1 minute read
WINE GLASS: Possibly a special one? Left at Darlington Hall after Save The Hills Concert on Saturday 10th June. Please ring Betty on 0408 912 101 to identify and recover…has been washed!!
GARDENING, pruning, weeding, mulching, whipper snipping, gutters cleaned, general tidy up. Phone Geoff 0409 088 936.
9.30am Darlington Hall, cost $15. All welcome, no experience needed. Contact Lynne 0409 520 023.
HILLSIDE OUTDOOR BLINDS Your hills specialist in all styles of blinds & awnings. Mesh block-out fabrics offer views whilst blocking out 95% of the sun, wind, rain & protection from bugs. All blinds made inhouse from 100% Aussie parts, stainless steel & aluminium NO RUST! Fully auto with remote control options available. For a demo & to discuss creating your perfect outdoor entertaining area. Phone Yvonne 0416 233 277.