DC Newsletter N°37 February 2011

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MORE INFOS ON : www.facebook.com/dcshoes.europe www.dcshoes.com http://dc-press.eu/ (login: dceurope, pass word: dceurope)

Sommaire EUROPE •

DC Euro Collective Photos exhibition at Fifty Fifty, Bristol .......................................................................................... 4

Interview of Madars apse on espn.com ......................................................................................................................... 5

Moodbook on Slamxhype.com ....................................................................................................................................... 5

DC Live Park .................................................................................................................................................................... 6

The art of flight – Travis Rice’s teaser – on White Lines............................................................................................... 6

DC UK snow team on MPORA ........................................................................................................................................ 6

DC’s background on Surfer’s Village website ............................................................................................................... 7

Sk8mafia Saturdays: February 12, 2011 ......................................................................................................................... 7

DC snowboard movie teaser on Mpora Onboard .......................................................................................................... 7

Trailer and release about new DC surf ad “Destructive creatures” on Huck magazine website and Surfline........... 8

Onboard ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Source .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9

Huck magazine ................................................................................................................................................................ 9


DC store Marseille opening party ................................................................................................................................. 10

DC store Marseille article on Fashion mag website .................................................................................................... 10

Jody Smith’s video on Sugar’s website ....................................................................................................................... 11

Snowtime ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Soma skateboard magazine.......................................................................................................................................... 12

Next station snowpark guide ........................................................................................................................................ 12


DC Warriors at Cerler .................................................................................................................................................... 13

Win a DVD « Dias de Calle” contest on Facebook, with the DC Spanish skate team video on Dogway media....... 13

Javier Barroso’s video part in the skate movie Mosaic Bearings on Erosion skateboard website.......................... 14

Surfer Rule ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14


Baam Slam 2011, II Edition, Lisbon International Skate contest ................................................................................ 15

26 and 27th February - DC Sponsoring Final National Skate Challenge in Skate Park Amadora (Lisbon) .............. 15

Online video “Battle of Shops”..................................................................................................................................... 16

Sandro Marcos, making on video of demo Moto MX for the TV program "Onda Rita" Sport TV3............................ 16

DC Moto cross riders Schedule .................................................................................................................................... 16

Gonçalo Gil (Moto Mx), finishes in 3rd place in the National championship ............................................................. 17

Vasco Ribeiro is in 9th place at the Hurley Pro Junior in Australia and at the Oakley Pro Junior in Australia ....... 17

DC Mosaik Art artist was a guest artist to participate at the book ............................................................................. 17

Surge Mag (Skate Mag) January 2011 .......................................................................................................................... 18

Onfire (surf magazine) February 2011 .......................................................................................................................... 18

Surf Portugal February 2011 ......................................................................................................................................... 19


DC Germany Team in New York with Monster Skateboard Mag ................................................................................. 20

Anthony Lopez Product Feature................................................................................................................................... 20

Online Interview and DC Give away ............................................................................................................................. 21

DC Test Camp at Karlsruhe .......................................................................................................................................... 21

Patrick Bös on a video on skateboard Deutschland magazine website .................................................................... 22

Iikka Bäckström Give Away Contest ............................................................................................................................ 22

Philipp “Fips” Strauss Ad, Current issue of Pleasure Snowboard Magazine............................................................ 22

Manuel Bernert Coverage ............................................................................................................................................. 23

Playboard ....................................................................................................................................................................... 23


Back2Style 5th March 2011 ........................................................................................................................................... 24

Snow Jahzee 19th March 2011...................................................................................................................................... 24

UK •

DC exhibition at Fifty Fifty store on Kingpin website.................................................................................................. 25

Kingpin magazine January 2011................................................................................................................................... 25


Rachida Aoulad Amar on DC ........................................................................................................................................ 26

The right size magazine ................................................................................................................................................ 26

Playboy magazine ......................................................................................................................................................... 27


Lorenzo “Lollo” Barbieri in DC Snow team ................................................................................................................. 27


Simpel Session 2011 5-6 of February: big indoor skate and BMX event in Tallinn ................................................... 28


DC Euro Collective Photos exhibition at Fifty Fifty, Bristol

The 17th of February , was launched the DC European Collective at Fifty Fifty store, Bristol, UK, with a Gaston Francisco Photography Exhibition, and a few beers to celebrate. Check out pics from the evening on the Fifty Fifty blog, where you can buy the European Collection as well as one of Gaston's photographs, which'll be on show at the gallery until 31 March. Pop by if you're in Bristol.

Click on the link below: http://issuu.com/dcshoeseurope/docs/fiftyfiftyexhibition1 http://fiftyfiftyblog.blogspot.com/ http://www.boardsportsource.com/#trackviewer+0 ttp://www.huckmagazine.com/blog/european-collective-2011/ http://www.surfersvillage.com/surfing/50704/news.htm http://www.lodownmagazine.com/index.php?page=25&modaction=showItem&id=1940


Interview of Madars apse on espn.com

Check out on the link below: http://espn.go.com/action/skateboarding/blog/_/post/6151178/madars-apse


Moodbook on Slamxhype.com

Moodbook Concept: to show active people of 3 different Euro Cities (Madrid, Paris, London), wearing some Fall 11 products. Photos taken by one photographer from each city We will do a print version (A4 format) for selected shops during F/W 11 deliveries, in July/august.


DC Live Park

Riding and self editing video system, at Saint Lary snow park and AREA 43 Les Houches Release on Beach Brother website

http://www.dceurope-livepark.com/ http://www.beachbrother.com/2011/02/dc-live-park-ridez-vous-etes-filme

The art of flight – Travis Rice’s teaser – on White Lines


DC UK snow team on MPORA


Check out the video ! http://video.mpora.com/watch/HGylwiocj/?utm_source=all-front&utm_medium=Promo&utm_term=all&utm_content=dc-the-uk-teams-first-go-on-powder&utm_campaign=Promo

DC’s background on Surfer’s Village website

During ten days, from the 15th of February until the 25th, just before the Quiksilver pro Gold Coast...


Sk8mafia Saturdays: February 12, 2011

The Mafia celebrated Tyler Surrey’s birthday with another session up at Stoner Plaza. Featuring DC riders Anthony Lopez and Wes Kremer

http://skateboarding.transworld.net/1000132997/features/sk8mafia-saturdays-february-12-2011/ http://www.facebook.com/#!/dcshoes.europe

DC snowboard movie teaser on Mpora Onboard

“This is snowboarding” Devun Walsh’s teaser


Trailer and release about new DC surf ad “Destructive creatures” on Huck magazine website and Surfline

http://www.huckmagazine.com/blog/destructive-creatures/ http://www.surfline.com/surf-news/press-release/dc-launches-destructive-creatures-surf-campaign_52632

Onboard AREA 43 and Judge boots advert, Devun pro model snowboard in Buyer’s guide and Lauri Heiskari nosepress


AREA 43 advert Snowboard, outerwear men and women 2011-2012 preview

Huck magazine

Buyer’s guide and Kimmy Fansani


DC store Marseille opening party

DC shoes has the pleasure to invite you to the opening of its new concept store in Marseille, France, the 3rd of March at 7 pm. Program: Supa and the town, drinks and food



DC store Marseille article on Fashion mag website


Jody Smith’s video on Sugar’s website

Sugar, skateboarding magazine, posted Jody Smith’s video on their website to celebrate his new professional status


Snowtime AREA 43 advert, biddy snowboard and outerwear tendencies for winter 2011-2012

Soma skateboard magazine

Match WCS in buyer’s guide, DC ad with Nick Dompierre and 10 page articles on Madars Apse

Next station snowpark guide

AREA 43 les Houches and DC Saint Lary snowpark DC Superpark boots in shopping and Lauri Heiskari

DC Warriors at Cerler

Snowboard contest the 25th and 26th of February at the ski station of Cerler with many DC Spanish riders as Fran Massaguer, Pepe Sanchez, Fernando Natalucci and more !

The Spanish DC Team in Cerler ready for the DC Warrior Check out the presentation


Win a DVD « Dias de Calle” contest on Facebook, with the DC Spanish skate team video on Dogway media


Javier Barroso’s video part in the skate movie Mosaic Bearings on Erosion skateboard website


Surfer Rule

Set S shoe in buyer’s guide and Double page advert with Clay Marzo for Destructive Creatures


Baam Slam 2011, II Edition, Lisbon International Skate contest

5 and 6 February, Participation of DC athletes in the Pedro Roseiro DC athletes win the Best Trick



26 and 27th February - DC Sponsoring Final National Skate Challenge in Skate Park Amadora (Lisbon)

Online video “Battle of Shops” http://www.skatebyte.com/shtml/videos_skatebyte_btl.shtml http://vimeo.com/19756028 http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/DC-Shoes-Portugal/108156422540227


Sandro Marcos, making on video of demo Moto MX for the TV program "Onda Rita" Sport TV3

DC Moto cross riders Schedule 2 to 6 February: Sandro Marcos and Gonçalo Gil (Moto Mx), autograph Session at Nauticampo in Lisbon 11 th February: Sandro Marcos (Moto Mx), autograph Session at Expomoto in Batalha 13 th February: Participation on “Troféu Rómoto” MX event in Frade de Cima

Gonçalo Gil (Moto Mx), finishes in 3rd place in the National championship

Vasco Ribeiro is in 9th place at the Hurley Pro Junior in Australia and at the Oakley Pro Junior in Australia

http://www.onfiresurfmag.com/COMPETIÇÃO/tabid/57/language/pt-PT/Default.aspx http://www.onfiresurfmag.com/COMPETIÇÃO/tabid/57/xmmid/413/xmid/1920/xmview/2/Default.aspx

DC Mosaik Art artist was a guest artist to participate at the book Ideas for graffiti and street art of Rockpopublisher, Cristian Campos!

Surge Mag (Skate Mag) January 2011

Contest with teams from the shops – “Battle of the Shops”

Onfire (surf magazine) February 2011 Surfer António Silva DC surfer Athletes Antonio Silva and Vasco Ribeiro

Surf Portugal February 2011

DC ad with Clay Marzo and Show room – DC Products

Surfer António Silva and Vasco Ribeiro DC Athletes

DC Germany Team in New York with Monster Skateboard Mag

8 Page article about the trip in February issue of Monster Skateboard Mag featured riders: Marty Girotto (DC Australia) Stephan Günther Michael Fitschi Tan Fabian Lang Patrick Bös

Anthony Lopez Product Feature

Anthony Lopez European Collective Match S featured on Boardstation.de New Euro Collective Model every week http://www.boardstation.de/news-show,DC_Shoes__European_Collective_Anthony_Lopez_Match,5121,1,28,0.html

All European Collective Spring 11 models on http://www.boardstation.de/fotostrecke,DC_Shoes_European_Collective,94,75,1.html#fs


Online Interview and DC Give away

European Moto X Rider Libor Podmol interview on www.forty8.com DC Give Away along with the interview People can win a Travis Pastrana shirt and a Maddo T-shirt


DC Test Camp at Karlsruhe

DC test boards for test camp of Titus, Karlsruhe 10 Testboards (2010-2011) for consumers, goodies for participants

Patrick Bös on a video on skateboard Deutschland magazine website


Iikka Bäckström Give Away Contest

Pleasure featured the Showroom with Iikka Bäckström Kids could win his gear by creating a new car for Iikka Kids sent in crazy stuff The best 3 were pictured in Pleasure Magazine and won Iikka’s gear Pictures are printed next to “Gewinner” category

Philipp “Fips” Strauss Ad, Current issue of Pleasure Snowboard Magazine


Philipp Straus, DC Germany Snow Team rider First German national snow ad Featuring the MLF 158

Manuel Bernert Coverage Austrian DC Snow Team rider Manuel Bernert featured in current issue of Monster Backside Magazine (German Snowboard Magazine) Spot Check Arlberg and last page


Lauri Heiskari fs boardslide, Match WCS and Ceptor boots in buyer’s guide Judge boots advert in buyer’s guide

Back2Style 5th March 2011

At the Mt. Stoss Invided Riders: Clemens Jezler, Reto Kestenholz, Simu Abt and more


Snow Jahzee 19th March 2011

Place: Mt. Hoch Ybrig CH Invited Riders: Riders: Clemens Jezler, Reto Kestenholz, Markus Keller, DBK David Bertschinger and more

http://www.snow http://www.snow-jahzee.com/

DC exhibition at Fifty Fifty store on Kingpin website


Kingpin magazine January 2011

Landau S shoe advert with Josh Kalis and Madars Apse in article

Rachida Aoulad Amar on DC

DC Netherlands is proud to welcome the very talented 17 year old female snowboarder Rachida Aoulad Amar on the DC snow team!! Don’t be fooled by Rachida’s petite look, cause this chick is ‘killing it hard’ on the rails!! Rachida began snowboarding only three years ago! She won lots of prices. In 2010 she became first in the Skull Candy Rail Battle, Shaped Jibfest and Protest X-Rail. In the Nike 6.0 Stairbattle tour, Rachida battled with the guys and became 5th!

The right size magazine

Cooper Shoe in Buyer’s guide

Playboy magazine

DC Jacket

Lorenzo “Lollo” Barbieri in DC Snow team DC Italy is pleased to welcome Lorenzo "Lolly" Barbieri in its snow team. Lollo is one of the best athletes of the Italian scene, with a great riding experience, excellent results in competitions and a huge experience as far as video and photo shooting are concerned. Welcome to the DC team Lollo! The past few seasons will remain without doubt memorable to Lollo because of his very big results: prize givings and awards through the media, he’s the first Italian rider to close a Double Bs Rodeo and shortly after that the first to conclude a Cab 1080 Double Cork, he wins the Gold Medal at the Iuter Games, becomes Italian Champion at the Big Air FSI, third rider of the Italian Snowboard Meter 2010, and realizes videos with SnowBox and Random. Wishing him all the best for the upcoming season, DC Snowboards is excited to welcome him in within its Italian Team


Simpel Session 2011 5-6 of February: big indoor skate and BMX event in Tallinn

More than 15000 spectators in two days Ryan Sheckler took the 1st place and made backflip during his final run Best Estonian rider was a member of DC Estonia team Edgar Kiisa 18th. In BMX Drew Bezanson won the Session 2nd year in a row. www.session.ee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2MwUXFVT3I http://www.elu24.ee/?id=384114

Rasmus Paimre at Simple Session

Simpel Session Ridaz # 48: DC rider Rasmus Paimre INTERVIEW: http://www.fatbmx.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=14679

Estonian one and the only skate mag was released in connection to Simpel Session

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