5 minute read
The Darlington Club
Saturday, 12 August 2023 from 18:30-22:00
The Robert Juniper Award for the Arts offers an annual award to help support young creatives from the Perth Hills in reach their dreams. The Award is substantial ($10,000) and the Live at the Hall event will contribute funds to the 2023 award.
International blues legend (and Darlington resident) Dave Hole will be joined by local musician Glen Whisson for an evening of acoustic blues accompanied by a selection of personal musical favourites. The night will begin with a performance by Ben Bulla - the current recipient of this prestigious award. This is a seated event and guests are welcome to BYO food and drinks.
Ticket link: www.trybooking.com/1076267
DISCOUNT for TDC Members: please select “BOOK NOW” and then add your tickets to the shopping basket and hit next. In the right hand panel under “Gift certificate / Promotion code” add TDCMEMBERS and hit APPLY to receive the discount, then complete payment.
Thank you mail received for the Clubs recent community support:
“On behalf of the Committee for the Centenary Celebration of the Darlington Hall, I would like to thank the Darlington Club for their donation of $ 200.00”.
Val Shiell, Chair
Re: $1000 cash donation
“On behalf of the Darlington Community Garden (DCG) I wish to thank you and your members for their generous donation to the garden of $1000”.
Trish Cook, Secretary
Fees to join are $20 per person or $40 for two or family. Payee The Darlington Club Inc. BSB 633 000, Account 124527748. Reference Surname and Subs.
Sue Lavell | Club President
Coming Events:
The Club opens at 6.30pm every second Friday at Darlington Lesser Hall. BYO drinks and nibbles.

August 4th Sundowner
August 11th Closed
August 12th Robert Juniper Award for the Arts fundraiser
August 18th Extraordinary General Meeting - Constitution
August 19th 100 Year Celebration of the Darlington Hall
August 25th Closed
September 1st Fish and Chips
Contact Sue on 0439 273 213 | email oshadhi@iinet.net.au for details
Or Sue Bennetts, Secretary on 0407 920 930 email garrysue24@iinet.net.au going to get me a phone? You can put as many locks on it as you want to stop me seeing things I shouldn’t ” My reply to him was “When we give you a phone we won’t be locking anything on it By then you will have a full understanding of the freedom you have to make your own choices with what is out in the world. You will be equipped and free to choose for yourself what you access ” His reply was “Fair enough, those locks don’t work anyway, kids know how to get past them.”
Rather than lock away the world our children, we reveal the wor them and show them the choices possible outcomes they are going up against This is how God Father children. It’s what He did with A and Eve He showed them His way them the outcomes of cho anything less and gave them freedom to choose
All while equipping them to walk not faint.
Adam didn’t trust God, he ins desired to live by his own standard desires lead him to act in a way ended in death
Adam didn't die because God smote him or was angry He died because the breath of God, God’s Spirit, Life itself, could not and would not reside in a body that wasn’t desiring to uphold the standard that God had set God will, and does, uphold His own standards and His Spirit, like the wind, resides where it wishes. God had every right to take His Spirit from Adam God had every right to continue to uphold His own standard while leaving Adam to go on continuing in his own ways, if Adam so chose.
God did indeed lock up a tree at that point – the Tree of Life A tree that had been freely on offer; a tree that was able to sustain them for an eternity was now denied to them Why? Because God’s Tree of Life is holy and only those meeting the requirements came at the risk of losing everything for Himself He knew that giving us the freedom to choose meant that He will either gain the hearts of people, by their own choosing, or have them walk so far from Him that they hate Him, spit on Him and even go so far as to crucify Him

All of this that God may gain for Himself a people who have tried and tested every other measure, every other standard outside of God’s standard and th t t id f Hi l requires so many laws that parliament houses barely keep up with the process of changing and adding new laws; laws that are required to try and manage people. Federal parliament alone on average, passes 139 new laws each year. How many courthouses will be required to ensure they are justly upheld? How many police officers will we require on the streets to remove the lawlessness? How can we ever be at rest if we are forever living in the cycle of trying to restrain people’s hearts, and minds and decisions!
There is an old saying “Laws are made be broken!” and that is what God Himself did - but He doesn’t just 'break' the chains of the bondage of the law conquered it. He upheld them all, each and every one. In fact it is written that Christ Himself is the end of the law. When His standards are met and upheld, the letter of God’s law is nailed the cross and His righteousness comes in and trumps all the lawlessness and brings into play the creation of renewed minds and hearts.
Without a plumb line, without a moral authority, without design and purpose, how can unity in this world ever exist? If two people in a perfect garden, walking alongside their perfect Creator, couldn’t live without restraining selfish desires, what hope does a larger number of people residing together have?
If I gave each member of our household the right to choose their own standards our home would be in a state of chaos. A family is a mini society and cannot operate without chaos if each person sets their own standards. How is a society on a larger scale then meant to achieve order and unity?
Is there a standard somewhere that we can look upon as an example that displays perfect love, perfect peace and perfect unity in this world? If there was, surely we would all be gathered together asking that community to let us all in and join them.... or maybe we
Minds and hearts where the Spirit of God chooses to reside and work within and through us with the provisions that He has on offer. Gifts of God, where there are no laws of restraint. For it is written that the work of the Holy Spirit within a person produces love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control and against these things there are no laws.
We look at this world and its process of creating more and more laws simply because people will forever experience the desire to set a standard for themselves. Standards that fall short of the glory of God. Standards that bring about the realities this world now has on display.
Jesus says “Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will provide you rest.” and against His provision there are no laws.
Sandra Parish