Overheated Graduation at Davis Sunday, June 12, 2022
The graduation at UC-Davis had to be stopped due to heat. Lest you think that such developments are confined to campuses such as Davis that are inland, it is worth noting that on April 8th of this year, temperatures in Westwood were in the 90s. There will need to be a Plan B for graduation ceremonies on all campuses that hold them outdoors. (And, of course, moving them indoors raises COVID risks.) 'People getting taken by ambulance': UC Davis cuts graduation short amid scorching heat Amy Graff, SFGATE, June 10, 2022
UC Davis didn't finish its outdoor graduation commencement on Friday after multiple local agencies, including the fire department, urged the university to stop the ceremony. Some 12,500 students and families were baking in scorching heat without easy access to shade, officials said. Students on Twitter reported that people with heat-related illnesses were taken away in ambulances at Health Stadium and the university said 34 calls were made for medical-related service and five people were transported to area hospitals during the commencement. (The UC Davis Fire Department didn't immediately respond to a request to confirm how many of those calls were heat related.) "To see how @ucdavis handled today’s graduation is bulls---" wrote @tanyacasas_. "Watching people getting taken by ambulance left and right while others leave bc they are on the verge of passing out from heat stroke. This Is a joke." The event, the first of three undergraduate ceremonies, started at 8 a.m. to take advantage of cooler morning temperatures. After three hour,s many students had yet to walk across the stage and receive their diplomas. The university announced just after 11 a.m. it was stopping the ceremony based on health and public safety concerns due to heat. Ashley Hicks, a student who attended the ceremony, said she was confused by the 246
UCLA Faculty Association Blog: 2nd Quarter 2022