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Darlington Community Garden (DCG)
Darlington – it’s much more than just a place to live.
Do you want to design yours and your family’s life to make it happier, healthier, and also longer? And increase the quality of living in Darlington? Have you heard of the Blue Zones?
Longevity expert Dan Buettner, details in his popular book, The Blue Zones, the lifestyle habits of the world’s longest-lived and healthiest people and followed up with The Blue Zones of Happiness revealing the secrets of the world’s happiest places.
Their research indicates the place we live has a bigger influence on health than genetics and is the single largest determinant of health. Residents of Darlington are well known as being fervent about our environment and the nature of our village and Darlington people care.
When asked; “What are the best things about living in Darlington?” people say things like, “The bush environment and the supportive and welcoming community”, “We came for the trees...and stayed for the people”, and “feeling part of the community”.
Buettner has written extensively on the lessons from the happiest places in the world. These are strongest in making happier, healthier residents:
• Bikeable, walkable places.
• Access to parks and green spaces.
• Reducing fast food and junk food consumption and making fruits and vegetables cheaper and more accessible.
And when asked “What can someone do right now to increase their happiness? Buettner answers: “Make a new happy friend — that’s one of the best things you can do. Your happiness will go up 15%. And volunteer, even if you think you don’t have the time. People who find meaningful ways to give back are happier.”
As well as growing great gardens, members of Darlington Community Garden are happy souls and care about the health and happiness of our community. Please do consider checking us out as a place to volunteer and “make a new happy friend” and you will be welcomed by open hearts and arms. And we invite all ages and abilities striving to be as inclusive as possible.
Let’s connect in the Garden, Cheers Susie & Team
Saturday Morning in the Garden: Hi from Sally Sue Shelton Susie Louise Kylie Trish & Alison + dogs of course.
DRUMMING CIRCLE & yarning around the campfire.
How can you get involved?
• NEW MEMBERS welcome. Lots to interest everyone. Join here - https://www. darlingtoncommunitygarden. org.au/join-us-1

• Join our DCG Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/ groups/218148335647263
• CFC’s - CASH FOR CONTAINERS bins back of Liquor Store car park OR DCG Collection Centre # is C 1033 0258. We pick up quantity. Cans & bottles gratefully received.
• TIP TRIPS FUND RAISER: GREEN WASTE & RUBBISH REMOVAL - $65 donation to DCG per trailer. Bookings SHELTON 0452 541 069
• Find things Garden/ PRODUCE related on the DCG TROLLEY under the pines near the playground. Bring your surplus and take what you can use.
• BOTTLETOPS – Drop-off Saturdays from 9am at the Wagon.
• FOR HIRE - VINTAGE CROCKERY & bright & beautiful BUNTING - Trish 0409 479 551
• Sponsorship of A Tree –Dedicate a tree as a tribute to a loved one or in the name of a local business/organisation. For info darlingtoncg@ hotmail.com.
Can you help? – we need:
• Discounts and/or Donations of bricks & materials and Brickies & Paving Tradies to install the paving & Arbour base. We welcome your Offer/ Quote.
SUNDAY 13th August (2nd Sunday of month)
From 3pm PLANT & PRODUCE SWAP - Bring produce, seeds, cuttings, plants, herbs, jams, etc & plate of food & drink to share.
From 5pm - DRUMMING CIRCLE & Yarning around the campfire
• Discounts/Trade Accounts/ Sponsorship with Local Suppliers of materials for DCG.
• SECURITY SYSTEM installer. CALL Trish 0409 479 551