More Awards Friday, June 17, 2022
From a recent announcement: The Dickson Emeritus Professorship Award is funded from a gift endowment established by the late Edward A. Dickson, Regent of the University of California, to honor outstanding research, scholarly work, teaching, and service performed by an Emeritus or Emerita Professor since retirement. Three UCLA emeriti professors have been selected to receive the 2021 – 2022 Edward A. Dickson Emeritus Professorship Award, which includes a prize of $5,000: Distinguished Research Professor Andrew Christensen, Distinguished Professor Emeritus Brian Copenhaver, and Distinguished Research Professor Roger Detels. Andrew Christensen , Distinguished Research Professor of Psychology retired in 2014 and is most widely known for developing an intervention for couples called Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy (IBCT). Conducting clinical trials documenting the effectiveness of that approach, IBCT is the largest and longest RCT of couple therapy. Since retirement, Dr. Christensen has continued to focus on the research and dissemination of IBCT so that his treatment methodology can assist populations in the United States that previously have not had access to such effective therapy. Prior to his retirement, the Veteran’s Administration (VA) selected IBCT as its intervention to support military veterans and their families. Each year Dr. Christensen provides multi-day workshops to teach therapists in the VA system about IBCT, meeting every other week with a core group of IBCT consultants who supervise these therapists as they implement IBCT with couples in their home facility, and providing additional, special topics workshops for therapists as they implement couple therapy in the VA. He has continued attracting federal support to further examine the outcomes of this approach. Dr. Christensen’s scholarly work is recognized nationally and internationally, and in the years since retirement, he has given many invited talks and workshops, published numerous articles and book chapters, as well as published an update to his Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy: A Therapist’s Guide to Creating Acceptance and Change (Christensen, Doss, & Jacobson, 2020). On a recall basis, he has taught his popular Marital Therapy graduate seminar four times in clinical psychology. He has continued to supervise graduate students in clinical psychology as these students see couples in the withindepartment psychology clinic. In 2016, he was recognized with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the California Psychological Association. In short, Dr. Christensen’s work, before and after retirement, has had a dramatic impact on the lives of thousands of couples. Brian Copenhaver , Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and History held the Udvar-Hazy Chair of Philosophy and History until his retirement in 2017. Since 258
UCLA Faculty Association Blog: 2nd Quarter 2022