ItaliaImballaggio 3/2020 Special Cover

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L’ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING INCONTRA IL PACKAGING C’è ancora molto da “esplorare”, eppure quello dell’Additive Manufacturing è argomento di grande interesse visto che, in un futuro non troppo lontano, potrebbe rivoluzionare il modo di produrre. Le suggestioni ricavate dalla tavola rotonda promossa sul tema da SPS Italia. Maurizio Cacciamani

mart Production: l’Additive Manufacturing come tecnologia abilitante per l’Industria 4.0”, il primo dei quattro appuntamenti di avvicinamento all’edizione 2020 di SPS Italia, si è tenuto a fine gennaio presso il Politecnico di Milano (sede Bovisa), attiguo al Competence Center milanese MADE. Moderata da Franco Canna (Innovation Post) e da Bianca Maria Colosimo (Politecnico di Milano MADE), la giornata ha coinvolto ben 24 relatori provenienti da tutti i settori coinvolti nell’Additive Manufacturing ovvero produttori di macchine, fornitori di materiali, utilizzatori, società di consulenza, università, subfornitori.


Quattro i momenti che hanno scandito i tempi della tavola rotonda: un’introduzione generale all’Additive Manufacturing (AM), con la presentazione della nuova area dedicata in SPS; una sintesi delle tendenze emerse a Formnext (fiera europea annuale di riferimento per le nuove tecnologie al servizio della produzione industriale che Messe Frankfurt organizza a Francoforte: ben 860 espositori all’ultima edizione di novembre); la presentazione del MADE (il Competence Center per Industria 4.0 a guida Politecnico di Milano) che ha di recente lanciato il primo bando di 1,5 milioni di euro di cofinanziamento al 50% a favore delle piccole e medie aziende (ben 71 le domande ricevute per

Additive Manufacturing meets packaging There is still much to “explore”, yet Additive Manufacturing is a topic of great interest given that, in the not too distant future, it could revolutionize the way of producing. The suggestions obtained from the round table promoted on the topic by SPS Italia. Maurizio Cacciamani

“Smart Production: Additive Manufacturing as enabling technology for Industry 4.0”, the first of the four appointments running up to the 2020 edition of SPS Italy, was held at the end of January at the Milan Polytechnic (Bovisa centre), adjacent to the Milanese Competence Center MADE. Moderated by Franco Canna (Innovation

Post) and Bianca Maria Colosimo (Milan Polytechnic MADE), the day involved 24 speakers from all sectors involved in Additive Manufacturing: machine manufacturers, material suppliers, users, consultancy, universities, subcontractors. Four moments marked the times of the round table: a general introduction to

Additive Manufacturing (AM), with the presentation of the new dedicated area in SPS; a summary of the trends that emerged at Formnext (annual European reference fair for new technologies at the service of industrial production that Messe Frankfurt organizes in Frankfurt: 860 exhibitors at the last edition of November); the presentation of MADE (the Competence Center for Industry 4.0 headed by the Milan Polytechnic) which recently launched the first call for 1.5 million euros of 50% co-financing in favor of small and medium-sized companies ( as many as 71 the applications received for 51 million euros); applications in the medical field with the creation of customized prostheses. The second and third phases were dedicated respectively to the automotive and aerospace sector, traditionally at the

forefront of the AM sector, while in the fourth, packaging was discussed with the contributions of Filippo Rosa (Research & Innovation Engineer IMA), Riccardo Della Martera (Sales Engineer Manager EMEA Relayr), Giacomo Coppi (Head of Digital Supply Chain and Manufacturing SAP Italy), Marco Giuseppe Andreetta (Sisma Product Marketing Analyst), Giuseppe Cilia (Sales Manager Stratasys Italy), Ferdinando Auricchio (Full Professor at the University of Pavia )


Additive Manufacturing (AM) is an ESG (Environment Social Government) technology, as it enables the production of lighter products: you save material, you have less processing waste and you

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