That Harvard Case - Part 4 Friday, May 06, 2022
As we noted in an earlier post, while the recent leak from the US Supreme Court regarding the Roe case has been much in the news, there is also the Harvard/U of North Carolina affirmative action issue in admissions before the Court.* Whether the Roe leak means the Court will be more or less in a mood to overturn its precedents regarding affirmative action is anyone's guess. However, a recent Pew poll which finds public antipathy toward affirmative action (in line with California voters' recent unwillingness to overturn Prop 209) could be cited by the Court as a reason to overturn its earlier decisions. U.S. public continues to view grades, test scores as top factors in college admissions BY VIANNEY GÓMEZ, PEW RESEARCH CENTER, 4-26-22 With the college admissions process under increasing scrutiny – by colleges themselves and the U.S. Supreme Court – more Americans say high school grades and standardized test scores should matter in the admissions process than say the same about other factors.
UCLA Faculty Association Blog: 2nd Quarter 2022