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Darlington Junior Football Club
We are two thirds of the way through our season and are looking at beginning to organise our end of season club wind up. Recently the club held our iPod shuffle and auction night. Which is an event designed to raise fund for the club as well as being a great social event for our adult members.

For those who don’t know an iPod shuffle night is where everyone who purchases a ticket must also select a song to be added to a playlist which is then played at random on the evening, with the first and last song of the night taking home cash prizes. It is a good thing life member Heath Dullard took out the prize for last song of the evening winning a total of $500 given the sheer number of items he bid upon and won.

The auctioneer of the evening Quirky managed to not only feed everyone a delicious paella supper but kept us all entertained with his colourful descriptions of the items available to bid on. Thank you to all of our sponsors or members for donating some wonderful prizes and to all of our committee members responsible for putting together such a fun evening. Special thanks to Robyn, Brodie, Krissy, Alex, Keila and Quirky and thanks to the members who braved the cold and came along to support their club. There were a few very subdued supporters down at the oval the next morning for Sunday footy.
The long-awaited shipment of beanies has arrived! They are available to purchase from the canteen! There are also some drink bottles and shirts left too.

Friends of Darlington Station Reserve (FODS)
Commemorations and Completion of 2023 Planting. Hoorah!
As you can see from this month's Review editorial, Betty Pitcher and Peter Edwards have recently had their wonderful contribution to the Darlington Review commemorated by the planting of Eucalyptus Macrocarpa trees on the Station Reserve opposite Little Nook Café; plaques with the details will be placed with the trees in due course. As FODS we were delighted to assist with this project and to celebrate on a thankfully dry Sunday morning with the Review, Betty and Peter and family.

Further planting of tube stock plants has continued throughout July and we would like to acknowledge the help and support of Natalie Vallance from Muchea Plant Farm with this stage of the work. We were able to acquire lots of interesting plants on our recent visit to the nursery. As you move through the reserve have a look at the new plants, with their green covers, and see if you can venture over Owen Road to the area of bush just west of that road where Jane has been working with Chris from Mundaring Shire. Peter Day has again been helping with weed control and we very much appreciate your support, Peter.
Plenty of weeding, clearing and maintaining existing plantings still to do this season on the reserve. If you think this might be for you contact us or come down one of the following Sundays in August between 8am and 10 am - August 6th and 20th.
Friends of Glen Park Wander and Search for Colour in Winter...
Gardeners and lovers of our beautiful Australian bushland will be looking forward to the beauty of Spring, the flowers, the insects, the colours, the fragrances. Already now, in late winter, it’s a joy to wander through Glen Park Reserve to see the wildflowers that are flowering ... However with the joys of spring, come the weeds! While we are staying cosy in the warmth of our homes they are germinating, but thankfully, at least sparsely on the southern side of Nyaania Creek. Our years of weed eradication of freesias, hesperantha and ursinia have made a difference. Also areas of bridal creeper have been reduced by continually breaking it off.
Glen Park Reserve, and particularly Nyaania Creek, has always been known to be culturally significant to Aboriginal people. Under the new Aboriginal Heritage Act 2021, we are currently waiting for a new permit to resume work in the Reserve. In the meantime, we’ll only remove seed heads to avoid soil disturbance.

Friends of Glen Park are looking forward to Spring, to continue working to eradicate weeds, thus contributing to maintain the diversity of the flora and fauna. We always welcome more Darlington neighbours joining our Friends of Glen Park. Contact Glenys 9299 8347 Leonie 0400 217 293