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REPETITION and COMPOSITION in ARCHITECTURE Teaching staff: professor arch. Sérgio Fernandez; arch. José Manuel Soares; arch. Pedro Gadanho; arch. Luís Pedro Silva; arch. Álvaro Andrade.


As part of a first year, seen as propaedeutic, the discipline of architecture project intends: the generic approach of architecture as a problem; the mastering of architecture project basic instruments; the initiation to architecture project methodology. The projects development is organized in order to stimulate the necessity of a systematic thought, instead of the previous natural intuition. This will contribute to the existence of coherence between idea and proposal, consequently leading towards a progressively logical and accurate research, where it can be generically approached the construction subjects. There will be three projects, intending complementary objectives.

2nd project

concept investigation as composition; measure and module; working the real physical context. Dealing with a variety of subjects, like the scale of the territory and the architectonic object, the student passes through multiple stages, where his intuition is being progressively improved by a systematic and convergent thought. All this is supported by the teachers and lectures.

CAIS DAS PEDRAS, Porto, Portugal Now, there is a new and important factor of conditioning and stimulating the act of planning: the real physical context. The project is located at Cais das Pedras (Quay of the Stones), Massarelos, Porto. This place is surrounded by a highly-dense urban area, with historical features to consider. The quay itself is a very characteristic element of Massarelos, owing its name to the main material which the quay is made of: stone. In order to consider carefully both the concepts of place and composition, it will be planned a small dimension structure: a bar. It is sustained by a highly geometrical composition, based on a 3x3m cube as module. The modules used have necessarily to be read, spatially. The program of the bar includes a pantry, counter attendance, toilets and box-room. These functions will have a maximum of 13 modules. It also incorporates an exterior path and pavement café, with no limits of module use.

HOUSING-UNIT Teaching staff: professor arch. Sérgio Fernandez; arch. José Manuel Soares; arch. Pedro Gadanho; arch. Luís Pedro Silva; arch. Álvaro Andrade.


As part of a first year, seen as propaedeutic, the discipline of architecture project intends: the generic approach of architecture as a problem; the mastering of architecture project basic instruments; the initiation to architecture project methodology. The projects development is organized in order to stimulate the necessity of a systematic thought, instead of the previous natural intuition. This will contribute to the existence of coherence between idea and proposal, consequently leading towards a progressively logical and accurate research, where it can be generically approached the construction subjects. There will be three projects, intending complementary objectives. 3rd project program interpretation; function and quality of space; sensitiveness towards the materials plastic qualities; introduction to building constructing problems. Dealing with a variety of subjects, like the scale of the territory and the architectonic object, the student passes through multiple stages, where his intuition is being progressively improved by a systematic and convergent thought. All this is supported by the teachers and lectures.

STUDENTS RESIDENCE, Porto, Portugal The project intends a spatial organization that fulfills the function inhabiting. The exercise approach will consider multiple interconnected parameters that determine the architectonic image to create. This synthesis will enhance the following intentions: to clarify the relationship between place and building; to coherently develop form, exploring the possibilities of repetition phenomenon and implicit composition rules; to apply thought on the meaning of traditional housing models and to propose solutions — by the light of the life concepts that each student may have — that eventually may contradict these models; to consider the physic and plastic characteristics of materials, to develop notions about building structure and how to handle the mass, form and light relationship issues, in architecture. The building will house a small group of five university students. Each resident will have an autonomous space for studying and sleeping, articulated with a collective space for cherishing the living, eating, and cooking. These autonomous spaces should have the desirable independence and an exterior space benefit. The proper location and accurate articulation between the different spaces should enhance the idea of ensemble.The volumes to create should be constituted by forms of greater simplicity, in strict correspondence to the program established. The closed surfaces area of the entire ensemble must not exceed 240m²: collective spaces, 60m²: living, eating, cooking, clothing treatment with open-air drying area and toilet (washbasin and lavatory); individual spaces for students, 5x30m²: sleeping, living and working, and bathing area (washbasin, lavatory, bidet and bathtub or shower platform). The emplacement area should comprehend certain aspects such as: topography and solar orientation; far and close environment articulation; access system.

ARCHITECTURE DRAWING Teaching staff: Dr. professor Vitor Silva; painter Raquel Pelayo; painter José Manuel Barbosa; sculptor José Maria Lopes; painter Armando Ferraz; painter Lino Fernandes; painter Marta Seixas.


The main goals of the Desenho de Arquitectura (architecture drawing) discipline are: to develop the ability of thinking drawing (as a mean of representation and a graphic-plastic expression) in its relationship with conceiving and imagining architecture project; to consider ways of seeing and communicating through drawing, that may lead to experimentation and interpretation of the different images uses and intentions; to develop the uniqueness of drawing expression and individual adequacy as a mean of promoting the free and effective images construction, from the existence of a common language (way, techniques, codes and systems of representation); to promote the taste for images production and for acknowledging their meaning, as a way of accomplishing the discovery and the idea of conceptual, subjective and artistic drawing processes.

1st stage: Realism analysis, the analysis of real. Figure and Place representation

Place as an empiric experience and interpretative image; drawing studying as documentation and memory of place; forgetfulness and recollection function; anamnesis; All work should be made according to individual options upon the instruments used. Each ensemble of drawings is made with a specific system of representation and certain graphic ways, according to the student’s personal intention. Questions of representation, composition, articulation and scale should be attended.

2nd stage: Drawings drawing

To be able to see, compare and study the repetition phenomenon production and the copying of images belonging to the universe of art and architecture drawing; The drawings will be made after different author’s photocopies of drawings. Measure and technique should always be considered. Images will be chosen for their technique or expressive uniqueness. In each class, it should be performed 3 to 5 originals. There will be 2 variants of the exercise, in the 4 classes forecast: direct copy and personal interpretation.

3rd stage: Imaginary drawing

To develop the ability of producing drawing procedures, that are able to correspond to the idea of images non-directly origined from the real world perceptive experience; models and clichés; form and movement; deformation and figures. Each representation must master the perspective, always: vision angle, image field, main point, horizon-line and vanishing points.The perspective construction should be handmade. All work should be made according to individual options upon the instruments used. Questions of composition, expression and scale should be attended. In each class, the students will represent 4 exterior approaches, or 4 displacements from the interior of the proposed object. The exterior approaches should reach both “very far” and “very close” perspectives.The interior paths should be as varied as possible.

4th stage: Human figure drawing

To develop a practice non-directly involved on the making of architecture project images, as a way of absorbing the exploitation of a theme, totally centered on visual thinking: the human body image. All work is made under a strong sense of personal intention, as shown on previous stages. The human figure is part of the drawing, but not the mainly object of representation. The sense of space, now, is the most important objective. “In a course where so much is drawn and so much is spoken about drawing, working some of the processes and practices of drawing, and some of the questions related to it, is an obligation of the Desenho de Arquitectura (architecture drawing) discipline. (…)Why making images? Why drawing? To make drawings implies attitudes, techniques and procedures, with which becomes possible to question the meaning of images. Drawing, implies relating between objective and subjective processes of intervention on forms and spaces, on what is real and what is imaginary.These processes involve the need of a methodology and the accuracy of its adequacy, both practical and theoretical. Producing images means acting on reality, according to a demand of seeing and to allow seeing; according to a specific time to revise and think upon what do images create and prompt, themselves.” Vítor da Silva, in Student guide of Porto University School of Architecture, 1999-2000)

BETWEEN THE BUILDING AND THE (consolidated) CITY Teaching staff: Dr. professor arch. Francisco Barata; arch. Hélder Casal Ribeiro; arch. José Miguel Rodrigues; arch. Mário João Mesquita; arch. Pedro Alarcão; 5 monitors.


Consolidating instrumental and conceptual skills to the exercise of architecture project is the main objective of the proposal. It simultaneously proposes the introduction and investigation of the method issues on the practice of planning, as central theme. The observation process in the context of intervention should lead to the identifying and portraying of the different architectonic elements and forms — place of project and its meaning in the city history — aiming at achieving an objective well-grounded reflection, upon each transformation proposal. This discipline of Projecto II (between the building and the (consolidated) city) will also aim at presenting a reference table, allowing the global characterization of the territory of architecture, as a professional activity. It will be proposed a project, involving reduced complexity programs, in a well-defined context. It will be developed in 3 complementary stages: the 1st stage will fall upon the global study area: initiating an analysis process of the context, evaluating and reflecting upon the program, and presenting a well-stated global proposal of intervention; the 2nd stage will consist on the development of punctual actions, contained on the global proposal; the 3rd stage is destined to a fault-finder investigation of the pre-developed work, through a process of progressive re-adjustment between the 2 levels of intervention: the building and the city.

PARQUE DAS CAMÉLIAS, Porto, Portugal Urban and architectonic intervention proposal on Parque das Camélias block and near surroundings: The study area has been part of a contest, promoted by Porto 2001. The scholar work contains a substantial part of these general considerations and the program of this referred contest. However, the area of intervention will be wider and its urban restrictions and limitations will be adjusted, in order to fulfill the objectives of the discipline. The place is defined by Rua Augusto Rosa, Rua Alexandre Herculano, Rua Duque de Loulé and Rua do Sol, whose interior presents a non-built wide area, opening towards Rua Augusto Rosa. The place sets boundaries with several consolidated and old elements: the old fortress wall from the period of D. Fernando that used to limit the medieval heart; the Fontaínhas hillside over the river; the 1800’s expansion toward east; and finally, the main city entrance since the construction of the D. Luís bridge (1886) and untill the contruction of the new one in 1962: Arrábida bridge. Although the place is located in a consolidated area — from the city structure morphological point of view — this block presents the complexity of certain urban areas in transition. The dominant theme is the interior block intervention, which implies a reflection upon the ideas of front and back of the existing volumes, as well as evaluating the meaning and potential of the free available space.

Program: students residence, 3600m2: private areas: 40% singles and 60% doubles (single bedroom area, 15m²; double bedroom area, 20m²); living-room area, 40m² (2m² per student); 1 toilet for 2/4 single bedrooms (1 toilet is allowed for a double bedroom) and kitchenette (it can be placed on the living room); public areas: reception hall with information’s stand and living-room; library, 30m²; toilet; administration spaces (offices, meeting-room, toilet, secretary); TV room; services area: general storage room, 30m²; laundry service room, 30m²; toilet and dressing-room, 40m²; 30 car-park spaces (included in the planned car-park); underground car-park (200 spaces); bus-station: 5 bus stops; 8 bus-park spaces; bar; waiting room; toilet and a booking-office; covered gym: 2 basketball fields 26x15m (7m high); toilet; dressing-room and bathing-place for athletes; toilet; administration offices, 60m²; bar; kindergarten: 300m²; public space: public space definition, characterization of surfaces, trees, pavement, car-park areas, road-ways width and tourist buses parking needs.



COLLECTIVE HOUSING Teaching staff: professor arch. Bernardo Ferrão; arch. Carlos Nuno Lacerda Lopes; arch. Luís Viegas; arch. Luís Soares Carneiro; arch. Maria José Casanova; arch. Rui Ramos; arch. Álvaro Andrade; 6 monitors.

Understanding the city – main theme of study – is essentially made by planning, which is approached sequentially at the level of themes, places and programmatic contents, previously accorded. This project will have a base of theory and consolidated information and a permanent evaluation. It’s essential a continuous and individual theoretical investigation, to proceed the discipline objectives. This investigation must fall upon a single theme: Collective housing as a factor of creation and urban renewal; first, with the absence of a real and urban context, intending a systematic knowledge; later, with the comprehension of a specific part of the city, for acquisition of the new knowledge. In this second context, and now going from the city to housing, it will be studied the following theme: Urban Renewal and Completion of an Urban Area in Changing, in a non-consolidated urban context. ALDOAR, PORTO, Portugal This project will get on the bottom of the “Collective Housing as a factor of creation and urban renewal” theme. The plot is located in a city area where the signs of changes (function transference), change of scales and transformation of spaces, can be easily seen. The proposal will complete and renew a free area, limited by Rua Cidade da Beira and Rua de Moçambique, in Aldoar, Fonte da Moura. The objective will aim at comprehending the urban phenomenon as a whole: by organizing volumes and spaces; by integrating Housing, Commerce and Free Spaces, thus enhancing the relationship between urban insertion, urban morphology and housing typologies. At this time, it is about testing how a phisicall support and a real urban surroundings can limit and stimulate conceptual options at the urban morphology level and at the typology level. The total construction area will round the 50.000m ², 95% for housing and 5% for commerce.These values don’t contain underground parking areas and storage spaces. Exterior spaces areas are not included, because they depend on the chosen solution. However, they are understood in an urban public use perspective. The areas of each housing type are: T4, 165m ²; T3, 145m ²; T2, 120m ²; T1, 80m ². It should be 2 of the housing types in the proposed building blocks, at least; the ideal situation would be a harmonious articulation of the 4 housing types. The covered parking spaces should preview 1.5 spaces per house and 1 space per each 50m ² of commerce. The open-air parking spaces, should be enough for the punctual use of residents and visitors: 0.5 spaces per house. 1st stage: Place: emplacement and urban form will indicate an urban morphology proposal: occupation, volume, mass and empty spaces of the façades and integration with pre-existing architectures. This stage will pre-establish the functional program and access system distribution, suggesting the housing typologies and commerce location, simultaneously. At this point, the indication of the exterior spaces and their access from the surroundings is an important issue. This level pretends the “clarification” of the proposed urban image – forms, volumes - and will be drawn at a 1/500 scale. 2nd stage: Urban form: housing building and public/private space will indicate the proposed urban morphology: occupation, volume, façades drawing and integration with pre-existing architectures. This stage will define the functional program (housing, commerce, parking areas and access system): characterizing the housing typologies and the other foreseen uses for the built area; establishing the structural and constructive concepts. At this stage, it will be important to specify the exterior spaces, according to pavement or garden floor; to specify the access system, from the surroundings. This level pretends the “formulation” of the urban image – forms, volumes and architectonic language - and will be drawn with at a 1/200 scale. 3rd stage: Collective housing building: drawing and construction will develop a significant part of the global proposal: consolidating the morphological aspects; finding the spatial and functional characterization of the housing typologies and the following uses of the previewed buildings; detailing the structural and constructive system and getting closer to the detail of the final drawing. It will be expect a considered selection of the details that better explain the proposed solution, beyond current graphic elements. This level pretends the “communication” of the partial urban image – forms, volumes and architectonic language - and will be drawn with at a 1/100 scale, and at detail scales: 1/50, 1/20, 1/2.


PUBLIC FACILITY Teaching staff: professor arch. Pedro Ramalho; arch. Nuno Brandão; arch. Carlos Prata; arch. Camilo Rebelo


Projecto IV (project/construction transition) aims at practicing architecture project, having as reference the professional practice type. It’s about consolidating a base knowledge: the support of architecture as a socially relevant scientific and artistic discipline. This is the first time to identify the real nature of the architect activity. This is the place where one learns to become an architect; by training the capacity to deduct form, which will become mass, longing to become architecture. This is the space for the inter-disciplinary exercise; the time for the synthesis exercise. The project theme has an institutional reference, situating itself on the field of large complexity public facilities, both in functional, formal and constructive terms. This complexity is such — in scale, dimension and urban representation — that the project actions surpass clearly the limits of the physic space of intervention, reaching the surroundings and acting deeply upon the context. It’s the time and space where the act of planning becomes a truly modifying act. The context in which the work happens is the city in transformation, between the consolidated city and the outskirts. Theme: Project for an architecture drawing archive centre: private and non-lucrative institution, with a strong vocation towards classification, restoration, keeping and reproduction of documents and drawings. These documents belong to other institutions (public or private), possessing personal patrimony on the domains of architecture. Its main goal is supporting and backing-up specialized investigation and publicizing the material at its guard, as a way of divulging the architectonic culture. Development and methodology: the duration of each one of the 3 stages, in which work is organized, coincide with the 3 terms structuring the school year: 1st stage (1st term): Base-Program and Previous Study; 2nd stage (2nd term): Base-Project or Ante-Project; 3rd stage (3rd term): Project; The main project objective is the formulation of a “professional kind” project. The fundamental steps are: conception and proposal evaluation; real physical structuring of the project, through the introduction of drawing and measure accurateness and the technique complexity of the building; final synthesis and ability of construction/building communication.

CITY MUSEUM, Batalha, Porto, Portugal The place of intervention is situated in an old city centre, limited at south by Viaduto Duque de Loulé and by the river Douro escarpa and at north by well consolidated urban tissue, formed by 19th century housing blocks. Program: reception areas, main activity and leisure, 1200 m2, including: foyer, locker room, public bathrooms, conference room, temporary exhibiotion room, cafeteria; private areas, 1200m2, including: head-border office, secretary, waiting room, specialized library, documentation room/archive, technical areas; permanent exhibition, 1200m2

november 2003

december 2003

april 2004



URBAN PROJECT Teaching staff: Dr. professor arch. Carlos Guimarães; arch. Raquel Paulino; guest teacher arch. Rui Mealha; arch. Teresa Cálix.


The urban project subject pretends: to develop a pedagogic process that may origin a deep thinking upon the territory, the city and its extensions and the object or architectonic ensemble; by this, the future architect will be provided with the ability of intervening in an environment full of differences and uncertainties; to prepare the student, towards the construction of strategies and transformation actions upon the city and the territory; this preparation considers the present and future needs of the collectivity and also the consequence of those actions; to develop the student’s experience in group work, transmitting that urban knowledge is shared by varied disciplinary formations, complementing each other, even more. The central theme is Urban Project, seen as a space of articulation between the Plan and the Project, between the city and the architecture. It will be attributed a special attention towards the Collective Space System. This is the link which organizes and shapes the city, connects their multiple parts and stabilizes its transformation. In this way, the urban project must be “made as a final project for the public space, and as a set of formal or procedure rules towards the urban elements (...)” (Nuno Portas, 1998). The questions related to the urban intervention will be investigated, in a part of the city with a certain complexity and dimension. The following subjects will be considered: the observed urban dynamics; the objective and motivations of the territory transforming agents; the existing instruments of planning; the organizing systems that serve the study area and its environment; the urban managing and the private and public space drawing. The work will be developed in 4 stages: in the 1st stage, the information upon the study area will be gathered and organized, thus comprehending the formulation of a diagnosis and an intervention strategy definition; in the 2nd stage, the work will be developed and complemented with drawing exercises, specifically in the critical areas defined by the group strategy; in the 3rd stage, a balance will be executed, re-evaluating the programmatic principles initially established, possibly generating a re-orientation of the chosen strategy; in the 4th stage, the final version of the intervention strategy and the urban re-qualification proposals will be presented.

VL8 - RE-STRUCTURING OF AN URBAIN AVENUE, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal note: this project was performed by 5 people; By the previous described goals of Urban Project, it will be studied a specific area of the city of Porto. This area is organized by 2 ring-shaped main roads — VCI (internal city road) and Estrada da Circunvalação (external city road) — and limited by: the Francos interchange, the A3 (Porto-Minho motorway) interchange and their respective roads (from them developed towards north): Avenida AEP (Porto’s Business Avenue) and A3. If Estrada da Circunvalação has an outline descending from the eighteenth century, VCI is the result of a recent conclusion intervention, and whose conception centered in a road perspective, creating a big linear break in the continuity of the urban tissues which have come across.The VCI outline has intensified differences, created barriers and doubts.The absence of urban alternatives to the break it has created is a challenge and an important theme for an urban re-qualification, still today. The PDM (town plan) revision of Porto permitted a different future to the roading of the AMP (Porto’s Metropolitan Area). If articulated with new perspectives and urban concepts, the new and previewed roading (and its connections to the existing structure) may allow the introduction of changes in VCI and in other connecting and linking road axles, towards Estrada da Circunvalação. This will also configure new images and a more urban linking to the outer tissues, without diminishing their functional performance. It’s all about re-configuring roading, allowing the reinforcement and enhancement of the city areas which are crossed by VCI; thus finding the proper programs that may absorb the different functions emerged from an urban renewal strategy, in a global qualification point of view. The chosen urban renewal strategy aimed at a wider sense of intervention, thus acting deeply upon the territory.

elação existente/proposto




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