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Darlington Dibbler Girl Guides

Empowering girls to discover their potential as leaders of their world

The last Friday night of term the Darlington Dibbler Girl Guides were very excited to come along to a Mexican sleepover at the hall. For some of the girls, this was their first sleepover and they all had a wonderful time.


The girls played games, some very traditional such as La Pironola (a game of chance and counting beans) and some just for fun (toss the tortilla!). We learnt about the World Guiding Centre in Mexico ‘Our Cabana‘. The girls then prepared their own Mexican tea and breakfast. They also made worry dolls and Cinco masks and did a scavenger hunt by torchlight. The next morning the sleepover was concluded with a pinata!

This term, the guides were asked to make a mosaic tile for the community garden. We went along on a cold Saturday morning and made a mosaic, showing our golden trefoil embedded in a large Marri tree. We have an action packed term planned, the girls are very much looking forward to orienteering with their Dads for father’s day! Darlington Guides currently have vacancies so come down and have a trial

We welcome new girls aged from 7-12 years. We meet at Kathleen Skipsey Hall – on Glen Road, Darlington on Tuesdays from 6pm to 7.30pm during the school term. If you have any queries regarding Darlington Dibbler Girl Guides please contact Karen on 0403 233 907 or enquire at Girl Guides WA.

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