CHAPTER XII THE NEW TESTAMENT 269 sertation on the Origin and Composition of our Three Gustave d’Eichthal: Les Évangiles. Paris, 1863. 2 vols. First Canonical Gospels. Cambridge, 1803. Also his L. A. Sabatier: Essai sur les sources de la vie de Jésus. translation of J. D. Michaelis: Introduction to the New Paris, 1866. Test., with a Dissertation on the Origin and ComposiAndrew Jukes: The Characteristic Differences of the tion of the Three First Gospels. London, 1802. A modifi- Four Gospels. London, 1867. cation of Eichhorn’s hypothesis. Edward A. Thomson: The Four Evangelists; with the Fr. Schleiermacher:Kritischer Versuch über die Distinctive Characteristics of their Gospels. Edinburgh, Schriften des Lucas. Berlin, 1817 (Werke I. 2, pp. 1–220); 1868. trans. by Thirlwall, Lond., 1825. Comp. his Einleitung in C. A. Row: The Historical Character of the Gospels das N. Testament. (posthumous). Tested by an Examination of their Contents. J. C. L. Gieseler: Historisch-kritischer Versuch über 1865–67. The Jesus of the Evangelists. London, 1868. die Entstehung und die frühesten Schicksale der schriftKarl Wieseler: Beiträge zur richtigen Würdigung der lichen Evangelien. Leipz., 1818. Evangelien und der evangel. Geschichte. Gotha, 1869. Andrews Norton (a conservative Unitarian, died at Supernatural Religion (anonymous). London, 1873, Cambridge, 1853): The Evidences of the Genuineness 7th ed., 1879, vol. I., Part II., pp. 212 sqq., and vol. III. of the Gospels. Boston, 1837; 2d ed., Cambridge, Mass., Comp. the careful review and refutation of this work by 1846–1848, 3 vols. Abridged ed. in 1 vol., Boston (Am. Bishop Lightfoot in a series of articles in the “ContempoUnitar. Assoc.), 1867 and 1875. By the same: Internal rary Review,” 1875, sqq. Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels (posthuP. Godet: The Origin o f the Four Gospels. In his mous). Boston. 1855. With special reference to Strauss. “Studies on the New Test.,” 1873. Engl. transl. by W. H. Fr. Bleek (d. 1859):Beiträge zur Evangelien-Kritik. Lyttelton. London, 1876. See also his Commentary on Berlin, 1846. the Gospel of St. Luke, Introd. and Appendix, Eng. trans. F. Chr. Baur (d. 1860):Kritische Untersuchungen from 2d French ed. Edinb., 1875. über die kanonischen Evangelien. 1847. Comp. the first W. Sanday: The Gospels in the Second Century. Lonvolume of his Church History (Germ. ed., pp. 22 sqq., don, 1876. 148 sqq.). Bernhard Weiss (Professor in Berlin): Das MarcuseIsaac Da Costa: The Four Witnesses: being a Har- vangelium und seine synoptischen Parallelen. mony of the Gospels on a New Principle. Transl. (from Berlin, 1872. Das Matthäusevangelium und seine the Dutch) by David Scott, 1851; New York ed., 1855. Lucas-Parallelen erklärt. Halle, 1876. Two very thorough Against Strauss. critical works. Comp. also his reply to Holtzmann in the Ad. Hilgenfeld (Tübingen School): Die Evangelien “Jahrbücher for Protest. Theologie,” 1878; and his Einleinach ihrer Entstehung und geschichtl. Bedeutung. tung in’s N. T., 1886. Leipz., 1854. His Einleitung, 1875. D. S. Gregory: Why Four Gospels? or, the Gospels for Canon Westcott: Introduction to the Study of the all the World. New York, 1877. Gospels. London and Boston, 1860; 7th ed., E. Renan: Les évangiles et la seconde génération London, 1888. Very useful. Chrétienne. Paris, 1877. Const. Tischendorf (d. 1874): Wann wurden unsere Geo. P. Fisher (Professor in New Haven): The BeginEvangelien verfasst? Leipz., 4th ed., 1866 nings of Christianity. New York, 1877. Chs. (Engl. transl. by W. L. Gage, Boston, 1868). VIII.-XII. Also several articles on the Gospels in the H. Jul. Holtzmann: Die synoptischen Evangelien, ihr “Princeton Review” for 1881. Ursprung und geschichtl. Charakter. Leipz., Wm. Thomson (Archbishop of York): The Gospels. 1863. See also his art. Evangelien in Schenkel’s “Bi- General Introduction to Speaker’s “Com. on the New bel-Lex.,” II. 207, and two articles on the Synoptic Ques- Test.,” vol. I., pp. xiii.-lxxv. London and New York, 1878. tion in the “Jahrbücher für Protest. Theol.,” 1878, pp. 145 Edwin A. Abbott (Head Master, City of London sqq. and 533 sqq.; but especially his Einleitung in das N. School): Gospels, in the ninth edition of the “EncycloT., 2d ed., 1886. paedia Britannia,” vol. X., pp. 789–843. Edinburgh and C. Weizsäcker (successor of Dr. Baur, but less radi- New York, 1879. cal): Untersuchungen über die evang. Gesch., ihre QuelFred. Huidekoper (Unitar. Theol. Seminary, Meadlen, etc. Gotha, 1864. ville, Pa.): Indirect Testimony of History to the Genuine-