2 minute read
notify (v) ['noutifai]: thông báo
_capacity (n): _rural network (n): hệ thống điện thoại nông thôn. DẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN OFFICIAL c) Products (Sản phẩm)
Master of using the words related to the topic d) Implementation (Tổ chức thực hiện)
Step 1: Explain—Provide a student-friendly description, explanation, or example of the new term. Step 2: Restate—Ask students to restate the description, explanation, or example in their own words. Step 3: Show—Ask students to construct a picture, symbol, or graphic representation of the term. Step 4: Discuss—Engage students periodically in structured vocabulary discussions that help them add to their knowledge of the terms in their vocabulary notebooks. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (Hoạt động 3: Luyện Tập) a) Objectives (Mục tiêu)
- Understand about a post office more and use the experiences in their life b) Content (Nội dung)
Task 1 : Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C, D for the following statements and questions. ( Textbook pages :105 , 106 ) Key: 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C Task 2: Listen again and answer the following questions ( Textbook , page 106) Key : 1. China has the best growth in telephone numbers 2. In the early 1990s, there were only 140.000 telephones in VN . 3. In the 1996 , there were changed from six to seven digits in Hanoi and HCM City as well as five to six digits in other Provinces . 4. In 2001 . 5. There are 6.014 communal post offices in VN . c) Products (Sản phẩm)
- Develop speaking skills about the situation in scribing for post office services d) Implementation (Tổ chức thực hiện)
- Step 1- Transfer the tasks (Chuyển giao nhiệm vụ) State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task. - Step 2- Perform tasks (Thực hiện nhiệm vụ): Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary. - Step 3- Report, discussion (Báo cáo, thảo luận ) Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments. - Step 4: Conclusion, judgment (Kết luận, nhận định): Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next. ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION (Hoạt động 4: vận dụng) a) Objectives (Mục tiêu)
Identify the grammar structure for the topic b) Content (Nội dung)
Summarize the main ideas of the listening passage with the following points: c) Products 1. Vietnam’s rapid growth in the telephone numbers.