he was the main dancer. He has also been a guest artist at the National Ballet of Spain, choreographer for the Avignon Opera and for the International Classical Opera. Subsequently he became Artistic Director of Ballet at the Arenal Theatre performance “Flamenco with Art” and director of the Mediterranean Dance Company.

Moments Art Dansa & Teatre


Web: Phone: +34 963 844 634 Mail: Resident Company in Valencia

Moments Art Dansa & Theatre is a dance and theatre company working in professional performing arts since 1997. Some of its founding members are disabled. It is also the first professional company of its kind in the Valencian Community and in their more than 15 years of experience they have performed in all of the main events in the genre both nationally and internationally. They have also co-produced performances and audiovisuals where disability is the source of inspiration for other artists. Another one of their commitments is to give dance and theatre lessons for people with disability and mental illnesses at their education centre. They have received the following awards: Young Entrepreneurs’ Prize 1997, Prize for Educational Innovation 1998, and Prize for Social Integration 2009. They have participated in co-productions with England, Slovakia, Russia, Germany, and Turkey. Their work as a trailblazer for integrated dance in Spain makes them a worldwide benchmark. They are members of FNAD, National federation for Art and Disability.



Web: Phone: 00 34 655 407 365 Mail: Resident Company in Sevilla

Mopa Productions started in 2002, thanks to Juan Luis Matilla. The company’s point of departure in developing its shows has been joint creational processes with a lot of music and humour. They have incorporated prominent creators such as Juan Kruz Díaz de Garaio Esnaola, Thomas Hauert, Juan Dominguez, Fran Torres, Roberto Martínez, Benito Jiménez, Eloísa Cantón, Raquel Luque Daniel Alonso, Pablo Pujol, Ellayled Alcano o Andrés González, amongst many others. Situated in Seville, Mopa has so far staged six productions: “Tuve que hacer el amor por cortesía”, [‘I Had to Make Love as a Courtesy’]; “Tus hijos me estan jodiendo la vida”, [‘Your Kids Are Screwing up My Life’]; “Espérame despierto”, [‘Wait for Me Awake’]; “Mala suerte o falta de talento”, ,[‘Bad Luck or Lack of Talent’]; “Sad dance therapy y Acostumbrismo”, [‘Sad Dance Therapy and “Accustomedness”’]; “Una romería a Saint Tropez”, [‘A Procession to Saint Tropez’]. The company has also produced numerous short plays, which have been shown on the national stages of Mercat de les Flors, Teatro Central,The Contemporary Scene,The International Fair of Huesca, Mes de Danza, MOV’s or the International Dance Festival of Italica, not to mention international performances at the Fringe in Stockholm, The Sarajevo Winter Festival, and also touring in countries such as Mexico, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina and the United States. Throughout the company’s existence they have cooperated with many cultural enterprises such as Telegrama Comunicación, El Rancho, ZEMOS 98, and A Negro.

Nómada Danza


Web: Phone: 00 34 922 29 05 78 Mail: Compañía Residente en el Teatro Victoria - Tenerife

The company Nomada Dance Theatre, founded in the year 2000 on the Canary Islands has as a central pillar of its creations the ability to bridge the gaps normally limiting the expressiveness of dance. The company is hospitably accommodated at the venue of the Victoria Theatre, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Here the company has built a strong research base, where its individual members are concentrating on finding ways of using elements from theatre, audio-visual aids, and other artistic aspects to enrich their performances. However, not all its creations are the result of individual efforts; outside creators also frequent this vibrant place, where ideas are constantly exchanged. Thus some very inspirational creations have come into being as a direct result of the joint effort between Nomada Dance Theatre and artists from other companies. Nomada’s productions has so far led them to perform not only in different theatres, streets and buildings throughout the Canary Islands and the Iberian Peninsula, but also at various international festivals in countries such as France, Ireland, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Senegal.

Nova Galega de Danza


Web: Phone: 00 34 881 895 647 Mail: Resident Company in A CoruĂąa

Since its creation, Nova Galega de Danza has had “revisitation�as their primary objective from a contemporary point of view, focusing on music and traditional dance from Galicia. They are particularly interested in folkloric aspects that could be on the verge of disappearing or are overlooked due to the fickleness of taste. The most striking effect that these mysterious traditional features produce is when they enter into contact with the present; the spectator will recognise them with surprise. Interestingly enough, it is the novel and unfamiliar perspective that makes the spectator appreciate an old lost taste. From our point of view, recognition through repetition only converts tradition into a phantom we cannot see clearly, reducing the culture we share into a dead ritual. We are not only a group of traditional dancers, what we want is to revive old traditions to teach us what they always had, but in a different way, expanding and even pushing the boundaries of what can be considered traditions.

Otra Danza


Web: Phone: +34 620 610 654 Mail: Resident Company in L’ESCORXADOR (ELCHE)

Asun Noales, director and choreographer of OtraDanza, established it as a ‘shared peephole’, intended to show her enthusiasm for the body as a primary alphabet in creation, and her eagerness for transmitting ideas and concepts through an ethereal and volatile outline with dance at the core. OtraDanza is a project that, through the interdisciplinary work of artists, is striving to broaden knowledge of the possibilities of dance. It is a new space of shared intentions, a platform which gathers everyone passionate about dance. BACK: “Turn back, rewind, deconstruct, go backwards, look from the other side. A return to the body, to the simplicity and purity of the movement on the stage”. Highly acclaimed by Spanish and German critics, BACK is the most international one of OtraDanza’s productions. ARA: This new journey transcends the body, space and choreographic games to connect with the viewer’s senses, with flesh, excitement, surprise and feeling beyond the limits of the skin. ARA, OtraDanza’s latest piece, makes the audience absorb a multitude of images, sounds, aromas, textures ... that lead directly to common places, shared experiences and universal feelings.

Paspie Danza


Web: Phone: 00 34 657 313 100 Mail: Resident Company at Espacio Cinético Taktá (Navlamoral de la Mata)

Formed in 2005 as a result of the reunion between Victoria López Talaván, co-founder of the company from Extremadura “Karlik Danza”, and Juan Luis Leonisio, cofounder, in turn, of the Madrid company “El Curro DT”. After their scenic experiences in different fields such as performance, dance, theatre, clown, and acrobatics, they decided to reinvent themselves as a “Kinetics Production” company, without any intention of sounding too important, it is about creating stage performances that have movement as the core element. In recent years they have choreographed, directed, and/or performed at: The 24th Festival of Classical Theatre in Cáceres, the 53th Festival of Classical Theatre in Mérida, the 10th Festival of Theatre in Castilla y León, the International Theatre Festival in Póvoad e Varzim in Portugal and the Printems des Rues, Festival des arts de la Rue [‘Spring in the Street” Festival of Street Arts’] in Paris, France. Five years ago they created the Kinetics Space ·Taktá·. It is an arts centre situated in Navalmoral de la Mata in the province of Cáceres, which is currently forming part of the National Network of Alternative Theatre.

Olga Pericet - Manuel Liùån - Daniel Doùa


Web: Phone: 00 34 687 048 256 Mail:

Peineta Productions is a cultural management company, run by Ana Carrasco, specialized in flamenco and Spanish dance. The company offers services in management, distribution, and performance production.It represents high level artists with a solid track record in the field of contemporary dance.All of these artists are characterized by their original and innovative stage performances, set apart from the rest by their unique choreographic and interpretative voice. In their performances a new universe is brought to life thanks to their discourse and aesthetics where the poetics of the imagery and the quality of the movements are the real protagonists. Taking this identity as a starting point, Peineta Productions believes that the creation of management strategies is an integral part of developing the artistic proposals. Equipped with these tools, the dance companies are better orientated towards planning work strategies that can position them both on the national and international stages. Transparency between client and artist in benefit of art and culture, commitment to the artist and full support of the free creation, are the three fundamental pillars. With these elements Peineta Productions work to consolidate their main objective: foster a new way of promoting and spreading flamenco and Spanish dance distinguished by their quality and personal touch.

Siempre en Compañía Gemma Morado


Web: Phone: 00 34 692 184 508 Mail: Resident Company in Chamartín Madrid (España)

Dance Company created in 2003, founded and run by Gemma Morado, is since 2006 resident company in the District of Chamartín. Driven by its unstoppable urge to tell stories through dancing, “Siempre en Compañía” (Always in Company) has already consolidated itself as a company with 9 productions staged so far. Our objective is to show dance as an artistic expression moving and stirring up emotions amongst the spectators in their seats. With its modern emotional language, dance is no longer only dance but is above all being used as a means of expression conveying an important message. While undeniably founded on classical ballet, this company is also rooted in Spanish Dance and Flamenco traditions and influenced by Neo-classical and contemporary dance. It inclines towards an eclectic vanguard style that is still unmistakably Spanish, and performed by an exceptional cast of dancers and multi-disciplinary performers coming from the best companies in the country. All of this we do to show that “dance is the universal language of communication”.

SNEO Mestizaje Projects


Web: Phone: 00 34 915196679 / 00 34 656857001 Mail: Resident Company in Madrid (Spain) is a website with the latest information on what goes on at the Spanish stage. Everything about dance and movement arts performed by anyone from local artists to famous international collectives can be found here. (SNEO/North-South-East-West) This easily accessible digital site is an innovating initiative based on the usage of state-of-the-art technology, such as a video-webzine (internet magazine) and two internet television channels. • SNEO Danza 3D (stereoscopic) • SNEO Danza HD (high-definition) These channels broadcast contents from own productions as well as from invited creators. Furthermore, there is also, a meeting point where artists and collectives can show their work and get into contact with other international networks. The driving force behind all these projects is the SNEO Mestizaje Projects, a management team in the field of cross-cultural and interdisciplinary project development. Since its beginning in 2003 this company has produced numerous shows in which new technological languages converge with firmly rooted traditions.



Phone: Tel: +34 670 570 910 Mail: Resident Company in Valencia

Meritxell Barbera and Inma Garcia have both earned degrees in classical and contemporary dance in the city of Valencia, they have also received a choreography fellowship for the training group Laboratory, where for the last three years they have been working with different choreographers and artists. They started their careers in research and choreographic creation in 1999, the year in which they founded their own company, Taiat. Since then they have had twelve productions, which have been presented by the theatrical circuit of Valencia and in spaces and festivals such as Fourth Wall, House On and Circulo de Bellas Artes (Madrid), Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona), Festival Dansa Valencia, Theatre de l’Escorxador (Lleida), center of l’Animal creació esquena (Girona), museums and MUVIM IVAM (Valencia), Museum Artium (Vitoria), Patio Herreriano Museum (Valladolid), Art Space (Tenerife) International Festival of contemporary dance Masdanza (Canary Islands), Choreography Competition of Santiago de Compostela, Alter Art Festival (Murcia), Festival Mira (Toulouse, France), Choreographic Center of Montpellier (Montpellier, France), Dans Centrum Jette (Brussels, Belgium), Judson Church Movement Research (New York, USA), Joyce Soho Theatre (New York, USA), Baryshnikov Arts Center (New York), CPR Studio Brooklyn (New York, USA).

Teresa Nieto en Compañía


Web: Phone: 00 34 650288401 Mail: Resident Company in Madrid (Spain)

Teresa Nieto, dancer, choreographer, and director of Teresa Nieto en Compañía since 1990. Founding member of the Bocanada Company, co-director and dancer of the Arrieritos Company. Collaborating with different directors of theatre, opera, musicals and operetta. Has done the choreography for various contemporary and flamenco companies. Teresa Nieto is recipient of the 2002 Culture Award given by the Community of Madrid, the National Dance Award 2004, Villa de Madrid Award 2007, in addition to several Max awards. Teresa Nieto en Compañía’s repertoire: Danza Breve (1990), Calle del Cordón (1992), Mano a Mano (1992), Patio de luces (1992), Tórtola (1993), La mirada (1994), Isla (1998), El último café (1998), Tánger (2000), Fa-dos (2000), Solipandi (2004), Consuelo (2004), Ni palante ni patrás (no hay manera, oiga…) (2006), De cabeza (2007), La mirada (2009), Tacita a Tacita (2010), Petí comité (2011).

Ximena Carnevale Cía. Ximena Carnevale Cía.


Web: Phone: 00 34 625 424 169 Mail: Resident Company in La Caverna (Málaga)

Ximena Carnevale Cia was created in 2012. In only two years they have presented three shows in which they adhere to their creative premise of having permeability from other artistic disciplines in their contemporary dance. The fruit of this work has been presented at national and international festivals such as the Stage Poetry Cycle El Mal de Tourette, The Operating Theatre Festival [‘Festival El Quirófano’], ENAZ and 8EINCE13 (both in Mexico). The presentation of “ Raw” [‘Crudo’] makes for a daring proposal both in form and in contents. Difficult in form, because a stage that can hold all 11 performers on stage at the same time is required. And difficult in contents, because the director Ximena Carnevale, embarks from something as ambiguous and subjective as the truth presented by the characters/performers, and framed in the mark that the 90s left on all of us and its consequences on the present day.

Zig Zag Danza


Web: Phone: 00 34 985 391 133 Mail: Resident Company in Gijón

During its twelve years of existence, the director’s background and understanding of scenic art has given this company a scope of diversity and openness. The company has engaged in all sorts of projects of very different magnitude in different national and international settings. In the fields of theatre and performance arts, the company has so far staged fourteen performances addressed to child as well as adult audiences. Apart from performing in Spain, the company has gained its artistic experience in Austria, France, Peru, and Canada, where it has been cooperating with artists of international repute. The company also participates regularly in theatre, operetta, opera, and musical projects where it takes charge of the choreography and scenic movements. With over 25 years of professional experience, Estrella Garcia, the artistic director of ZigZag Danza, has received an impressive array of different awards and recognitions for her work.

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