Daily Digger 28th April 2014
Opinion Was MH370 Abducted by aliens? Or Hijacked? What is the mystery behind this plane? News
Who is looking for this plane and who is staying in the shadows...... Weather
Everybody grab your raincoat there is rain coming your way but you got to look up!.........
MH370-Plane fire or hijacking? The mystery of MH370 continues and many opinions and theories by experts have been discussed.
have a friend who knew the code or did he beat it out of someone. It could've been crew or even the started slowly burning. pilot that hijacked the Yes, this happens with aircraft. under inflated tires. Two main opinions are Remember: Heavy plane, running round, In contrast if it were a hot night, sea level, hijacking and plane plane fire it could have long-run takeoff. There fires.To begin with, been one of two common was a well known flight Hijacking is a plane fires. An suggestion of what anonymous pilot reported that had a landing gear might of happened. For that “There are two types fire on takeoff. Once going, a tire fire would example, there could of fires. An electrical produce horrific, be a situation where a fire might not be as fast incapacitating smoke. Yes, hijacker to be let in and furious, and there pilots have access to but it would give the may or may not be oxygen masks, but this is pilot enough time to incapacitating smoke. a no-no with fire.” shout “7500” in the However there is the microphone to say possibility, given the In conclusion, most hijacking in progress. timeline, that there was an overheat on one of the people think it is lost So did the hijacker front landing gear tires, forever, but there are people who have hope. it blew on takeoff and