Rutherford Bound 3 Year Strategic Plan

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EXHIBIT 05: CELEBRATING SUCCESS IN RUTHERFORDTON The redevelopment of Kiwanis Park represents a nearly $1 million new investment in downtown Rutherfordton. This phase 1 Rutherford Bound project features a dog park, large open green, picnic shelter, restrooms, and an experiential playground that are all strategically located on the Purple Martin Greenway.

STRATEGIC ACTION PRIORITIES The Town of Rutherfordton is working to implement two Rutherford Bound initiatives by 2025.

RT1 Phase 1 Norris Park

RT2 Phase 1 Streetscape (2nd & Main Street)

The Phase 1 Norris Park project will feature disc golf, walking trails, bathrooms, and a pavilion. The town is currently applying for a $450,000 NC Parks and Recreation Trust Fund grant to augment town and RCTDA funding. The total phase 1 Norris Park project is expected to cost approximately $1.6 million.

In 2021, a steering committee composed of town leaders explored conceptual designs for the town’s phase 1 streetscape project, which extends along Main Street from 2nd Street north to 3rd Street. Proposed improvements include the removal of the 2nd Street stop light (to be replaced with a 4-way stop), street trees, sidewalks, brick pavers, lighting, and street furnishings.

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