7 minute read
on at the Hub of the Hills for over 55’s in August
Soup Morning | Tuesday 8 August | 11am to 12pm | Gold coin
The Active Ageing Network will be supplying home made soup with a bun directly after the Coffee Morning.
Over 55’s Drop-In Session | Wednesdays | 9.30am to 11.30am
A safe area for seniors to have a chat, read the paper, play board games or complete a puzzle. Tea and coffee available.
Creative Showcase | Tuesday 22 August | 9.30am to 11.30am
A morning of local talent on show. Local individuals and groups will have their creative works on show and be available for a chat about what they are showing. Morning tea available for a gold coin donation.
The Active Ageing Network is looking for volunteers for the weekly Coffee Morning roster. Please call Rachael on 9290 6683 if interested.
The Hub of the Hills, 8 Craig Street, Mundaring 9290 6683 cso4@mundaring.wa.gov.au | Officer present on: Tuesday 8.30am to 11.30am | Wednesday 9am to 12pm | Thursday 10am to 2pm

Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers' Centre
Submissions for the 2024 KSP Writers’ Centre Fellowship Program are closing soon

Deadline to submit: 25
August 2023
The KSP Writers’ Centre is proud to host this annual fellowship program for adult authors, providing placements for dedicated aspiring, emerging and established writers looking to develop a writing project. All genres accepted. Successful applicants are gifted with the time and space to work in an inspirational environment with special access to Katharine’s Cottage, where celebrated novelist Katharine Susannah Prichard wrote most of her works. While in residence at KSP, fellows also have access to an active community of peers through our many writing groups, all of which are complimentary as part of the fellowship, as well as the opportunity to network, drink and dine with your co-fellows.
For more information on our residencies, competitions or other activities please visit the KSP website www.kspwriterscentre. com or phone the office on 9294 1872. KSP Writers’ Centre is proudly sponsored by the Shire of Mundaring.
Welcome to Glen Forrest Bridge Club
Maybe you have considered learning to play or to renew your interest in the game. Glen Forrest Bridge Cub, is a friendly and supportive club that caters to beginners and experienced players. It is located at the Glen Forrest Sports Club in McGlew Road. Fees are very modest and include membership of the Sports Club.
For beginners, a very friendly and supportive session is held on Wednesday mornings 9.30am to 11.30am. People can learn to play from scratch, refresh skills, or just play socially without the pressure of competition. No need to feel shy, everyone is made very welcome.
Apart from being a very interesting and challenging game, it is a great social outlet, meeting and mixing with all kinds of people from all walks of life. Many lifetime friendships have formed over the bridge table.
Regular sessions are held on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, learners/social session Wednesday morning.
Telephone Bev 0437 817 359 or Fred 0417 913 468 if you would like more information.
KSP Writers’ Centre Annual Spooky Stories Sundowner
When: Saturday 19 August 2023, 5.00-7.00pm AWST at the KSP Writers' Centre
This free event celebrates the launch of KSP's 2023 spooky story anthology, featuring all the winning and shortlisted entries from the KSP 2023 Spooky Story Competition sponsored by Tabetha Rogers Beggs of Little Black Dress Productions. Judge Carolyn Wren will announce the winners, which will be followed by readings from a select number of authors. Register for your free ticket today!
Submit to our Annual Short Fiction Competition
Deadline: 2.00pm AWST, 6 September 2023. YOUTH (up to 17 years): Free, limit of one entry per person. ADULT (18 plus): $10 per entry, no limit on entries.
The KSP Writers' Centre is proud to present this annual short fiction competition for Australian writers, which is FREE for youth to enter thanks to sponsorship from the Shire of Mundaring. Judges will be looking for good quality original, unpublished writing with engaging characters and a compelling narrative. All fiction styles and themes are acceptable. Results will be announced at an awards ceremony in December.
Glen Forrest Bridge Club
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Rotary Club of Midland Swan Valley (Swan Rotary)
Rotary Western Australia recently celebrated the bringing together of all Rotary clubs in WA as one Rotary District, previously there were two. This brings together almost 2,000 volunteers and 90 clubs from Kununurra to Esperance and from Kalgoorlie to the Perth metropolitan area, with clubs in the Wheatbelt and the southwest.
It was an historic occasion at Government House with the Lieutenant Governor Chief Justice Peter Quinlan giving an address together with the Rotary International Director Dr. Jessie Harman.
financial ways,” said Ineke. “Rotary has come a long way in years gone by and not enough people know about it. Anyone who would like to help others in one way or another, and who have a high sense of integrity themselves, would enjoy spending time with like-minded people.”
The Swan Rotary Club is a vibrant club making a difference in the community and having fun whilst doing it. There are opportunities for more members to join the club and experience helping others in a variety of ways. They meet at the 7th Avenue Bar and Restaurant most weeks but can also be seen at the Bassendean Markets on the last weekend of every month.
Ineke joined Rotary in 2008 and has been with this club ever since, her husband Geoff is also a member. She recalls “I first joined our Club when I started with Riverlands Montessori School, with the ulterior motive of having Rotary support the school. However, I soon learned the school community, the children and their families would benefit more from supporting Rotary. The joy in knowing we are helping others in need, is now well researched as being one of the major factors in positive mental health. Our club definitely focuses on enjoying what we do, we also have regular social events and meet up with other Rotarians.”
Ineke Oliver, past Principal of Riverlands Montessori School in Dayton, was installed as the first District Governor of Rotary Western Australia.
"We are a service organisation doing things differently, changing with the times, by providing volunteering opportunities for anyone and everyone keen to help others in both practical and
The Importance of Oral History

Swan Rotary - come and make a difference with us!
We meet at 7th Avenue Tavern, Midland, Mondays 6.30pm.
Contact: Betty Pitcher: Mobile 0408 912 101.
Mundaring and Hills Historical Society
Oral history seeks to capture history, much missed by public and statistical data, rather adding to the cultural significance of peoples, places and events. Eyewitnesses to events and everyday life contribute to various viewpoints and perspectives, coloured by their own past and their present circumstances, some often contradicting written sources. The recording may serve as the only source of a particular event, place or person whose life has been untold or forgotten. By interviewing and collecting oral histories a better understanding of how communities experience external forces, filling out details of the past and the impact of the wider environment on their existence.
Change is captured easily with the eye albeit momentarily, but oral history has a greater depth, it allows those interviewed to express their thoughts and consequence of change, whether for the good or the detrimental challenges they may have posed. The recording picks up the story but more importantly the voice, accent and emotions expressed by the interviewee, preserved for future generations to hear, and may act as a means of comparison of lives and environment. Individual narratives are personal and of greater value than generalisations, avoiding stereotyping, engendered prejudice and other variables, readily available in our high-tech world.
MHHS have been collecting Oral Histories since its inception in 1989, thus preserving histories of the people of the Mundaring Shire. The Shire is rich in workers, industries, immigrants, families, art and creativity, help us to preserve that. If you know someone who has a story to tell of their lives or indeed yourself, then let us know and we will endeavour to capture those in a recording and transcript.
Next General Meeting and AGM
Saturday 19th August
2pm at Boya Community Centre, 119-135 Scott Street Boya Guest Speaker | Dr Jan Baldwin at 3pm

Contact Details
Phone: 9299 6696 Email: cliffburns@iprimus.com.au
Jolly Jurien Jaunt Weekend Adventure VACANCY FOR ONE MALE (25 – 28 August)
Join with 30 other Adventurers. Based at Jurien Bay, the Adventure includes two days of hiking (5.5km, 4.8km, 2.1km & 1.6km), hilarious social activities and accommodation at excellent apartments each night. Participants carry only light weight day-packs. Without doubt this area is some of the best bushwalking trails and natural features in Western Australia. Contact Cliff on 9299 6696 or cliffburns@iprimus.com.au for all the details.
Seven Walks Completed & Ten Walks Still Available
This season so far, we have walked Canning River, Settlers Common in Armadale, Swan River bridges, Carmel Bushlands, Lake Leschenaultia Bushlands, Piesse Brook Bushlands and Swan River/Old Guildford Area. Attendances have been consistently high at around 30 people.
with its beautiful scenery is a real treat.
Camping for the Elderly
An elderly couple noticed that they were becoming more forgetful, so they decided to go to the doctor. The doctor told them that camping is good for your mental health but they should also start writing things down so they don’t forget. So, a couple days later they went camping and the lady asked her husband to make her a cup of coffee. “You might want to write it down,” she said. The husband said, “No, I can remember that you want a cup of coffee.” She then told her husband she wanted a cup of coffee with cream. “Write it down,” she told him, and again he said, “No, no, I can remember: you want a cup of coffee with cream.” Then the lady said she wants a cup of coffee with cream and sugar. “Write it down,” she told her husband and again he said, “No, I got it. You want a cup of coffee with cream and sugar.”
So, he goes to get the coffee and after 20 minutes he retu rns to his wife and hands her a plate of eggs and bacon. The old wife stares at the plate for a moment, then looks at her husband and said, “You remembered the eggs and bacon, but where’s the toast?”
Receive the latest information with “Bushwalk News”
Ask to be placed on the “Bushwalk News” email list to receive all the new information hot off the press.
See you on the track.
Cliff Burns (Organizer and Guide) 9299 6696 For programme, info. & bookings: Email: cliffburns@iprimus.com.au
Phone: Cliff Burns 9299 6696
Sun. 10 # Alp Road Reserve SawyersValley

Sun. 17 # Sullivan Rock, Mt Vincent, Mt Cuthbert
Sun. 1 # South Darlington Bushlands
Sun. 8 # Wandoo Nature Res & Susannah Br. Oct.
Sun. 15 # Lesmurdie Falls & WIND-UP