Information on necchi lycia

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Necchi Lycia Models Known Lycia models, in possible order of production starting with 1955 .

Manufactured in Italy/ Marketed for the USA

Lycia LAC- freearm, uses supernova cams and has Mark II features, like fine tuning

adjustment lever and squared off and notched ZZ control panel. Head shape is rounded at top, bridge is highly arched. Color is white. (pictured model owned by Nydra Lavery) ((No photo available of the 522 as of 4/4/08))

Lycia 522- freearm, no cam drive, only zz. ZZ plate is standard Supernova shape. Head shape is more square at top. Cream colored.

Lycia 524-freearm, seems to be an early Julia. Head shape is more square, but not like the Julia yet. Bridge is not as arched as the LAC. It uses Julia cams, but also still using standard Supernova buttonhole cam with lever. Note the ZZ control plate- it is not notched like the LAC. (pictured model owned by Sheila Lenkman)

Accessory box for the Lycia 524. Note that the picture on the selector wheel thingie is that of a Julia- kind of weird, but that apparently was standard for the Lycia. Extra throat plates are in the upper left of the picture- Far left upper is the straight stitch plate; far left lower is the double needle; inside upper is the eyelet plate. Not shown, zig zag plate. The Lycia uses the Julia style cams, both stackable and pre-assembled. The long lever cam is the buttonhole cam, standard on all Supernovas.

Manufactured/Marketed by Necchi Argentina SA Industrial and Commercial (SAIC).

All of the models below were found on Argentinian auction websites from 3/15/08 to 4/6/08. In America, we know the Necchi Lycia as one of the few “free arm” models of the 1950’s. In South America, however, the name Lycia was used extensively-and none of them are free arms!

BU Lycia II- flatbed, uses cams. Looks like a Julia, the throat plate is now round like Supernovas . White with black or silver (faded paint?) handwheel. ZZ control plate is notched like the LAC

BF Lycia II- flatbed, straight stitch only. No cams. Looks like a stripped down Julia. White with black or silver (faded paint?) handwheel. Note the fold-up extention bed on the right hand model.

BU Lycia Mark III- flatbed, uses cams, has Supernova Mark II features. White with

black handwheel, and olive green. Note the design change to the head- they have gone back to the style of the 522/524 Lycias. The green one has the “Necchi Argentina SAIC� badge. They do not have the square-ish boxes with the design selector thingies like the Supernovas, rather they have the rectangular boxes like the older models.

Lycia Mark IV- no information was to be found on this one, but I assume there WAS one, since I did find a ….

BU Lycia Mark V- Looks identical to the Mark III…I wonder what the changes were.

Mystery Lycia- Looks like a Lycia II but has lever like the Lycia Mark III. Maybe a

super version of the Lycia II?? Or maybe this is the missing Mark IV? We’ll probably never know…

And lastly, but none the less impressive‌.

an INDUSTRIAL LYCIA!!! Battered and filthy but still beautiful.

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