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Parkerville Steiner College | A

Compelling Alternative for High School in the Perth Hills Class 8: The Industrial Revolution


During the final Main Lesson of the term, Class 8 embarked on a journey to uncover the details of the transformative Industrial Revolution, a historical period that emerged in the wake of Europe's flourishing Renaissance era.

The students eagerly commenced their exploration by delving into the fascinating story of the Spinning Jenny, a groundbreaking invention hailing from Britain. Quite surprisingly, this incredible creation came into existence by sheer accident and played a pivotal role in heralding the epoch-shifting events of the Industrial Revolution.

The class analysed humanity's metamorphic passage from an agrarian-based society to one defined by burgeoning urbanisation and robust industrialisation. This transformation was brilliantly showcased through various technological advancements such as the famously revolutionary steam engine, along with inventions like the power loom and a plethora of vital agricultural innovations. This societal shift was also reflected in numerous contemporary artworks which captured the rapidly changing landscapes – masterpieces that the students meticulously scrutinised and appreciated.

Leaving behind Britain's storied shores, our adolescent explorers navigated across vast oceanic expanses to investigate Australia's experience during this influential period. They examined how industrialisation affected various aspects of contemporary life – encompassing realms such as travel, migration, communication, education, and mundane daily routines.

Characterised by a multitude of impassioned inclass discussions, the main lesson allowed these young minds to ruminate upon and fully grasp the colossal impact that the Industrial Revolution continues to exert upon our modern world.

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In Steiner schools throughout the world, Winter is a time of wonder and joy and is celebrated every year with a magical Winter Festival. Here at Silver Tree, the Winter Festival is held as near as possible to the Winter Solstice, in the Noongar season of Makuru, when the sun sends the least power to the earth. The days are short, the nights are long, and we are reminded to hold the light for each other, and ourselves, as we journey through the coldest and darkest time of the year.

The centrepiece of the Winter Festival is the Spiral Walk. The spiral-shaped path is adorned with evergreen branches and candles and each child takes a turn walking the spiral, holding a lit candle. As they walk, they reflect on their own inner light and the warmth they bring to the world.

Additionally, a lantern walk through the forest takes place under the starry skies, where all our children and their families walk together, guided by the light of their handmade lanterns,

Silver Tree Steiner

whilst singing beautiful winter songs. Our lantern walk takes us through our bush village up to the huge bonfire, created just for the evening. Here we wait for the oldest children of the school, who have the great privilege of igniting the bonfire, by bringing the light to the fire. This is done every year with great reverence and care, and this year, by our Class 6 Lionhearts who were magnificent in their courage and precision. The Winter Festival provides an opportunity to celebrate the beauty of the winter season whilst fostering a sense of togetherness within our community.

Festivals are an integral part of Steiner Education as they provide the time and space to lift ourselves out of the ordinary routines of school and life and celebrate the seasonal shifts, and the gifts of nature whilst nurturing that very human need to come together in a meaningful way. Festivals such as these are a wonderful way to bring wonder and reverence to children, shaping their inner world with curiosity and spark and strengthening qualities.

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