V That these occasions were under widely different circumstances than the present day (1878). VI That to derive any absolute and universal rules would be unsafe. VII That it is an assumption that any one has ever been inspired as the Apostles. VIII That such assumptions have let to gross errors found amongst Romanists and professed Protestants. In breaking the article down in this way it is easier to treat each point. However, I think the main point of belief is: “We cannot derive absolute and universal rules for ministerial addresses from certain particular scriptures”. The rest of the article anticipates objections by those who make reference to scriptures containing Apostolic addresses and justifies such caution by alluding to errors of the Romanists and professed Protestants. Repentance and responsibility All men should cease from sin and it is right to rebuke men for sins. Men should turn from sin and live uprightly. Such repentance is a duty of all men even if there was no salvation. Remember God is good and the goodness of God leads men to repentance. But after, due to his hardness and impenitent heart wrath was treasured up unto himself against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God. When God would render to every man according to his deeds. Romans 2 1-6. Hence the gospel calls men (outwardly by) to these duties of religion he has fallen from and a natural and legal repentance; this being distinguished from evangelical repentance. The natural or legal repentance being enjoined and pressed upon all men in a state of nature whether dead elect or none elect through the gospel. (See Dr J Gill Body of Divinity on repentance towards God and effectual calling.) Also read the Arminian Skeleton by William Huntingdon, page 217 / 218, where he states God hath power to command a change of hearth and to make them clean even though man has lost the ability to comply. If you read the Seceders it is written of Williams Tiptaff that towards the end of his life her continually called men to repentance (Seceders Vol. I). I know of no Strict Baptists who would deny this and it seems difficult to believe the compilers of these added articles could have fallen from the truth. Nevertheless we must take the articles as written for these articles define and limit church membership to such as agree with the compilers of these articles. If these compilers deny ministers or Christians should warn people and children of their sinful ways by informing them; unless they repent they shall perish for their sins they shall perish and exhort them to cease from them and call upon God for mercy they are wrong. For this duty is a fallen