2 minute read

Darlington Arts Festival

It’s been a while since DAF notes have appeared in the Review and it’s good to be back.

With only three months to go, the pace is starting to increase. The festival is a huge undertaking and requires a big team of volunteers. The committee is a great mix of those who have been involved for years and newcomers, all dedicated to bringing you a weekend in November with a range of activities and attractions to appeal to all ages.


Because it is an arts festival, the visual and performing arts are fundamental but when you add in the artisan craft stalls, gourmet food, art workshops for kids, the art shop, wine tent – the list goes on – then you can understand why we are so proud to be part of this event. And Darlington can be proud to have supported it for so many decades.

Applications are open now for Open Art, Performing Arts, and Junior Art. Sculptures on the Scarp and Youth Art applications will be open soon.

Details of all these are on the website: www.darlingtonartsfestival. com.

Putting on an event like this doesn’t come cheap and we are always keen for sponsors and donors to help. Each year many organisations, businesses and individuals give generously (and some have done so for years). Their support is always greatly appreciated and without it the festival would not survive. The sponsorship team will be talking to previous sponsors and donors but if you are new to Darlington and would like to contribute we would be delighted to hear from you. Check out the website for details.

Forrest Darlings CWA

Our delegate Heather represented our branch at the CWA of WA annual conference in Perth last month. Hundreds of members from branches across the state descended on the Novotel to rekindle friendships, present awards and vote on the conference motions. This event is a highlight of the year for many CWA members and a chance to deepen our understanding of the work of the organisation. Among the highlights was a presentation on the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) 30th World Conference in Kuala Lumpur and a presentation on the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act.

Library Bags

Branch members are continuing to sew library bags to donate to local school children in need. Last month we presented them to Clayton View Primary School and Greenmount Primary School. We have a surplus of library bags for sale ($5 each). Please contact us via the details at the bottom of the page if you would like to purchase. All funds raised from the sales of bags will continue to fund our work making and donating them to children in need.

Forrest Darlings is a modern branch of the CWA of WA which meets monthly at the Darlington Pavilion. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 7pm. Membership is now half price until the end of the year ($35). For more information about joining or visiting contact Kate Herren (President) on 0452 644 248 or follow Forrest Darlings on Facebook.

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